General information |
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) and the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Challenge Fund, aims to decrease disaster risk management costs and increase resilience by developing a framework that facilitates a multi-hazard view of risk. The Challenge Fund initiative is part of this effort, with the second round focusing on the creation of three open databases: hazard footprints, exposure data and vulnerability models. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), partnered with the Global Earthquake Model (GEM), who lead the project and ImageCat, on the development of a ‘Global Exposure Database for Multi-Hazard Risk Analysis’. The collaboration resulted in an open exposure database (GED4ALL) schema for multi-hazard risk analysis, along with protocols to integrate existing datasets, as well as generate new exposure information. An online tool following the database schemas developed as part of the Challenge Fund is currently in the pipeline by GFDRR to host the GED4ALL data, along with the hazard footprints and vulnerability models. The data itself is slowly being populated globally through various projects, such as the Open Cities Africa initiative lead by GFDRR and the METEOR project lead by the British Geological Survey (BGS). HOT provided guidance on how GED4ALL can be populated with building level data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), assigning the most commonly used tags for the attributes identified by GEM as integral to determining the structural integrity of infrastructure in the wake of a hazard. The hazards taken into account while developing the taxonomy include earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, tsunamis, storms, cyclones and drought. This wiki proposes and welcomes contributions from the community on how OSM tags can be best aligned with the GED4ALL taxonomy below. Please read the 'Extensible data schemas for multiple hazards, exposure and vulnerability data' paper published on PreventionWeb to learn more about the work involved with the second round of the Challenge Fund in 2017. |
Complete Buildings
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
1 | Direction | building:direction=* | Proposed OSM direction tag, associated with buildings (parallel_to_street, perpendicular_to_street, unknown) |
2 | Material of the Lateral Load-Resisting System | building:lateral:material=* | Proposed lateral load resisting material tag (concrete_reinforced, concrete, concrete_steel, metal, masonary_reinforced, masonry, masonry_confined, earth, earth_reinforced, wood, other, unknown ) |
3 | Lateral Load Resisting System | building:lateral:system=* | Proposed lateral load resisting system of buildings (moment_frame, infilled_frame, braced_frame, post_beam, wall, dual_framewall, flat_slab, waffle_slab ,infill_flatslab, infill_waffleslab, hybrid, unknown) |
4 | Height | building:levels=* | Number of above-ground levels of a building |
building:levels:underground=* | Number of below-ground levels of a building | ||
building:height=* | Describes the height of a building in meters | ||
building:ground_slope=* | Describes the slope of the building in relation to the ground in degrees | ||
5 | Date of Construction or Retrofit | building:age=* | Proposed OSM age tag, associated with buildings (pre_2000, post_2000, unknown) |
building:condition=* | Describes the condition of the building (good, average, poor, unknown) | ||
6 | Surroundings | building:adjacency=* | Describe the neighbouring condition of the building( attached, free_standing) |
building:geological_site=* | Describes the geological site the building is built upon (flat_land, river_bank, slopy_land, landslide_prone_area, flood_prone_area, river_bank) | ||
7 | Occupancy | building=* | Describe the building purpose ( residential, commercial, public, mixed_use, industrial, agriculture, assembly, government, educational, unknown) |
capacity:persons=* | Describe the number of people a building can support | ||
8 | Shape of the Building Plan | building:shape=* | Proposed shape tag, associated with buildings (square, rectangular, l_shape, curved, triangular, polygonal, e_shape, h_shape, s_shape, t_shape, u_c_shape, x-shape, y-shape, irregular, unknown) |
9 | Structural Irregularity | building:irregularity=* | Proposed OSM irregularity tag, associated with buildings (regular, irregular, unknown) |
10 | Ground Floor Hydrodynamics | ground_floor:openings=* | Proposed OSM openings tag, associated with building ground floors (yes, no, unknown) |
ground_floor:height=* | Proposed OSM height tag in meters, associated with building ground floors | ||
11 | Exterior Walls | building:material=* | Material for the exterior walls (concrete, glass, earth, masonry, metal, vegetation, wood, stucco, plastic, vinyl, cement, unknown) |
wall:openings=* | Proposed OSM openings tag, associated with building walls (yes, no, unknown) | ||
12 | Roof | roof:shape=* | Well known roof shapes (flat, pitched, monopitch, sawtooth, curved, complex_regular, complex_irregular, unknown) |
roof:material=* | Outer material for the building roof (masonry, earth, concrete, metal, wood, fabric, slate, stone, clay, unknown) | ||
13 | Floor | floor:material=* | Material of the building floor (masonry, earth, concrete, metal, wood, unknown) |
