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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = parking
P3030027ParkingLot wb.jpg
A place for parking cars. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Rendering in OSM Carto
Rendering in OSM Carto area
Area parking.png
Group: parking
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysmay be used on areas (and multipolygon relations)should not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

Use amenity=parking to tag a facility used by the public, customers, or other authorised users for parking motor vehicles, such as cars and trucks, commonly known as a car park (British English) or parking lot (American English).

See the Parking page for tags specific to parking for other types of vehicles and situations. See street parking page for more information about mapping parking along streets.

How to map

The most common way to map a car park is to draw an area and tag it with amenity=parking. If you are not sure of the actual parking area or don't have time to draw it out then just tag a node node (but never use both a node and an area for the same facility). If not further specified via parking=*, parking=surface is assumed. If you're not mapping a surface parking lot, please ensure you also tag parking=*.

Roads and footways should connect to each other within the parking area. A common mistake is to connect roads and footways only to the edge of the amenity=parking area. Routers generally cannot route within an area unless roads and paths are mapped. [1] However, for multi-storey parking garages, it may not be possible to discern the parking aisles from aerial imagery. Connecting the roads to a node for amenity=parking_entrance is a good first step until someone can survey the inside of the garage. Parking aisles should be tagged highway=service + service=parking_aisle while access roads into and out of the parking facility as well as the roads carrying through traffic or forming the trunk network within the parking facility should be tagged as highway=service without service=*.

Each parking area feature should be mapped as a contiguous area (see One feature, one OSM element) as much as possible. Include in the area parking aisles and footways between parking spaces. Any greenery such as grass strips or trees can also be included within the parking area. Standard method to draw parking of a complex size - ones that consists of disjointed areas or has holes is to use multipolygons. Individual parking rows should not be mapped as separate parking areas. To get that level of detail, individual parking spaces can be mapped separately with amenity=parking_space.

Parking along the side of streets can be tagged with amenity=parking + parking=street_side or parking=lane), but a common alternative is to forego mapping the parking areas explicitly with amenity=parking, and to use parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* and other street parking tags on the highway=* itself. Which approach to choose depends on personal preference, local conventions, and the desired level of detail.

Additional tags




Element Comment
amenity N/A parking node area Tag either an area or a central node, but not both.
All sub-tags below are optional.
name None * node area The name of the car park. Generally only used for dedicated public parking facilities that have well known name.
ref None * node area
access N/A yes; customers; permissive; private;


node area Distinction between public car parks, customers car parks (such as at cinemas, etc.), and private car parks (such as for staff in a business park). In this case, access=yes denotes a public car park.

Regardless whether access=yes is regarded as a default value, adding this tag adds information and should not be omitted or deleted for reasons of "default"; when a public car park is not tagged with access=* , data-users can only guess the accessibility, since a untagged car park may either be publicly accessible or not. As of 2023-07 some 31% of amenity=parking is tagged for access=* and of those tagged parkings, access=yes is the second most common tag (about 30% ).

parking None surface node area Parking which is not enclosed or created by a structure and is allocated an area 'at grade' on ground level set away from the street or street intersections. Also known as a parking lot, car park, or car lot.
multi-storey Two or more levels of parking decks in a building structure. Please consider adding the appropriate building=* tag, if it is purpose-built for this purpose, building=parking is the most popular value.
underground Underground parking.
rooftop One level of a parking deck on top of the building.
sheds Rarely used. Private hangars for vehicles, located close to owner's home. Usually constructed of profiled metal. Such structures are likely better tagged instead with building=garage.
carports Structure used to offer limited protection to vehicles, primarily cars, from the elements (Carports on Wikipedia). Please consider adding building=carport. If within a larger parking area, only tag for the structure with building=carport or building=roof.
garage_boxes Rarely used. One level buildings with individual boxes for one car, each, usually made of brick and metal. Usually, this area belong to garage cooperative with own name, chairman, budget, rules, security, etc.
layby nodeway A minimal parking facility alongside a major road where motorists can take a break en-route to their destination. Consider usinghighway=rest_area instead, and map the parking facilities there withparking=surface.
lane wayarea Parking on the street (which could be easily converted to a travel lane). Mostly used as a value for parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* on a street tagged with highway=*.
street_side nodearea Area suitable or designated for parking along carriageway and which is directly adjacent to the carriageway of a road (but not on the carriageway; in that case see parking=lane) and can be reached directly from the roadway without having to use an access way.

parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* may be used instead if the street-side parking spaces are stretched over a longer section of the road and no micromapping of these areas is desired (see street parking).

on_kerb wayarea Zeichen 315-65 - Parken ganz auf Gehwegen in Fahrtrichtung rechts, StVO 1992.svg Rarely used. Parking on the sidewalk. Mostly used as a value for parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* on a street tagged with highway=*.
half_on_kerb way Zeichen 315-55 - Parken halb auf Gehwegen in Fahrtrichtung rechts, StVO 1992.svg Rarely used. Parking partially on the sidewalk. Mostly used as a value for parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* on a street tagged with highway=*.
shoulder way Rarely used. Parking on the  shoulder, i.e. hard, paved or unpaved sections beside the road not normally meant to be driven on. Mostly used as a value for parking:left=*, parking:right=* or parking:both=* on a street tagged with highway=*.
park_ride None yes; no; bus; train; tram; metro; ferry, etc node area Park and ride. Values of the key define connected means of transport. If unsure, use yes. (see Proposal)
fee no yes; no; interval node area Whether you have to pay a parking fee or not. If the fee must be paid only on certain hours, use the syntax described on the fee article. The syntax is nearly the same as the syntax used for opening_hours=*, but the condition needs to be repeated after each ; separator.
supervised no yes; no; interval node area Whether the cars are guarded to prevent car theft and vandalism. If a guard is only present on certain hours, the same syntax can be used as for opening_hours=*.
capacity None number node area The amount of available parking spaces, including all special parking spaces (e.g., disabled). Read talk page on this.
capacity:disabled None yes; no; number node area Defines whether or not dedicated disabled parking spaces are available, usually reserved only for holders of a disabled parking permit ('blue badge' in the UK). If known, the number of spaces can be specified. (replaces the key disabled_spaces=* see proposal).
capacity:parent None

yes; no; number

node area Defines whether or not dedicated parent and child parking spaces are available. If known, the number of spaces can be specified.
capacity:charging None yes; no; number node area Defines whether or not dedicated parking spaces with charging infrastructure for electric vehicles are available. If known, the number of spaces can be specified.
surface None see key page node area Physical surface of car park.
maxstay None see key page node area Time limit for parking (e.g., customer parking for 2 hours)
opening_hours None see key page node area Opening hours of car park.
authentication no see key page node area Need to show a parking disk or ticket at the car's front shield.
operator None * node area Operator of car park.
website None * node area Website of car park.
zone None * node area Residential parking zone the parking area does belong to.
hiking no yes; no node area If yes, denotes a trailhead parking place in some jurisdictions

Related features

Site relation proposal

The approved proposal “parking” from 2011 describes that the type=site relation can be used with site=parking to group parking spaces and parking entrances together to form one parking facility. Since 2011, there has been little support for it from cartographers (and probably not from data consumers either) – see for example this analysis for OSM Carto (from 2015). In 2015, site=parking was used less than 3000 times worldwide. In 2023, the number of uses rose to over 20,000 (see this OSM tag history as a curve chart). But amenity=parking is of course still used much more often (over 4 million in 2023).


The Standard tile layer currently renders the "P" logo and a grey background for parking areas (or the "P" in a building style if the building tag is set).
Parking sample.PNG
Several car park areas, each with one-way aisles. Note that this is rendered in the obsolete Mapnik style. A parking lot with micro-mapped amenity=parking_space.

See also