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Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: PeterIto
Tagging: isced:xxx=value
Applies to:
Definition: To specify the level of education provided by an educational establishment (school, college, university)

Draft started: 2012-02-01

To define the level of education to be used in association with amenity=kindergarten, amenity=school, amenity=college and amenity=university based on the wikipedia:ISCED international scale. This proposal follows a discussion on Talk:Tag:amenity=school#Level_of_education.



The level of education should be specified using isced:level=*.

Level Description Principal characteristics
0 Pre-primary education initial stage of organized instruction, designed primarily to introduce very young children to a school-type environment
1 Primary education or first stage of basic education normally starting between the ages of 5 and 7, designed to give a sound basic education in reading, writing and mathematics along with an elementary understanding of other subjects
2 Lower secondary or second stage of basic education designed to complete basic education, usually on a more subject-oriented pattern
3 (Upper) secondary education more specialized education typically beginning at age 15 or 16 years and/or the end of compulsory education
4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education captures programmes that straddle the boundary between upper- and post-secondary education from an international point of view, e.g. pre-university courses or short vocational programmes
5 First stage of tertiary education tertiary programmes having an advanced educational content, cross-classified by field (see below)
6 Second stage of tertiary education tertiary programmes leading to the award of an advanced research qualification, e.g. Doctor of Philosophy, cross-classified by field (see below)

A detailed description of each level can be found here.

Representation of multiple values. A number of methods have been proposed:

  • number range (0-3) specifying the lowest and highest levels
  • number list (0,1,2,3) or (0;1;2;3)
  • more?

Other values

The isced:field=* (or type possibly) could be used to define the range of courses and education available.

Conversion of local terms

Country 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Argentina Educación Inicial Educación Primaria Educación Secundaria Básica Educación Secundaria Orientada Pre Universitario Educación Superior no Universitaria Educación Tecnicatura Universitaria 3-4 años Universitario Doctorado
Australia Preschool Primary School Years K-6 Secondary School Years 7-10 Secondary School Years 11-12 or Secondary College
Croatia source Predškolsko obrazovanje Prve 4 godine osnovnog obrazovanja Završne četiri godine osnovnog obrazovanja Srednje obrazovanje Tercijarno obrazovanje odnosno više, visoko i poslijediplomsko obrazovanje (magisterij) Doktorat znanosti
Czech Republic source, source Mateřská škola Základní škola (1. stupeň) Základní škola (2. stupeň), Osmileté gymnázium, 1.–4. ročník Střední škola, gymnázium (osmileté: 5.–8. ročník, šestileté: 3.–6. ročník, čtyřleté: 1.–4. ročník) Jazyková škola, pomaturitní studium Vyšší odborná škola, Vysoká škola (bakalářské studium, magisterské studium) Vysoká škola (doktorské studium)
Bolivia source Educación Inicial en Familia Comunitaria no escolarizada (edad 1-3) y escolarizada (edad 4-5) Educación Primaria Comunitaria Vocacional (edad 6-11) Educación Secundaria Comunitaria Productiva (edad 12-17) Formación Superior Técnica y Tecnológica (3 años) y Formación Superior Artística (3 años) Formación de Maestras y Maestros (5 años), Formación Superior Universitaria (Pre grado A y B) Formación Superior Universitaria (Post grado A-E)
Denmark source Børnehave, børnehaveklasse Folkeskole 1-6. klasse Folkeskole 7-10. klasse Gymnasium, HHX, HTX, HF, erhvervsuddannelser Gymnasiale adgangskurser Universitet, videregående uddannelser
Finland source Esiopetus päiväkodeissa Peruskoulun luokat 1-6 Peruskoulun luokat 7-9(-10) Lukio, keskiasteen ammatillinen koulutus Erikoisammattitutkinnot Korkea-asteen koulutus Lisensiaatin ja tohtorin tutkinnot

see FR:Tag:amenity=school

Germany Kindergarten Grundschule Sekundarstufe I Sekundarstufe II Fachschule, Universität Universität
Italy scuola dell'infanzia (o scuola materna). scuola primaria (o scuola elementare). scuola secondaria di primo grado (o scuola media). scuola secondaria di secondo grado (o scuola superiore, liceo, ...).
Japan 幼稚園 小学校 中学校, 中等教育学校(前期) 高等学校, 中等教育学校(後期), 高等専門学校(本科) 高等学校(専攻科), 中等教育学校(専攻科) 大学, 短期大学, 高等専門学校(専門科), 大学院(修士課程) 大学院(博士課程)
Kuwait روضة (أو حضانة) مدرسة ابتدائية مدرسة متوسطة مدرسة ثانوية معهد (التي تمنح شهادات أقل من البكلريوس وأعلى من الثانوية) الجامعاتالكليات) جامعات وكليات الدراسات العليا.
New Zealand source ECE centres (playcentres, kindergartens, kōhanga reo, etc.) serving ages 3-5 Schools serving Years 1-6 Schools serving Years 7-10 Schools serving Years 11 onwards
Tertiary institutions offering NZQA Levels 1-3 (certificates)
Tertiary institutions offering NZQA Level 4 (certificates) Tertiary institutions offering NZQA Levels 5-9 (certificates, diplomas, bachelors, grad. diplomas, post-grad diplomas, bachelors with honours, masters) Tertiary institutions offering NZQA Level 10 (doctorates)
Norway source Barnehage Barneskole Ungdomsskole Videregående opplæring(allmenn og yrkesfag) Forkurs, Fagskoleutdanning Høyere utdanning, bachelorgrad, mastergrad Ph.D, Doktorgrad
Russia source Детский сад, ясли, предшкола Средняя общеобразовательная школа: Начальная школа; прогимназия Средняя общеобразовательная школа: Основное общее образование; гимназия, лицей, экстернат Средняя общеобразовательная школа: Среднее (полное) общее образование ПТУ, технический лицей Колледж, техникум; Бакалавриат и магистратура (или их эквиваленты): Университет\институт, академия, национальный исследовательский университет, федеральный университет Послевузовское профессиональное образование: докторантура или её эквивалент
Philippines Kindergarten or pre-school Elementary school (grades 1-6) Junior high school (grades 7-10) Senior high school (grades 11-12) Technical-Vocational school (post-secondary, non-tertiary) Undergraduate Masters; Doctorate
Slovakia Predškolské vzdelávanie (škôlka) Prvý stupeň základnej školy (1.-4. ročník) Druhý stupeň základnej školy (5.-9. ročník) Gymnázium, stredná škola Pomaturitné odborné vzdelávanie (nie vysoká škola) Vysokoškolské vzdelávanie I. a II. stupňa (vysoká škola, univerzita) Vysokoškolské vzdelávanie III. stupňa (doktorandské štúdium, PhD.)
Spain Educación Infantil Educación Primaria Obligatoria Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria Bachillerato, Ciclo formativo de grado medio Spain has no courses at this level. Ciclo formativo de grado superior, Grado Universitario, Máster Universitario Doctorado
Sweden source Förskola,


Grundskola årskurs 1-6 Grundskola årskurs 7-9





KY (<2 år)

Högskola/Universitet (<3 år)

KY (2–3 år)

Högskola/Universitet (>=3 år)


Högskola/Universitet (<=4 år) Forskarutbildning
United Kingdom Preschool Primary school, Middle school Secondary school (without 6th form).
With sixth form use '2-3'.
Sixth form college, College University University
United States Preschool, pre-kindergarten or Kindergarten Elementary school (grades 1-5) Middle school(grades 6-8) High School (grades 9-12) Undergraduate Masters Doctorate
Uruguay Educación Inicial Educación Primaria 2A Ciclo Básico de Educación Media (Primeros años de liceo) / 2B Nivel Basico de Educacion Técnica (UTU) 3A Bachillerato Diversificado, Bachillerato Técnico, 3C Formación Profesional Superior Cursos Técnicos Terciarios 5A Carreras Universitarias, Licenciaturas. 5B Magisterio, Profesorado, Carreras Cortas Postgrado
Romania antepreşcolar,preşcolar, gradinita, clasa pregatitoare învăţământul primar (I-IV) învăţământul gimnazial (V-VIII) , învăţământului secundar inferior (ciclul inferior al liceului,şcoala de arte şi meserii) ciclul superior al liceului învăţământul postsecundar ( postliceal ) învăţământul superior de scurtă durată , învăţământul superior de lunga durată invatamantul postuniversitar ( doctorar, master )
flag details

a detailed mapping for each country can be found here


See Talk:Tag:amenity=school#Level of education for the archived discussion prior to the creation of this page. Please continue the discussion below.


For example of applying ISCED to national educational systems, please refer to this file where you can see the ISCED mapping for many countries. --ALE! 13:50, 22 March 2012 (UTC)


I've been using isced:level on schools in the UK, the only downside for me is the use of integer values but I think using an existing standard trumps that concern. Additionally, although the values don't always fully describe the school I think they give a useful approximation. Below are some examples of how I am using the tag at the moment in the UK

--Craigloftus 15:03, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

Thanks for the feedback. It might be useful to create one of those wiki tables with a row per country which then describes how to convert from the local terms to each of the international terms. PeterIto 15:19, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
I have created a table for conversion from local terminology to isced values based on your UK proposals given above. We also need to agree values for pre-school, middle school, university etc. PeterIto 15:30, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
Updated UK table. Can I suggest that a college in the UK would be level 4, not 3? PeterIto 15:35, 3 February 2012 (UTC)
When I said "don't always fully describe" this was one issue I was referring to. The spec is written with reference to a 3 tier education system, which at the moment doesn't quite apply to the UK with our non-compulsory further education (A-levels etc), however, A-levels are not pre-university qualifications in the sense of the specification. Additionally from 2013 further education will be compulsory, at which point the distinction will be clearer. --Craigloftus 15:05, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

For example of applying ISCED to national educational systems, please refer to this file where you can see the ISCED mapping for many countries (including the UK mentioned above). --ALE! 13:50, 22 March 2012 (UTC)

Excellent, we will just use that one. The only level 4 in the UK is HE Access courses, so it would seem that many colleges will indeed be level 4. I don't know much about availability of HE Access courses generally, does anyone know how wide spread these are, i.e., what should be the recommendation for mappers? --Craigloftus 14:17, 22 March 2012 (UTC)


Great initiative, but for Germany this is still not sufficient. E.g. isced:level=2 would still contain all regular German school types (Hauptschule, Realschule, Gymnasium, Gesamtschule).

Deutsches Bildungssystem-quer.svg

--Dieterdreist 13:39, 15 June 2012 (BST)

Have you checked the detailed mappings for Germany? Please see [1].

New Zealand

The system doesn't break very nicely with the New Zealand schooling system. The Years are the same as the UK, but there are several different types of schools breaking at different points, and it could get messy. We have 1-6, 1-8, 7-8, 9-13, 7-13, 1-13, 7-10, 11-13, 7-9, 1-10... At the moment, I am adding a tag to New Zealand schools, MOE:years=*, to describe the school years it serves as an interim measure. Lcmortensen 11:05, 25 January 2013 (UTC)

Hey, @Dieterdreist and @Lcmortensen. You seem to have the same issue. So is not this what isced:field=* is for? There you can specify what type of school or so this is apart from the "integer level". --rugk (talk) 15:33, 4 August 2017 (UTC)

ISCED 2011 update, cf. 1997

I intend to update the table is OSM following the one in Wikipedia:ISCED#ISCED_2011_levels_of_education_and_comparison_with_ISCED_1997. Any objections? It seems backwards compatible: new levels only at the top, and textual descriptions seem minor. Please confirm, thanks. Fgnievinski (talk) 20:01, 5 August 2013 (UTC)

Just noticed that currently UNESCO provides national mappings only for the older 1997 edition [2]. They acknowledge new mappings are coming -- better wait and see? Fgnievinski (talk) 20:25, 5 August 2013 (UTC)

The first international data collection based on ISCED 2011 will take place in 2014. In preparation, the UIS is working with countries to map their national education programmes and qualifications to ISCED 2011. As they are updated, these mappings will be available on the UIS website, alongside current mappings of national education programmes to ISCED 1997.

ISCED categories and sub-categories, in addition to levels, do seem great, check it out: Wikipedia:ISCED#ISCED 2011 Levels, categories, and sub-categories. Fgnievinski (talk) 20:47, 5 August 2013 (UTC)
It is not fully backward compatible with 1997. It can be solved by explicit scale isced:level:1997=5 or isced:level:2011=6. Implicit isced:level=5 can be treated as version 1997. J123b567 (talk) 08:06, 17 February 2016 (UTC)
I suggest isced:2011:level=*, to follow current usage on date suffix as historic values, and make isced:2011=* clear in relations to ISCED. Kovposch (talk) 06:11, 16 February 2020 (UTC)
Please note the (draft) proposal at Proposed_features/ISCED_2011_Level written by me. Skorbut (talk) 20:10, 28 January 2022 (UTC)
I wrote a slightly changed proposal at Proposed_features/ISCED_2011_Education_Programme Skorbut (talk) 19:26, 31 January 2022 (UTC)