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Aita Sinagi täiustada OpenStreetMap kaardipanka.

Kaardista oma kodukohta!

Arvatavasti oled sa juba vaadanud kaarti ja otsinud oma kodutänavat. Ehk ei olnud see päris õiges kohas või oli sealt olulist informatsiooni puudu. Äkki polnud seda üldse kaardil (mis on ka tõenäoline). Siin ongi Sinu võimalus kaasa lüüa. Loome kaarte autoriõigust omavaid materjale kasutamata, salvestades GPS-seadmega tänavaid ja kasutades erinevaid kaardistamise võtteid ning kõige tähtsam, kasutades oma teadmisi antud kohast. Ei tasu ehmatuda projekti globaalsusest. Iga suur asi koosneb paljudest väikestest ja iga kaastöö, olgu siis suur või väike, on teretulnud. Seetõttu kutsumegi Sind liituma. Selleks pead Sa endale looma konto.

Võib-olla elad Sa linnas või külas, mida meie kaardil polegi. See on ju suurepärane! Liitu ja vallutane üheskoos sellegi nurga maakeral!

Või elad sa piirkonnas, mis paistab olevat kaardistatud. Ära unusta, et meid huvitab ka igasugune detailne kaardiinfo. Kohti nagu pubid, restoranid ning isegi postkastid ja bussipeatused saab lisada meie andmebaasi. Ka jalgrajad, mänguplatsid ja elektriliinid on teretulnud info. Otsi need oma ümbruskonnast üles ja kanna kaardile. Lisaks on väga ootatud kõik vigade parandused, olgu siis selleks valesti kirjutatud tänava nimi või tegevuse lõpetanud toidupood.

Teiste kaardistajatega Eestist saad suhelda kogukonnaväravas.


Üheks viisiks toetada on autokleebiste kasutamine.

Üheks suurimas toetamise viisiks on OpenStreetMap tutvustamine laiemale üldsusele. Tutvusta meie kaarte ja kaardistamise võimalusi ka oma sõpradele.

Vaata ka tulevate ürituste lehte, kus on tavaliselt mõned tulevased OSM presentatsioonid ja muud üritused ning konverentsid, kus OSM-i tutvustatakse. Kui näed mõnd üritust, mis sobib sinu plaanidega, siis miks mitte anda ka oma panus ning koostada ettekanne OSM teemal või võta sõbrad kaasa ja tule kuula, mida on teistel OSM liikmetel öelda.

Teiseks toetamise viisiks on ostude tegemine meie partnerite kaudu, kes kannavad väikse summa OpenStreetMap-i ülalpidamiseks. Kuna OSM sõltub sellest sissetulekust oleks tore, kui Sa teeksid oma ostud just siit.

Andmete kogumine

Vaja on palju musta materjali. Kõige rohkem on vaja GPS vastuvõtjatega salvestatud teekonnalogisid, mille üleslaadimiseks on Sul vaja OSM kontot. Peale sisse logimist kasuta oma teekondade lehte, et uusi logisid üles laadida.

Oma teekondasid saab teha nii privaatseteks kui avalikeks. Esimesel juhul saad ainult Sina oma teekondasid kasutada punktide ja teede loomiseks, teisel juhul saavad neid kasutada ka kõik ülejäänud kasutajad. Meeles tasub pidada, et avalikud teekonnalogid võivad paljastada privaatset infot Sinu käikudest, näiteks Sinu kodu või töökoha.

Kui soovid kaasa aidata rohkem kui "ainult" teekondade üleslaadimisega (mis juba iseenesest on väga suur kaastöö), siis muuda oma läbikäidud teekonnad teedeks ja huvipunktideks. Vaata tutvumiseks Algaja Õpetust.

Mapping existing tracks

If you don't have a GPS unit then you can help by mapping tracks that have already been uploaded. In London eCourier have donated the track logs from their couriers, which means that there is a clear track for almost every major road and quite a few minor roads right out to the M25 and beyond. If you know any part of London and don't have a GPS (or have flat batteries) then this is where to start. It really helps to do an area that you are familiar with. Follow the illustrated guide to getting started with OSM editing.

The Korea project includes some experimenting with remote collaboration, where users from anywhere in the world can create maps using data, including tracks, waypoints, photographs, and notes, collected in Korea. See Korea Mapping Guide.

You can also use imi's JOSM Java software to download the raw GPS tracks for a given area from OSM and then overlay what has been added in terms of nodes and line segments, again from the OSM server. It takes a while to do this for a larger area (say a country), but gives a pretty instant indication on what tracks have not yet been turned into streets or other linear features. You can then use JOSM to create nodes and line segments and upload these back to OSM. Don't be tempted to download for too big an area. It puts big loads on the platform, you probably won't have enough memory in your box and it takes a hell of a long time to pull the GPS trackpoints out of the server. Stick to a manageable area at first (say a city) and then collect more data from OSM as required by moving the window of view around.

Recording tracks using a GPS receiver

If you have a GPS unit that is capable of recording a track that can later be uploaded to a computer or a GPS unit that can be directly connected to a Laptop, PDA or Smartphone by Bluetooth, Serial Port or USB, then you can help by going out and recording tracks of any journeys that you make and then uploading them to the database. These tracks are useful even if you don't plan to mark up the roads yourself, there are people without GPS units who will do this if you don't. Tracklogs of roads that have already been mapped are also useful as they can help to validate the true path of a road by providing more sample points.

  1. Go for a walk or a cycle ride or a drive (or whenever you take any kind of journey)
    1. take your GPS with you
    2. switch your GPS on at the start of the part of the journey that you want to map
    3. set the GPS to tracking mode so that it records your journey. If your GPS unit has a "Snap to road" option, make sure that option is switched OFF, or you might end up merely recording a direct copy of the map loaded into the GPS unit, which is not only a copyright infringement, but is possibly going to be less accurate than the track you would otherwise record.
    4. if you plan to later make up the roads take some notes of the street names etc (unless you already know them - you cannot later get them from (or check them on) a map as this would infringe copyright).
    5. record your route along any linear feature. Rivers and waterways, footpaths, bridleways, rail and tramways, and any other fixed linear features are of interest to OSM. In future we will want points of interest and area information so add this information in your travels where you can and save it for when OSM can use this extra information. At the moment it can only effectively handle linear features.
    6. it may be helpful to record waypoints if there are features that would not obviously show up on a track log (for example a mini-roundabout).
  2. When you get home upload the tracklogs to the OpenStreetMap server.
  3. Finally, follow the instructions above if you want to transform your tracklogs into roads and streets.
  4. Repeat the process as often as you can.

More information is at Mapping techniques.


The Mapping projects page lists projects which you might like to help with. These will be goal oriented activities, such as mapping a particular town or city, or the motorway network for a country. If there is a project that interests you then you will be very welcome to get involved.

Rendering - Donating computer time

Tiles@home is a distributed computing project for rendering OSM data for use with Slippy Map, the online map browser.

Donating money

See OSM Foundation


A lot of software development work is taking this project in many different directions. As mentioned above, we have created various map editing tools. In fact OpenStreetMap is powered by open source software from the slippy map interface, down to the underlying data access protocol (a web service interface for reading and writing map data). There is lots of scope for sub-projects working with our data and using our data, but we also need help fixing bugs and adding features to our core components.

So where to start?

  • The Develop page is the portal for developers document technical details and find areas they are interested in.
  • Join the 'dev' and 'talk' mailing lists to get a feel for the most current activity.
  • The Protocol specification is perhaps the main piece of decumentation to get your head around.
  • The Things To Do list is mainly development tasks