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Public-images-osm logo.svg leisure = golf_course
View of golf hole course.jpg
A golf course Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering in OSM Carto area
Area golf minigolf.png
Group: sports
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de factoPage for proposal

A  golf course is the grounds where the game of golf is played.

How to map

Draw an area around the boundary of the course including clubhouse, car park & any other ancillary features, and tag it leisure=golf_course.

If you are not sure of its border you can place a single node in the middle and tag it leisure=golf_course but the area is preferable.

Tags used in combination

Features within a golf course

For details on how to map/tag features refer to their specific pages.

Applies to all features:

Golf field 2 Carto.png


List of features: Key:golf.

Number Feature Element Description
1 tee area node An area where play begins on a golf hole.
2 water_hazard area A natural obstacle designed to add difficulty to a golf course.
3 rough area Areas within bounds which usually have longer length of grass.
4 out_of_bounds way Usually defined by white stakes or lines.
5 bunker area A type of hazard in the form of a depression in the ground filled with sand.
6 lateral_water_hazard area A natural obstacle designed to add difficulty to a golf course.
7 fairway area An area between the tee and green where the surface is smooth usually grass is cut even and short.
8 green area An area of smooth ground surrounding a pin flag usually of short grass.
9 pin node The location of the pin flag.
10 hole way A hole is represented by a way along the standard playing path from the tee to the green.
driving_range area A driving range is an area where golfers can practice their golf swing.
clubhouse area The building dedicated as a clubhouse. Always tag building=* for the building itself.
cartpath way Path for golf vehicule.

Common mapping pitfalls

  • Adding name=* to objects like name=bunker, name=fairway 1, name=18th Hole, ...
    name=* should only be used if an object has a specific individual name and not for generic descriptions. See: Names are not for descriptions.
  • Adding duplicate ways on top of already existing highway ways and tagging them as golf=cartpath.
  • Changing existing highway=* tags to highway=path or mapping new roads as highway=path even if the tag is not appropriate. [1]
  • Drawing ad-hoc building shapes that don't resemble the real structures.
  • Deleting objects and redrawing them instead of improving the shape. If there is already a hole/fairway/etc. there, update it.
  • Wrapping polygon areas around a hole and leaving a tiny open gap. Use multipolygons instead.
  • Drawing duplicate water areas to tag them as water hazards, for example way 983686015.
  • Overlapping green/fairway/rough polygons (see graphic below).


Similar tags

See also

  1. highway=path is set by the iD golf cartpath preset