Template:Hr:Map Features:power

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Električna energija

These are used to map electrical power generation and distributions systems. See the page titled Power for an introduction on its usage.

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
power cable way A way following the path of underground cables, such as the local 0.4 kV network between transformer stations, distribution boxes and cable connection points, or sea cables. Not to be confused with non-power supply cables such as cables for telecommunication. May be combined with voltage=*, circuits=* and location=*.
Power to the People - geograph.org.uk - 560240.jpg
power catenary_mast node A catenary mast supports system of overhead wires used to supply electricity to electricaly powered vehicle equipped with a pantograph.
Stahl-Oberleitungsmast Deutsche Bahn.jpg
power compensator node area Several kind of power devices used to insure of power quality and network resilience.
Static VAR Compensator 2a.png
power connection node A freestanding electrical connection between two or more overhead wires
Dülmen, Umspannstation -- 2014 -- 0005.jpg
power converter node area An HVDC converter converts electric power from high voltage alternating current (AC) to high-voltage direct current (HVDC), or vice-versa.
Pole 2 Thyristor Valve.jpg
power generator node area Elektrana, mjesto gjde se pravi struja. Koristiti u kombinaciji s generator:source=*; možete koristiti i power_rating=*.
Area power.png
Eoliennes Gaspesie.jpg
power heliostat node A mirror of a heliostat device.
power insulator node way A device to protect a power line from grounding on supports
Power insulator.png
power line way Putanja koja pravi put energetskih kablova (dalekovodi, tornjevi). Za manje linije na stupcima koristite power=minor_line.
Power line.png
Electric transmission lines.jpg
line busbar way Specifies that a power=line is a busbar in a substation.
line bay way Specifies a power=line is a bay which connects an incoming circuit to a busbar assembly.
power minor_line way A way following the path of (overground) minor power cables, supported by poles and not towers/pylons. (This isn't quite so simple, as sometimes larger towers are replaced by smaller poles made with a stronger material; a better distinction might be based on voltage).
Power minor line.png
power plant area relation A place/industrial facility where power is generated (electricity, heat, cold water, biogas...). Individual generating units within the facility should be tagged as power=generator.
Area power.png
Huntly Power Station.JPG
power pole node Poles supporting low to medium voltage lines (power=minor_line) and high voltage lines (power=line) up to 161,000 volts (161 kV).
Power pole.svg
power portal nodeway Power supporting structure composed of vertical legs with cables between them attached to a horizontal crossarm
Power substation portal.jpg
power substation node area Male trafostanice. Obično izgledaju kao male kućice ili kutije pored ceste.
Area power.png
Legacy National Grid Substation - geograph.org.uk - 39134.jpg
power switch node A tag for electricity switches which are devices which allow operators to power up & down lines and transformer in substations or outside.
French overhead power switch pole.jpg
power switchgear area The switchgear comprises one or more busbar assemblies and a number of bays each connecting a circuit to the busbar assembly.
Kernkraftwerk Grafenrheinfeld 14.jpg
power terminal node Point of connection between overhead power lines to buildings or walls
power tower node Za dalekovode ili tornjeve nosača kablova visokog napona električne energije. Uobičajeno je konstruiran od čeličnih profila. Ne treba koristiti za drvene ili betonske stupove koji nose elektro ili telefonske kablove, oni se mogu ozbačiti s power=pole.
Power-tower mapnik.png
Benkid77 Puddington-Shotwick footpath 24 110809.JPG
power transformer node A static device for transferring electric energy by inductive coupling between its windings. Large power transformers are typically located inside substations.
Trafostation Alter Hellweg IMGP4722.jpg
power User Defined node way area Vidi Taginfo Statistic pictogramm.png za druge često korištene vrijednosti također.

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