ref |
Descripción |
Utilizado para números o códigos de referencia. De uso común para carreteras, salidas de autopista, rutas, etc. |
Grupo: referencias |
Usado en estos elementos |
Estado: de facto |
Herramientas para esta etiqueta |
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"ref" significa "referencia" y se utiliza para ofrecer números o códigos de referencia. De uso común para carreteras, salidas de autopista, rutas, etc. También se utiliza para tiendas y equipamientos que están numerados oficialmente como parte de una marca minorista o una red respectivamente.
Esta clave y sus variaciones se emplean frecuentemente para evitar el uso de relaciones.
Variaciones de clave
- ref:colour=*.— color de referencia;
- alt_ref=* — referencia alternativa;
- int_ref=* — referencia internacional;
- nat_ref=* — referencia nacional;
- reg_ref=* — referencia regional;
- loc_ref=* — referencia local;
- official_ref=* — referencia oficial;
- old_ref=* — referencia obsoleta reemplazada por una actual;
- prow_ref=* — referencia de derecho público de paso;
- route_ref=* — referencia de ruta;
- source_ref=* — referencia de fuente;
- unsigned_ref=* — referencia no señalizada.
Para rutas ciclistas:
- ncn_ref=*.— referencia de red ciclista nacional;
- rcn_ref=*.— referencia de red ciclista regional;
- lcn_ref=*.— referencia de red ciclista local.
Se da un amplio uso de ref:* como prefijo de espacio de nombres. Las variaciones principales se relacionan a continuación:
Valores fundamentales
Valores definidos por usuario
Cualquier valor con sintaxis válida.
Ejemplos en relaciones
Los estados y provincias se etiquetan a menudo con una abreviatura postal en ref=*, por ejemplo:
- ref=CA.— El Estado de California (type=boundary, admin_level=4 & name=California —actualmente 165475 165475—)
En rutas de carretera, la referencia es un mero número dependiente de network=* para expresar información sobre la red de carreteras:
- network=US:I & ref=95.— Interestatal 95 en los Estados Unidos
Similarly, on cycle and walking routes, the ref is a bare number and cycle_network=* indicates the route network:
- cycle_network=US:US ref=76 United States Bicycle Route 76
Bus routes use ref to label the bus route. For example:
- ref=23 Bus route 23. (type=route, route=bus, name=Shanklin>Newchurch>Newport - currently relation 312207)
Ejemplos en vías
There are no global standards as to whether the refs include spaces, hyphens or other characters. At least when nationally consistent, tag what's on the ground. Some countries use spaces on the signs, others don't. In some countries the usage on the signs varies and guidelines are under discussion.
- ref=A 1 Default reference (German and French references with a space; e.g., A 1)
- int_ref=E 15 Internationally referenced as
- nat_ref=A 1 Nationally referenced as (German and French references with a space; e.g., A 1)
- reg_ref=A 1 Regionally referenced as (German and French references with a space; e.g., A 1)
- ncn_ref=54 The number reference for a National Cycle Network. See Cycle_routes
- ref=A 3;A 7 Default for more than one reference (German and French references with a space; e.g., A 1)
Ejemplos en nodos
A ref on a node generally means a highway exit when combined with highway=motorway_junction:
- ref=23 US Highway exits are often just a number
- ref=23B Sometimes exits have been split into A and B exits.
ref is sometimes used on bus stops:
- ref=107309
ref is sometimes used to label an entrance into a large parking area. For example a shopping mall may have entrances A - L:
- ref=A
Usos especiales
- ref:svhl=* - station-keys of Lübecker Stadtverkehr (Germany) - details look at Lübeck/Importe
- ref:luebeck=* - internal reference for objects the area of Lübeck
- ref:bufa=* - 4-digit key of the local German tax and revenue offices (Bundesfinanzamtnummer)
- ref:vatin=CC12345678 - VAT identification number of companies, use CountryCode (e.g. IT for Italy) and the number
- official_ref=* - Used in cases where the official administrative reference for a road (or other feature) is not identical with the road signs (or other feature ref), e.g. because they are old, or because the administration doesn't have the money to change the signs.
- ref=xxxx - Used to mark official company store number assigned to a place. Example (ref=7872) CVS (You'll see a reference tag added to the building)
Véase también
- For highways shared by more than one route see Relations/Routes or Faq#What shall I do for roads that have multiple values for a tag?. Relations seem to be the preferred method for tagging this.
- If more than one reference is given, you are recommended to separate them with a semicolon and without a space character, because this is the widely established syntax in Germany and maybe other countries. But note, this syntax is being heavily discussed in Germany. A better approach might be to have a namespace and add the entity that has issued the ref, e.g. ref:foo=x ref:bar=y.
- Do not confuse this issue with the space that is present in some countries between the letter and the number in a reference itself.
- When a road has no number, leave this key unused; this makes sure that routing programs do not try to describe the road by a number.