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Missouri, United States

latitude: 38.2, longitude: -92.3
Browse map of Missouri 38°12′00.00″ N, 92°18′00.00″ W
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Missouri is a state in the United States at latitude 38°12′00.00″ North, longitude 92°18′00.00″ West.

State Status

Missouri-TigerEdits-Sept292009.png - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TIGER_Edited_Map

As the image shows, TIGER data is fairly unedited in most the highly populated areas of Missouri. However large strides have been made in Saint Louis in the past months (March-Sept. '09), mostly in the outer reaches of the Greater Saint Louis area.


Missouri/Construction is for any traffic construction changes made that will need to have further changes. Such as the demolition (and rebuilding) of a bridge.


See Missouri/Railroads

Bicycle Routes

See WikiProject U.S. Bicycle Route System where USBR 66 route data in Missouri are available!

Missouri Cities

Data Uses in Missouri

Any people, places, businesses, or services using OpenStreetMap in the state of Missouri should be added here: