Pt:Highway:International equivalence

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Esta é uma tabela mostrando como estradas são classificadas em diferentes países.

Country motorway trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified

This is a translation of the proposal on Argentina.

Argentina I-12.svg Autopistas (Motorway/Freeway)

A multi-lane road without crossing with another street or railroad, with physically separate roadways and with a direct entry limitation from the neighboring frontier properties.

  • Heavy traffic roads.
  • Asphalted roads with 3 or more lanes.
  • Paved roads with 2 lanes that are the main link for cities with more than 45,000 inhabitants.


  • Autovías (Dual carriageway)
  • Medium traffic roads.
  • Paved main roads which where relegated ("replaced") by a new motorway.
  • Paved main access for cities between 10,000 and 45,000 inhabitants.


  • Major avenues.
  • Low traffic paved roads.
  • Paved main link for towns between 2000 and 10,000 inhabitants.


  • Paved avenues.
  • Unpaved roads.
  • Access for towns with less than 2000 inhabitants.


  • Paved minor avenues.
  • Unpaved avenues.
  • Paved major streets.
  • Rural ways crossing countryside.
Australia See Australian Tagging Guidelines/Roads for further information and discussion Motorways, freeways, and freeway-like roads. The next-most important roads. Major highways, trunk routes spanning connecting population centres. The next-most important roads. Major connecting roads and highways. Major roads within a local area, often connecting neighbouring suburbs or providing links to smaller population centres Minor through roads and routes within a local area. Linking towns, villages and Points of Interest to each other and the secondary network. Minor roads that are neither tertiary or residential roads. Not generally through routes.
Austria Autobahnen Hinweiszeichen 8a.svg und Autostraßen Hinweiszeichen 8c.svg mit Autobahn­querschnitt. Zusätzlich motorroad=yes auf Autostraßen Autobahnen Hinweiszeichen 8a.svg und Autostraßen Hinweiszeichen 8c.svg ohne Autobahn­querschnitt. Zusätzlich motorway=yes auf Autobahnen, motorroad=yes auf Autostraßen Landesstraßen B (ehemalige Bundesstraßen) die keine Autostraßen sind Landesstraßen L mit niedriger Nummer, breite viel befahrene Landesstraße Landesstraßen L mit höherer Nummer. Gemeindeverbindungsstraßen, Straßen mit Verbindungscharakter in einem Wohngebiet Sonstige Freilandstraßen. Straßen im Ortsgebiet ohne Verbindungscharakter sind dagegen highway=residential
Belarus Беларусь

See RU:Key:highway for details.

Дорога для автомобилей.png Дорога для автомобилей (по состоянию на 2020 автомагистралей нет)

Divided, grade-separated highways with 2 or more lanes in each direction and limited access.

Міжрэгіянальныя трасы, якія фармуюць апорную сетку аўтадарог краіны, па якіх ідзе далёкі асноўны і грузавы міжрэгіянальны трафік.
У населеных пунктах — толькі транзітныя трасы класа trunk, што праходзяць праз населены пункт.

Highways connecting major cities and a major route used by trucks and for long trips (Mx and Ex usually).

Дарогі рэгіянальнага значэння, якія злучаюць гарады і/ці абласныя цэнтры, дарогі міжрэгіянальнага значэння.
У населеных пунктах — цэнтральныя магістралі гарадоў.

Major highways connecting cities / large towns. Major arterial roads in cities.

Дарогі абласнога значэння, якія злучаюць абласныя цэнтры з буйнымі населенымі пунктамі (раённымі цэнтрамі), а таксама буйныя населеныя пункты паміж сабой.
У населеных пунктах — асноўныя магістралі раёнаў горада.

Other major highways connecting towns. Other arterial roads in cities/towns.

Важнейшыя дарогі сярод іншых аўтамабільных дарог мясцовага значэння, напрыклад, што злучаюць раённыя цэнтры з сёламі, а таксама некалькі сёлаў паміж сабой.
У населеных пунктах — асноўныя мікрараённыя ці міжмікрараённыя транзітныя вуліцы.

More important highways among other local roads. Collector roads in cities/towns.

Астатнія дарогі мясцовага значэння, якія ўтвараюць злучальную сетку дарог. Могуць не мець цвёрдага пакрыцця, а таксама грэйдары, бетонкі.
У населеных пунктах — звычайныя дробныя вуліцы/завулкі з пераважна нежылымі будынкамі ўздоўж вуліцы. Вуліцы/завулкі з пераважна жылымі хатамі ўздоўж вуліцы варта пазначаць як highway=residential.

Other local roads including gravel and unsurfaced. Normal minor non-residential roads. Use highway=residential for normal minor roads in residential areas.

(See full current rule approved in 2020 on pt-br. Only edit based on the full version.)
Roads are ranked by the highest level that meets one of the following criteria ->
Paved road, with opposite separated carriageways, WITHOUT level crossings and at least 10 km long. 1 - Rural dual carriage paved road WITH level crossings and at least 10 km long

2 - The best paved road route connecting 2 urban centers with more than 200,000 inhabitants
3 - Paved urban road connecting trunk or motorway with each other
4 - Main urban structural road, in cities with more than 200 thousand inhabitants

1 - Paved road that is the best route from a urban centers with more than 20 thousand inhabitants to a larger urban center

2 - Paved urban road connecting primary roads with each other or with higher-level roads
3 - Urban structural road, in cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants that crosses the city (generally this is the road that also fits on item 1)

1 - Road that is the best route from urban centers with more than 2 thousand inhabitants* to larger urban centers*. * also include all municipal seat smaller than 2 thousand inhabitants

2 - Urban road connecting secondary roads with each other or with higher-level roads
3 - Urban arterial road connecting several suburbs

1 - A road that is the best route from urban centers smaller than 2 thousand inhabitants to larger urban centers

2 - Urban road connecting tertiary roads with each other or with higher-level roads
3 - Urban collector (and/or distributor) road (main roads leading to higher level roads)

Unclassified and residential roads are considered at the same level of importance.

