Glossary of landforms

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About the glossary

This page is a glossary of OSM tags for landforms, based on the Glossary of landforms page on Wikipedia. Landforms in this list are generally from the alphabetic listing on that page, with some edits where Wikipedia lists some things that are not landforms or where things were obviously missing.

This is a preliminary and living list. Missing landforms may be added and tagging may be corrected or improved. Comments, discussion, and suggestions would be very welcome on the talk page! Contributions to the page are welcome!

The appearance of a tag in this list does not mean that its use has been proposed or approved.

Notes on tags

Many landforms do not have formalized tags in OSM or can be tagged more than one way in OSM. The table below uses some punctuation to identify these cases.

  • + - Use multiple tags in combination for the feature.
  • & - Map the landform as two or more separate features.
  • / - Use one of several tags as appropriate for the feature.
  • ? - The tag is in use but not documented on the OSM Wiki.
  • ?? - The tag is not in use but has been extrapolated from existing tagging. Consider this for a possible tag proposal.
  • ??? - There are no established tags for this landform and it is not clear how to extend existing tagging to include it.
  • * - See the notes column in the table. This may indicate that the landform may be tagged in more than one way in OSM or as more than one feature.

Also, keep in mind that the common usage of a word may differ from the specific meaning of the tag or value as it is used in OSM. The OSM Wiki pages explain how each tag and value should be used.

About the “geological” tag

The primary tag for a feature is usually natural=* or something similar. The primary tag identifies the general form of the landform, but is often not very specific, e.g., natural=cliff. The values of geological=* add more specificity to the feature, e.g., geological=volcanic_caldera_rim, but may not change its appearance when it is rendered. This glossary suggests values of geological=* (marked with ??) to make the tagging for geological features more specific and detailed. These suggestions are not proposals and have not been “approved” for use. There may be better ways to tag these features. If you know of any, please suggest them on the talk page or add them to this table!

Tag values versus common usage

In many cases in OSM, the meaning of tag values differs from the common usage of the words in the tag values. This is also true for many of the tag values in this glossary. For example, the words “reef” and “shoal” are both commonly used to refer to shallow areas of water where land may be exposed when the water level is low (e.g., at low tide). However, OSM assigns distinctly different meanings to these words as tag values. In OSM, the natural=reef tag refers to “a rock, sandbar or other feature ... that lies permanently beneath the surface of the water but close to the surface” and the natural=shoal tag refers to “an area of the water floor which nears the water surface (literally, becomes shallow) and is exposed from time to time.”

When tagging features in OSM, be sure to apply the definitions of the keys and tag values as they are documented in the OSM Wiki. Do not assume that the common meanings of the words apply.

Notes on TagInfo Stats

Where the TagInfo stats are provided, they correspond to tags that are in use but not documented, tags that are not widely in use, or tags that are not yet in use.

Where the TagInfo stats are not provided, the tag is likely well established in common usage.

Tips for Using the Glossary

If you are referencing a particular landform, you might open the Wikipedia article, OSM Wiki page, example feature in the Notes, and an aerial view of the example. This makes it possible to compare the description of the landform in Wikipedia with the guidance in the OSM Wiki, while looking at imagery of the landform and considering the tagging that other mappers have used.

Glossary of landforms

Alphabetic list of landforms
Landform (Wikipedia) Description OSM Tags OSM Wiki Page TagInfo Stats Notes
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Abîme A vertical shaft in karst terrain that may be very deep and usually opens into a network of subterranean passages natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=pit Tag:natural=sinkhole Note that many examples are currently mapped as natural=cave_entrance.

E.g., Jama

Abyssal fan Underwater geological structures associated with large-scale sediment deposition seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=fan Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects E.g., Thompson Fan
Abyssal plain Flat area on the deep ocean floor seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=abyssal_plain Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects E.g., Kupe Abyssal Plain
Ait Islands found on the River Thames and its tributaries in England place=islet Tag:place=islet Aka Eyot.

E.g., Brentford Ait

Alluvial fan Fan-shaped deposit of sediment natural=sediment?? + geological=alluvial_fan?? See "Outwash fan" below for the feature created by glaciation.

E.g., Lucy Gray Fan

Anabranch A section of a river or stream that diverts from the main channel and rejoins it downstream. role=side_stream / role=anabranch Relation:waterway E.g., Else
Arch Arch-shaped natural rock formation natural=arch Tag:natural=arch E.g., Landscape Arch
Archipelago A chain, cluster, or collection of islands, or sometimes a sea containing a small number of scattered islands place=archipelago Tag:place=archipelago E.g., Canary Islands
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Arête Narrow ridge of rock which separates two valleys natural=arete Tag:natural=arete E.g., Arête des Charbonniers
Arroyo Dry creek or stream bed with flow after rain waterway=stream + intermittent=yes Key:intermittent E.g., Arroyo Potrillo
Atoll Ring-shaped coral reef place=atoll Proposal:Atoll Submerged portions might be natural=reef.

E.g., Tenarunga

Ayre Shingle beaches in Orkney and Shetland natural=beach + surface=pebblestone Tag:natural=beach Although the natural=shingle tag is used elsewhere, mappers appear to favor natural=beach + surface=pebblestone for Ayres.

E.g., Ayre of Vatswick

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Badlands Type of heavily eroded terrain ??? See "Barren land" below for discussion of possible tagging.

E.g., Borrego Badlands

Bajada compound Alluvial fan natural=sediment?? + geological=bajada?? E.g., Mescal Bajada
Bar Natural submerged sandbank that rises from a body of water to near the surface natural=reef + reef=sand Tag:natural=reef If the bar is exposed at low tide, use natural=shoal.

E.g., Cardigan Bar

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Barchan Crescent-shaped dune natural=dune + dune=barchan?? Tag:natural=dune Unless it is stabilized by vegetation, a single barchan dune is likely to be too mobile to map effectively in OSM. Consider landform=dune_system for an area of multiple dunes.
Barren land An area of bare land where the soil is exposed and there is no appreciable vegetation natural=ground Proposal:Natural=ground Note that this is distinct from natural=bare_rock, natural=sand, natural=scree, etc. because a surface of dirt or clay is exposed where the proportion of rock or sand is relatively low.

Historically, several tags have been used for this without documentation and without a clear preference among mappers: natural=bare_ground, natural=bare_earth, natural=bare_soil, natural=earth, natural=ground, natural=soil. The recent Proposal:Natural=ground attempts to consolidate these tags.

E.g., Many areas of Badlands National Park

Barrier bar Natural submerged sandbank that rises from a body of water to near the surface natural=reef + reef=sand Tag:natural=reef If the bar is exposed at low tide, use natural=shoal.

E.g., Haulover Sandbar

Barrier island Coastal dune landform that forms by wave and tidal action parallel to the mainland coast place=island Tag:place=island E.g., Moreton Island
Basin A natural depression or relatively low area enclosed by higher land natural=basin? / natural=valley / natural=flat? / natural=depression? Use natural=valley for a relatively narrow, sloping landform with higher terrain on three sides and lower terrain on one side, and natural=basin for a broad area of lower terrain surrounded by higher terrain on all sides. In some cases, a basin may be a relatively flat and gently sloping area leading toward a valley at one end.

However, the natural=basin tag has been used for a variety of features ranging from reservoirs to watersheds. Consider using natural=valley, natural=flat, or natural=depression if one these tags might be more appropriate.

E.g., Two Ocean Basin

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Bay Recessed, coastal body of water connected to an ocean or lake natural=bay Tag:natural=bay E.g., Golfo dei Poeti
Baymouth bar Sandbank that partially or completely closes access to a bay natural=cape / natural=beach Tag:natural=cape E.g., Rodeo Beach
Bayou French term for a body of water typically found in flat, low-lying area natural=water Tag:natural=water Use waterway=* for flowlines and navigation.

E.g., Parker Bayou

Beach Area of loose particles at the edge of the sea or other body of water natural=beach + surface=* Tag:natural=beach E.g., Bambou Plage
Beach cusps Shoreline formations made up of various grades of sediment in an arc pattern ??? Possibly too small and ephemeral to map?
Beach ridge Wave-swept or wave-deposited ridge running parallel to a shoreline natural=berm? E.g., Beach ridge on the island of Düne
Bench Long, relatively narrow land bounded by distinctly steeper slopes above and below natural=cliff / natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=* Tag:natural=cliff E.g., One of several benches along the east side of Wharfedale
Bend One of a series of regular sinuous curves in the channel of a river or other watercourse waterway=bend? Used where a particular meander is notable enough to have a well-established name. As the main course of the waterway will be tagged with waterway=river or waterway=stream, overlay a second way along the named portion and tag it with waterway=bend

E.g., George Ruby Bend

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Bight Shallowly concave bend or curve in a coastline, river, or other geographical feature natural=bay Tag:natural=bay E.g., Jossac Bight
Blockfield A surface covered by boulder- or block-sized rocks natural=blockfield Tag:natural=blockfield Aka block field, felsenmeer, boulder field, or stone field. Blockfields differ from screes and talus slope in that blockfields do not originate from the movement of rock down slopes under the force of gravity.

E.g., Big Stone River

Blowhole Hole at the top of a sea-cave which allows waves to force water or spray out of the hole natural=blowhole Tag:natural=blowhole E.g., Hummanaya Blow Hole
Blowout Depressions in a sand dune ecosystem caused by the removal of sediments by wind natural=blowout?? Following the same pattern as natural=dune? Blowouts in areas of mobile dunes are likely not stable enough to be mapped. Blowouts may be mapped where dunes are stablilized by vegetation or surrounding landforms.
Blue hole A large marine cavern or sinkhole, which is open to the surface and has developed in a bank or island composed of a carbonate bedrock natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=bluehole Key:sinkhole E.g., Conch Sounds Oceanic Blue Hole
Bluff Tall, near vertical rock face natural=cliff Tag:natural=cliff E.g., Dalle du Tirage
Boulder A large rock fragment natural=stone Tag:natural=stone If the rock remains attached to the bedrock, it should be tagged as natural=rock. Areas of exposed bedrock should be taged natural=bare_rock.

E.g., Overlap Stone

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Bornhardt A large dome-shaped, steep-sided, bald rock natural=peak + geological=bornhardt?? Tag:natural=peak E.g., Pão de Açúcar
Braid bar A temporary, unstable deposit of sediment in the middle of a river channel natural=shingle / natural=sand Tag:natural=shingle Aka channel bar. As braid bars typically consist of unsorted sediment, they may contain rocks and gravel in addition to sand. In braided rivers that carry a substantial amount of silt, natural=mud may be appropriate. Note that the unstable nature of braid bars may make it difficult to map them individually.

A braid bar is distinguished from an islet or island by its size and stability, and whether or not it will be submerged or moved if the river floods.

E.g., Unstable bars in the channel of Rakaia River

Braided channel Network of river channels separated by small, and often temporary, islands natural=water Tag:natural=water Use waterway=* for flowlines and navigation; see also Relation:waterway for side streams and anabranches.

E.g., Rio Tocantins

Butte Isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top natural=cliff & natural=peak Tag:natural=cliff Map the edge of the butte as natural=cliff and the summit of the butte as natural=peak. Additional tags are commonly placed on the summit node but may be placed on the cliff. Proposal:Tag:natural=butte is not widely adopted.

E.g., Factory Butte

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Calanque Narrow, steep-walled inlet on the Mediterranean coast natural=bay + geological=calanque?? Tag:natural=bay If steep, the sides may be natural=cliff.

E.g., Calanque de Sormiou

Caldera Cauldron-like volcanic feature formed by the emptying of a magma chamber geological=volcanic_caldera_rim + natural=cliff / natural=ridge Tag:natural=volcano#Crater_rim E.g., Grábrókafell
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Canyon Deep ravine between cliffs natural=gorge / natural=valley Tag:natural=gorge If the sides are steep enough they could be natural=cliff.

E.g., Acid Canyon

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Cape Large headland extending into a body of water, usually the sea natural=cape Tag:natural=cape E.g., Punta Rasa
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Carolina bay Elliptical depressions concentrated along the Atlantic seaboard of North America * + geological=carolina_bay?? Map as currently presented, e.g., natural=ridge, natural=water, natural=wetland, natural=depression?, etc.

E.g., Lake Waccamaw

Cave Natural underground space large enough for a human to enter natural=cave_entrance & natural=cave Cave Consider also Proposal:Natural=cave

E.g., Hospitaalgrot

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Cenote Natural pit or sinkhole that exposes groundwater underneath natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=pit Tag:sinkhole=pit Map the underground water using layer=-1.

E.g., Cenote Nabula

Channel Type of landform in which part of a body of water is confined to a relatively narrow but long region natural=strait Tag:natural=strait Consider also seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=gat / seamark:sea_area:category=sea_channel per Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects.

E.g., Nørredyb

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Chenier A sandy or shelly beach ridge that is part of a strand plain, called a “chenier plain,” consisting of cheniers separated by intervening mud-flat deposits with marsh and swamp vegetation natural=ridge + geological=chenier?? Tag:natural=ridge E.g., Grand Chenier Ridge
Cirque The amphitheatre-like head of a valley, steep and rounded on three sides and open on the side toward lower ground natural=cirque? Aka Corrie or Cwm, see also Head of the valley.

E.g., Corrie of Farchal

Cliff Tall, near vertical rock face natural=cliff Tag:natural=cliff E.g., Preikestolen
Coast Area where land meets the sea or ocean natural=coastline Coastline E.g., Coastline at Mato Nacional do Urso
Col Lowest point on a mountain ridge between two peaks natural=saddle Tag:natural=saddle E.g., Augustine Pass
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Columnar jointing A geological structure where sets of intersecting closely spaced fractures, referred to as joints, result in the formation of a regular array of polygonal prisms, or columns geological=columnar_jointing Tag:geological=columnar_jointing E.g., Giant's Causeway
Combe A steep, narrow valley, or a small valley or large hollow on the side of a hill natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Combe de la Mitière
Complex crater Large impact craters with uplifted centres geological=meteor_crater* Tag:geological=meteor_crater May be natural=water + water=lake. Also map rim and central peak if present.

E.g., Mistastin Lake

Complex volcano Landform of more than one related volcanic centre * Map individual features.
Confluence Meeting of two or more bodies of flowing water ??? Is there a reason to map this separately from the water/waterway features?
Continental shelf Coastal and oceanic landform seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=shelf_edge Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Coral reef Outcrop of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of stony coral skeletons natural=reef + reef=coral Tag:natural=reef If the reef is exposed at low tide, use natural=shoal.

E.g., Saba Bank

Couloir A narrow gully with a steep gradient in a mountainous terrain natural=gully / natural=valley Tag:natural=gully The natural=couloir tag is also in use but not documented.

E.g., Couloir de la Clapière

Cove Small sheltered bay or coastal inlet natural=bay Tag:natural=bay E.g., Hamilton Cove
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Cove (valley) Small valley in the Appalachian Mountains between two ridge lines natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Chestnut Cove
Crevasse A deep crack, or fracture, in an ice sheet or glacier natural=crevasse Tag:natural=crevasse Note that natural=crevasse is only for cracks in ice or glaciers and not for cracks in rocks.

E.g., Crevasse in Antarctica

Crevasse splay Sediment deposited on a floodplain by a stream which breaks its levees natural=sediment?? + geological=crevasse_splay??
Cryovolcano Type of volcano that erupts volatiles such as water, ammonia or methane, instead of molten rock * Not a terrestrial feature.
Cuesta Hill or ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a steep slope on the other natural=ridge / natural=cliff Tag:natural=ridge E.g., Ridge in Westonaria, South Africa
Cuspate foreland Features found on coastlines and lakeshores that extend outwards from the shoreline in a triangular shape natural=cape Tag:natural=cape Note that cuspate forelands not stabilized by vegetation may migrate, and so may not be permanent enough to map.

E.g., Point Pelee

Cut bank Outside bank of a water channel, which is continually undergoing erosion natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=cut_bank Tag:natural=earth_bank Possibly natural=cliff if the edge is steep enough.

E.g., Bank along the Kuban River

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Dale Low area between hills, often with a river running through it natural=valley Tag:natural=valley Possibly mapped using the same way as the waterway.

E.g., Rudstone Dale

Defile Narrow pass or gorge between mountains or hills natural=valley / natural=gorge + narrow=yes Tag:natural=valley If the sides are steep enough they could be natural=cliff

E.g., Snežná diera

Dell Small secluded hollow natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Rocky Dell
Delta, River Silt deposition landform at the mouth of a river * Map individual water, waterway, and land features.

E.g., Delta do Amazonas

Depression A landform sunken or depressed below the surrounding area natural=depression? + geological=* Depressions are formed by various geological processes, so the value of the geological=* tag may vary.

E.g., Eckfelder Maar

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Desert A region of land that is very dry because it receives low amounts of precipitation * Deserts may be composed of various landforms in various climates, including surfaces of sand, coarser sediment, rock, and even snow. Deserts should be mapped as their individual features, including canyons, buttes, mesas, ergs, arroyos, dry washes, dry lakes, rock outcrops, mountains, valleys, wadis, etc. For a region of sand dunes in a desert (i.e., an erg), use landform=dune_system. However, note that even though deserts receive little precipition they typically have a broad range of vegetation.

Although the natural=desert tag is in use, it does not capture the variation in landforms and ground cover present in desert environments and so its use for areas is not recommended. Perhaps place=region + region:type=desert might be an alternative for named desert areas? Using natural=desert on a node to mark the center of a desert area is appropriate.

E.g., Little Sandy Desert

Desert pavement Type of desert earth surface natural=desert_pavement?? Analogous to the tagging for natural=sand

E.g., Varnished desert pavement near Joshua Tree National Park

Diatreme Volcanic pipe associated with a gaseous explosion geological=diatreme?? Possibly useful where erosion has revealed a dike formed in a diatreme?

E.g., Moses Rock Dike, Utah

Dike A sheet of rock that is formed by the intrusion of magma into a fracture of a pre-existing rock body geological=dike?? Aka Dyke. Note that a sheet of rock formed by crystalization of dissolved minerals is a vein, not a dike. The natural=dike tag is also in use.

E.g., Jagged Rock

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Dirt cone Depositional glacial feature of ice or snow with an insulating layer of dirt * Possibly too ephemeral to map?
Disappearing stream A stream or river that loses water as it flows downstream and terminates without a surface connection to another body of water waterway=stream_end Tag:waterway=stream_end The more glamorous form of a disappearing stream is one that continues its flow underground through karst terrain and may re-emerge at a later point. This is gets a lot of attention and is currently documented on the OSM Wiki Waterways page with the suggestion to terminate a disappearing stream at a feature tagged with natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=ponor. Then the underground portion of the stream could be mapped with appropriate level=* and tunnel=* tags.

However, the more prosaic, ordinary form of a disappearing stream simply loses water to evaporation and drainage into the local aquafer. This type of disappearing stream can occur in non-karst terrain, does not terminate in a sinkhole, and does not re-emerge. The waterway=stream_end tag marks the end of a waterway that does not connect to another body of water and does not flow into a sinkhole, so that validators don't identify this as a mapping error.

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Dissected plateau Plateaus area that has been severely eroded so that the relief is sharp * Map individual features.

E.g., Chapada Diamantina

Doab Land between two converging, or confluent, rivers * Map individual features.
Doline A shallow depression of the ground surface formed solution of the surface rock or subsidence collapse into an underground void natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=doline Tag:natural=sinkhole E.g., Провалля від
Dome A distinct, rounded, spherical-to-ellipsoidal-shaped protrusion on the Earth's surface geological=dome? Due to erosion, a feature that is a geological dome may be a flattened cross-section of a fomer dome-shaped structure. Other tags such as natural=peak, natural=hill, natural=cliff, or natural=earth_bank may be appropriate for the shape of the landform.

E.g., Richat Structure

Drainage basin Area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet natural=divide? This usage may not be practical as the location may not be verifiable or even identifiable.
Drainage divide Elevated terrain that separates neighbouring drainage basins natural=divide? This usage is more practical where mountain ranges form distinct and notable continental divides. The natural=divide tag may be more appropriate on relations than on ways, as the component ways may also be tagged with natural=ridge.

E.g., Continental Divide

Draw Terrain feature perpendicular to a slope, defined by two parallel ridges or spurs with low ground in between, typically with a relatively steep fall line natural=gully Tag:natural=gully
Drumlin Elongated hill formed by glacial action natural=hill + geological=drumlin?? Tag:natural=hill E.g., Drumlin in the Empire Prairies State Natural Area - Westport Drumlin Unit
Dry lake Basin or depression that formerly contained a standing surface water body natural=dry_lake + surface=salt / surface=silt / surface=clay Proposal:Dry_lake Some existing features have been tagged as natural=mud which doesn't seem to capture the normal state of the feature. Using intermittent=yes to indicate that a feature tagged with natural=water + water=lake rarely contains water is a Trolltag that negates the meaning of the main tags. The natural=playa tag is also in use.

E.g., Aral teńizi - Арал теңізі

Dry wash A dry riverbed that contains water only during times of heavy rain waterway=stream + intermittent=yes & natural=wadi? Proposal:Wadi Aka arroyo or wadi. As with perennial streams and rivers, the main course of the waterway is mapped using waterway=stream + intermittent=yes. As washes enter flat land, they broaden and the course of the waterway becomes erratic, shifting each time the water flows. Map this as a single waterway, approximating the recent watercourse, rather than mapping each braid of successive meanders. In addition, map broad areas with natural=wadi, analogous to the natural=water area of a broad perennial river, with boundaries defined by well-defined banks or changes in vegetation.

E.g., Coyote Wash

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Dune Hill of loose sand built by aeolian processes or the flow of water natural=dune + dune=*?? Tag:natural=dune See Aeolian dune shapes for possible values of dune=*? Map areas of mobile dunes as landform=dune_system.

E.g., Langas kāpa

Dune system Hill of loose sand built by aeolian processes or the flow of water landform=dune_system Tag:landform=dune_system E.g., Dune du Pilat
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Earthflow A downslope viscous flow of fine-grained materials that have been saturated with water and moves under the pull of gravity. natural=landslide + landslide=earthflow?? Tag:natural=landslide E.g., Slumgullion Earthflow
Ejecta blanket Symmetrical apron of ejecta that surrounds an impact crater ??? Possibly not preserved in terrestrial landforms?
Endorheic basin Closed drainage basin that allows no outflow natural=divide? Aka sink. Note that the basin does not necessarily correspond to the area of a (possibly dry) endorheic lake.

E.g., Tarim Basin

Endorheic lake Body of water that does not flow into the sea natural=water + water=lake + geological=endorheic_lake?? Tag:water=lake E.g., Great Salt Lake
Erg Broad area of desert covered with wind-swept sand landform=dune_system Tag:landform=dune_system This could also be natural=sand or natural=desert + surface=sand.

E.g., Erg Tahinaouine

Escarpment Steep slope or cliff separating two relatively level regions (scarp) natural=cliff Tag:natural=cliff Aka scarp. E.g., Wylie Scarp
Esker Long, winding ridge of stratified sand and gravel associated with former glaciers natural=ridge + geological=esker?? Tag:natural=ridge The natural=esker tag is in use but geological=esker might be preferred the same way that geological=moraine is preferred over natural=moraine.

E.g., Parnell Esker

Estuary Partially enclosed coastal body of brackish water water=* + tidal=yes Key:estuary Note that tidal=yes is much more common than estuary=yes.

E.g., Обская губа (Obskaya guba)

Estavelle A sinkhole which, depending on weather conditions and season, can serve either as a sink or as a source of fresh water natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=estavelle Tag:sinkhole=estavelle E.g., Gornjepoljski Vir
Exhumed river channel Ridge of sandstone that remains when the softer flood plain mudstone is eroded away natural=ridge + geological=exhumed_river_channel?? Tag:natural=ridge E.g., Fossilized riverbed near Green Valley, Utah
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Faceted spur Ridge that descends towards a valley floor or coastline that is cut short and that ends in a triangular face, with a broad base and an apex pointing upward natural=ridge + geological=faceted_spur?? Tag:natural=ridge
Fault A planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock across which there has been significant displacement as a result of rock-mass movements * + geological=fault Tag:geological=fault Map the surface features as appropriate, e.g., natural=cliff, natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=scarp, natural=fissure, etc.

E.g., Faille du Jasneuf

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Fault scarp Small vertical offset on the ground surface natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=scarp Tag:natural=earth_bank E.g., разрез Милановского
Firth Scottish word used for various coastal inlets and straits natural=bay / natural=strait Tag:natural=bay E.g., Firth of Lorn
Fissure A long, narrow crack opening along the surface of Earth natural=fissure?? Note that natural=crevasse is widely used but there is no analogous tag for a crack in the earth.

E.g., Fissures near Tator Hills, Arizona

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Fissure vent Linear volcanic vent through which lava erupts geological=volcanic_vent + volcanic_vent:type=* Tag:geological=volcanic_vent Some mappers have added more detail with the volcanic_vent:type=* suggested in Proposal:Volcanic_features.

E.g., Holuhraun

Fjard Glacially formed, broad, shallow inlet natural=bay + bay=fjard?? Tag:natural=bay The natural=fjard tag is also in use but not documented.

E.g., Somes Sound

Fjord Long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by glacial activity natural=bay + bay=fjord Tag:bay=fjord E.g., Bjærangfjorden
Flat Relatively level surface of land within a region of greater relief natural=flat? E.g., Pine Flat
Flatiron Steeply sloping triangular landform natural=cliff / natural=ridge + geological=flatiron?? Tag:natural=cliff E.g., 2nd Flatiron
Floodplain Land adjacent to a river which is flooded during periods of high discharge natural=floodplain Proposal:Floodplain E.g., Saaraue Güdingen
Fluvial island Exposed landmass within a river. place=islet / place=island Tag:place=islet E.g., Oliver's Island
Fluvial terrace Elongated terraces that flank the sides of floodplains and river valleys natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=cut_bank* Tag:natural=earth_bank A fluvial terrace may also be depositional, in which case the earth_bank=cut_bank would be inappropriate.

E.g., Обрыв в Старосиверской

Foiba Type of deep natural sinkhole natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=pit Tag:natural=sinkhole E.g., Jama
Fumarole A vent in the surface of the Earth from which hot volcanic gases and vapors are emitted natural=fumarole Tag:natural=fumarole This differs from geological=volcanic_vent because it only emits gases and vapors.

E.g., Caldeiras das Furnas

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Gat A strait that is constantly eroded by currents flowing back and forth, such as tidal currents natural=strait Tag:natural=strait E.g., Osterems
Geo Inlet, a gully or a narrow and deep cleft in the face of a coastal cliff natural=bay + bay=geo?? Tag:natural=bay If the sides are steep enough they could be natural=cliff.

E.g., Geo of Sclaites

Geyser A spring characterized by an intermittent discharge of water ejected turbulently and accompanied by steam natural=geyser + geyser:type=* Tag:natural=geyser Use geyser:type=volcanic for geysers of hot water and steam, and geyser:type=co2 for geysers driven by the release of carbon dioxide.

The geological=volcanic_geyser tag has been used but geyser:type=volcanic may be preferred.

E.g., Gerbe d'eau de Saint-Ferréol

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Giant's kettle A typically large and cylindrical pothole drilled in solid rock underlying a glacier either by water descending down a deep moulin or by gravel rotating in the bed of subglacial meltwater stream natural=depression? + geological=giants_kettle Tag:geological=giants_kettle E.g., Gletschertopf
Glacial erratic A glacially deposited rock differing from the type of rock native to the area in which it rests. natural=stone + geological=glacial_erratic Tag:geological=glacial_erratic E.g., Mørupstenen
Glacial lake A body of water formed when a glacier erodes the land and then melts, filling the depression created by the glacier natural=water + water=lake + geological=glacial_lake? Note that a glacial lake fills a depression formed by a glacier, while a proglacial lake is dammed by a glacier or glacial debris.

E.g., Близнака (One of the Seven Rila Lakes in Bulgaria)

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Glacial polish A smooth or grooved surface ground into bedrock by the motion of a glacier natural=bare_rock + geological=glacial_polish? E.g., Rupe Magna
Glacier Persistent body of ice that is moving under its own weight natural=glacier + glacier:type=* Tag:natural=glacier See Key:glacier:type to tag the type of glacier.

E.g., Lacuna Glacier

Glacier cave Cave formed within the ice of a glacier natural=cave_entrance + material=ice Tag:natural=cave_entrance Consider also Proposal:Natural=cave.

E.g., Glaciar Cave

Glacier foreland The region between the current leading edge of the glacier and the moraines of latest maximum ???
Glen Name for valley commonly used in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Glen Affric
Gorge Deep ravine between cliffs natural=gorge / natural=valley Tag:natural=gorge If the sides are steep enough they could be natural=cliff.

E.g., دره شمخال (Shamkhal Gorge)

Graben Depressed block of planetary crust bordered by parallel normal faults natural=valley + geological=graben?? & natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=scarp Tag:natural=valley Map valley floor and sides separately. Note that a graben may be too large to map as a single feature in OSM.
Gulch Deep V-shaped valley formed by erosion natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Bitter Spring Gulch
Gulf A gulf is a large inlet from the ocean into the landmass place=sea Tag:place=sea E.g., Gulf of California
Gully Landform created by running water and/or mass movement eroding sharply into soil natural=gully Tag:natural=gully E.g., McAdam Ravine
Gut A gut is a narrow coastal body of water, a channel or strait, usually one that is subject to strong tidal currents flowing back and forth. The term is also used in some places for a small creek. natural=strait / waterway=stream Tag:natural=strait E.g., Judges Gut or Peach Orchard Gut
Guyot Isolated, flat-topped underwater volcano mountain seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=guyot Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
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Hanging valley A tributary valley that meets the main valley above the valley floor natural=valley & natural=cliff / waterway=stream + waterway=waterfall Tag:natural=valley The valley and cliff would be mapped as two separate features in OSM.

E.g., Bridalveil Fall

Headland A point of land usually high and often with a sheer drop, that extends into a body of water natural=cape Tag:natural=cape As the coastline must be mapped as a way tagged with natural=coastline, the cliffs on a headland may be mapped using a multipolygon relation tagged with natural=cliff. See Tag:natural=coastline.

E.g., Ras Nouadhibou

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Hill Landform that extends above the surrounding terrain natural=hill Tag:natural=hill E.g., Pistern Hill
Hilly area A range or group of hills, as distinguished from surrounding terrain natural=hills Tag:natural=hill Individual hills in the area may still be tagged with natural=hill, especially if they are named or have other unique attributes.

E.g., Buuraha Yiroowe

Hogback A long, narrow ridge with a narrow crest and steep slopes of nearly equal inclination on both flanks. Typically, the term is restricted to a ridge created by the differential erosion of outcropping, steeply dipping (greater than 30–40°), homoclinal, and typically sedimentary strata. natural=ridge / natural=cliff + geological=hogback?? Tag:natural=ridge E.g., Teufelsmauer
Hollow A small valley surrounded by mountains or ridges natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Stillhouse Hollow
Homoclinal ridge Ridge with a moderate sloping backslope and steeper frontslope natural=ridge / natural=cliff + geological=homoclinal_ridge?? Tag:natural=ridge Following the convention for natural=cliff, the right side of the way could be the steeper side of the ridge.

E.g., Ridge in Magaliesberg Biosphere Reserve

Hoodoo Tall, thin spire of relatively soft rock usually topped by harder rock natural=cliff + geological=hoodoo Tag:geological=hoodoo Combine geological=hoodoo with natural=cliff rather than natural=rock because natural=cliff implies a vertical face of bare rock and is used on nodes to map standing pinnacles (see below).
Horst Raised fault block bounded by normal faults * + geological=horst?? May present as plateaus, mountains, or ridges on either side of a Graben valley. Map individual features. Note that a horst may be too large to map as a single feature in OSM.

E.g., Rwenzori Mountains

Hot spring A spring produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater onto the surface of the Earth natural=hot_spring Tag:natural=hot_spring E.g., Dirty Socks Hot Spring
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Ice cap A mass of ice with an area of less than 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi) that completely covers the underlying terrain including mountains and ridges natural=glacier + glacier:type=icecap Key:glacier:type E.g., Ad Astra Iskappe
Ice field A mass of interconnected valley glaciers (also called mountain glaciers or alpine glaciers) through which rock ridges or summits protrude natural=glacier + glacier:type=icefield Key:glacier:type E.g., Northern Patagonian Ice Field
Ice sheet A mass of ice with an area of greater than 50,000 km2 (19,000 sq mi) that completely covers the underlying terrain including mountains and ridges natural=glacier + glacier:type=icesheet? E.g., Sermersuaq (Greenland Ice Sheet)
Impact crater Circular depression in a solid astronomical body formed by the impact of a smaller object geological=meteor_crater Tag:geological=meteor_crater Aka meteor crater. The rim may be tagged natural=cliff.

E.g., Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater

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Inlet Indentation of a shoreline natural=bay Tag:natural=bay E.g., 沙頭角海 Starling Inlet
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Inselberg Isolated, steep rock hill on relatively flat terrain natural=hill + geological=inselberg?? Tag:natural=hill Aka Monadnock or koppie.

