OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party

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An early "Cake diagram" for the Mapchester mapping event

In 2024 the project birthday, the OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party will be celebrated on or around 9th August 2024 in cities all around the world!

Birthday events

Order by date and then by longitude in time order (from East to West). Use {{flagicon|country}}.

Friday 9th
Saturday 10th

Japan 祝!OpenStreetMap誕生20周年 夏の会津マッパ&お祝いパーティー! - In Fukushima.

India OpenStreetMap Bengaluru Mapping Party - Location TBD

UK OpenStreetMap Birthday Pub - At the Doggett's Coat & Badge pub on the South bank from midday.

Sunday 11th

Switzerland OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Party - Location tbd

This year we're celebrating the OpenStreetMap 20th Anniversary Birthday party!