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New values

On some parking lots, you do not have to pay e.g. for motorcycles (only for cars and buses). There should be a value to define that, e.g. fee=motorcar. --Plasmon 12:22, 27 September 2009 (UTC)

There should also be something to say how much different vehicles pay.I suggest: fee:car=x fee:bike=y fee:lorry=z

This is very important for toll roads and such, and would also work for the first comment in 12:16, 4 May 2011 (BST)

time limits

How do I indicate the timelimits for paying a parking fee? E.g.: One has to pay only on working days from 7:00 to 19:00 hrs. --ALE! 15:23, 3 January 2010 (UTC)

Some use fee:times=Mo-Fr 07:00-19:00. There could be other keys that others use to record the times, but the value format is still described at Key:opening_hours. No software uses the data, yet, so they can be later converted to a common key, if necessary. Alv 15:35, 3 January 2010 (UTC)
I believe the more accepted tag now is fee=no + fee:conditional=yes (Mo-Fr 07:00-19:00). fee:times=* is only used 15 times where as fee:conditional=* is used 790 times according to taginfo. Aharvey (talk) 02:26, 11 February 2020 (UTC)

Amount of the fee

The actual fee (amount of money) should be given in an extra field, e.g. fee:amount=$1/h instead of misusing the key. Kay D 15:31, 19 September 2011 (BST)

It's bad database design to use 2 redundant database fields for 1 chunk of information. fee=no means the same as fee:amount=0, and fee=yes corresponds to a non-zero amount. Wherever there are redundant data fields, inconsistencies arise sooner or later. E.g. fee=no + fee:amount=10$, or fee=yes + fee:amount=0. Therefore, I think that fee=<number>[optional whitespace]<currency> should be permitted as a value. But everything more complicated should go into description=*, because applications cannot parse data with an undefined syntax, and due to its yes/no values, fee=* can not even be treated as a free text tag whose contents could be displayed to end users as is. Of course, it may make sense to introduce specialized tags such as hourly_fee=* or charge:child=*, or some tag with an eleborated and exactly defined syntax similar to Conditional restrictions. --Fkv (talk) 10:47, 25 May 2017 (UTC)

Please do not use other values than yes/no

For the parking map, I evaluate whether a parking lot is paid or free using the fee=*. However, I am unable to decide if there are other values than yes/no in the database. Here are some values I found:

  • 1,50 €/h
  • free
  • customers

I tend to say "everything except fee=no is paid", but that's probably too coarse.

I have not found instances of a time interval (as given in the proposal) within the first 50 lines of taginfo Kay D 15:31, 19 September 2011 (BST)

Variable fees

Or fee:except:first=15min, adding possibility to use it in combination with fee:except=Sa-Su and fee:times=* proposed above? -- Joosep-Georg 20:58, 3 January 2013 (UTC)
I'd proposed using fee=yes (generally a fee is changed, except) + fee:conditional=no @ (maxstay<3 hours). This is more in line with how Conditional restrictions work generally. However I admit it becomes problematic when you combine this with a time conditional fee, since you'd need two `fee:conditional` keys. Aharvey (talk) 02:30, 11 February 2020 (UTC)
  • How to tag $2 per hour with $5 max? Fbax (talk) 15:20, 13 July 2016 (UTC)

Free or lower fee for disabled persons and their helpers

I would like to use:

Any comments? --Lulu-Ann (talk) 09:52, 20 September 2013 (UTC)

Toll/fee tagging details

The details of tagging tolls and fees don't seem to be completely documented. I tagged the 4 toll entrances to Monterey Peninsula (Pebble Beach / 17 Mile Drive area) today as follows:

  • The toll booth has one of barrier:forward=toll_booth, barrier:backward=toll_booth or barrier=toll_booth depending on the direction of the way and whether the in/out roadways are separated or not. Example: 89985692.
  • The toll booth also has fee:automobile=$10 because it costs USD 10 per car for the general public to drive into the area. (I failed to ask about truck/bus/motorcycle/bicycle/pedestrian/horse tolls.)
  • The roadway just inside the toll booth has toll=yes. When the roadways are separated, the entire one-way section through the toll booth has toll=yes. Example: 10474842.


  1. Is this the proper usage of toll=* and fee=* tags?
  2. Should all the roadways inside the toll area be tagged with toll=yes?

-- T99 (talk) 08:36, 21 April 2014 (UTC)

automobile is not OSM (it is American English vs British English). Use fee:motorcar=10, fee:cur=usd Warin61 (talk) 09:01, 23 December 2018 (UTC)


I've used fee=voluntary where they ask for a donation for entry, but it isn't required. --Aharvey (talk) 08:45, 27 January 2015 (UTC)

i will also use this, but the current tag description is very limiting, it uses the same key for yes/no/hours. what if a place has a fee for some hours, and is voluntary for the rest of the time ? --Richlv (talk) 11:13, 28 October 2017 (UTC)
That's easy, it would be fee=yes + fee:conditional=voluntary @ (Mo-Tu 10:00-11:00) or vice versa. Aharvey (talk) 02:32, 11 February 2020 (UTC)

Currency symbols

Pls don't use any symbols, it's absolutely unparsable. Use ISO codes (as usd, eur, czk ... etc. ) And, maybe better, if you declare currency with one tag - say fee:cur = usd, and use nums only in prices

--Jezevec (talk) 21:13, 2 May 2017 (UTC)

Actually you shouldn't be using either. fee=* just says if there is a fee or not, not how much the fee is. The latter is what charge=* is for. Aharvey (talk) 02:33, 11 February 2020 (UTC)


Normally, in museums, admission is paid 'except for a few days'. For example : Free on Wednesdays; Free from 18:30, Free on the first Sunday of each month. This use is very complicated to 'see' the free days or timetables. My question : how should I use this tag?