E.g., Piedra del Peñol

Interfluve Land between two converging, or confluent, rivers * Map individual features.
Inverted relief Landscape features that have reversed their elevation relative to other features * Map individual features.

E.g., Former St. George Airport

Island Piece of subcontinental land completely surrounded by water place=island Tag:place=island E.g., Tristan da Cunha
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Islet Very small island place=islet Tag:place=islet E.g., Isla de las muñecas
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Isthmus Narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas natural=isthmus Tag:natural=isthmus E.g., Drageidet
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Joint A break (fracture) of natural origin in a layer or body of rock that lacks visible or measurable movement parallel to the surface (plane) of the fracture geological=joint? Unless a joint is large and prominent, this type of feature may be too small to be effectively mapped.
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Kame Mound formed on a retreating glacier and deposited on land natural=hill + geological=kame?? Tag:natural=hill E.g., Johnson Hill
Kame delta Glacial melt water landform natural=sediment?? + geological=kame_delta??
Karst Topography from dissolved soluble rocks * Map individual features.

E.g., Dent de Crolles

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Karst fenster Unroofed portion of a cavern which reveals part of a subterranean river natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=estavelle Key:sinkhole E.g., Entonnoir de Moutonne
Karst valley Topography from dissolved soluble rocks * Map individual features.

E.g., 九寨沟风景名胜区 (Jiuzhai Valley National Park)

Kettle Depression or hole in an outwash plain formed by retreating glaciers or draining floodwaters natural=depression? + geological=kettle? May be natural=water + water=lake / water=pond if the kettle is filled with water.

E.g., Greenbush Kettle

Kīpuka Area of land surrounded by one or more younger lava flows * + geological=kipuka?? Map as currently presented.

E.g., Kīpuka Puaulu

Knoll Small hill natural=hill Tag:natural=hill E.g., Downie Hillock
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Lacustrine plain A plain formed due to the past existence of a lake and its accompanying sediment accumulation * Map individual features.

E.g., Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park

Lacustrine terrace A lake (lacustrine) terrace represents the former shoreline of either a nonglacial, glacial, or proglacial lake. As with marine terraces, a lake terrace can be formed by either the abrasion or erosion of materials comprising the shoreline, the accumulations of sediments in the shallow-water to slightly emerged environments, or some combination of these. * + geological=lacustrine_terrace?? Tag:natural=earth_bank Map individual features.
Lagoon Shallow body of water separated from a larger one by a narrow landform natural=water + water=lagoon Tag:water=lagoon E.g., Laguna di Venezia
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Lake Large body of relatively still water natural=water + water=lake Tag:water=lake E.g., Lake Minnetonka
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Landslide One of several forms of mass wasting that may include a wide range of ground movements, such as rockfalls, shallow or deep-seated slope failures, mudflows, and debris flows natural=landslide + landslide=* Tag:natural=landslide Aka landslip. Use the Hungr-Leroueil-Picarelli classification for possible values of the landslide=* tag.

E.g., Jagueyes Landslide

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Lava Molten rock expelled by a volcano during an eruption natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_flow Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Lengua de Vulcano
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Lava dome Roughly circular protrusion from slowly extruded viscous volcanic lava natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_dome?? Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Volcán Chaitén
Lava field Large, mostly flat area of lava flows natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_field Tag:geological=volcanic_lava_field Aka lava plain. A lava field may consist of multiple lava flows from separate volcanic eruptions.

E.g., Bryðjuhraun

Lava flow An outpouring of molten or partially molten rock during an effusive volcanic eruption natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_flow Tag:geological=volcanic_lava_flow The geological=volcanic_lava_flow tag applies to the area covered by lava in a single volcanic eruption.

E.g., Lava Flow of 1840

Lava lake Molten or solidified lava contained in a volcanic crater geological=volcanic_lava_lake?? Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Erta Ale
Lava spine Vertical growth of solid volcanic lava natural=* + geological=volcanic_lava_spine?? Proposal:Volcanic_features Tag as appropriate for the feature.
Lava tube Natural conduit through which lava flows beneath the solid surface natural=cave_entrance + geological=volcanic_lava_tube Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Furna da Maria Encantada
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Lavaka Type of gully, formed via groundwater sapping natural=gully + geological=lavaka?? Tag:natural=gully E.g., Lavaka in Madagascar
Levee Natural ridge or wall that holds back water natural=ridge* + geological=natural_levee?? Tag:natural=ridge Is this use of natural=ridge appropriate?

Note that artificial levees should be mapped as man_made=dyke.

Limestone pavement Natural karst landform consisting of a flat, incised surface of exposed limestone natural=bare_rock + material=limestone Tag:natural=bare_rock E.g., Orton Scar
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Loess Sediment of accumulated wind-blown dust * Map individual features.

E.g., 黄土高原 (Loess Plateau)

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Maar Low-relief volcanic crater natural=depression? + geological=volcanic_caldera_rim Tag:natural=volcano#Crater_rim Also map related features such as lakes, ridges, or cliffs.

E.g., Eichholzmaar

Machair Fertile low-lying dune grassland unique to Western Scotland and north-west Ireland * Map individual features and land cover.
Malpaís Rough and barren landscape of relict and largely uneroded lava fields natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_lava_field Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Malpaís de Güímar
Mamelon Rock formation created by eruption of relatively thick or stiff lava through a narrow vent natural=hill + geological=volcanic_lava_mamelon?? Tag:natural=hill E.g., Piton de la Fournaise
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Marine terrace Emergent coastal landform natural=cliff + geological=marine_terrace?? Tag:natural=cliff E.g., Tongue Point
Marsh Wetland that is dominated by herbaceous rather than woody plant species natural=wetland + wetland=marsh Tag:wetland=marsh E.g., Blessington Marsh
Massif Section of a planet's crust that is demarcated by faults or flexures * Possibly natural=mountain_range. Map individual features.

E.g., Massif Central

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Meander One of a series of curves in a channel of a matured stream * Map individual features.

E.g., נהר הירדן‎‎/نهر الأردن‎‎ (River Jordan)

Mesa Elevated area of land with a flat top and sides that are usually steep cliffs natural=cliff & natural=peak Tag:natural=cliff Map the edge of the mesa as natural=cliff and the summit of the mesa (if there is one) as natural=peak. Additional tags are commonly placed on the summit node but may be placed on the cliff. Alternately, consider Proposal:Tag:natural=mesa.

E.g., Rain God Mesa

Mid-ocean ridge Basaltic underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonic spreading seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=ridge Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Mogote Steep-sided residual hill of limestone, marble, or dolomite on a flat plain natural=hill + geological=mogote?? Tag:natural=hill E.g., Parque Nacional Los Haitises
Moraine Glacially formed accumulation of debris natural=hill / natural=ridge + geological=moraine Tag:geological=moraine E.g., Sandriegel
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Moulin Shaft within a glacier or ice sheet which water enters from the surface natural=moulin?? Following the same pattern as natural=crevasse. Possibly natural=water + water=lake + geological=moulin?
Mountain Large natural elevation of the Earth's surface natural=peak Tag:natural=peak E.g., Chimborazo
Mountain pass Route through a mountain range or over a ridge highway=* + mountain_pass=yes / natural=saddle Tag:mountain_pass=yes Use highway=* + mountain_pass=yes to mark the highest point of a highway as it crosses over a crest. Use natural=saddle to mark the lowest point along a ridge or between two mountain tops and the highest point between adjacent valleys or lowlands. Note that the location of the saddle may not be at the highest point of the highway.

E.g., Kang La

Mountain range Geographic area containing several geologically related mountains natural=mountain_range Tag:natural=mountain_range E.g., Western Alps
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Mud volcano Landform created by the eruption of mud or slurries, water and gases geological=mud_volcano? The geological=volcanic_mudpot tag has been discussed on the Proposal:Volcanic_features page but it is not in use.

E.g., گل‌فشان پیرگل (Pirgel mud volcano)

Mudflat Coastal wetlands that form in intertidal areas where sediments have been deposited by tides or rivers natural=wetland + wetland=tidalflat Tag:wetland=tidalflat E.g., Έλος Ακόνι
Mushroom rock Naturally occurring rock whose shape resembles a mushroom natural=rock + geological=mushroom_rock?? Tag:natural=rock Would natural=cliff be better than natural=rock in some cases? Or is there a more specific way to tag this feature?

