MUTCD/New Jersey/R

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Series R(NJ) of the New Jersey Standard Sign Manual is for regulatory signs. The following tables display only the signs specific to the SSM; consult MUTCD/R for regulatory signs in the national Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

R(NJ)2: Speed Limit

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)2-2 R(NJ)2-2 Truck Speed Limit maxspeed=* mph maxspeed:hgv=* mph
R(NJ)2-6 R(NJ)2-6 End Speed Limit maxspeed=* mph before the sign

R(NJ)3: Lane Usage and Turns

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)3-1A R(NJ)3-1A No Right Turn type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn
R(NJ)3-2A R(NJ)3-2A No Left Turn type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
R(NJ)3-2C R(NJ)3-2C No Left Turn / No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
See No turn on red
R(NJ)3-2D R(NJ)3-2D No Left Turn / No U Turn type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
R(NJ)3-2F R(NJ)3-2F No U or Left Turn type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn
R(NJ)3-3 R(NJ)3-3 No Turns type=restriction restriction=only_straight_on
R(NJ)3-3B R(NJ)3-3B Official Use Only access=private private=government on cross street
Or highway=service service=emergency_access access=no emergency=designated on emergency crossover
R(NJ)3-4A R(NJ)3-4A No U Turn type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn
R(NJ)3-5L R(NJ)3-5L Left Turn Only type=restriction restriction=only_left_turn
R(NJ)3-5R R(NJ)3-5R Right Turn Only type=restriction restriction=only_right_turn
R(NJ)3-7L R(NJ)3-7L Lane for Left Turn Only turn:lanes=left|*
R(NJ)3-7AL R(NJ)3-7AL Lane for U Turn Only turn:lanes=reverse|*
R(NJ)3-7BL R(NJ)3-7BL Lane for U and Left Turns Only turn:lanes=reverse;left|*
R(NJ)3-7LA R(NJ)3-7LA Lanes for Left Turn Only turn:lanes=left|left|*
R(NJ)3-8A R(NJ)3-8A Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Right) turn:lanes=left|left;right
R(NJ)3-8B R(NJ)3-8B Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Right) turn:lanes=left|right
R(NJ)3-8C R(NJ)3-8C Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|left;through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8D R(NJ)3-8D Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|left|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8E R(NJ)3-8E Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=left;through|through|through
R(NJ)3-8F R(NJ)3-8F Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|through;right
R(NJ)3-8G R(NJ)3-8G Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left;through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8H R(NJ)3-8H Advance Intersection Lane Control (Lefts, Thru, Through and Right) turn:lanes=left;slight_left|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8I R(NJ)3-8I Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru) turn:lanes=left|through
R(NJ)3-8J R(NJ)3-8J Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left|left|through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8K R(NJ)3-8K Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=left|left|through|through
R(NJ)3-8L R(NJ)3-8L Advance Intersection Lane Control (Lefts, Right) turn:lanes=left;slight_left|right
R(NJ)3-8M R(NJ)3-8M Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left|through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8N R(NJ)3-8N Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left|left;through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8P R(NJ)3-8P Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|left;through;right
R(NJ)3-8Q R(NJ)3-8Q Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru and Right, Right) turn:lanes=left;through;right|right
R(NJ)3-8R R(NJ)3-8R Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8S R(NJ)3-8S Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Right) turn:lanes=left|left|right
R(NJ)3-8T R(NJ)3-8T Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8U R(NJ)3-8U Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru and Right) turn:lanes=through;right
R(NJ)3-8V R(NJ)3-8V Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left) turn:lanes=left;left
R(NJ)3-8W R(NJ)3-8W Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=left;through;through
R(NJ)3-8X R(NJ)3-8X Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Right, Right) turn:lanes=left;right;right
R(NJ)3-8Y R(NJ)3-8Y Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|left|through|through;right
width:dividers=0|1 lane|0
R(NJ)3-8Z R(NJ)3-8Z Ahead Start turn:lanes=* and change:lanes=* ahead
R(NJ)3-8AA R(NJ)3-8AA Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left;through|right
R(NJ)3-8BB R(NJ)3-8BB Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|left|through|right
R(NJ)3-8CC R(NJ)3-8CC Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=left;through|through
R(NJ)3-8DD R(NJ)3-8DD Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru) turn:lanes=left|left|through
R(NJ)3-8EE R(NJ)3-8EE Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Right) turn:lanes=left;right
R(NJ)3-8FF R(NJ)3-8FF Advance Intersection Lane Control (Right and Right) turn:lanes=right;right
R(NJ)3-8GG R(NJ)3-8GG Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left|left|through|right
R(NJ)3-8HH R(NJ)3-8HH Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=left;through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8II R(NJ)3-8II Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left|through|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8JJ R(NJ)3-8JJ Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left and Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=left|left;through|through
R(NJ)3-8KK R(NJ)3-8KK Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left;through|through|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8LL R(NJ)3-8LL Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=left;through|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8MM R(NJ)3-8MM Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Rights) turn:lanes=through|through|slight_right;right
R(NJ)3-8NN R(NJ)3-8NN Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=through|through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8PP R(NJ)3-8PP Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru and Right, Right) turn:lanes=through|through;right|right
R(NJ)3-8QQ R(NJ)3-8QQ Advance Intersection Lane Control (Through and Right, Right) turn:lanes=through;right|right
R(NJ)3-8RR R(NJ)3-8RR Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Right) turn:lanes=through|through|right
R(NJ)3-8SS R(NJ)3-8SS Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left and Thru, Right, Right) turn:lanes=left;through|right|right
R(NJ)3-8TT R(NJ)3-8TT Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=through|through
R(NJ)3-8UU R(NJ)3-8UU Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Thru and Right) turn:lanes=through|through|through;right
R(NJ)3-8VV R(NJ)3-8VV Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Thru) turn:lanes=through|through|through
R(NJ)3-8WW R(NJ)3-8WW Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Thru and Right, Right) turn:lanes=through|through|through;right|right
R(NJ)3-8XX R(NJ)3-8XX Advance Intersection Lane Control (Thru, Thru, Right, Right) turn:lanes=through|through|right|right
R(NJ)3-8YY R(NJ)3-8YY Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru, Thru, Right, Right) turn:lanes=left|through|right|right
R(NJ)3-8ZZ R(NJ)3-8ZZ Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Thru and Right, Right) turn:lanes=left|through;right|right
R(NJ)3-8AAA R(NJ)3-8AAA Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Right, Right) turn:lanes=left|left|right|right
R(NJ)3-8BBB R(NJ)3-8BBB Advance Intersection Lane Control (Left, Left, Left) turn:lanes=left|left|left
R(NJ)3-18 R(NJ)3-18 Right Turn at All Times type=restriction restriction=only_right_turn

