State Of The Map 2011

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The State Of The Map conference in 2011 took place in Denver, Colorado, United States! September 9-11


Some related links:


We can list the sessions (presentations/panels/workshops) here and link to more resources. Please feel free to edit the page to make this list more complete:


Time Room Title, Speaker Slides Resources Video etc
Friday (Businessday)
9:00-9:30 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: Welcome, Campus Chancellor
9:30-10:00 Turnhalle SotM 2011 Business day keynote: Be a Mapper, Richard Weait slides
10:00-10:30 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: An Open Road Map for OpenStreetMap, Patrick McDevitt fosslc video
11:00-11:25 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: Adding value to our data: Using OSM in our commercial products Coleman McCormick ustream (also includes next talk) fosslc video
11:25-11:50 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: Landmarks in OSM Stephen Winter
11:50-12:30 Turnhalle SotM 2011 panel: OSM to Enterprise William A Rutledge ustream
11:00-11:25 Baerressen SotM 2011 workshop: Building Community, One Node at a Time Steven Johnson fosslc video
11:25-11:50 Baerressen SotM 2011 workshop: Open data in the map Eimar Boesjes fosslc video
11:50-12:30 Baerressen SotM 2011 workshop: OSM and Depiction Russel Deftner
14:00-14:25 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: Where the Streets Have No Name Daniel Kastl slides, fosslc video
14:25-14:50 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: Crowd Sourced open geodata: Next generation information poverty solutions for developing nations -- Stephen Debqiue
14:50-15:10 Turnhalle SotM 2011 session: What is Open and What is Free in OGC, OSGeo, and OSM Arnulf Christl fosslc video
14:00-14:50 Baerressen SotM 2011 workshop: Join the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team! Kate Chapman ustream 1, ustream 2 fosslc video
14:50-15:10 Mapping Party
15:30 Turnhalle SotM 2011 panel: Meet the Mappers Henk Hoff with Toby, Chdoula, Gisle, Martijn van Exel, and Harry Wood. Background websites: heat map & contribution details. ustream
15:30 Baerressen Mapping Party (continued.)


Time Room Title, Speaker Slides Resources Video etc
9:00-9:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 keynote: Steve Coast slides fosslc video, ustream 1, ustream 2
9:30-10:00 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 keynote: Peter Batty slides, fosslc video
10:00-10:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Japan, 3/11 – OSM in Japan before and after the tsunami, Daniel Kastl, OSMFJP slides, fosslc video, ustream
11:00-11:20 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: The maps are available, now let's use them Mihal Miu fosslc video
11:20-11:40 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Building efficient map apps using OSM vector source data Martin Havnor fosslc video
11:40-12:00 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Indoor AR Audio Navigation Jacques Lemordant fosslc video, ustream 1, ustream 2
12:00-12:20 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Newscoop and OSM-powered geolocation data for news articles Douglas Arellanes fosslc video, ustream
11:00-11:20 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: Airborne Law Enforcement and OSM Thomas Churchill fosslc video
11:20-11:40 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: Using OpenStreetMap for Logistics and Planning Ben Abelshausen ustream fosslc video
11:40-12:00 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: Walking Papers, Two years on Michal Migurski
12:00-12:20 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: What's new in PostgreSQL 9.1 Steve Singer Slides w/ audio
Lunch ... (plus HOT meeting at 13:00)
14:00-14:25 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Japan earthquake and activities Hiroshi Miura slides
14:25-14:50 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Open Trails, Augmented Reality for Walkers Nick Whitelegg fosslc video
14:50-15:10 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Shields Up! Richard Weait ustream fosslc video
15:10-15:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: The use of OSM registering nighttime ISS Photographs Qing Liu ustream fosslc video
16:00-16:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Blossoms, Weeds and Blades of Grass - Growing the map Harry Wood fosslc video, ustream
16:30- Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Learn to Use ArcGIS Tools for OSM Al Pascual fosslc video, ustream
16:00- Great Plains (Rm 1535) State Of The Map 2011/Lightning Talks and Sotm 2011 HOT scholarship talks ustream (first few only)


Time Room Title, Speaker Slides Resources Video etc
Sunday, Sep. 11th, 2011
9:00-9:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Mapping the Mushrooming of North-East India Ben Lewis fosslc video
9:30-10:00 SotM 2011 session: Using OSM as a divining rod Aaron Straup Cope ustream fosslc video
10:00-10:30 SotM 2011 session: OSM and the American Dream Freimut Kahrs ustream fosslc video
9:00-9:30 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: OSM and Thematic Mapping made pretty Christopher Helm ustream fosslc video
9:30-10:00 SotM 2011 session: OSM Bright: A template for beautiful maps AJ Ashton fosslc video
10:00-10:30 SotM 2011 session: Piecemeal Geodata Michal Migurski blog & slides fosslc video
11:00-11:20 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session: Mapping the Mushrooming of North-East India Ben Lewis fpsslc video
11:00 - 11:20 SotM 2011 session: Grassroots mapping: Ethics of data openness and community participation Jeffrey Warren, Shannon Dosemagen fosslc video
11:20-11:40 SotM 2011 session: Grassroots Jerusalem fosslc video
11:40-12:00 SotM 2011 session: Extreme Citizen Science - What role will OSM play? Muki Haklay fosslc video
12:00-12:30 SotM 2011 Panel: Utilizing OpenStreetMap for Disaster Risk Reduction
11:00-11:20 Great Plains (Rm 1535) SotM 2011 session: Calculating mapping tasks using web mining techniques Jorge Gustavo Rocha slides pdf ustream fosslc video
11:20-11:40 SotM 2011 session: Insert Coin To Play Martijn van Exel ustream, slides on SlideShare fosslc video
11:40-12:00 SotM 2011 session: Address Hunter Philipp Kandal ustream
12:00-12:30 SotM 2011 Panel: I fight authority, Authority always wins Eric Wolf ustream
Lunch and OSMF AGM
14:00-14:25 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 discussion: Gamification & OSM ustream
14:25-14:50 SotM 2011 session: Assessing geospatial learning aspects in digital maps Philippe Rieffel ustream fosslc video slides pdf
14:50-15:10 SotM 2011 session: Has OSM opened the UK street Map? If not, why not? Bob Barr fosslc video slides pdf
14:00-15:30 Great Plains (Rm 1535) State Of The Map 2011/Unconference ustream 1, ustream 2
15:10-15:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) SotM 2011 session:VGI at the USGS, The OpenStreetMap Collaborative Prototype fosslc video
16:00-16:30 Rocky Mtns (Rm 1130) Closing, Steve Coast ustream (includes auction)
16:00-16:30 Auction, Henk Hoff & Ivan Sanchez Ortega

Also see /Post Conference Mapping Parties for ideas for post-conference mapping parties (current suggestions aimed at hikers/mountain-bikers) (nickw)

Shorter link to this page:

The State of the Map conference 2011

See also

The international State of the Map conferences edit
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