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Indonesia, Southeast Asia

latitude: -2.5, longitude: 117.9
Browse map of Indonesia 2°30′00.00″ S, 117°54′00.00″ E
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Indonesia is a country in Southeast Asia at latitude 2°30′00.00″ South, longitude 117°54′00.00″ East.

Welcome to OSM Indonesia!

Let's join forces and create a complete, accurate and useful map of Indonesia.

Main cities

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Tagging conventions

Here are some tagging conventions for Indonesia. Any suggestions are welcome.

  • See boundary=administrative for information about how to tag government districts (boundaries).
    • admin_level=4 - Province (Provinsi)
    • admin_level=5 - City / Regency (Kotamadya/Kabupaten)
    • admin_level=6 - District (Kecamatan)
    • admin_level=7 - Village (Kelurahan/Desa/Kampung)
    • admin_level=8 - Community Group (Rukun Warga/Dusun)
    • admin_level=9 - Neighborhood Unit (Rukun Tetangga)
  • place=city should be used only for legally designated cities (wikipedia:List of regencies and cities of Indonesia). For other population centres, such as administrative centres of regencies (ibukota kabupaten), please use place=town.
Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
Jalan (Roads)
highway motorway way Jalan Tol (toll roads) Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png Jalan Tol Ungaran - panoramio.jpg
highway motorway_link way Keluar Jalan Tol (toll road exits) Rendering-highway motorway link.png
highway trunk way Jalan Nasional (national roads)
Rendering-highway trunk L3005 MF.png
Pantura birdeye view.jpg
highway trunk_link way Jalan tautan yang yang mengarah dari/ke Jalan Nasional menuju/ke jalan yang sama atau jalan dengan kelas jalan yang lebih rendah. (A link road leading from/to the National Road to/to the same road or a road with a lower road class.) Rendering-highway trunk link.png Trunk link.jpg
highway primary way Jalan antar kota provinsi, Jalan Arteri Primer, Jalan Provinsi - Jalan utama dalam kota, Jalan Arteri Sekunder (Provincial Intercity Roads, Primary Arterial Roads, Provincial Roads - Main inner city roads, Secondary Arterial Roads) Rendering-highway primary neutral.png Jalan Gatot Subroto 4.jpg
highway primary_link way Jalan antar kota provinsi, Jalan Arteri Primer, Jalan Provinsi - Jalan utama dalam kota, Jalan Arteri Sekunder - Link (Provincial Intercity Road, Primary Arterial Road, Provincial Road - Main inner city road, Secondary Arterial Road - Link) Rendering-highway primary link.png
highway secondary way Jalan antar kota kabupaten, Jalan Kolektor, Jalan Kabupaten (Intercity district roads, Collector roads, District roads) Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png Jalan Sindang - Lebakwangi, Kuningan - panoramio.jpg
highway secondary_link way Jalan antar kota kabupaten, Jalan Kolektor, Jalan Kabupaten - Link (Intercity district roads, Collector roads, District roads - Link)
highway tertiary way Jalan antar kecamatan, Jalan Tersier (Inter-district roads, Tertiary roads) Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png Country road in Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia.jpg
highway residential way Jalan perumahan, Jalan Lingkungan dalam kota (Residential street, Neighborhood Street within the city) Rendering-highway residential.png JL Merak 04 Komp Paspampres Cileungsi- 2014-07-21 14-44.jpg
highway Living street way Jalan kecil di area perumahan. Lebarnya sekitar 1,5 - 2 meter. Dapat dilalui oleh 1 mobil dengan kecepatan rendah . atau biasanya juga digunakan untuk "gang" atau "gang" sempit yang bisa diakses oleh sepeda motor dan tidak dapat diakses oleh mobil.

(Small street in a residential area. The width is around 1.5 – 2 meters. Can be passed by 1 car at low speed. or usually also used for a narrow "alley" or "alley" that is accessible to motorbikes and inaccessible to cars.)

Living street osm.png JL Merak 04 Komp Paspampres Cileungsi- 2014-07-21 14-44.jpg
highway service way Biasanya ditemukan di tempat parkir dan di sekitar bangunan komersial, kawasan industri, mal dan tempat istirahat. Juga untuk jalan masuk pribadi ke satu rumah.

