Organised Editing/Activities/Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)

About HOT

If you find the details on this, or linked wiki-pages to be lacking in requirements of the Organized Editing Guidelines please also see the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) on our wiki-page and website.

From the early days of OpenStreetMap it was anticipated that open, free map data would be a tremendous benefit for humanitarian aid and economic development. The idea was proven during the Haiti earthquake in 2010. HOT was incorporated in the immediate aftermath, August 2010, as a U.S. nonprofit, and then became a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization in 2013. Although still headquartered in Washington D.C., HOT now has offices in Jakarta, Indonesia; Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania; Kampala, Uganda; and Manila, Philippines.
Most of our work welcomes anyone to contribute via our Tasking Manager. All you need is an OpenStreetMap Username.
While you participate, we ask that you uphold the HOT Community Code of Conduct.

The HOT Community: Community has always been at the heart of HOT, our voting membership hails from over 50 countries so we know the power of empowering the local communities. We strive to include local mappers in all phases of projects, from planning to execution and follow-up. We also empower local communities to map through training and micro-grants in hopes they will have the maps and data they need for whatever project they may be working on to better their lives and community. See Community Grants for more information or to apply.

Contact HOT: For general inquiries about HOT or this Organized Editing Activities page, please use the discussion tab or see Contacts for a variety of ways to contact or stay informed on all things HOT. For project related questions or any missing details, please email info @

Hot logo.svg

Tools and Training

Tools and Data Sources: We maintain a variety of mapping and mapping related tools, such as the OSM Tasking Manager; see the tools and data section of our website for more. Also, see activities below for details on specific tools used in each activity.

Training and Instructions: We also maintain a training site many in the OpenStreetMap community use to self-teach, and teach others, called LearnOSM. Of course we are a bit partial, but see the activities section below to find out if other training materials were used. Each mapping project also has unique instructions, visit and click contribute to view current projects and their specific instructions. You can also contact the project manager of each specific project through the Tasking Manager if there are questions about the project or instructions.

Activities Overview

Current Activities

Title Contact Start End Purpose Details Hashtag Tools Training
Disaster Mapping Projects
2024 Hurricane Beryl Response Céline Jacquin July 2024 Unknown Identification and mapping of shelters in Quintana Roo 2024 Hurricane Beryl Response #2024_mxqroo_shelters MapRouletteHOT Tasking Manager See details link for instructions
2024 Belize Wildfires Arnelle Isaac June 2024 Unknown Identification of buildings exposed to wildfires Belize Wildfires Response #belizefires24 HOT Tasking ManagerMapSwipe
2024 Rio Grande do Sul Floods Everton Bortollini May 2024 Unknown Identification of buildings exposed to flooding Rio Grande do Sul Floods Response #2024_brrs_floods HOT Tasking Manager
Know Your City slum mapping Sierra Leone April 2024 Estimated July 2024 To map three slum community settlements in Freetown to provide data for urban development and climate change mitigation. Remote mapping led by OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone - see Know Your City organised editing #KnowYourCity


HOT Tasking ManagerOpenAerialMap
PNG Earthquake March 2024 Mikko Tamura April 2024 Unknown Provide local base data to plan for response and recovery efforts by NGOs and responders on the ground. PNG Earthquake March 2024 #PNGearthquakeMarch2024 HOT Tasking ManagerMapSwipe See details link for instructions
Flash Floods Malawi 2024 Patrick Kalonde March 2024 Unknown Identification of infrastructure exposed to flooding Flash Floods Malawi 2024 #MalawiFloodResponse HOT Tasking Manager See details link for instructions
Gaza Update February 2024 Estimate late 2024 Update of Gaza’s OSM building footprints. Gaza Update 2024 #gazaUpdate HOT Tasking Manager See details link for instructions
2024 - Amazonian Mapping February 2024 Estimate late 2024 Prevention, emergency response, sustainable management of forest resources, and community resilience in the Amazon region. 2024 Amazonian Mapping #Mapeo_Amazonico HOT Tasking ManagerMapSwipe See project for instructions
2023 Hurricane Otis Mexico 29 October 2023 Estimate November 30 2023 Response to Category 5 Hurricane Otis in Mexico 2023 Hurricane Otis Mexico #2023Mexicohurricaneotis HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions

Earthquake - October 2023 11 October 2023 Estimate November 2023 Buildings and settlements for damage assessments to help guide humanitarian response 2023 Afghanistan Earthquake #2023afghanistaneq3 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
2023 Libya Floods ABDURAHMAN AL FURJANI (OSM Libya) September 2023 Estimate November 2023 Buildings for damage assessments and Roads for accessibility assessments that help guide humanitarian response 2023 Libya Floods #LibyaFloods2023 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Morocco: Earthquake - September 2023 9 September 2023 Estimate November 2023 Buildings for damage assessments and Roads for accessibility assessments that help guide humanitarian response 2023 Morocco Earthquake #moroccoearthquake2023 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Brazil: Floods - September 2023 Everton Bortolini (HOT / LAC hub) -, Nathan Damas (YouthMappers), Raphael Assis (UMBRAOSM) 13 September 2023 Estimate January 2024 Buildings in Muçum, Encantado, Roca Sales and Arroio do Meio municipalities. 2023 Brazil Floods #enchentesRS HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Ecuador: Floods - June 2023 Activation Working Group 8 June 2023 Estimate July 2023 Buildings, Roads and Rivers for the Risk Management Office of Ecuador to do Risk related analysis Ecuador: Floods - June 2023 #EcuadorFloodsJune2023 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
2023 Turkey and Syria Earthquake Response Activation Working Group 6 February 2023 Estimate April 2023 Response for Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria 2023 Turkey Earthquakes #TürkiyeEQ060223 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Flash flood, Bali 2022 - Support Activation Working Group 27 October 2022 Estimate 1 December 2022 Response for Bali flash flooding in Indonesia Bali Flash Flood 2022 #jembranaflood HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Uganda Ebola Response 2022 - Support Activation Working Group 6 October 2022 Estimate 1 November 2022 Support for Uganda Ebola response Uganda Ebola Response 2022 #2022EbolaUG HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Pakistan: Floods, Monsoon Season 2022 Activation Working Group 29 August 2022 Estimate 1 November 2022 Response for Pakistan flooding Monsoonal Floods in Pakistan #pakistanfloodsmonsoon2022 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Community Mapping Projects
Zambia Census 2022 August 2022 November 2022 The Open Mapping Hub – Eastern and Southern Africa (OMH-ESA) team is working with the Zambia Statistics Agency (ZamStats) to use OpenStreetMap, open data and open mapping processes and methodologies in statistical development and production in Zambia. Zambia Census 2022 HOT Wiki Page #zambia-census TM Remote Mapping
OpenCities Latin America and the Caribbean July 2021 TBC This project will strengthen the capacities and links between communities and organizations through local pilots in five countries: Mexico, Guatemala, Saint Lucia, Dominica, and Jamaica, by supporting them to create, compile and use open source geospatial data for disaster risk management with a robust process. OpenCities LAC HOT Wiki Page #opencitieslac TM Remote Mapping and Ground Data Collection
USAID Zambia Local Impact Governance Activity March 2021 December 2021 In this activity HOT will work with DAI colleagues, the local OSM community, and identified stakeholders to lead service delivery mapping, provide training and capacity building, and support stakeholder-identified revenue generation assessment. Local Impact Governance Activity HOT Wiki Page #liga-zambia TM & OMK Remote Mapping and Ground Data Collection
Mapping ML/AI buildings and roads in support of Uganda Bureau of Statistics pilot census preparations Feb2020 May 2020 Mapping to support Uganda Bureau of Statistics acquire that can be used to plan census pilots in 3 districts Mapping ML/AI buildings and roads in support of Uganda Bureau of Statistics pilot census preparations #MapwithAI #Uganda #UBOScensus Various Projects See Details Various See Details
HOT Microgrants 1st January 2017 Ongoing - rolling program each year Support OSM communities around the world with resources to add local data to the map Overall program information can be found on our website: Microgrants and Community Development

Specific Micrograntee project information is maintained by each community participating, either in an OEG project or elsewhere e.g. on their social media accounts.

