Seamarks/Seamark Objects

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This is the index of the items in the S-57 & S-101 Object catalogues and their OSM tag names. Each object has links to the page that describes the tagging of that particular object.

An additional overview for the selection of S-101 categories of objects can be found here: seamark categories of objects(en).

The complete index of S-101 attributes for the objects is at: seamark attributes.

Data on current object usage: seamark object usage

Object index

The value of the seamark:type=* tag is the object type and can be used in seamark:<object type>:<attribute> tags.

Object S-101 OSM element seamark:type Valid attributes IHO definition in S-101 DCEG INT-1(en) OpenSeaMap view
Anchorage area ACHARE nodearea anchorage category, restriction, danger_class An area in which vessels anchor or may anchor. N(en) 10, 12.1-9, 14; Q(en) 44 Anchorage.png
Anchor berth ACHBRT nodearea anchor_berth category, radius, danger_class A designated area of water where a single vessel, sea plane etc. may anchor. N(en) 11.1, 11.2 AnchorBerth.pngAnchorBerthR.png
Beacon, cardinal BCNCAR node beacon_cardinal category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape A beacon used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigable water. Q(en) 130.3 Beacon Cardinal.png
Beacon, isolated danger BCNISD node beacon_isolated_danger colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape A beacon that is moored on or above an isolated danger of limited extent, which has navigable water all around it. Q(en) 130.4, (IQ 130.4?) Beacon Isolated Danger.png
Beacon, lateral BCNLAT node beacon_lateral category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, impact, reflectivity, shape, system A beacon used to indicate the port or starboard hand side of the route to be followed. Q(en) 91-92, 130.1 Beacon Lateral.png
Beacon, safe water BCNSAW node beacon_safe_water colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape A beacon used to indicate that there is navigable water around the mark. Q(en) 130.5 Beacon Safe Water.png
Beacon, special purpose/general BCNSPP node beacon_special_purpose category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, shape A beacon primarily used to indicate an area or feature, the nature of which is apparent from reference to a chart, Sailing Directions or Notices to Mariners. Q(en) 130.6 Beacon Special Purpose.png
Berth BERTHS nodewayarea berth minimum_depth, danger_class A named or numbered place where a vessel is moored at a wharf. F(en) 12, 19 BerthSM.png
Bridge BRIDGE nodewayarea bridge category, colour, colour_pattern, condition, clearance, construction, reflectivity, visibility, clearance_height, clearance_height_closed, clearance_height_open A structure erected over a body of water, railroad, etc. to provide a roadway for vehicles, pedestrians or to carry utility services. D 20-24 Seamark fixed-bridge.png
Bunker station bunsta nodearea bunker_station category A station, at which a ship is able to bunker fuel, water or ballast Only as keyword Fuel station and water supply for large ships (similar to facilities for small and pleasure crafts)
Building, single BUISGL nodearea building colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, function, height, reflectivity, shape, visibility A relatively permanent structure, roofed and usually walled. It is designed for some particular use which it may be important to indicate. D 5-6, 8, 13; E(en) 10.1, 10.3, 11, 13-18; F(en) 51, 60-63
Buoy, cardinal BOYCAR node buoy_cardinal category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape A buoy used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigable water. Q(en) 130.3 Buoy Cardinal.png
Buoy, installation BOYINB node buoy_installation category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity A buoy used for loading tankers with gas or oil. L 16 Buoy Installation.png
Buoy, isolated danger BOYISD node buoy_isolated_danger colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape A buoy that is moored on or above an isolated danger of limited extent, which has navigable water all around it. Q(en) 130.4 Buoy Isolated Danger.png
Buoy, lateral BOYLAT node buoy_lateral category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape, system A buoy used to indicate the port or starboard hand side of the route to be followed. Q(en) 130.1 Buoy Lateral.png
Buoy, safe water BOYSAW node buoy_safe_water colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape A buoy used to indicate that there is navigable water around the mark. Q(en) 130.5 Buoy Safe Water.png
Buoy, special purpose/general BOYSPP node buoy_special_purpose category, colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity, shape A buoy primarily used to indicate an area or feature, the nature of which is apparent from reference to a chart, Sailing Directions or Notices to Mariners. Q(en) 50-62, 130.6 Buoy Special Purpose.png
Cable area CBLARE area cable_area category, restriction An area which contains one or more submarine cables. L 30.2, 31.2 CableArea.png
Cable, overhead CBLOHD way cable_overhead category, clearance_height, clearance_height_safe An overhead cable is an assembly of wires or fibres, or a wire rope or chain, which is supported by structures such as poles or pylons and passing over or nearby navigable waters. D 26, 27 CableO.png
Cable, submarine CBLSUB way cable_submarine category, depth_buried An assembly of wires or fibres, or a wire rope or chain which has been laid underwater or buried beneath the seabed. L 30.1, 31.1, 32; Q(en) 42 Submarinecable.png
Causeway CAUSWY wayarea causeway water_level A raised way across low or wet ground or water. F(en) 3
Checkpoint CHKPNT nodearea checkpoint category An official place to register, declare or check goods and people. F(en) 61
Coastguard station CGUSTA nodearea coastguard_station Watch keeping stations at which a watch is kept either continuously, or at certain times only. T(en) 10, 11 Openseamap rendering coastguard station.png
Communication area COMARE area communication_area Indicates the coverage of an area, in which a vessel has to report or may request information. Similar to Radio reporting point M(en) 40.1, Radio reporting limit M(en) 40.2
Crane CRANES node crane category A machine for lifting, shifting and lowering objects or materials by means of a swinging boom or with a lifting apparatus Crane other.png Crane container.png
Control point CTRPNT node control_point category A point on the ground where position (horizontal and vertical) is used as a base for a dependent survey. Also referred to as a control station. B(en) 20-24 trigonometric point, reference point, fix point, hight/level mark, similar to survey_point in OSM
Daymark DAYMAR node daymark category, colour, colour_pattern, shape The identifying characteristics of an aid to navigation which serve to facilitate its recognition against a daylight viewing background. Q(en) 101-102 Top CU.png
Distance mark DISMAR node distance_mark category, distance, units A distance mark indicates the distance measured from an origin and consists of either a solid visible structure or a distinct location without special installation. B(en) 25.1-2 DistanceU.png
Dredged area DRGARE area dredged_area An area of the bottom of a body of water which has been deepened by dredging. I 20-23 DredgedArea.png
Dumping ground DMPGRD area dumping_ground category A sea area where dredged material or other potentially more harmful material, e.g. explosives, chemical waste, is deliberately deposited. N(en) 23, 24, 62.1, 62.2 DumpingGround.png
Exceptional navigation structure EXCNST nodewayarea exceptional_structure category An exceptional navigational construction like aqueduct, lift-lock, etc. Similar to section F(en)
Fairway FAIRWY area fairway restriction That part of a river, harbour and so on, where the main navigable channel for vessels of larger size lies. M(en) 18 Openseamap rendering fairway.png
Ferry route FERYRT way ferry_route category A route in a body of water where a ferry crosses from one shoreline to another.
M(en) 50, 51
Route ferry.png
Fence/Wall FNCLNE way wall category A man-made barrier used as an enclosure or boundary or for protection. no equivalent in INT-1, see also OSM key barrier(en)
Fog signal FOGSIG node fog_signal category, frequency, generation, group, period, range, sequence A warning signal transmitted by a vessel, or aid to navigation, during periods of low visibility. R(en) 1, 10-16, 20-22 FogSignal.png
Fortified structure FORSTC nodeareaarea fortified_structure category A structure that is specifically designed or reinforced to provide for defence from armed attack. E(en) 34.1-3
Fishing facility FSHFAC nodewayarea fishing_facility category A structure in shallow water for fishing purposes which can be an obstruction to ships in general. K 44, 45
Gate GATCON nodewayarea gate category A structure that may be swung, drawn, or lowered to block an entrance or passageway. F(en) 27, 41.1-2, 42-43
Gridiron GRIDRN nodearea gridiron water_level A structure in the intertidal zone serving as a support for vessels at low stages of the tide to permit work on the exposed portion of the vessel's hull. F(en) 24
Harbour basin hrbbsn area harbour_basin An enclosed area of water surrounded by quay walls constructed to provide means for the transfer of cargos from and to ships. no direct equivalent, in relation to F(en) 10-13, 27, 28