R(NJ)4: Regulation of Movement

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)4-7B R(NJ)4-7B Thru Traffic Keep Left turn:lanes=through|right
R(NJ)4-7C R(NJ)4-7C Thru Traffic Keep Right turn:lanes=left|through
R(NJ)4-7D R(NJ)4-7D All Traffic N/A
R(NJ)4-7DA R(NJ)4-7DA All Traffic N/A
R(NJ)4-7DB R(NJ)4-7DB All Traffic N/A
R(NJ)4-7E R(NJ)4-7E NJ Law / Keep Right Except to Pass N/A

R(NJ)5: Exclusionary

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)5-11B R(NJ)5-11B No Jumping Diving Crabbing Fishing Loitering jumping=no diving=no crabbing=no fishing=no loitering=no Speculative
R(NJ)5-12 R(NJ)5-12 No Litter / Fine littering=no fine:littering=* USD Speculative
R(NJ)5-13A R(NJ)5-13A No Trespassing for Soliciting or Vending
R(NJ)5-13B R(NJ)5-13B No Soliciting or Vending
R(NJ)5-14A R(NJ)5-14A No Bike Riding / Walk Bike on Walkway Only bicycle=use_sidepath on the roadway
bicycle=designated on the sidewalk
R(NJ)5-14B R(NJ)5-14B Walk Bike Over Bridge bicycle=dismount along the bridge
R(NJ)5-14C R(NJ)5-14C Walk Bike Over Bridge bicycle=dismount along bridge
R(NJ)5-17 R(NJ)5-17 Traffic Fines Doubled in Work Area N/A Avoid tagging temporary construction zones
R(NJ)5-19A R(NJ)5-19A State Property / No Trespassing access=private private=government
R(NJ)5-19B R(NJ)5-19B State Property / No Trespassing access=private private=government

R(NJ)6: One Way and Divided Highway Crossing‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)6-4 R(NJ)6-4 Median Crossover Ahead highway=service service=emergency_access oneway=yes access=no emergency=designated 1,000 feet (300 m) ahead Use oneway=no if the pictogram resembles a Z (for a Z-turn).

R(NJ)7: Parking, Standing, and Stopping‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)7-4L R(NJ)7-4L No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction=no_stopping to the left of the sign
R(NJ)7-4R R(NJ)7-4R No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction=no_stopping to the right of the sign
R(NJ)7-4TL R(NJ)7-4TL No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction:conditional=no_stopping @ * to the left of the sign
R(NJ)7-4TR R(NJ)7-4TR No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction:conditional=no_stopping @ * to the right of the sign
R(NJ)7-4X R(NJ)7-4X No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction=no_stopping on both sides of the sign
R(NJ)7-4TX R(NJ)7-4TX No Stopping or Standing parking:right:restriction:conditional=no_stopping @ * on both sides of the sign
R(NJ)7-8A R(NJ)7-8A Penalty $100 1st Offense / Subsequent Offenses $100 Minimum and/or Up to 90 Days Community Service / Tow-Away Zone fine:parking=100 USD How to tag community service penalty and tow-away zone?

R(NJ)8: Parking and Emergency Restrictions‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)8-3 R(NJ)8-3 Emergency No Parking parking:right:restriction=no_parking
R(NJ)8-4 R(NJ)8-4 No Parking / Trucks Vans SUV parking:right:restriction:hgv=no_parking parking:right:restriction:goods=no_parking How to tag vans and sport utility vehicles specifically?
R(NJ)8-9 R(NJ)8-9 Emergency and Authorized Vehicles Only parking:right:access=private parking:right:private=government parking:right:emergency=designated
R(NJ)8-10 R(NJ)8-10 No Parking When Road is Snow Covered parking:right:restriction:conditional=no_parking @ snow
R(NJ)8-15 R(NJ)8-15 Parking Only in Designated Areas Between the Painted Lines

R(NJ)9: Bicycles and Pedestrians‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)9-3CL R(NJ)9-3CL Pedestrians foot=designated to the left
foot=no straight ahead
R(NJ)9-3CR R(NJ)9-3CR Pedestrians foot=designated to the right
foot=no straight ahead
R(NJ)9-9S R(NJ)9-9S Stop for Pedestrians highway=crossing crossing:markings=yes
highway=stop at the stop line

