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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = bus_stop
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
A bus stop is a place where public buses stop for passengers. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Bus stop.12.svg
Group: highways
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
Status: de facto

A bus stop is a place where passengers can board or alight from a bus. Its position may be marked by a shelter, pole, bus lay-by, or road markings.

The highway=bus_stop tag is widely used on a node off to one side of the highway way to identify the position where passengers wait for a bus beside the carriageway.

How to map

A bus stop should be defined for each discrete location where a pole or shelter is placed or where a person should wait for a vehicle. The widely used approach is to place bus stop nodes off to one side of the highway way, and not with the node being part of the highway=* way (being the place where the vehicle stops - see below). If there are places for passengers to wait on both sides of the road then two bus stops should be defined.

Use of the tags route_ref=*, location=* and towards=* is not required in conjunction with highway=bus_stop. This information can also be associated with the corresponding route=* relation.

Basic tags

Tag Usage Description
highway=bus_stop ! Required This tag is a widely used on a node positioned to the side of the road (where passengers wait).
public_transport=platform  Important This tag was introduced in the Public Transport proposal.
name=*  Important Name of the bus stop, if bus stop has it.
ref=*  Important Reference of the bus stop, if bus stop has it - usually a series of letters and numbers used to find the stop on digitized systems.
local_ref=* ? Optional Short reference of the bus stop - "A", "D1" for example
network=* ? Optional Name of the network if exists. The network (relevant e.g. for fares) is really dependent upon the bus company that is making a particular stop (i.e. see "network" on the route relation), so it may be better to omit this on the bus stop itself.
operator=* ? Optional Name of the operator if exists. Note that different parts may be owned by different operators; e.g. in Germany, it is not uncommon for the pavement to be installed by the city, the signpost by the network's NGO or one of the bus companies, and the shelter (if any) be managed by an advertising agency.

Physical attributes

Tag Usage Description
shelter=yes/no  Important If it is protected from the rain by a shelter. The shelter may also be mapped separately using amenity=shelter and shelter_type=public_transport.
covered=yes/no ? Optional If it is protected from the rain by cover that is not a dedicated shelter.
bench=yes/no ? Optional If one can sit on a bench at the bus stop. The bench may also be mapped separately.
lit=yes/no ? Optional If it is lit.
kerb=* ? Optional The type of kerb at a bus stop, most likely kerb=raised
tactile_paving=yes/no/incorrect ? Optional The presence and nature of any tactile paving.
wheelchair=yes/no ? Optional If is is wheelchair accessible.
bin=yes/no ? Optional If there is a bin or facility to dispose of waste. Such may also be mapped separately.
departures_board=* ? Optional The presence and nature of a board displaying the information about future departures (i.e., in a airport, train station, bus terminal, stop, etc.)
passenger_information_display=yes/no ? Optional If there is a real time electronic passenger information display.
pole=yes/no ? Optional If there is a pole marking the bus stop.
flag=yes/no ? Optional If there is a flag or sign detailing the name, reference, etc. of the bus stop.
traffic_sign=* ? Optional The presence and nature of any traffic sign on the pole or shelter. See Key:traffic sign#Lists of IDs per country for values.
advertising=* ? Optional The type of advertising present at the bus stop (usually on shelters).
layer=* ? Optional To match the layer of the road on which the bus travels, where it is not ground level. Essential with complex multi-level situations where there would otherwise be a doubt as to which road (or stop_position) it was associated.


See also