Talk:Hong Kong/Transport/Road/Proposal B

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Hong Kong/Transport/Road/Proposal B article and its related topics.

Proposal B


  • Principles of highway=*
    • Reflect functional importance, not physical characteristics
    • Only change class at intersections, or merge (where the functionality can logically change from new entering traffic)
    • highway=motorway applies after last diverge (where you can exit the road without entering Expressway area)
    • Don't use highway=*_link for ground-level roadways with an overpass or underpass
      • It should be a considered a fork/branch
      • You aren't exiting the road, conceptually, naming-wise, and routing-wise (gives misleading instruction)
      • There are often other roads connecting to them, meaning only a short section can technically be considered for highway=*_link
      • There are often access roads highway=service
  • Adjustment factors for consideration (not absolute)
    • +1 highway=* class promotion
      • Diversion route to serve a banned turning movement at an intersection
        • Pine Tree Hill Rd, Hillwood Rd
      • Connects between more important highway=*
        • Tai Hom Rd (Rt7 → Rt2)
        • Yiu Sing St (Rt4 → Rt1)
    • -1 highway=* class demotion
      • "Private road"
        • Whampoa
        • City One
      • There is a more important and better connected road that's used as far as possible
        • King's Rd (vs IEC)
        • Ping Ha Rd (vs Tin Ying Rd)

—— Kovposch (talk) 12:30, 24 June 2024 (UTC)


Text styling
Existing Proposed
highway=* 描述 Description 例子 Examples Description
Vehicular roads

法定快速公路[1]法定行車隧道及隧道管制區 Designated expressways[2], designated road tunnels and tunnel areas .

連接快速公路的支路而有路牌生效的範圍則必須以highway=motorway_link表示。 Slip roads connecting to expressways with effect by road sign must be tagged with highway=motorway_link.

  • 東區走廊 Island East Corridor
  • 東九龍走廊 East Kowloon Corridor
  • 啟德隧道 Kai Tak Tunnel
  • Designated Expressways (also see motorway=* )
    • Island Eastern Corridor
  • Main line roads which only connect with Expressway
    • Shun Long Rd
    • Tsing Yi N Coastal Rd (west of Tam Kon Shan Rd)
    • Hung Tin Rd (south of Hung Chi Rd)
  • Tunnel Area connecting only Expressway should be kept as highway=motorway , with motorway=no and motorroad=yes added
    • Tsing Sha Hwy
    • Cheung Tsing Tunnel
    • Scenic Hill Tunnel
trunk 不屬上述motorway描述之「香港幹線編號系統」路段 Road sections that belongs to the "Hong Kong Strategic Route Number System" that are not the above motorway description
  • 龍翔道 Lung Cheung Road
  • 干諾道西天橋 Connaught Road West Flyover
  • 窩打老道(公主道 – 龍翔道) Waterloo road (Princess Margaret Road – Lung Cheung Road)
  • Non-Expressway Strategic Routes
    • Lung Cheung Road
    • Connaught Road West Flyover
    • Waterloo Road (Princess Margaret Road – Lung Cheung Road)
    • East Kowloon Corridor ( + motorroad=yes )
    • Kai Tak Tunnel ( + motorroad=yes )
  • Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
    • as a continuation of the main line (ie a fork)
      • Lei Yue Mun Rd (Rt2 → Rt7)
      • Tseung Kwan O Rd (to Lei Yue Mun Rd)
    • without other viable routing (eg excludes Cha Kwo Ling Rd for Rt2 ←→ Rt6, due to existence of TKO Tunnel)
      • Victoria Park Rd — Gloucester Rd (Rt4 ←→ Rt1)
      • Gloucester Rd — Connaught Rd C (Rt1 → Rt4)
      • Wong Chu Rd — Lung Fu Rd(Rt9 ←→ Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Tunnel proposed Rt10)
      • Lin Cheung Rd (Rt3 ←→ Rt8 , Rt6)
    • Arguably equal or important than the Strategic Route
      • Tsing Yi N Coastal Rd — Texaco Rd N (Rt9 ←→ Rt8 N Lantau Hwy)

  • Non-Expressway cross-border roads connecting PRC's G-prefixed national road network
    • San Sham Rd
    • Heung Yuen Wai Hwy
primary 不屬於指定幹線唯有幹線重要性及跨區交通功能路段,亦包括連接較高規格道路(如高速公路)及一般街道的集散道路。 Road sections that do not belong to any routes but have the importance and characteristics of a trunk route for cross-district traffic, and also distributor roads connecting higher-performance roads (e.g. motorways) and ordinary streets.

