User:Thomas Wood/Map Key

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Work in progress - Map Key.

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Different countries may classify these differently.

Feature Comment Mapnik Osmarender
Motorway A restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. Equivalent to the Freeway, Autobahn etc.. Mapnik-highway-motorway.png Rendering-highway motorway.png
Trunk Important roads that aren't motorways. Typically maintained by central, not local government. Need not necessarily be a divided highway. In the UK, many 2digit "A" roads (eg A34) were formally designated Trunk roads although that definition is no longer absolute... Mapnik-highway-trunk.png Rendering-highway trunk.png
Primary Administrative classification in the UK, generally linking larger towns. Mapnik-highway-primary.png Rendering-highway primary.png
Secondary Administrative classification in the UK, generally linking smaller towns and villages Rendering-highway secondary.png
Tertiary A "C" road in the UK. Generally for use on roads wider than 4 metres (13') in width, and for faster/wider minor roads that aren't A or B roads. In the UK, they tend to have dashed lines down the middle, whereas unclassified roads don't. Rendering-highway tertiary.png
Unclassified No administrative classification. Unclassified roads typically form the lowest form of the interconnecting grid network. Rendering-highway unclassified.png
Residential Roads accessing or around residential areas but which are not a classified or unclassified highway. Residential.jpg
Track Unpaved/unsealed roads for agricultural use; gravel roads in the forest etc. Rendering-highway track.png
Service Generally for access to a building, motorway service station, beach, campsite, industrial estate, business park, etc. This is also commonly used for access to parking and trash collection. Sometimes called an alley, particularly in the US. Rendering-highway service.png
Bridleway For horses, (in the UK, generally footpaths on which horses are also permitted) Rendering-highway bridleway.png
Cycleway For designated cycleways, i.e. mainly/exclusively for bicycles. Cycleway-markings.jpg
Footway For designated footpaths, i.e. mainly/exclusively for pedestrians. This includes walking tracks and gravel paths. File:A designated foopath.jpg
Pedestrian For Roads , i.e. mainly/exclusively for pedestrians /Shopping Areas
Steps For flights of steps on footways 삼일공원 1.jpg
Mini Roundabout Small roundabout, often not more than paint on the road surface of a junction. Mapping-Features-Mini-Roundabout.png
Stop A stop sign  
Traffic Signals Lights that control the traffic
Crossing Pedestrians can cross a street here - e.g. zebra crossing  
Stile Allow pedestrians to cross a wall or fence KentStile.jpg
Cattle Grid Bars in the road surface that allow wheeled vehicles but not animals to cross. Sometimes known as a Texas Gate, even outside of Texas
Cattle grid.jpg
Toll Booth A road usage toll or fee is collected here  
Incline A slope or hill, may encounter slow moving trucks  
Incline Steep Just as incline, only steeper  
Viaduct A high and/or long bridge - more commonly carries water or trains (but see also waterway=aqueduct)  
Motorway Junction Indicates a junction (UK) or exit (US) ref should be set to the exit number or junction identifier. (Some roads - e.g. the A14 - also carry junction numbers, so the tag may be encountered elsewhere despite its name)  
Services A service station to get food and eat something, often found at motorways  
Ford The road crosses a stream or river, vehicles must enter the water node Map feature ford.jpg
Bus Stop A small bus stop.  


