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This article or section may contain out-of-date information. The information may no longer be correct, or may no longer have relevance.
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information. (Discussion)

Since February 2020, the documentation of issues detected by Osmose is shown directly in the interface (frontend)

An information panel is available on the right. It can be open and close with "i" button.

Présentation de l'interface de documentation d'Osmose.

It contents documentation about current selected marker the section are Titles, Details, Correction aids, pitfalls to Avoid, source code, etc. This content is included in the source code of the analyses. You can contribute to the improvement of the documentation by proposing changes to the source on Github. Online on the Github website just use the pencil icon and let Github guide you to make a change request (pull request).

Osmose tool is mainly developed by french people, and we aim to add more languages. To make Osmose a real multi-lingual tool, we need your help to improve current translations, and add new translations. Translation is done on Transifex. You can create a new language directly on Transifex. For new countries, we can be contacted through a direct email to osmose-contact@openstreetmap.fr.

List of issues detected by Osmose and their remedies ...


Item Help Example
overlapping building
Osmose-marker-l-0.png item=0
map list

In France, probably a building imported from *cadastre without the controls needed. Error is frequent on areas where lots of building are drawn manually, such as the HOT activations.

  • Class 1 "Building intersection" : the intersection surface is probably due to inaccuracies in the cadastre/import tools
  • Class 2 "Large building intersection" : a large overlap. Requires a visual check (Bing, cadastre, on site)
  • Class 3 "Building too small" : there is no intersection, but the surface is too small to be a building.
  • Class 4 "Gap between buildings" : space separation is probably due to inaccuracies in the cadastre/import tools
  • Class 5 "Large building intersection cluster" : group of important overlaps. Major problem like a double import.
  • Class 1 "Building intersection" :
  • Class 2 "Large building intersection" :
  • Class 3 "Building too small" :
  • Class 4 "Gap between buildings" :
  • Class 5 "Large building intersection cluster" :
  • split building
    Osmose-marker-l-1.png item=1
    map list
    • Class 1 "Merge building (triangle)" :
    • Class 6 "Building in parts" :
  • Class 1 "Merge building (triangle)" :
  • Class 6 "Building in parts" :
  • duplicated node
    Osmose-marker-l-1010.png item=1010
    map list
    A path passes several times by the same node.

    There are several types of issues:

    • A way that makes one or more loops; the way must be split into several sections.
    • A path that goes back on itself (often at one end); the path must be cut to isolate the wrong section and recreated properly afterwards.
    There are certainly many other cases. In general, it is better to make several roads / areas than a single complex one so that tools working with OSM data can function properly.
    These errors require a good command of your editing tool. Some corrections are not necessarily intuitive.
    Double polygon connected by a string to remove
    invalid polygon
    Osmose-marker-l-1040.png item=1040
    map list

    The polygon intersects itself. The marker points directly to the error area of ​​the crossing.

    • Class 1 "Invalid polygon" :
    • Class 2 "Invalid multipolygon" :

    Find where the polygon intersects itself (ie it forms an '8 ') and correct geometry for a single loop (a '0') or by removing nodes or changing the order of these nodes, by adding new nodes or by creating multiple polygons.

    • Class 1 "Invalid polygon" :
    • Class 2 "Invalid multipolygon" :
    Make sure the nodes to move do not belong to other way.
    reverse roundabout
    Osmose-marker-l-1050.png item=1050
    map list

    The circulation of the roundabout is draw clockwise, but in countries where they drive on the right the sense of roundabouts is counterclockwise, and vice versa for the other countries.

    • Class 1 "Reverse roundabout" :
    • Class 1050 "Reverse roundabout" :
  • Class 1 "Reverse roundabout" : For roundabout junction=roundabout : change the direction by reversing the order of nodes in the path. In JOSM, select the roundabout and use the tool reverse path (shortcut: 'R').
  • Class 1050 "Reverse roundabout" : For the mini roundabouts highway=mini_roundabout : the tag direction=* indicates the direction, in countries driven on the right, the default is direction=anticlockwise, in this case it is uselass as tag.
  • Traps
    Make sure that it is a roundabout (for example, no a side way in oposite direction around a square or a central roundabout, or driveways separated by traffic islands at an intersection without cross).
    Clockwise rotation.
    boundary intersect
    Osmose-marker-l-1060.png item=1060
    map list
    Borders crossing.
    Check the type of border and keep the best or merged.
    The borders are part of relationships, they normally form loops.
    Tow definitions of the same border
    objects overlap
    Osmose-marker-l-1070.png item=1070
    map list

    Objects that can not be overlapped in the same location.

    • Class 1 "Highway intersecting building" :
    • Class 2 "Tree intersecting building" :
    • Class 3 "Tree and highway too close" :
    • Class 4 "Highway intersecting small water piece" :
    • Class 5 "Highway intersecting large water piece" :
    • Class 6 "Power object intersecting building" :
    • Class 7 "Power object and highway too close" :
    • Class 8 "Highway intersecting highway without junction" :
    • Class 9 "Highway overlaps" :
    • Class 10 "Waterway intersecting waterway without junction" :
    • Class 11 "Waterway overlaps" :

    Move an object or check the tags.

    • Class 1 "Highway intersecting building" :
    • Class 2 "Tree intersecting building" :
    • Class 3 "Tree and highway too close" :
    • Class 4 "Highway intersecting small water piece" :
    • Class 5 "Highway intersecting large water piece" :
    • Class 6 "Power object intersecting building" :
    • Class 7 "Power object and highway too close" :
    • Class 8 "Highway intersecting highway without junction" :
    • Class 9 "Highway overlaps" :
    • Class 10 "Waterway intersecting waterway without junction" :
    • Class 11 "Waterway overlaps" :
    The object may be missing a tag e.g. tunnel=*, bridge=*, covered=* or consider layer=* on the buidling where a road or railway enters a structure. Warning, information sources can be contradictory in time or with spatial offset.
    Intersection lane / building.
    orphan nodes
    Osmose-marker-l-1080.png item=1080
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    Concentration of nodes without tag and not part of a way.
    Find the origin of these nodes. Probably in trouble in import. Contact the contributor submiting the nodes.
    Group of orphan nodes.
    sudden highway type change
    Osmose-marker-l-1090.png item=1090
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    A way connects directly to the street classification much smaller.

    • Class 1 "Sudden highway type change (level 1)" : motorway, primary, trunk
    • Class 2 "Sudden highway type change (level 2)" : motorway_link, primary_link, trunk_link, secondary, secondary_link
    • Class 3 "Sudden highway type change (level 3)" : tertiary, tertiary_link

    Review the classification of streets.

    • Class 1 "Sudden highway type change (level 1)" :
    • Class 2 "Sudden highway type change (level 2)" :
    • Class 3 "Sudden highway type change (level 3)" :
    Secondary connecting directly to the residentials.
    unclosed area
    Osmose-marker-l-1100.png item=1100
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    a way has the tag area=yes, but is not closed.
    If the object is not a surface to remove the tag area=yes, otherwise ensure that the way is a loop.
    bad *_link highway
    Osmose-marker-l-1110.png item=1110
    map list
  • Class 1 "Bad *_link highway" : change classification *_link to match the way which is connected.
  • Class 2 "Highway too long for a *_link" : check if way is a *_link, else remove _link. Be sure to check both ends of the way.
  • Class 3 "Bad *_link highway" :
  • Osmose-eg-error-1110.png
    highway=trunk_link linking highway=primary.
    broken highway continuity
    Osmose-marker-l-1120.png item=1120
    map list

    Check the continuity of way types highway=*. The classification of a highway should normally be consistent along the entire path. For example a highway=tertiary should remain highway=tertiary until it intersects with a road of higher classification

    • Class 1 "Broken highway level continuity" : motorway, motorway_link, trunk, trunk_link, primary, primary_link
    • Class 2 "Broken highway level continuity" : secondary, secondary_link
    • Class 3 "Broken highway level continuity" : tertiary, tertiary_link

    Making continuous classification.

    • Class 1 "Broken highway level continuity" :
    • Class 2 "Broken highway level continuity" :
    • Class 3 "Broken highway level continuity" :
    highway=secondary becoming a local residential.
    missing tag or role
    Osmose-marker-l-1140.png item=1140
    map list

    An objet without relevant tag (no other tag source=*, created_by=* or note:qadastre)) or a relation member without role.

    • Class 1 "Missing tag or role on node" :
    • Class 2 "Missing tag or role on way" :
    • Class 3 "Missing tag or role on relation" :

    Add tags or role.

    • Class 1 "Missing tag or role on node" : add tags, role or delete.
    • Class 2 "Missing tag or role on way" : add tags, role or delete.
    • Class 3 "Missing tag or role on relation" : add tags, role or delete.
    The object is sometimes duplicate.
    surface intersection
    Osmose-marker-l-1150.png item=1150
    map list

    Surfaces similar (waterway=*, natural=* and landuse=*) are superimposed.

    • Class 1 "Area intersection waterway" :
    • Class 2 "Area intersection natural" :
    • Class 3 "Area intersection landuse" :
  • Class 1 "Area intersection waterway" : separate the surface or merge, pay attention on tags
  • Class 2 "Area intersection natural" : separate the surface or merge, pay attention on tags
  • Class 3 "Area intersection landuse" : separate the surface or merge, pay attention on tags
  • big relation
    Osmose-marker-l-1160.png item=1160
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    A relation whose members should be close is geographically spread.
    Osmose-marker-l-1170.png item=1170
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    • Class 1 "Double inner polygon" : there is two ways to describe multipolygon inner ring, one in relation without tag and another with nature not part of the relation.
    • Class 2 "Inconsistant multipolygon nature with members nature" : multipolygon defines a nature that is different from that specified in the outers roles.
    • Class 3 "Inconsistant multipolygon member nature" : multipolygon does not define nature, several found on the outer role members.
    • Class 4 "Should be polygon, part of multipolygon or not having area tag" : the nature of the way indicates that it is a surface, the way would be a polygon or of a part of a multipolygon as outer role.
    • Class 5 "Open relation type=multipolygon" :
    • Class 11701 "Inadequate role for multipolygon" : possible roles are "outer", "inner" or nothing (not recommended).
    • Class 11702 "Inadequate member for multipolygon" : members must be ways.
    • Class 11703 "Missing outer role for multipolygon" : at least one outer ring must be present.
    • Class 11704 "This multipolygon is a simple polygon" : multipolygon relation actually defines a simple polygon.
  • Class 1 "Double inner polygon" : remove the ring without tag and set in the relation the one with the tags
  • Class 2 "Inconsistant multipolygon nature with members nature" :
  • Class 3 "Inconsistant multipolygon member nature" :
  • Class 4 "Should be polygon, part of multipolygon or not having area tag" : close the way to make a polygon or add to a multipolygon.
  • Class 5 "Open relation type=multipolygon" :
  • Class 11701 "Inadequate role for multipolygon" :
  • Class 11702 "Inadequate member for multipolygon" :
  • Class 11703 "Missing outer role for multipolygon" : find the way outside, it may be deleted, check the history.
  • Class 11704 "This multipolygon is a simple polygon" :
  • double cycleway
    Osmose-marker-l-1180.png item=1180
    map list
    double bikeway, highway=*+cycleway=track parallel to highway=cycleway
    When the cycle lane is explicited, must removed cycleway=track from the main way.
    Double mapping of the bike lane.
    approximate way
    Osmose-marker-l-1190.png item=1190
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    Way draw seems to be done crudely, there is a discrepancy between the drawing and the real way especially in the curve. Use Bing or Mapbox imagerie

    • Class 10 "Approximate railway" :
    • Class 20 "Approximate waterway" :
    • Class 30 "Approximate highway" :

    After checking (orthophotos), add a node or move existing nodes.

    • Class 10 "Approximate railway" :
    • Class 20 "Approximate waterway" :
    • Class 30 "Approximate highway" :
    On service ways, train stations, train workshops that may be either a false positive
    railway=rail way crudely drawn.
    1-member relation
    Osmose-marker-l-1200.png item=1200
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    The relation only contains one member
    Check if no member is missing, check the history, check if there is another similar relation with more members. A one-member relation may sometimes be justified.
    Do not remove a relation without understanding why it is there.
    not-connected highway/cycleway
    Osmose-marker-l-1210.png item=1210
    map list

    The end of the way is not connected to another way.

    • Class 1 "Unconnected cycleway" : the end of a highway=cycleway must be connected to the rest of the road network to ensure continuity, especially for routes planner.
    • Class 2 "Unconnected highway" : way from motorway to tertiary, there are important way, they lead somewhere, and in particular to a network of minor roads.
    • Class 3 "One way inaccessible or missing parking or parking entrance" :
    • Class 4 "Small highway group apart from the main network or with insufficient access upstream" :

    After checking, connect to another highway.

    • Class 1 "Unconnected cycleway" : connect the cycleway to the road, even a little virtual path.
    • Class 2 "Unconnected highway" : review the classification of road or draw the local road network.
    • Class 3 "One way inaccessible or missing parking or parking entrance" :
    • Class 4 "Small highway group apart from the main network or with insufficient access upstream" :
    Osmose-marker-l-1220.png item=1220
    map list
    • Class 1 "Riverbank without river" : There is one waterway=riverbank but there is no waterway=river inside it.
    • Class 2 "Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow" : A waterway=river or a waterway=stream is a oriented way. The water must flow into another waterway or meet a natural=coastline.
    • Class 12200 "Closed waterway" : Closed waterway. A waterway cannot flow in closed loop !
  • Class 1 "Riverbank without river" : After checking, create a "river" line inside te "riverbank" polygon.
  • Class 2 "Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow" : Link the waterway or invert its flow direction.
  • Class 12200 "Closed waterway" : It's probably a river bank waterway=riverbank.
  • far from water
    Osmose-marker-l-1221.png item=1221
    map list
    duplicate geometry
    Osmose-marker-l-1230.png item=1230
    map list
    • Class 1 "Duplicated way geometry and tags" :
    • Class 2 "Duplicated way geometry but different tags" :
    • Class 3 "Duplicated node geometry and tags" :
    • Class 4 "Duplicated node geometry but different tags" :
    • Class 5 "Duplicated node without tag" :
  • Class 1 "Duplicated way geometry and tags" : delete one of the two object.
  • Class 2 "Duplicated way geometry but different tags" : compare tags and delete object or merge them.
  • Class 3 "Duplicated node geometry and tags" :
  • Class 4 "Duplicated node geometry but different tags" :
  • Class 5 "Duplicated node without tag" :
  • one-node way
    Osmose-marker-l-1240.png item=1240
    map list
    objects intersection
    Osmose-marker-l-1250.png item=1250
    map list
    • Class 1 "Intersection of unrelated highway and power objects" :
    • Class 2 "Intersection of unrelated highway and waterway objects" :
  • Class 1 "Intersection of unrelated highway and power objects" :
  • Class 2 "Intersection of unrelated highway and waterway objects" :
  • public transport
    Osmose-marker-l-1260.png item=1260
    map list
    • Class 1 "The track of this route contains gaps" :
    • Class 2 "The stop or platform is too far from the track of this route" :
    • Class 3 "Non route relation member in route_master relation" :
    • Class 4 "Public transport relation route not in route_master relation" :
    • Class 5 "network, operator, ref, colour tag should be the same on route and route_master relations" :
  • Class 1 "The track of this route contains gaps" :
  • Class 2 "The stop or platform is too far from the track of this route" :
  • Class 3 "Non route relation member in route_master relation" :
  • Class 4 "Public transport relation route not in route_master relation" :
  • Class 5 "network, operator, ref, colour tag should be the same on route and route_master relations" :
  • almost junction
    Osmose-marker-l-1270.png item=1270
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    Osmose-marker-l-1280.png item=1280
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    related objects
    building landuse

    Missing tags

    Item Help Example
    Osmose-marker-l-2010.png item=2010
    map list
    This looks like a roundabout, but the tag junction=roundabout is not present. See Roundabout for more info.
    If it is really a roundabout, add the tag junction=roundabout, verify that the path is in the counter-clockwise when driving side is on right, and remove the tag oneway=yes if present.
    Ensure that it is a roundabout, using satellite imagery or a local survey.
    Osmose-marker-l-2020.png item=2020
    map list
    Some elements, including the peak (natural=peak) and mountain_pass (mountain_pass=yes), has an evelation. This is shown in OSM with tag ele=* in meters.
    Complete the tag ele=* missing.
    Osmose-marker-l-2030.png item=2030
    map list
    • Class 2 "Missing oneway" : short ways are connected to roundabout and join together, it's often a sign of roundabout insertion way. These segments are often one-way.
    • Class 20301 "Opposite cycleway without oneway" : the way have a tag cycleway=opposite or cycleway=opposite_lane but it's not a on-way street.
    • Class 20302 "Opposite or opposite lane in the same way of the oneway" :
  • Class 2 "Missing oneway" : after verifying that it is access roads to the roundabout and they were well oriented, position the tag oneway=yes on the two segments.
  • Class 20301 "Opposite cycleway without oneway" : check if the way is really a one-way for car, else simplify with cycleway=lane.
  • Class 20302 "Opposite or opposite lane in the same way of the oneway" :
  • Traps
  • If a way is prolonged after joining the second segment, cut the way before putting the tag oneway.
  • Two roundabout close can be connected by a small lane in both directions.
  • Osmose-eg-error-2030.png
    Lack oneway to access roundabout.
    Osmose-marker-l-2040.png item=2040 (FR)
    map list
    An administrative boundary does not contain tag source=* sourcing the origin.
    If the limit comes from the French Cadastre, add the appropriate source=*.
    street numbers
    Osmose-marker-l-2060.png item=2060
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    street numbering scheme

    • Class 1 "addr:housenumber or addr:housename without addr:street, addr:district, addr:neighbourhood, addr:quarter, addr:suburb, addr:place or addr:hamlet must be in a associatedStreet relation" : there is a portion of the needed tag addr=*. They do not provide a consistent address.
    • Class 2 "No street role" : the street is not present in relation with the role "street".
    • Class 3 "street role is not an highway" : the street must be a highway.
    • Class 4 "Roleless member" : a member without identified role is present in the relation.
    • Class 5 "Member without addr:housenumber nor addr:housename" : address without a number is present addr:housenumber=*.
    • Class 6 "Number twice in the street" :
    • Class 7 "Many street names" :
    • Class 8 "Many relations on one street" :
    • Class 9 "House too far away from street" :
    • Class 10 "Invalid addr:housenumber value" :
    • Class 11 "Multiple name for the same ref FANTOIR" :
    • Class 12 "Tag "addr:city" not matching a city" :
    • Class 14 "Invalid tag on interpolation way" :
      Interpolation way only valid with addr:interpolation=* and optional addr:inclusion=*.
    • Class 15 "Invalid addr:interpolation or addr:inclusion value" :
    • Class 16 "Interpolation on nodes of multiple street names" :
    • Class 17 "Interpolation on nodes of multiple "associatedStreet" relations" :
    • Class 18 "Missing highway in associatedStreet relation" :
    • Class 19 "Tag "addr:street" not matching a street name around" :
    • Class 100 "Interpolation on nodes without tag "addr:housenumber"" :
    • Class 101 ""addr:housenumber" in multiple interpolations" :
    • Class 102 "Interpolation intersection" :
    • Class 103 "Interpolation ends should have tag "addr:housenumber"" :
    • Class 104 "Interpolation ends should have have different tag "addr:housenumber" values" :
    • Class 20601 "Misusing addr:interpolation in combination with other tags" :
    • Class 206013 "FANTOIR object type not match OSM feature" :

    No detailed fix instructions.