Unclassified - (1) a road in a non-residential urban area, OR, (2) other rural public roads
Residential - Road in urban residential area

Brunei Controlled-access highway: Single or dual (or more) carriageway roads with no private accesses, no at-grade intersections that crosses the median (including direct U-turns), no signalised intersections and no roundabouts. This criterion excludes any intersection at the two ends of the route. In the case of a single carriageway it must be a one-way expressway at all points in time, contain at least one reversible lane, or have exactly one lane in each direction with overtaking using the lane on the opposing direction prohibited. A limited number of roads with "highway" (English) or "lebuhraya" (Malay) in their names (i.e. those that meet the above criteria) fall under this category. Limited-access road: Single or dual (or more) carriageway roads that are similar to the criteria of a motorway, but permits for a variety of intersections, including private accesses, all at-grade and signalised intersections, and roundabbouts, and a flexible number of lanes on a single carriageway, but vehicles can only drive across the lanes in the opposite directions at designated points on the road (such as gaps in the median, if any). Most roads with "highway" (English) or "lebuhraya" (Malay) in their names fall under this category. Important, high-traffic roads connecting between towns and/or residential areas may also fall under this category. The speed limit ranges from 65 km/h on urban roads with a lot of private accesses to 100 km/h on inter-district roads with less dense traffic. Frequently used roads within cities, towns and shopping districts, and roads connecting urban areas or urban to rural/residential areas. Usually has a speed limit between 50 km/h and 80 km/h. Roads that are less frequently used. Roads connecting two or more rural areas without passing through an urban area fit into this category. Less significant roads and collector roads. Roads that do not fit in any categories listed here nor other categories. Most "simpangs" fall under the "residential" category.
Bulgaria Автомагистрала CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg А5


Скоростен път 1 Първокласен път с 4 или повече ленти, като платната са разделени с мантинела.

High-speed first-class roads with 4 or more lanes divided by barrier (guardrail).

Първокласен път 5

first-class roads

Второкласен път 63

second-class roads

Третокласен път 637 9901

third-class roads

Всички други
селскостопанските с "track".

other roads; farm tracks as "track"

- - булевард

major through routes (so called avenue or boulevard)

главна улица

(major street)

- Улица в населено място: highway=residential

(residential street)

Cambodia Expressways (ផ្លូវល្បឿនលឿន). 1-digit National Road (ផ្លូវជាតិ ១​ខ្ទង់) 2-digit National Road (ផ្លូវជាតិ ២​ខ្ទង់) Provincial Road (ផ្លូវ​ខេត្ត) Rural Road (ផ្លូវ​ជនបទ) Other roads with unknown names or without numbering.
Canada (Actual current tagging varies across the country, but predominantly follows these guidelines. See also alternative below) Limited-access highway with separated carriageways, no private accesses, no signalized intersections, no at-grade intersections that cross the median, and at least 4 lanes. May or may not be part of National Highway System. May or may not be provincially-managed.
(e.g. Highway 401 in Ontario, Autoroute 20 in Quebec, Gardiner Expressway in Toronto)
Provincial primary highway that does not meet freeway standards (as "primary" category to right). Designated by the joint federal-provincial Council of Ministers of Transport as comprising part of the National Highway System - Core Routes. (Map; Report with Full Inventory (PDF)).
(e.g. Much of Highway 17 in Ontario, Highway 3 in BC/Alberta, Highway 7 in New Brunswick)
Provincial primary highway that does not meet freeway standards
(e.g. the King's Highways [provincial highways 2 through 148] in Ontario, 100-series highways in Quebec, Highway 95 in BC).
Provincial secondary highway or county/regional road that does not meet freeway standards. In urban or suburban contexts, the most important arterial roads that are neither freeway standard nor part of a provincial highway route merit this clasification.
(e.g. Yonge, Finch, Steeles etc. in Toronto, Macleod Trail in Calgary).
Tertiary roads, minor urban arterials etc. All non-residential roads not meeting any of the above criteria.
Canada (Alternate Proposal only. Actual current tagging varies across the country.) Rural and urban: Trunk road with separated carriageways, no private accesses, no signalized intersections, no at-grade intersections that cross the median, and at least 4 lanes. Rural: Primary road with 110 km/h or higher effective speed, with <10 km sections of 100 km/h or higher effective speed. No non-prioritized or timer-only traffic signals. At most 2 traffic signals between towns. No four-way at-grade intersections with other trunk roads. Urban: Primary road that continues as a trunk road or motorway in two directions if there are no junctions with primary (or higher) roads or at least one direction if there are. In undeveloped areas (Labrador, the three Territories, northern Ontario and Québec): Classifications are moved up so that the most important roads in the area are marked primary even if they do not meet the usual criteria.

Rural: Paved. 95 km/h or higher effective speed. Painted centre and side lines. Lanes at least 3.5 m wide. Urban: Paved. At least 4 lanes. Carries markedly more traffic than secondary roads. Continues out of urban areas.

Rural: Paved. 85 km/h or higher effective speed. Painted centre line. Lanes at least 3 m wide.

Urban: Paved. At least 3 lanes. Not designed to calm traffic. Usually arranged in a grid.

Rural: Need not be paved. 2 lanes, each at least 3 m wide.

Urban: Paved. At least 2 lanes. Through route, though usually designed with minor traffic-calming features. Usually intersects with many residential roads.

All non-residential roads not meeting any of the above criteria.
Chile Autopistas Concesionadas (Con peajes automáticos o manuales)
Autopistas con división central y dos o más pistas por sentido de circulación. Generalmente con velocidades máximas de 120 km/h (esto puede variar en Autopistas Urbanas). Ejemplos de esto son: Autopista Costanera Norte, Autopista del Pacifico (Ruta 68), Autopista Troncal Sur, Autopista Central, Autopista Vespucio Norte Express, Autopista del Maipo, Autopista del Itata, etc.
Autovías (Sin Peajes)
Carreteras con división central y dos pistas por sentido de circulación. Generalmente con velocidades de circulación máxima de 100 km/h. Ejemplo de esto son: Autovía Las Palmas, Camino La Polvora y Acceso Sur a Valparaíso, Bypass de Penco, etc.
Carreteras Principales
Carreteras mantenidas por el Estado, sin división central. Unen los mayores centros urbanos entre si, con las Autovías y Autopistas Concesionadas. Velocidades de circulación máxima de 80 a 100 km/h. Pavimentadas.
Carreteras Secundarias
Conectan las ciudades y poblados menores entre si y con las Carreteras Principales. Velocidades de circulación entre 60 y 80 km/h. Generalmente pavimentadas; caminos ripiados de esta categoría deben ser amplios y bien mantenidos para permitir una circulación rápida.
Carreteras Terciarias
Unen pueblos, villas y puntos de interentes (POI) entre si y con las Carreteras Secundarias. En Chile estos caminos generalmente son de ripio y permiten velocidades de alrededor de 40 km/h
Otras rutas rurales.
Caminos de tierra de transito lento.

Please refer to WikiProject China#Road Types for a good, full list.

高速公路(数字为 2 位 (00) 或 4 位 (0000) 的国家高速、省高速,以及其他路牌为白底绿字的高速公路或高等级公路)

Expressways For Guojia (National) and Sheng (Provincial) Expressways, those with 2 digits (00) or 4 digits (0000), and other high-level highways with white-on-green signs.

  • Guo China National Highway with not expressway road section.
  • With motorroad=yes, urban expressways (elevated roads in cities that resemble expressways but are not named as such).
  • 道路质量低于平均水平的国道。
  • 非高速公路路段的省道。
  • 中大城市中以过境交通为主的主要的城市干道(环线、出入线路、穿城线路等)。
  • Guo (national) highways with below average road quality.
  • Sheng (provincial) highways with not expressway road section.
  • Major urban arterials (ring roads, access routes, routes through the city, etc.) in medium and large cities that are dominated by transit traffic.
  • 道路质量低于平均水平的省道。
  • 在该区域内道路质量处于县道平均水平的县道。
  • 用于城市片区之间交通的城市次干道。
  • Sheng (provincial) highways with below average road quality.
  • Xian (county) highways that are at the average level of road quality for county highways in the region.
  • A secondary urban arterial road used for traffic between urban areas.
  • 道路质量低于平均水平的县道。
  • 在该区域内道路质量处于乡道平均水平的乡道。
  • 用于城市片区内部交通的城市支路。
  • Xian (county) highways with below average road quality.
  • Y class (township) highways that are at the average level of road quality for township highways in the region.
  • Urban feeder roads for internal traffic in urban areas.
  • 道路质量低于平均水平的乡道。
  • 村落之间交通的道路。
  • 道路等级在四级公路及以下的普通公路。
  • 城市非居住街区内部的交通道路。
  • Y class (township) highways with below average road quality.
  • Roads for traffic between villages.
  • Normal highways with road class IV and below.
  • Traffic roads within urban non-residential quarters.
Main article: Colombia/Guide_for_mapping#Street_classifications
No roads in Colombia qualify as motorways (2017) Rural: Troncales: trunk roads as defined by the Ministry of Transport and Invias.

Urban: Highways that have at least two lanes in each direction and traverse the entire city.

Rural:Rutacol-25.svg Carreteras nacionales: roads belonging to the national road network (red primaria) as defined by the Ministry of Transport and Invias. Usually connect large cities, capitals of Departments, international borders or large ports. Note that not all roads belonging to the national road system are automatically primary roads; some belong to the secondary network. The official classification should be used.

Urban: Main roads interconnecting neighborhoods crossing the city.

Rural:Carreteras intermunicipales: roads belonging to the secondary road network (red secundaria) as defined by the Ministry of Transport and Invias. Usually roads connecting towns (i.e. settlements larger than villages). Note that there are some primary roads which are operated by the respective Department; that information should be captured in the operator=* tag and does not make the road secondary unless classified as such officially.

Urban: Streets that traverse neighborhoods.

Rural:Carreteras intraveredales: roads belonging to the tertiary road network (red terciaria) as defined by the Ministry of Transport and Invias. Usually roads connecting administrative centers (cabeceras) which are smaller than towns (e.g. villages).

Urban: The minor streets through neighborhoods.

Not used in Colombia. For residential roads use highway=residential. For unknown roads use highway=road. For pedestrian roads use highway=pedestrian.
Cuba NO road sign 502.svg Autopistas (Motorway/Freeway)

A multi-lane road without crossing with another street or railroad, with physically separate roadways and with a direct entry limitation from the neighboring frontier properties. (Autopistas)

Trunk national highways connecting major cities and Dual carriageway or multi-lane expressways not meeting the motorway standard Rural
  • National level ways, high traffic roads connecting cities, provincial capitals and other major towns, ports and major tourist resorts.


  • Major avenues.
  • Medium traffic paved roads connecting towns, municipal seats, tourist resorts, ports, airports and other relevant economic or social objects.


  • Secondary avenues in cities and main streets in towns.
  • Mostly paved roads, ocassionally unpaved, but suitable for general traffic. Access for villages, small towns and other less relevant economic or social objects.


  • Minor avenues and traffic colector streets in cities and towns. Main streets in neighbourhoods and villages.
  • Rural ways crossing countryside coonecting villages and hamlets, industrial or farm objects. Paved or unpaved, althoug suitable for general traffic.
  • Urban: Non residential ways
Czech Republic CZ traffic sign IZ1a.svg Dálnice (D) CZ traffic sign IS16a - D1.svg CZ traffic sign IZ2a.svg Silnice pro motorová vozidla - use motorroad=yes
some of Silnice I. třídy SilniceI52.svg
Silnice I. třídy CZ-IS16b Silnice I třídy.jpg CZ-IS16c Silnice I třídy.jpg Silnice II. třídy SilniceII354.svg Silnice III. třídy Jiná silnice
Denmark Motorvej Denmark road sign E42.svg


Motortrafikveje Denmark road sign E43.svg.

Expressways with motorway-like restrictions

Primærruter Primaervejnummer dk.png (rutenummer med gul baggrund)

Primary roads (ref-signs with yellow background)

Sekundærruter Sekundaervejnummer dk.png (rutenummer med hvid baggrund)

Secondary roads (ref-signs with white background)

Andre vigtige veje uden rutenummer

Important roads without route numbers

Lokale veje i landzone, gader i industriområder og lignende uden beboelse (gader med beboelse tagges som highway=residential)

Minor roads

Estonia none in Estonia põhimaantee (E-road)  1 
põhitänav (dual-line)
põhimaantee  10 
tugimaantee  85 
kõrvalmaantee  260 
other street with public transport
Finland Moottoritiet Finland road sign F37.svg Moottoriliikennetiet Finland road sign F38.svg (motorroad=yes) ja
Valtatiet  25 

Kantatiet  51 

Taajamissa seudullinen pääkatu
Seututiet  111 

Taajamissa alueellinen pääkatu
Yhdystiet  1493 

Taajamissa kokoojakatu
Numeroimattomat yleiset tiet ja yksityiset tiet, asutusalueella highway=residential
France See FR:France roads tagging for more information (in French) France road sign C207.svg Autoroute (A) France road sign C107.svg Voie express ou voie rapide Nationale (N)
ou Nationale déclassifiée en départementale en 2006
Includes roads devolved to the départements in 2006.
Départementale (D) principale Départementale (D) secondaire route mineure
exp. communale
Minor roads; e.g., those maintained by local communes
Georgia CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg Motorway with motorway sign. Dual carriageways designed for higher speeds; suburban dual carriageways with very few traffic lights, 4-way-crossings and access to private properties. Newly built motorways with only one carriageway open for traffic and without motorway restrictions (slow traffic is allowed). rural: Roads, that are part of the international network, having a number with ს (S). შ (Sh)-Roads only, if they are in an excellent condition and have significance for international traffic

Tbilisi: Main throughways connecting the ს-Roads and some major suburbs (e.g. Vazha Pshavela Gamziri)

Important შ (Sh)-road, maintained by the state, connecting towns and regions to the international network. Mostly form a grid, but can be dead-ends in the mountains. Not necessarily paved or signposted, but often in good condition.

urban: Secondary throughways connecting to smaller neighbourhoods, but not the best route for long-distance-traffic. E.g. Rustaveli Street in Tbilisi.

