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Benvenuto su OpenStreetMap, il progetto che crea e fornisce dati geografici liberi su base mondiale. Il progetto è stato avviato perché la maggior parte delle mappe che si credono liberamente utilizzabili, hanno invece restrizioni legali o tecniche al loro utilizzo e ciò ne impedisce l'uso per scopi produttivi, creativi o inattesi.

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9 ago2024-08-092024-08-10 OpenStreetMap's 20th birthday. See where birthday parties and meetings were held.
7 giu2024-06-072024-06-08 See a progress update on vector tiles from the Engineering Working Group to learn more about this exciting improvement to
21 mag2024-05-212024-05-22 Read about what the OSM Foundation Board has been up to -- highlights from the OSMF Board Spring 2024 Meeting.
17 apr2024-04-172024-04-18 Learn about changes in authorizations with OAuth 1.0a and HTTP Basic Auth shutdown on
11 apr2024-04-112024-04-12 Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation! Here are three great reasons to join the OSM Foundation as a member.
4 apr2024-04-042024-04-05 The academic track at the 2024 State of the Map conference has opened for submissions as well! Learn more about submitting your academic research.
20 mar2024-03-202024-03-21 The call for participation in the 2024 State of the Map conference is open! Learn more about submitting an idea for a presentation.
12 mar2024-03-122024-03-13 The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board looks ahead to 2024.
12 mar2024-03-122024-03-13 Help us grow and diversify OSM Foundation membership worldwide!
14 feb2024-02-142024-02-15 Welcome OpenStreetMap Belgium, the newest (and returning) OSMF Local Chapter.
13 feb2024-02-132024-02-14 OpenStreetMap giving recap: Mappers, universities, companies, and nonprofits contributed over £373,000 to support OSM in 2023.
11 feb2024-02-112024-02-12 2024: announcing the year of the OpenStreetMap vector maps.
5 feb2024-02-052024-02-06 OpenStreetMap named as digital public good by United Nations-affiliated agency.
23 gen2024-01-232024-01-24 Tom Hughes recognized for OpenStreetMap contributions on OpenUK’s 2024 Honours List.
10 gen2024-01-102024-01-11 The State of the Map 2024 Travel Grant Program is open, applications due January 31.
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Eventi italiani editvedi anche da WMITEventi passati Italy 2024
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Meeting 9 mar. Open Data Pax: presentazione di QLever di Daniele Santini, seguita da quattro chiacchiere e Q&A su OpenStreetMap, Wikidata e oltre, in occasione dell'Open Data Day, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna
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3–6 OttobreFOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen Nr. 22Essen, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
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15 OttobreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng]
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15 OttobreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
15 Ottobre181. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
16 OttobreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
16 OttobreStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
18 OttobreOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
19–20 OttobreKarlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2024Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
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27 OttobreSocial Mapping Sunday: Perth Zoo FREE TICKETSWestern Australia, Australia
28 OttobreBremer Mappertreffen
29 OttobreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
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11 NovembreOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #70Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan
12 NovembreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
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13 NovembreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
13 NovembreMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
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3 DicembreMissing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng]
9 DicembreOpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #71Huashan, Taipei, Taiwan
10 DicembreSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
11 DicembreOSM Utah Monthly Map NightSalt Lake City, Utah, United States
11 DicembreOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
12 DicembreBochumer OSM TreffenBochum, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
12 DicembreMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
17 DicembreRéunion du groupe local de LyonLyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France
17 Dicembre183. OSM-Stammtisch BonnBonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
18 Dicembre15. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online)Stainach-Pürgg, Styria, Austria
18 DicembreStammtisch KarlsruheKarlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
19 DicembreOSM-Stammtisch HannoverHanover, Lower Saxony, Germany
27 DicembreDüsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online)Dusseldorf, North Rhine – Westphalia, Germany
7 GennaioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
8 GennaioOpenStreetMap Midwest MeetupOhio, United States
14 GennaioMünchner OSM-TreffenMunich, Bavaria, Germany
21 GennaioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
23 Gennaio149. OSM-Stammtisch Lübeck und UmgebungLübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
4 FebbraioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
18 FebbraioSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
4 MarzoSouth Bay Map NightSan Jose, California, United States
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