None Each community chooses which tools they use in their projects This varies according to community resources but almost always happens in person at mapathons or workshops
METEOR HOT March 2018 Estimated March 2021 Basemap in Kathmandu and Dar es Salaam METEOR #METEOR TM & OMK Remote Mapping and Ground Data Collection
Missing Maps Remote Mapping
Missing Maps HOT remote mapping November 2014 Ongoing Volunteers create basemaps using the HOT Tasking Manager. Projects supported are HOT field programs and field programs for other Missing Maps members (listed at Each Missing Maps member coordinates their own activities. When HOT maps to support either it's own, or other Missing Maps member activities, projects are listed on the Tasking Manager and advertised to volunteers. When projects are mapped by HOT corporate partners, partners are trained on how to run a mapathon, practice OSM, and 100% of the data created is validated by HOT to ensure data quality. The project IDs for projects that we have mapped & validated with corporate partners are listed under Past Activities and updated on a rolling basis. #missingmaps Tasking Manager At mapathons, Train the Trainer calls for new mapathon leaders
Missing Maps HOT Validation February 2019 Ongoing Sometimes HOT engages with corporate partners in mapathons. When projects are mapped by HOT corporate partners, partners are trained on how to run a mapathon, practice OSM. 100% of the data created with corporate partners in mapathons is validated by HOT to ensure data quality. The project IDs for projects that we have mapped & validated with corporate partners are listed here and updated on a rolling basis. #missingmaps Tasking Manager, JOSM and OSMCha Validation team trained by Training Lead