(Usually found in parking lots and around commercial buildings, industrial areas, malls and rest areas. Also for private driveways to one home.)

Rendering-highway service.png Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - - 942796.jpg
highway unclassified way Jalan ini menghubungkan pusat-pusat kegiatan di pedesaan dan merupakan interkoneksi antara dua dusun kecil atau lingkungan atau antara dusun dan pertanian atau rumah yang terisolasi. biasanya ditemukan di daerah pedesaan

(This road connects activity centers in rural areas and is an interconnection between two small hamlets (dusun) or neighborhoods or between a hamlet and isolated farms or houses. usually found in rural areas).

Rendering-highway unclassified.png
  • Highway unclassified-photo.jpg
  • Kuskealleen, Vordingborg, Denmark
highway track way Jalan ini sebagian besar digunakan untuk pertanian, kehutanan, rekreasi dan kegiatan serupa di lahan terbuka. Jalan lintasan digunakan oleh kendaraan roda empat (dua lintasan) dan sering berbentuk lintasan roda dua di tanah (juga dikenal sebagai jalan dua lintasan), tetapi jalan tersebut juga dapat diratakan atau diaspal di beberapa daerah.

(Track roads are mostly used for agriculture, forestry, outdoor recreation and similar activities on open land. Track roads are used by four-wheeled (two-track) vehicles and often take the form of two-wheel tracks on the ground (also known as a two-track road), but they may also be graded or paved in some regions)

Rendering-highway track.png Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
highway path way Jalan kecil yang ada di area permukiman dengan lebar jalan kurang dari 1.5 meter dan hanya bisa dilewati oleh motor.

(Small roads in residential areas with a road width of less than 1.5 meters and only motorbikes can pass.)

Path osm.png
Forest path and trees.jpg

Permukaan jalan (surface)

  • Pengerasan (Paved)
  • Tidak Pengerasan (Unpaved)
Gedung (Buildings)
building area
  • hunian (residential)
  • komersial (commercial)
  • kantor pemerintahan (government office)
  • ruko (residence with shop)
  • sekolah,toko,fasilitas medis (medical facility)
  • hotel/penginapan,gudang (storage)
  • industri (industrial)
  • fasilitas keagamaan (places of worship)
  • gedung serbaguna (multipurpose)
  • tembok dengan penguat beton bertulang (reinforced_masonry)
  • rangka beton bertulang (confined_masonry)
  • tembok tanpa penguat beton bertulang (unreinforced_masonry)
  • kayu (wood frame)
  • tembok berplester (plastered)
  • Ilalang (Weed Roof)
  • Seng (Zinc Roof)
  • Asbes (Asbestos Roof)
  • Genteng (Tiled Roof)
  • Bambu /Bedeg (Bamboo)
  • Tembok Setengah (Half Wall)
  • Tembok (Stone wall)
  • Kayu / Papan (Wood / board)
  • Tanah (Ground / Soil)
  • Papan (board)
  • Plester / Semen (Cement)
  • Tegel (Tekhel)
  • Keramik (Ceramics)
  • Bertingkat / Yidak (Terraced)
  • Jumlah lantai / Number of floors
  • Sangat Miskin (Very Poor)
  • Miskin (Poor / Bad Condition)
  • Sedang (Medium / Mid-Condition)
  • Kaya (Rich/ very good condition)
Kesehatan (Healthcare)
amenity hospital node area Rumah Sakit (Hospital)
amenity clinic node area Gunakan untuk klinik (Clinic), Puskesmas (Community Health center), Puskesmas Pembantu (Pustu), dan Pos Kesehatan Desa (Poskesdes)
amenity doctors node area Praktek Dokter Umum (General practice physician)
healthcare midwife node area Tempat Praktek Bidan (midwife Pos)
amenity health_post node area Posyandu (Integrated Health Pos)
  • Pratama (Primary)
  • Madya (Medium)
  • Purnama (Complete)
  • Mandiri (Independent)
healthcare birthing_centre node area Polindes (Pondok Bersalin Desa/Village birthing hut)

