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Public-images-osm logo.svg railway = station
Paddington Station.jpg
Una estación de tren. Show/edit corresponding data item.
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Grupo: Ferrocarriles
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Artículo principal: Railway Stations

Railway stations (including main line, light rail, subway, etc.) are places where customers can access railway services or where goods are loaded and unloaded. railway=station should be applied to an area covering the whole station, or preliminary on a node placed at the center of the station area, from the passengers' point of view (i.e. near platforms).

In addition, you can use the public transport tag public_transport=station.

Distinction Between Halt and Station

The distinction between railway=halt and railway=station might differ from country to country. A halt is usually smaller than a station.

  • In German-speaking countries, stations without points ("switches") where only passenger trains stop are tagged as halt. For more information see the german page.

How to map

Railway stations are mapped as an area covering the whole station (tracks, buildings, platforms, etc.) or a node at the center of the station from passengers' point of view. This is usually an unconnected node at the platform area. This node does not have to be part of a railway track.

If you want to map the station as an area, please consider that different people describe the station area differently. While passengers only have the area around the station building and the platforms in mind, railway staff and railway enthusiasts think of the whole railway area which begins at the entry signal at one side and ends at the entry signals at the other side.

While infrastructural areas can be added to a landuse area and tagged landuse=railway, this is already implied by railway=station. Some people connect a station node and the landuse area using an operating site relation, but this is likely not needed as there is already a spatial connection.

Where a mainline station and metro station (or other railway like station) share the same station building, consider if they should be modelled as separate stations or as a single station. The associated Wikipedia article for the facilities might assist with the decision. If the facilities are run by separate organisations (for example a heritage station next to a mainline station) then it is probably better to map them using two separate railway=station tags.

Following tags are commonly used on railway stations:


The area a passenger has in mind might not be mapped directly. Data users can create this area by calculating a convex hull around the stop area relation like OpenBusMap does.

A Simple Railway Station


Things to avoid

See also


See Karlsruhe Central Station for reference. The Gare du Nord, in Paris also applies this model (with references to various networks for long distance lines, high-speed lines, regional commuter trains and subways).