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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = trailhead
Indian Lake Trailhead - panoramio.jpg
A trailhead is a designated or customary place where a trip on a trail begins or ends. Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: highways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de factoPage for proposal

A trailhead is a designated or customary place where people can stop or start a trip on one or more trails or routes. Its position may be marked by a shelter, pole, special design, flag, banner, or parking area. Often there will be a board with a name and a reference to an operator. Parking space will usually be available. Some trailheads are unmarked and known only by word-of-mouth or from information provided on a list or website.

How to map

The highway=trailhead tag is typically used on a node along a highway=* feature to indicate where someone may access a trail. In other words, a trailhead is where a road (or urban path) meets a trail.

It is up to the mapper to decide the exact location. Trailheads may be indicated by signage, information boards, guidepost, or gates, or they may be unmarked. If an access point serves multiple trails, try to place the trailhead node centrally between them. If the trails are reasonably far apart, consider adding multiple trailheads.

Alternatively, some have used highway=trailhead on areas surrounding trailhead amenities, but this is not standard.

Common mistakes

It's a best practice to avoid double-tagging highway=trailhead on crossings, curbs, gates, or other nodes that already represent something else. Double-tagged nodes will not render properly on most maps and they make data processing much more complicated.

Do not use highway=trailhead to simply represent the "end of a trail". If a trail dead-ends or connects only to another trail, that's not a trailhead.


  • node 3456765993 – Trailhead for the High Peaks Trail in Pinnacles National Park

Recommended tagging

Tag Usage Description
highway=trailhead ! Required This tag is used on a node (sometimes a closed way is used) representing the place or area where people are supposed to or used to start their trip on a trail, track or route.
name=*  Important If exists, specific name of the trailhead as indicated or customary
operator=* ? Optional Name of the operator if exists.
access=* ? Optional Any access restriction the trailhead may have. Use this list of values.
informal=* ? Optional Is this an officially designated trailhead?

Additional tagging

As trailheads vary widely across the globe, it is up to local mappers and communities to decide on additional tagging on the node itself and the amenities or facilities which may accompany the trailhead, such as parking area, benches, banner, information board, map board, trail register, toilets, guidepost(s), shelter, ...

Tag Usage Description
fee=* ? Optional Fees associated with this trailhead.
website=* ? Optional Website associated with this trailhead.
parking=* ? Optional Is there public parking at the trailhead?
drinking_water=* ? Optional Is there drinking water at the trailhead?
toilets=* ? Optional Are there toilets at the trailhead?
bin=* ? Optional Are there garbage bins at the trailhead?


See also