以前屬幹線公路後來被剔出的道路,以及第一代幹線編號系統中的區域幹道(未被新建道路取代者),一般應屬primary。 Roads that were parts of trunk routes but removed later, and the regional routes in 1st generation route numbering system (which haven't been replaced by new roads yet), should normally be primary.

經擴闊及改善的郊區主幹道,可容納較高車流量者,亦可視作primary。 Rural routes which have been widened and improved, with the ability to carry larger amount of traffic, can also be considered primary.

  • 薄扶林道 Pok Fu Lam Road
  • 太子道東 Prince Edward Road East
  • 亞皆老街 Argyle Street
  • 馬鞍山繞道 Ma On Shan Bypass
  • Regionally important roads connecting districts
    • Pok Fu Lam Road
    • Prince Edward Road East
    • Argyle Street
    • Ma On Shan Bypass
  • Next obvious alternative route to a highway=motorway or highway=trunk connecting regions
    • Tai Po Rd (Kowloon ↔ Shatin )
    • Castle Peak Rd (Sham Tseng ↔ Tsuen Wan)
    • Castle Peak Rd (Sham Tseng ↔ Tuen Mun) : Diversion from Siu Lam Interchange for the morning peak bus lane
  • Other cross-border roads
    • Sha Tau Kok Rd
    • Man Kam To Rd

secondary 一般市區主要街道及主要郊區道路。 Ordinary major streets of urban areas and major rural roads.
  • 德輔道中 Des Voeux Road Central
  • 欽州街 Yen Chow Street
  • 錦田公路 Kam Tin Road
  • District-wide important roads
    • Des Voeux Road Central
    • Yen Chow Street
    • Canton Rd (Tsim Sha Tsui)
    • On Sau Rd
  • Connects "rural" (market) towns
    • Stanley: Repulse Bay Rd, Tai Tam Rd
    • Discovery Bay: Cheung Tung Rd, Discovery Bay Tunnel
  • Connects villages between 2 new towns
    • Kam Tin Road (East of Kam Tin)
  • Connects territory-wide significant and popular rural recreational destinations (beaches)
    • Tai Mei Tuk: Ting Kok Rd (east of Lo Fai Rd)
    • Clearwater Bay: Clearwater Bay Rd (south of Silverstrand)
tertiary 一般出入社區的街道。 Ordinary streets for accessing neighbourhoods.
  • 廣東道(尖沙咀) Canton Road (Tsim Sha Tsui)
  • 安秀道 On Sau Road

  • Important roads inside a part of a district
  • Roads connecting villages to new towns inside a district (that doesn't connect 2 new towns)
    • Deep Bay Road

unclassified 最低級的公共道路,其路況極差。 Public roads of lowest grades, with extremely bad road quality.
  • 安達臣道 Anderson Road
  • 深灣路 Deep Bay Road
  • Connects local streets
    • Fei Ngo Shan Road
  • Local street for non-residential areas
    • Anderson Road
  • Connects villages
residential 民居旁的街道,一般只用以通往其物業。 Streets alongside residential areas, normally used only for accessing the property.
  • 飛鵝山道 Fei Ngo Shan Road
  • Local streets for residential areas
  • Roads inside a village
living_street 設有行人優先路牌的街道。 Streets with pedestrian legal right-of-way. File:Hong Kong road sign 111.gif
pedestrian 行人專用道路。 Pedestrian-only streets.
  • Roads physically capable of travel by two-tracked vehicle (eg dropped kerbs, crash gates, etc, on at least one terminal), but functionally have pedestrians as the main user: Use sidewalk=* / sidewalk:*=* to further specify
service 可行車的小路(包括沒有命名的屋苑通道,村路,私家路,總站車坑)。

Minor roadways for vehicles (e.g. unamed access roads within estates / villages, private roads, lanes in transit terminals)

  • Access roads and internal roads of a "facility"
    • Parking
    • Pick-up / drop-off, loading / unloading
    • Utility facilities
    • Roads accessing and inside a fenced, gated, or otherwise enclosed site
    • Other roads connecting a building=* : + service=driveway
    • Bus terminals, Public Transport Interchange
    • Roads not used by other vehicles and pedestrians regularly (exclude EVA), only emergency vehicles or in exceptional emergencies: + service=emergency_access
      • Median crossovers on dual carriageways
      • Intersection with fire station gates
      • Excludes roads used regularly, and used by maintenance or other service vehicles
        • Tunnel approach crossovers for single-tube operation
        • Lantau Link lower deck