E.g., Mushroom Rock

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Nadir The lowest point of a dry basin or depression, or the deepest point of a body of water or ice natural=depression? Map this feature as a node, not as a line or area. Although this type of feature is not currently rendered in OSM Carto, perhaps an inverted form of the peak symbol with the tip of the triangle pointing down would be appropriate.
Narrows A restricted land or water passage such as a strait, a water gap, or a wind gap narrow=yes + waterway=* / natural=valley / natural=gorge Key:narrow Also "Narrow." Note that a strait is understood to be narrow, so narrow=yes should not be used with natural=strait.

E.g., The Narrows

Natural arch Arch-shaped natural rock formation natural=arch Tag:natural=arch E.g., Mesa Arch
Nunatak The summit or ridge of a mountain that protrudes from an ice field or glacier that otherwise covers most of the mountain or ridge natural=peak / natural=ridge + geological=nunatak?? E.g., Prøvestenen
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Oasis Fertile area in a desert environment * Map individual features.

E.g., Ein Gedi

Oceanic basin Geologic basin under the sea seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=basin Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Oceanic plateau Relatively flat submarine region that rises well above the level of the ambient seabed seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=plateau Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Oceanic ridge An underwater mountain system formed by plate tectonic spreading seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=ridge Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Oceanic trench Long and narrow depressions of the sea floor seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=trench Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects E.g., Fiordland Trench
Outcrop A visible exposure of bedrock or ancient superficial deposits natural=bare_rock + geological=outcrop Tag:geological=outcrop Consider natural=rock for a notable individual outcrop as opposed to natural=bare_rock for a broader area of exposed bedrock.

E.g., Tranquility Cracks

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Outwash fan Fan-shaped body of sediments deposited by braided streams from a melting glacier natural=sediment?? + geological=outwash_fan?? Possibly geological=outwash? See "Alluvial fan" above for features created by processes other than glaciation.

E.g., Butler Glacier Outwash Fan

Outwash plain Plain formed from glacier sediment transported by meltwater natural=plain? + geological=outwash_plain?? E.g., Skeiðarársandur
Oxbow lake U-shaped lake or pool natural=water + water=oxbow Tag:water=oxbow Aka billabong.

E.g., Oude Durme

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Paleoplain A buried erosion plain; a particularly large and flat erosion surface * Not a surface feature.
Panhole A depression or basin eroded into flat or gently sloping cohesive rock formed by weathering, dissolution of the rock, and/or biological erosion natural=depression? + geological=panhole? Aka gnamma or rock holes (Australia), armchair hollows, weathering pans (or pits) and solution pans (or pits).

E.g., Pias do Serlei

Parasitic cone A cone-shaped accumulation of volcanic material not part of the central vent of a volcano natural=volcano + volcano:type=* + volcano:status=* + geological=parasitic_cone? E.g., Monte Orlando
Pediment Very gently sloping inclined bedrock surface * Map individual features.
Pediplain Extensive plain formed by the coalescence of pediments * Map individual features.
Peneplain Low-relief plain formed by protracted erosion * Map individual features.
Peninsula Landform surrounded mostly, but not entirely by water natural=peninsula Tag:natural=peninsula E.g., Χερσόνησος Ροδωπού (Rodopou Peninsula)
Pingo Mound of earth-covered ice natural=hill + geological=pingo?? Tag:natural=hill
Pinnacle An individual column of rock, isolated from other rocks or groups of rocks, in the shape of a vertical shaft or spire natural=cliff Tag:natural=cliff Aka pillar. Note that pinnacles are distinguished from hoodoos because hoodoos are capped with harder rock and have profiles that vary in width, while pinnacles have a smoother, more uniform profile.

E.g., Wolgan Pinnacle

Pit crater Depression formed by a sinking or collapse of the surface lying above a void or empty chamber natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=pit Tag:natural=sinkhole E.g., Sima Martel
Plain Expanse of land which is mostly flat and treeless natural=plain? E.g., Niziny Środkowopolskie
Plate boundary Location where two tectonic plates meet geological=plate_boundary? Map the surface features as appropriate, e.g., natural=cliff, natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=scarp, natural=fissure, etc.

This is distinct from geological=fault because faults may occur in places that are not at the boundary of a tectonic plate.

E.g., Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Plateau Highland area, usually of relatively flat terrain natural=plateau Proposal:Tag:natural=plateau E.g., Adamawa Plateau
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Playa Basin or depression that formerly contained a standing surface water body natural=dry_lake + surface=salt / surface=silt Proposal:Dry_lake The natural=playa tag is also in use.

E.g., Great Salt Lake Desert

Plunge pool Depression at the base of a waterfall natural=water + water=stream_pool Tag:water=stream_pool E.g., Plunge Pool on Riu Foix
Point bar Depositional feature made of alluvium that accumulates on the inside bend of streams and rivers below the slip-off slope natural=shingle* + geological=point_bar?? Tag:natural=shingle Use natural=reef if the bar remains below water. Note that a point bar is not typically sand but also consists of stones. However, depending on the situation, natural=sand or natural=mud may also be appropriate.

E.g., Point bar in Gorges de l'Ardèche

Polje Type of large plain found in karst regions natural=plain? / natural=valley E.g., Livanjsko polje
Pond Relatively small body of standing water natural=water + water=pond Tag:water=pond E.g., Golden Pond
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Ponor A natural opening in karst landscape where surface water enters into underground passages natural=sinkhole + sinkhole=ponor Tag:sinkhole=ponor May also be tagged as natural=cave_entrance.

E.g., Kovači

Pothole A smooth, bowl-shaped or cylindrical hollow, generally deeper than wide, found carved into the rocky bed of a watercourse natural=depression? + geological=pothole?? Aka pot, (stream) kettle, giant's kettle, evorsion, hollow, rock mill, churn hole, swirlhole, eddy mill, and kolk. A larger pothole may be tagged with geological=giants_kettle.

E.g., Hiidenkirnu

Potrero Long mesa that at one end slopes upward to higher terrain * Map individual features.
Proglacial lake A lake formed either by the damming action of a moraine during the retreat of a melting glacier, a glacial ice dam, or by meltwater trapped against an ice sheet natural=water + water=lake + geological=proglacial_lake?? Tag:water=lake Note that a proglacial lake is dammed by a glacier or glacial debris, while a glacial lake fills a depression formed by a glacier.

E.g., Tasman Lake

Promontory A raised mass of land that projects into a lowland, such as a hard ridge of rock that has resisted erosion on either side, or the high ground that remains between two valleys natural=peak / natural=ridge / natural=cliff Aka point, where the term is not used to refer to a peninsula or cape. The choice of tags depends on the local topography. Use natural=peak for locations with locally high elevation or points with steep drops on three sides. Use natural=ridge for locations without a single local high point and for plateaus with cliffs or valleys on three sides.

E.g., Promontory Point

Pseudocrater Volcanic landform natural=depression? + geological=volcanic_rootless_cone?? Possibly natural=water + water=lake if the depression contains water.

E.g., Mývatn

Pull-apart basin Type of basin in geology natural=basin? / natural=depression? + geological=pull_apart_basin?? Possibly natural=water + water=lake if the basin contains water.

E.g., Salton Sea

Pyramidal peak Angular, sharply pointed mountainous peak natural=peak + geological=pyramidal_peak?? Tag:natural=peak Aka glacial horn.

E.g., Matterhorn

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Raised beach Emergent coastal landform natural=cliff + geological=marine_terrace?? Tag:natural=cliff E.g., Cliffs near Santa Cruz, California
Rapid River section with increased velocity and turbulence waterway=rapids / water=rapids Tag:waterway=rapids Use waterway=rapids for a segment of the waterway and water=rapids for a broader water area.

E.g., Bremgartner Welle

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Ravine Small valley, often due to stream erosion natural=valley / natural=gorge Tag:natural=valley Depending on the scale of the feature.

E.g., McAdam Ravine

Reef A ridge or shoal of rock, coral or similar relatively stable material, lying beneath the surface of a natural body of water natural=reef Tag:natural=reef Use natural=shoal if the feature is exposed when the water level is low (e.g., at low tide).

E.g., Baniaga Reef

Ria A coastal inlet formed by the partial submergence of an unglaciated river valley natural=bay + geological=ria?? Tag:natural=bay E.g., Pearl Harbor
Ridge Long, narrow, elevated landform natural=ridge Tag:natural=ridge E.g., Cordillera San Juan Bosco
Riffle Shallow landform in a flowing channel whitewater:section_grade=1 Proposal:Whitewater E.g., Voikoski
Rift valley Linear lowland created by a tectonic rift or fault natural=valley Tag:natural=valley
River Natural flowing watercourse natural=water + water=river Rivers E.g., Yangtze
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River delta Silt deposition landform at the mouth of a river * Map individual water, waterway, and land features.