See this case:

- opening_hours: Tu-Fr 11:00-20:00; Sa-Su 10:00-20:00

- fee: We-Fr 11:00-18:45; Sa-Su 10:00-18:45

Thank you for your comments !

--Martingggg (talk) 19:36, 8 May 2019 (UTC)

Also, Fees may vary depending on whether the visitor is a member or non-member. For that matter, museums and non-museums might offer discounts for children, seniors, or others. Jogger2 (talk) 20:30, 21 July 2019 (UTC)

My conclusion

I have arrived at the conclusion that the details of the fee tag are NOT applicable to museums. Many possibilities make its use liable to confusion. I would ONLY recommend the use Yes/No. Just that. A similar problem for the tag [opening_hours] --Martingggg (talk) 13:09, 22 July 2019 (UTC)

" details of the fee tag are NOT applicable to museums" - why? I used fee:conditional in some cases to tag free days - see form example fee=yes + fee:conditional=no @ Monday Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 20:26, 28 July 2019 (UTC)
In my opinion, the use of tag fee exceeds OSM as an application for spatial data. On the other hand, the complexity of its application only makes sense to use yes/no/conditional(?).

For example, some museums offer free admission one hour before closing, others one Sunday a month, many have differentiated rates by nationality, age and many museums change schedules throughout the year.

This shows that OSM is not the right platform for this kind of maneuvers in a sustainable way.

Also, the complexity of the syntax means that museum staff do not have access to these types of editions.

If we are to use a tag fee, it must be readable by everyone, not by a few connoisseurs.

I repeat: I discourage spending calories on this item. In my case, that I publish 1000 museums in Argentina, I will stop doing it.

In exchange for this, I believe if entry in Wikidata and Wikipedia if it exists. Look at this Leaflet map that we have made and you will understand what I mean: --Martingggg (talk) 21:30, 28 July 2019 (UTC)

PS: Certainly, the use of the conditional tag is right, but it would only go so far [yes/no/conditional].

--Martingggg (talk) 21:34, 28 July 2019 (UTC)

More specific tags for fee:motorcar and fee:hgv

A lot of tolls have different prices for petrol, diesel, chargeable hybrid with petrol/diesel, electric, hydrogen.

I know there is not a need to map every detail, but this can at least be very useful for routing software.

Suggestion on how this can be done or is it not wanted?

fee=* is only to tag if a fee has to be paid, the actual price should go to charge=*. If the price depends on the fuel of a car, you can use the same syntax that is used for conditional tags like motorcar:conditional=*, e.g.
charge:conditional=10 EUR @ (fuel=diesel AND emissions<euro_6);5 EUR @ (fuel=electric)
or, if the fee is waived,
fee:conditional = no @ (fuel=electric). --Mueschel (talk) 14:47, 22 July 2021 (UTC)

How to mark that Tuesday is free, except for temporary exhibitions

I used fee=yes + fee:conditional=no @ Tu; yes @ (temporary_exhibition) for Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 00:10, 8 December 2021 (UTC)

Do you mean there is always a special exhibition zone that's not free? Commonly found alongside permanent exhibitions in museums. Unfortunately museum=* and museum_type=* are already a mess, and there's no obvious solution for different paid zones.
If not, last week someone asked for a *:conditional=* @ (events) condition somewhere for parking and such. Variations can be seen in instances:
---- Kovposch (talk) 08:39, 8 December 2021 (UTC)
Museum has variety of zones. Some are permanent (open for many years, until this museum section is remodeled) and free on Tuesdays. There are also temporary exhibitions, with definite date range (usually something like three months) - paid also on Tuesdays Mateusz Konieczny (talk) 12:47, 8 December 2021 (UTC)


Why was the syntax of fee=<interval> suddenly removed in ? Where is the reason and discussion preceding that change? I see the 'fee' tag is only 'de-facto' and not 'approved', but random changes still shouldn't happen. Aceman444 (talk) 07:28, 24 September 2022 (UTC)

TagInfo shows that fee=* is overwhelmingly used with yes or no. There are a few hundred uses of literally fee=interval, which is likely the result of misreading the documentation. The intent of that section was to have the actual time period in the value of fee=*, not the literal value interval. The edit (@LeifRasmussen: care to comment?) does seem sudden, but I agree with its intent: it removes the confusing interval mention and makes the documentation consistent with other tags and actual use. For specifying conditions like certain hours, mappers should use fee:conditional=*. It's probably not a bad idea to discuss deprecating putting opening hours directly in fee=* though. --JeroenHoek (talk) 11:11, 25 September 2022 (UTC)
Yes I meant the fee=<interval> variant with the time period expressed in the opening_hours=* syntax. There are only 5000 uses of fee:conditional=* on taginfo, but there are 5000 different values of fee=* used many more times. But people put any random junk into the fee=* tag so it is hard to count how many real fee=interval uses there are. Notice also JOSM editor has such examples in its presets, e.g. in amenity=parking. So if this is to be changed, it needs to be based on proper discussion and needs to be communicated to the editors (issues filed). Aceman444 (talk) 12:08, 25 September 2022 (UTC)


This has been used only few times but I'm going to use this a lot from here on. Especially in combination with the amenity=restaurant tag. Reason: for "eat all you can" restaurants which are very common here in SE Asia. fee=flat basically says it all, while being short and simple tagging to express we're talking about an "eat all you can" restaurant.

let me know what you all think