Gojek/OSM Tags for Routing

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Under construction, taking inspiration from OSM tags for routing/Telenav

Way types

These are the way types we consider when building our internal graph representation of the OSM data. Note that way types are listed in approximate order of importance.

OSM tag Car Routing Pedestrian Routing Comment
highway=motorway yes no
highway=motorway_link yes no
highway=trunk yes yes
highway=trunk_link yes yes
highway=primary yes yes
highway=primary_link yes yes
highway=secondary yes yes
highway=secondary_link yes yes
highway=residential yes yes
highway=residential_link yes yes
highway=service yes yes No through traffic
highway=tertiary yes yes
highway=tertiary_link yes yes
highway=road yes yes
highway=track yes yes
highway=unclassified yes yes
highway=undefined yes yes
highway=unknown yes yes
highway=living_street yes yes No through traffic
highway=private yes yes No through traffic
highway=footway no yes
highway=pedestrian no yes
highway=steps no yes
highway=bridleway no no
highway=construction no no
highway=cycleway no no
highway=path no no
highway=bus_guideway no no
route=ferry yes yes


Turn restrictions

Telenav follows the conventions for Turn Restrictions as described on the OpenStreetMap wiki. We use both 'simple' turn restrictions that follow the way-node-way pattern, as well as 'via' turn restrictions that use the way-way-[...]-way pattern as described on the wiki.

Key Value
type restriction
restriction no_left_turn / no_right_turn / no_u-turn ….
Restriction Sign Relation Description
From Via To
no_right_turn France road sign B2b.svg way node way The restriction doesn’t allow the vehicles to turn right
no_left_turn France road sign B2a.svg way node way The restriction doesn’t allow the vehicles to turn left
no_u_turn UK traffic sign 614.svg way way way The restriction doesn’t allow the vehicles to make a u-turn
no_straight_on MUTCD R3-27.svg way node way The restriction doesn’t allow the vehicles to go straight
only_right_turn Signal B21c1.svg way node way The vehicles can only turn right
only_left_turn Signal B21c2.svg way node way The vehicles can only turn left
only_straight_on Signal B21b.svg way node way The vehicles can only go straight


Key Value Object
barrier gate node/way
barrier lift_gate node
barrier swing_gate node
barrier block node
barrier jersey_barrier node/way
barrier bollard node/way

For the tagging of barriers, it will be better if completing with the tagging access for vehicles.


Key Value
barrier gate/lift_gate/swing_gate/bollard/swing_gate/block/jersey_barrier
access permissive/no/private
Photo OSM Tags
Bollards To Spare, Langsett Road South, Oughtibridge - geograph.org.uk - 1239749.jpg barrier=bollard


Oblast mezi obcemi Předboj a Bašť (3) croped.jpg barrier=swing_gate



Jersey barriers.jpg barrier=jersey_barrier


Sluitlus.jpg barrier=lift_gate


Roadblock in Palestine.jpg barrier=block


Gate-hindeloopen-westerdijk.jpg barrier=gate


Access for Vehicles

Key Value 4W Routing 2W Routing Pedestrian Routing
access permissive yes yes yes
access no no no no
access private no no no
access destination yes yes yes
access customers yes yes yes
motorcar no no yes yes
motorcar yes yes yes yes
motorcycle no yes no yes
motorcycle yes yes yes yes
motor_vehicle no no no yes
motor_vehicle yes yes yes yes
motorroad no yes yes yes
motorroad yes yes no no


OSM Tag 4W Routing 2W Routing Pedestrian Routing Comment
lanes=* yes yes no How many traffic lanes there are on a highway. Value fill in with number
name=* yes yes yes Street name (official). Also official_name / int_name / name:en / nat_name
name_1=* yes yes yes Street Name (Alternate). Also reg_name / loc_name / old_name
oneway=* yes yes no Indicate that the way is for one direction by vehicles
*:forward=* yes yes no Direction in which the way is drawn
*:backward=* yes yes no Direction in which the opposite of the way drawn

Data Validation

JOSM Validator

JOSM Validator is one of the tools for OSM data quality check, including routing data check. The configuration of the JOSM Validator can be adjusted to only check on data that impacted routing. Some of the checks that can be included are

Type of Check Description
Suspicious tags combination To check whether there is a suspicious combination of tags in data. For example, tag motor_vehicle=no together with tag motorcar=yes. Using these 2 tag combinations is contradictory. Moreover, by using these tags together, the route can not be generated by the routing engine (eg. Graphhopper) for 2W and 4W routing since the engine more consider the motor_vehicle=no tag.
Missing tag Check whether an object has a missing mandatory tag. For example, a restriction relation without restriction=* tag can not be considered by the routing engine as a restriction


OSM tag Car Routing Pedestrian Routing Comment
type=route Determine route number / name (see below)
Route Relation Use

Telenav relies on route relations as the primary source for determining the road network and number (I-80, US-6, etcetera), following the conventions set out on the OpenStreetMap wiki page.