E.g., Delta do Amazonas

River island Exposed landmass within a river. place=island / place=islet Tag:place=island E.g., Goose Island
Rôche moutonnée Rock formation created by the passing of a glacier natural=bare_rock + geological=roche_moutonnee? E.g., McAvoy Rock
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Rock glacier Rock glaciers are masses of talus or scree that move under their own weight aided by interstitial ice or an underlying layer of permafrost natural=scree + geological=rock_glacier Key:glacier:type Since rock glaciers have a surface of scree (or boulders), many existing features are tagged simply as natural=scree without any additional tags. Although the use of natural=glacier + glacier:type=rock is documented, there is some consensus that using natural=glacier for rock glaciers is incorrect.

E.g., Timpanogos Glacier

Rock shelter Shallow cave-like opening at the base of a bluff or cliff natural=rock_overhang Tag:natural=rock_overhang E.g., Henry Lawson Cave
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Rock-cut basin Cylindrical depression cut into stream or river beds natural=depression? / waterway=stream_pool + geological=rockcut_basin??
Rogen moraine Landform of ridges deposited by a glacier or ice sheet transverse to ice flow natural=hill / natural=ridge + geological=moraine Tag:geological=moraine E.g., Bierstadt Moraine
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Saddle A location that is simultaneously the low point between two or more adjacent peaks and the high point between two or more adjacent valleys natural=saddle Tag:natural=saddle Aka gap. For the highest point of a mountain road, railway or path as it passes over a crest, use mountain_pass=yes on a highway node, but note that the highest point on a highway and the topographical saddle point may be at different locations.

E.g., Curmătura Prislop

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Salt marsh Coastal ecosystem between land and open saltwater that is regularly flooded natural=wetland + wetland=saltmarsh Tag:wetland=saltmarsh Possibly with tidal=yes.

E.g., Turtle Creek

Salt pan Flat expanse of ground covered with salt and other minerals (salt flat) natural=dry_lake + surface=salt Proposal:Dry_lake E.g., Mud Lake
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Sand boil Cone formed by the ejection of sand on a surface from a central point * Aka sand volcano. Possibly too small and ephemeral to map.
Sandhill Type of ecological community or xeric wildfire-maintained ecosystem natural=hill Tag:natural=hill The distinction is possibly ecological rather than geological?
Sandur Plain formed from glacier sediment transported by meltwater natural=plain? E.g., Skeiðarársandur
Scowle Landscape features that range from amorphous shallow pits to irregular labyrinthine hollows up to several meters deep natural=depression? + geological=scowle??
Scree Broken rock fragments at the base of a cliff or other steep rocky mass that has accumulated through periodic rockfall natural=scree Tag:natural=scree E.g., Лағжиши замини Ҳоит (Hoit Landslide)
Sea cave Cave formed by the wave action of the sea and located along present or former coastlines natural=cave_entrance Tag:natural=cave_entrance E.g., The World's End
Seamount Mountain rising from the ocean seafloor that does not reach to the water's surface seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=seamount Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects E.g., Bremen Seamount
Shield volcano Low-profile volcano usually formed almost entirely of fluid lava flows natural=volcano + volcano:type=shield Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Volcán La Cumbre
Shoal Natural submerged sandbank that rises from a body of water to near the surface natural=shoal Tag:natural=shoal Use natural=reef if the feature remains submerged at all times.

E.g., Sandy Cay

Shore Area where land meets the sea or ocean natural=coastline Coastline E.g., Coastline of Santiago
Shut-in A rock formation where a waterway carves through a mountain range, forming a complex of pools, rivulets, rapids and plunge pools * Map individual features.

E.g., Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park

Side valley Valley with a tributary to a larger river natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Mohawk Canyon
Sinkhole Geologically-formed topological depression natural=sinkhole Tag:natural=sinkhole E.g., Santa Rosa
Slickenside A smoothly polished surface caused by frictional movement between rocks along a fault geological=slickenside? E.g., Harnisch
Slope An area of ground that tends evenly upward or downward such as a mountain side or hillside natural=slope? E.g., Treppenhalde
Snow field An accumulation of permanent snow and ice, typically found above the snow line, normally in mountainous and glacial terrain natural=snowfield? Aka snowfield or neve.

E.g., Passo della Vedretta

Sound A long, relatively wide body of water, connecting two larger bodies of water natural=strait Tag:natural=strait E.g., Sound of Mull
Spit Coastal bar or beach landform deposited by longshore drift natural=cape Tag:natural=cape E.g., Moondarewa Spit
Spring A point at which water emerges from an aquifer to the surface natural=spring Tag:natural=spring E.g., 銀嶺水 (Ginreisui Spring)
Stack Geological landform consisting of a steep and often vertical column or columns of rock and stump place=islet + natural=cliff If a stack is a pinnacle or spire, it may be mapped as a single node. Since the outline of an ocean stack also must be tagged with natural=coastline, the place=islet + natural=cliff tags should be applied to a multipolygon relation with the outline way(s) as members. See Tag:natural=coastline for details.

E.g., McCann Stack

Strait Naturally formed, narrow, typically navigable waterway that connects two larger bodies of water natural=strait Tag:natural=strait E.g., مضيق تيران (Straits of Tiran)
Strandflat A flattish erosion surface on the coast and near-coast seabed * Map individual features.

E.g., Strandflat coastline in Norway

Strath Large valley natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Strathnairn
Stratovolcano Type of conical volcano composed of layers of lava and tephra natural=volcano + volcano:type=stratovolcano Proposal:Volcanic_features E.g., Mount Yotei
Stream Body of surface water flowing down a channel waterway=stream Tag:waterway=stream E.g., Koukopuro
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Stream pool Deep and slow-moving stretch of a watercourse natural=water + water=stream_pool Tag:water=stream_pool E.g., Las Piedras
Strike ridge Ridge with a moderate sloping backslope and steeper frontslope natural=cliff / natural=ridge + geological=homoclinal_ridge?? Tag:natural=cliff Following the convention for natural=cliff, the right side of the way could be the steeper side of the ridge.
Structural bench Long, relatively narrow land bounded by distinctly steeper slopes above and below natural=cliff / natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=* Tag:natural=earth_bank E.g., One of several benches along the east side of Wharfedale
Structural terrace A step-like landform natural=cliff / natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=* Tag:natural=earth_bank
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Subglacial mound Volcano formed when lava erupts beneath a thick glacier or ice sheet natural=volcano + volcano:type=subglacial_mound Tag:natural=volcano E.g., Pyramid Mountain
Submarine canyon Steep-sided valley cut into the seabed of the continental slope seamark:type=sea_area + seamark:sea_area:category=canyon Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects
Submarine volcano Underwater vents or fissures in the Earth's surface from which magma can erupt ??? Not in Seamarks/Categories_of_Objects or Proposal:Volcanic_features.

E.g., Lōʻihi Seamount

Summit Location with a higher elevation than all immediately adjacent terrain natural=peak Tag:natural=peak E.g., Пантир (Pantyr)
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Supervolcano Volcano that has erupted 1000 cubic km of lava in a single eruption natural=volcano + volcano:type=supervolcano Tag:natural=volcano E.g., Taupō Volcano
Surge channel a narrow inlet, usually on a rocky shoreline, formed by differential erosion by coastal wave action ??? E.g., Surge channels cut into the rocky shoreline on Vancouver Island
Swamp A forested wetland natural=wetland + wetland=swamp Tag:wetland=swamp E.g., Vuelta Mansa
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Talus slope A slope composed of loose material accumulated at the base of a cliff or other rocky slope from which it has eroded natural=scree Tag:natural=scree Some sources distinguish scree as being composed of smaller, gravel-size rocks, and talus as being composed of larger rocks or boulders. However, this distinction is not universal.

E.g., Rocky Talus

Tar pit A naturally formed pool of asphalt fed by a subsurface crude oil deposit natural=tar_pit?? Water may pool on top of a tar pit and if it completely covers the asphalt, the feature may be tagged natural=water. The historic=archaeological_site tag is likely an appropriate combination.

E.g., La Brea Pitch Lake

Tepui Table-top mountain or mesa in the Guiana Highlands of South America natural=cliff & natural=peak Tag:natural=cliff Map the edge of the mesa as natural=cliff and the summit of the mesa (if there is one) as natural=peak. Additional tags are commonly placed on the summit node but may be placed on the cliff. Alternately, consider Proposal:Tag:natural=mesa.