Pos Obat desa (Postal village drug)

Pendidikan (Education)
amenity kindergarten node area PAUD/ Play Group / TK (Early education / Play group / Kindergarten)
Taman Kanak-Kanak Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Kupang Rantau - panoramio.jpg
amenity school node area Sekolah Dasar (Primary schools), SMP & Yang sederajat (Secondary schools), dan SMA & Yang sederajat (High schools) node : Icon-amenity school.png
area : Rendering-area-amenity-school.png
SMPN2 Bandung.jpg
amenity college node area Lembaga atau lembaga pendidikan, yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan tinggi atau professional khusus.

(An education institution or establishment, providing higher education or specialized professional)

node : College.png
area : Rendering-area-amenity-college.png
amenity library node area Perpustakaan umum (Library)
2017 SIS library.jpg
amenity university node area Pergurunan Tinggi

(An Institution of higher learning, consisting of several faculties, performing scientific education and/or professional in various academic disciplines)

node : Icon-amenity university.png
area : Rendering-area-amenity-university.png
Universidad Indonesia Edificio Administrativo.JPG
Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (Drinking Water and Sanitation)
amenity toilets
  • WC Umum (Public restroom)
  • MCK Umum (Public Bath and latrine)
man_made water_well

Sumur Air (Well)

  • Sumur Bor (Artesian Well)
  • Sumur Umum (Public well)
man_made=* node
  • Sumber Air (Water sources)
  • Bak Penampung Air (Reservoir)
Perkantoran (Government Offices and Official POIs)
amenity police Pos Polisi / Polsek (Police Station)
amenity post_office Kantor Pos (Post Office)
amenity prison Penjara (Jail)
landuse military area Daerah militer, mencakup Koramil (Military Post — Sub District level)
office government
  • Kantor Kecamatan (Sub district office)
  • Kantor desa (Village Office)
  • Kantor Bupati (Regent office)

amenity=* office=*

Pendopo (Audience hall)
Fasilitasi Publik di desa (Civic POIs at the village level)
amenity townhall Balai kota, Balai Desa / Tempat Pertemuan (Village hall)
amenity place_of_worship Tempat Ibadah (Places of worship). Gunakan religion=* untuk menandai agama tempat ibadah tersebut

(Use religion=* mark the religion of the worship)

amenity marketplace Pasar Desa (Village market)
office financial Lembaga Keungan / Koperasi (Financial institution)
amenity bank Bank
amenity atm Mesin ATM (ATM Machine)
landuse cemetery Area pemakaman/kuburan secara umum. Untuk area pemakaman di dekat tempat ibadah, gunakan amenity=grave_yard. Untuk bangunan makam bersejarah, gunakan historic=tomb.

(Cemetery/grave area in general. For burial areas near places of worship, use amenity=grave_yard. For historic tomb buildings, use historic=tomb)

leisure pitch Lapangan Olahraga (Sport fields). Gunakan sport=* untuk menandai olahraga yang dimainkan di lapangan tersebut

(Use sport=* to mark the sport played on that field)