14 | Foundation | building:foundation=* | Proposed OSM foundation tag, associated with buildings (shallow, deep, unknown) |
15 | Fire Protection | building:fireproof=* | Information on a building's fire-resistance rating (yes, no, unknown) |
Simplified Buildings
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
2 | Material of the Lateral Load-Resisting System | building:lateral:material=* | Proposed lateral load resisting material tag (concrete_reinforced, concrete, concrete_steel, metal, masonary_reinforced, masonry, masonry_confined, earth, earth_reinforced, wood, other, unknown ) |
3 | Lateral Load Resisting System | building:lateral:system=* | Identify structural system of buildings (moment_frame, infilled_frame, braced_frame, post_beam, wall, dual_framewall, flat_slab, waffle_slab ,infill_flatslab, infill_waffleslab, hybrid, unknown) |
4 | Height | building:levels=* | Number of above-ground levels of a building |
5 | Date of Construction or Retrofit | building:age=* | Proposed OSM age tag, associated with buildings (pre_2000, post_2000, unknown) |
building:condition=* | Describe the condition of the building (good, average, poor, unknown) | ||
6 | Surroundings | building:adjacency=* | Describe the neighbouring condition of the building( attached, free_standing) |
building:geological_site=* | Describes the geological site the building is built upon (flat_land, river_bank, slopy_land, landslide_prone_area, flood_prone_area, river_bank) | ||
7 | Occupancy | building=* | Describe the building purpose ( residential, commercial, public, mixed_use, industrial, agriculture, assembly, government, educational, unknown) |
capacity:persons=* | Describe the number of people a building can support | ||
9 | Ground Floor Hydrodynamics | ground_floor:height=* | Proposed OSM height tag in meters, associated with building ground floors |
11 | Roof | roof:shape=* | Well known roof shapes (flat, pitched, monopitch, sawtooth, curved, complex_regular, complex_irregular, unknown) |
roof:material=* | Outer material for the building roof (masonry, earth, concrete, metal, wood, fabric, slate, stone, clay, unknown) |
Road Network
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
highway=* | Main key used for identifying any kind of road, street or path. The value of the key helps indicate the importance of the highway within the road network as a whole | ||
1 | motorway | highway=motorway | Restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. Equivalent to the Freeway, Autobahn, etc |
2 | trunk | highway=trunk | Most important roads in a country's system that aren't motorways (need not necessarily be a divided highway) |
3 | primary | highway=primary | Next most important roads in a country's system (often link large towns) A major highway linking large towns, in developed countries normally with 2 lanes |
4 | secondary | highway=secondary | Next most important roads in a country's system (often link towns) |
5 | tertiary | highway=tertiary | Next most important roads in a country's system (often link smaller towns and villages) |
6 | unclassified | highway=unclassified | Least most important through roads in a country's system – i.e. minor roads of a lower classification than tertiary, but which serve a purpose other than access to properties. Often link villages and hamlets |
7 | residential | highway=residential | Roads that serve as an access to housing, without function of connecting settlements. Often lined with housing |
8 | service | highway=service | Access roads to, or within an industrial estate, camp site, business park, car park etc |
9 | unknown | highway=unclassified | Category can be used when a road has been mapped but there is no additional information concerning its typology |
Railway Network
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
railway=* | Main key used for all forms of transport using metal rails, including mainline services, subways, heritage lines and trams | ||
1 | Light Rail | railway=light_rail | Higher-standard tram system, normally in its own right-of-way. Often it connects towns and thus reaches a considerable length (tens of kilometers) |
2 | Monorail | railway=monorail | Railway with only a single rail. A monorail can run above the rail such as in Las Vegas and Disneyland or can suspend below the rail such as the Wuppertal Schwebebahn (Germany) |
3 | Rail | railway=rail | Full sized passenger or freight trains in the standard gauge for the country or state |
4 | Subway | railway=subway | City passenger underground rail service running mostly grade separated |
5 | Tram | railway=tram | One or two carriage rail vehicles, usually sharing motor road |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
bridge=* | When a road, railway, path canal, pipeline or similar is leading over a bridge | ||
1 | General Material | bridge:material=* | Main material of construction: general material (concrete, masonry, steel, iron, wood, mixed) and detailed material |
2 | Super Structure | bridge:structure=* | Describes the load-bearing architecture of individual bridge spans (arch, beam, truss, floating, suspension, cable-stayed, simple-suspension, humpback) |
3 | Deck Characteristics | bridge:width=*
bridge:length=* bridge:height=* |
Include the width, length and height of the deck in meters |