R(NJ)10: Traffic Signal‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)10-4S R(NJ)10-4S Push Button for Walk Signal crossing=traffic_signals crossing:signals=separate button_operated=yes Proposed
R(NJ)10-5A R(NJ)10-5A U Turn on Green Arrow Only turn:lanes=reverse|*
How to indicate protected turn?
R(NJ)10-7 R(NJ)10-7 Do Not Block Side Road
R(NJ)10-7A R(NJ)10-7A Do Not Block Driveway
R(NJ)10-10A R(NJ)10-10A U Turn Signal turn:lanes=reverse|*
How to indicate protected turn?
R(NJ)10-11C R(NJ)10-11C No Turn on Red (Times) type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ *
R(NJ)10-11D R(NJ)10-11D No Turn on Red (Times) type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ *
R(NJ)10-11E R(NJ)10-11E No Turn on Red (Times) type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ *
R(NJ)10-11F R(NJ)10-11F No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
R(NJ)10-11G R(NJ)10-11G No Turn on Red (Times) type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ *
R(NJ)10-11H R(NJ)10-11H No Turn on Red (Times) type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ *
R(NJ)10-11I R(NJ)10-11I Right Turn on Red After Full Stop N/A Absence of restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
R(NJ)10-11J R(NJ)10-11J Right Turn on Red After Full Stop N/A Absence of restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
R(NJ)10-12A R(NJ)10-12A Arrow Will Appear Every Other Green
R(NJ)10-13A R(NJ)10-13A Delayed Green
R(NJ)10-13B R(NJ)10-13B Delayed Green
R(NJ)10-13C R(NJ)10-13C Delayed Green / No Left Turn type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn How to tag delayed green?
R(NJ)10-13D R(NJ)10-13D Delayed Green / No Right Turn type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn How to tag delayed green?
R(NJ)10-13E R(NJ)10-13E Opposing Traffic Has Delayed Green
R(NJ)10-13F R(NJ)10-13F Opposing Traffic Has Delayed Green
R(NJ)10-13G R(NJ)10-13G Wait for Green / No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red
R(NJ)10-13H R(NJ)10-13H Delayed Green / No Turn on Red type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn_on_red How to tag delayed green?
R(NJ)10-14E R(NJ)10-14E Wait for the Next Walk Light (Fixed Time Signal, No Ped Button) crossing=traffic_signals crossing:signals=separate button_operated=no Proposed
R(NJ)10-14F R(NJ)10-14F Wait for the Next Walk Light (Fixed Time Signal, No Ped Button) crossing=traffic_signals crossing:signals=separate button_operated=no Proposed
R(NJ)10-15 R(NJ)10-15 Opposing Traffic Has Extended Green
R(NJ)10-15A R(NJ)10-15A Opposing Traffic Has Extended Green
R(NJ)10-15S R(NJ)10-15S Turning Vehicles Stop for Pedestrians
How to indicate that only turning vehicles must come to a full stop in front of the crosswalk?
R(NJ)10-17 R(NJ)10-17 Stop Here for Fire Signal highway=traffic_signals traffic_signals=emergency
highway=stop at the stop line

R(NJ)11: Road Closed‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)11-1A R(NJ)11-1A Keep Off Shoulder shoulder=* shoulder:parking:restriction=no_stopping
R(NJ)11-5 R(NJ)11-5 Local Traffic Only access=destination

R(NJ)12: Weight Limits‎

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)12-6 R(NJ)12-6 No Trucks in Left Lane hgv:lanes=no|* maxweight:lanes=* st|*
R(NJ)12-7 R(NJ)12-7 No Trucks in Left Lane hgv:lanes=no|*
R(NJ)12-8L R(NJ)12-8L Truck Left Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:hgv:conditional=*
R(NJ)12-8R R(NJ)12-8R Truck Right Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:hgv:conditional=*
R(NJ)12-8AL R(NJ)12-8AL Vehicle Left Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_left_turn @ (weight>*)
R(NJ)12-8AR R(NJ)12-8AR Vehicle Right Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn @ (weight>*)
R(NJ)12-8ARR R(NJ)12-8ARR Vehicle Turn on Red Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_right_turn_on_red @ (weight>*)
R(NJ)12-9 R(NJ)12-9 Truck U Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:hgv:conditional=*
R(NJ)12-9A R(NJ)12-9A Vehicle U Turn Weight Limit type=restriction restriction:conditional=no_u_turn @ (weight>*)
R(NJ)12-10 R(NJ)12-10 Truck Weight Limit maxweight:hgv=* st
R(NJ)12-10A R(NJ)12-10A Vehicle Weight Limit maxweight=* st
R(NJ)12-11 R(NJ)12-11 Truck Weight Exclusion maxweight:hgv=* st
R(NJ)12-11A R(NJ)12-11A Truck Weight Exclusion on Route maxweight:hgv=* st along the specified route
R(NJ)12-11B R(NJ)12-11B Overweight Trucks Must Exit maxweight:hgv=* st straight ahead
hgv=designated on the exit ramp
R(NJ)12-11C R(NJ)12-11C Overweight Trucks Only minweight:hgv=* st to the right

R(NJ)30: U Turns

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)30-1 R(NJ)30-1 U and Right Turns Keep Right junction=jughandle turn=reverse;right on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-2 R(NJ)30-2 U and Left Turns Keep Right junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-2C R(NJ)30-2C U and Left Turns Keep Left junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left on the slip lane to the left
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-3 R(NJ)30-3 U and Right Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;right on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-3BR R(NJ)30-3BR U and Right Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;right on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-3X R(NJ)30-3X U and Right Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;right on the slip lane straight ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at this intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at this intersection
R(NJ)30-4 R(NJ)30-4 U and Left Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left on the slip lane ahead and to the left
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the second intersection ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the second intersection ahead
R(NJ)30-4LL R(NJ)30-4LL U and Left Turns Keep Left junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left on the slip lane to the left
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)30-5 R(NJ)30-5 U Turn Ahead junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane straight ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at this intersection
R(NJ)30-6AX R(NJ)30-6AX U Turn Ahead junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane straight ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at this intersection
R(NJ)30-6BL R(NJ)30-6BL U Turn junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the left
R(NJ)30-6BR R(NJ)30-6BR U Turn junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the right
R(NJ)30-6CL R(NJ)30-6CL U Turn junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the left
R(NJ)30-6CR R(NJ)30-6CR U Turn junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the right
R(NJ)30-7A R(NJ)30-7A No U Turn from Right Lane turn:lanes=reverse|*
R(NJ)30-9L R(NJ)30-9L U Turn Only junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the left
R(NJ)30-9R R(NJ)30-9R U Turn Only junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the right
R(NJ)30-9CR R(NJ)30-9CR U Turn Only junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane to the right
R(NJ)30-10 R(NJ)30-10 U Turn Only turn:lanes=*|reverse
junction=jughandle turn=reverse on the slip lane ahead and to the right
R(NJ)30-12 R(NJ)30-12 U Turn Left Lane turn:lanes=reverse|*

R(NJ)31: All Turns

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)31-2C R(NJ)31-2C All Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left;right on the slip lane straight ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at this intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at this intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at this intersection
R(NJ)31-2D R(NJ)31-2D All Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left;right on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_u_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the next intersection
type=restriction restriction=no_right_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)31-2F R(NJ)31-2F All Turns junction=jughandle turn=reverse;left;right on the slip lane to the right

R(NJ)32: Form Two Lanes

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)32-1 R(NJ)32-1 Form Two Lanes lanes=2

R(NJ)33: Use Turn Signal

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)33-1 R(NJ)33-1 Use Turn Signal

R(NJ)34: Left Turn

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)34-1A R(NJ)34-1A Left Turn junction=jughandle turn=left on the slip lane straight ahead
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at this intersection
R(NJ)34-1B R(NJ)34-1B Left Turn junction=jughandle turn=left on the slip lane to the right
type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn at the next intersection
R(NJ)34-1C R(NJ)34-1C Left Turn junction=jughandle turn=left on the slip lane to the right
R(NJ)34-1D R(NJ)34-1D Left Turn turn:lanes=*|left
junction=jughandle turn=left on the slip lane ahead and to the right

R(NJ)35: Distance

Sign or plaque Designation Name Tags Notes
R(NJ)35-1 R(NJ)35-1 Fractional Mile N/A The tags apply some distance ahead
R(NJ)35-1A R(NJ)35-1A Fractional Mile N/A The tags apply some distance ahead

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