OSM-Wikidata Map Framework

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OSM-Wikidata Map Framework
Wikiraduno Bologna marzo 2023 - Screenshot Certosa di Bologna - Open Burial Map - nodo Tomba Borghi-Mamo abc2.png
Author: User:Danysan
License: GNU General Public License (free of charge)
Platform: Web
Status: Active
Language: multiple languages
Source code: GitLab (primary)

GitHub (mirror)

Programming languages: Python, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS

Merge data from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata to map information about entities and points of interest

Framework for creating interactive maps that combine and display details about geographic features from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata and optionally associated entities.

Available back-ends

Updated minutely:

Updated weekly:

  • QLever
  • Ad hoc database
    • the only back-end that also allows to view data at low zoom
    • initialized and updated semi-automatically with Apache Airflow, served through PMTiles

Example instances

OSM-Wikidata Map

Shows geographic features from OpenStreetMap and Wikidata

Repository on GitLab

Open Etymology Map

Displays the etymology of names of streets and points of interest.

Keys and properties used to find the associated entities which represent what the feature is named after:

Some noteworthy examples:

  • Moers (Germany), with source statistics: link
  • Moers (Germany), with gender statistics: link
  • Moers (Germany), with type statistics: link
  • San Francisco (USA), with occupation statistics: link
  • San Francisco (USA), with birth century statistics: link
  • San Francisco (USA), with death century statistics: link

Repository on GitLab

Open Burial Map

Displays details about burial locations

Keys and properties used to find the associated entities which represent who is buried inside the feature:

Some noteworthy examples:

Repository on GitLab

Open Architect Map

Displays the architects who created buildings and structures

Keys and properties used to find the associated entities which represent the architect/organization which designed the feature:

Some noteworthy examples:

Repository on GitLab

Open Artist Map

Shows the artists who designed artworks and memorials.

Keys and properties used to find the associated entities which represent the artist(s) which realized the feature:

Some noteworthy examples:

Repository on GitLab


The types of geographic features and related entities to show are choosen by editing a configuration file and automatically handled by the framework.

The available configurations are documented in .env.example. Instantiation, configuration and Database initialization instructions can be found in this presentation.

Other links