Past Activities

Prior to 2019 please see Humanitarian_OSM_Team#Past_remote_mapping_actions

Title Contact Start End Purpose Details Hashtag Tools Training
Disaster Mapping Projects
Hurricane Julia 2022 Response Activation Working Group 11 October 2022 December 2022 Response for Hurricane Julia in Guatemala Hurricane Julia 2022 #hurricanejulia HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
East Timor Flood 2022 Activation Working Group 8 July 2022 3 November 2022 Response for Timor Leste flooding Timor Leste Flooding 2022 #timorlesteflood HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Afghanistan Earthquake 2022 Activation Working Group 24 June 2022 11 October 2022 Response for Afghanistan earthquake Earthquake in Afghanistan #afghanistanearthquake2022 HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Durban Floods: South Africa 2022 - Support Activation Working Group 18 July 2022 8 November 2022 Support for OSM South Africa response to flooding Durban Floods 2022 | #DurbanFloods HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Hurricane Fiona 2022 Response Activation Working Group 20 September 2022 13 November 2022 Response for Hurricane Fiona in Dominican Republic Hurricane Fiona 2022 #HurricaneFiona2022 HOT Tasking Manager RapiD Editor See project(s) for instructions
Mauritania Floods - Support Activation Working Group 1 August 2022 15 September 2022 Support for OSM Mauritania response to flooding Flooding in Mauritania #MapMauritania HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
East Uganda Floods - Support Activation Working Group 31 July 2022 15 September 2022 Support for OSM Uganda response to flooding Flooding in Eastern Uganda #EasternRegionUgandaFloods HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Cyclones Ana, Batsirai and Emnati - Support Activation Working Group 2 February 2022 7 July 2022 Support for OSM Philippines response to Cyclones Ana & Batsirai Cyclones Ana & Batsirai #Ana #Batsirai HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Semeru Volcanic Eruption - Support Activation Working Group 5 December 2021 31 March 2021 Support for Perkumpulan OpenStreetMap Indonesia (POI) response to Semeru Volcanic Eruption Semeru Eruption 2021 #semeruerupsi Indonesia Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
South Sudan Floods 2022 - Support Activation Working Group 29 March 2022 7 July 2022 Support for South Sudan response to flooding Support for Flooding in South Sudan ##SouthSudanFloods HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Bogoso Explosion - Support Activation Working Group 20 January 2022 24 February 2022 Support for OSM Ghana response to Bogoso-Apiatse Explosion Organised_Editing/Activities/Bogoso_Apiatse_Explosion_Crisis_Mapping | Debrief and After Action Report #bogosomapping HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
Cyclone Odette - Support Activation Working Group 16 December 2021 10 February 2022 Support for OpenStreetMap Philippines Community response to Cyclone Odette (international name RAI) Cyclone Odette 2021 #OdettePH HOT Tasking Manager See project(s) for instructions
COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Activation Working Group 25 February 2021 2 December 2021 Mapping and support of targeted areas COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign #gimcovid #covid19 Various Projects See Details Various See Details
Haiti Earthquake 2021 Activation Working Group 14 August 2021 22 October 2021 Mapping and support of targeted areas Haiti Earthquake 2021 #HaitiEQ2021 Basic Tasking Manager Projects LearnOSM and Other OSM editing guidelines
Mediterranean Fires 2021 Activation Working Group 13 August 2021 5 October 2021 Mapping and support of targeted areas Mediterranean Fires 2021 #MedSeaFires2021 #AlgeriaFires2021 Various Projects See Details Various See Details
Search For Rohit! - Support Activation Working Group 8 January 2021 22 March 2021 No Mapping Support/Search via Imagery No OSM direct use/posted as reference N/A Mapswipe Projects Instructions in App
COVID-19 Global Support Activation Working Group 24 March 2020 18 February 2021 Mapping and support of targeted areas COVID19 #covid19 Various Projects See Details Various See Details
Aegean Sea Earthquake Support Activation Working Group 30 October 2020 29 January 2021 Support of mapping in targeted areas 2020 Aegean Sea Earthquake #izmirdepremi Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Tropical Cyclone Molave Activation Working Group 30 October 2020 28 January 2021 Mapping and support of targeted areas CycloneMolave #CycloneMolave Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Philippine Typhoons: Rolly & Ulysses Activation Working Group 1 November 2020 28 January 2021 Support of mapping in targeted areas MapBeks, Ministry of Mapping, GeoLadies PH, HOT PH, Mental Health AWHEREness, MAPA DATOS