Less important შ (Sh)-roads, often dead ending, leading to monasteries and the like. No შ-road must be lower than tertiary. Unnumbered rural roads that connect several villages. Often unpaved or in bad condition, only sometimes signposted.

urban: Collector roads inside a neighbourhood; main street in a town which is bypassed by secondary or primary roads.

Other country roads, regardless of condition, that connect to villages or other non-agricultural or non-forestry properties. No "track" should ever be the only connection to a village, no matter how bad the road may be.

urban: in Residential areas -> highway=residential

Deutschland Zeichen 330.1 - Autobahn, StVO 2013.svg Autobahn "Schnellstraße"
"yellow autobahn", grade-separated highway with autobahn-like on- and off-ramps
If "Kraftfahrstraße" Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg additional tag: motorroad=yes.
rural: Bundesstraße (national road)

urban: highest-level streets, often a national road.

rural: Landesstraße (regional roads)

urban: major streets

rural: Kreisstraßen (local road)

urban: Streets providing access to suburbs with priority Zeichen 306 - Vorfahrtstraße, StVO 1970.svg

Other roads connecting towns. urban: Industrial areas, providing access to neighbourhoods without priority Zeichen 306 - Vorfahrtstraße, StVO 1970.svg.
Αempty Motorways ΕΟempty+E xx National Roads on E-roads (class A)

ΕΟ1 Primary National Roads

E xx E-roads (class A)

ΕΟ2 Secondary National Roads

City-level link roads

ΕΟ3 Tertiary National Roads

Old ΕΟEmpty Old National Roads

ΕΠ Provincial Roads

Town or suburban-level link roads

Priority Road Local roads with priority

Roads leading to settlements

Roads leading to factories, farms, etc
Hong Kong SAR Hong Kong expressway sign.svg Expressways designated in the Gazette and other public roads with expressway-like rules, namely government road tunnels and other toll roads. See Zh-hant:Hong Kong tagging for the full list of other roads this tag applies to. HK Route1.svg Roads that have route numbers but are not expressways. Roads that do not belong to any routes but have the importance and characteristics of a trunk route. Roads that link major areas. Roads that link destinations within an area. Other roads. Use highway=residential for roads around residential buildings.
Hungary Hungary road sign E-016.svg Autópálya Hungary road sign E-018.svg Autóút Hungary road sign B-003.svg Első- vagy másodrendű főút (1, 2 vagy 3 számjegyű) Összekötő út (4 számjegyű) Bekötőút vagy állomási hozzájáró út (5 számjegyű) Egyéb közút
Country motorway trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified
Iceland Not used. Road number 1.
Used for Ring Road 1.
Roads with two digits.
Roads with two digits (and certain roads with 3 digits). In towns major connecting streets (e.g. Miklabraut in Reykjavík).
Important roads with three digits.
More important roads with three digits, important mountain roads (F-roads) with 2 or 3 digits.
Less important numbered roads.
Less important roads with 3 or 4 digits, most numbered F-roads
Other roads with unknown names or without numbering.
India See Tagging Roads in India for more information Expressways.
Divided roads with 2 or more lanes in each direction, limited access via interchanges, no traffic lights. Usually tollways. For example Mumbai-Pune Expressway, Yamuna Expressway, Delhi–Agra Expressway, etc..
National highways.
Connecting major cities, maintained by central government (NHAI).
State highways.
Linking major population centers to each other and to the National Highways. Maintained by State government.
District roads.
Linking smaller population centres to each other and to the state highways. Major through routes within city limits.
Other roads.
Linking towns, villages. Important through routes in cities which link different localities.
Other rural roads.
Indonesia See Indonesia:Tags/Highway for more information Rambu petunjuk 4a.svg Jalan Tol.
Divided highways with 2 or more lanes in each direction, limited access via ICs, no traffic signals, and tolled. For example the Jagorawi toll road, the Jakarta Innerring Tollroad, and the Semarang toll road.
Jalan Nasional.
Connecting major states and maintained by local municipality, usually the DoT of the state which is connected with the road. National road numbering is different by island. Examples include the Nasional1.png Great Pantura Way (Java) and the Trans-Sumatranean Road (Sumatra).
Jalan Provinsi.
Connecting major cities intra-state.
Jalan Raya Kabupaten/Kota.
Connecting major destinations intra-city.
Unnumbered No equivalence
Ireland motorway (blue signs)


National Primary Route (green signs, N1-N33)


National Secondary Route (green signs, N51 and above)


Regional Roads (R101 upwards)


significant minor road (useful for routing) less significant minor road
Italy See IT:Italian Roads Tagging for more information (in Italian) Italian traffic signs - autostrada.svg Autostrada (A) compresi i raccordi autostradali (RA) ed i trafori autostradali (T)

Motorways, including spurs and international tunnels

tangenziale/strada extraurbana principale, anche strade d'importanza minore aventi svincoli anziché incroci a raso; per le strade senza incroci a raso Zeichen 330.1 - Autobahn, StVO 2013.svg Italian traffic signs - strada extraurbana principale.svg aggiungere motorroad=yes

Ring roads, expressways

Strada Statale (SS)
anche le ex strade statali (SPexSS/SS/SP/SR/SP<codice provinciale>), le strade regionali (SR) di grande importanza, le strade provinciali (SP) di grande importanza, generalmente arterie importanti che collegano capoluoghi di provincia e quindi di rilevanza nazionale

SS (national roads); strategic former SS; strategic SR (regional roads); strategic SP (provincial roads); e.g., those connecting provincial capitals

Strade Provinciali (SP)
e strade regionali (SR) di minore importanza

Other former SS; Other SR; Other SP (provincial roads)

Strade meno importanti con larghezza di almeno 4 metrianche le strade urbane di scorrimento principale

Less important roads wider than 4 metres; boulevards/avenues/major streets

livello base della rete stradale
Nota: sotto ci sono le residential (residenziale)

Everything else, "residential" in urban areas

日本 Expressways or motor roads. Japanese Road sign (Vehicles Only).svg. Usually, those are divided, 2 or more lanes, and toll roads. National Highways: the shield sign is Japanese National Route Sign 0001.svg. Major Prefectural Roads: the shield sign is Nara Pref Route No.44 Sign.svg and the number is 2 or less digit. Minor Prefectural Roads: the shield sign is Nara Pref Route No.751 Sign.svg and the number is 3 digit. The other types of highways which have 2 or more lanes. The other types of highways which have less than 2 lanes.
Korea, D.P.R. CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg Highway with ramps and 2+ lanes per direction. Grade-separated from railways and other roads. Signs have green background. Highway with 2+ lanes per direction. Grade-separated from railways. Signs have normal (blue) background. No traffic lights. Inside cities: must also be divided (confer with official road map)
Korea, Republic of Divided, grade-separated highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction.
This includes all toll roads designated by a red and blue shield.
Divided highway without ramps.
Higher speeds. Few stop lights or stop signs.
Undivided highway without ramps.
Higher speeds. Few stop lights or stop signs.
Wide main roads with stop signs and stop lights. two lane local roads with or without center stripes not used
Latvia (see Latvian tagging guidelines for more details) Motorways (ātrgaitas ceļi) - Latvia road sign 552.svg, most likely "A" A2-LV.svg Main roads (galvenie autoceļi) - "A" A2-LV.svg Regional roads (reģionālie autoceļi) - "P" P10-LV.svg
In cities: major streets (4 lanes, high traffic)
Local roads (vietējie autoceļi) - "V" V100-LV.svg
In cities: major streets (2 or 4 lanes)
Local roads without state-level classification, municipal roads Other roads without any classification, minor municipal roads
Lithuania Restricted access roads (greitkeliai ir automagistralės) CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svgNO road sign 503.svg Trunk roads (magistraliniai keliai) (A-numbered roads)
City municipalities: High-speed streets (Greito eismo gatvės) with no foot or bicycle permited
National roads (krašto keliai) (three-digit roads)
City municipalities: Main (B-category) streets
Paved local roads (rajoniniai keliai) (four-digit roads)
City municipalities: Secondary by importance (C-category) streets
Unpaved local roads (rajoniniai keliai) (four-digit roads)
City municipalities: Tertiary by importance (D1-1-category) streets
Local roads/streets without state-level classification
Malaysia See Malaysian_Roads_Tagging for more information

Lebuhraya (dengan awalan E pada nombor)
Expressways (with 'E' prefix on number)

Lebuhraya dengan kawalan separa akses, jalan persekutuan.
Expressways with partial control of access, most federal roads (routes without a letter prefixed).

Jalan negeri yang menghubungkan bandar, pekan dan daerah.
State roads connecting towns and districts.
Jalan utama di bandar dan pekan, dan jalan negeri yang menghubungkan kampung dan pekan kecil.
Main roads at cities and towns, and state roads connecting villages and smaller towns.
Jalan pengumpul yang menghubungkan ke jalan sekunder.
Collector roads connecting to secondary roads.
Jalan lain yang tidak sesuai dengan mana-mana kategori yang disenaraikan di sini mahupun kategori lain.
Other roads that do not fit into any category listed here nor other categories.
Maroc Zeichen 330.1 - Autobahn, StVO 2013.svg Autoroute (A) Divided, toll roads highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction speed limits of 120 km/h. Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg Voie express,ringroadsCan be a single or a dual carriageway. has a speed limit of 80 or 100km/h. Nationale (N)
linking cities
Regionale (R) secondary Provinciale(P) tertiary Small routes paved or not
Minor roads
See the Red Nacional de Caminos for a detailed description.
  • Four or more lanes per direction usually divided.
  • > 25m wide
  • High Speed
  • Main link for interstate cities.
  • Possibility of tollways.
  • High traffic capacity. TDPA > 15k
  • Operation of all authorized vehicles.
  • Form the Mexican transportation axis.
  • Mexican RNC highway classification: ET
  • Two or more lanes sometimes divided.
  • > 12m wide
  • Speed: 80 to 110 Km/h
  • Provide main-link interstate communication service.
  • Possibility of tollways.
  • High traffic capacity. TDPA > 8k
  • Operation of all authorized vehicles except those only authorized in ET highways.
  • Mexican highway classification: A
  • Make up the primary network
  • Two or more lanes per direction.
  • 8m to 12m wide
  • Speed: 60 to 80 Km/h
  • Provide an interstate communication service, in addition to linking A highways.
  • Some are tollways.
  • Medium-High traffic capacity. TDPA=1k~4k
  • Mexican RNC highway classification: B
  • Make up the secondary network
  • Two lanes per direction.
  • State scope. Medium distances.
  • 6m to 10m wide
  • Speed: 40 to 60 Km/h.
  • Provide connections with the primary network.
  • Low-Medium traffic capacity. TDPA=1k~2k
  • Restriction on heavy and long vehicles
  • Mexican RNC highway classification: C
  • Make up the feeder network
  • Two lanes per direction.
  • Municipal scope. Short distances.
  • 6m to 8m wide
  • Speed: 40 to 60 Km/h.
  • Provide connections with the primary and secondary network.
  • Low-Medium traffic capacity. TDPA=<1k
  • Hard Restriction on heavy and long vehicles
  • Mexican RNC highway classification: D
  • All low priority public non-residential roads that do not fit in higher classifications criteria.
  • They are neither service, rural, agricultural or industrial roads.
  • Paved or unpaved
  • Short distances and low speed.
  • < 6m wide
  • With out mexican classification on the RNC
Namibia (more information) Divided highways with limited access (currently only parts of B1 in Windhoek) Non-motorway B roads C roads D and M roads; major streets F roads (former P roads) Other roads with 2+ lanes outside towns and national parks

Tagging road networks in Nepal. Full version:

none Highways which have heavy traffic intensity and connect different cities, regions and tourist centers. Road corridors that carries a huge volume of traffic between arterial roads and has a high density of public transport services. These roads often connect two relatively distant localities in urban areas. Collector roads that carry lower volume of traffic and has either no public transport service or a lower density of public transport service. These roads often connect two neighboring/nearby localities in urban areas. Longer roads serving several villages Rural vehicular highways
Netherlands See NL:The_Netherlands_roads_tagging for more information (in Dutch) AutosnelwegNederlands verkeersbord G1.svg


(bij Nederlands verkeersbord G3.svg ook motorroad=yes)

Other roads with motorway restrictions

N-wegen met nummers t/m 400

N-roads below N400

N-wegen met nummers groter dan 400

N-roads above N400

Grotere/doorvoer wegen

Other main roads

Overige wegen/Enkelbaans wegen buiten bebouwde kom

Other roads

New Zealand - de facto Motorways & Expressways

All signed motorways and motorway-standard expressways (i.e. median divided with two lanes in each direction and no at-grade intersections).

Strategic state highways

State highways linking main urban areas (pop. >30k), major ports, major airports, major tourist destinations, and/or remote regions. Classified National or Regional on the One Road Network Classification system (ONRC)

Non-strategic state highways
Strategic local roads
Local arterial roads Local collector roads

Roads classified ONRC primary collector or higher should not be tagged below this level.

all other local roads
Norway See No:Map_Features#Norwegian_roads for more information (in English and Norwegian) Motorway NO road sign 502.svg National infrastructure (Riksvei), green signs, include E-roads. Norwegian-road-sign-723.11.svg Riksvei 9.svg Regional infrastructure (Primær fylkesvei), white signs. Norwegian-road-sign-723.15.svg Local infrastructure (Sekundær/øvrig fylkesveg), no signs, officially numbered. Local arteries. No corresponding official classification, subjective. Low class road

2020 proposal. More details at Philippines/Mapping_conventions/Roads


Generally divided, have no at-grade road intersections, and usually tolled. Speed limits always posted.

Major highways linking large cities (population: 100,000+), and urban highways or avenues resembling expressways (usually divided).

Strategic road network, forming the road transportation backbone. May have ramps, partial control of access and grade separation, but are not necessary to consider upgrade. Road to be upgraded should be at least 10 km long.

Other large highways connecting smaller cities (populations <100,000) and large towns (population 100,000); major urban arteries. Highways to medium-sized towns (populations: 10,000-100,000); other urban arterial roads, usually one linking three or more districts/barangays. Highways to small towns (population: <10,000); all other roads linking barangays with each other Other rural roads that don't fit the classes above, and residential; local streets outside residential areas, and in mixed-use areas
more details
PL road sign D-9.svgAutostrada.
Z niebieskim oznakowaniem, numeracją z literą A (np. A1, A2), ogrodzona itp. Droga taka powinna być dwujezdniowa (tzn. mieć wrysowane dwie nitki w przeciwnych kierunkach, każda z atrybutem "oneway" ustawionym na "yes".

Blue signs, prefix A, fenced, divided.

PL road sign D-7.svgDroga ekspresowa.
Droga z oznakowaniem zielonym, i numeracją z literą S np. S8. Rysowana jak wyżej.

Expressways, green signs, prefix S.

Usually droga krajowa (single or two digit number on red background) or another way of at least GP class

Zazwyczaj droga krajowa (jedno lub dwucyfrowe oznaczenie na czerwonym tle) lub inna droga o klasie co najmniej GP

Usually droga wojewódzka (three digit number on yellow/orange background) or another way of at least G class.

Zazwyczaj droga wojewódzka (trzycyfrowe oznaczenie na żółto-pomarańczowym tle) lub inna droga o klasie co najmniej G.

Usually droga powiatowa (usually no visual indication, but it has four digit number) or another way of at least Z class.

Zazwyczaj droga powiatowa (zazwyczaj brak oznaczeń, ich numery są czterocyfrowe) lub inna droga o klasie co najmniej Z.

Other public ways; e.g., droga gminna or another class L or class D public way.

Pozostałe drogi publiczne, np. drogi gminne lub inne drogi publiczen o klasie L lub D.

Portugal Znak D9.svg Autoestrada Portuguese traffic sign via rapida.JPG Via Rápida Icone Estrada Nacional.png Estrada Nacional
Icone Estrada Regional.png Estrada Regional
Icone Estrada Municipal.png Estrada Municipal Caminho Municipal Estradas sem referência.
Romania Autostradă; au indicativ de forma A1, A2 ... și indicatoare de forma
; Drum cu sensuri separate, cu bandă de urgență, destinate trafcului de înaltă viteză, marcate la intrarea lor cu semnul:
highway=trunk se folosește pentru orice drum național parte din culoar european sau drumurile express (care nu există în România); pe lângă indicativul de drum național (alb pe fundal roșu) RO Roadsign 1.png are și plăcuțe de forma Norwegian-road-sign-723.11.svg Tag-ul ref=* va fi de forma DNn, DNnn sau DNnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z), în timp ce tagul int_ref=* va fi de forma Enn sau Ennn. highway=primary se folosește pentru orice drum național care nu este parte din culoarele europene; bornele kilometrice și indicatoarele care le identifică sunt pe fundal roșu cu scris alb ; Atât drumurile naționale primare (ex. DN1) RO Roadsign 1.png cât și cele secundare (ex. DN7C) RO Roadsign 7C.png sunt etichetate ca highway=primary dacă nu sunt drumuri europene. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DNn, DNnx, DNnn sau DNnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z). highway=secondary se folosește în exteriorul localităților pentru drumuri județene - numărul drumului este scris pe borne și indicatoare pe fundal albastru RO judetean587.png. Aceste drumuri sunt etichetate ca highway=secondary. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DJnnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z ). Ex. ref=DJ30, ref=DJ200F. highway=tertiary se folosește în exteriorul localităților pentru drumuri comunale - numărul drumului este scris pe borne și indicatoare pe fundal galben RO comunal.png. Aceste drumuri sunt etichetate ca highway=tertiary. Tagul ref=* va fi de forma DCnnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z ). Ex. ref=DC102, ref=DC101A. Nefolosit sau folosit rar; A se folosi highway=residential și highway=living_street în zone rezidențiale.
Russia Россия

See Соглашение о типах дорог, RU:Key:highway for details.

Автомагистрали, обозначенные знаком 5.1 "Автомагистраль" CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg, имеющие многополосные проезжие части с центральным разделителем и не имеющие пересечений в одном уровне с другими дорогами.

Divided, grade-separated highways with 2 or more lanes in each direction and limited access.

Дороги федерального значения, межрегиональные трассы, формирующие опорную сеть автодорог страны, по которым идёт дальний основной и грузовой межрегиональный трафик. В населённых пунктах — только транзитные трассы класса trunk проходящие через населённый пункт.

National federal highways, highways connecting major cities and a major route used by trucks and for long trips.

