FR:Sources de données potentielles

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Ce qui suit est une liste de sources de données potentielles. Certaines sont déjà utilisées, ou ont été importées en entier. D'autres sont en cours d'étude et d'autres ont été rejetées (les détails de leur rejet sont aussi ici). Il existe globalement deux critères:

  • Licences - Nous ne sommes intéressés que par des données 'libres' ou 'ouvertes'. Dans les faits nous devons pouvoir fournir ces données avec la licence OpenStreetMap. En pratique nous ne pouvons utiliser que les sources de données donnant accès aux données avec une licence Domaine Public
  • Précision/Qualité - Toutes les données GIS sont limitées en terme de précision et de couverture des informations. Certaines sources de données sont très basiques. Grâce à notre approche de construction wiki de la carte, ceci n'est pas nécessairement un problème : nous pouvons l'importer et l'améliorer ensuite. Toutefois il y a des limites à ce raisonnement, il nécessite des membre actifs de la communauté OSM pour la région modifiée. Et dans les régions où nous avons une couverture supérieure obtenue par d'autre moyens, nous ne serons pas intéressés par l'import de données de qualité inférieure. Par exemple une carte de précision basse des routes principales de Londres est ainsi sans intérêt pour nous, alors qu'une couverture similaire dans une ville sans données nous serait très utile.

Avec ces critères pris en compte, nous étudions les sources suivantes, vérifiant s'il existe des restrictions d'usage et si elles sont utiles pour nous ou si nous pouvons collaborer, et envoyons par email les résultats aux Mailing lists. assemble une liste similaire [1], mais elle est incomplète.

Lister les sources de données ici n'est que la première étape d'un processus d'étude et de préparation pour les imports. Si vous êtes intéressés dans la réalisation d'imports, soyez très prudent:

exclamation mark

Les importations de données à base de script et les modifications automatisées ne devraient être effectuées que par des personnes ayant acquis une bonne expérience et une bonne compréhension de la manière dont la communauté OpenStreetMap crée ses cartes. Et ce seulement après avoir pris soin de planifier, et d’avoir consulté la communauté locale.
Consultez nos directives d’importations et notre code de conduite des modifications automatisées pour plus d’information. Les importations ou modifications automatisées qui ne suivent pas ces directrices pourraient être annulées !

Les données des sources que nous avons importés doivent aussi apparaître dans le catalogue des imports Import/Catalogue. Nous avons aussi une liste de projets potentiels Related Projects.


En dehors des droits d'auteurs sur les cartes

Voir la page à travers le lien out-of-copyright maps.

Centres d'envoi

Beaucoup de compagnies de transports (taxi, livreur, service de distribution du courrier ...) utilisent les données GPS dans leurs véhicules pour faire leur circuit en temps réel dans leurs différents centres ou juste pour leur enregistrement. Il se peut dans leur intérêt de faire de leurs données GPS des circuits dans l'ordre d'améliorer la carte dans leurs aires d'opération. Les taxis peuvent effectivement couvrir rapidement une ville, pendant que les camions sont probablement meilleurs pour les longues distances. Déjà utilisé par Ecourier par le bief de circuit.

Couverture planétaire

Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection (avec le Service de série de cartes topographiques de l’armée)

La base de donnée mondiale de banque CIA

La base de donnée mondiale de banque CIA II est une collection de données de cartes mondiales, consiste en une description vectorielle des contours des terres, rivières, et limites admistratives. Elle avait été créé par le gouvernement des États-Unis en 1986. Donc elle doit être entrée dans le domaine publique et depuis, les fichiers n'ont pas changés. Il y a environ 1.8 million de points formés en Europe et en N.A.

Les fichiers GPX peuvent être créés depuis la base de donnée de la CIA avec le texte Perl à

Il y a en ce moment 0.5 imports de textes compatibles pour OSM à [2]. Please document your upload progress on WikiProject_Import_WDB.

Noms des serveurs GEOnet

Main page GEOnet Names Server

Cette base de données contient 5.5 millions de données géographiques (principalement des noms de places). Elle est mise à jour tous les mois environ.

'about' page states

"Il n'y a pas de licences requises ou de restrictions sur place pour utiliser les données GNS. Nous recommandons de notifier la source GNS ...

Les données sont désordonnées et avec des erreurs d'orthographe et d'anciens noms bizarres entrés. La fiabilité est faible. Nous avons importés les données GNS dans quelques régions, en générale pauvre en données. Elles n'étaient pas systématiquement visibles à un système global. (Exclu)

Main page: Geonames

C'est le nom d'un serveur "wiki" disponible à avec le soutien de réaliser des données avec une licence libre, comme il utilise une multitude de données de source non libres, et basé sur Google Maps. Et donc, il ne respectait pas la charte du projet OSM.

Vous pouvez utiliser l'ensemble pour chercher des données Search.

La librairie de la carte

La librairie de la carte est une source du domaine publique, carte de données basiques concernant les limites administratives dans les pays développés. Le format de données disponible est Map Maker DRA, ESRI sous forme de fichiers ou d'informations de carte.

Dans l'ajout aux données de la librairie de la carte, ils ont aussi une copie hébergé de la version 0.9 de Global Administrative Areas la base de données du projet BioGeoMancer, mais:

Note: Les aires administratives de la base de données sont licenciés sous, mais ils ne peuvent pas être utilisés dans OpenStreetMap. [3]


OpenGeoDB a démarré par un projet Allemand pour placer à l'intérieur de l'Allemagne, étendue à l'Autriche, à la Suisses, au Liechenstein et à la Belgique par moments. Les données initiales étaient dérivées du serveur de noms de GEOnetr, mais avaient été étendues par codes postaux, populations, structures gouvernementales.

Les données sont dans le domaine public et peuvent être utilisées sans limitations.

La page d'accueil est :

Base des sources :

Les données peuvent être éditées et téléchargées tout le temps par :

La Berkeley BioGeo données posés

Voir Berkeley_BioGeo_data pour plus d'informations sur les based de données de ces nombreuses régions. Il concerne l'ESRI et est compatible avec les libres données, dans laquelle la gratuité a besoin d'être examinée. Il est présumé que les fichiers compatibles de l'ESRI peuvent être convertis dans le format OSM, ou l'ESRI est elle-même une compagnie. C'est une forme de données lue problématiquement avec les licences? Orwall 24 Janvier 2008

Ces utilisations de données montrent une couche et CC-BY-NC-SA. La partie NC créée est incompatible avec OSM. Les parts individuelles de la base de données avaient des restrictions supplémentaires, et peuvent être dans l'ensemble de la base de données juste derrière la transgression. Nous pouvons avoir besoin de regarder aux disculpations quand c'est terminé d'être importé. Chriscf 09:10, 21 Octobre 2008 (UTC)
Je veut inspecter la partie contenant les aires administratives globales (mais appellés GADM). Il semble très utile, car les aires administratives sont manquantes dans une grande partie du monde. Une base de données géographiques (MS Access) contient des information sur les droits d'auteurs pour toutes les régions.Il peut essayer de contacter une de ces personnes a Berkeley, et poser les questions, si ils acceptent de soulever les NC restrictions pour OSM. --Fsteggink 16:32, 14 Février 2009 (UTC)

Base de données du littoral

Il y a plusieurs options disponibles pour fixer la base de données du littoral. Pour les chemins piétons le long des sommets des falaises vous devez croire en votre libre arbitre pour toute la base de données - mais pour que les propositions soient possibles, il faut dessiner la masse côtière sur toute sa longueur. Voir Proposed features/Coastline

Prototype Global Shoreline

See the main page on PGS

Our script for importing into the OSM database is "Almien coastlines (PGS)"

GSHHS - Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shoreline

Import script is at Almien coastlines (GSHHS), but is not being used in favour of PGS.

GSHHS is a database of lakes and shorelines of the world, resolution of 200m produced in 1996. Delivered with source, written in C, and the PD database. They are also available as shapefiles. Tends to give more accurate coastlines than VMAP0 outside of the US (for some reason VMAP0 seems more accurate for the US). There are issues with inland water (such as the great lakes) though.

(The above info appears slightly incorrect: according to the README the last update was in 2004. It was generated from the CIA WDBII and the WVS).


US department of defence vector map (contains far more than just coastlines, but can be rather "coarse". Also known as Digital Chart of the World. See Wikipedia.

World Vector Shoreline

Claims, 1:250,000 scale use, seems pretty accurate at least for the GB and Ireland

EVS Islands (Data Dependent)

Based upon different landsat images, some comparision are made against PGS, and there are also maps traced from Google Earth imagery. He makes very beautiful maps of all the islands of the world.

SWBD - Shuttle radar topography mission Water Body Data.

Derived from the SRTM digital elevation model. Newer than the rest, potentially more accurate.

From the README: SRTM data are distributed in two levels: SRTM1 (for the U.S. and its territories and possessions) with data sampled at one arc-second intervals in latitude and longitude, and SRTM3 (for the world) sampled at three arc-seconds. Three arc-second data are generated by three by three averaging of the one arc-second samples.

For reference: one arc-second at the equator is 30metres. For the US this means around 18m accuracy, but for elsewhere it's pretty bad. At the latitude of Brussels it would be about 60metres accuracy. For any latitude l, 1 arc-second of longitude is about 30 metres multiplied by cos(l).

The SWBD data is derived from this and claims one-arc second accuracy worldwide, though only lakes greater than 200m are included.

Converting SRTM into OSM format can be done with Srtm2Osm.

Earth Observing Laboratory NCAR.

EOL provides state-of-the-art atmospheric observing systems and support services to the university-based research community for climate and weather research. Most of it is free(?)

  • Unless I misunderstand the OSM license, this quote from Prohibited Uses on the NCAR terms page would seem to indicate data cannot be used without a special wavier being granted by them for the possibility of their data being used in a work that is sold. Other conditions may apply too. Data from here should wait until the new OSM licensing is decided so that we don't have to risk them not agreeing to the new requirements after data under the old agreement has been imported.

"Use that is inconsistent with UCAR's non-profit status and mission. UCAR is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and, as such, is subject to specific federal, state, and local laws regarding sources of income, political activities, use of property, and similar matters. As a result, commercial use of this Site or the Materials for non-UCAR purposes is generally prohibited. Requests for exception to this should be directed to" Rjhawkin 09:35, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

ICEDS European Data Server

The ICEDS server is hosted and run from UCL with the aim of serving high-resolution global and continental data. One of the nicest things about the site is its ease of use - you view an area and then click a button to download the relevent data (SRTM, Geological Maps, Landsat 5 & 7, etc). The site is also an exercise in Open Standards and is fully compliant with the OGC's WMS, WFS standards - meaning that a variety of external data sources (Weather and bathymetry for example) can be overlaid with the click of a button (Why not OSM data?). In common with OSM it is also based on an Open source principle - Map Server on Apache on Linux.

Two things I particularly like about the site:

  • Extensive use of Java-Script embeds a lot of features onto the page. Try out the "Flicker" and "Swipe" tools and the drop down menus for downloading SRTM data.
  • The near realtime (15 minute delay I think) Global Clouds layer. Geolocation data has a geolocation database. Geolocation means mapping from IP address to location. It's a neat trick, although the accuracy is obviously quite variable (try it on the site there) We could try to use this to jump to the user's home town, rather than the default world map, when a visitor enters the homepage. Might fun, or it might just be confusing when it gets it wrong.

Ip Global Positioning (Unfree) will show a map with the location of an IP address. In some cases it will show the location of Internet Service Provider, but you can still make an idea.


Defense Aeronautical Flight Information File. Published by the US Department of Defense, lists pretty much every airport runway worldwide. Apparently, they're going to be removing the dataset from public domain in October 2006. This is used to populate the scenery databases for Flightgear flight simulator and X-Plane. Whilst the dataset is still being kept updated in the public domain, I'll work out an import to Openstreetmap of the runways and taxiways. Welshie 09:51, 25 Jun 2006 (UTC)

APRS data

Many Amateur radio operators have GPS receivers connected to packet radio transmitters and transmit their location in a standard format known as APRS (including fixed stations, weather stations, and mobile stations) on standard frequencies from which the data can be picked up and is injected into a internet infrastructure APRS-IS. The infrastructure includes databases APRSWorld, OpenAPRS, and a substantial supporting body of open source software (which would make it simple to set up a database to selectively mine internet feeds for data coming from mobile stations that are likely to be traveling on roads). APRS data does have some intrinsic limitations - positions are usually transmitted on 5-10 minute intervals, and a widely used non-compressed format limits the precision of latitude and longitude to 0.01 minute (see the APRS protocol specification for details). Given the origin of APRS data as Amateur radio transmissions, they are likely to be in the public domain.

  • APRS is more a use specific data point. A potential problem is that some APRS stations are not following a land based track. I know of several APRS devices mounted to weather balloons, hot air balloons, regular and RC aircraft, or boats. There is no requirement to indicate to a third party what use your APRS station is being put to when it transmits a packet.Rjhawkin 09:52, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

Placeopedia (rejected)

The guys who gave us Pledgebank made placeopedia as well, it's a way to use Google maps to geo reference wikipedia articles. The database is held separately from the wikipedia one, and can be accessed with rss, xml and kml feeds from their site.

It says it is available under a Creative Commons license, but not which one.

This has been discussed on the mailing list, and the consensus is that Placeopedia is a derivative work of Google Maps. Although it's very unlikely to be challenged by Google Maps / Teleatlas, it's not suitable for use in OpenStreetMap ( is one of many relevant posts, and a good summary of the argument).


"The Second Administrative Level Boundaries (SALB) dataset is a dataset aiming at improving the availability of information about administrative boundaries down to the second subnational level. The SALB dataset forms part of the UN geographic database and was developed in the context of the United Nations Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG)."


True Marble imagery (Unearthed Outdoors)

Full color global imagery, built from the best available Landsat scenes which have been chosen to optimize vegetation quality and to reduce the cloud cover. These orthorectified scenes were fed into proprietary, advanced, color adjustment algorithms to produce true color imagery while reducing atmospheric haze. This imagery was optimized to produce the most natural color while maintaining a high local contrast and dynamic range, resulting in a significant improvement over similar products.

A reduced resolution of the True Marble™, Global True Marble™, is available for free download. This dataset can be used to preview pending purchases, or for any other usage. We only ask that copyright be attributed to Unearthed Outdoors when reproduced.

Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) (Rejected)

"The World Database on Protected Areas is a foundation dataset for conservation decision making. It contains crucial information from national governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, international biodiversity convention secretariats and many others. It is used for ecological gap analysis, environmental impact analysis and is increasingly used for private sector decision-making...."

WDPA data use email request

Ramsar Wetland Sites

The data included in the database derives from the Ramsar Information Sheet, the Ramsar National Report and/or from Administrative Authority correspondence provided by Contracting Parties. This includes information on wetland types, land uses, threats, hydrological values of the sites etc. The Ramsar Sites Database is primarily a tool to look at Ramsar Sites across geographic and thematic boundaries, useful and necessary for maintaining an overview of a global network of well over 1700 internationally important wetlands from 158 countries.

OpenCellId cell

OpenCellId is the biggest open source data for CellID, and provides an API to both gather data to locate new cells tower, as well as API to locate a user using Cell positionning.

Source code is provided on a GPL license, while data are under a Creative Commons Share Alike license.

Plans are to support Wifi/Bluetooth positinning.

see also: openCellID

OpenBmap cell and wifi access points (incorporating data from opencellid

openBmap is a free and open map of wireless communicating objects (e.g. cellular antenna, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). It provides tools to mutualize data, create and access this map.

data is available under creative commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, and is currently provided as a static download, updated regularly

the site owners intend to create an api, which could allow regular, scripted updates to the data.

alternatively, it could be suggested they adopt their site/software, to upload data direct to osm

see also: openBmap

CODATA Roads Data Catalog

A catalog of roads data sets, globally, compiled by the gRoads project. There are hundreds of data sets listed here (many probably already investigated), under all sorts of licensing schemes. There are certainly data sets new to the OSM community that are worth investigating.

The interim PDF is posted at Media:CODATA_Roads_Data_Catalog_v1.pdf

There are possible plans to post this database to the web, with query front end.

United Nations Laws Of the Sea

The UN DOALOS have a database over all maritime border claims. There is no apparent license on the data and this is the borders definitions. But the database is a database of different PDF files with coordinates of baselines and territorial borders. The text has to be parsed by hand and other maritime borders needs to be calculated from the baseline (see maritime borders). Data is to be tagged with source=UNCLOS


Though the two projects have significant overlap and are both Creative Commons, they are [ incompatible]. is licenced under CC-BY. The biggest hurdle in using OSM data within Freebase has been the OSM share-alike license. All the data in Freebase is available under a CC-BY (attribution only) license, allowing anyone to use the data in any way they want as along as they acknowledge Freebase. The main difference between the licenses is that the Freebase CC-BY license does not impose a share-alike requirement on users of the data.

That said, the OSM community is currently voting on an updated license which could make collaboration between the the two data sets much easier in the future (for more information see: Open_Database_License)

In spite of the licence conflict, simply linking these resources together wouldn't be a problem.

we could connect relations to locations

  • /en/buenos_aires
  • /relation/369450

and connect osm'samenity nodes ( or 'points of interest'). both databases for example, have a mount sinai hospital-

  • osm @ /node/42606735
  • freebase @ /guid/9202a8c04000641f800000000039b682

List of Marine Lights

This is a database of lights, radio, and fog signals. It contains almost all lights on the world and is published by the US Nationional Geospatiol Intelligency Agency which may have a useful copyright permisson.

The information is published as PDF documents and we have already parsed them into an OSM appropriate format. The tags used for imported are planned to be the OpenSeaMap proposed seamark:*=* ones.

EC-JRC built-up areas / density of building from Bing

See EC-JRC_built-up_areas_from_Bing

This is partially a follow-up to this thread:

We (the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission) have developed a set of scripted tools to extract built-up areas, built-up density, and location of human settlements from (very) high resolution satellite imagery. The result is quite reliable and our methodology has been warmly received by the remote sensing community. Part of the methodology is described in this paper:

The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth

Photograpies taken by astronauts from International Space Station. There is about 25 000 000 photos.

Conditions for Use

source=Image courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center - MissionID-RollID-FrameID

US Dept. of State, International Boundaries

From the Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (INR/GGI), we are free to use these international boundary lines (attribute = 1), other lines of international separation (disputed lines; attribute = 3) and other lines of separation (attribute = 7.) They reflect US govt. policy and thus not necessarily de facto control.

The most recent edition (September 2012: "LSIB4b") is available at

An older version ("LSIB3", Sept. 27, 2011) is currently available at . The lines are generally highly detailed, accurate international boundaries for Asia in one 9 mb zipped file (India's lines with most of Bangl., Burma, Nepal are still in work), and, in an 11 mb file, for the rest of the world, with much of sub-Saharan Africa (and N. Argentina) still in work.

The lines are produced and regularly updated by geographers at State and colleagues from other agencies based on imagery, old treaties/maps, and other sources. For most of Europe and the U.S., the lines are not particularly accurate; accurate data for these areas are widely available via other sources. This "Large Scale International Boundary (LSIB)" line data as well as polygons are also available at, though there may be some issues with the processing in GeoCommons.

Local data


an arrow splitting in two

Il a été suggéré de séparer cette section vers une nouvelle page. Pour plus de détails, voir la page de discussion.

MAPEAR (Unfree)

Nothing in project MAPEAR should be used since their license is not compatible. Although their maps are free as in beer they are not free as in speech.

Austria is an effort to bundle GIS data from the Bundesländer (federal states). They state [5] that usage of grapics/informations within the scope of publications / websites is only permitted provided that the "© Geoland" and the source reference are given. provides a free WMS for whole Austria since October 2010 in 1m resolution (for the time being, they will provide it for the duration of 2 years). Details of the legal situation are still to be worked out, but employees of said, that they definitely are willing to cooperate with openstreetmap. Please note, that the WMS is in a special Lambert-projection and (until now) cannot be directly used in any editor without having changed some settings. See WikiProject_Austria/ for details.


Upper Austria

Linz Open Data


The local government of Styria provides GIS data on their website [6]. According to the website the data available for download is freely usable "frei verwendbar" (free as in speech) provided their copyright notice "Quelle: GIS-Steiermark" (which would translate to: "Source: GIS-Styria") is preserved. The data covers roads, rivers, cities and political territories. It is available in EsriShape format. Maybe the government of Styria would be willing to relicence their data under CC terms.


Ich weiss nicht, wem diese Daten gehören, aber die Gemeinde Bruck verlinkt auf sehr genaue Karten (Link1 und Link2).


see also Australian Data Imports

ACT - GDA94/AHD) (Unfree)

This only covers the ACT (Australian Capital Territory), which is only a few 100km sq.

Currency: 2005.

Coordinates: Geographical.

Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA94), Australian Height Datum (AHD).

Format: ESRI Personal Geodatabase Version 8.3, ESRI Shapefile, MapInfo mid/mif and ER Mapper Compressed Wavelet (ECW) Raster.

Medium: Online Download (free) or Packaged CD-ROM ($99).


Good sources:

  • Projeto Geominas Public domain data on Minas Gerais state. Created by the state government, includes geographical, administrative and climatic data.
  • Other public and governmental sources - Much of the geographical and statistical data from Federal, state and municipal sources are under public domain by law. The best way is probably to contact any potential sources, inform about OSM, and ask directly if the data is PD and whether it can be requested.

Unsuitable sources:

  • Projeto TrackSource - Actually, released under CC-BY-NC-ND, incompatible with OSM license due restrictive distribution for commercial proposes and derivative works. See the bottom of TrackSource about page.
  • Any other map or source available under restrictive licenses.




Please see GeoBase Import as it has been approved for use.--acrosscanadatrails 08:31, 3 December 2008 (UTC)

Data is free and unrestricted, however registration is required to download.

  • The Geobase web site does claim that the data is free and unrestricted, however their license still imposes restrictions. See Geobase license especially sections 4.4 and 6.3 This license when last discussed on the talk mailing list was found to be incompatible with OSMs license. Rw 21:08, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
  • I will not upload any more data until I've clarified this, if anyone so wishes feel free to remove the NU data (it fits exclusively inside a 'square'). On my initial, and admittedly brief, review of the GeoBase license, 4.* is purely about indemnifying Canada from liability (a topic Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 does not seem to cover) while I agree that more clarification of 6.3 would be helpful (it could potentially be argued that OSM is a derivative product under 1.4 and also that under 6.1, 6.* can only lead to termination due to actions on the part of the Licensee - Canada can not revoke the license if, as it stands, it is complied to when the data is taken), having said this I'm not OSM's lawyer. I will contact Natural Resources Canada and see what their take on license compatibility is - would this be sufficient? If possible, could you point me towards the talk mailing list discussion on the issue, so that I'm not repeating what has already been researched.
  • Natural Resources Canada can not evaluate license compatibility due to the potential liability issues that would create for them, so it's back to the data not being usable in it's current state. I will try and get some legal advice on the matter when I'm back in Canada in the fall.
  • I (DShpak) am currently trying to establish a discussion with Geobase about the OpenStreetMap project, and the possibility of granting the data to OSM under a non-attribution licence. Dshpak 18:52, 14 May 2007 (BST)
  • the conversation with Natural Resources Canada has continued. Their most recent email indicating their wish that we use the data and their evaluation that the licenses were compatible. Casual discussion with those on the foundation has been positive but we await an official statement. Rw 01:07, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
  • see GeoBase_Import Rw 16:40, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Formats available:

ESRI Shapefile - same as TIGER, so potentially import scripts could be reused

Geography Markup Language (GML)

GeoBase is a federal, provincial and territorial government initiative that is overseen by the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). Through the GeoBase portal, users with an interest in the field of geomatics have access to quality geospatial information at no cost and with unrestricted use.

On February 11, 2007 the GML file for Nunavut was converted to OSM (using a Visual Studio 2005 C# app from which so far just extracts/saves ways with road number/name and type metadata) and attempted to be uploaded via JOSM, but repeatedly failed due to timeouts. The source and the converted file are at the above link as well. Splitting into chunks of 5000 nodes seems to work: 1st of 5 Nunavut files seems to have uploaded and rendered ok (, so the rest of the Nunavut set was uploaded on February 12, 2007 (4th file timed out on uploading ways, but seemed to resume).

Processed: BC* MB NB NL NS* NT NU PE YT
Uploaded:  NU
*no single osm

I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on A) submitting the large resulting files without having to split them up and submit dozens of files through JOSM B) submitting data for provinces that already have partial road data.


Please see canvec for details.



Vector and raster data, including scanned and vector topographic maps, aerial and satellite imagery.


Has the same (as far as a cursory examination suggests) licence as Geobase (above).

Statistics Canada (Unfree) is the 2006 Road Network File

Has ARC/INFO, MapInfo, and GML road network data with street names and address ranges (like TIGER/Line data, who they say they are cooperating with). Their license agreement is similar to GeoBase's (they state that their data will become part of GeoBase by the 2011 census), however the data seems to be a bit off from the GeoBase set.

  • If they are working on interoperability with TIGER/Line data, which I assume is ok to use in OSM, it would suggest that the data should be ok to use once the license is clarified. (Feb 22 update: waiting for a concrete reply from National Resources Canada about the GeoData license).
Checked site listed, NON commerical only.. ShakespeareFan00 15:42, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
Above statement based on Reproduction of Free Information ... Non-commercial Reproduction ... Users are forbidden to copy the data and redisseminate them, in an original or modified form, for commercial purposes"; however there is also: "Reproduction of Free Information ... Commercial Reproduction ... commercial redistribution is prohibited except with written permission from the Statistics Canada Copyright Administrator. Please complete the Application for Copyright Authorization Form" - if we do not go ahead with GeoBase, maybe someone wants to try and get a licence from Statistics Canada?
This data is free to use, and in use with geobase2osm, a page needs to be created for it.
Trans Canada Trail (unfree unconfirmed)
  • The data is available as a GPX file set, 1 for each province. See Trans Canada Trail for the details.
  • The data was acquired using GPS, BUT acquired by different people and collected and viewed on Google Earth. (So it's not possable to tell the authenticity of the data.) (no vertical profile on GPX data)
  • The sample area was traced with no other user traces, and the other sample was based on actual (my GPS tracks)
  • As long as 'source=trans canada trail' is used it should be fine, but varification with a letter is needed.
 --acrosscanadatrails 21:54, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
Open GIS Consortium (Unfree - unconfirmed)

I stumbled upon this while looking on Google for WMS data for Canada. It seems to be open, somehow, but I haven't found the explicit license. I also haven't been able to use the WMS server at all..

Checked site, Appears to be non-commercial use only ShakespeareFan00 15:41, 24 February 2008 (UTC)
If somebody knows what the above statement is based on please source the assertions. The only reference to a licence is "provided free of charge and does not require a contract or license agreement" (on the linked page).
The free data link (shape files) takes you to GeoGratis above. --Dalep 03:13, 2 October 2008 (UTC)


GeoBC Data Delivery Service

GeoBC Home Page Data Download Tool

Land Information Ontario

40 datasets are available see Land Information Ontario


Region of Peel, ON
  • - the city allows use, modification, and distribution of the data. They ask for credit, but little other restrictions. --Kate (talk) 14:35, 2 November 2009 (UTC)
  • The licence has been updated to remove downstream licensing issues, but has not yet been confirmed as usable. The city now asks for attribution like this: "Contains public sector Datasets made available under the City of Toronto's Open Data Licence v2.0." with a requested link to --Scruss 14:35, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
Vancouver BC

The City of Vancouver has data available. See Canada Import Status

Nanaimo BC

The City of Nanaimo has made the data available see talk list for details

Afrique Central

WRI Atlas forestier

World Resources Institute has liberated data from its Forest Atlas for

  • Cameroon,
  • Central African Republic,
  • Democratic Republic of Congo,
  • Equatorial Guinea,
  • Gabon and
  • Repubic of Congo

covering Conservation, Exploitation, Forest Allocation, Forest Infrastructure, Administrative Units, Habitat, Agriculture, Hydrography, Mining, Vegetation under ODbL license



Institut National de Cartographie:

Raster data for North and Far North of Cameroon has been liberated under ODbL license.

The National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW)

Has made available some data in the project GeoCameroun. Data produced by students from 2010 to 2012 on Yaoundé.

République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

Congo (Dem. Rep.)RGC

Référentiel Géographique Commun (

les données du RGC sont libres d'utilisation mais nous vous demandons de citer les sources : « Ces données géographiques proviennent du Référentiel Géographique Commun ( ».

see here what is done and what not: Congo-Kinshasa#RGC


TMC LocationTables

The national LocationCodeLists of the TMC (Traffic Message System = traffic-jam warning via radio) -system contain a highly simplified road-network of all the major roads and many important points in the country. The location-codes themself are also highly usefull to have in OSM for Routing -software that can receive TMC-messages and thus avoid traffic jams and other obstructions.

These lists are sometimes free to use, sometimes closed but due to the fact that they are widely distributed with all commercial navigation-systems, there may be little resistance in getting a permission to tag existing OSM-objects with their location-code or use the list to check for missing ways in our map.

European Environment Agency (EEA)

European Environment Agency offers data for commercial reuse. Here are potential GIS vector data to be imported:

Nationally designated areas (CDDA)

This is about nature conservation - protected areas:

  • national parks
  • nature parks
  • etc.

A shapefile is provided with latest data of 2011:

Via Alpina dataset on accommodation in the Alps


638 accommodation places, many attributes. Dataset in 5 languages. Example:

The origin (licence) and accuracy of the location is uncertain, so better to use the attributes only. Part of the data is already outdated, so it is advised to check first (maybe by calling). In Italy at least, the '0' (zero) after +39 is missing in the online phone numbers (but GSM lines do not have zeroes).

(Do not hesitate to contact me or the Via Alpina international secretary for more details Mayeul 18:03, 31 May 2012 (BST))



The National Land Survey of Finland (NLS) has recently (1 May 2012) opened some of its dataset under an attribution only -licence. The amount of data available is enormous, and the local community is discussing the details.

digiroad (Unfree)

The Finnish Road Administration (Tiehallinto) maintains a database called digiroad covering all roads and streets in Finland which would contain all information OpenStreetMap needs about roads for Finland. (Shorelines, parks, amenities, boundaries, placenames, etc would still have to be collected using traditional OSM procedures.) The database is available for licensing relatively cheap, a few hundred euro. Unfortunately, as far as I can see, it is not currently licensed under terms suitable for OpenStreetMap. The English summary document says that "Data from Digiroad will be free-of-charge for public organisations for internal use and for free public services" but I couldn't find anything as promising in the more recent Finnish documentation.

However, my (naïve?) hope is that it will eventually be possible to convince them to "open up" the data enough for OpenStreetMap. Clearly digiroad is not maintained and sold for profit, there aren't even any royalty fees collected from commercial users of the data.

I mailed the project coordinator asking for more information. The coordinator had changed from that mentioned on their webpage to another person though, though, but I did eventually get a reply from her. Basically it was quite positive, but they need time to consider this. They also interpret current regulations as allowing them to sell (for the very reasonable amount) the material only to companies and institutions, not to individuals. Also the data should be used to benefit "services for transport and logistics" (badly translated from the vague term "liikkumisen palvelut"), but on the other hand, what else could it be used for? (Maybe the intent of this restriction is to prevent production of pure maps from the data. That would then indeed seriously prevent importing it into OSM, I think.)

I sent more mail asking for clarifications, pointing out that the price as such is not the issue here, surely it would be possible to collect for instance 20 euros per person from a group of interested individuals, or even ask some company to "sponsor" freeing this data. The licensing issues are the main concern. No further replies yet.

I hacked together some code to convert the sample data available from the website [7] (sorry, documentation in Finnish and Swedish only) into OSM format. See here: [8]. Plain C. Needs shapelib and iconv(), otherwise no external dependencies. Screenshot of part of sample data loaded into JOSM here: [9].

--Tml 09:33, 24 September 2007 (BST)

The Finnish page says that the licensing conditions are formed to match client requirements so it should be possible to get a good license. Then the only problem would be their fee (about €380) which mandated by law. --LH 15:11, 9 September 2007 (BST)

Reading the contract details, the licence gives you the right to use the data for a certain purpose for a maximum of 5 years. After the 5 year period the copy must be returned or destroyed. I recommend reading the example contract.


The Finnish Rail Administration possibly has exact geodata for all of the state-owned rail network. With rail deregulation being implemented and all, they seem to be quite open, and publish lots of information on the web, including a very detailled "Network Statement". Alas, this document doesn't include coordinates of stations etc, only the distance (down to one metre resolution) along the rails from the designated point of origin. (Trivia: this point of origin is the previous Helsinki station, 159m south of the present Helsinki Central station, and not actually accessible by rail.) I mailed then asking if the network geodata (and useful other information, like number of tracks and electrification) could be made available in some suitable format and could be donated to OSM. They didn't promise anything except that maybe in the next "Network Statement" they will include actual coordinates. So probably it doesn't make sense to wait for something that might not happen, but continue mapping rail lines as before.

They have an interactive web service that contains information for all level crossings in Finland. For many of the crossings coordinates are included (in the Finnish national KKJ grid, not WGS84, but conversion formulae are well-known) . From this service one could semi-mechanically generate an at least partially quite accurate (for those lines that have plenty of level crossings) map of the rail network. This might be interesting especially for freight-only lines where actual GPS mapping of course is hard to do (without actually trekking along the line). Data for one level crossing here: [10]. Their reply to my mail was a bit vague but I got the impression that it should be OK to import the level crossing locations. The location of an individual crossing is obviously not a copyrightable work, but as a collection it is covered by copyright for databases and collections.

--Tml 08:28, 25 October 2007 (BST)


Article principal : Potential Datasources/France

France has its own page.


Germany has its own wiki page


More information in the Italian page.

Agenzia del territorio

Lists containing street-names for all of the italian municipalities, grouped by province, are available for download. For each street-name, the pertaining municipality is identified by its cadastral code (vecchio codice catastale). Check the list of italian cadastral codes for interpretation.

License need to be clarified. Helpful for quality assurance checks. Data might be partly outdated.


Italian Statistical Institute (ISTAT) has granted to OSM the use of the following data:

  • Administrative Borders: the shapefile provided contain the so called generalized borders, which are a simplified version of the official borders. The version dated 2001 has already been fully imported (more information on a dedicated page). Currently a new version dated 2008/12/31 is available.
  • A list of geographical coordinates of Italian localities. Files and related information are made available by GFOSS from a dedicated page.

A list of Italian municipalities is also available for download.

Portale Cartografico Nazionale

For the whole of Italy there is a WMS server. In 2010 use of 2 WMS-layers for OSM was explicitly permitted (orthographic photos from 2006 for the whole of Italy and from 2008 covering only the regions Lazio and Umbria) (see authorization letter from the PCN). The rest of the information on the PCN is not free to use for OSM as of May 2010. For more information and instructions how to use the aerial imagery, please visit WikiProject_Italy/PCN in Italian language. These photos offer (almost) complete coverage and are much better aligned than Bing aerial, but Bing has higher resolution and is more up to date so if you want to use aerial imagery for mapping in Italy you should probably use both sources.


A list of Italian postal codes is provided by the Free Software Foundation Europe. It includes the list of street-names for major cities.

Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia-Giulia

All of the data created and maintained by the Regional Administration

Regione Lombardia

Regione Lombardia has its own wiki page

Regione Piemonte

The Regione Piemonte has put data from their stock online at [11] These include a detailed DEM and the CTRN for the whole of Piemonte down to 1:10000 resolution. Some of the data are quite old, but potentially still extremely useful (e.g. for streams, toponyms). The data are under various CC licenses. No permission to use the data in OSM has yet been requested or given.

Regione Toscana

Over 150 layers are available through a public WMS service named Geoscopio. More details here: Toscana#GeoScopio_WMS.



National-Land Information Office, a section of National and Regional Planning Bureau(NRPB), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MLIT), Japan, provides some geo data.

Licenses – Their terms of use is written in Japanese; a summary in English is as follows.

  • 2-3. If you reproduce the National-Land Information or create derivative works, you must do a citation of the source (e.g., "「国土数値情報(○○データ) 国土交通省」", a literal translation, National-Land Numerical Information (XX Data), MLIT Japan).
  • 3-1. You may use the National-Land Information free of charge.
  • 4. Disclaimer. MLIT Japan makes no warranty on your use of the National-Land Information.

Accuracy/Quality – Almost National-Land Numerical Information is based on "Map 25000" and "Map 50000" by Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) Japan. Files are in KSJ original format and datum is Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 (JGD2000) which is based on ITRF94 and GRS80.

This is the old data of KSJ2 and it have some type of data which KSJ2 doesn't have, e.g. road, submarine cable and power line, cultural properties, etc.


National-Land Information Office, a section of National and Regional Planning Bureau(NRPB), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MLIT), Japan, provides some geo data. See KSJ2 page.


National-Land Information Office, a section of NRPB, MLIT Japan, provides place reference information in city block level for many (not all) municipalities.

Licenses – Their terms of use is written in Japanese; a summary in English is as follows.

  • 2-3. If you reproduce the place reference information or create derivative works, you must do a citation of the source (e.g., "「街区レベル位置参照情報 国土交通省」", a literal translation, City Block Level Place Reference Information, MLIT Japan).
  • 3-1. You may use the place reference information free of charge.
  • 4. Disclaimer. MLIT Japan makes no warranty on your use of the place reference information.

Accuracy/Quality – Place reference information is based on "Numerical Map 2500" by Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) Japan. Files are in CSV(Comma Separated Values) format, SHIFT-JIS encoding and datum is Japanese Geodetic Datum 2000 (JGD2000) which is based on ITRF94 and GRS80.

I guess we can use this data like CC-BY/CC-BY-SA data as imported before. -- Tatata 10:52, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Orthophoto (MLIT Japan)

National-Land Information Office, a section of NRPB, MLIT Japan, provides aerial photography for old survey with WMS. Web (Japanese only)

Licenses – Their terms of use is written in Japanese; a summary in English is as follows.

  • 2. Notices
    • 3. If you republish the data or create derivative works, you must do a citation of the source (e.g., "「国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真) 国土交通省」", a literal translation, National Land Imaginary Information (Orthophoto), MLIT Japan). Recode information of the photograph's taken date, digitized date and the file name, and editors' names as long as possible.
  • 3. availability
    1. Anyone is allowed to use national land information by free for charge, except fees for communication, etc.
    2. Read well this term of use. You needed to agree this term of use before you use it.
    3. If you use this information, you are regarded to agree the term of use.
  • 4. Disclaimer
    • MLIT Japan makes no warranty on your use of the place reference information.
  • 5. Notes
    • This term of use could be changed without any notices.

User:ikiya confirmed to the office that we can use the aerial photography to draw our map with the following annotations [12]:

  • source:ja=国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真)国土交通省
  • source=MLIT Japan

The URL of WMS:

We have got another confirmation for the first and the second derivative works form the orthophotos.[13] OpenStreetMap data directly generated from the orthophotos must show "国土画像情報(オルソ化空中写真)国土交通省" in the data browser of The source tag is useful for it. Then, for the second derivative works, which means works derived form OpenStreetMap data, must show "(C) OpenStreetMap" and make a web link to . That is the same with Our License.


INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía] is a public institute, and its information is "of public utility" and should be freely usable. I am in the process of contacting them, to check whether and how this information can be integrated into OSM.

The Netherlands

See Bestaande geodata hergebruiken (Dutch).

New Zealand

GW-Projects (unfree)

Apparently a lot of free data is available in New Zealand. It has been used to create a comprehensive set of Garmin maps.

Legal stuff is at the bottom of this page:

see WikiProject_New_Zealand for more potential sources



The N5000 map from Statens Kartverk is free to use, but they ask for credit (but do not insist).

I sent an email to Statens kartverk:


På kan man laste ned N5000-kart fra Statens Kartverk gratis. Hvilke betingelser gjelder
for disse dataene? Jeg tenker da på gjenbruk, konvertering, publisering osv.

I got the following answer

Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: Betingelser for bruk av N5000-kart


N5000 Kartdata er et gratis datasett som du fritt kan benytte.

Ved publisering setter vi pris på at det påføres:
”Kartgrunnlag: Statens kartverk”

Med vennlig hilsen

Nils Flakstad

ZorroIII 19:25, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

N5000 have a resolution of 5km.

Geonorge provides a WMS service for products of Statens Kartverk. This includes all the layers in N5000. The WMS service is avalable in josm at the url h ttp://[Layer name(s)]& You have to zoom out to 17km before adding the layer.

Gnonthgol 18:22, 7 February 2010 (UTC)

New link to download is:

Wintermute 14:54, 8 March 2010 (UTC)

Informasjon om bussholdeplasser o.l.

Det er flere selskaper som driver med kollektivtransport som samtidig har databaser over posisjoner på busstopp, båtanløp o.l. for reiseplanlgegging. Eksempler:

I prinsippet burde slik informasjon være offentlig. Vi burde dermed ha all mulighet til å innhente tillatelse til å benytte deres informasjon i følge lisensen til OSM. Det kan hende at det er tredjepart (kartselskap) som har hentet inn de nøyaktige posisjonene, men det er vel gjort på oppdrag av det offentlige og da er det vel oppdragsgiveren som "eier" dataene og kan lisensiere dem til annet bruk. (Rogaland kollektivtrafikk)

Har ruteplanlegger med alle holdeplasser i Rogaland (pluss noen i Hordaland og Vest-Agder) I tillegg har de posisjonene til mange bedrifter i Rogaland, men disse er vel kjøpt av tredjepart og er vel vanskeligere å få lov til å bruke. Alle holdeplasser har et åttesifret nummer(kkkknnnn der kkkk er kommune (1103=Stavanger) og nnnn er holdeplassnummer). Hver holdeplass har et navn, enten oppkalt etter nærliggende landemerker eller eller gater som krysser traseen. Holdeplasser på hver side av gaten har forskjellig ID, men gjerne samme navn. Basert på ID kan det linkes til kolumbus.nos sider som viser avganger fra stedet. Dersom vi får lov til å bruke det vil jeg legge inn busstoppene listen med, ref=kkkknnnn

Holder på å forfatte en mail til Karianne Haarr Nedrebø, (kommunikasjonssjef, Telefon: 51 51 65 45 / 916 70 437, om bruk. Gorm 14:24, 20 April 2009 (UTC)


Hele postadresseboken. Langt de fleste gatene i større byer. Hva kan vi bruke dette til? Ser ingen informasjon om hva dataene kan brukes til, men er vel som vanlig best å spørre.

Register over idrett og friluftsliv-"objekter"

Informasjon om offentlige bygg

Statsbygg holder denne siden som forteller om tilgjengelighet for rullestolbrukere etc for alle offentlige bygg i Norge. Har desverre ikke geografiske koordinater.


Arealdata, natur, landskap, vassdraf, berggrunn


I følge[14], har NRK fått en liste over mobil-basestasjoner i Norge, og plottet disse på google maps[15]. Jeg har sendt en mail til Espen Andersen i NRK hvor jeg spør om OSM får bruke disse dataene. Selv om det er uklart hvordan dette skal tagges (man_made=tower?), kan slike data være nyttig for lokalisering, f.eks. om basestasjon-id kan knyttes til koordinater. --Kristoffer.koch 15:43, 3 February 2010 (UTC)


The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) has a collection of OGC map data here:

"Her finn du kartdata som er baserte på opne standardar, såkalla OGC-standardar. Desse data kan fritt brukast av alle som ønskjer det."


Naturbase is a database from The Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management containing information about protection areas (national park, nature reserves and others), habitats and recreation areas. Also contains most of the pilgrimage routes in Norway. It is verified as a valid source. See Naturbase for guidelines.

Old maps

Maps published in Norway more than 70 years ago are according to without "opphavsrett"/copyright and can be used in OSM as long the source tag is used


see polish wiki page, especially the part about importing data from UMP]]


A free map of "almost all Poland" ("prawie cała Polska" - pcPL) created by Garmin users for Garmin users. To watch it in tangoGPS enter new repository with URI:

LicensesCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Also, I have requested if the data can be copied to OSM and have been granted that. This entry in Potential Datasources is enough as an anouncement that their data is being used. Rmikke 02:26, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

Accuracy/Quality – Data collected by survey with GPS receivers. Some streets are quite inaccurate - own survey recommended. Priceless where there is "here be dragons". Otherwise check consistency with OSM.


TERYT is official government registry of administrative division of Poland. The public data contains names and identifiers for all voivodeships (provinces), powiats (counties), municipalities, places and even streets.

Licenses – public domain

Accuracy/Quality – This is the offical list of places, but it contains no geo location data. May be useful for quality assurance and updating is_in=* tags.

More information (in Polish) at WikiProject Poland/Podział administracyjny


* New government data site: conatins some geo information in Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution 


Cascais area SIG map [16] Licence is confirmed with the town hall, there are no problems in using data from this site. However, How could it be used as layers in JOSM or web editor?

Ruanda: Republic of Rwanda

Ministry of the Interior and for Sports Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, has published a 1:300k raster map for whole Ruanda. The right to use the map for OSM was granted by Hanne Hall, Referatsleiterin, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit dem Partnerland Ruanda, MINISTERIUM DES INNERN, FÜR SPORT UND INFRASTRUKTUR, Schillerplatz 3-5, 55116 Mainz, Germany, on 20th July 2011.

20.07.2011 08:41
Betreff: AW: Ruandakarte und

Sehr geehrter Herr Keller,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Ich habe Ihr Anliegen von der zuständigen Abteilung unseres Hauses klären lassen. Danach spricht
nichts gegen eine Verwendung unseres Kartenmaterials durch Open Street Map. 
Sofern Sie dies also veranlassen möchten, steht dem nichts im Wege.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag
Hanne Hall
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit dem Partnerland Ruanda


Schillerplatz 3-5 
55116 Mainz 

South Africa

Chief Directorate: Surveys and Mapping of South Africa

Chief Directorate: Surveys and Mapping of South Africa has 1:50k raster maps available for the whole of South Africa, these maps are available using the South African Freedom of Information Act

The License Agreement is fairly restrictive from OSM's point of view. "No products may be copied or reproduced by any means, including digital, without prior permission."

"The Licensee shall not Commercialise the Data or any product or service derived from or incorporating the Data, unless it has first obtained the written consent of the CDSM. The CDSM may grant or refuse its consent in its absolute discretion and may grant its consent subject to any condition or conditions whatsoever."

Recently discussed here and here.

It is uncertain if the data is completely free/libré. Does the "Promotion of Access to Information Act" not grant this? Further investigation is needed.

Municipal Demarcation Board

Municipal Demarcation Board distributes shapefiles of South African provinces, districts and municipalities. Grant Slater has received permission to use the data in OpenStreetMap.

MadMappers (Data Dependent)

MadMappers seems to have a large amount of data covering the whole of Africa. It may be worth contacting them.


See Spain Potential Datasources for a more up-to-date information (in Spanish)


One branch of the local goverment has a GIS-like application for controlling the rural land use, with a lot of excellent ortophotos: (Flash required) This branch has been contacted, and they have said (quite literally):

[We] have no problem in the images of the SIGPAC being used in [the OpenStreetMap] project.


People from Madrid have already contacted the IGN ("Instituto Geográfico Nacional" or "National Geographic Institute"). They want to make data "more public", and so have agreed to let us import some of their data. Depending on the success and impact, we might be able to import lots of data and use the new aerial imaginery (called "PNOA", covering the entire country at 50 cm/px).

Cadastrial data

Spanish Cadastre is publishing all cadastrial data as a WMS service [17]. They say:

La Dirección General del Catastro ofrece como servicio WMS la Cartografía Catastral de forma libre y gratuita.
"The general directorate of the cadastre offers the Cadastrial Cartography as a WMS service, free** and free*"

* as in "free beer"

** as in "freedom"

Cadastrial data can also be downloaded from the Official site as shapefiles (cartography) and *.CAT files (alphanumeric information). Terms of use are regulated by the Resolución de 23 de marzo de 2011, de la Dirección General del Catastro, por la que se aprueban los criterios de acceso, formatos de entrega y condiciones de la licencia-tipo para el acceso al servicio de descarga masiva de datos y cartografía, a través de la Sede Electrónica del Catastro. which states:

Se autoriza el uso público, incluido el comercial, de la información catastral que haya sido 
sometida a cualquier proceso previo de transformación...

Public use of cadastrial data is permitted, including commercial use, if such data have
been previously transformed in any way...

According to the above statement, data from Spanish Cadastre can be imported into OSM once it has been transformed, for example from the original shapefiles->reproyected to EPSG:4326->converted to *.osm format.

Spanish Cadastre has a lot of information with very high accuracy, such as buildings (shape, use, height, number of floors, etc.), land use, most of streets and roads of the country, power station, trees... Many of this information is currently in OSM, mainly ways and roads, but a great part is missing, specially in low populated areas where a ground survey is less likely to be made. More information about this topic can be found in Catastro España. A long discussion has been held on Spanish mailing list, with general agreement on the usefulness of importing these data.


The IGN publishes a lot of (free as in "free beer") imaginery at [18]

Besides that, there is a list of available orthoimaginery sources at [19]



The Swedish Election Authority. They provide zip files of GIS-data with shapes. Swedish description: Filerna är zippade och innehåller shape-filer som visar namn och id på respektive geografisk enhet. Du måste ha speciell GIS-programvara för att se dessa filer. Website: [20]


Nationell vägdatabas (National Road Database) coordinates road information in Sweden. Website: [21] or [22]

NVDB is a government assignment for Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration). NVDB contains a reference roadmap and additional data. It is used by governmental and private entities.

Fordonsgas (CNG Natural Gas Fuel Stations)

Natural Gas fuel stations are published by Fordonsgas as GPS coordinates on their site

Örebro city map data

The city of Örebro offers some map data (as GML and JSON). Website: [23]

Swedish County Administrative Boards

The Swedish County Administrative Boards offer some map data (as Shape files) and also some metadata related to the GIS data. Website: [24]


The Swiss-specific datasources are listed on their own Wiki-page.


Tajikistan is at the same time one of the most poorly mapped countries on OSM and a very prone-to-disasters country, thus the need to find good data sources and to improve the quality of the map. A dedicated Wiki-page page has been setup.

So far, I haven't found any national dataset that is for sure 100% free of copyrights. Some potential sources are listed below, with mention of the potential problem. Please feel free to contribute to this list:

  • Scanned Soviet maps: although not completely up-to-date, those maps are still widely used in the country (mainly because there's nothing better available). The legal status is unclear (namely: have the copyrights fallen into the public domain with the collapse of the USSR or have they been passed to the Russian Administration? The latter seems to be the opinion of Russian mappers). See on the mailing list: [25]
  • Digitized 1/200000 maps: a vectorized version of the Soviet maps widely circulates in Tajikistan but the license terms are unclear (as they are not distributed with the data itself). Has anyone a crystal-clear and unambiguous proof of the licensing status of this dataset?
  • Any other idea?


Local authority street naming notifications

I wrote an email to my local authority when I found out that they notify interested parties on the council's decisions on naming and numbering new properties and streets. For areas that have already been densely surveyed and mapped (90%+), it would be an invaluable list of places that might need re-surveying or other editing.

I got an answer back - the council do make the information freely available on their web site, but it's in the form of a PDF file per decision, in a human readable format only, and the whole list is not easily searchable. The information contains no geographic information other than relative references, eg.

       That a new development of a house being built on the
       site adjacent to 47 Belmont Avenue, Barnet, Herts, EN4
       shall be postally addressed:
       HERTS, EN4 9JX.

Occasionally, whole new streets get notified.

       That the access road beginning at the junction with Page Street,
       London, NW7 serving Copthall Leisure Centre and the
       surrounding properties shall be named:
       That the access road that starts at Champions Way and ends at
       the Great North Way, London, NW4 serving Copthall Stadium
       shall be named:

These lists are not in a standard format among local authorities, and each local authority needs to be handled differently. I plan on writing a web scraping script to attempt to identify the changes, and by searching the nearby street names, pinpoint them on the map, so I would have a list of streets that need editing / surveying. Welshie 15:59, 13 November 2006 (UTC)

Local authority data sources


Roads database Contains information like

Alburne Park (K8)  	 Glenrothes  	 Jct Woodside Way (C125) to Jct Prestonhall Drive (K8) / K9  	 Adopted  	K8
B969 (Part 01 Of 07) 	Glenrothes 	Southfield R/bout (B921) to 50 Mph Signs North Of Southfield R/bout 	Adopted 	B969

As well as lots of other data, including for example a list of public toilets - for example a toilet in anstruther.

Also they offer a way to search for local facilities - by postcode. This data could easily be extracted automatically, but the licences mentioned on the website are unsuitable (it's also unclear that this data is covered) and derivation from OS issues are also unclear.

I have not contacted them.


The National Public Transport Access Nodes (NaPTAN) dataset contains details of some 350,000 public transport access points in Great Britain including bus stops, railway stations, tram stops and ferry terminals. See NaPTAN for more details.

Natural England

Natural England have datasets containing boundaries of Open Access Land (Crow Act 2000), National Parks, SSSIs, National Nature Reserves, Marine Conservation Zones, and many other protected areas. It also has data on National Trails. On April 1st 2012 Natural England started releasing data under the Open Government Licence (OGL) therefore making it available for mapping in OpenStreetMap. Read more, or view the wiki entry.


The Food Standards Agency produces machine readable versions of the Food Hygiene Rating System data. This ranks restaurants and businesses that sell or serve food or drink with a rating from 1 to 5. See Food Hygiene Rating System for details.


The government recently approved a law[26] making all government data (except the one that has privacy or security issues) public and free of copyright. In particular GIS data from the municipality of Montevideo is now available from its site[27].


Check metadata for each shape file obtained from government sources, and search for "Use_Constraints:" or similar to help determine usability of data with OpenStreetMap. Many will list this as "None" and should be fine to use, but others from the same page will have varying constraints. When there is any doubt, ask the contact listed in the metadata for permision, and check with the Legal Talk mailing list. --Dalep 04:36, 2 September 2008 (UTC)



More detail on the TIGER page

The Tiger road data is imported

The U.S. Census Bureau's TIGER geographic database covers the United States (including Puerto Rico). The data is available from the Census Bureau as TIGER/Line files in ASCII text format - ESRI shapefiles of the TIGER data is available at .

The TIGER data are in the public domain - .

US Forest Service

The Many national forests have GIS data available for download. A statement from region 6 (Pacific NW) says that the data are public domain. Unfortunately each forest seems have their own index of data and data organization. There are some files very relevant to OSM (trails; recreation points listing campsites, docks etc) and some not so useful to the normal OSM reader (owl and fish habitats).

US National Park Service

The National Park Service has a data clearinghouse often with trails (some historic paths) rivers, roads and often with very high resolution orthophotos.


The USGS has a centralized database ( ) that contains many data sets, several that would be of use to OSM, including very detailed surface water data sets (rivers, streams, lakes, tiny ponds), dams, federal lands . The data are in the public domain ( ). However, they do request attribution of data to USGS, so it may require a followup to use in OSM.

National Hydrography Dataset

Part of the USGS Data, the National Hydrography Dataset contains detailed information on nearly all waterways and bodies in the United States

The GAP Analysis Program

Also a project of the USGS, the The GAP Analysis Program was conducted state by state initially and most recently on a regional basis. Relevant data includes landuse/landcover and stewardship/conservation lands, which includes military and DOD lands, and state/federal/local lands preserved for conservation purposes.

Department of Transportation links

DOT homepage links for all 50 states. Check each for the GIS department, and statewide downloadable data.

FAA Digital Obstacle File (DOF)

The FAA Digital Obstacle File contains coordinates and elevations, as well as some meta data for aviation obstacles in the united states. It is distributed from the DAICD. I believe that the data is public domain but the CD is sold as a subscription; someone like myself who has the CD could theoretically import the data into OSM without violating copyright. (TODO: double-check IP status.)

The DOF would be a useful way to populate the map with aviation-chart-related items, particularly ones that can also serve as landmarks: smoke stacks, antennas, etc.

CLUI - Centre for landuse interpretation Information identifying weird landuses spotted in aerial imagery throughout the U.S. Non-profit organisation. No copyright information on their website. Didn't contact them (yet). Maps (approx landuse pinpointing) on the site uses google maps. May be use-able for vague identification purposes.