4 | Deck Structural System | bridge:support=* | Indicate the position of the abutments and piers which support a bridge from beneath (pier, abutment, lift_pier, pivot_pier) |
5 | Pier to Deck Connection | pier:connection=* | Proposed OSM pier connection tag, associated with bridges (value options: not_isolated, isolated, unknown) |
6 | Pier to Superstructure Connection | pier:superstructure=* | Proposed OSM pier superstructure tag, associated with bridges (value options: single-column, multi-column, unknown) |
7 | Number of Piers | bridge:total_piers=* | Proposed OSM total piers tag, associated with bridges (number of piers |
8 | Shape of Section of the Pier | pier:shape=* | Proposed OSM pier shape tag, associated with bridges (cylindrical, rectangular, oblong, wall-type, unknown) |
9 | Height of the Pier | pier:height=* | Proposed OSM pier height tag, associated with bridges (height in meters) |
10 | Spans | pier:span=* | Proposed OSM pier span tag, associated with bridges (single, multi-span, unknown) |
11 | Connections to the Abutments | abutment:connection=* | Proposed OSM abutment connection tag, associated with bridges (free, monolithic, isolated, unknown) |
12 | Bridge Configuration | bridge:configuration=* | Proposed OSM bridge configuration tag, associated with bridges (regular, semi_regular, irregular, unknown) |
13 | Level of Seismicity | bridge:seismicity=* | Proposed OSM bridge seismicity tag, associated with bridges (no_design, designed, unknown) |
Pipelines and Storage Tanks
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
man_made=pipeline | A major pipeline carrying gas, water, oil, etc. | ||
route=pipeline | For pipelines, pipeline markers, and pipeline stations | ||
1 | Content | substance=* | The substance transported within the pipeline. If the medium is not known, do NOT specify this tag |
2 | Position | location=* | The location of the pipeline (underground, overground, overhead, underwater |
3 | Material | material=* | The material transported by the pipeline |
4 | Joint Type | joint=* | This is the proposed joint tag, associated with pipelines |
5 | Soil Type | material=soil and type=* | The material key is used to specify soil, in conjunction with the type key when specifying the kind of soil |
6 | Diameter | diameter=* | Specifies the nominal diameter of the pipeline, in millimeters |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
man_made=storage_tank | |||
1 | Position | height=* | Height in meters |
2 | Material | material=* | Main material the storage tank is made of |
3 | Anchorage | anchored=* | Proposed OSM anchored key, associated with storage tanks (yes, no, unknown) |
4 | Shape | diameter=* | The shape can be determined by the height-to-diameter ratio |
5 | Content | content=* | What the storage tank typically holds |
Power Grids
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
power=substation | Place dedicated to step-up or step-down the voltage=* within an electrical power grid, generally linked to the rest of the electrical network by one or more sets of power=lines and which may contains one or more power=transformers | ||
substation=transmission | Substation whose main function is to connect and switch transmission lines transmitting power between areas | ||
power=transformer | Static device that converts a given power voltage to another power voltage. Usually located within a substation | ||
1 | Component | voltage=* | The highest voltage of operation within the facility |
2 | Anchorage | anchored=* | Proposed OSM anchored key, associated with storage tanks (yes, no, unknown) |
3 | Code Provisions | substation:code=* | Proposed OSM provision code key, associated with storage tanks (none, low, moderate, high, unknown) |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
power=tower | For big towers or pylons carrying electricity cables. Normally constructed from steel latticework and carry high voltage electricity cables | ||
material=* | Default value is steel (steel, wood, concrete, aluminium, composite) | ||
structure=* | Default value for steel towers is lattice (lattice, tubular, solid) | ||
height=* | Height in meter of the tower |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
power=line | High-voltage power lines used for power transmission, supported by towers/pylons, or in some places or situations, by poles | ||
voltage=* | Voltage at which the line is operated (operating voltage) | ||
operator=* | Name of the company which operates this power line section (cable operator) | ||
cables=* | Number of different phase conductors for this power line section (number of cables) | ||
circuits=* | Number of different and separated electrical circuits built within this power line section (number of circuits) |
Energy Generation Facilities
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
power=plant | An industrial facility for the generation of energy | ||
1 | Energy Source | plant:source=* | The source of the energy generated by a power plant (oil, geothermal, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, solar, tidal wave, gas, biomass) |
2 | Power Capacity | plant:output:electricity=* | Power plants can output multiple forms of energy (yes / x W / x kW / x MW / x GW) |
plant:output:hot_water=* | |||
plant:output:hot_air=* | |||
plant:output:cold_water=* | |||
plant:output:cold_air=* | |||
plant:output:compressed_air=* | |||