    • Class 1 "addr:housenumber or addr:housename without addr:street, addr:district, addr:neighbourhood, addr:quarter, addr:suburb, addr:place or addr:hamlet must be in a associatedStreet relation" :
    • Class 2 "No street role" :
    • Class 3 "street role is not an highway" :
    • Class 4 "Roleless member" :
    • Class 5 "Member without addr:housenumber nor addr:housename" :
    • Class 6 "Number twice in the street" :
    • Class 7 "Many street names" :
    • Class 8 "Many relations on one street" :
    • Class 9 "House too far away from street" :
    • Class 10 "Invalid addr:housenumber value" :
    • Class 11 "Multiple name for the same ref FANTOIR" :
    • Class 12 "Tag "addr:city" not matching a city" :
    • Class 14 "Invalid tag on interpolation way" :
    • Class 15 "Invalid addr:interpolation or addr:inclusion value" :
    • Class 16 "Interpolation on nodes of multiple street names" :
    • Class 17 "Interpolation on nodes of multiple "associatedStreet" relations" :
    • Class 18 "Missing highway in associatedStreet relation" : Extend the relation to include the way with the same name
    • Class 19 "Tag "addr:street" not matching a street name around" :
    • Class 100 "Interpolation on nodes without tag "addr:housenumber"" :
    • Class 101 ""addr:housenumber" in multiple interpolations" :
    • Class 102 "Interpolation intersection" :
    • Class 103 "Interpolation ends should have tag "addr:housenumber"" :
    • Class 104 "Interpolation ends should have have different tag "addr:housenumber" values" :
    • Class 20601 "Misusing addr:interpolation in combination with other tags" :
    • Class 206013 "FANTOIR object type not match OSM feature" :
    'False positives' Class 14 and Class 15 Marker using 'addr:inclusion=*'. (Corrected 10/2016)
    Osmose-marker-l-2080.png item=2080
    map list

    The way seems to be a highway=*.

    • Class 20800 "Tag highway missing on junction" : the way have a tag junction=* but without highway=*.
    • Class 20801 "Tag highway missing on oneway" : the way have a tag oneway=* but without highway=*.
    • Class 20802 "Missing tag ref for emergency access point" :
    • Class 20803 "Tag highway missing for tracktype or lanes" :
    • Class 20804 "Motorway without ref, nat_ref, int_ref or noref tag" :
    • Class 20805 "{0.key}={0.value} without highway=footway|construction" :
    • Class 20806 "Missing tag carpool on area" :

    Add the tag highway=*.

    • Class 20800 "Tag highway missing on junction" :
    • Class 20801 "Tag highway missing on oneway" :
    • Class 20802 "Missing tag ref for emergency access point" :
    • Class 20803 "Tag highway missing for tracktype or lanes" :
    • Class 20804 "Motorway without ref, nat_ref, int_ref or noref tag" :
    • Class 20805 "{0.key}={0.value} without highway=footway|construction" :
    • Class 20806 "Missing tag carpool on area" :
    Check that it is a highway=* and it is not already mapped.
    highway crossing
    Osmose-marker-l-2090.png item=2090
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    A very close node already has the tag crossing=traffic_signals.

    • Class 1 "Possible crossing=traffic_signals" :
    • Class 2 "Possible missing highway=traffic_signals nearby" :
    • Class 3 "Possible missing traffic_signals:direction tag or crossing on traffic signals" :
    • Class 4 "Possible missing direction tag on stop or a give way" :

    It very likely that the traffic signals on the hub are inconsistent with each other, see also highway=traffic_signals.

    • Class 1 "Possible crossing=traffic_signals" :
    • Class 2 "Possible missing highway=traffic_signals nearby" :
    • Class 3 "Possible missing traffic_signals:direction tag or crossing on traffic signals" :
    • Class 4 "Possible missing direction tag on stop or a give way" :
    Osmose-marker-l-2100.png item=2100 (FR)
    map list
    All French pharmacies sell prescription by a doctor. It is therefore added as a tag dispensing=yes in addition to amenity=pharmacy.
    Add tag dispensing=yes.
    Chemist shot ("parapharmacie" in French) do not fall into this classification. They do not have a specific tag for the moment.
    missing object kind
    Osmose-marker-l-2110.png item=2110
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    The object is missing any tag which defines what kind of feature this is

    • Class 21101 "Name present but missing main tag" : From the github page (osmose-backend/plugins/TagFix_MultipleTag.py), we can learn what is considered as a "main tag". This is currently the following: type, aerialway, aeroway, amenity, barrier, boundary, building, craft, entrance, emergency, geological, highway, historic, landuse, leisure, man_made, military, natural, office, place, power, public_transport, railway, route, shop, sport, tourism, waterway, mountain_pass, traffic_sign, mountain_pass, golf, piste:type, junction, healthcare, health_facility:type, indoor.
    • Class 21102 "Missing relation type" :

    Add a "top level" defining tag to state what kind of thing this is.

    • Class 21101 "Name present but missing main tag" :
    • Class 21102 "Missing relation type" :
    Osmose-marker-l-2120.png item=2120
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    • Class 21201 "Level or repeat_on tag missing" :
    • Class 21202 "Indoor or buildingpart tag missing" :
  • Class 21201 "Level or repeat_on tag missing" :
  • Class 21202 "Indoor or buildingpart tag missing" :
  • access
    Osmose-marker-l-2130.png item=2130
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    "Inconsistent Access" : Inconsistent motor_vehicle values ('destination'!=)
    public_transport route
    Osmose-marker-l-2140.png item=2140
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    • Class 21401 "Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation" :
    • Class 21402 "Missing network tag on a public_transport relation" :
    • Class 21403 "Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation" :
    • Class 21404 "Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation" :
    • Class 21405 "Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation" :
    • Class 21411 "Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop" :
    • Class 21412 "Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop" :
  • Classes 21402, 21403, 21404 and 21405 : Add the missing tag
  • Class 21401 "Missing public_transport:version tag on a public_transport route relation" :
  • Class 21402 "Missing network tag on a public_transport relation" :
  • Class 21403 "Missing operator tag on a public_transport relation" :
  • Class 21404 "Missing ref tag for line number on a public_transport relation" :
  • Class 21405 "Missing from/to tag on a public_transport route relation" :
  • Class 21411 "Missing public_transport tag on a public transport stop" :
  • Class 21412 "Missing legacy tag on a public transport stop" :
  • zone:maxspeed
    Osmose-marker-l-2150.png item=2150
    map list
    • Class 20 "Probably missing tag zone:maxspeed=XX:20, according to the neighborhood" :
    • Class 30 "Probably missing tag zone:maxspeed=XX:30, according to the neighborhood" :
  • Class 20 "Probably missing tag zone:maxspeed=XX:20, according to the neighborhood" :
  • Class 30 "Probably missing tag zone:maxspeed=XX:30, according to the neighborhood" :
  • railways
    Osmose-marker-l-2160.png item=2160
    map list

    Bad tag

    Item Help Example
    highway roundabout
    Osmose-marker-l-3010.png item=3010
    map list
    • Class 1 "Wrong highway on roundabout" : it must match the highest level of connected routes, except highway and trunk.
    • Class 3 "Roundabout shortcut" : several roads connect to one node of a roundabout. In the case input and output follo of vehicles bypassing the priority rules and traffic.
    • Class 4 "Roundabout crossing" : way through the roundabout without stopping.
  • Class 1 "Wrong highway on roundabout" : adjust the tag highway=* of roundabout.
  • Class 3 "Roundabout shortcut" : séparez les nœuds de jonction en plusieurs distincte..
  • Class 4 "Roundabout crossing" : check it's really a roundabout and cut the way.
  • Osmose-eg-error-3010.png
    level highway should be secondary.
    bad source tag
    Osmose-marker-l-3020.png item=3020 (FR)
    map list
    The source tag is incorrect. For example, for an object based on the cadastre, the year is YYYY instead of being properly initialized. Or the source is still "Cartographes Associés", which is an imprecise and dubious source or an illegal source as "Google" or IGN.
    Correct the source and use the register for the position of the object if necessary. If the source is illegal promptly notify the contributor to remove contributions.
    tagwatch cleaner
    Osmose-marker-l-3030.png item=3030
    map list

    Varied, simple and frequent errors, the list is available here.

    • Class 195456021 "ref" :
    • Class 259473529 "typo-tag" :
    • Class 301849747 "deprecated" :
    • Class 397691480 "deprecated" :
    • Class 467520078 "value" :
    • Class 484934813 "" :
    • Class 737787355 "shop" :
    • Class 837055326 "tag" :
    • Class 917452315 "typo" :
    • Class 1077081887 "type-tag" :
    • Class 1100242374 "ref" :
    • Class 1224396459 "typo-tag" :
    • Class 1258610297 "typo" :
    • Class 1398494170 "name" :
    • Class 1656641540 "value" :
    • Class 1662521253 "tag" :
    • Class 1764595341 "shop" :
    • Class 1995063959 "name" :
    • Class 2006017393 "type-tag" :

    Succinct indications of the error are given in the tooltip and com from the wiki.

    • Class 195456021 "ref" :
    • Class 259473529 "typo-tag" :
    • Class 301849747 "deprecated" :
    • Class 397691480 "deprecated" :
    • Class 467520078 "value" :
    • Class 484934813 "" :
    • Class 737787355 "shop" :
    • Class 837055326 "tag" :
    • Class 917452315 "typo" :
    • Class 1077081887 "type-tag" :
    • Class 1100242374 "ref" :
    • Class 1224396459 "typo-tag" :
    • Class 1258610297 "typo" :
    • Class 1398494170 "name" :
    • Class 1656641540 "value" :
    • Class 1662521253 "tag" :
    • Class 1764595341 "shop" :
    • Class 1995063959 "name" :
    • Class 2006017393 "type-tag" :
    Osmose-marker-l-3031.png item=3031
    map list
    • Class 30310 "Not a Wikipedia URL" :
    • Class 30311 "Wikipedia URL instead of article title" : the tag wikipedia=* should include the title of the article mentioned and not the URL of the page.
    • Class 30312 "Missing Wikipedia language before article title" : the title must be preceded by the term "en:" when the article is on the English Wikipedia or the linguistic code of the Wikipedia sight. Which gives wikipedia=en:Paris.
    • Class 30313 "Use human Wikipedia page title" : spaces must not be replaced by underscore but be like in the name of the article. Similarly for accented letters. Letter must be readable (eg. wikipedia=ru:Москва and not wikipedia=ru:%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B0 ni wikipedia=http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Москва).
    • Class 30314 "Missing primary Wikipedia tag" : a wikipedia=* must be present before using tags wikipedia:LANG=*.
    • Class 30315 "Invalid wikipedia suffix" :
    • Class 30316 "Duplicate wikipedia tag as suffix and prefix" :
    • Class 30317 "Same wikipedia topic on other language" :
    • Class 30318 "This wikidata value matches a chain store, it should be in a brand:wikidata tag." :

    Replace the faulty value by the value displayed at the top of the article on Wikipedia, preceded by the language code and the separator ':' (in the absence of linguistic code, the item will be searched by default on the English Wikipedia, but it is advisable in this case to explicitly indicate thelLingusitique code "en" if the article mentioned is English, the language codes supported are those editions of Wikipedia in some cases they are different from the standard language codes BCP47 used as suffixes in other key OSM as "name:[LANG]=*"). A correction is suggested in the bubble issue.

    • Class 30310 "Not a Wikipedia URL" :
    • Class 30311 "Wikipedia URL instead of article title" :
    • Class 30312 "Missing Wikipedia language before article title" :
    • Class 30313 "Use human Wikipedia page title" :
    • Class 30314 "Missing primary Wikipedia tag" :
    • Class 30315 "Invalid wikipedia suffix" :
    • Class 30316 "Duplicate wikipedia tag as suffix and prefix" :
    • Class 30317 "Same wikipedia topic on other language" :
    • Class 30318 "This wikidata value matches a chain store, it should be in a brand:wikidata tag." :
    multiple tags
    Osmose-marker-l-3032.png item=3032
    map list

    This item includes lot of small validations, see details in the popup.

    • Class 3032 "Watch multiple tags" : French only
    • Class 30320 "Watch multiple tags" :
    • Class 30321 "Watch multiple tags" :
    • Class 30323 "Watch multiple tags" :
    • Class 30324 "incoherent maxspeed" :
    • Class 30325 "Invalid reference" :
    • Class 30326 "Watch multiple tags" :
    • Class 30327 "Waterway with level" :
    • Class 30328 "{0.key}={0.value} with {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 30329 "{0.key}={0.value} with {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 303210 "Fence with material tag, better use fence_type tag" :
    • Class 303241 "Discordant maxspeed and source:maxspeed" :
  • Class 3032 "Watch multiple tags" :
  • Class 30320 "Watch multiple tags" :
  • Class 30321 "Watch multiple tags" :
  • Class 30323 "Watch multiple tags" :
  • Class 30324 "incoherent maxspeed" :
  • Class 30325 "Invalid reference" :
  • Class 30326 "Watch multiple tags" :
  • Class 30327 "Waterway with level" :
  • Class 30328 "{0.key}={0.value} with {1.key}={1.value}" :
  • Class 30329 "{0.key}={0.value} with {1.key}={1.value}" :
  • Class 303210 "Fence with material tag, better use fence_type tag" :
  • Class 303241 "Discordant maxspeed and source:maxspeed" :
  • saint hyphen
    Osmose-marker-l-3033.png item=3033 (FR)
    map list
    In France the rule is that a hyphen is used when we refer to a saint (or a holy thing).
    Add a hyphen.
    This rule does not apply in particular to Belgium.
    Name should be the Saint-Esprit.
    incorrect tag
    Osmose-marker-l-3040.png item=3040
    map list
    The tag of an object contains a value that does not consist of all lowercase letters or digits.
    Check the tag value, and translate if necessary.
    It's possible that the tag contains a name that should be moved onto name=*.
    bad tag key
    Osmose-marker-l-3050.png item=3050
    map list

    The key of tag contains characters not recommended. The key is composed of alphanumeric characters: 0-9, az (preferably small), separator '_' or ':'
    Voir : Any_tags_you_like#Syntactic_conventions_for_new_tags

    • Class 3050 "Bad tag" :
    • Class 30501 "Bad tag suffix" :

    Check the key tag, and correct.

    • Class 3050 "Bad tag" :
    • Class 30501 "Bad tag suffix" :
    There certainly false positives.
    similar values
    Osmose-marker-l-3060.png item=3060
    map list

    The tag contains two values ​​(separated by ';') which are very similar

    • Class 3060 "Duplicated values" :
    • Class 30601 "Similar values" :

    Delete one appropriate value

    • Class 3060 "Duplicated values" :
    • Class 30601 "Similar values" :
    In some case all values maybe be required
    multiple values
    Osmose-marker-l-3070.png item=3070
    map list
    The tag contains multiple values
    Check the accuracy of the values, if necessary, delete the obsolete values
    Double maxspeed according to vehicles
    swimming pool
    Osmose-marker-l-3080.png item=3080
    map list

    When importing layer of water of *cadastre, the tag water pools have not been corrected.

    • Class 1 "Swimming-pool, reservoir, pond as natural=water" :
    • Class 30801 "Suspicious tag association - possible confusion between swimming_pool and sports_centre" :

    Change tags natural=water in leisure=swimming_pool + access=private for a private pool or amenity=swimming_pool for a public pool. There is also other kinds of smal water place like landuse=reservoir, landuse=basin or landuse=pond.