National Agricultural Imaging Project

Decent aerial imagery. List of WMS servers


Adding the list of mines and quarries in the USA from here:

Note, I have started the process to import this data, but I accidently overwrote the names with josm. Now I am working on modifying the names.

keywords: EPA, Brownfields, Assessment Grant, Hazardous Substance, Property Redevelopment, public health, environment, federal data download, regulated sites, hazardous, contaminated, polluted, federal datasets, Land Revitalization, land redevelopment, land reuse, real property, hazardous substance, kmz, xml, Shapefile

Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) Locations Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) Locations

This geospatial rendering of weather radar sites gives access to an historical archive of Terminal Doppler Weather Radar data and is used primarily for research purposes. The archived data includes base data and derived products of the National Weather Service (NWS) Weather Surveillance Radar 88 Doppler (WSR-88D) next generation (NEXRAD) weather radar. Weather radar detects the three meteorological base data quantities: reflectivity, mean radial velocity, and spectrum width. From these quantities, computer processing generates numerous meteorological analysis products for forecasts, archiving and dissemination. There are 159 operational NEXRAD radar systems deployed throughout the United States and at selected overseas locations. At the Radar Operations Center (ROC) in Norman OK, personnel from the NWS, Air Force, Navy, and FAA use this distributed weather radar system to collect the data needed to warn of impending severe weather and possible flash floods; support air traffic safety and assist in the management of air traffic flow control; facilitate resource protection at military bases; and optimize the management of water, agriculture, forest, and snow removal. This data set is jointly owned by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, and Department of Defense

Processing : Unzip. Replace wsr with Placemark. gps babel.

added these tags:

source= radar_transponder=NEXRAD man_made = beacon

EPA Geospatial Data Download: Facility and Site Information

Contains information about facilities or sites subject to environmental regulation, including key facility information along with associated environmental interests for use in mapping and reporting applications.

keywords : FRS, EPA, CERCLIS, NEPT, NPDES, PCS, RCRA, RCRAInfo, Superfund, NPL, TRI, regulated sites, toxic release, major discharges, brownfields, federal data download, national priorities list, public health, environment, federal datasets, kmz, xml, shapefile, sites, facilities

See here for the full record : EPAGeospatial

National Atlas Raw Data Download Site

This site contains a huge amount of data possibly useful to OSM. Place names, political boundaries, hydrology, etc. Most data is USGS collected and is public domain, however the site "Web Policies" page states that copyright must be inspected for each data set.

Note: Many of the shapefiles on, particularly fedlanp020.shp and its derivatives, are horribly inaccurate (the resolution is low). Please avoid importing any more of it onto OSM! Users have found boundaries as much as a mile off from their true location. See this diary post. gathers US Designated Wilderness area definitions from the US Forest Service, Fish and Game, National Park Service and Bureau of Land Management into a single data set available for free download as Shapefile or KML. webmaster Lisa Eidson has been contacted and confirmed that all Wilderness data available on is public domain.


Mobile, Al.

City of Mobile All layers


Alaska DOT downloads.

Alaska Geospatioal clearinghouse Has limited availability by time of day.


CalFire has a set of landcover layers that can be imported. The website says they may be distributed in any manner but a credit must be given. See California_Land_Cover. has state park info and more

California has a master list of all parks on all levels - federal, state, county and city We still need to get permission from GreenInfo to import data.

To see the counties that have granted OSM permission to use their data, go to California/Import.


Situs Address Points on Geostor The Situs Address Points have been confirmed by AGIO to be public domain data.

District of Columbia

DC GIS Main page. The GIS Data Clearinghouse/Catalog link contains hundreds of data layers.

e-mail confirmation that OSM may use DC data provided source credit is given to "District of Columbia (DC GIS)". --Dalep 02:32, 2 October 2008 (UTC)

See: Washington DC/DCGIS imports


Florida Department of Transportation GIS data in shape format. Web site, and direct FTP Everything provided by the FDOT GIS is in public domain, this has been verified by e-mail.

Aerial photography is also available upon request from FDOT's Surveying & Mapping Office. The images, provided in MrSID format, are much higher quality than Yahoo's aerials and are released in the public domain, verified by email. The entire state is covered, with most counties photographed as recently as 2008, but check their coverage map to find out for specific counties. Unfortunately, the common OSM editing tools don't support MrSID, but with some effort, the files can be converted and served through a standard WMS.

A site for tracking down other sources of data in Florida is FindGIS, a blog/site that is pursuing Florida government agencies to release their GIS data as required. As well as list where that data can be found. Not all is free, or released as Public Domain. See each site individually.

NOTE about Careful reading suggests they are claiming copyright (and limiting distribution) on behalf of the data sources they have in the Clearinghouse even for sources that are/should be public domain. Further inquires should be made before using anything downloaded from here, or check the original source.

Counties listed below for more detailed information layers, better accuracy and up to date roads. Just be careful of the datum for the county data.

Broward County

Broward County GIS Data

Fort Lauderdale, Fl.

City of Fort Lauderdale GIS downloads

Leon County

[28] GIS downloads with shapefiles at [29] Nothing restrictive about license listed on the website except, "In respect for the privacy of property owners entitled to confidentiality, user will refresh all data obtained from this database on a monthly basis." This could prove to be rather problematic.

Orange County

Orange County GIS Should be in public domain, but not verified yet.

Seminole County

Seminole county GIS Lots of Shape layers, and even aerial data 1940-present, but not all geotagged. Should be in public domain, but not verified yet.

Volusia County

Volusia County GIS Should be in public domain, but not verified yet.


Georgia GIS Clearinghouse

Some potential data sources are listed on the Georgia page and the Atlanta page. Info that has been imported include:


Hawaii Statewide GIS Program

The Hawaii GIS Program has a very large collection of GIS data. No license information is mentioned on the website, but the GIS data is all in the public domain, as verified in a personal conversation with a manager in the GIS department.

The road data is probably not particularly relevant, since TIGER road data has already been imported. But this source includes data that would be very difficult or impossible to get any other way, such as streams and coral reefs.


Illinois DOT


CDOT The Chicago Department of Transportation.

[30] Provides Bikway/parking/shop public data in the chicago area.


Indiana Map Statewide Orthophotography (2005) The IndianaMap project has produced this imagery "public domain and provided with no restrictions on data distribution. Please provide credit for these data to the IndianaMap Framework Data."

Local Datasets (Counties, various dates) these datasets are public domain without use constraints


Iowa DNR "The NRGIS Library is public information, and offered freely to encourage the wise utilization of Iowa's natural resources." from the about page.

Iowa DOT Maps "The mission of Transportation Data is to gather, maintain, analyze, and distribute transportation related information. This information includes roadway, structure, and rail-crossing data, traffic statistics, and intelligent map products that support the economic, environmental, and social vitality of Iowa." I contacted the Iowa DOT and they said, "The Iowa Transportation Map has copyright restrictions. The city and county maps are in the public domain." --Carl Simonson 15:16, 6 December 2012 (UTC)

Polk County

Polk County GIS Data


City of New Orleans has a number of shapefiles available which are explicitly licensed as CC0.


City of Salisbury, Maryland

Wicomico County City of Salisbury The joint City of Salisbury/Wicomico County GIS group maintains detailed and accurate GIS data that is, through personal conversation with both City and County GIS coordinators, public domain. Efforts are being made to make this data publicly available through venues such as Open Street Map and internally hosted public web maps. Uploaded data includes the most recent, up-to-date City administrative boundary, building footprints, and more extensive coverage of hydrology data for the majority of the Wicomico County/City of Salisbury metrocore area.


MassGIS main download page. The import Catalog lists this as imported with a massgis_import_* tag. Which layers were imported? See MassGIS for the trail of breadcrumbs. Several layers imported, including roads, points of interest, building outines in Boston, and OpenSpace (2009-01-04), by CRSchmidt.

Long distance trails and Bike Trails Are these already imported with the above?

massDOT Office of Planning has quite a bit of data related to roads. See massDOT for more.


Minnesota Basemap WMS Services

MnGEO offers WMS services that are useful for basemap layers. The services include state-wide and metro imagery with resolutions of a meter or less. The services are available in geographic or UTM Zone15N spatial reference systems. More info at:

Minnesota DOT GIS Data

The Minnesota Department of Transportation releases 1:24000 scale GIS data files. From the site: "The data set includes information about transportation features (roads, railroads and navigable waters), as well as boundary information (State, County, and Municipal Boundaries, Mn/DOT District Boundaries, Civil, and Congressional Townships, State Forests and Parks, Military Reservations, Indian Reservation Lands, National Forests and Parks), and stream and lake locations." The files are "free of charge" from the MNDOT website: but no mention of them being explicitly public domain/copyright free. It's probably worth contacting them though. --BenFranske 08:22, 18 June 2008 (UTC)


The Metropolitan Council publishes data in shapefile format here. The Metropolitan Council recently changed their metadata distribution language with the intention to be more accessible to uses such as importing into OpenStreetMap.

Minnesota DNR Data Deli (GIS data)

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has a lot of Minnesota related GIS data. The information is accessable at the Minnesota Department of Resources Data Deli website: It is typically provided in the form of shape files which can be converted to OSM or GPX files. This includes such data as:

    1. Lakes, stream, rivers, wetlands
    2. Roads, streets, forestry roads
    3. Water access points, boat landings
    4. State Snowmobile trails
    5. State forests, parks, and WMA boundaries
    6. State trails
    7. State park trails
    8. BWCA (Boundary Waters Canoe Area) boundary
    9. State, federal, and county owned land
    10. State forestry service administered land (different from official state forests)
    11. Plus lot more and can be found here on the data download page:

This page: contains general information about using the MN DNR data deli, contact information for the site, its data, and general questions. Also it has the official license, the Minnesota DNR GIS Data License Agreement, for this data which my reading would suggest that it could be added to OSM.

