
From OpenStreetMap Wiki
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Public-images-osm logo.svg wikipedia
Provides a link to Wikipedia's article about the feature. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Group: annotations
URL pattern$1
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesmay be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)may be used on relations
See also
Status: de factoPage for proposal

Use wikipedia=language:page title to provide a reference to an article in Wikipedia about the feature.

Using Wikipedia links

A Wikipedia link can be associated with any OSM object. Some helpful guidelines:

  • Only provide, in normal circumstances, a link to a single Wikipedia article, which should be to the article in the primary (local) language for the subject. In some cases, links to articles in non-local languages can be appropriate.
  • Always include a language prefix, e.g. 'en:St Paul's Cathedral', (en: for English, in that case) rather than assuming any particular language as with 'St Paul's Cathedral'.
  • Use the human readable title of the article, for example 'en:St Paul's Cathedral' rather than the version with underscores and URL-encoded characters that is used in the URL ('St_Paul%27s_Cathedral')
  • When you link to a section of a page, the spaces must be replaced by underscores. wikipedia=language:page title#section_of_the_page. Generally, do not do this; look for a redirect to that section whose full title matches the item you are linking from.
  • Only provide links to articles which are 'about the feature'. A link from St Paul's Cathedral in London to an article about St Paul's Cathedral on Wikipedia is fine. A link from a bus depot to the company that operates it is not (see section below).
  • Provide, for an extensive feature encompassing many individual ways, such as a long railway line or river, a single Wikipedia link from a relation covering the entire feature rather than attaching a link to every single way individually.
  • Avoid full URLs such as ''.
  • Avoid redirects, for example, link to de:Frashër and not to de:Frasher (which is a redirect).
  • Note that many objects have no matching Wikipedia article. For example, a typical supermarket has no Wikipedia page about it. There may, however, be an article about the company, which can be tagged using brand:wikipedia=*.


The following examples show Wikipedia links in use; the data is used to create a link to the Wikipedia article in the appropriate language:

Secondary languages

In almost all cases, a single wikipedia tag using the primary language for the subject, as described above, is sufficient. Data users can access articles in other languages where available using Wikipedia's interlanguage links. If interlanguage links are missing, this should usually be fixed within Wikipedia (more specifically, in Wikidata).

One example where it is appropriate to provide additional explicit links to articles in secondary languages is when there is no existing article about the object in the local language. For example, for museums in France, French Wikipedia is preferred, but linking to the English article about the particular museum in France is OK if there is no matching article in French Wikipedia. In these circumstances, use the format wikipedia:fr='page title' (e.g. wikipedia:en=*) for the secondary languages.

Secondary Wikipedia links

See also Secondary Wikidata links and Secondary Wikimedia Commons links

You may tag secondary attributes of the feature by preceding the wikipedia=* key with the name of the attribute, separated by a colon (:). The value of such a key would be the same as the normal wikipedia=* key but referring to the appropriate Wikipedia page.

Used for the artist of a feature, such as a sculpture or other public works. see artist=* for more info. artist:wikipedia=* artist:wikipedia=en:László Moholy-Nagy
Used for the architect (or architectural firm) of a building. see architect=* for more info. architect:wikipedia=* architect:wikipedia=en:Ustad Ahmad Lahori
Used for various stores or franchise brands. see brand=* for more info. brand:wikipedia=* brand:wikipedia=en:McDonald's
Used for what a feature is about, not what it is. Normally tagged on memorials, plaques, statues, etc.

For example: a historic=memorial commemorating a human should use this subkey to link to the Wikipedia article about said human, as the article is about subject of the memorial, not about the memorial itself.

subject:wikipedia=* subject:wikipedia=en:Helen Storrow
The tomb or burial site of a famous individual. The value should be an instance of a human (or possibly an instance of or subclass of an individual animal.

In many cases, tombs are treated as special type of memorial. used in conjunction with subject:wikipedia=*

buried:wikipedia=* buried:wikipedia=en:Marie Curie
Used for the of the operator of a feature. such as a transportation service or air port owner. see operator=* for more info. operator:wikipedia=* operator:wikipedia=en:Chicago Department of Aviation
Normally used for road/transportation network. see network=* for more info. network:wikipedia=* network:wikipedia=en:Amtrak
Used for trees plants/forests. see species=* for more info. species:wikipedia=* species:wikipedia=en:Conifer
Used for trees plants/forests. see taxon=* for more info. taxon:wikipedia=* taxon:wikipedia=en:Conifer
Link to the wikipedia page of the entity after which an element is named. For streets or other features named after people, other places, events, etc. name:etymology:wikipedia=* name:etymology:wikipedia=en:Marie Curie
!Note: this is not a exhaustive list of all *:wikipedia tags. For a list of all secondary attributes currently being tagged with this key, see taginfo.

In the past, the name of the attribute was put after the key (e.g. wikipedia:operator), but this was deprecated because it creates a conflict with the way secondary languages are linked.

It may be more useful to store certain data on Wikidata. For example, instead of using name:etymology:wikipedia=* or name:etymology:wikidata=* one may follow the Wikidata link from wikidata=* and use data stored in P138 property on Wikidata page of this object.

Occasionally, a feature may have one or more secondary links, but no primary link. For example, a memorial depicting a famous event may have only a secondary subject:wikipedia=* link. Monuments, memorials, statues, and similar features should have wikipedia=* only if they have their own Wikipedia article. The same applies to chain stores.

The same may be done with wikidata=* — see Key:wikidata#Secondary Wikidata links

Editor integration


You can add or update the wikipedia key by pasting the full article url in the Wikipedia property. It also adds the wikidata=* key. See this video for an example: "Adding Wikidata to OpenStreetMap" (note that you don't need to remove the previous wikipedia key)


The Wikipedia plugin for JOSM displays geotagged Wikipedia articles or wikidata items in your area, allowing you to conveniently add them to OSM objects without spending time searching.

Possible tagging mistakes

If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!
If you know places with this tag, verify if it could be tagged with another tag.
Automated edits are strongly discouraged unless you really know what you are doing!

See also

External links

  • - Visualization of linked Wikipedia articles
  • - also shows Wikipedia articles as they are linked from OSM objects (ignores often imprecise location data at Wikipedia)