    • Under JOSM
      • Load area.
      • With the tool search tool, look at "natural=water" with the option "replace selection",
      • De-select the polygons are not concerned: those who are not private pools (Ctrl + click)
      • On the selection of all {glossary:en
    Wrong tag for private swimming pool.
    Osmose-marker-l-3090.png item=3090
    map list
    The date entered is not in expected format as definited here Key:start_date
    numeric value
    Osmose-marker-l-3091.png item=3091
    map list

    The tag expects a numeric value. Decimals are set with one point and not a comma

    • Class 3091 "Numerical value" :
    • Class 30911 "Colour code should start with '#' followed by 3 or 6 digits" :

    Change to numeric value and/or the comma to point

    • Class 3091 "Numerical value" :
    • Class 30911 "Colour code should start with '#' followed by 3 or 6 digits" :
    phone number
    Osmose-marker-l-3092.png item=3092
    map list
    • Class 30920 "Phone number does not match the expected format" :
    • Class 30921 "Extra "0" after international code" :
    • Class 30922 "Local short code can't be internationalized" :
    • Class 30923 "Missing international prefix" :
    • Class 30924 "Bad international prefix" :
    • Class 30925 "Unallowed char in phone number" :
    • Class 30926 "Bad separator for multiple values" :
  • Class 30920 "Phone number does not match the expected format" :
  • Class 30921 "Extra "0" after international code" :
  • Class 30922 "Local short code can't be internationalized" :
  • Class 30923 "Missing international prefix" :
  • Class 30924 "Bad international prefix" :
  • Class 30925 "Unallowed char in phone number" :
  • Class 30926 "Bad separator for multiple values" :
  • URL
    Osmose-marker-l-3093.png item=3093
    map list
    • Class 30931 "The URL contains a space" :
    • Class 30932 "The URL does not have a valid scheme" :
  • Class 30931 "The URL contains a space" :
  • Class 30932 "The URL does not have a valid scheme" :
  • small land use
    Osmose-marker-l-3100.png item=3100
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-3110.png item=3110 (fr)
    map list
    Analyzes the tag note=* with French and English keywords.
    Use a more appropriate tag as description=*, opening_hours=* or add "FIXME" in the note so it can be found more easily.
    The analyse can provide crazy result
    Osmose-marker-l-3120.png item=3120 (fr)
    map list
    To characterize the trees natural=tree, there are two main tag (type / species)
    Put ​​the right data in the correct tag (in this case species)
    Trap specify the language for the tag "species" (species:en=oak)
    brand in name
    Osmose-marker-l-3130.png item=3130
    map list
    typo in tag
    Osmose-marker-l-3150.png item=3150
    map list
    The tag is misspelled. Detection is based on statistics.
    Check that the correction does not change the intent of the tag.
    incorrect "lanes"
    Osmose-marker-l-3160.png item=3160
    map list

    There is an incohorence with lanes=* tags:

    • Class 1 "Bad lanes number or lanes:turn before and after this node" :
    • Class 31600 "Turn lanes merge_to_* need an aside lane on good side" : the merge_to_right or merge_to_left lane must be on the same way as the destination lane and the merge_to_right must be on the left side and the merge_to_left on the right side.
    • Class 31601 "Bad lanes value" : non-numeric value, lanes=* must have an integer value.
    • Class 31603 "Conflict between usage of *:lanes or *:lanes:(forward|backward|both_ways)" : you can't set at the same time a tag and the one of the variante with this prefix forward, backward, both_ways.
    • Class 31604 "Conflict between lanes number" : see detail in popup.
    • Class 31605 "Invalid usage of *:lanes:(backward|both_ways) on oneway highway" : you can't set opposite lanes data on a one way.
    • Class 31606 "Unknown turn lanes value" : [1]
    • Class 31607 "Bad turn lanes order" : right must be on the right and left on the left...
    • Class 31608 "Conflict between lanes number of same sufix (, forward, backward or both_ways)" : the number of lanes defined by many lane tags are not the same for a given direction.
    • Class 31609 "Bad access lanes value, should not be an integer but a restriction" : psv:lanes=* is an access restriction tags, while lanes:psv=* is the number of lanes.
  • Class 1 "Bad lanes number or lanes:turn before and after this node" :
  • Class 31600 "Turn lanes merge_to_* need an aside lane on good side" :
  • Class 31601 "Bad lanes value" :
  • Class 31603 "Conflict between usage of *:lanes or *:lanes:(forward|backward|both_ways)" :
  • Class 31604 "Conflict between lanes number" :
  • Class 31605 "Invalid usage of *:lanes:(backward|both_ways) on oneway highway" :
  • Class 31606 "Unknown turn lanes value" :
  • Class 31607 "Bad turn lanes order" :
  • Class 31608 "Conflict between lanes number of same sufix (, forward, backward or both_ways)" :
  • Class 31609 "Bad access lanes value, should not be an integer but a restriction" :
  • parking lane
    Osmose-marker-l-3161.png item=3161
    map list


    • Class 1 "Missing access way to parking" :
    • Class 2 "Missing access way to parking" :
    • Class 31611 "Bad parking:lane:[side]" : the side was not recognized, see parking:lane=*.
    • Class 31614 "Too many parking:lane:[side]" : there are more types of parking for sides than a street have sides.
    • Class 31615 "Bad parking:lane:[side] value" :
    • Class 31616 "parking:condition:[side] without parking:lane:[side] value" : a parking condition is present but without parking kind
  • Class 1 "Missing access way to parking" :
  • Class 2 "Missing access way to parking" :
  • Class 31611 "Bad parking:lane:[side]" : use "left", "right" or "both".
  • Class 31614 "Too many parking:lane:[side]" :
  • Class 31615 "Bad parking:lane:[side] value" : see values at parking:lane=*.
  • Class 31616 "parking:condition:[side] without parking:lane:[side] value" :
  • relation role
    Osmose-marker-l-3170.png item=3170
    map list
    The role is not a keyword as expected.
    Determine the right role, possibly set the value of the role in a tag.
    relation type=restriction
    Osmose-marker-l-3180.png item=3180
    map list

    Incoherence in a Restriction type of relation.

    • Class 1 "Restriction relation, wrong number of members" : some required member are missing, eg. there is a "from" and "via" role, but missing the "to" role.
    • Class 2 "Restriction relation, bad member type" :
    • Class 3 "Unconnected restriction relation ways" :
    • Class 4 "Restriction relation, bad oneway direction on "from" or "to" member" : impossible to reach the restriction by respecting the oneway.
    • Class 5 "Restriction doesn't match topology" : the shape of the paths described by the way does not correspond to the restriction.
    • Class 31801 "Useless non u-turn restriction, it's forbidden by local law" :
  • Class 1 "Restriction relation, wrong number of members" :
  • Class 2 "Restriction relation, bad member type" :
  • Class 3 "Unconnected restriction relation ways" : the ways in the restriction must be continuous.
  • Class 4 "Restriction relation, bad oneway direction on "from" or "to" member" :
  • Class 5 "Restriction doesn't match topology" :
  • Class 31801 "Useless non u-turn restriction, it's forbidden by local law" :
  • postcode
    Osmose-marker-l-3190.png item=3190
    map list
    Check postcode as decribed here.
    Osmose-marker-l-3200.png item=3200
    map list
    • Class 32001 "Bad usage of area=yes. Object is already an area by nature" :
    • Class 32002 "area=yes on object without kind" :
    • Class 32003 "Bad usage of area=no. Object must be a surface" :
  • Class 32001 "Bad usage of area=yes. Object is already an area by nature" :
  • Class 32002 "area=yes on object without kind" :
  • Class 32003 "Bad usage of area=no. Object must be a surface" :
  • noexit
    Osmose-marker-l-3210.png item=3210
    map list
    • Class 1 "noexit on node with exit" :
    • Class 2 "noexit on way with multiple exits" :
  • Class 1 "noexit on node with exit" :
  • Class 2 "noexit on way with multiple exits" :
  • access
    Osmose-marker-l-3220.png item=3220
    map list

    access=yes mean wide open to all transport mode, look at [2]

    • Class 1 "Direct or too permissive access to motorway" :
    • Class 32200 "access=yes|permissive allow all transport modes" :
    • Class 32201 "access=yes|permissive allow all transport modes" :
  • Class 1 "Direct or too permissive access to motorway" :
  • Class 32200 "access=yes|permissive allow all transport modes" :
  • Class 32201 "access=yes|permissive allow all transport modes" :
  • recycling container
    Osmose-marker-l-3230.png item=3230
    map list
    • Class 32301 "Probably only for bottles, not any type of glass" :
    • Class 32302 "Suspicious name for a container" :
  • Class 32301 "Probably only for bottles, not any type of glass" :
  • Class 32302 "Suspicious name for a container" :
  • route access mismatch
    Osmose-marker-l-3240.png item=3240
    map list
    • Class 1 "Way access mismatch relation route=bicycle" :
    • Class 2 "Way access mismatch relation route=foot" :
    • Class 3 "Way access mismatch relation route=hiking" :
  • Class 1 "Way access mismatch relation route=bicycle" :
  • Class 2 "Way access mismatch relation route=foot" :
  • Class 3 "Way access mismatch relation route=hiking" :
  • opening hours
    Osmose-marker-l-3250.png item=3250
    map list
    • Class 32501 "Invalid Opening Hours" :
    • Class 32502 "Invalid Conditional Intervals" :
  • Class 32501 "Invalid Opening Hours" :
  • Class 32502 "Invalid Conditional Intervals" :
  • VAT
    Osmose-marker-l-3260.png item=3260
    map list
    conditional restriction

    Tags to remove

    Item Help Example
    Osmose-marker-l-4010.png item=4010 (fr)
    map list

    The tag or combination key/value is no longer used. List of deprecated features comes from Deprecated_features

    • Class 4010 "Deprecated tag" :
    • Class 40101 "{2.key}={2.value} is preferred to {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 40102 "Deprecated value" :

    Succinct indications of the issue are given in the popup.

    • Class 4010 "Deprecated tag" :
    • Class 40101 "{2.key}={2.value} is preferred to {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 40102 "Deprecated value" :
    on junction=roundabout
    Osmose-marker-l-4020.png item=4020
    map list

    The tags oneway=* and ref=* are not necessary on the roundabouts. The tag name=* must be present if this is the name of the roundabout and not a road connected, same thing for ref=*.

    • Class 101 "Unneeded tag on junction=roundabout" :
    • Class 102 "Unneeded tag on junction=roundabout" :
    • Class 40201 "Roundabout as area" :

    Remove unnecessary tags.

    • Class 101 "Unneeded tag on junction=roundabout" :
    • Class 102 "Unneeded tag on junction=roundabout" :
    • Class 40201 "Roundabout as area" :
    incompatible tags
    Osmose-marker-l-4030.png item=4030
    map list

    The object contains two incompatible tags

    • Class 900 "Tag conflict" :
    • Class 40301 "{0.key} with {1.key} and {2.key}" :

    Remove the tag in too

    • Class 900 "Tag conflict" :
    • Class 40301 "{0.key} with {1.key} and {2.key}" :
    Sometimes the object needs both tags
    ref in name
    Osmose-marker-l-4040.png item=4040 (FR)
    map list
    Reference road (eg. D 73) is in the tag name=* and not in the tag ref=*.
    Transfer the value of the tag name=* tag to ref=*.
    fixme import
    Osmose-marker-l-4060.png item=4060
    map list

    Seamark was imported but need manual review seamark:fixme=*

    • Class 4060 "OpenSeaMap import, very approximative position." :
    • Class 40601 "Naptan import, survey needed." :

    Move the seamark on real position and remove the tag seamark:fixme=*

    • Class 4060 "OpenSeaMap import, very approximative position." :
    • Class 40601 "Naptan import, survey needed." :
    fixme review
    Osmose-marker-l-4061.png item=4061
    map list

    Need fix

    • Class 40610 "Object need review" :
    • Class 40611 "Highway classification need review" :
    • Class 40612 "Does this station still sell SP95, or has it been replaced by the SP95-E10?" :

    This is a catchall category for various errors. If highway=road has been used, choose a correct value, such as highway=unclassified ("Minor Road" in iD).

    • Class 40610 "Object need review" :
    • Class 40611 "Highway classification need review" :
    • Class 40612 "Does this station still sell SP95, or has it been replaced by the SP95-E10?" :
    Osmose-marker-l-4070.png item=4070
    map list

    The tag building is perhaps more necessary. The tag opening_date=*, check_date=*, open_date=*, construction:date=*, temporary:date_on=*, date_on=* are not present and the object is in construction for more than two years or dates is exceeded.

    • Class 4070 "Finished construction" :
    • Class 40701 "Inconsistent tagging of {1.key}" :
  • Class 4070 "Finished construction" :
  • Class 40701 "Inconsistent tagging of {1.key}" :
  • duplicate object
    Osmose-marker-l-4080.png item=4080
    map list

    Object tagged twice as node, way or relation.

    • Class 1 "Object tagged twice as node and way" :
    • Class 2 "Object tagged twice as way and relation" :
    • Class 3 "Object tagged twice as node and relation" :

    An entity must be present only once, remove one and eventually merge the tags.

    • Class 1 "Object tagged twice as node and way" :
    • Class 2 "Object tagged twice as way and relation" :
    • Class 3 "Object tagged twice as node and relation" :
    unwanted tag on node
    Osmose-marker-l-4090.png item=4090
    map list
    Way node tagged like way. Probably due to a wrong selection when editing, nodes in the way have the same tags that way.
    Check and remove tag from node.
    bad usage
    Osmose-marker-l-4100.png item=4100 (FR,NC)
    map list
    designation=* is a United Kingdom-specific tag, highway=emergency_access_point does not exist in France.
    Translate it to another tag or remove it.
    incorrect layer
    Osmose-marker-l-4110.png item=4110
    map list
    • Class 41100 "Long Waterway above ground and no bridge" :
    • Class 41101 "Landuse feature not on ground" :
    • Class 41102 "Natural feature underground" :
    • Class 41103 "Highway underground and no tunnel" :
    • Class 41104 "Long Highway underground and no tunnel" :
    • Class 41105 "Highway above ground and no bridge" :
    • Class 41106 "Long Highway above ground and no bridge" :
    • Class 41107 "Waterway underground and no tunnel" :
    • Class 41108 "Long Waterway underground and no tunnel" :
    • Class 41109 "Waterway above ground and no bridge" :
  • Class 41100 "Long Waterway above ground and no bridge" :
  • Class 41101 "Landuse feature not on ground" :
  • Class 41102 "Natural feature underground" :
  • Class 41103 "Highway underground and no tunnel" :
  • Class 41104 "Long Highway underground and no tunnel" :
  • Class 41105 "Highway above ground and no bridge" :
  • Class 41106 "Long Highway above ground and no bridge" :
  • Class 41107 "Waterway underground and no tunnel" :
  • Class 41108 "Long Waterway underground and no tunnel" :
  • Class 41109 "Waterway above ground and no bridge" :
  • duplicate wikipedia
    Osmose-marker-l-4130.png item=4130
    map list

    Tags name

    Item Help Example
    Osmose-marker-l-5010.png item=5010 (fr)
    map list

    Several types of spelling issues are detected

    • Class 701 "Badly written word" : often a lack of accent on a capital letter (eg. Ecole for École)
    • Class 703 "Word not found in dictionary" :
    • Class 704 "Encoding problem" : iso-* instead of utf-8 for example.
    • Class 803 "Name with uppercase" : word in capital letters.
    • Class 902 "Initial stuck to the name" :
    • Class 903 "Too many spaces" :
    • Class 905 "Abbreviation of number should be in lowercase" : number written in capital letters( in place of )
    • Class 50109001 "Arabic letter detected in Farsi name" :

    Correct the error.

    • Class 701 "Badly written word" :
    • Class 703 "Word not found in dictionary" : probably missing a capital.
    • Class 704 "Encoding problem" :
    • Class 803 "Name with uppercase" :
    • Class 902 "Initial stuck to the name" :
    • Class 903 "Too many spaces" :
    • Class 905 "Abbreviation of number should be in lowercase" :
    • Class 50109001 "Arabic letter detected in Farsi name" :
    way type
    Osmose-marker-l-5020.png item=5020 (fr)
    map list

    The kind of street in the tag name=* is not written correctly : (Street, Boulevard...

    • Class 702 "Badly written way type" : an abbreviation is present.
    • Class 50201 "Improve name from the land registry" : the name was copied from the land register (cadastre), but it is not written in a form actually used.

    Correct fix the broken type, accents, remove abbreviations, ...

    • Class 702 "Badly written way type" : write the type of the way with all letters.
    • Class 50201 "Improve name from the land registry" : eg. replace "Chemin Rural dit des Vignes" by "Chemin des Vignes".
    The name should be Allée or not Allé.
    two names
    Osmose-marker-l-5030.png item=5030
    map list
    Le tag name=* contains two street names, separated by a semicolon, a "/" or a "\". This issue was probably produced by the fusion of two way and the concatenation of the names of streets.
    • If this is repeated the same name, delete a one.
    • Otherwise, a site visit is required: check if it is not a street whose name changes at a crossroads, if this is the case, cut the street and set the proper names of both part.
    Some streets have not the same names on the each side, especially if the houses by both sides are on different city. In this case, you can use the tag name:left=* and name:right=*.
    Osmose-marker-l-5040.png item=5040 (FR)
    map list
    Apply of charte de toponymie de l'IGN (French geographic name conventions)
    potential misspelling
    Osmose-marker-l-5050.png item=5050
    map list
    A street "sounds" like a street already known but is not spelled on the same way.