Blog post about details

#RollyPH & #ulyssesph Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Central America Hurricanes: Eta & Iota Activation Working Group 5 November 2020 21 January 2021 Mapping in targeted areas HurricaneEta #HurricaneEta Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Ayuda Venezuela Activation Working Group 1 March 2019 1 November 2020 Basemap in focused areas Ayuda_Venezuela #AyudaVenezuela Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Beirut Port Explosion Activation Working Group 4 August 2020 24 September 2020 Fulfill request of Lebanon Red Cross & Support of Local Community Activities 2020 Beirut Port Explosion #BeirutPortExplosion Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Cyclone Amphan Support Activation Working Group 22 May 2020 10 September 2020 Support of Local Community Activities Tasking Manager #CycloneAmphan Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
2019 Typhon Kamurri Response & Preparedness Mapping Activation Working Group 28 Nov 2019 9 March 2019 Basemap in focused areas 2019 Typhon Kamurri Response & Preparedness Mapping #tropicalcyclone #kammuricyclone Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Djibouti Flooding 2019 Activation Working Group 8 December 2019 15 January 2020 Basemap in focused areas Tasking Manager #Djibouti_Floods_2019 Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Lebanon (Chouf) Wildfires Activation Working Group 15 October 2019 15 November Basemap in focused areas Tasking Manager #LebanonFires Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Cyclone Idai Activation Working Group 14 Mar 2019 31 November Basemap in focused areas Cyclone_Idai Wiki
Cyclone Idai Web
#CycloneIdai Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
October 2019 Philippines Earthquakes Activation Working Group 31 October 2019 15 November Basemap in focused areas Tasking Manager #oct19phquakes Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Tropical Cyclone Lekima Activation Working Group 8 August 2019 23 October 2019 Basemap in focused areas Cyclone_Lekima Wiki | Debrief and After Action Review #cyclone-lekima Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Bolivia Wildfires Activation Working Group 28 August 2019 11 September 2019 Basemap in focused areas Bolivia Wildfires Wiki #2019BoliviaFires Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Denizli Earthquakes Activation Working Group 8 August 2019 11 September 2019 Basemap in focused areas Denizli Earthquake Wiki #2019denizliearthquake Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Hurricane Dorian Activation Working Group 3 September 2019 12 September 2019 Basemap in focused areas Hurricane Dorian Wiki #HurricaneDorian Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
PNG Volcanoes Activation Working Group 28 June 2019 7 September 2019 Basemap in focused areas Ulawun_Volcano Wiki #MountUlawun2019 #PNGVolcanoes Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Peru Earthquake Activation Working Group 26 May 2019 6 June 2019 Basemap in focused areas Peru Earthquake #Peruearthquake2019 Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Ecuador-Peru Earthquake Activation Working Group 22 Feb 2019 25 Feb 2019 Basemap in impacted areas of Ecuador and Peru Ecuador-Peru_Earthquake #MappingEcuador Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Brumadinho Dam Failure Activation Working Group 25 Jan 2019 28 Jan 2019 Basemap in impacted areas of Brazil Brumadinho_Dam_Failure | Debrief and After Action Report #BrumadinhoDam Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Sunda Strait Tsunami Activation Working Group 23 Dec 2018 1 Mar 2019 Basemap in impacted areas of Indonesia Sunda_Strait_Tsunami #SundaStrait Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Community Mapping Projects
PDC InAWARE Indonesia OpenStreetMap - ID October 2016 June 2019 Basemap in select cities HOT_PDC_InAWARE * TM & OMK InAWARE Training (see details)
WomenConnect 1st December 2018 1st December 2019 Engage women and girls in mapping gendered problems around the world Let Girls Map #womenconnect TM, Kobo, ODK, Mapillary In person
4 County Digitization Liberia HOT August 2019 September 2019 Basemap in Bomi, Bong, Maryland, and Nimba Counties in Liberia 4 County Digitization Liberia #4CDLiberia TM & JOSM In Person Remote Mapping and Validation Training
Tanzania Mini-grids * March 2018 June 2018 Map Buildings in Tanzania TZ Mini-Grids * Standard TM Projects Standard TM Instructions
Eliminate Malaria HOT December 2016 June 2018 Map buildings in 10 countries Eliminate Malaria Campaign #EliminateMalaria Standard TM Projects / Select Ground-truthing Standard TM Instructions
Missing Maps Remote Mapping
Tanzania Development Trust See info at: Organised Editing/Activities/Crowd2Map Tanzania Tasking Manager Projects mapped & validated:


Thailand Malaria Elimination HOT Feb 2019 July 2019 Map buildings in Thailand for malaria spray campaign support Tasking Manager Projects mapped & validated:



Quality and Reporting

Quality Control and Assurance: Data quality is a very high priority at HOT. We built into version 2 of the Tasking Manager a 'two-step' process for our typical mapping workflows. Even the best mappers miss things, so having a second mapper take a peak has made tremendous improvement to the 'old days'. We added additional manual validation tools in version 3 and are working on even more ways to improve data quality and validation through technology, stayed tuned... We also often employ 'ground-truthing' in our projects where features are checked with local survey teams. See the activities above for more on what quality assurance techniques were employed.

Information and Reports: Head to our website and join our mailing-list (link towards bottom) to stay up on the latest highlights. Also visit the News page for more frequent and detailed stories from all our projects. Most projects also have there own webpage, see the activities above for links to those additional resources.