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Active OSM mapper since December 2012. I'm mainly interested by power and water facilities and map them in OSM.
François Lacombe on mailing-lists, @InfosReseaux on Twitter or OSM.
Proposal summary
Don't miss the discussion page for each of them, many details are still missing from final consensus.
Underlying infrastructure
Infrastructure which is supporting any kind of transport or distribution network. I want to provide a consistent and usable tagging scheme to document them.
Street cabinets proposal for technical cabinets (too small to allow a technician to work inside) mapping along streets but anywhere else as well.
Insulation proposal as to map how buildings, pipelines or cables are protected from surrounding environment.
Remotely controlled devices proposal describes some ways to remotely control many devices
Location transitions proposal improves nodes description when a way feature goes underground or undersea
Lines attachements proposal improves how power, telecom or even washing lines are bound to their supports without using tower:type=*.
Utility markers proposal, as to group every utilitiy marker under the same key with new utility=*.
Lines management proposal improves how any lines are branched, split or crossed without using tower:type=*.
Utility poles proposal review and complete man_made=utility_pole for overhead supports dedicated to technical activities.
Utility facilities proposal to extend utility=* to buildings and cabinets dedicated to technical activities.
Markers subject refinement proposal about describing what markers are referring to.
Line arrangements proposal to describe how lines bundles are arranged around their supports.
Service supplies proposal to ease service drops mapping in residential areas.
Power grids
Thanks to legacy owners' agreement, I'm conducing now few power model refinement proposals & RFCs to voting.
Building and completion in progress, feel free to get involved!
Power generation refinement proposal to restore versatility and relevancy on power generation infrastructure tagging model. Initially introduced by
don-vip (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.) and accepted on 2013-06-10.
Power transmission refinement proposal to restore versatility on power transmission infrastructure tagging model. Initially introduced by
FK270673 (on osm, edits, contrib, heatmap, chngset com.)
Power paths refinement proposal to restore versatility on power lines infrastructure tagging model.
Power supports refinement proposal as to improve power supports description. power=portal and power=terminal were taken out of this document
Power routing proposal introduces power routing description on OSM maps. See circuits=* for additional information.
Power switching extension to improve power switching devices description on OSM.
Power transformers extension for advanced power transformers mapping
Substation functions proposal for improved substation hierarchy and function description
Traction substations extension to improve railway traction substations mapping, mainly focused on AC/DC conversion
Substations nodes extension to improve distribution substations with transformer mapping on the same node
Pipeline substations proposal to unify pipeline substations roles with power ones
Power transformers classification refinement to simplify and remove redundancies between transformer=* and substation=*
Monitoring transformers proposal to reinforce description of transformers used to monitor power lines (current and voltage)
Water management
Hydropower water supplies proposal intended to improve mapping for hydroelectric power plants water supplies (penstocks, tunnels, intakes)
Pipeline valves proposal improving pipeline valves mapping and description
Pumping proposal introducing new tagging to describe pumps
Waterworks proposal introducing new tagging for water processing facilities
Inlets proposal introducing new tagging for culverts, tunnels or pipelines inlets
Outlet proposal introducing new tagging for culverts, tunnels or pipelines outlets
Water capture infrastructures documenting water capture meant for any purpose
Telecom networks
Telecom local loops proposal introduces new telecom=* values to map telecom local loops (last-mile networks)
Telecom distribution points proposal introduces to map millions of telecom distribution boxes with telecom=distribution_point.
Telecom paths proposal introduces to map telecommunications cable overhead or underground paths in an unified way.
- Draft
Telecom antenna mapping proposal.
Codification schemes
References enable consumers to link OSM data with other third party data files.
Such official numbers are used by some authorities or companies to identify networks components and they may be added in OSM if visible from public space.
This proposal is currently drafted to improve references documentations.
- French Enedis GDO codes
- French telco old copper local loops codes
- French telco codes for modern fibre access networks
French cartography
Projet du mois : les postes électriques
Projet du mois : les sous-stations ferroviaires
Projet du mois: les IRVE
Cartographie moyens de production d'énergie Français
Cartographie des réseaux électriques Français
Cartographie des réseaux télécoms Français