WikiProject CircularEconomy

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This page bundles information about various circular economy items. It mainly links to other pages where more information can be found on how to tag those. This way, the information stays in one place and there is no need to update many wiki pages if a change is needed.

Note that most items can use default tags such as image=*, name=*, opening_hours=*, Address, contact information. Those will not be repeated here.

Shop offers products without packaging

See bulk_purchase=*, zero_waste=*, reusable_packaging:accept=* and reusable_packaging:offer=*

Self repair workshops and repair Cafés

Please see the main article about repair cafés and repair=assisted_self_service

Lending facilities

See amenity=tool_library, amenity=bicycle_library and rental=*

Second-hand shops and freeshops

There are a few ways of marking second-hand shops:

- Use shop=* with second_hand=yes or second_hand=only. This can be used for a shop specializing in a certain type of goods, e.g. shop=clothes. Note that second_hand=limited is possible for e.g. a car garage which also resells some cars. - Use shop=charity to indicate a charity store, e.g. Oxfam stores, Red Cross stores, ... - Use shop=second_hand to indicate a shop selling various second-hand items.

One can add fee=no or fee=donation to indicate give-away shops and/or shops working with a free donation.

Give-away boxes

See amenity=public_bookcase and amenity=give_box

Recycling, waste containers, compost and container centers

For places who just recover materials or products, please use recycling=* instead - this includes compost.

Local food products


This websites on based on OpenStreetMap data.

Example 1: Markets, farmshops and food vending machine on the website

Markets, farmshops, milk and food vending machines and other direct marketers... This german project can be taken as an example (data are in OpenStreetMap, website is using an open-source project):

Documentation (in german) is there:

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here: [1]

Used tags:


amenity=vending_machine and additional tags vending=milk and vending=food


Example 2: Marketplace on the website Wo ist markt

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here : [2]

Example 3: Fruit trees on the website Mundraub

Translation (french and english) of this documentation is here : [3]

How to map ?

Farm who sells his products: shop=farm with producte=* (better than products)

shop=marketplace (but how to precise local food ?)

Markets: organic=yes and organic=only

Maps showing circular data

compost map introduction actual map

Related discussions

Cartographier les AMAP

The (french) blog article explaining the full project of mapping containers of Paris: