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natural |
Opis |
Koristi se za opisivanje prirodnih fizičkih značajki, uključujući one koje su stvorene posredovanjem ljudi. |
Grupa: Natural |
Koristi se na ovim elementima |
Dokumentirane vrijednosti: 90 |
Status:de facto |
Alati za ovu oznaku |
Koristi se za opisivanje geoloških značajki i značajki zemljine površine.
Prirodne značajke
Koristi se za opisivanje prirodnih fizičkih značajki, uključujući one koje su stvorene posredovanjem ljudi.
Key | Value | Element | Comment | Carto rendering |
Photo |
Vegetation | |||||
natural | fell | Habitat above the tree line covered with grass, dwarf shrubs and mosses. | No, see #545. | ||
natural | grassland | Areas where the vegetation is dominated by grasses (Poaceae) and other herbaceous (non-woody) plants. For mown/managed grass see landuse=grass, for hay/pasture see landuse=meadow. | |||
natural | heath | A dwarf-shrub habitat, characterised by open, low growing woody vegetation, often dominated by plants of the Ericaceae. Note. This is not for parks whose name contains the word "heath". |
natural | moor | Don't use, see wikipage. Upland areas, characterised by low-growing vegetation on acidic soils. | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | scrub | Neobrađeno zemljište prekriveno grmljem ili malim drvećem. | |||
natural | shrubbery | An area of shrubbery that is actively maintained or pruned by humans. A slightly wilder look is also possible | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | tree | A single tree. | |||
natural | tree_row | A line of trees. | |||
natural | tree_stump | A tree stump, the remains of a cut down or broken tree. | |||
natural | tundra | Habitat above tree line in alpine and subpolar regions, principally covered with uncultivated grass, low growing shrubs and mosses and sometimes grazed. | |||
natural | wood | Prirodna šuma, prašuma. Vidi također landuse=forest. | |||
Grupa 2 | |||||
natural | bay | Zaljev | |||
natural | beach | Plaža; pješčana, šljunčana ili obluci. | |||
natural | blowhole | An opening to a sea cave which has grown landwards resulting in blasts of water from the opening due to the wave action | |||
natural | cape | A piece of elevated land sticking out into the sea or large lake. Includes capes, heads, headlands and (water) promontories. | |||
natural | coastline | The mean high water springs line between the sea and land (with the water on the right side of the way.) | |||
natural | crevasse | A large crack in a glacier | |||
natural | geyser | A spring characterized by intermittent discharge of water ejected turbulently and accompanied by steam. | |||
natural | glacier | Glečer, područja ili vrhovi prekriveni ledom tjekom cijele godine. | |||
natural | hot_spring | A spring of geothermally heated groundwater | |||
natural | isthmus | A narrow strip of land, bordered by water on both sides and connecting two larger land masses. | |||
natural | mud | Area covered with mud: water saturated fine grained soil without significant plant growth. Also see natural=wetland + wetland=*. | |||
natural | peninsula | A piece of land projecting into water from a larger land mass, nearly surrounded by water | |||
natural | reef | A feature (rock, sandbar, coral, etc) lying beneath the surface of the water | |||
natural | shingle | An accumulation of rounded rock fragments on a beach or riverbed | |||
natural | shoal | An area of the sea floor near the sea surface (literally, becomes shallow) and exposed at low tide. See natural=sand as well. | |||
natural | spring | Izvor, mjesto gdje voda izvire. | |||
natural | strait | A narrow area of water surrounded by land on two sides and by water on two other sides. | |||
natural | water | Jezera, bare i slično. | |||
natural | wetland | A natural area subject to inundation or with waterlogged ground, further specified with wetland=* | |||
Grupa 3 | |||||
natural | arch | A rock arch naturally formed by erosion, with an opening underneath. | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | arete | An arête, a thin, almost knife-like, ridge of rock which is typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U-shaped valleys. | |||
natural | bare_rock | An area with sparse/no soil or vegetation, so that the bedrock becomes visible. | |||
natural | blockfield | A surface covered with boulders or block-sized rocks, usually the result of volcanic activity or associated with alpine and subpolar climates and ice ages. | Currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | cave_entrance | Ulaz u spilju. | |||
natural | cliff | Stijena, hrid, litica | |||
natural | dune | A hill of sand formed by wind, covered with no or very little vegetation. See also natural=sand and natural=beach | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | earth_bank | Large erosion gully or steep earth bank | |||
natural | fumarole | A fumarole is an opening in a planet's crust, which emits steam and gases | |||
natural | gully | Small scale cut in relief created by water erosion | |||
natural | hill | A hill. | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | peak | Vrh brda ili planine | |||
natural | ridge | Hrbat planine/brda | |||
natural | rock | Ova oznaka se preoruča za označavanje područja kamenja koje može polužiti za navigaciju ili može predstavljati opasnost u navigaciji. | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | saddle | Prijevoj | |||
natural | sand | An area covered by sand with no or very little vegetation. See natural=beach and natural=dune as well. | |||
natural | scree | Stijene s odronima | |||
natural | sinkhole | Prirodna depresija ili rupa u zemljinoj površini | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | stone | Kamen koji slobodno stoji na zemlji | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | valley | A natural depression flanked by ridges or ranges of mountains or hills | currently not rendered by OSM Carto | ||
natural | volcano | Vulkan, neaktivan, aktivan ili nekadašnji | |||
natural | user defined | Vidi Taginfo za druge često korištene vrijednosti |
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