Дороги регионального значения, соединяющие города и/или областные центры, дороги межрегионального значения. В населённых пунктах — центральные магистрали городов.

Major highways connecting cities / large towns. Major arterial roads in cities.

Дороги областного значения, соединяющие областные центры с крупными населёнными пунктами (районными центрами), а также крупные населённые пункты между собой. В населённых пунктах — основные магистрали районов города.

Other major highways connecting towns. Other arterial roads in cities/towns.

Более важные дороги среди прочих автомобильных дорог местного значения, например соединяющие районные центры с сёлами, а также несколько сёл между собой. В населённых пунктах — основные микрорайонные или межмикрорайонные транзитные улицы.

More important highways among other local roads. Collector roads in cities/towns.

Остальные дороги местного значения, образующие соединительную сеть дорог. Могут не иметь твердого покрытия, а также грейдеры, бетонки. В населённых пунктах — обычные мелкие улицы/переулки с преимущественно нежилыми строениями вдоль улицы. Улицы/переулки с преимущественно жилыми домами вдоль улицы следует обозначать как highway=residential.

Other local roads including gravel and unsurfaced. Normal minor non-residential roads. Use highway=residential for normal minor roads in residential areas.

Country motorway trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified



Autobahn CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg Autostrasse CH-Hinweissignal-Autostrasse.svg Hauptstrassen mit Nummerntafel (blau mit Nummer), Transitstrasse Hauptstrasse (blau) Nebenstrasse (weiss) alles andere
autoroute autoroute de 2e classe (semi-autoroute) route de 1re classe (bleu avec numéro) route de 2e classe (bleu) route de 3e classe (blanc) chemin carossable
Slovakia CZ-IP14a Dálnice.jpg Diaľnica (D) CZ-IP15a Silnice pro motorová vozidla.jpgRýchlostná cesta (predtým Cesta pre motorové vozidlá) (R) Cesta I. triedy Cesta II. triedy Cesta III. triedy Iná cesta (neklasifikovaná) - mimo mesta.

Iná cesta v meste môže byť highway=residential (ulica) alebo highway=living_street (obytná zóna) alebo highway=pedestrian (pešia zóna). Malé pomocné/príjazdové cesty môžu byť aj highway=service.

Slovenia avtocesta Slovenia road sign III-10.svg hitra cesta glavna cesta (1., 2. reda) regionalna cesta (1., 2. reda) regionalna cesta (3. reda, turistična) ostale manj pomembne ceste izven naselij
Spain IMPORTANTE: Comprobar las especificidades por autonomías señaladas en Normalización#Ayudas para la nomenclatura y clasificación
Spain traffic signal s1.svg Spain traffic signal s1a.svg Autopistas y Autovías

Any ref color on blue background signs.
v. g.,
A-2 M-503 N-622 A-334 CV-500

Están compuestas por dos calzadas, con limitación de acceso, entradas y salidas no peligrosas y que no son cruzadas a nivel por ninguna otra vía. Se suelen identificar por ir su señalización en fondo azul (independientemente del color de fondo de la referencia), aunque no todas las carreteras con fondo azul son motorway y también son motorway algunas con señalización de fondo blanco.

Carretera nacional o Carretera autonómica de nivel.

 Red  or  Orange  signs.
v. g.,
 N-340   M-111 

Suelen ser de doble sentido. Son las antiguas carreteras principales. Se identifican por ir su referencia dentro de un recuadro rojo o naranja, que se ve en las señales de preseñalización y en los puntos kilométricos. Si el tramo de carretera nacional ya está cedido a algún ayuntamiento o autonomía ya no es trunk ni lleva la ref antigua, excepto que ese ayuntamiento mantenga el nombre oficial. En los casos en que pueden ser en parte autovías (sin llegar a tener señalización de fondo azul) se les añade motorroad=yes)

Carretera autonómica de 2.º nivel

 Green  signs.
v. g.,

Suelen ser de doble sentido, pero de alta calidad. Son carreteras importantes dentro de las Comunidades Autónomas. Se identifican por ir su referencia dentro de un recuadro verde, que se ve en las señales de preseñalización y en los puntos kilométricos. Para determinar qué carreteras de cada comunidad autónoma pertenecen a esta categoría, véase más abajo.

Carretera autonómica de nivel.

 Green  or  Brown  signs.
v. g.,

Suelen ser de doble sentido. Son carreteras no muy importantes dentro de las Comunidades Autónomas. Se identifican por ir su referencia dentro de un recuadro verde, que se ve en las señales de preseñalización y en los puntos kilométricos. Para determinar qué carreteras de cada comunidad autónoma pertenecen a esta categoría, véase más abajo.

Carretera provincial o local.

 Yellow  or  Purple  signs.
v. g.,

Suelen ser de doble sentido. Son carreteras poco importantes dentro de las Comunidades Autónomas. Se identifican por ir su referencia dentro de un recuadro amarillo, que se ve en las señales de preseñalización y en los puntos kilométricos.

Carreteras asfaltadas sin denominación, fuera de poblado.

Paved roads without reference, outside a settlement.
motorroad=yes se utiliza para las Spain traffic signal s3.svg Vías para automóviles, antiguamente conocidas como Spain traffic signal s1b.svg Vías rápidas: carreteras con limitación de acceso y que no son cortadas a nivel por ninguna otra vía. Pueden ser de doble sentido o tener calzadas separadas para cada sentido de la marcha, pero la condición esencial es la ausencia de cruces a nivel. Se usa el criterio de arriba para determinar el valor de highway=*, y se añade motorroad=yes. Nota: cualquier carretera que cumpla las condiciones se admite, aunque no tenga las señales indicadas.

motorroad=yes is used for Spain traffic signal s3.svg Vías para automóviles, previously known as Spain traffic signal s1b.svg Expressways: roads with restricted access and no level crossings at all. They might have as few as a single lane per direction in a single carriageway, but the essential condition is the lack of level crossings. Use the above classification to determine the highway=* value and add motorroad=yes. Nota: the signs themselves are not a requirement, any road matching the description for a significative length qualifies.