Harbour facility HRBFAC nodearea harbour category A Harbour installation with a service or commercial operation of public interest. A body of water providing protection for vessels, and providing anchoring and docking facilities. F(en) 10, 11.1, 50 NChart-Symbol INT Harbour.svg NChart-Symbol INT Fishing Harbour.svg NChart-Symbol INT Marina.svg Marina NF.png
Hulk HULKES nodearea hulk category The hull of a wrecked or condemned ship, which is moored in a permanent position or grounded. F(en) 34 Openseamap rendering hulk.png
Inshore traffic zone ISTZNE nodewayarea inshore_traffic_zone restriction A routing measure comprising a designated area between the landward boundary of a traffic separation scheme and the adjacent coast, to be used in accordance with the provisions of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. M(en) 25.1, 25.2
Landmark LNDMRK nodewayarea landmark category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, function, height, reflectivity, visibility A prominent object at a fixed location which can be used in determining a location or a direction. D 8; E(en) 10.2-10.4, (17, 19, 20, 21,) 22-31; L 11; Q(en) 100 see Seamarks/Landmarks
Light LIGHTS nodearea light category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility A luminous or lighted aid to navigation. Light. Lighthouse. An all around light is a light that is visible over the whole horizon of interest to marine navigation. Secotr lights present different appearances (in particular, different colours) over various parts of the horizon of interest to maritime navigation. P(en) 1-65, (66)
Major light LIGHTS nodearea light_major category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility An important luminous aid to navigation, light, lighthouse, to which a name can be attributed. Generally, a major light may be considered to be a light intended for use at sea, usually with a range of 15 miles or more, and in outer approaches to harbours. The IALA Maritime Buoyage System rules (INT-1 Q 130) do not apply for most landfall lights. In general, sector lights follow IALA convention when used for marking a channel. P(en) 1, (1-66) Light Major.png
Minor light LIGHTS nodearea light_minor category, character, colour, exhibition, group, height, multiple, orientation, period, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, visibility A luminous or lighted aid to navigation, light. The IALA Maritime Buoyage System rules (INT-1 Q 130) will apply to minor lights, but not to leading lights. P(en) 1, (1-66) Light Minor.png
Light float LITFLT node light_float colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity A boat-like structure used instead of a light buoy in waters where strong streams or currents are experienced, or when a greater elevation than that of a light buoy is necessary. Q(en) 30 Light Float.png
Light vessel LITVES node light_vessel colour, colour_pattern, reflectivity A distinctively marked vessel anchored or moored at a charted point, to serve as an important floating aid to navigation with major light. P(en) 6 Light Vessel.png
Lock basin LOKBSN area lock_basin A lock basin is a wet dock in a waterway, permitting a ship to pass from one level to another. F(en) 41.1
Marine farm/culture MARCUL nodewayarea marine_farm category, restriction, water_level An assemblage of cages, nets, rafts and floats or posts where fish, including shellfish, are artificially cultivated. K 47, 48 Openseamap rendering marine farm.png
Military practice area MIPARE nodearea military_area category, restriction An area within which naval, military or aerial exercises are carried out. Also called an 'exercise area'. N(en) 30-33
Mooring/Warping facility MORFAC nodewayarea mooring category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, height, reflectivity, shape, visibility, water_level The equipment or structure used to secure a vessel. F(en) 20-22; Q(en) 40-43 Post.png Dolphin.png Mooring Buoy.png
Marine protected area ? MPAARE (not continued in S-101, DCEG now refers to RESARE) nodearea ? protected_area (to be changed to restricted_area) (RESARE-CATREA category, restriction) Any area of the intertidal or sub-tidal terrain, together with its overlying water and associated flora, fauna, historical and cultural features, which has been reserved by law or other effective means to protect part or all of the enclosed environment. N(en) 22
Navigation line NAVLNE way navigation_line category, orientation A straight line extending towards an area of navigational interest and generally generated by two navigational aids or one navigational aid and a bearing. M(en) 1-2, (3); Q(en) 122 Navline.png
Notice mark notmrk, BOYSPP-CATSPM=18, BCNSPP-CATSPM=18, DAYMAR-CATSPM=18 node notice addition, category,