Key Value Element Comment Example
cycleway lane way A lane is a route that lies within the roadway  
cycleway track way A track is a route that is separate from the road.  
cycleway opposite_lane way lane in the opposite way (a "contraflow" lane)  
cycleway opposite_track way track in the opposite way (that is, separate from the road)  
cycleway opposite way just permitted to cycle in the opposite way (one way street except for cycles). Note - such streets are common in the Netherlands and Denmark, for example, but are rare in the UK (although they do exist): often, instead, actually the street is two-way as normal for its whole length except for the very short section past the no-entry sign at the end, where cycles are excepted from the no-entry by means of a short lane separated by an island. This is called a "cycle plug". In some places this has been represented as a tiny segment of one way street at the end with an adjacent cycleway, forming a little triangle with the road they join to.  
cycleway User Defined way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
tracktype grade1 way paved track or heavily compacted hardcore.  
tracktype grade2 way unpaved track; surface of gravel or densely packed dirt/sand.  
tracktype grade3 way unpaved track; A mixture of hard materials and soft. Quite compact  
tracktype grade4 way unpaved track; tire marks, with plant growth in between. Mostly dirt, but some hard materials, or compressed materials mixed in.  
tracktype grade5 way unpaved track; subtle tire marks, lack of hardcore, Soft with low grip, subtle on the landscape.  


Key Value Element Comment Example
waterway river way River (Other languages).  
waterway canal way An artificial open waterway used for transportation, waterpower, or irrigation.((478) Other languages).  
waterway stream way a naturally-forming waterway that is too thin to be classed as a river. Maybe you can just jump over it.
waterway drain way An artificial waterway for carrying storm water or industrial discharge.  
waterway dock way An 'enclosed' area of water used for loading, unloading, building or repairing ships.  
waterway lock_gate node A thing to raise/lower the water level for vessels, often found in canals.  
waterway turning_point node A place to turn the driving direction for vessels, where the boats are longer than the river/canal is wide.  
waterway aqueduct node A bridge carrying a channel for supplying water (Other languages).  
waterway boatyard node Boat yard - a place for constructing, repairing and storing vessels out of the water.  
waterway water_point node A place to get fresh water e.g. for caravans.  
waterway waste_disposal node A place to release used water e.g. for caravans.  
waterway mooring node A place for anchoring vessels.  
waterway weir node A barrier built across a river, usually to divert water for industrial purposes. Water can still flow over the top.  
waterway User Defined node way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
railway station node Railway station (Other languages). Mapping-Features-Railroad-With-Station.png
railway halt node A small station, may not have a platform, trains may only stop on request. Mapping-Features-Tram-With-Halt.png
railway viaduct node A high or long bridge with intermediate support piers (Other languages).  
railway crossing node A point where pedestrians may cross.  
railway level_crossing node A point where rails and roads cross.  
railway rail way Full sized passenger or freight trains in the standard gauge for the country or state Mapping-Features-Railroad-With-Station.png
railway tram way One or two carriage rail vehicles, usually sharing motor road (Other languages) Mapping-Features-Tram-With-Halt.png
railway light_rail way Short/light passenger trains. Metro systems.  
railway subway way A passenger rail service running mostly underground.  
railway preserved way A railway running historic trains, usually a tourist attraction (changed to preserved from preserved_rail as "rail" is redundant).  
railway disused way A section of railway which is no longer used but where the track and infrastructure remains in place.  
railway abandoned way The course of a former railway which has been abandoned and the track and infrastucture removed. Designation not to be used if the feature has been turned into another use, eg cycleway.  
railway narrow_gauge way Narrow-gauge passenger or freight trains.  
railway monorail way A railway with only a single rail.  
railway User Defined node way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
aeroway aerodrome node An Aerodrome (UK), Airport (US), see also military=airfield  
aeroway terminal node Airport passenger building  
aeroway helipad node Helicopter start/landing pad  
aeroway runway way A strip of land kept clear and set aside for airplanes to take off from and land on. (Other languages) Rendering-aeroway runway.png
aeroway taxiway way Where airplanes manouevre between runways and parking areas. Rendering-aeroway taxiway.png
aeroway apron area A place where planes are parked.  
aeroway User Defined node way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
aerialway cable_car way A cabin or gondola cable car run.  
aerialway chair_lift way An open chairlift run.  
aerialway drag_lift way An overhead tow-line for skiers and riders.  


