WikiProject Belgium/Motorways

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WikiProject Belgium +/-

A list of E-motorways (European motorways) in Belgium, not all motorways are E-ways and normally they should have a national reference as well. Tag motorways with the int_ref (their E number) and nat_ref (see list and add what's appropriate) keys whenever possible. Note: do not add a space or hyphen in the reference but use values like E40 and A18.

Relation Tags


All relations will be groupped in Relation 86641 StatusRelation (3/4)


Colour and symbol legend

The status of the motorways is indicated by a symbol, which describes the type of feature, and a colour, which indicates the completeness of that feature

Meaning of symbols

  • State Car.svg - The Motorway is completly mapped.(highway=motorway) - Key: c
  • State Exit.svg - All Exits are present.(highway=motorway_link) - Key: ex
  • State Rest.svg - All Motorway Service Utilities are present (Parking with -WC, motorway service area,...). - Key: se
  • State Exitnr.svg - All Exit Names and Exit numbers mapped .(highway=motorway_junction, ref=* and name=* on the exit node) - Key: ju
  • State Lanes.svg - All Lane information complete (lanes=*). - Key: ln
  • State Speed.svg - Speed limitations tagged. (maxspeed=*) - Key: sp
  • State TMC.svg - Traffic Message Channel information tagged. (TMC=*) - Key: tm
  • State Relation.svg - The Motorway is linked to a Relation . (Relation type=route) - Key: rl

Meaning of colours

Colour Meaning Use for navigation To do Value
unknown The map needs checking, status unknown Availability unknown Please check (none)
no or little data The map contains no or little data Not to be used Please complete 0
partial data The map contains partial data Limited usability Please complete 1
largely complete The map is largely complete (please describe missing data) Use with restrictions Please complete (missing data, streets etc.) 2
complete The map is complete (in the opinion of a mapper) Suitable for use Please check and correct any errors 3
complete and verified The map is complete (verified by 2 mappers) ; please indicate Date when checked) Suitable for use Please update as needed 4
not existing This attribute is not existing in the mapped area (e.g. no petrol station existing). Suitable for use Please update as needed X

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Motorways (A)

Ref E nr Relation Status Checked by (User&Date) Cities and comments
A1 E19 relation 86463 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Brussels - Mechelen - Antwerpen - (Breda, NL)
A2 E314 relation 86470 Road (3/4)Exits (3/4)Service areas (3/4)Junctions (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4) 31.01.09 Thomas1950 (Both directions) Leuven - Diest - Genk - Maasmechelen
A3 E40 relation 86485 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (1/4)Lanes (2/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4) 27.09.08 Thomas1950 (Aachen direction Liege) Brussels - Leuven - Liège - (Aachen, D) Missing: Exit 37bis Thimister-Clermont Service: Aire de Barchon
A4 E411 relation 86555 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Brussels - Namur - Arlon - (Luxembourg, L)
A7 E19 relation 86567 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Halle - Nivelles - Mons - (Valenciennes, F)
A8 E429 relation 86709 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Halle - Tournai - (Lille, France)
A10 E40 relation 91902 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Relation (3/4) Brussels - Aalst - Gent - Brugge - Oostende
A11 E34 relation 91922 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Relation (3/4) Antwerpen - Zelzate - Westkapelle - Brugge-Noord (not yet a motorway everywhere, temporarily overlaps with N49)
A12 relation 102684 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Brussels - Boom - Antwerpen - (Bergen op Zoom, NL) (not a motorway everywhere)
A12a relation 92015 Road (3/4)Service areas (X/4)Relation (3/4) Antwerpen (Amerikalei)
A13 E313 relation 93007 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Antwerpen - Hasselt - Liège
A14 E17 relation 93156 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (1/4)Relation (3/4) Antwerpen - Sint-Niklaas - Gent - Kortrijk - (Lille, F)
A15 E42 relation 51593 Road (3/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (0/4)Relation (3/4) La Louvière - Namur - Liège
A16 E42 relation 86732 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Mons - Tournai
A17 E403 relation 102301 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (1/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4) Brugge - Kortrijk - Tournai
A18 E40 relation 91908 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Relation (3/4) Brugge - Veurne - (Dunkerque, F)
A19 relation 102311 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Kortrijk - Ieper
A21 E34 relation 93014 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Antwerpen - Turnhout - (Eindhoven, NL)
A25 E25 relation 102406 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Liège - Visé - (Maastricht, NL)
A26 E25 relation 102392 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (1/4)Relation (3/4) Liège - Neufchâteau
A27 E42 relation 86626 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (1/4)Junctions (1/4)Lanes (1/4)Speed limits (1/4)Relation (3/4) 14.02.09 Thomas1950 Several Junctions not done, Parkings missing Battice - Verviers - Malmedy - Sankt-Vith - (Bitburg, D)
A28 E411 relation 93026 Road (3/4)Exits (3/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (3/4)Speed limits (3/4)Relation (3/4) Aubange - Athus
A54 relation 102412 Road (3/4)Relation (1/4) Nivelles - Charleroi
A112 relation 92012 Road (3/4)Service areas (X/4)Relation (3/4) A12 - junction Antwerpen-Centrum (Antwerpen)
A201 relation 89308 Road (3/4)Exits (2/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (2/4)Lanes (2/4)Speed limits (2/4)Relation (3/4) R0 - Brussels Airport
A501 relation 86586 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (1/4)Lanes (0/4)Speed limits (0/4)Relation (3/4) La Louvière
A503 relation 102273 Road (3/4)Exits (1/4)Service areas (X/4)Junctions (0/4)Lanes (2/4)Speed limits (0/4) Charleroi - Marcinelle
A601 relation 93019 Road (3/4)Exits (X/4)Service areas (X/4)Relation (3/4) A13 - A3 (near Liège)
A602 relation 102253 Road (3/4)Relation (3/4) Ans - A26 (Liège)
A604 relation 102260 Road (3/4)Service areas (X/4)Relation (3/4) A15 - Jemeppe (Liège)