condition, distance_start, distance_end, distance_up, distance_down, function, impact, system, system=cevni

A notice board or sign indicating information to the mariner. A signboard used to indicate prohibitions, regulations, restrictions, recommendations and general information which apply to a waterway or a section of a waterway. Q(en) (101,) 126, Inland waterway signs (CEVNI)(en) Notice A1.png E.15 Fahrerlaubnis für Fahrzeuge mit Maschinenantrieb.svg E Fahrerlaubnis für Wassermotorräder.svg + many more
Obstruction, foul ground OBSTRN nodewayarea obstruction category, water_level In marine navigation, anything that hinders or prevents movement, particularly anything that endangers or prevents passage of a vessel. Areas over which it is safe to navigate but which should be avoided for anchoring, taking the ground or ground fishing. K 1, 31, 40-43, 46; L 21, 23; Q(en) 42
Oil barrier OILBAR way oil_barrier A construction to dam oil flow on water. F(en) 29
Offshore platform, floating storage OFSPLF nodearea platform category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, condition, height, product, reflectivity, visibility A permanent offshore structure, either fixed or floating, used in the production of oil or natural gas. L 2, 10-15, 17 Openseamap rendering platform.png Openseamap rendering platform fpso.png
Offshore production area OSPARE
area production_area category, condition, height, reflectivity, restriction, visibility An area at sea within which there are production facilities. L 4, 5.2 Openseamap rendering production area.png
Pilot boarding place PILBOP node pilot_boarding category, channel The meeting place to which the pilot comes out. T(en) 1.1-4 Openseamap rendering pilot boarding.png
Pile PILPNT node pile category, colour, colour_pattern, condition, height, visibility A long heavy timber or section of steel, wood, concrete, etc. forced into the earth which may serve as a support, as for a pier, or a free standing pole within a marine environment. F(en) 22 Post.png
Pipeline area PIPARE area pipeline_area category, condition, restriction An area containing one or more pipelines. L 40.2, 41.2 Openseamap rendering pipeline area.png
Pipeline, overhead PIPOHD way pipeline_overhead category An overhead pipeline is a pipeline supported by pylons and passing over or nearby navigable waters. D 28 PipelineO.png
Pipeline, submarine/on land PIPSOL way pipeline_submarine category, condition, depth_buried, product A connected set of pipes for conveying liquids, slurries, or gases. A pipeline lying on or buried under the seabed or the land. D 29; L 40.1, 41.1, 42, 44 PipelineS.png
Pontoon PONTON wayarea pontoon A floating structure, usually rectangular in shape which serves as landing, pier head or bridge support. F(en) 16
Precautionary area PRCARE nodearea precautionary_area restriction A routeing measure comprising an area within defined limits where ships must navigate with particular caution and within which the direction of traffic flow may be recommended. M(en) 16, 24
Pylon/bridge support PYLONS nodearea pylon category, water_level A vertical construction consisting, for example, of a steel framework or pre-stressed concrete to carry cables, a bridge, etc. D 26
Radar line RADLNE way radar_line Recommended tracks along which ships can be guided by coastal radar stations in the event of bad visibility. Also known as a radar guided track. M(en) 32.1-2
Radar range RADRNG area radar_range Indicates the coverage of a sea area by a radar surveillance station. Inside this area a vessel may request shore-based radar assistance, particularly in poor visibility. M(en) 31
Radar reflector RADRFL node radar_reflector height A device capable of, or intended for, reflecting radar signals. S(en) 4 RadarReflector.png
Radar transponder beacon RTPBCN node radar_transponder category, group, range, sector_start, sector_end, sequence, wavelength A transponder beacon transmitting a coded signal on radar frequency, permitting an interrogating craft to determine the bearing and range of the transponder. Also called racon. S(en) 2-3 RadarStation.png
Radar station RADSTA node radar_station category, channel, height, range A station with a transmitter emitting pulses of ultra-high frequency radio waves which are reflected by solid objects and are detected upon their return to the sending station. M(en) 30; S(en) 1 Openseamap rendering radar station.png
Radio calling-in point RDOCAL nodeway calling-in_point channel, orientation, traffic_flow On passing a radio calling-in point or crossing a defined line vessels are required to report on VHF to a Traffic Control Centre. M(en) 40.1-2 Rendering-RDOCAL.png
Radio station RDOSTA node radio_station category, callsign, channel, frequency A place equipped to transmit radio waves. S(en) 10-16 RadarStation.png
Recommended route centerline RCRTCL way recommended_route_centreline A recommended route centerline indicates the 'centerline' of a recommended route (often marked by centerline buoys). M(en) 28.1
Recommended track RECTRC way recommended_track traffic_flow, orientation A route which has been specially examined to ensure so far as possible that it is free of dangers and along which ships are advised to navigate. That portion of a 'navigation line' that a ship should use for navigation. M(en) 3-6 Rectrack.png
Recommended traffic lane RCTLPT way recommended_traffic_lane orientation A traffic flow pattern indicating a recommended directional movement of traffic where it is impractical or unnecessary to adopt an established direction of traffic flow. Indicates the recommended traffic flow e.g., between two TSS, in the entrance areas of a TSS, beside a deep water route. M(en) 26.1-2
Rescue station RSCSTA nodearea rescue_station category A place where equipment for saving life at sea is maintained. Also called life saving station. T(en) 12-14 Openseamap rendering rescue station.png
Restricted area RESARE area restricted_area category, restriction A specified area on land or water designated by an appropriate authority within which access or navigation is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions. L 3; M(en) 29.1; N(en) 2.1-2, 20-22, 25, 34, 63 DumpingGround.png
Retro-reflector RETRFL node retro_reflector A means of distinguishing unlighted marks at night. Retro-reflective material is secured to the mark in a particular pattern to reflect back light. Q(en) 6
Sand waves SNDWAV nodearea sand_waves A large mobile wave-like sediment feature in shallow water and composed of sand. The wavelength may reach 100 metres, the amplitude may be up to 20 metres. J(en) 14 Sandwaves 2021 11 07.png
Seabed area SBDARE nodewayarea seabed_area surface, surface_qualification, water_level A region of the seabed including the material of which it is composed and its physical characteristics. Also called nature of bottom, character (or characteristics) of the bottom, or quality of the bottom. J(en) 1-12, 20-22, 30-39    S

   St.G    J20.svg
   R        RCKLDG01P.svg
pattern for areas according to INT-1 J20 and according to S-101 portrayl catalogue for INT-1 J21 J22 is not yet implemented completely in the rendering

Sea area/named water area SEAARE nodearea sea_area category A geographically defined part of the sea or other navigable waters. It may be specified within its limits by its proper name. No equivalent in INT-1
Seagrass SEAGRA nodearea seagrass category Any of various submerged monocotyledonous plants (such as Posidonia, eelgrass (Zostera), tape grass (Hydrocharitaceae), turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) and other Cymodoceaceae) of tropical to temperate usually shallow coastal waters that have narrow grasslike leaves and often form dense underwater meadows. (now distinct from Weed/Kelp, macroscopic marine algae), see change and symbol proposed for S-4 and S-101 DCEG J(en) 13.3, 13.4 J13.4gn seagrass pattern.png J13.4gn.svg    Sg
Sea-plane landing/operating area SPLARE nodearea seaplane_landing_area restriction A designated portion of water for the landing and take-off of sea-planes. N(en) 13 Openseamap rendering seaplane landing area.png
Silo, tanks SILTNK nodearea tank category, colour, colour_pattern, construction, elevation, height, reflectivity, visibility A large storage structure used for storing loose materials, liquids and/or gases. E(en) 2, 32-33
Shoreline construction, protection structures and harbour installations SLCONS nodewayarea shoreline_construction category, construction, height, reflectivity, visibility, water_level A fixed artificial structure in the water and/or adjoining the land. It may also refer to features such as training walls, which are not necessarily connected to, nor form part of the shoreline. F(en) 2.1, 2.2, 4.1-6.3, 12-15, 23, 30-33.2
Signal station, traffic SISTAT node signal_station_traffic category, channel A traffic signal station is a place on shore from which signals are made to regulate the movement of traffic. T(en) 21-25.2 Signal Station.png
Signal station, warning SISTAW node signal_station_warning category, channel A warning signal station is a place on shore from which warning signals are made to ships at sea. T(en) 20, 26, 28-36 Signal Station.png
Small craft facility SMCFAC nodewayarea small_craft_facility category A place at which a service generally of interest to small craft or pleasure boats is available. E(en) 37.1-2; F(en) (11.1, 11.2,) 11.3, 19.2; Q(en) 45 VisitorBerth.png FuelStation.png SlipwaySCF.png + many more
Spring in seabed SPRING node spring A natural issue of water or other substances from the earth. One on the bottom of the sea is called a 'submarine spring'. J(en) 15 INT-1-J-15.png
Submarine transit lane SUBTLN area submarine_transit_lane restriction A lane where submarines may navigate under water or at the surface. N(en) 33
Topmark TOPMAR (as attribute in S-101, additional attributes: COLOUR, TOPSHP) node topmark colour, colour_pattern, shape A characteristic shape secured at the top of a buoy or beacon to aid in its identification. Q(en) 9-11 Top CU.png Top CD.png Top XS.png Top CN.png + many more
Traffic separation scheme boundary TSSBND way separation_boundary category The outer limit of a traffic lane part or a traffic separation scheme roundabout. M(en) 15 Openseamap rendering separation boundary.png
Traffic separation scheme crossing TSSCRS area separation_crossing category, restriction A defined area where traffic lanes cross. M(en) 23
Traffic separation scheme lane part TSSLPT way separation_lane category, restriction An area within defined limits in which one-way traffic flow is established M(en) 20.1-3, 22 Openseamap rendering separation lane.png
Traffic separation line TSELNE way separation_line category, orientation, restriction A line separating the lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite, or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from an adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ships proceeding in the same direction. M(en) 12 Openseamap rendering separation line.png
Traffic separation scheme roundabout TSSRON area separation_roundabout category, restriction A routeing measure comprising a separation point or circular separation zone and a circular traffic lane within defined limits. Traffic within the roundabout is separated by moving in a counter clockwise direction around the separation point or zone. M(en) 21 Openseamap rendering separation roundabout.png
Traffic separation zone TSEZNE (not TSSZNE) area separation_zone category, restriction A zone separating the lanes in which ships are proceeding in opposite or nearly opposite directions; or separating a traffic lane from an adjacent sea area; or separating traffic lanes designated for particular classes of ships proceeding in the same direction. M(en) 13, 20.1, 20.3, 21 Openseamap rendering separation zone.png
Turning basin trnbsn (not in S-101) nodearea turning_basin An area of water or enlargement of a channel used for turning vessels. Only as keyword
Two-way route part TWRTPT way two-way_route An area of a two-way route within which traffic flow is generally along one bearing M(en) 28.2
Underwater/awash rock UWTROC node rock surface, surface_qualification, water_level A concreted mass of stony material or coral which dries, is awash or is below the water surface. K 11-15 RockC.png RockA.png RockX.png
Vegetation VEGATN nodewayarea vegetation category Plants collectively or individually, especially those dominating a particular area or habitat. C 14, 30, 31.1-8, 32, 33
Virtual AIS aid to navigation VIRATN node virtual_aton category, mmsi An Automatic Identification System (AIS) message 21 transmitted from an AIS station to simulate on navigation systems an Aid to Navigation which does not physically exist. S(en) 18 VIAS.png VIAS-NC.png + many more
Vehicle transfer vehtrf (not in S-101 as such, compare harbour facilities CATHAF=ferry terminal) nodearea vehicle_transfer category A place where vehicles can be loaded or unloaded from the inland vessel with onboard or on-shore facilities. Similar to F(en) 50, M(en) 50, 51
Water turbulence WATTUR nodewayarea water_turbulence category The disturbance of water caused by the interaction of any combination of waves, currents, tidal streams, wind, shoal patches and obstructions. H 44, 45; K 17
Waterway gauge, tide scale wtwgag, no equivalent object in S-101, similar to tide signal station (CATSIW=water level gauge), tide scale/gauge (CATSIW=tide scale/gauge) node waterway_gauge category A waterway gauge is an instrument for measuring water levels. F(en) 32.1, 32.2, 33, H 30
Weed/Kelp WEDKLP nodearea weed category Any macroscopic marine algae. Kelp is one of an order (laminariales) of usually large, blade-shaped or vine-like brown algae. (now excluding seagrass), see change and symbol proposed for S-4 and S-101 DCEG J(en) 13.1, 13.2 J13.2br.svg    Wd
Wreck WRECKS nodearea wreck category, depth, reflectivity, visibility, water_level The ruined remains of a stranded or sunken vessel which has been rendered useless. K 20-31 NChart ECDIS Wreck Depth Dangerous.svg NChart ECDIS Wreck Depth NonDangerous.svg NChart-Symbol INT Wreck.svg


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