Key Value Element Comment Example
power tower node For towers or pylons carrying high voltage electricty cables. Normally constructed from steel latticework. Should not be used for electricity or telephone cables carried on single wooden poles.  
power line way A way following the path of power cables.  

Man Made

Key Value Element Comment Example
man_made works node Industrial building to produce something  
man_made beacon node    
man_made survey_point node Triangulation pillars, geodetic vertices, and fixed equipment used by topographers (e.g. DGPS radio stations)  
man_made power_wind node Wind generated power, see also man_made=windmill  
man_made power_hydro node Power generated by water (from a river, lake, tide, ...)  
man_made power_fossil node Power generated by burning fossils (oil, gas, ...)  
man_made power_nuclear node Nuclear power plant  
man_made tower node A tall and often lean building  
man_made water_tower node A tower to store water in, usually found on hills beside or in a town  
man_made gasometer node Building to store gas in, usually round and huge  
man_made reservoir_covered node area    
man_made lighthouse node Sends out a light beam to guide ships  
man_made windmill node Windmill, mostly ancient and out of order, see also man_made=power_wind Windmill.png
man_made pier way area A "bridge into the ocean", usually for recreation  
man_made User Defined node    


Key Value Element Comment Example
leisure sports_centre node area    
leisure golf_course node area    
leisure stadium node area A major sports arena with substantial tiered seating  
leisure marina node area For mooring leisure yachts and motor boats  
leisure track node area e.g. running, cycle-racing, greyhound, horses  
leisure pitch node area e.g. a field for playing football/soccer, cricket, baseball sports  
leisure water_park node area    
leisure slipway node Boats can be launched here  
leisure fishing node area    
leisure nature_reserve node area    
leisure park node area    
leisure playground node area    
leisure garden node area    
leisure common node area An area where the public can walk anywhere (UK)  
leisure User Defined node area    


Key Value Element Comment Example
amenity pub node A place selling beer and other alcoholic drinks; may also provide food or accommodation (UK)  
amenity biergarten node  
amenity cafe node a cafe Cafe-16.svg
amenity restaurant node Restaurant (not fast food)  
amenity fast_food node Fast Food Restaurant  
amenity parking node area Car Park. Only nodes will get a parking symbol. Areas will be colored. Mapping-Features-Parking-Lot.png
amenity bicycle_parking node area Park for bicycles  
amenity fuel node Petrol station; gas station; marine fuel; ... Rendering-amenity fuel.png
amenity telephone node Public telephone
amenity toilets node Public toilets (might require a fee)
amenity recycling node recycling facilities (bottle banks etc.) Recycle001.svg
amenity public_building node area    
amenity place_of_worship node A church, mosque, or temple, etc. Note that you also need religion=<whatever>, usually denomination=<whatever> and preferably name=<whatever> as well as amenity=place_of_worship. See the article for details.  
amenity grave_yard node area A (smaller) place of burial, often you'll find a church nearby. Large places should be landuse=cemetery instead.  
amenity post_office node    
amenity post_box node  
Post Box.JPG
amenity school node area school and grounds Icon-amenity school.png
amenity university node area a University campus or buildings Icon-amenity university.png
amenity college node area a College campus or buildings College.png
amenity pharmacy node Pharmacy
dispensing=no or omitted
Pharmacy dispencing.png
Pharmacy nondispensing.png
amenity hospital node area   Rendering-amenity hospital.png
amenity library node A public library (municipal, university, ...) to borrow books from. Rendering-amenity-library.png
amenity police node    
amenity fire_station node    
amenity bus_station node Bus Station (this is a big station, a bus stop is highway=bus_stop)  
amenity theatre node a theatre or opera house Theatre-16.svg
amenity cinema node a cinema Cinema-16.svg
amenity arts_centre node an arts centre
amenity courthouse node a place where justice is dispensed Courthouse-16.svg
amenity prison node a prison  
amenity bank node a bank (for a bank that also has an ATM, use amenity=bank;atm)  
amenity atm node an ATM or cash point  
amenity townhall node area A town hall building, regardless of whether it is currently used for administrative purposes Town-hall-16.svg
amenity User Defined node    