    After you have checked that it was a mistake, change the name.

    • Rue Piere Curie ==> Rue Pierre Curie
    • Rue du Général de Gaules ==> Rue du Général de Gaulle
    • Mac Donald ==> McDonald's
  • The "Rue Desjardins" can be called like that, even though osmosis offers "Rue des Jardins"
  • Beware of homonyms, a local glorious man can be called "Jean Monet" and his name not need be transformed into "Jean Monnet"
  • The "Rond-Point des Allées" is perhaps not the "Rond-Point des Alliés"
  • The "Rue de Ballevue" may be the right name for this street.
  • local language
    Osmose-marker-l-5060.png item=5060
    map list
    • Class 50601 "Default and local language name not the same" :
    • Class 50602 "Local language name without default name" :
    • Class 50603 "Language name without default name" :
    • Class 50604 "Multilingual not matching" :
    • Class 50605 "Multilingual missing detailed name" :
    • Class 50606 "Multilingual missing main name" :
  • Class 50601 "Default and local language name not the same" :
  • Class 50602 "Local language name without default name" :
  • Class 50603 "Language name without default name" :
  • Class 50604 "Multilingual not matching" :
  • Class 50605 "Multilingual missing detailed name" :
  • Class 50606 "Multilingual missing main name" :
  • invalid character
    Osmose-marker-l-5070.png item=5070
    map list
    • Class 50701 "Some value chars does not match the language charset" : Words are not written in the alphabet appropriate to the language cited.
    • Class 50702 "Non printable char" : A non-printable character such as linefeed (0x000a) has been used.
    • Class 50703 "Symbol char" : A symbol is used instead of a letter from the appropriate alphabet.
    • Class 50704 "Unbalanced Quotation mark or Bracket in name" :
    • Class 50705 "Unexpected punctuation in name" :
  • Class 50701 "Some value chars does not match the language charset" : Usually, the wrong language has been chosen. Sometimes the word has been transliterated, and needs to be changed back to the original alphabet. "name:ar=Salaam" should be either "name:en=Salaam" (if known by untranslated name) or "name:en=Peace" (translated) or "name:ar=سلام" (original)
  • Class 50702 "Non printable char" : Remove the character.
  • Class 50703 "Symbol char" : Change the character into a punctuation mark or something else appropriate.
  • Class 50704 "Unbalanced Quotation mark or Bracket in name" :
  • Class 50705 "Unexpected punctuation in name" :
  • similar name
    Osmose-marker-l-5080.png item=5080
    map list
    • Class 1 "Close similar name" :
    • Class 50801 "Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once." :
  • Class 1 "Close similar name" :
  • Class 50801 "Hamlet or Locality name suffix Nord, Sud, Est, Ouest, Centre should be removed from Cadastre name. Place should be integrated only once." :
  • Administrative

    Item Help Example
    open polygon
    Osmose-marker-l-6010.png item=6010
    map list

    A relation that should be a closed polygon is not closed. Issues are reported at each end of isolated polygon

    • Class 1 "Open relation type=boundary" :
    • Class 100 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=0" :
    • Class 101 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=1" :
    • Class 102 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=2" :
    • Class 103 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=3" :
    • Class 104 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=4" :
    • Class 105 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=5" :
    • Class 106 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=6" :
    • Class 107 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=7" :
    • Class 108 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=8" :
    • Class 109 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=9" :
    • Class 110 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=10" :
    • Class 111 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=11" :
    • Class 112 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=12" :
    • Class 113 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=13" :
    • Class 114 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=14" :
  • Class 1 "Open relation type=boundary" :
  • Class 100 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=0" :
  • Class 101 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=1" :
  • Class 102 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=2" :
  • Class 103 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=3" :
  • Class 104 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=4" :
  • Class 105 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=5" :
  • Class 106 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=6" :
  • Class 107 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=7" :
  • Class 108 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=8" :
  • Class 109 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=9" :
  • Class 110 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=10" :
  • Class 111 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=11" :
  • Class 112 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=12" :
  • Class 113 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=13" :
  • Class 114 "Open relation type=boundary admin_level=14" :
  • duplicated way
    Osmose-marker-l-6020.png item=6020
    map list
    In a relation, a way should be present only once.
    Most often, this is an user issue that add several times the same way. The editor JOSM can easily visualize the relationships and see duplicates (in color).

    Double check the ways roles in the relation before deleting.

    Caution: in a route, a path can be taken several times. The multiple presence of this path in the relation type=route is not then an issue. Then ensure the roles "forward" and "backward".
    place without name
    Osmose-marker-l-6030.png item=6030 (FR)
    map list
    The tag place=* must always be used in combination with the tag name=*.
    For cities/towns, it is sometimes possible to find the name of the village based on the boundary relationship and/or if the INSEE ref code if is entered.
    The tag place=* is often misused (see FR:Key:place), it should not be associated with tags such as amenity, highway. .. if the case, the tag place=* can be removed.
    INSEE code
    Osmose-marker-l-6040.png item=6040 (FR)
    map list

    Check of *tags 'ref: INSEE' and 'name' are consistent with the COG database [3]

    • Class 801 "INSEE code cannot be found in INSEE database" :
    • Class 802 "Municipality name does not match INSEE code" :

    Correct value INSEE or name as appropriate.

    • Class 801 "INSEE code cannot be found in INSEE database" :
    • Class 802 "Municipality name does not match INSEE code" :
    The names on nodes place=* may differ from the COG of INSEE, especially for merged city (clusters of many nodes 'place'). We must then move the tag 'ref: INSEE' from node to the boundary relation. It also happens in several occasions that local authorities are at odds with INSEE. In this case, that's always been a priority for the field on OSM.
    erroneous boundary
    Osmose-marker-l-6060.png item=6060
    map list

    Relation of admin_level=8.

    • Class 1 "Hole between administrative boundaries of admin_level 8" : an area is marked as not belonging to any city.
    • Class 2 "Boundary intersection" : an area is marked as belonging to several city at once.
    • Class 3 "Lone boundary fragment" : unconnected boundary fragment, a way with a boundary tag not part of a boundary relation.
  • Class 1 "Hole between administrative boundaries of admin_level 8" :
  • Class 2 "Boundary intersection" : check how this area should be owned.
  • Class 3 "Lone boundary fragment" : delete way, remove boundary tag or add to relation.
  • To map

    Item Help Example
    geodesic building
    Osmose-marker-l-7010.png item=7010
    map list
    A survey point has a name that underlying meaning is located on a building (belltower, water tower, tower), but the node is not inside a building polygon (building=*).
    If the building footprint is present but is misplaced because of a shift in the source data (cadastre, orthophotograhies), replace the layout of buildings to correct this issue. Otherwise, the building must be draw.
    Do not move the geodetic point, because it a reference (see The page describing the import of these geodetic markers ) ! It could be that all the surrounding buildings are shifted.
    building shape
    Osmose-marker-l-7011.png item=7011
    map list

    The form of a building is characteristic and as such would be tagged.

    • Class 1 "Special building (round)" :
    • Class 2 "Special building (large)" :

    An aerial view can help determine the use of the building.

    bridge to tag
    Osmose-marker-l-7012.png item=7012
    map list
    The length of the bridge makes it deserve a more detailed tag than bridge=yes.
    See the possible types of bridges bridge=*.
    admin boundary
    Osmose-marker-l-7020.png item=7020
    map list
    power lines
    Osmose-marker-l-7040.png item=7040
    map list

    This analysis mainly verifies the continuity of powerlines

    • Class 1 "Lone power tower or pole" :
    • Class 2 "Unfinished power major line" : the line ends in a vacuum, and should be connected to another line or a transformer power=substation or a generator power=generator.
    • Class 3 "Connection between different voltages" : two lines meet in one point, but inconsistent with voltages from the tag voltage=*.
    • Class 4 "Non power node on power way" :
    • Class 5 "Missing power tower or pole" : according to the statistical frequency of poles on the power line should miss one nearby.
    • Class 6 "Unfinished power minor line" :
    • Class 7 "Unmatched voltage of line on substation" :

    Several types of issues are generated:

    • Class 1 "Lone power tower or pole" : this tower should surely be connected to a power line.
    • Class 2 "Unfinished power major line" :
    • Class 3 "Connection between different voltages" :
    • Class 4 "Non power node on power way" : if this node is a tower or pole using the tag power=tower ou power=pole, else remove it.
    • Class 5 "Missing power tower or pole" :
    • Class 6 "Unfinished power minor line" :
    • Class 7 "Unmatched voltage of line on substation" :
    post office
    Osmose-marker-l-7050.png item=7050 (FR)
    map list
    This analysis tests whether the reference of the post office is there. See also item 8020 and 8021.
    Make merge of data from the postal database via the item=8021.
    post box
    Osmose-marker-l-7051.png item=7051
    map list
    school, not integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-7070.png item=7070 (FR)
    map list

    This analysis allows to check whether the reference of the school is present. See also 8030 and 8031 item.

    • Class 2 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 12 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 22 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 32 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 42 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 101 "College without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 202 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans without (valid) ref:FR:FINESS" :

    Make merge of data from the ministry data via the item=8021.

    • Class 2 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 12 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 22 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 32 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 42 "School without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 101 "College without tag "ref:UAI" or invalid" :
    • Class 202 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans without (valid) ref:FR:FINESS" :
    Osmose-marker-l-7080.png item=7080 (FR)
    map list
    This analysis allows to check whether the reference of historical monument inscribed with the specified operator heritage:operator=mhs also contains the registration number in the inventory. See also 8010 and 8011 item.
    Find the entry in the inventory of the monument and add the reference number. Check the value and format of the inventory number. Or make a data mergia via the 8011 item.
    node on ways
    Osmose-marker-l-7090.png item=7090
    map list

    Crossing for which it lacks the road or railway.

    • Class 1 "Missing way on level crossing" :
    • Class 3 "Lone highway or barrier node" :

    Map the missing part. The node must be common to rail and road.

    • Class 1 "Missing way on level crossing" :
    • Class 3 "Lone highway or barrier node" :
    train station
    Osmose-marker-l-7100.png item=7100 (FR)
    map list
    Pas de gare avec le tag uic_ref=* trouvé. Voir également l'item 8050.
    Make merge of data via the item=8051.
    Osmose-marker-l-7110.png item=7110 (FR)
    map list

    TMC data refers to a not found element of the road network.

    • Class 108 "Roundabout missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 110 "Traffic signals missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 301 "Bridge missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 303 "Services area missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 304 "Rest area missing" :
    • Class 305 "Tunnel missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 316 "Toll missing (TMC)" :

    Add element.

    • Class 108 "Roundabout missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 110 "Traffic signals missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 301 "Bridge missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 303 "Services area missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 304 "Rest area missing" :
    • Class 305 "Tunnel missing (TMC)" :
    • Class 316 "Toll missing (TMC)" :
    TMC data may be wrong or poorly located.
    relation type=boundary
    Osmose-marker-l-7120.png item=7120
    map list

    Missing element in administrative relation Relation:boundary.

    • Class 1 "Missing admin_centre role" :
    • Class 2 "Missing name" :
    • Class 3 "Missing municipality ref tag" :
    • Class 4 "Missing wikipedia tag" :
    • Class 5 "Different population tag between relation and admin_centre" : the admin_centre population is greater than the relation population.
    • Class 6 "Invalid role" : see possible roles on Relation:boundary.
  • Class 1 "Missing admin_centre role" :
  • Class 2 "Missing name" :
  • Class 3 "Missing municipality ref tag" :
  • Class 4 "Missing wikipedia tag" :
  • Class 5 "Different population tag between relation and admin_centre" :
  • Class 6 "Invalid role" :
  • tunnel/bridge
    Osmose-marker-l-7130.png item=7130
    map list
    Missing maxheight=* or maxheight: * for a tunnel or a way under a bridge.
    pharmacy, not integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-7150.png item=7150
    map list
    postal code, not integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-7160.png item=7160
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-7170.png item=7170
    map list
    • Class 1 "possibly missing highway in the area" :
    • Class 2 "ref=* or possibly missing highway in the area" :
    • Class 10 "possibly missing highway in the area" :
    • Class 13 "cadastre, no highway within 20 m" :
    • Class 20 "lanes=* missing on way with more than 2 lanes in Route500" :
    • Class 30 "name=* or possibly missing highway in the area" :
    • Class 31 "name=* to change on highway ?" :
    • Class 32 "name=* to add on highway ?" :
    • Class 33 "missing highway in the area ?" :
    • Class 50 "cadastre buildings not yet imported" :
  • Class 1 "possibly missing highway in the area" :
  • Class 2 "ref=* or possibly missing highway in the area" :
  • Class 10 "possibly missing highway in the area" :
  • Class 13 "cadastre, no highway within 20 m" :
  • Class 20 "lanes=* missing on way with more than 2 lanes in Route500" :
  • Class 30 "name=* or possibly missing highway in the area" :
  • Class 31 "name=* to change on highway ?" :
  • Class 32 "name=* to add on highway ?" :
  • Class 33 "missing highway in the area ?" :
  • Class 50 "cadastre buildings not yet imported" :
  • power substation
    Osmose-marker-l-7190.png item=7190
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-7220.png item=7220
    map list
    • Class 12 "Hôpital without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
    • Class 22 "Établissements de soins autres que les hopitaux without (valid) ref:FR:FINESS" :
    • Class 82 "Clinique without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
  • Class 12 "Hôpital without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
  • Class 22 "Établissements de soins autres que les hopitaux without (valid) ref:FR:FINESS" :
  • Class 82 "Clinique without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
  • medical lab
    Osmose-marker-l-7240.png item=7240
    map list
    • Class 2 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale without ref:FR:FINESS" :
    • Class 72 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
  • Class 2 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale without ref:FR:FINESS" :
  • Class 72 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale without tag "ref:FR:FINESS" or invalid" :
  • gas station, ref not integrated


    Item Help Example
    monument, museum
    Osmose-marker-l-8010.png item=8010 (FR)
    map list

    See also items 7080 and 8011.

    • Class 1 "Historical monument not integrated" : a historical monument is here but is not mapped. The list of monuments comes from the grassroots base by Merimee Inventory of monuments in France by the Ministry of Culture. The list is an extract enriched / incomplete decorated with Wikipedia Wikipedia links. The position of markers is made by address geocoding.
    • Class 11 "Aquitaine museum not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Aquitaine tourism information not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "Museum not integrated" :

    See Proposed features/heritage. Add a node or proposed to integrate tags something already existing.

    • Class 1 "Historical monument not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Aquitaine museum not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Aquitaine tourism information not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "Museum not integrated" :
    Carefully check the contents of the proposed tag, it can hold values ​​curious or unsuitable. Correctly locate the monument. The marker can be a very rough position, located as close to the town. Don't overide tags of UNESCO World Heritage.
    monument, museum, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8011.png item=8011 (FR)
    map list

    See also 7080 et 8010.

    • Class 3 "Historical monument, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 13 "Aquitaine museum, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 23 "Aquitaine tourism information, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 33 "Museum, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "Historical monument, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "Aquitaine museum, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 23 "Aquitaine tourism information, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 33 "Museum, integration suggestion" :
  • monument, museum, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8012.png item=8012
    map list
    post office
    Osmose-marker-l-8020.png item=8020 (FR)
    map list
    Post Office of "La Poste". See also item 7050.
    Add new items or merge them with existing, see also item 8021.
    Check the location which was made by address geolocation.
    post office, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8021.png item=8021 (FR)
    map list
    See also items 7050 and 8020.
    post office, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8022.png item=8022
    map list
    post box
    Osmose-marker-l-8025.png item=8025
    map list
    post box, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8026.png item=8026
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-8030.png item=8030 (FR)
    map list

    Location of educational institutions. See also item 7070.

    • Class 1 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "School not integrated" : Guadeloupe
    • Class 21 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 100 "College not integrated" :
    • Class 201 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans not integrated" :

    Add new items or merge them with existing systems see 8031.

    • Class 1 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "School not integrated" :
    • Class 100 "College not integrated" :
    • Class 201 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans not integrated" :
    Check the location. Warning data from the Ministry may have several schools following levels for a single physical school.
    school, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8031.png item=8031 (FR)
    map list

    See also item 7070 and 8030.

    • Class 3 "School, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 13 "School, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 23 "School, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 33 "School, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 43 "School, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 102 "College, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 203 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "School, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "School, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 23 "School, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 33 "School, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 43 "School, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 102 "College, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 203 "Crèches et mutiaccueil d'enfants de moins de 6 ans, integration suggestion" :
  • Traps
    Check that it is right school.
    school, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8032.png item=8032
    map list
    • Class 4 "School update" :
    • Class 14 "School update" :
    • Class 24 "School update" :
    • Class 34 "School update" :
    • Class 44 "School update" :
    • Class 103 "College update" :
  • Class 4 "School update" :
  • Class 14 "School update" :
  • Class 24 "School update" :
  • Class 34 "School update" :
  • Class 44 "School update" :
  • Class 103 "College update" :
  • public transport
    Osmose-marker-l-8040.png item=8040
    map list
    • Class 1 "RATP stop not integrated" : subway, Paris, France.
    • Class 11 "RATP stop not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "RATP stop not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "TransGironde stop not integrated" : bus of Gironde, France.
    • Class 51 "TBM stop not integrated" : public transport of Great Bordeaux, France.
    • Class 61 "CG71 stop not integrated" :
    • Class 81 "STAR stop not integrated" :
    • Class 91 "STAN stop not integrated" :

    Add new points or merge existing. See also item 8041.