track 可行四輪車的非道路 Non-roads passable by 4-wheelers.
  • Wild land access road not prohibiting general traffic
    • "Military road" on mountains
Non-vehicular roads
highway=* 描述 Description 例子 Examples
path 小徑 Path
cycleway 單車徑 Cycleway
footway 行人徑 Footway
steps 梯級 Stairs
Existing Proposed
標記 Tagging 解釋 Meaning 備註 Notes Meaning Notes
junction=roundabout 迴旋處(中間不可穿越) Roundabout (with non-traversable centre) 須以way表示 Should be denoted with way
lanes=* 行車線數目 Number of lanes
maxspeed=* 車速限制 Speed limit 如無標記者根據法律為50 If not tagged, 50 according to the law
motorroad=yes 並非快速公路但以快速公路規格興建的道路 Non-expressways with physical properties of expressways

此等道路須具以下特點 Such roads must have the following properties:

  • 必須為分隔道路 Must be divided carriageway
  • 只可靠出入支路進出 Can only be accessed by slip roads
  • 不可設有交通燈 No traffic lights are allowed
  • 不可直接通往建築物 No direct access to buildings
  • 不可讓行人及單車進入 No access for pedestrians and cyclists

例子:干諾道西天橋、西九龍走廊、馬鞍山繞道等 Examples: Connaught Road Flyover, West Kowloon Corridor, Ma On Shan Bypass, etc.

  • Actual exact section where the Tunnel Area applies according to signage
    • Kai Tak Tunnel
    • East Kowloon Corridor
  • The roadway should not change highway=* class between merging points
  • Actual exact section where the Expressway area applies according to signage
  • Don't use
  • Confusing, unclear, imprecise, not exact, subjective, not specifically and accurately describing a physical characteristics


  • Lockhart Rd — Great George St
  • Staunton St — Elgin St
  • Theatre Ln
  • Chiu Lung St
noref=* asdsds

標記 Tagging 解釋 Meaning 備註 Notes
Other features
highway=traffic_signals 車用交通燈 Vehiculartraffic signals 標記在路面的停車線上 Tagged on the stop line on the road
highway=stop 停車標記 Stop sign 標記在小路出口 Tagged on the exit of the minor road
highway=give_way 讓路標記 Give way sign
highway=crossing 行人過路處(包括人像交通燈、斑馬線及有路面標記的過路處) Pedestrian crossing (including signal crossings, zebra crossings and crossings marked on the road)
highway=mini_roundabout 迷你回旋處(大型車輛可直接穿越) Mini-roundabout (traversable directly by large vehicles) 須以node表示 Should be denoted with node
highway=motorway_junction 幹線公路出口 Exits of trunk roads ref=*表示出口編號 Exit number tagged with ref=*
highway=turning_circle 調頭處 Turning place 必須為中間無阻檔的 Must be clear at the centre
highway=passing_place 讓車處 Passing place

—— Kovposch (talk) 12:30, 24 June 2024 (UTC)

Example changes

Existing Proposed Name Section Criteria Notes
highway=motorway highway=trunk + motorroad=yes Kai Tak Tunnel Tunnel Area
highway=motorway highway=trunk + motorroad=yes East Kowloon Corridor Tunnel Area Includes entering SB from San Shan Rd WB
highway=primary highway=trunk + motorroad=yes Heung Yuen Wai Hwy Connects PRC G-prefixed national road; Tunnel Area Includes north of Ping Yeung Interchange north of Cheung Shan Tunnel
highway=primary highway=trunk Lei Yue Mun Rd Kwun Tong Rd ←→ Rt2 Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Tseung Kwan O Rd Rt7 → Lei Yue Mun Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Victoria Park Rd Gloucester Rd ←→ IEC Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Gloucester Rd Rt1 ←→ Victoria Park Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Wong Chu Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Lung Fu Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Lin Cheung Rd Yau Ma Tei Interchange ←→ Lai Wan Interchange Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Texaco Rd N Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Texaco Rd Flyover Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Tsing Tsuen Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk Tsing Yi N Coastal Rd Tam Kon Shan Rd ←→ Tsing Tsuen Rd Non-Expressway roads connecting Strategic Routes directly
highway=primary highway=trunk San Sham Rd Cross-border road connecting PRC G-prefixed national road
highway=primary highway=trunk San Sham Rd Cross-border road connecting PRC G-prefixed national road
highway=secondary highway=primary Man Kam To Rd Cross-border road
highway=secondary highway=primary Sha Tau Kok Rd Cross-border road

—— Kovposch (talk) 12:30, 24 June 2024 (UTC)