plant:output:steam=* | |||
plant:output:vacuum=* |
Crops, Livestock and Forestry
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
landuse=farmland | Area of farmland used for tillage and pasture (animals, vegetables, flowers, fruit growing) | ||
crop=* | The crop produced by cultivated land | ||
1 | Cereals | crop=cereal | Unspecified cereal crop |
crop=wheat | Specified cereal crop (wheat, maize, rice, sorghum, barley, tye, oats, millets or other) | ||
2 | Vegetables and Melons | crop=vegetable | Unspecified vegetable crop |
crop=basil | Specified leafy or stem vegetables, fruit-bearing vegetables, bulb or tuberous vegetables, mushrooms and truffles or other | ||
3 | Fruits and Nuts | crop=fruit
crop=nut |
Unspecified fruit and nut |
crop=betel |
Specified tropical and subtropical fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, berries, pome fruits and stone fruits, nuts or other | ||
4 | Oilseed Crops | crop=oil | Unspecified oil crop |
crop=sunflower | Specified crop producing oil (sunflower, rapeseed, or coconut) | ||
5 | Root/Tuber Crops with Starch or Inulin Content | crop=potato | Specified root/tuber crop (potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava yams or other) |
6 | Beverage and Spice Crops | crop=tea | Specified beverage or spice crop (tea, coffee, hop, cinnamon, or other) |
7 | Leguminous Crops | crop=legume | Beans, broad beans, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, peas, pigeon peas, leguminous crops or other |
crop=chickpeas | Specified legume crop (beas, broad bean, chickpea, lentil, lupins, peas, pigeon pea, or other) | ||
8 | Sugar Crops | crop=sugarcane | Specified sugar crop (sugar beet, sugar cane, sweet sorghum, coconut sugar or other) |
9 | Other Crops | crop=grass | Unspecified other crops (grass, hay, or other) |
crop=tobacco | Specified grass crop and other fodder crops, fibre crops, medicinal, aromatic, pesticidal, or similar crops, rubber, flower crops, tobacco or other (tobacco, lavender or other) |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
landuse=farmland | Area of farmland used for tillage and pasture (animals, vegetables, flowers, fruit growing) | ||
produce=live_animal | Where the whole live animal is produced/sold | ||
animal=* | Used to specify features related to type of animal | ||
1 | Large Ruminants | animal=* | Specified large ruminant (cattle, buffaloes or yaks) |
2 | Small Ruminants | animal=* | Specified small ruminant (sheep or goats) |
3 | Pigs or Swines | animal=* | Specified pig or swine (pigs or swines) |
4 | Equines | animal=* | Specified equines (horse, mules and hinnies, asses or other) |
5 | Camel and Camelids | animal=* | Specified camel and camelids (camels, llamas and alpacas) |
6 | Poultry | animal=* | Specified poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls, pigeons or other) |
7 | Other Animals | animal=* | Specified other animal (deer, elk, reindeer, fur-bearing animals such as foxes, dogs and cats, rabbits and hares, or other) |
8 | Insects | animal=* | Specified insects or worms (bees, silkworms or other worms or insects) |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | OSM Description |
landuse=forest | Forest or woodland is an area covered by trees | ||
1 | Closed Forest | landuse=forest | Area covered by trees |
2 | Woodland | natural=wood | Area covered by trees |
3 | Scrub | natural=scrub | Plant community characterized by vegetation dominated by shrubs (bush), often also including grasses, herbs, and geophytes |
4 | Dwarf-scrub and Related Communities | natural=heath | A dwarf-shrub habitat, characterized by open, low growing woody vegetation, often dominated by heather plants |
5 | Herbaceous Vegetation | wetland=* | Tall graminoid vegetation, medium tall grassland, short grassland, forb vegetation or hydromorphic fresh-water vegetation |
No. | GED4ALL | OSM Key | GED4ALL Description |
1 | Economy | Not Applicable | Measures the welfare and social security levels of communities |
2 | Education | Not Applicable | Provides information about invested resources and expected outcome of education, access and participation to education |
3 | Environment | Not Applicable | Defines the underlying conditions that make an environment susceptible to damage, disaster experience and prevalence |
4 | Governance and Institutional Capacity | Not Applicable | Institutional performance and regulatory efficiency, corruption control and stability of political system |
5 | Health | Not Applicable | Population health conditions and health sector capabilities |
6 | Index | Not Applicable | Range of indexes that cover different sectors, for example, the Disaster Risk Index used by the United Nation Development programme to monitor the global evolution of risk |
7 | Infrastructure | Not Applicable | Transportation and communication infrastructure, status and access to utility lifelines |
8 | Population | Not Applicable | Defines community demographics: structure, distribution and size |
About HOT
To learn more about the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), explore more of our wiki pages (portal: HOT) or our website We are a global community of mostly volunteers, we are also a US nonprofit organization, able to contract with other organizations (email infohotosm
org to contact our staff), we are also a US 501-c-3 charitable organization.