主要OpenStreetMap频道是irc://irc.oftc.net #osm(端口:6667)。其他聊天室在下方列出,但是#osm适用于大多数目的,并且拥有最多在线人数。
- 等待几秒,看看你是不是会打断一些对话。如果不会,再在底部的框里打字。
- 总体上来说,尽量不要发送引子性的消息,如“你好!”“我能问个问题吗?”,而是直截了当地进入话题。
- 如果没人回你,或者频道里没人,我们推荐你等个15分钟或是在一天中的不同时段尝试。
- 普通的IRC指令在这里可以使用(比如你可以用"/nick"设置昵称)。
如何加入IRC channels from a Matrix client
A Matrix client, for example Element (formerly known as Riot), can access IRC channels. The magic is done by the IRC bridge hosted on matrix.org.
你可以待在一间IRC房间直到你明确地退出。In other words, Matrix works as a bouncer. Turn off the computer, turn it on, and read the chat logs that were sent from IRC in the meantime.
For example,
- to join
, enter the channelb name#_oftc_#osm:matrix.org
- to join
enter the channel name#_oftc_#osm-dev:matrix.org
Advanced usage (for expert users)
To control the bridge, run !help
in the room "OFTC IRC Bridge status".
becomes my_username[m]
on OFTC by default.
The OpenStreetMap channels do not require registration and you can skip registration entirely. If you do want to register, mind that OFTC is an exception among the Matrix-to-IRC bridges. Ordinarily, you would expect to register the nickname on OFTC and save the password into the bridge (!storepass
) so that the bridge can auto-reconnect when needed. For OFTC, the registration step is unchanged, but currently the password can not[1] be saved into the bridge. So, when the bridge connection is reset for any reason (netsplit, etc), you need to identify by hand.
For advanced configuration (custom nickname, ...) adapt this guidance to OFTC (mostly applies as-is, but some things are different, for example it is "OFTC IRC Bridge status" rather than libera.chat's appservice).
If you run your own Matrix server, you can also install your own version of the IRC bridge (https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc) to be independent of central matrix.org services.
In addition to #osm, we have the following IRC chat rooms:
- irc.oftc.net #osmcommunity: for people belonging to Local Chapters, or interested in establishing a Local Chapter. More info on OSMF wiki
- Bridged to
- Bridged to Telegram room OSM-community-building
- Bridged to
- irc.oftc.net #osm-dev : More technical, developer chat
- irc.oftc.net #hot : Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team chat
- irc.oftc.net #josm : JOSM chat
- irc.oftc.net #geo : More general GIS chit-chat
- irc.oftc.net #osm-nominatim : Nominatim specific chat / support
- irc.oftc.net #OpenRailwayMap : OpenRailwayMap specific chat
- irc.oftc.net #osm-infrastructure : Infrastructure mapping (Power, Telecoms, Oil, etc.)
- irc.freenode.org #openstreetmap : another English channel (in addition to the irc.oftc.net #osm general OSM channel)
- irc.libera.chat #wikimedia-interactive : channel for wikipedia/wikidata in conjunction with osm
By country:
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ar : Argentinian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-asia : Asian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-au : Australian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-at : Austrian OSM channel bridged to
- irc.tut.by #osm : Belarussian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osmbe : Belgian OSM channel bridged to
- irc.freenode.net #osm-ba : Bosnian and Herzegovinian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-br : Brazilian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-gb : British OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ca : Canadian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-zh : Chinese OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-dk : Danish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-nl : Dutch OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-fi : Finnish OSM channel
- IRCNet #osm-fi : Finnish OSM channel - Accessible via Matrix, IRC and Telegram
- irc.oftc.net #osm-fr : French OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-de : German OSM channel bridged to
- irc.oftc.net #osm-gr : Greek OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-hu : Hungarian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ie : Irish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-il : Israelian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-it : Italian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ja : Japanese OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ke : Kenyan OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-latam : Latino-American OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-lu : Luxembourgish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-lo : Lao OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-lt : Lithuanian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-lv : Latvian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ni : Nicaraguan OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-no : Norwegian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-pe : Peruvian OSM
- irc.oftc.net #osm-pl : Polish OSM channel (Have a Quick Question? Click!) (appear on dead, use matrix too)
- irc.oftc.net #osm-pt : Portuguese OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ru : Russian OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-rs : Serbian OSM channel
irc.ircnet.com #freemap.sk: Slovak OSM/Freemap channel (Use Jabber/GTalk conference room)- irc.oftc.net #osm-es : Spanish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm.se : Swedish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ch : Swiss OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-tw : Taiwanese OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-tr : Turkish OSM channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-us : US-American channel
- irc.oftc.net #osm-ve : Venezuelan OSM channel