landuse landfill Tempat Pembuangan Sampah (Landfill)
amenity fuel Tempat Pengisian Bahan Bakar (SPBU)
amenity library Perpustakaan Desa (Village libraries)
  • Pelelangan Ikan (Fish auction place)
  • Pos-Pos Keamanan (Security Pos)
  • Pos Pengaduan warga / CC (Complaint center)
  • Taman Bermain / Rekreasi (Playground / recreational place)
  • Menara /Tiang / Tower
  • Tempat hiburan / Bioskop / Sanggar (Place of entertainment / Movie)
  • Lapangan Pacuan Kuda (horse racing)
  • Jembatan Sungai (Bridge)
man_made pier way Dermaga (Pier) Pulau beras basah.jpg
Lahan/Guna lahan (Landuse)
landuse farmland area Lahan pertanian (Farmland Land)
landuse orchard area Perkebunan (Orchard)
landuse meadow area Padang rumput (Meadow/ Pasture)
landuse aquaculture area Perikanan /Tambak (Fishpond)
landuse salt_pond area Ladang garam (Salt Field)
landuse forest area Lahan yang ditumbuhi berbagai pohon (land covered with various trees )
  • HTR (People forest plant)
  • HKM (Community forest Management)
  • HTI (Industrial forest plantations)
  • Hutan Keluarga (Family forest)
natural wood area Hutan alami
  • Hutan Lindung / Konservasi (Protected forest / Conservation)
  • Subtropic forest
  • Peternakan (animal husbandry land)
Kegiatan Ekonomi (Economic Activities)
amenity marketplace Pasar Tradisional (Traditional market)
man_made works Pabrik (Factories). Dapat mencakup:
  • Furniture Home Industries
  • Industri Rumah Tangga (home Industries)
  • Pengilingan Padi (rice huller)
  • Pemecah Batu (Stone huler)
shop car Toko mobil (Car shop)
shop car_repair Perbengkelan mobil (Car mechanic)
shop motorcycle Toko sepeda motor (Motorcycle shop). Untuk bengkel sepeda motor, tambahkan motorcycle:repair=yes
shop bicycle Toko sepeda (Bicycle shop). Untuk bengkel sepeda, tambahkan service:bicycle:repair=yes
  • Pangkalan Ojek (Motorcycle Taxis Base)
  • Pangkalan kendaraan trandisional (Horse-drawn buggy base)
Lain-Lain (Others)

Access and Barrier tagging in Indonesia

Penggunaan access dan barrier atau yang biasa disebut dengan portal akan memengaruhi akses suatu jalan. Apabila terdapat portal yang tertutup secara permanen maka akan mengakibatkan akses jalan di sekitarnya pun akan terutup. Apabila kita ingin memasuki suatu wilayah komplek perumahan dan terdapat portal yang dijaga oleh petugas keamanan atau satpam, maka hal itu akan mengakibatkan akses jalan menjadi private. Di bawah ini telah disediakan sebuah flowchart atau diagram alur jika diperlukan mengedit peta OSM, khususnya jika kita akan menambahkan akses atau portal di jalan. Flowchart ini akan membantu para editor pemula atau yang sudah berpengalaman untuk menambahkan tag access maupun barrier di jaringan jalan atau highway di OSM.

A flowchart to assist mappers tag barrier access.
A flowchart to assist mappers tag barrier access.

Kaart Groundwork & Editing

Kaart conducts ground surveys for improvements to OSM data. A list of editors can be found on the Kaart wiki page.

  • Mapillary imagery from the Indonesian drives can be viewed here.
[1] Tracks driven during Kaart's ground survey in Jakarta. Imagery provided by Bing.

Jakarta (October, 2019)

Ground Focus
  • Primary focus was on adding street names, missing geometry, and one-ways.
Post Processing
  • After the ground survey was conducted, our office team reviewed the footage gathered and updated street names by checking the consistency with current data and physical road signs.
  • The team added turn restrictions, barriers, pedestrian crossings, ref tags, surfaces to roads, lanes, destination tags, and additional missing geometry.
Suggested Community Edits
  • There are still many names that need to be entered in Jakarta. We did our best to enter the names available to us in Jakarta and the surrounding municipalities. Where that was not feasible, government data is available to the public in the town halls.

The ground survey of Jakarta was conducted by Kaart Team members Kaarti_B, Whimsical Otter, GhostEye, and JAAS.

Tracing Aerial Imagery

This is the easiest way to quickly and effortlessly edit, fix or add map details, create new ways without having to drive around town with GPS logger and camera :-) So, what should we do? Just open, move the map to your hometown, click on Edit, register/login, and happy mapping!

NEWS!! Potlatch 2 (the newer standard map editor) now uses Bing aerial maps. Ebenezer from Australia hints that it has very good coverage for many cities in Indonesia. So don't wait any longer, go and map your neighborhood! If you have time, please complete the list of covered cities by Bing here.

Walking-Papers now LIVE! in Bahasa Indonesia

YES! You can check it out on Walking-Papers website ! Translated by: emirhartato and Vasanthi


Mailing List: Talk-id

Social Network


The following users have been observed to contribute in mapping Indonesia:
