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Use amenity=school to identify a place where pupils, normally between the ages of about 6 and 18 are taught under the supervision of teachers. This includes, according to the ISCED:

  • primary schools (ISCED 1, tagged with isced:level=1) and
  • secondary schools (ISCED 2 and 3, tagged with isced:level=2;3), in some countries called high schools .

For other educational establishments, see

For school ground see the feature landuse=education.

How to map

There are seperal standart situations for a schools. Each school should be mapped once. Don't douple them.

Schools can be further defined by the following tags::

  • operator=* - Name of operator, often the local education authority.
  • operator:type=* - type of operator, e.g. community / religious / private / government
  • Address and other contact details
  • capacity=*, the maximum number of pupils the school can accept
  • isced:level=*, for the educational level according to the ISCED scale
  • grades=* - Which grades the school provides, can be used in conjunction with isced:level=*
  • min_age=* and max_age=* to indicate age range of children that attend the school
  • fee=yes if the school requires a direct charge for core services.
  • religion=*, if the school is associated with a particular religion (also denomination=*)
  • ref=*, if school has a reference number

Single school on one site

If you have a single school on one ground, mark the boundary of the school using an Area area or place a Node node in the middle of the site if you are in a hurry (or don't have access to information about the boundary and it is not obvious from aerial imagery). If you use a Area area it is also optional to mark the area with landuse=education too, but it is not neccessary.

Example of usage at a single school

Multiple school on one site

When one ore more schools share a site use the following schema. This also applies when schools share a site with other {{tag|amenity|.

  • Mark the outer boundary of the shared school grounds/campus/area using an Area area with the tag landuse=education
  • For each school or other educational amenity set the amenity=school a node in the middle of the main used area or it at the used building if possible and the building is only-used by the school. (However, make sure that there is only one element for each school.)
Example of usage at a school complex with "shared ground"

School with multiple sites

Schools with multiple sites are more complicaded. So far, mainly Relation:multipolygon have been used there.

Because a school not every time is marked as areas, the Relation:site should rather be used. But here don't exist any consensus in the community.

Campus details

Several details can be added when drawing the complete school campus.

  • building=school is used for purpose-built school buildings (reused buildings keep their building type).
  • appropriate additional tags can be added to the building, for example amenity=swimming_pool.
  • entrance=* and if appropriate barrier=gate can be considered for the points where roads, paths or other access routes into the school grounds cross the boundary of the school. Building entrances can be mapped with a node on the building outline, with one of the following tags:
  • leisure=pitch is used for individual sports pitches. Where an individual sport can be identified, sport=* and surface=grass/asphalt/... can be added.
  • leisure=sports_hall is used for indoor sports facilities, if purpose-built with building=sports_hall.
  • landuse=grass is used for areas of grass, possibly covering multiple pitches or used for other purposes.
  • leisure=schoolyard is an open space in schools, specifically for recreation but usually without playground infrastructure.
  • leisure=playground is often found on primary school grounds with infrastructure such as playground=climbingframe etc.


Typical facilities outside the scope of amenity=school are:

Possible tagging mistakes

{{PossibleSynonym|landuse|school|Replace with <tt dir= "ltr" class="mw-content-ltr" style="background:#EEF;font-size:1em;line-height:1.6">landuse=education or amenity=school - wich fits better. }}