    • Class 1 "RATP stop not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "RATP stop not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "RATP stop not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "TransGironde stop not integrated" :
    • Class 51 "TBM stop not integrated" :
    • Class 61 "CG71 stop not integrated" :
    • Class 81 "STAR stop not integrated" :
    • Class 91 "STAN stop not integrated" :
    Check the location.
    public transport, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8042.png item=8042
    map list
    • Class 1 "" :
    • Class 2 "" :
    • Class 44 "TransGironde stop update" :
    • Class 84 "STAR stop update" :
  • Class 1 "" :
  • Class 2 "" :
  • Class 44 "TransGironde stop update" :
  • Class 84 "STAR stop update" :
  • train station
    Osmose-marker-l-8050.png item=8050 (FR)
    map list
    Train station of French RFN network.
    Add new points or merge existing. See also item 8051.
    Check the location.
    train station, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8051.png item=8051 (FR)
    map list
    See also item 8051.
    level crossing
    Osmose-marker-l-8060.png item=8060 (FR)
    map list
    Level crossing from the French railway RFF network, for cars or pedestrians.
    Add new points or merge existing.
    Check the location.
    geodesic point
    Osmose-marker-l-8070.png item=8070
    map list

    WikiProject_France/Repères_Géodésiques French survey point imported in OSM but not found.

    • Class 1 "Missing survey point" :
    • Class 2 "Missing survey site" :
    • Class 3 "Moved survey point" :

    Restore node or relation.

    • Class 1 "Missing survey point" :
    • Class 2 "Missing survey site" :
    • Class 3 "Moved survey point" :
    Osmosis offers reimport the remaining sites as point, but there is a relation. Must be converted manually to keep the tags and put survey point in relation.
    postal address
    Osmose-marker-l-8080.png item=8080
    map list

    Address an OpenData data set was not found. Only the position and street numbers are checked.

    • Class 1 "Missing address Toulouse" :
    • Class 2 "Missing address Nantes" :
    • Class 3 "Missing address Bordeaux" :
    • Class 4 "Missing address Lyon" :
    • Class 5 "Missing address Montpellier" :
    • Class 6 "Missing address Arles" :
    • Class 7 "Missing address Rennes" :

    Add or move a number, check the field.

    • Class 1 "Missing address Toulouse" :
    • Class 2 "Missing address Nantes" :
    • Class 3 "Missing address Bordeaux" :
    • Class 4 "Missing address Lyon" :
    • Class 5 "Missing address Montpellier" :
    • Class 6 "Missing address Arles" :
    • Class 7 "Missing address Rennes" :
    Attention to the data freshness.
    fire hydrant
    fire hydrant, could be integrated
    place of worship
    Osmose-marker-l-8101.png item=8101
    map list
    public service
    Osmose-marker-l-8110.png item=8110 (FR)
    map list

    French public service not found nearby. Uses data from service-public.fr.

    • Class 1 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 5 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 6 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 7 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 8 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 9 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 10 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 12 "Public service not integrated" :

    Locate the placeand add the property or merge the data.

    • Class 1 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 5 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 6 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 7 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 8 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 9 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 10 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Public service not integrated" :
    • Class 12 "Public service not integrated" :
    The location can be quite rough.
    Osmose-marker-l-8120.png item=8120
    map list

    Recycling point amenity=recycling not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "BM glass recycling not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "CAPP glass recycling not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "CAPP clothes recycling not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "BM glass recycling not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "CAPP glass recycling not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "CAPP clothes recycling not integrated" :
  • recycling, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8121.png item=8121
    map list
    • Class 3 "BM glass recycling, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 23 "NM glass recycling, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "BM glass recycling, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 23 "NM glass recycling, integration suggestion" :
  • recycling, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8122.png item=8122
    map list
    • Class 4 "BM glass recycling update" :
    • Class 24 "NM glass recycling update" :
  • Class 4 "BM glass recycling update" :
  • Class 24 "NM glass recycling update" :
  • parking
    Osmose-marker-l-8130.png item=8130
    map list

    Parking amenity=recycling not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "CAPP parking not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "CAPP parking disabled not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "BM parking disabled not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "BM parking not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "Carpool parking not integrated" :
    • Class 751 "P+R parking in Île-de-France not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "CAPP parking not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "CAPP parking disabled not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "BM parking disabled not integrated" :
  • Class 31 "BM parking not integrated" :
  • Class 41 "Carpool parking not integrated" :
  • Class 751 "P+R parking in Île-de-France not integrated" :
  • parking, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8131.png item=8131
    map list

    See also item 8130.

    • Class 33 "BM parking integration suggestion" :
    • Class 43 "Carpool parking integration suggestion" :
  • Class 33 "BM parking integration suggestion" :
  • Class 43 "Carpool parking integration suggestion" :
  • parking, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8132.png item=8132
    map list
    • Class 34 "BM parking update" :
    • Class 44 "Carpool parking update" :
  • Class 34 "BM parking update" :
  • Class 44 "Carpool parking update" :
  • accommodation
    Osmose-marker-l-8140.png item=8140
    map list

    Accommodation not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "Aquitaine caravan site not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Aquitaine camp site not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Aquitaine caravan site not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Aquitaine camp site not integrated" :
  • cycle parking
    Osmose-marker-l-8150.png item=8150
    map list

    Bicycle parking amenity=bicycle parking not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "Bordeaux bicycle parking not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "CAPP bicycle parking not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Paris bicycle parking not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "Paris motorcycle parking not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "Paris shared motorcycle/motorcycle parking not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Bordeaux bicycle parking not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "CAPP bicycle parking not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "Paris bicycle parking not integrated" :
  • Class 31 "Paris motorcycle parking not integrated" :
  • Class 41 "Paris shared motorcycle/motorcycle parking not integrated" :
  • transport sharing
    Osmose-marker-l-8160.png item=8160
    map list

    Bicycle sharing service amenity=bicycle rental not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "BM bicycle rental not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "IDF bicycle rental not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "BM bicycle rental not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "IDF bicycle rental not integrated" :
  • transport sharing, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8161.png item=8161
    map list
    • Class 3 "BM bicycle rental integration suggestion" :
    • Class 13 "IDF bicycle rental integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "BM bicycle rental integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "IDF bicycle rental integration suggestion" :
  • transport sharing, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8162.png item=8162
    map list
    • Class 4 "BM bicycle update" :
    • Class 14 "IDF bicycle update" :
  • Class 4 "BM bicycle update" :
  • Class 14 "IDF bicycle update" :
  • sport
    Osmose-marker-l-8170.png item=8170
    map list

    Sport spot not found nearby.

    • Class 1 "Pitch not integrated Bassin mixte de natation" :
    • Class 2 "Pitch not integrated Bassin sportif de natation" :
    • Class 3 "Pitch not integrated Bassin ludique de natation" :
    • Class 4 "Pitch not integrated Fosse à plongeon" :
    • Class 5 "Pitch not integrated Fosse à plongée" :
    • Class 7 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de boules" :
    • Class 8 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de pétanque" :
    • Class 10 "Pitch not integrated Bowling" :
    • Class 11 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de vitesse" :
    • Class 14 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de motocross" :
    • Class 16 "Pitch not integrated Course sur piste" :
    • Class 17 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de trial" :
    • Class 19 "Pitch not integrated Piste de kart" :
    • Class 21 "Pitch not integrated Court de tennis" :
    • Class 22 "Pitch not integrated Anneau / piste de cyclisme" :
    • Class 24 "Pitch not integrated Espace trial" :
    • Class 25 "Pitch not integrated Piste de bicross" :
    • Class 28 "Pitch not integrated Vélodrome" :
    • Class 30 "Pitch not integrated Domaine de ski alpin" :
    • Class 32 "Pitch not integrated Tremplin à ski" :
    • Class 36 "Pitch not integrated Bassin d'exercices aquatiques" :
    • Class 38 "Pitch not integrated Carrière" :
    • Class 39 "Pitch not integrated Carrière de dressage/rond de longe" :
    • Class 40 "Pitch not integrated Manège" :
    • Class 41 "Pitch not integrated Parcours d'obstacle" :
    • Class 42 "Pitch not integrated Piste de course sur le plat" :
    • Class 43 "Pitch not integrated Structure de tourisme équestre" :
    • Class 44 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de horse-ball" :
    • Class 45 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de polo" :
    • Class 46 "Pitch not integrated Parcours de cross" :
    • Class 48 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’athlétisme" :
    • Class 49 "Pitch not integrated Aire de lancer" :
    • Class 50 "Pitch not integrated Aire de saut" :
    • Class 51 "Pitch not integrated Piste d'athlétisme isolée" :
    • Class 53 "Pitch not integrated Mur ou fronton mixte" :
    • Class 54 "Pitch not integrated Mur à gauche" :
    • Class 55 "Pitch not integrated Fronton place libre" :
    • Class 56 "Pitch not integrated Trinquet" :
    • Class 57 "Pitch not integrated Mur de tennis" :
    • Class 58 "Pitch not integrated Jaï-Laï" :
    • Class 60 "Pitch not integrated Parcours d'initiation" :
    • Class 61 "Pitch not integrated Parcours 18 trous" :
    • Class 63 "Pitch not integrated Parcours 9 trous" :
    • Class 64 "Pitch not integrated Practice" :
    • Class 65 "Pitch not integrated Swingolf" :
    • Class 67 "Pitch not integrated Parcours sportif/santé" :
    • Class 68 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir à l'arc" :
    • Class 69 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir à la cible" :
    • Class 70 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir aux plateaux" :
    • Class 73 "Pitch not integrated Aire de sports de glace sportive" :
    • Class 74 "Pitch not integrated Aire de sports de glace ludique" :
    • Class 78 "Pitch not integrated Plateau EPS/Multisports/city-stades" :
    • Class 79 "Pitch not integrated Dojo / Salle d'arts martiaux" :
    • Class 80 "Pitch not integrated Salle de boxe" :
    • Class 83 "Pitch not integrated Salle multisports" :
    • Class 84 "Pitch not integrated Salle de basket" :
    • Class 85 "Pitch not integrated Salle de beach-volley" :
    • Class 86 "Pitch not integrated Salle de billard" :
    • Class 88 "Pitch not integrated Salle de danse" :
    • Class 89 "Pitch not integrated Salle de gymnastique sportive" :
    • Class 90 "Pitch not integrated Salle de handball" :
    • Class 91 "Pitch not integrated Salle de lutte" :
    • Class 92 "Pitch not integrated Salle de patinage sur roulette" :
    • Class 93 "Pitch not integrated Salle de raquetball" :
    • Class 94 "Pitch not integrated Salle de tennis de table" :
    • Class 95 "Pitch not integrated Salle de trampoline" :
    • Class 96 "Pitch not integrated Salle de volley ball" :
    • Class 97 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'échecs" :
    • Class 98 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'escrime" :
    • Class 99 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'haltérophilie" :
    • Class 100 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de squash" :
    • Class 101 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de paddle" :
    • Class 102 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de badminton" :
    • Class 106 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de quilles" :
    • Class 107 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de balle au tambourin" :
    • Class 109 "Pitch not integrated Salles polyvalentes / des fêtes / non spécialisées" :
    • Class 111 "Pitch not integrated Aire mixte (décollage et atterissage)" :
    • Class 112 "Pitch not integrated Aire de décollage" :
    • Class 113 "Pitch not integrated Aire d'atterrissage" :
    • Class 114 "Pitch not integrated Piste d’aérodrome / d'aéroport" :
    • Class 116 "Pitch not integrated Piste ULM" :
    • Class 118 "Pitch not integrated Site d'activités aquatiques et nautiques" :
    • Class 119 "Pitch not integrated Baignade aménagée" :
    • Class 120 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de motonautisme" :
    • Class 121 "Pitch not integrated Stade de ski nautique" :
    • Class 122 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’eau vive" :
    • Class 123 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’aviron" :
    • Class 124 "Pitch not integrated Stade de canoë-kayak de vitesse" :
    • Class 125 "Pitch not integrated Stade mixte" :
    • Class 127 "Pitch not integrated Point d'embarquement et de débarquement isolé" :
    • Class 131 "Pitch not integrated Site de plongée" :
    • Class 132 "Pitch not integrated Tank à ramer" :
    • Class 134 "Pitch not integrated Port de plaisance" :
    • Class 136 "Pitch not integrated Site de modélisme automobile" :
    • Class 138 "Pitch not integrated Site d'aéromodélisme" :
    • Class 141 "Pitch not integrated Anneau de Roller" :
    • Class 142 "Pitch not integrated Espace de vélo-freestyle" :
    • Class 143 "Pitch not integrated Skate park" :
    • Class 145 "Pitch not integrated Structure Artificielle d'Escalade" :
    • Class 146 "Pitch not integrated Terrain mixte" :
    • Class 147 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de football" :
    • Class 148 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de rugby" :
    • Class 149 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de football américain" :
    • Class 150 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de rugby à XIII" :
    • Class 151 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de baseball /softball" :
    • Class 153 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de cricket" :
    • Class 154 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de hockey sur gazon" :
    • Class 156 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de basket-ball" :
    • Class 157 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de beach-volley" :
    • Class 158 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de handball" :
    • Class 159 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de volley-ball" :
    • Class 163 "Pitch not integrated Parcours Acrobatique en Hauteur/Site d'accrobranche" :
    • Class 166 "Pitch not integrated Parcours fixe de course d’orientation" :
    • Class 167 "Pitch not integrated Piste de pulka / traineau à chiens" :
    • Class 168 "Pitch not integrated Site d'escalade en falaise" :
    • Class 169 "Pitch not integrated Site de spéléologie sportive et/ou éducative" :
    • Class 171 "Pitch not integrated Via ferrata / Via corda" :
    • Class 173 "Pitch not integrated Arènes" :
    • Class 178 "Pitch not integrated Hippodrome" :
    • Class 180 "Pitch not integrated Refuge de montagne" :
    • Class 183 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de paintball" :
    • Class 184 "Pitch not integrated Bassin de réception de toboggan" :
    • Class 185 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de boules traditionnelles" :
    • Class 186 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de moto-ball" :
    • Class 187 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de cyclocross" :
    • Class 189 "Pitch not integrated Piste de ski indoor" :
    • Class 190 "Pitch not integrated Domaine nordique" :
    • Class 192 "Pitch not integrated Piste de bobsleigh" :
    • Class 193 "Pitch not integrated Salle de curling" :
    • Class 195 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de jorkyball" :
    • Class 196 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de ballon au poing/long paume" :
    • Class 200 "Pitch not integrated Site de pêche" :
    • Class 201 "Pitch not integrated Cascade de glace" :
    • Class 202 "Pitch not integrated Site de blocs d'escalade" :
    • Class 203 "Pitch not integrated Simulateur de chute libre" :
    • Class 204 "Pitch not integrated Espace de pratique spéléologique" :
    • Class 205 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de soccer" :
    • Class 206 "Pitch not integrated Salle de blocs artificiels d'escalade" :
  • Class 1 "Pitch not integrated Bassin mixte de natation" :
  • Class 2 "Pitch not integrated Bassin sportif de natation" :
  • Class 3 "Pitch not integrated Bassin ludique de natation" :
  • Class 4 "Pitch not integrated Fosse à plongeon" :
  • Class 5 "Pitch not integrated Fosse à plongée" :
  • Class 7 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de boules" :
  • Class 8 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de pétanque" :
  • Class 10 "Pitch not integrated Bowling" :
  • Class 11 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de vitesse" :
  • Class 14 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de motocross" :
  • Class 16 "Pitch not integrated Course sur piste" :
  • Class 17 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de trial" :
  • Class 19 "Pitch not integrated Piste de kart" :
  • Class 21 "Pitch not integrated Court de tennis" :
  • Class 22 "Pitch not integrated Anneau / piste de cyclisme" :
  • Class 24 "Pitch not integrated Espace trial" :
  • Class 25 "Pitch not integrated Piste de bicross" :
  • Class 28 "Pitch not integrated Vélodrome" :
  • Class 30 "Pitch not integrated Domaine de ski alpin" :
  • Class 32 "Pitch not integrated Tremplin à ski" :
  • Class 36 "Pitch not integrated Bassin d'exercices aquatiques" :
  • Class 38 "Pitch not integrated Carrière" :
  • Class 39 "Pitch not integrated Carrière de dressage/rond de longe" :
  • Class 40 "Pitch not integrated Manège" :
  • Class 41 "Pitch not integrated Parcours d'obstacle" :
  • Class 42 "Pitch not integrated Piste de course sur le plat" :
  • Class 43 "Pitch not integrated Structure de tourisme équestre" :
  • Class 44 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de horse-ball" :
  • Class 45 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de polo" :
  • Class 46 "Pitch not integrated Parcours de cross" :
  • Class 48 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’athlétisme" :
  • Class 49 "Pitch not integrated Aire de lancer" :
  • Class 50 "Pitch not integrated Aire de saut" :
  • Class 51 "Pitch not integrated Piste d'athlétisme isolée" :
  • Class 53 "Pitch not integrated Mur ou fronton mixte" :
  • Class 54 "Pitch not integrated Mur à gauche" :
  • Class 55 "Pitch not integrated Fronton place libre" :
  • Class 56 "Pitch not integrated Trinquet" :
  • Class 57 "Pitch not integrated Mur de tennis" :
  • Class 58 "Pitch not integrated Jaï-Laï" :
  • Class 60 "Pitch not integrated Parcours d'initiation" :
  • Class 61 "Pitch not integrated Parcours 18 trous" :
  • Class 63 "Pitch not integrated Parcours 9 trous" :
  • Class 64 "Pitch not integrated Practice" :
  • Class 65 "Pitch not integrated Swingolf" :
  • Class 67 "Pitch not integrated Parcours sportif/santé" :
  • Class 68 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir à l'arc" :
  • Class 69 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir à la cible" :
  • Class 70 "Pitch not integrated Pas de tir aux plateaux" :
  • Class 73 "Pitch not integrated Aire de sports de glace sportive" :
  • Class 74 "Pitch not integrated Aire de sports de glace ludique" :
  • Class 78 "Pitch not integrated Plateau EPS/Multisports/city-stades" :
  • Class 79 "Pitch not integrated Dojo / Salle d'arts martiaux" :
  • Class 80 "Pitch not integrated Salle de boxe" :
  • Class 83 "Pitch not integrated Salle multisports" :
  • Class 84 "Pitch not integrated Salle de basket" :
  • Class 85 "Pitch not integrated Salle de beach-volley" :
  • Class 86 "Pitch not integrated Salle de billard" :
  • Class 88 "Pitch not integrated Salle de danse" :
  • Class 89 "Pitch not integrated Salle de gymnastique sportive" :
  • Class 90 "Pitch not integrated Salle de handball" :
  • Class 91 "Pitch not integrated Salle de lutte" :
  • Class 92 "Pitch not integrated Salle de patinage sur roulette" :
  • Class 93 "Pitch not integrated Salle de raquetball" :
  • Class 94 "Pitch not integrated Salle de tennis de table" :
  • Class 95 "Pitch not integrated Salle de trampoline" :
  • Class 96 "Pitch not integrated Salle de volley ball" :
  • Class 97 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'échecs" :
  • Class 98 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'escrime" :
  • Class 99 "Pitch not integrated Salle d'haltérophilie" :
  • Class 100 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de squash" :
  • Class 101 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de paddle" :
  • Class 102 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de badminton" :
  • Class 106 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de quilles" :
  • Class 107 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de balle au tambourin" :
  • Class 109 "Pitch not integrated Salles polyvalentes / des fêtes / non spécialisées" :
  • Class 111 "Pitch not integrated Aire mixte (décollage et atterissage)" :
  • Class 112 "Pitch not integrated Aire de décollage" :
  • Class 113 "Pitch not integrated Aire d'atterrissage" :
  • Class 114 "Pitch not integrated Piste d’aérodrome / d'aéroport" :
  • Class 116 "Pitch not integrated Piste ULM" :
  • Class 118 "Pitch not integrated Site d'activités aquatiques et nautiques" :
  • Class 119 "Pitch not integrated Baignade aménagée" :
  • Class 120 "Pitch not integrated Circuit de motonautisme" :
  • Class 121 "Pitch not integrated Stade de ski nautique" :
  • Class 122 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’eau vive" :
  • Class 123 "Pitch not integrated Stade d’aviron" :
  • Class 124 "Pitch not integrated Stade de canoë-kayak de vitesse" :
  • Class 125 "Pitch not integrated Stade mixte" :
  • Class 127 "Pitch not integrated Point d'embarquement et de débarquement isolé" :
  • Class 131 "Pitch not integrated Site de plongée" :
  • Class 132 "Pitch not integrated Tank à ramer" :
  • Class 134 "Pitch not integrated Port de plaisance" :
  • Class 136 "Pitch not integrated Site de modélisme automobile" :
  • Class 138 "Pitch not integrated Site d'aéromodélisme" :
  • Class 141 "Pitch not integrated Anneau de Roller" :
  • Class 142 "Pitch not integrated Espace de vélo-freestyle" :
  • Class 143 "Pitch not integrated Skate park" :
  • Class 145 "Pitch not integrated Structure Artificielle d'Escalade" :
  • Class 146 "Pitch not integrated Terrain mixte" :
  • Class 147 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de football" :
  • Class 148 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de rugby" :
  • Class 149 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de football américain" :
  • Class 150 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de rugby à XIII" :
  • Class 151 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de baseball /softball" :
  • Class 153 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de cricket" :
  • Class 154 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de hockey sur gazon" :
  • Class 156 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de basket-ball" :
  • Class 157 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de beach-volley" :
  • Class 158 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de handball" :
  • Class 159 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de volley-ball" :
  • Class 163 "Pitch not integrated Parcours Acrobatique en Hauteur/Site d'accrobranche" :
  • Class 166 "Pitch not integrated Parcours fixe de course d’orientation" :
  • Class 167 "Pitch not integrated Piste de pulka / traineau à chiens" :
  • Class 168 "Pitch not integrated Site d'escalade en falaise" :
  • Class 169 "Pitch not integrated Site de spéléologie sportive et/ou éducative" :
  • Class 171 "Pitch not integrated Via ferrata / Via corda" :
  • Class 173 "Pitch not integrated Arènes" :
  • Class 178 "Pitch not integrated Hippodrome" :
  • Class 180 "Pitch not integrated Refuge de montagne" :
  • Class 183 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de paintball" :
  • Class 184 "Pitch not integrated Bassin de réception de toboggan" :
  • Class 185 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de boules traditionnelles" :
  • Class 186 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de moto-ball" :
  • Class 187 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de cyclocross" :
  • Class 189 "Pitch not integrated Piste de ski indoor" :
  • Class 190 "Pitch not integrated Domaine nordique" :
  • Class 192 "Pitch not integrated Piste de bobsleigh" :
  • Class 193 "Pitch not integrated Salle de curling" :
  • Class 195 "Pitch not integrated Salle ou terrain de jorkyball" :
  • Class 196 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de ballon au poing/long paume" :
  • Class 200 "Pitch not integrated Site de pêche" :
  • Class 201 "Pitch not integrated Cascade de glace" :
  • Class 202 "Pitch not integrated Site de blocs d'escalade" :
  • Class 203 "Pitch not integrated Simulateur de chute libre" :
  • Class 204 "Pitch not integrated Espace de pratique spéléologique" :
  • Class 205 "Pitch not integrated Terrain de soccer" :
  • Class 206 "Pitch not integrated Salle de blocs artificiels d'escalade" :
  • toilets
    Osmose-marker-l-8180.png item=8180
    map list
    • Class 1 "Bordeaux toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 2 "Rennes toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 3 "Lyon toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 4 "Toulouse toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 5 "Nantes Métropole toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 6 "Montpellier toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 7 "Le Havre toilets not integrated" :
    • Class 8 "Angers toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Bordeaux toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 2 "Rennes toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 3 "Lyon toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 4 "Toulouse toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 5 "Nantes Métropole toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 6 "Montpellier toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 7 "Le Havre toilets not integrated" :
  • Class 8 "Angers toilets not integrated" :
  • toilets, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8190.png item=8190
    map list
    • Class 1 "Police/"Gendarmerie" not integrated" :
    • Class 10 "Police not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Police/"Gendarmerie" not integrated" :
  • Class 10 "Police not integrated" :
  • police, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8191.png item=8191
    map list
    police, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8192.png item=8192
    map list
    gas station
    Osmose-marker-l-8200.png item=8200
    map list
    gas station, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8201.png item=8201
    map list
    gas station, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8202.png item=8202
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-8210.png item=8210
    map list
    pharmacy, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8211.png item=8211
    map list
    pharmacy, need update
    postal code, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8221.png item=8221
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-8230.png item=8230
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-8240.png item=8240
    map list
    • Class 1 "Restaurant not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Restaurant not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Restaurant not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Restaurant not integrated" :
  • winery
    Osmose-marker-l-8250.png item=8250
    map list
    Osmose-marker-l-8260.png item=8260
    map list
    • Class 1 "Geodesic support not integrated abbaye, couvent, monastere" :
    • Class 2 "Geodesic support not integrated église, cathédrale, basilique, chapelle" :
    • Class 3 "Geodesic support not integrated château d'eau" :
    • Class 4 "Geodesic support not integrated réservoir" :
    • Class 5 "Geodesic support not integrated pigeonnier, colombier" :
    • Class 6 "Geodesic support not integrated calvaire" :
    • Class 7 "Geodesic support not integrated silo" :
    • Class 8 "Geodesic support not integrated cimetiere" :
    • Class 9 "Geodesic support not integrated stele, monument aux morts" :
    • Class 10 "Geodesic support not integrated table d'orientation" :
    • Class 11 "Geodesic support not integrated tour de l'horloge" :
    • Class 12 "Geodesic support not integrated casemate, blockhaus" :
    • Class 13 "Geodesic support not integrated lavoir" :
    • Class 15 "Geodesic support not integrated château :" :
    • Class 16 "Geodesic support not integrated moulin" :
    • Class 17 "Geodesic support not integrated mairie, hôtel de ville" :
    • Class 18 "Geodesic support not integrated fontaine" :
    • Class 19 "Geodesic support not integrated croix :, croix en bois, croix métallique, croix en fer" :
    • Class 20 "Geodesic support not integrated monument, statue" :
    • Class 21 "Geodesic support not integrated puits :" :
    • Class 22 "Geodesic support not integrated clocher" :
    • Class 23 "Geodesic support not integrated éolienne" :
    • Class 24 "Geodesic support not integrated phare" :
  • Class 1 "Geodesic support not integrated abbaye, couvent, monastere" :
  • Class 2 "Geodesic support not integrated église, cathédrale, basilique, chapelle" :
  • Class 3 "Geodesic support not integrated château d'eau" :
  • Class 4 "Geodesic support not integrated réservoir" :
  • Class 5 "Geodesic support not integrated pigeonnier, colombier" :
  • Class 6 "Geodesic support not integrated calvaire" :
  • Class 7 "Geodesic support not integrated silo" :
  • Class 8 "Geodesic support not integrated cimetiere" :
  • Class 9 "Geodesic support not integrated stele, monument aux morts" :
  • Class 10 "Geodesic support not integrated table d'orientation" :
  • Class 11 "Geodesic support not integrated tour de l'horloge" :
  • Class 12 "Geodesic support not integrated casemate, blockhaus" :
  • Class 13 "Geodesic support not integrated lavoir" :
  • Class 15 "Geodesic support not integrated château :" :
  • Class 16 "Geodesic support not integrated moulin" :
  • Class 17 "Geodesic support not integrated mairie, hôtel de ville" :
  • Class 18 "Geodesic support not integrated fontaine" :
  • Class 19 "Geodesic support not integrated croix :, croix en bois, croix métallique, croix en fer" :
  • Class 20 "Geodesic support not integrated monument, statue" :
  • Class 21 "Geodesic support not integrated puits :" :
  • Class 22 "Geodesic support not integrated clocher" :
  • Class 23 "Geodesic support not integrated éolienne" :
  • Class 24 "Geodesic support not integrated phare" :
  • power plant
    Osmose-marker-l-8270.png item=8270
    map list
    power substation
    Osmose-marker-l-8280.png item=8280
    map list
    • Class 1 "Power substation not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Power minor_distribution substation not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Power substation not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Power minor_distribution substation not integrated" :
  • power substation, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8281.png item=8281
    map list
    • Class 3 "Power substation, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 13 "Power minor_distribution substation, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "Power substation, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "Power minor_distribution substation, integration suggestion" :
  • power substation, need update
    power support
    Osmose-marker-l-8290.png item=8290
    map list
    traffic signs
    Osmose-marker-l-8300.png item=8300
    map list
    • Class 1 "maxspeed=5 Traffic signs for max speed limit 5 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 2 "maxspeed=10 Traffic signs for max speed limit 10 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 3 "maxspeed=15 Traffic signs for max speed limit 15 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 4 "maxspeed=20 Traffic signs for max speed limit 20 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 5 "maxspeed=30 Traffic signs for max speed limit 30 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 6 "maxspeed=35 Traffic signs for max speed limit 35 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 7 "maxspeed=40 Traffic signs for max speed limit 40 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 8 "maxspeed=45 Traffic signs for max speed limit 45 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 9 "maxspeed=50 Traffic signs for max speed limit 50 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 10 "maxspeed=60 Traffic signs for max speed limit 60 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 11 "maxspeed=70 Traffic signs for max speed limit 70 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 12 "maxspeed=80 Traffic signs for max speed limit 80 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 13 "maxspeed=90 Traffic signs for max speed limit 90 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 14 "maxspeed=100 Traffic signs for max speed limit 100 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 15 "maxspeed=110 Traffic signs for max speed limit 110 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 16 "maxspeed=120 Traffic signs for max speed limit 120 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 17 "maxspeed=130 Traffic signs for max speed limit 130 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 20 " Traffic signs for max height limit observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 21 " Traffic signs for max weight limit observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 30 "highway=give_way Traffic signs for yield observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 31 "highway=stop Traffic signs for stop observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 32 "junction=roundabout Traffic signs for roundabout observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 34 " Traffic signs for road bump observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 38 "highway=traffic_signals Traffic signs for traffic signals observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 39 "highway=living_street Traffic signs for living street observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 50 "highway=bus_stop Traffic signs for bus stop observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 51 "hazard=animal_crossing Traffic signs for animal crossing observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 52 "highway=stop Traffic signs for stop observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 101 "maxspeed=5 Traffic signs for max speed limit 5 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 102 "maxspeed=10 Traffic signs for max speed limit 10 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 103 "maxspeed=15 Traffic signs for max speed limit 15 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 104 "maxspeed=20 Traffic signs for max speed limit 20 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 105 "maxspeed=25 Traffic signs for max speed limit 25 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 106 "maxspeed=30 Traffic signs for max speed limit 30 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 107 "maxspeed=35 Traffic signs for max speed limit 35 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 108 "maxspeed=40 Traffic signs for max speed limit 40 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 109 "maxspeed=45 Traffic signs for max speed limit 45 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 110 "maxspeed=50 Traffic signs for max speed limit 50 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 111 "maxspeed=55 Traffic signs for max speed limit 55 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 112 "maxspeed=60 Traffic signs for max speed limit 60 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 113 "maxspeed=65 Traffic signs for max speed limit 65 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 114 "maxspeed=70 Traffic signs for max speed limit 70 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 115 "maxspeed=75 Traffic signs for max speed limit 75 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 116 "maxspeed=80 Traffic signs for max speed limit 80 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 117 "maxspeed=90 Traffic signs for max speed limit 90 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 118 "maxspeed=100 Traffic signs for max speed limit 100 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 119 "maxspeed=110 Traffic signs for max speed limit 110 observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 120 "maxspeed=120 Traffic signs for max speed limit 120 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 1 "maxspeed=5 Traffic signs for max speed limit 5 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 2 "maxspeed=10 Traffic signs for max speed limit 10 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 3 "maxspeed=15 Traffic signs for max speed limit 15 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 4 "maxspeed=20 Traffic signs for max speed limit 20 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 5 "maxspeed=30 Traffic signs for max speed limit 30 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 6 "maxspeed=35 Traffic signs for max speed limit 35 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 7 "maxspeed=40 Traffic signs for max speed limit 40 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 8 "maxspeed=45 Traffic signs for max speed limit 45 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 9 "maxspeed=50 Traffic signs for max speed limit 50 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 10 "maxspeed=60 Traffic signs for max speed limit 60 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 11 "maxspeed=70 Traffic signs for max speed limit 70 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 12 "maxspeed=80 Traffic signs for max speed limit 80 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 13 "maxspeed=90 Traffic signs for max speed limit 90 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 14 "maxspeed=100 Traffic signs for max speed limit 100 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 15 "maxspeed=110 Traffic signs for max speed limit 110 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 16 "maxspeed=120 Traffic signs for max speed limit 120 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 17 "maxspeed=130 Traffic signs for max speed limit 130 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 20 " Traffic signs for max height limit observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 21 " Traffic signs for max weight limit observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 30 "highway=give_way Traffic signs for yield observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 31 "highway=stop Traffic signs for stop observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 32 "junction=roundabout Traffic signs for roundabout observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 34 " Traffic signs for road bump observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 38 "highway=traffic_signals Traffic signs for traffic signals observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 39 "highway=living_street Traffic signs for living street observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 50 "highway=bus_stop Traffic signs for bus stop observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 51 "hazard=animal_crossing Traffic signs for animal crossing observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 52 "highway=stop Traffic signs for stop observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 101 "maxspeed=5 Traffic signs for max speed limit 5 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 102 "maxspeed=10 Traffic signs for max speed limit 10 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 103 "maxspeed=15 Traffic signs for max speed limit 15 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 104 "maxspeed=20 Traffic signs for max speed limit 20 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 105 "maxspeed=25 Traffic signs for max speed limit 25 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 106 "maxspeed=30 Traffic signs for max speed limit 30 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 107 "maxspeed=35 Traffic signs for max speed limit 35 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 108 "maxspeed=40 Traffic signs for max speed limit 40 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 109 "maxspeed=45 Traffic signs for max speed limit 45 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 110 "maxspeed=50 Traffic signs for max speed limit 50 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 111 "maxspeed=55 Traffic signs for max speed limit 55 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 112 "maxspeed=60 Traffic signs for max speed limit 60 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 113 "maxspeed=65 Traffic signs for max speed limit 65 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 114 "maxspeed=70 Traffic signs for max speed limit 70 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 115 "maxspeed=75 Traffic signs for max speed limit 75 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 116 "maxspeed=80 Traffic signs for max speed limit 80 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 117 "maxspeed=90 Traffic signs for max speed limit 90 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 118 "maxspeed=100 Traffic signs for max speed limit 100 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 119 "maxspeed=110 Traffic signs for max speed limit 110 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 120 "maxspeed=120 Traffic signs for max speed limit 120 observed around but not associated tags" :
  • shop
    traffic sign limitation
    Osmose-marker-l-8320.png item=8320
    map list
    • Class 1 "maxweight Restriction not integrated" :
    • Class 2 "maxheight Restriction not integrated" :
    • Class 3 "maxweight Restriction not integrated" :
    • Class 4 "maxheight Restriction not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "maxweight Restriction not integrated" :
  • Class 2 "maxheight Restriction not integrated" :
  • Class 3 "maxweight Restriction not integrated" :
  • Class 4 "maxheight Restriction not integrated" :
  • hospital
    Osmose-marker-l-8330.png item=8330
    map list
    • Class 11 "Hôpital not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Établissements de soins autres que les hôpitaux not integrated" :
    • Class 81 "Clinique not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Hôpital not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "Établissements de soins autres que les hôpitaux not integrated" :
  • Class 81 "Clinique not integrated" :
  • hospital, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8331.png item=8331
    map list
    • Class 13 "Hôpital, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 23 "Établissements de soins autres que les hôpitaux, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 83 "Clinique, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "Hôpital, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 23 "Établissements de soins autres que les hôpitaux, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 83 "Clinique, integration suggestion" :
  • social facility
    Osmose-marker-l-8340.png item=8340
    map list
    • Class 31 "Établissement et services d'hébergement pour adultes handicapés not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "Établissement et services de travail protégé pour adultes handicapés not integrated" :
    • Class 51 "Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées not integrated" :
    • Class 61 "Etablissement de l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance not integrated" :
  • Class 31 "Établissement et services d'hébergement pour adultes handicapés not integrated" :
  • Class 41 "Établissement et services de travail protégé pour adultes handicapés not integrated" :
  • Class 51 "Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées not integrated" :
  • Class 61 "Etablissement de l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance not integrated" :
  • social facility, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8341.png item=8341
    map list
    • Class 33 "Établissement et services d'hébergement pour adultes handicapés, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 43 "Établissement et services de travail protégé pour adultes handicapés, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 53 "Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 63 "Etablissement de l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 33 "Établissement et services d'hébergement pour adultes handicapés, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 43 "Établissement et services de travail protégé pour adultes handicapés, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 53 "Etablissement d'Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 63 "Etablissement de l'Aide Sociale à l'Enfance, integration suggestion" :
  • medical lab
    Osmose-marker-l-8350.png item=8350
    map list
    • Class 1 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale not integrated" :
    • Class 71 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale not integrated" :
  • Class 71 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale not integrated" :
  • medical lab, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8351.png item=8351
    map list
    • Class 3 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale, integration suggestion" :
    • Class 73 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale, integration suggestion" :
  • Class 73 "Laboratoire de Biologie Médicale, integration suggestion" :
  • street objects
    Osmose-marker-l-8360.png item=8360
    map list
    • Class 1 "amenity=bench Street object bench observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 2 "amenity=bicycle_parking Street object bicycle parking observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 3 "man_made=surveillance Street object surveillance camera observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 4 "emergency=fire_hydrant Street object fire hydrant observed around but not associated tags" :
    • Class 5 "highway=traffic_signals Street object traffic light observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 1 "amenity=bench Street object bench observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 2 "amenity=bicycle_parking Street object bicycle parking observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 3 "man_made=surveillance Street object surveillance camera observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 4 "emergency=fire_hydrant Street object fire hydrant observed around but not associated tags" :
  • Class 5 "highway=traffic_signals Street object traffic light observed around but not associated tags" :
  • defibrillator
    Osmose-marker-l-8370.png item=8370
    map list
    • Class 1 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) not integrated" :
    • Class 10 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) not integrated" :
    • Class 20 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) not integrated" :
    • Class 30 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) not integrated" :
    • Class 40 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "Radio support (Silo) not integrated" :
    • Class 50 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 51 "Radio support (Phare) not integrated" :
    • Class 60 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 61 "Radio support (Éolienne) not integrated" :
    • Class 70 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 80 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 90 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
    • Class 100 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) not integrated" :
  • Class 10 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) not integrated" :
  • Class 20 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) not integrated" :
  • Class 30 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 31 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) not integrated" :
  • Class 40 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 41 "Radio support (Silo) not integrated" :
  • Class 50 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 51 "Radio support (Phare) not integrated" :
  • Class 60 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 61 "Radio support (Éolienne) not integrated" :
  • Class 70 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 80 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 90 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • Class 100 "Defibrillator not integrated" :
  • wastewater plant
    Osmose-marker-l-8380.png item=8380
    map list
    wastewater plant, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8381.png item=8381
    map list
    wastewater plant, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8382.png item=8382
    map list
    radio support
    Osmose-marker-l-8390.png item=8390
    map list
    • Class 1 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) not integrated" :
    • Class 11 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) not integrated" :
    • Class 21 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) not integrated" :
    • Class 31 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) not integrated" :
    • Class 41 "Radio support (Silo) not integrated" :
    • Class 51 "Radio support (Phare) not integrated" :
    • Class 61 "Radio support (Éolienne) not integrated" :
  • Class 1 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) not integrated" :
  • Class 11 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) not integrated" :
  • Class 21 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) not integrated" :
  • Class 31 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) not integrated" :
  • Class 41 "Radio support (Silo) not integrated" :
  • Class 51 "Radio support (Phare) not integrated" :
  • Class 61 "Radio support (Éolienne) not integrated" :
  • radio support, could be integrated
    Osmose-marker-l-8391.png item=8391
    map list
    • Class 3 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 13 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 23 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 33 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 43 "Radio support (Silo), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 53 "Radio support (Phare), integration suggestion" :
    • Class 63 "Radio support (Éolienne), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 3 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 13 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 23 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 33 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 43 "Radio support (Silo), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 53 "Radio support (Phare), integration suggestion" :
  • Class 63 "Radio support (Éolienne), integration suggestion" :
  • radio support, need update
    Osmose-marker-l-8392.png item=8392
    map list
    • Class 4 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) update" :
    • Class 14 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) update" :
    • Class 24 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) update" :
    • Class 34 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) update" :
    • Class 44 "Radio support (Silo) update" :
    • Class 54 "Radio support (Phare) update" :
    • Class 64 "Radio support (Éolienne) update" :
  • Class 4 "Radio support (Tour, mât et pylône) update" :
  • Class 14 "Radio support (Tour hertzienne) update" :
  • Class 24 "Radio support (Tour de contrôle) update" :
  • Class 34 "Radio support (Château d'eau ou réservoir) update" :
  • Class 44 "Radio support (Silo) update" :
  • Class 54 "Radio support (Phare) update" :
  • Class 64 "Radio support (Éolienne) update" :
  • charging station
    charging station, could be integrated
    charging station, need update
    milestone, could be integrated
    bicycle infrastructure
    man made
    water infrastructure
    fire station