Sweden Motorvägar CH-Hinweissignal-Autobahn.svg Stamvägar, bl.a. alla europavägar Norwegian-road-sign-723.11.svg Övriga riksvägar Sweden road sign F14-3.svg Primära (nummerskyltade) länsvägar Lansvag.png Allmänna vägar Sweden road sign F5.svg Enskilda vägar Enskild vag.png
中華民國 See: Taiwan tagging Freeways Freeway shield Expressways EXPY shield, roads with special designations, elevated roads linking different parts of a metropolitan area. Provincial highways Provincial highway shield County highways County highway shield Municipal highways See Taiwan tagging for details on other roads
Thailand See: Thailand's Highway classification for Thailand information such as localisation, Asian Highway, exception, etc. Controlled-access highways
  • ทางพิเศษ (Expressway) Zeichen 330 - Autobahn, StVO 1992.svg
  • ทางหลวงพิเศษ (Motorway) with access control Thai Motorway-t7.svg
Region's top-level road network
  • ทางหลวงพิเศษ (Motorway) without access control Thai Motorway-f7.svg
  • ทางหลวงแผ่นดินหมายเลข 1-2 หลัก (1-2-digit National Highway) Thai Highway-2.svgThai Highway-22.svg
Long distance highways
  • ทางหลวงแผ่นดินหมายเลข 3 หลัก (3-digit National Highway) Thai Highway-205.svg
Major roads inside a province
  • ทางหลวงแผ่นดินหมายเลข 4 หลัก (4-digit National Highway) Thai Highway-3278.svg
  • ทางหลวงชนบท (Rural Road) with high importance Thai Rural Road-สข.1001.svg
Roads connecting two or more villages/hamlets
  • ทางหลวงชนบท (Rural Road) with low importance Thai Rural Road-สข.1001.svg
  • ทางหลวงท้องถิ่น (Local Road) with high importance Thai Local Road-ฉช.ถ 8-0005.svg
Lowest rank of a public road usable by motor cars
Turkey Otoyol (Motorway)   O1     E-90   Önemli Bağlantı Yolu (Important Routes) Dual-carriageway   D.300   Anayol (Main Roads)/Bulvar (Avenues) İl yolu (Roads Maintained by Local Government)/Önemli Caddeler (Important Urban Roads)   50-03   Köy Yolu (Roads to Villages)/Düşük Önem Dereceli Cadde (Less Important Urban Roads) Önemsiz Köy Yolu (Less Important Roads to Villages)
United Kingdom See also: Roads in the United Kingdom motorway e.g.   M6     A1(M)   primary A road (green signs)   A1   non-primary A road (black/white signs)   A219   B road (black/white signs)   B2219   significant minor road or C road (good surface, white lines) less significant minor road
United States See: 2021 U.S. Highway Classification
The 2021 U.S. Highway Classification schema been adopted by mappers in a majority of states with additional state-level guidance being drafted and implemented. Unilateral changes to highway classifications, especially trunk and motorway, should not be made without community discussion.
Limited access freeway with interchanges. (details) Major intercity highway where no motorway exists. (details) Primary highway or arterial road.
(secondary routes between cities that parallel trunk/motorway routes; major connections within an urban area or urban core to suburb connections)
Secondary highway or arterial road
(routes connecting to towns; secondary arterial roads)
Tertiary route, major street or collector road
(routes connecting to small communities like villages; collector roads)
Other roads used for local traffic.
Use highway=residential for local roads with residences. Use highway=service for roads that do not carry traffic.
Uruguay This is a translation of the proposal on Uruguay. None in Uruguay International Corridor (Corredor Internacional). Routes defined as such by the DNV, and the exception Ruta IB. Primary Network (Red Primaria). Routes defined as such by the DNV. Secondary Network (Red Secundaria). Routes defined as such by the DNV. Tertiary Network (Red Terciaria). Routes defined as such by the DNV. Not in use.

See: Venezuela roads tagging (es)

Only some freeways (called "Autopista"): Dual carriageway highways divided by a physical divider with 2 or more lanes in each direction, directly connected to national roads, strictly limited access by ramps that allow speed reduction outside the main carriageway. Must not have same-level crossroads, traffic lights, roundabouts, or u-turn ramps that merge on the left-lane (usually called "Retorno").[1]

There should be no streets or roads that connect directly to the highway if it is not through a well-defined ramp. There should also be no buildings or properties adjacent to the highway or any of its access ramps.

Legally 90 km/h speed limit.[1]

National roads network that cross the entire country connecting the most important cities. Regional roads network that connect the most important cities and towns of each State. Main roads or streets that move a highly amount of population, which is obliged to pass through it to connect with others higher-priority roads. Main roads or streets that move a moderate amount of population, which is obliged to pass through it to connect with others higher-priority roads. Generic roads in non-urban areas.
Vietnam BBDCTstupid zps9f985854.jpg Đường cao tốc

Đường hai chiều chỉ dành cho các loại xe cơ giới, cấm xe thô sơ và người đi bộ. Tốc độ cho phép thường từ 40-80km/h. Giới hạn tốc độ được áp dụng riêng biệt cho mỗi loại xe trong từng làn đường. Mỗi chiều thường có 1-5 làn dành cho các loại ô tô và một làn riêng dành cho xe mô tô.

Expressways (đường cao tốc)

Đường lớn, mật độ giao thông cao, có nhiều điểm chung với đường cao tốc nhưng chưa phải là đường cao tốc. Những loại đường này thường tương đối hiện đại. Có thể chỉ cho phép ô tô lưu thông.

High-quality National Highways that are not expressways. Usually divided and with partial grade separation.

Đường trọng điểm có mật độ giao thông lớn, đóng vai trò chính trong việc đi lại giữa nhiều khu vực. Bao gồm cả quốc lộ. Đường liên xã cũng có thể tính vào loại này ở các khu vực rất hẻo lánh.

National Highways (quốc lộ/QL).

Đường có thể có mật độ giao thông vừa đến lớn, cũng dùng để đi lại giữa các khu vực. Cũng bao gồm tỉnh lộ. Đường này thường dùng để giảm số lượng xe lưu thông qua các tuyến trọng điểm, có thể giúp người tham gia giao thông đi đến khu vực cần đến nhanh hơn.

Provincial highways (tỉnh lộ/TL).

Đường dân sinh, có mật độ giao thông nhỏ đến vừa, giúp đi lại giữa các khu dân cư và có thể nối một số đường giao thông lớn hơn.

Low-traffic roads that connect residential areas or villages with the provincial and national networks.

Ngõ rộng có mật độ giao thông nhỏ hoặc các tuyến đường nhỏ trong khu dân cư không được đặt tên. Những đường này có chiều rộng chỉ đủ cho một ô tô lưu thông và những xe nhỏ hơn có thể vượt lên khỏi ô tô đó.

Minor roads, usually narrow.

Country motorway trunk primary secondary tertiary unclassified

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Reglamento de la Ley de Tránsito Terrestre (Road-transit Law Regulation), Venezuela, 1998-06-26.