E.g., Kukenán Tepuy

Terrace A step-like landform natural=cliff / natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=* Tag:natural=cliff E.g., One of several benches along the east side of Wharfedale
Terracette Small natural step-arranged soil ridges on hillsides natural=earth_bank + earth_bank=* Tag:natural=earth_bank
Tessellated pavement Relatively flat rock surface that is subdivided into more or less regular shapes by fractures natural=bare_rock + geological=tessellated_pavement?? Tag:natural=bare_rock

E.g., Tessellated Pavement

Thalweg Line of lowest elevation in a watercourse or valley; also the original watercourse submerged by a body of water such as a reservoir waterway=river / waterway=stream Rivers E.g., Sacramento River passing through Shasta Lake
Tidal marsh Marsh subject to tidal change in water natural=wetland + wetland=marsh + tidal=yes Tag:wetland=marsh E.g., Allfleets Marsh
Tide pool Rocky pool on a seashore, separated from the sea at low tide, filled with seawater natural=water + water=pond + tidal=yes Key:tidal E.g., Jongensfontein Tidal Pool
Tombolo Deposition landform in which an island is connected to the mainland by a sandy isthmus natural=isthmus Tag:natural=isthmus E.g., St Ninian's tombolo
Tor Large, free-standing rock outcrop on a gentle hill summit natural=rock + geological=outcrop Tag:geological=outcrop E.g., Mam Tor
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Tower karst Tall rock structures made up of soluble rock such as limestone natural=hill / natural=peak + geological=tower_karst?? Tag:natural=peak E.g., Ko Tapu
Towhead Exposed landmass within a river. place=island / place=islet Tag:place=island E.g., Saint Francis Towhead
Trim line Clear line on the side of a valley marking the most recent highest extent of the glacier * Map individual features.
Truncated spur Ridge that descends towards a valley floor or coastline that is cut short natural=ridge Tag:natural=ridge
Tundra polygon Patterned ground in tundra formed by ice wedges ??? The landform=tundra_polygon tag is in use from previous CanVec imports. Similar processes operate in non-tundra landscapes. Is there a more general tag we could use, or should each type of patterned ground have a separate geological=* tag to indicate the type of formation?
Tunnel valley Glacial-formed geographic feature natural=valley / natural=water + geological=tunnel_valley?? Tag:natural=valley E.g., Owasco Lake
Turlough Type of seasonal or periodic lake found in limestone areas of Ireland natural=water + water=lake + intermittent=yes + geological=turlough?? Tag:water=lake E.g., Rahasane Turlough
Tuya Flat-topped, steep-sided volcano formed when lava erupts through a thick glacier or ice sheet natural=volcano + volcano:type=tuya? Tag:natural=volcano E.g., The Table
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U-shaped valley Valleys formed by glacial scouring natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Kamansu Valley
Uvala Toponym for a closed karst depression natural=depression? + geological=uvala?? E.g., Lubenovac
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Vale Low area between hills, often with a river running through it natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Windy Pine Vale
Valley Low area between hills, often with a river running through it natural=valley Tag:natural=valley E.g., Cañadon "La Angostura"
Valley shoulder An area on the sides of a valley where the slope is significantly less than the overall slope of the sides of the valley. Some valley shoulders may be flat or nearly flat. ???
Vein A sheet of a sheet of crystalized minerals formed in a pre-existing rock body geological=vein?? Note that a sheet of rock formed by intrusion of magma into pre-existing rock is a dike, not a vein.

E.g., Croft Gill Vein

Ventifact Rock that has been eroded by wind-driven sand or ice crystals natural=rock + geological=ventifact?? Tag:natural=rock
Volcanic arc Chain of volcanoes formed above a subducting plate natural=volcanic_arc?? Analogous to the tagging for natural=mountain_range.
Volcanic cone Landform of ejecta from a volcanic vent piled up in a conical shape * Map individual features.
Volcanic crater Roughly circular depression in the ground caused by volcanic activity natural=cliff / natural=ridge + geological=volcanic_caldera_rim Tag:geological=volcanic_caldera_rim E.g., Cerro El Chascón
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Volcanic crater lake Lake formed within a volcanic crater natural=water + water=lake Tag:water=lake E.g., Boeung Yeak Laom
Volcanic dam Natural dam produced directly or indirectly by volcanism natural=bare_rock + geological=volcanic_dam?? Tag:natural=bare_rock E.g., The Barrier
Volcanic field Area of Earth's crust prone to localized volcanic activity geological=volcanic_field?? Is there a way to map this as a relation or an area?

E.g., Cima Volcanic Field

Volcanic group Collection of related volcanoes or volcanic landforms geological=volcanic_group?? Is there a way to map this as a relation or an area?

E.g., Niseko Volcanic Group

Volcanic island Island of volcanic origin place=island + geological=volcanic_island?? Tag:place=island E.g., Hawaii (Big Island)
Volcanic plateau Plateau produced by volcanic activity natural=plateau + geological=volcanic_plateau?? Proposal:Tag:natural=plateau
Volcanic plug Volcanic object created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano natural=peak / natural=cliff + geological=volcanic_plug?? Tag:natural=cliff Aka volcanic neck or lava neck.

E.g., Shiprock

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Volcanic vent Rupture in the crust of a planet that allows lava, ash, and gases to escape from below the surface geological=volcanic_vent + volcanic_vent:type=* Proposal:Volcanic_features This differs from natural=fumarole because it allows lava and ash to escape. Some mappers have added more detail with the volcanic_vent:type=* tag suggested in Proposal:Volcanic_features.

E.g., Acatenango

Volcano Rupture in the crust of a planet that allows lava, ash, and gases to escape from below the surface natural=volcano + volcano:status=* + volcano:type=* Tag:natural=volcano E.g., Etna
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Wadi River valley, especially a dry riverbed that contains water only during times of heavy rain waterway=stream + intermittent=yes & natural=wadi? Proposal:Wadi Aka arroyo or wash. Current tagging fails to capture the nature of the landform, which is typically a broad, dry portion of a valley floor defined by the periodic meanders of intermittent streams. Milpitas Wash (Bing Aerial) is an example, mapped as a linear feature, but where the actual watercourse varies each time the water runs, and where the boundaries of the wadi are well defined by differences in terrain and vegetation. Consider natural=wadi for the area of the wadi, analogous to the use of natural=water for the area of a broad river?

E.g., Nahal Paran

Waterfall A point in a river or stream where water flows over a vertical drop waterway=waterfall Tag:waterway=waterfall E.g., Angel Falls
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Water gap A gap that flowing water has carved through a mountain range or mountain ridge and that still carries water today * Map the waterway and surrounding landforms separately.

E.g., Heavitree Gap

Watershed Area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet natural=divide? This usage may not be practical as the location may not be verifiable or even identifiable.
Wave-cut platform Narrow flat area created by erosion natural=cliff Tag:natural=cliff E.g., Stone Wings Cliff
Wetland Land area that is permanently, or seasonally saturated with water natural=wetland Tag:natural=wetland E.g., ARIE Riacho Fundo
Wind gap A gap through which a waterway once flowed that is now dry as a result of stream capture natural=saddle Tag:natural=saddle E.g., Cumberland Gap
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Yardang Streamlined aeolian landform natural=rock + geological=yardang?? Tag:natural=rock E.g., Tseghaahoodzani (Window Rock)

Other possible tagging mistakes

Questionable tag(s) Notes
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It may be better to use a more specific tag to identify the landform. If the aim is to identify an area of natural beauty or conservation, consider protect_class=* as described in DE:Key:protect_class.
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Perhaps one of the tags on this page would be more specific.
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Possibly better tagged using landcover=*?
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Apparently leftover ways from mappers editing natural=coastline.
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Deprecated tag that was historically used where place=island and place=islet are now used. See Tag:natural=land.
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Tag that was mainly used for CanVec imports in combination with the landform=* tag. This tag can typically be replaced with a more specific tag (as there are many examples above!). See Tag:natural=landform.
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Variously used for historical markers and natural tourist attractions.
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Perhaps one of the natural=basin?, natural=valley, natural=flat?, or natural=depression? tags would be suitable?
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Should be man_made=oilfield. See Oil and Gas Infrastructure.
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Likely a protected area. See Tag:boundary=protected_area.
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Should be tourism=viewpoint.