Ring roads that are motorways (R)

Ref Relation Status Checked by (User&Date) Cities and comments
R0 relation 58205 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Brussels (not a motorway everywhere)
R1 relation 91931 Road (4/4)Service areas (X/4)Relation (4/4) Antwerpen
R2 relation 3112419 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Antwerpen (harbour area)
R3 relation 255411 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Charleroi
R4 relation 17789959 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Gent (not a motorway everywhere)
R5 Road (2/4) Mons Southern Part missing
R5a Road (3/4) Havré
R8 relation 8656437 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Kortrijk (not a motorway everywhere)
R9 relation 14636956 Road (4/4)Relation (4/4) Charleroi (runs only in one direction)

Ring Antwerpen

Antwerpen has special ring routes spanning multiple road references, see [1].

Ref Relation Status Checked by (User&Date) Cities and comments
1 relation 16826759 Road (4/4)Relation (3/4) Ring 1 Antwerpen (R1-E34-R2-A12 clockwise)
2 relation 16826758 Road (4/4)Relation (3/4) Ring 2 Antwerpen (A12-R2-E34-R1 counterclockwise)

Bretelles (B)

Ref Route OSM status
B101 A1 - N1 (Mechelen-Zuid)
B102 R1 - N70 (Antwerpen Linkeroever) This is not a B-road anymore, but a plain motorway exit of the R1
B201 R0 - Erasmus in Anderlecht (Brussels)
B202 R0 - Humaniteitslaan in Drogenbos/Anderlecht (Brussels)
B401 A14 - Gent Centre
B402 A10 - R4 in Sint-Denijs-Westrem (Gent)
B403 R4 - A10 in Merelbeke (near Gent)
B501 A7 - Mons
B601 A27 - N640 in Tiège (near Spa)
B602 A26 - Tilff (near Liège)
B901 A4 - N90 in Loyers (near Namur)


Name Motorways OSM status
Aalbeke A14, A17
Antwerpen-Centrum A12a, A112, R1
Antwerpen-Haven A12, R2
Antwerpen-Noord A1, A12, R1
Antwerpen-Oost A13, R1
Antwerpen-West A14, R1
Antwerpen-Zuid A1, A12, R1
Arquennes A7, A54
Battice A3, A27
Beveren A11, R2
Bois-d'Haine A15, A501
Brugge A10, A17
Charleroi A54, R9 Done
Cheratte A3, A25 Junctions done, Bridges OK
Daussoulx A4, A15 Done
Destelbergen A14, R4
Familleureux A7, A501
Fexhe-Slins A13, A601
Gent-Centrum A14, B401
Gouy A15, R3 Done, but bridges aren't indicated
Grâce-Hollogne A15, A604
Groot-Bijgaarden A10, R0
Haut-Ittre A7, R0
Hautrage A7, A16
Hauts-Sarts A3, A601
Heppignies A15, R3 4 junctions out of 8 are done
Heverlee A2, A3
Houdeng-Goegnies A7, A15
Jabbeke A10, A18
Jemappes A15, R5
Leonardkruispunt A4, R0
Loncin A3, A15, A602 Junctions done, bridges OK
Lummen A2, A13
Machelen A1, R0
Marcinelle A503, R3 Done, but bridges aren't indicated
Marcinelle A503, R9 Done
Marquain A8, A17
Merelbeke A10, B403
Moorsele A17, A19
Neufchâteau A4, A26
Ranst A13, A21
Sint-Stevens-Woluwe A3, R0
Strombeek-Bever R0, A12
Thiméon A15, A54 4 junctions out of 8 are done
Tournai A8, A16
Ville-sur-Haine A7, R5
Vottem A3, A13
Zaventem A201, R0
Zwijnaarde A10, A14


Name Road OSM status Map
Vilvoorde R0 Mapped, added relation, missing lanes and speed limit info relation 4610
Wauthier-Braine R0 Mapped, added relation, missing lanes and speed limit info relation 27560

Future motorways

Ref E nr Cities Status
A102 junction Antwerpen-Noord - A13 in Deurne (Antwerpen) Planned, but will it ever be built...
A202 Haut-Ittre - Rebecq I don't know if this will be built
A301 Jabbeke - Brugge (Blauwe Toren) I don't know if this will be built
A605 Cerexhe-Heuseux (Soumagne) - Beaufays (Chaudfontaine) Will be built in 2009-2011 [2]
(AX) Knokke-Heist - N31 in Brugge (Blauwe Toren) Will be built starting from 2010.