    JOSM validator

    Item Help Example
    Osmose-marker-l-9000.png item=9000
    map list
    • Class 9000003 "Same value of {0.key} and {1.key}" :
    • Class 9000004 "{0.key} without number" :
  • Class 9000003 "Same value of {0.key} and {1.key}" :
  • Class 9000004 "{0.key} without number" :
  • combinations
    Osmose-marker-l-9001.png item=9001
    map list
    • Class 9001001 "missing tag" :
    • Class 9001002 "suspicious tag combination" :
    • Class 9001003 "{0.key} on a relation without {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 9001004 "incomplete usage of {0.key} on a way without {1.key}" :
  • Class 9001001 "missing tag" :
  • Class 9001002 "suspicious tag combination" :
  • Class 9001003 "{0.key} on a relation without {1.key}={1.value}" :
  • Class 9001004 "incomplete usage of {0.key} on a way without {1.key}" :
  • deprecated
    Osmose-marker-l-9002.png item=9002
    map list
    • Class 9002001 "deprecated tagging" :
    • Class 9002002 "access=designated is meaningless, use more specific tags, e.g. bicycle=designated" :
    • Class 9002003 "access=official does not specify the official mode of transportation, use bicycle=official for example" :
    • Class 9002004 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Instead of {0.value} please give more information about what exactly should be fixed." :
    • Class 9002005 "Wrong usage of {0.key} tag. Remove {0.key}={0.value}, because it is clear that the name is missing even without an additional tag." :
    • Class 9002006 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Instead use the key fixme with the information what exactly should be fixed in the value of fixme." :
    • Class 9002007 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Please replace {0.value} by a specific value." :
    • Class 9002008 "{0.key} should be replaced with {1.key}" :
    • Class 9002009 "{1.key} = {1.value}; remove {1.key}" :
    • Class 9002010 "Unspecific tag {0.key}={0.value}" :
    • Class 9002011 "key with uncommon character" :
    • Class 9002012 "uncommon short key" :
    • Class 9002013 "{0.key}={0.value} is inaccurate. Use separate tags for each specific type, e.g. payment:bitcoin=yes or payment:litecoin=yes." :
    • Class 9002014 "questionable key (ending with a number)" :
    • Class 9002015 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Please replace {0.value} by left, right or both." :
    • Class 9002016 "{0.key}={0.value} is not recommended. Use the Reverse Ways function from the Tools menu." :
    • Class 9002017 "The key {1.key} has an uncommon value." :
    • Class 9002018 "misspelled value" :
    • Class 9002019 "wrong value: {0.key}={0.value}" :
  • Class 9002001 "deprecated tagging" :
  • Class 9002002 "access=designated is meaningless, use more specific tags, e.g. bicycle=designated" :
  • Class 9002003 "access=official does not specify the official mode of transportation, use bicycle=official for example" :
  • Class 9002004 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Instead of {0.value} please give more information about what exactly should be fixed." :
  • Class 9002005 "Wrong usage of {0.key} tag. Remove {0.key}={0.value}, because it is clear that the name is missing even without an additional tag." :
  • Class 9002006 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Instead use the key fixme with the information what exactly should be fixed in the value of fixme." :
  • Class 9002007 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Please replace {0.value} by a specific value." :
  • Class 9002008 "{0.key} should be replaced with {1.key}" :
  • Class 9002009 "{1.key} = {1.value}; remove {1.key}" :
  • Class 9002010 "Unspecific tag {0.key}={0.value}" :
  • Class 9002011 "key with uncommon character" :
  • Class 9002012 "uncommon short key" :
  • Class 9002013 "{0.key}={0.value} is inaccurate. Use separate tags for each specific type, e.g. payment:bitcoin=yes or payment:litecoin=yes." :
  • Class 9002014 "questionable key (ending with a number)" :
  • Class 9002015 "{0.key}={0.value} is unspecific. Please replace {0.value} by left, right or both." :
  • Class 9002016 "{0.key}={0.value} is not recommended. Use the Reverse Ways function from the Tools menu." :
  • Class 9002017 "The key {1.key} has an uncommon value." :
  • Class 9002018 "misspelled value" :
  • Class 9002019 "wrong value: {0.key}={0.value}" :
  • geometry
    Osmose-marker-l-9003.png item=9003
    map list
    • Class 9003001 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used on a way." :
    • Class 9003002 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used on a way or relation." :
    • Class 9003003 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be drawn as an area." :
    • Class 9003004 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used in a relation" :
    • Class 9003005 "suspicious tag combination" :
    • Class 9003006 "{0.key} on a node" :
    • Class 9003007 "{0.key}={0.value} on a way. Should be used on a node." :
    • Class 9003008 "{0.key}={0.value} on a way. Should be used in a relation" :
    • Class 9003009 "Object at Position 0.00E 0.00N. There is nothing at this position except an already mapped weather buoy." :
    • Class 9003010 "Way with {0.key}={0.value} not closed." :
  • Class 9003001 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used on a way." :
  • Class 9003002 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used on a way or relation." :
  • Class 9003003 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be drawn as an area." :
  • Class 9003004 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node. Should be used in a relation" :
  • Class 9003005 "suspicious tag combination" :
  • Class 9003006 "{0.key} on a node" :
  • Class 9003007 "{0.key}={0.value} on a way. Should be used on a node." :
  • Class 9003008 "{0.key}={0.value} on a way. Should be used in a relation" :
  • Class 9003009 "Object at Position 0.00E 0.00N. There is nothing at this position except an already mapped weather buoy." :
  • Class 9003010 "Way with {0.key}={0.value} not closed." :
  • highway
    Osmose-marker-l-9004.png item=9004
    map list
    • Class 9004001 "abbreviated street name" :
    • Class 9004002 "wrong crossing tag on a way" :
    • Class 9004004 "Unspecific highway type" :
    • Class 9004005 "{0.value} used with {1.key}={1.value}" :
    • Class 9004006 "deprecated tagging" :
    • Class 9004007 "Value of {0.key} should either be {1.value} or {2.value}. For sidewalks use sidewalk=left|right|both|no instead." :
    • Class 9004008 "wrong highway tag on a node" :
    • Class 9004010 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node" :
  • Class 9004001 "abbreviated street name" :
  • Class 9004002 "wrong crossing tag on a way" :
  • Class 9004004 "Unspecific highway type" :
  • Class 9004005 "{0.value} used with {1.key}={1.value}" :
  • Class 9004006 "deprecated tagging" :
  • Class 9004007 "Value of {0.key} should either be {1.value} or {2.value}. For sidewalks use sidewalk=left|right|both|no instead." :
  • Class 9004008 "wrong highway tag on a node" :
  • Class 9004010 "{0.key}={0.value} on a node" :
  • multiple
    Osmose-marker-l-9005.png item=9005
    map list
    • Class 9005001 "{0.key} with multiple values" :
    • Class 9005002 "empty value in semicolon-separated {0.key}" :
  • Class 9005001 "{0.key} with multiple values" :
  • Class 9005002 "empty value in semicolon-separated {0.key}" :
  • numeric
    Osmose-marker-l-9006.png item=9006
    map list
    • Class 9006001 "numerical key" :
    • Class 9006002 "{0.key} value with + sign" :
    • Class 9006003 "{0.key} should be an integer value between -5 and 5" :
    • Class 9006004 "{0.key} should have numbers only with optional .5 increments" :
    • Class 9006005 "maxwidth: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006006 "maxweight: tonne is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006007 "distance: kilometers is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006008 "{0.key} must be a numeric value" :
    • Class 9006009 "{0.key} must be a positive integer number" :
    • Class 9006010 "unusual value of {0.key}" :
    • Class 9006011 "{0.key} must be a numeric value, in meters and without units" :
    • Class 9006012 "unusual maxspeed format" :
    • Class 9006013 "voltage should be in volts with no units/delimiter/spaces" :
    • Class 9006014 "unusual frequency specification" :
    • Class 9006015 "unusual train track gauge; use mm with no separator" :
    • Class 9006016 "unusual incline; use percentages/degrees or up/down" :
    • Class 9006017 "unusual value of {0.key}: use . instead of , as decimal separator" :
    • Class 9006018 "unusual value of {0.key}: meters is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006019 "unusual value of {0.key}: tonne is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006020 "unusual value of {0.key}: kilometers is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
    • Class 9006021 "Unnecessary amount of decimal places" :
    • Class 9006022 "Airport tagging" :
  • Class 9006001 "numerical key" :
  • Class 9006002 "{0.key} value with + sign" :
  • Class 9006003 "{0.key} should be an integer value between -5 and 5" :
  • Class 9006004 "{0.key} should have numbers only with optional .5 increments" :
  • Class 9006005 "maxwidth: meters is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006006 "maxweight: tonne is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006007 "distance: kilometers is default; period is separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006008 "{0.key} must be a numeric value" :
  • Class 9006009 "{0.key} must be a positive integer number" :
  • Class 9006010 "unusual value of {0.key}" :
  • Class 9006011 "{0.key} must be a numeric value, in meters and without units" :
  • Class 9006012 "unusual maxspeed format" :
  • Class 9006013 "voltage should be in volts with no units/delimiter/spaces" :
  • Class 9006014 "unusual frequency specification" :
  • Class 9006015 "unusual train track gauge; use mm with no separator" :
  • Class 9006016 "unusual incline; use percentages/degrees or up/down" :
  • Class 9006017 "unusual value of {0.key}: use . instead of , as decimal separator" :
  • Class 9006018 "unusual value of {0.key}: meters is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006019 "unusual value of {0.key}: tonne is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006020 "unusual value of {0.key}: kilometers is default; point is decimal separator; if units, put space then unit" :
  • Class 9006021 "Unnecessary amount of decimal places" :
  • Class 9006022 "Airport tagging" :
  • relation
    Osmose-marker-l-9007.png item=9007
    map list
    • Class 9007001 "missing tag" :
    • Class 9007002 "relation without type" :
  • Class 9007001 "missing tag" :
  • Class 9007002 "relation without type" :
  • territories
    Osmose-marker-l-9009.png item=9009
    map list
    • Class 9009001 "deprecated tagging" :
    • Class 9009002 "street name contains ss" :
    • Class 9009003 "street name contains ß" :
  • Class 9009001 "deprecated tagging" :
  • Class 9009002 "street name contains ss" :
  • Class 9009003 "street name contains ß" :
  • unnecessary
    Osmose-marker-l-9010.png item=9010
    map list
    • Class 9010001 "unnecessary tag" :
    • Class 9010002 "{0.key}={0.value} makes no sense" :
    • Class 9010003 "descriptive name" :
  • Class 9010001 "unnecessary tag" :
  • Class 9010002 "{0.key}={0.value} makes no sense" :
  • Class 9010003 "descriptive name" :
  • wikipedia
    Osmose-marker-l-9011.png item=9011
    map list
    • Class 9011001 "wikipedia tag has no language given, use wikipedia=language:page title" :
    • Class 9011002 "wikipedia tag has an unknown language prefix" :
    • Class 9011003 "deprecated tagging" :
    • Class 9011004 "wikipedia be-x-old language is obsolete, use be-tarask instead" :
    • Class 9011005 "wikipedia cz language is invalid, use cs instead" :
    • Class 9011006 "{0.key} tag should not have URL-encoded values like %27" :
    • Class 9011007 "wikipedia title should not start with a space after language code" :
    • Class 9011008 "wikipedia title should not have wiki/ prefix" :
    • Class 9011009 "wikipedia page title should have first letter capitalized" :
    • Class 9011010 "wikipedia page title should have spaces instead of underscores (_ )" :
    • Class 9011011 "wikipedia language seems to be duplicated, e.g. en:en:Foo" :
    • Class 9011012 "wikidata tag must be in Qnnnn format, where n is a digit" :
    • Class 9011014 "wikipedia tag is not set, but a {1.key} tag is. Make sure to use wikipedia=language:value together with wikidata tag." :
  • Class 9011001 "wikipedia tag has no language given, use wikipedia=language:page title" :
  • Class 9011002 "wikipedia tag has an unknown language prefix" :
  • Class 9011003 "deprecated tagging" :
  • Class 9011004 "wikipedia be-x-old language is obsolete, use be-tarask instead" :
  • Class 9011005 "wikipedia cz language is invalid, use cs instead" :
  • Class 9011006 "{0.key} tag should not have URL-encoded values like %27" :
  • Class 9011007 "wikipedia title should not start with a space after language code" :
  • Class 9011008 "wikipedia title should not have wiki/ prefix" :
  • Class 9011009 "wikipedia page title should have first letter capitalized" :
  • Class 9011010 "wikipedia page title should have spaces instead of underscores (_ )" :
  • Class 9011011 "wikipedia language seems to be duplicated, e.g. en:en:Foo" :
  • Class 9011012 "wikidata tag must be in Qnnnn format, where n is a digit" :
  • Class 9011014 "wikipedia tag is not set, but a {1.key} tag is. Make sure to use wikipedia=language:value together with wikidata tag." :
  • public transport
    Osmose-marker-l-9014.png item=9014
    map list
    • Class 9014002 "Is it a bus stop or a bus station?" :
    • Class 9014005 "Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop" :
    • Class 9014006 "Check if the note can be deleted" :
    • Class 9014007 "The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops" :
    • Class 9014008 "The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops" :
    • Class 9014009 "Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc" :
    • Class 9014010 "Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master" :
    • Class 9014013 "Check the operator tag" :
    • Class 9014014 "Check the network tag" :
    • Class 9014019 "A bus stop is supposed to be a node" :
    • Class 9014020 "The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag" :
    • Class 9014021 "The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)" :
    • Class 9014022 "The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)" :
    • Class 9014023 "Missing interval tag to specify the main interval" :
    • Class 9014024 "Missing opening_hours tag" :
  • Class 9014002 "Is it a bus stop or a bus station?" :
  • Class 9014005 "Is this a bus stop? add the tag highway=bus_stop" :
  • Class 9014006 "Check if the note can be deleted" :
  • Class 9014007 "The network should be on the transport lines and not on the stops" :
  • Class 9014008 "The operator should be on the transport lines and not on the stops" :
  • Class 9014009 "Missing transportation mode, add a tag route = bus/coach/tram/etc" :
  • Class 9014010 "Missing transportation mode, change tag route to route_master" :
  • Class 9014013 "Check the operator tag" :
  • Class 9014014 "Check the network tag" :
  • Class 9014019 "A bus stop is supposed to be a node" :
  • Class 9014020 "The color of the public transport line should be in a colour tag" :
  • Class 9014021 "The interval is invalid (try a number of minutes)" :
  • Class 9014022 "The duration is invalid (try a number of minutes)" :
  • Class 9014023 "Missing interval tag to specify the main interval" :
  • Class 9014024 "Missing opening_hours tag" :
  • openrailwaymap
    Osmose-marker-l-9015.png item=9015
    map list
    • Class 9015001 "Track tagged with usage=* AND service=* - remove one of these tags" :
    • Class 9015002 "Station mapped as a way, but should be mapped as a node" :
    • Class 9015004 "Key traffic_mode is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015005 "usage=freight is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015007 "track numbers inside a station should be railway:track_ref, not name" :
    • Class 9015008 "platforms should have the numbers in ref, not railway:track_ref" :
    • Class 9015009 "track names or refs should not include the word 'track', tag those numbers as railway:track_ref" :
    • Class 9015010 "platform names or refs should not include the word 'track', write that as 'description', put the bare numbers in 'ref', separated by ';'" :
    • Class 9015011 "power:type=overhead is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015012 "power:type=overhead is deprecated, conflict between power:type=overhead and electrified=*" :
    • Class 9015013 "power:type is deprecated, change to proper electrified value" :
    • Class 9015014 "priority on railway objects is deprecated, remove it" :
    • Class 9015015 "tracks=1 not necessary if detail=track is tagged." :
    • Class 9015016 "If tracks are tagged with service=*, they should be mapped as one way per track." :
    • Class 9015017 "Crossings and level crossings should be mapped as nodes" :
    • Class 9015018 "radio=GSM-R is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015019 "radio=* is deprecated, change to proper railway:radio value" :
    • Class 9015020 "track tagged with 'tunnel' in name, consider using tunnel:name instead and put the track name into name" :
    • Class 9015021 "track tagged with 'tunnel' in wikipedia, consider using tunnel:wikipedia instead and put the track wikipedia entry into wikipedia" :
    • Class 9015022 "track tagged with 'bridge' in name, consider using bridge:name instead and put the track name into name" :
    • Class 9015023 "track tagged with 'bridge' in wikipedia, consider using bridge:wikipedia instead and put track wikipedia entry into wikipedia" :
    • Class 9015024 "lanes=* is used for highways, not railways" :
    • Class 9015025 "maxspeed=signals is deprecated, tag the highest possible speed instead" :
    • Class 9015026 "maxspeed should contain the value as it is shown on the line with mph as unit" :
    • Class 9015027 "{0.key}={0.value} without {0.value}:railway" :
    • Class 9015028 "Milestone without position, add railway:position=*" :
    • Class 9015029 "supervised=* is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015030 "signal specification given but node is not tagged as signal or equivalent type" :
    • Class 9015031 "A sign cannot have different states." :
    • Class 9015032 "railway=flat_crossing is deprecated" :
    • Class 9015033 "railway:signal:stop:description is deprecated and has been replaced by railway:signal:stop:caption" :
    • Class 9015034 "railway:signal:stop:description is deprecated, replace by appropiate railway:signal:stop:caption value" :
    • Class 9015035 "main and combined signal at the same place" :
    • Class 9015036 "signals should be tagged with ref, not railway:ref" :
    • Class 9015037 "signals should have a railway:signal:direction=* tag" :
    • Class 9015038 "signal names should be prefixed with an operator or country prefix" :
    • Class 9015039 "{0.value} identification should be tagged as ref, not as name" :
    • Class 9015040 "Tagging for resetting switch is deprecated, change railway:switch=* to proper value" :
    • Class 9015041 "controlled_area relations are deprecated" :
    • Class 9015042 "interlocking relation without type=railway" :
    • Class 9015043 "interlocking relation with type other than railway" :
    • Class 9015044 "{0.key}={0.value} without name" :
  • Class 9015001 "Track tagged with usage=* AND service=* - remove one of these tags" :
  • Class 9015002 "Station mapped as a way, but should be mapped as a node" :
  • Class 9015004 "Key traffic_mode is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015005 "usage=freight is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015007 "track numbers inside a station should be railway:track_ref, not name" :
  • Class 9015008 "platforms should have the numbers in ref, not railway:track_ref" :
  • Class 9015009 "track names or refs should not include the word 'track', tag those numbers as railway:track_ref" :
  • Class 9015010 "platform names or refs should not include the word 'track', write that as 'description', put the bare numbers in 'ref', separated by ';'" :
  • Class 9015011 "power:type=overhead is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015012 "power:type=overhead is deprecated, conflict between power:type=overhead and electrified=*" :
  • Class 9015013 "power:type is deprecated, change to proper electrified value" :
  • Class 9015014 "priority on railway objects is deprecated, remove it" :
  • Class 9015015 "tracks=1 not necessary if detail=track is tagged." :
  • Class 9015016 "If tracks are tagged with service=*, they should be mapped as one way per track." :
  • Class 9015017 "Crossings and level crossings should be mapped as nodes" :
  • Class 9015018 "radio=GSM-R is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015019 "radio=* is deprecated, change to proper railway:radio value" :
  • Class 9015020 "track tagged with 'tunnel' in name, consider using tunnel:name instead and put the track name into name" :
  • Class 9015021 "track tagged with 'tunnel' in wikipedia, consider using tunnel:wikipedia instead and put the track wikipedia entry into wikipedia" :
  • Class 9015022 "track tagged with 'bridge' in name, consider using bridge:name instead and put the track name into name" :
  • Class 9015023 "track tagged with 'bridge' in wikipedia, consider using bridge:wikipedia instead and put track wikipedia entry into wikipedia" :
  • Class 9015024 "lanes=* is used for highways, not railways" :
  • Class 9015025 "maxspeed=signals is deprecated, tag the highest possible speed instead" :
  • Class 9015026 "maxspeed should contain the value as it is shown on the line with mph as unit" :
  • Class 9015027 "{0.key}={0.value} without {0.value}:railway" :
  • Class 9015028 "Milestone without position, add railway:position=*" :
  • Class 9015029 "supervised=* is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015030 "signal specification given but node is not tagged as signal or equivalent type" :
  • Class 9015031 "A sign cannot have different states." :
  • Class 9015032 "railway=flat_crossing is deprecated" :
  • Class 9015033 "railway:signal:stop:description is deprecated and has been replaced by railway:signal:stop:caption" :
  • Class 9015034 "railway:signal:stop:description is deprecated, replace by appropiate railway:signal:stop:caption value" :
  • Class 9015035 "main and combined signal at the same place" :
  • Class 9015036 "signals should be tagged with ref, not railway:ref" :
  • Class 9015037 "signals should have a railway:signal:direction=* tag" :
  • Class 9015038 "signal names should be prefixed with an operator or country prefix" :
  • Class 9015039 "{0.value} identification should be tagged as ref, not as name" :
  • Class 9015040 "Tagging for resetting switch is deprecated, change railway:switch=* to proper value" :
  • Class 9015041 "controlled_area relations are deprecated" :
  • Class 9015042 "interlocking relation without type=railway" :
  • Class 9015043 "interlocking relation with type other than railway" :
  • Class 9015044 "{0.key}={0.value} without name" :
  • openrailwaymap in germany
    Osmose-marker-l-9016.png item=9016
    map list
    • Class 9016001 "{1.value} signals only exist as light signals" :
    • Class 9016002 "hp signals only exist as semaphore or light signals" :
    • Class 9016003 "KVB hp signals only exist as light signals" :
    • Class 9016004 "Vr repeated signals only exist as light signals" :
    • Class 9016005 "Signal Gsp 2 was renamed to Wn 7 in 2008" :
    • Class 9016006 "Ne 14 sign requires additional tag railway:signal:train_protection:type=block_marker" :
    • Class 9016007 "main and repeated distant signal usually are not at the same place" :
    • Class 9016008 "German distant signals can't be repeated and shortened at the same time" :
    • Class 9016009 "German Ks signals can't have main and distant signal at the same place, try a combined signal instead" :
    • Class 9016010 "Sh semaphore signals cannot display Hp 0, but only Sh 0" :
    • Class 9016011 "Sh light signals cannot display Sh 0, but only Hp 0" :
    • Class 9016012 "Zs3v sign signals can only have a single speed, are a multiple of 5 and cannot be greater than 160" :
    • Class 9016013 "Zs3 sign signals can only have a single speed, are a multiple of 5 and cannot be greater than 160" :
    • Class 9016014 "Zs3v light signal states should have the form 'speed[;speed …][;off][;?], speeds can only be multiples of 10" :
    • Class 9016015 "Zs3 light signal states should have the form 'speed[;speed …][;off][;?], speeds can only be multiples of 10" :
    • Class 9016016 "It is unclear if Zs10 light signals have ever been placed, please double check." :
    • Class 9016017 "Tracks should not be named by their timetable number (KBS xy). Use a route relation with route=railway, instead." :
    • Class 9016018 "ref=* should be a VzG number (without "VzG"). Use a route relation with route=railway for KBS numbers, instead." :
    • Class 9016019 "ref=* should be a VzG number without "VzG"" :
    • Class 9016020 "VzG numbers should be tagged as ref=* without "VzG"" :
    • Class 9016021 "ref=* should only be a VzG number, it should not contain the track number" :
    • Class 9016022 "Track names should be real names. VzG numbers should be tagged ref=*. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
    • Class 9016023 "Track names should be real names. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
    • Class 9016024 "Track names should be real names. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway, track numbers as railway:track_ref=*." :
    • Class 9016025 "Track refs should be VzG numbers in Germany. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
    • Class 9016026 "Track refs should be VzG numbers in Germany. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway, track numbers as railway:track_ref=*." :
    • Class 9016027 "workrules={1.value} is deprecated, change to workrules=DE:{1.value}" :
    • Class 9016028 "workrules=BOA is deprecated, replace by an adequate value" :
    • Class 9016029 "workrules: separate country and ruleset by : , not by -" :
  • Class 9016001 "{1.value} signals only exist as light signals" :
  • Class 9016002 "hp signals only exist as semaphore or light signals" :
  • Class 9016003 "KVB hp signals only exist as light signals" :
  • Class 9016004 "Vr repeated signals only exist as light signals" :
  • Class 9016005 "Signal Gsp 2 was renamed to Wn 7 in 2008" :
  • Class 9016006 "Ne 14 sign requires additional tag railway:signal:train_protection:type=block_marker" :
  • Class 9016007 "main and repeated distant signal usually are not at the same place" :
  • Class 9016008 "German distant signals can't be repeated and shortened at the same time" :
  • Class 9016009 "German Ks signals can't have main and distant signal at the same place, try a combined signal instead" :
  • Class 9016010 "Sh semaphore signals cannot display Hp 0, but only Sh 0" :
  • Class 9016011 "Sh light signals cannot display Sh 0, but only Hp 0" :
  • Class 9016012 "Zs3v sign signals can only have a single speed, are a multiple of 5 and cannot be greater than 160" :
  • Class 9016013 "Zs3 sign signals can only have a single speed, are a multiple of 5 and cannot be greater than 160" :
  • Class 9016014 "Zs3v light signal states should have the form 'speed[;speed …][;off][;?], speeds can only be multiples of 10" :
  • Class 9016015 "Zs3 light signal states should have the form 'speed[;speed …][;off][;?], speeds can only be multiples of 10" :
  • Class 9016016 "It is unclear if Zs10 light signals have ever been placed, please double check." :
  • Class 9016017 "Tracks should not be named by their timetable number (KBS xy). Use a route relation with route=railway, instead." :
  • Class 9016018 "ref=* should be a VzG number (without "VzG"). Use a route relation with route=railway for KBS numbers, instead." :
  • Class 9016019 "ref=* should be a VzG number without "VzG"" :
  • Class 9016020 "VzG numbers should be tagged as ref=* without "VzG"" :
  • Class 9016021 "ref=* should only be a VzG number, it should not contain the track number" :
  • Class 9016022 "Track names should be real names. VzG numbers should be tagged ref=*. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
  • Class 9016023 "Track names should be real names. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
  • Class 9016024 "Track names should be real names. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway, track numbers as railway:track_ref=*." :
  • Class 9016025 "Track refs should be VzG numbers in Germany. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway." :
  • Class 9016026 "Track refs should be VzG numbers in Germany. KBS numbers should be mapped as a relation with route=railway, track numbers as railway:track_ref=*." :
  • Class 9016027 "workrules={1.value} is deprecated, change to workrules=DE:{1.value}" :
  • Class 9016028 "workrules=BOA is deprecated, replace by an adequate value" :
  • Class 9016029 "workrules: separate country and ruleset by : , not by -" :
  • power transformer
    Osmose-marker-l-9100.png item=9100
    map list
    • Class 91001 "Power Transformers should always be on a node" :
    • Class 91002 "On Power Transformers use voltage:primary=* and voltage:secondary=* in place of voltage" :
    • Class 91003 "Power Transformers should have a frequency tag" :
  • Class 91001 "Power Transformers should always be on a node" :
  • Class 91002 "On Power Transformers use voltage:primary=* and voltage:secondary=* in place of voltage" :
  • Class 91003 "Power Transformers should have a frequency tag" :
  • specific russia
    specific brazil
    specific france
    specific Netherlands