According to my reading, Sections 1 and 6 of the DNR GIS Data License Agreement indicate that the data can not be added to OSM under either the CC-SA-BY or the draft ODbL license. - I have attached a copy of the MN DNR's GIS data license to the Talk page --DiverCTH 00:08, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
Part 1 of the agreement says that if there is a dataset-specific license agreement distributed with the data, then that more specific agreement holds. Many of the datasets I've downloaded from the site have "None" for both "Access Constraints" and "Use Constraints". It seems like at least some of the data from the DNR Data Deli could be added to OSM. --Stucki1 31 December 2009



Mississippi Automated Resource Information System (MARIS) Technical Center website, providing access to Mississippi's statewide geographic information system (GIS). Through this site we offer you access to a range of resources, including:

  • search and retrieval of data descriptions (metadata)
  • retrieval of Mississippi data sets
  • posting of news related to GIS developments
  • announcements of upcoming meetings and events
  • mapping of data sets
  • access and retrieval to aerial photography covering Mississippi

The Mississippi Geospatial Clearinghouse (MGC) provides access to a comprehensive spatial information warehouse of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) resources of Mississippi for use by government, academia, and the private sector.

The Mississippi Geospatial Clearinghouse and MARIS are two separate entities. The Mississippi Geospatial Clearinghouse is assigned the responsibility of getting data to the public. Most of the data is government data that is considered "best available" data. MARIS provides MGC some data that MGC exposes on their behalf.

Data in MGC has been confirmed public domain. (contact Eladner for details)


Missouri Spatial Data Information Service

MSDIS is the public domain repository for the state of Missouri, housed by the University of Missouri at Columbia. Data layers cover a wide range of resources compiled by state agencies, including natural resources, health services, and transportation networks. ArcIMS web services are provided at, including public domain leaf-off 2' pixel resolution aerial photography from 2007-2008.

St Louis County

St Louis County Planning Department's Data CD1 contains shapefiles as of July 2009 for polical jurisdictions, service areas, schools, fire stations, landmarks, light rail lines and stations, street centerlines, and addressing. Missouri Law requires a county ordinance to place licensing and fee restrictions, which St Louis County does not have in place.


Montana Cadastral Data

MAPP is the site for Montana's Cadastral Data.

Terms: This data is a cooperative effort between the Montana Department of Administration, (DOA) and the Montana Department of Revenue (DOR) other state agencies, local, governments, USDI BLM and private enterprise. The DOA provides mapped cadastral data, Web development, deployment, and enhancements. The DOR provides maintenance as well as CAMA data relating to the mapped cadastral data. Neither the DOA nor any associated partner, nor their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, including the fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

In layman's terms: the data not constitute a legal survey; inaccuracies exist with both the mapped data and the CAMA data; when seeking the definitive description of real property, consult the deed recorded at the local county courthouse.

State law ( Montana Code Annotated 2-6-109 (1)(a) ) explicitly prohibits State agencies from selling or distributing a list of persons to be used as a mailing list without first securing the permission of those on the list. State law ( MCA 2-6-109 (1)(b) ) also explicitly prohibits anyone from using a list of persons prepared by a state agency as a mailing list without first securing the permission of those on the list. "A person violating the provisions of subsection (1)(b) is guilty of a misdemeanor."

Distribution Metadata

New Hampshire

New Hampshire DOT: GIS Data Catalog

It looks to be pretty comprehensive as far as transportation, with roads, bridges, rail. It also seems to include Town and County information as well as digital orthophotos.

Note: Check all applicable copyrights on data before including.

New Jersey

Refer to the New Jersey project page for more information.

New Jersey 2007-2008 aerial photography are available online via WMS. There are no restrictions on its use. View metadata.

The New Jersey Geographic Information Network is the state's geospatial data clearinghouse. More GIS data freely available for download at NJDEP Bureau of GIS. Always check the metadata for use restrictions. GIS data maintained and published by a state or local government entity is subject to NJ's OPRA laws and considered public domain.

New Mexico

The Pueblo of Acoma has offered license-free data it created as part of the federal "rural-addressing" project, which is designed to make it easier for emergency personnel to locate rural addresses. The data consists of a shapefile of road center lines on the reservation and adjoining areas. The tribal Director of Water and Wastewater, and the Director of Planning and Engineering both put in writing that the data is license-free.

New York


Parks and Trails New York has data for multi-use trails and park areas across the state. Discussions are underway with them about permission and licensing.

New York City

New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) Map includes: building outlines, parks, green markets, schools, wifi hotspots, historic districs, landmarks, municipal boundaries, transportation details, and property info of all kinds.

There is a feedback form for the map that might be used to initiate a request to share the info.

North Carolina

North Carolina DOT: GIS data including Bikeroutes

The NC Department of Transportation releases their bike routes as a GIS layer in ESRI. They may also have normal roads, but that's less of a point with TIGER available.

NCDOT GIS Digital Bicycle Maps & Route Information →
Google Cache (27 Feb 2010) →
Wayback Cache (28 April 2006 forward) →*/

The NC OneMap ftp service description page provides a list of files which can be downloaded and used "by anyone without restriction". However, meta-data associated with each file should be consulted to determine any actual restrictions on use and any attribution requirements. An e-mail from David Giordano at (listed contact) confirms this. The data is broadly broken down into two categories: vector data and raster (imagery) data. A WMS service has been purportedly set up.


Central Ohio Transit Authority has public data for the following (bus routes, stops, park and rides, ammenities) available in shapefile format. Requests can be made at [31]

OGRIP (Ohio Geographically Referenced Information Program) provides public data for road centerlines, aerial imagery, LIDAR, and much more. Mostly avaiable in shapefile format. The main website [32] links to all of the data

Ohio Metadata Explorer provides lots of public gis layers from different state and local departments. [33]

NEO CANDO, (Northeast Ohio Community and Neighborhood Data for Organizing) contains information on properties within the City of Cleveland. License status is currently unknown. [34]


Murray County

See import page


State of Oregon Geospatial Enterprise Office has well over 100 datasets to choose from, all in the public domain. Some of the data is very recent (from within the last year), and some of it is quite historic. Beware that Oregon GEO is using Oregon Lambert Projection.

Portland, OR is operated by the city of Portland and has GIS datasets. A phone call to the City indicates the information on the site is public domain. Also, it seems the raw GIS data might be available through Metro.

Plenty of raw data is available through City of Portland, Trimet, and some other agencies have contributed their data to the public domain.

Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon

Jaimie L. Bradbury ( ) has GIS datasets of the MT. Hood National Forest in Oregon, US that are in the public domain in the US available. Again, I don't have the necessary technical expertise to actually do any import work, so maybe someone else could pick this up, or help me do it myself. The rest of the national forests in the US probably have public domain data like this that includes trails and such. I'd be willing to look into this more if it would be useful. --anlayne 18:54 27 June 2008 (UTC)


Allegheny County, Pa

Allegheny County has very nice, accurate GIS data available in both shapefiles and as WMS layers at PASDA. These are much more accurate then the TIGER lines, and include bike paths and pedestrian-only ways.

I've spoken to them on the phone (on 7-8-2008), and they consider this data to be in the Public Domain. I'm trying to figure out how to upload this data to OSM - if anyone had tips, I'd love to have them. --Morgan-pgh 16:39, 10 July 2008 (UTC)


GIS data is also abundant for Philly at PASDA. (click "Download Data" and search for keyword "Philadelphia".) Useful shapefiles include bike network, building footprints, parks, schools, fire stations, and railroads. Presumably the shapefiles that originate from the City of Philadelphia are in the public domain as it is a government entity.


Tennessee State Parks

State GIS portal but no direct downloads.


Texas provides some good data from the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) [35]. I can't tell if the data's completely PD, or how accurate it is yet, but I work with this data, and it seems pretty close for what I use it for.

Update: Just received email from TNRIS. Their data is public domain. From the email:"If you can credit us, that would be great."25or6to4 18:37, 8 July 2009 (UTC)

Texas Parks and Wildlife Statewide GIS data --Dalep 01:29, 1 September 2008 (UTC)

The City of Austin has an excellent set of public-domain GIS data available for download as shapelfiles covering the city and its environs. Not only are there up-to-date layers for streets and arterials, but also water features, railroads, political boundaries, etc. There also is a comprehensive file of property parcels, and another file of points for discrete addresses. [36]


Utah GIS portal "The State Geographic Information Database (SGID) contains files and links to several different categories of data sets. Data presented for download on this site is considered to be in the public domain."

Some data sets have required disclaimers and attribution for printed and direct use.



See the Virginia page for resources.

Town of Blacksburg
Montgomery County


links to various Washington agencies (out dated)

US Bureau of Land Mangagement Oregon/WA

Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (Much of the DAHP data is not available due to looting issues, however historic places may be possible to obtain)

Washington State Department of Health

Washington Department of Ecology GIS

Washington Department of Transportation GeoData Distribution Catalog

Washington Department of Natural Resources (Requires permission for derivitave work which has not been obtained)

University of Washington Geospatial Clearinghouse (The Washington Geospatial clearinghouse contains data from many different sources with different licenses)

Washington State Geographic Information Council

Clallam County, WA

Olympic National Park

Olympic National Forest

Clark County, WA

Clark County GIS

Spokane, WA

The city of Spokane, WA publishes free (gratis) GIS datasets for street centerlines, parks, waterways, city boundaries, etc. The centerlines seem to cover all of Spokane County.

Their data is of much better quality than the TIGER/Line data—though TIGER/Line does cover a few things that Spokane's data does not: roads in some trailer park in the Latah area (Club Dr., etc. around 47.63783,-117.44589); Centennial Trail (partial coverage).

I'm contacting them to see if we can include this in OSM. --Jpl 01:29, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Whatcom County, WA

Whatcom County GIS They need to be contacted regarding use

West Virgina

West Virginia GIS Data Clearinghouse


WisconsinView announced their aerial and satellite imagery is now available under CC0