Key Value Element Comment Example
shop bakery node Selling bread, cakes, ...  
shop butcher node Selling meat  
shop chandler node Selling candles and soap  
shop supermarket node area   Rendering-amenity supermarket.png
shop User Defined node    


Key Value Element Comment Example
tourism information node    
tourism camp_site node area    
tourism caravan_site node area    
tourism picnic_site node area    
tourism viewpoint node    
tourism theme_park node area    
tourism hotel node Wikipedia:Hotel Rendering-tourism hotel.png
tourism motel node Wikipedia:Motel  
tourism guest_house node Wikipedia:Guest House  
tourism hostel node Wikipedia:Hostel  
tourism attraction node area    
tourism zoo node area    
tourism User Defined node area    


Key Value Element Comment Example
historic castle node Other languages  
historic monument node An object, especially large and made of stone, built to remember and show respect to a person or group of people. Other languages  
historic museum node Other languages  
historic archaeological_site node area Excavation place for ancient remains  
historic icon node    
historic ruins node area Remains of a castle or alike, usage was abandoned  
historic User Defined node    

See also railway=preserved for historic trains.


Key Value Element Comment Example
landuse farm node area Animals, vegetables, flowers, fruit growing (Other languages)  
landuse quarry node area Surface mineral extraction (Other languages)  
landuse landfill node area Place where waste is dumped upon. Other languages  
landuse basin node area Other languages  
landuse reservoir node area Stores water, may covered or uncovered ((3196) Other languages)  
landuse forest node area Managed forest or woodland plantation (Other languages)  
landuse allotments node area A piece of land given over to local residents for growing vegetables and flowers (UK)  
landuse residential node area Predominantly houses or apartment buildings  
landuse retail node area Predominantly shops  
landuse commercial node area Predominantly offices  
landuse industrial node area Predominantly workshops, factories or warehouses  
landuse brownfield node area Describes land scheduled for new development where old buildings have been demolished and cleared  
landuse greenfield node area Describes land scheduled for new development where there have been no buildings before  
landuse cemetery node area Place for burials. Smaller places (e.g. with a church nearby) may use amenity=grave_yard instead. Jewish cemetery Worms.jpg
landuse village_green node area An area of common land, usually grass, in the centre of a village (quintessentially English - defined separately from 'common land' under the Commons Registration ACt 1965 and the Commons Act 2006)  
landuse recreation_ground node area An open green space for general recreation, which may include pitches, nets and so on, usually municipal but possibly also private to colleges or companies  
landuse User Defined node area    


Key Value Element Comment Example
military airfield node area    
military bunker node Buildings, often build from concrete, to stand even heavier fire.  
military barracks node area Buildings where soldiers live and work.  
military danger_area node area Usually a large marked area around something like a firing range, bombing range, etc which is an exclusion zone.  
military range node area Where soldiers have practice with their weapons (firing, bombing, artillery, ...).  
military User Defined node area    


Key Value Element Comment Example
natural spring node A place where ground water flows naturally from the ground ((hydrology, land) (3596) Other languages)  
natural peak node top of a hill or mountain  
natural cliff node area Rock face  
natural scree node area Loose rock  
natural scrub node area Uncultivated land covered with bushes or stunted trees  
natural fell node area Bare upper lying uncultivated land principally covered with grass and often grazed.  
natural heath node area Bare lower lying uncultivated land with bushes but little or no tree cover.  
natural wood node area Natural woodland (trees)  
natural marsh node area waterlogged area  
natural water node area Lakes, etc. Always keep water on the right side of the segment and land on the left side, in relation to segment direction.  
natural coastline node way area The coastline should run anti-clockwise, i.e. land on the left side and water on the right side of the segment, for it to show correctly.  
natural mud node area (Other languages)  
natural beach node area Beach: sand, gravel or pebble (Other languages)  
natural bay node area Bay (Other languages)  
natural land node area Land that exists within another area, such as a lake. (i.e an island). Keep water on the right and land on the left side in relation to segment direction. Layering may also be required  
natural User Defined node area    

Non Physical


Key Value Element Comment Example
route bus way    
route ferry way    
route flight way    
route ncn way ncn = National Cycle Network (in the UK)  
route subsea way    
route ski way    
route tour way    
route pub_crawl way    
route User Defined way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
boundary national area    
boundary administrative area e.g. State, county, local council (unclear how these are specified. Clarify!)  
boundary civil area    
boundary political area Electoral boundaries  
boundary national_park area Area of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for conservation and for recreation (Other languages)  


Key Value Element Comment Example
sport 10pin node area 10-pin Bowling  
sport athletics node area    
sport baseball node area    
sport basketball node area  
sport bowls node area Lawn bowls  
sport climbing node area Rock climbing - natural or articial climbs (climbing walls)  
sport cricket node area    
sport cricket_nets node area Cricket nets for practise  
sport croquet node area    
sport cycling node area    
sport dog_racing node area    
sport equestrian node area    
sport football node area (Clarification is needed here; does this refer to the game known as "soccer" in North America, or to something like American/Canadian football? Given that sport=soccer is also listed, I'm inclined towards the latter interpretation... Dshpak 23:10, 4 August 2007 (BST))  
sport golf node area    
sport gymnastics node area    
sport hockey node area    
sport horse_racing node area    
sport motor node area    
sport multi node area    
sport pelota node area    
sport racquet node area    
sport rugby node area    
sport skating node area    
sport skateboard node area    
sport soccer node area    
sport swimming node area    
sport skiing node area    
sport table_tennis node area    
sport tennis node area Tennis courts  


Key Value Element Comment Example
abutters residential way predominantly houses and apartments  
abutters retail way predominantly shops  
abutters industrial way predominantly workshops, factories, warehouses Abutters-industrial.jpg
abutters commercial way office buildings, business parks, etc.  
abutters mixed way    


Key Value Element Comment Example
fenced yes/no way    
lit yes/no way Street lighting  


Key Value Element Comment Example
area yes area Making a closed way render solid  
bridge yes way    
tunnel yes way    
cutting yes way    
embankment yes way    
lanes Num way Number of travel lanes in each (or only permitted) direction  
layer -5 to 5 way This numerical tag used to be `elevation', however it got renamed due to confusion with the ele and altitude tags used by tracklog imports.  
surface paved/unpaved way    
ele Num node Altitude (meter over sea level)  
width Num way Width of way in metres  
est_width Num way A rough guess of the width of way/segment in metres  
depth Num way area Depth in metres  
est_depth Num way area A rough guess of the Depth in metres  
start_date Date way Date feature was created  
end_date Date way Date feature was removed  


Key Value Element Comment Example
access yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way General access permission. 'permissive' means there is no legally-enshrined right of access, but the landowner has allowed it at his/her discretion. 'private' means access is restricted to the landowner.  
bicycle yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for bicycles. For values see above  
foot yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for pedestrians. For values see above  
goods yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Vans and trucks?? See above  
hgv yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for Heavy Goods Vehicles (UK), e.g. trucks. See above  
horse yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for horse riders. For values see above  
motorcycle yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for motorcycles. For values see above  
motorcar yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for (motor) cars. For values see above  
psv yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way Access permission for Public Service Vehicles (UK), e.g. buses and coaches. See above  
motorboat yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way    
boat yes/private/ permissive/ unknown/no way    
oneway yes (or true/1)/
no (or false)
way The permitted direction for a segment, is indicated by segment direction (enable arrows!). -1 for oneway direction opposed to segment direction.  
noexit yes way A dead end road/cul de sac with only one access road  
date_on Date way Date restriction starts  
date_off Date way Date restriction stops  
day_on Day of Week way Day restriction starts  
day_off Day of Week way Day restriction stops  
hour_on Time way Time restriction starts  
hour_off Time way Time restriction stops  
maxweight Num way Weight limit in tonnes  
maxheight Num way height limit in metres  
maxwidth Num way width limit in metres  
maxlength Num way length limit in metres  
maxspeed Num way Maximum speed in km/hr  
minspeed Num way Minimum speed in km/hr  
toll yes node way area Toll or fee must be paid to access way, see also highway=toll_booth  



Key Value Element Comment Example
name User Defined node way area The common default name  
int_name User Defined node way area International name  
nat_name User Defined node way area National name  
reg_name User Defined node way area Regional name  
loc_name User Defined node way area Local name  
old_name User Defined node way area Historical name  
name:lg User Defined node way area Name in different language eg. name:fr=Londres. See: Bilingual_street_names  


Key Value Element Comment Example
ref User Defined node way area The common default reference (eg M25)  
int_ref User Defined node way area International reference (eg E30)  
nat_ref User Defined node way area National reference  
reg_ref User Defined node way area Regional reference  
loc_ref User Defined node way area Local reference  
old_ref User Defined node way area Historical reference  
ncn_ref number way The number reference (eg 54) of a National Cycle Network route. In the UK, national routes have single-or double-digit numbers with a red background on the signs. Ncn1-Cramond.JPG
rcn_ref number way The number of the regional cycle network. In the UK the regional routes have double-digit numbers with a blue background on the signs. NCN1Dalkeith-PenicuikRegional73.jpg (Sign showing both national and regional spur).
lcn_ref number way The number of the local cycle network Cycle route sign.jpg
source ref User Defined node way area To record the URI, source reference (eg Landsat) or other link to physical sources.  
icao User Defined node way area ICAO International airport codes  
iata User Defined node way area IATA International airport codes  


Key Value Element Comment Example
place continent node area continent  
place country node area country  
place state node area state  
place region node area region  
place county node area county  
place city node area As defined by national/state/provincial government. Often over 100,000 people  
place town node area As defined by national/state/provincial government. Generally smaller than a city, between 10,000 and 100,000 people  
place village node area As defined by national/state/provincial government. Generally smaller than a town, below 10,000 people  
place hamlet node area As defined by national/state/provincial government. Generally smaller than a village, just a few houses  
place suburb node area Named area of town or city. Often a suburb is its own municipality, with separate government, and should be tagged as such.  
place island node area identifies an island  

Key Value Element Comment Example
place_name User Defined area Only for areas. For nodes use 'name' instead (see Notes). It may do no harm to use both, though.  
place_numbers User Defined node way area For property numbers  
postal_code User Defined node way area The postal code  
is_in User Defined node way area For categorisation - for example place=suburb; name=Eccleshall; is_in=Sheffield,South Yorkshire,England,UK  


some keys are allowed with one of the following values.

Key Value Element Comment Example
note user defined node way area A note to yourself or to other mappers. There is a map where you can view notes  
description user defined node way area Text that might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups).  
image URI node way area Reference to an image (use the "source_ref" key below when the image is referencing the source of the element)  
source extrapolation node way area Extension of information from a known source  
source knowledge node way area Local or common knowledge  
source historical node way area from out-of-copyright mapping or other historical document  
source image node way area photograph or video  
source survey node way area gpx track or other physical survey  
source voice node way area Voice recordings, eg dictaphone  
source User Defined node way area    
source_ref User Defined node way area To record the URI, source reference (eg Landsat) or other link to physical sources.  
created_by User Defined node way area Defined by the editor used (JOSM, applet, osmeditor, etc), mainly to deal with Utf8 errors. Should not be changed manually.