Pt:List of OSM-based services

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Lista completa classificada em ordem alfabética de projetos usando dados do OpenStreetMap em especial.

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O termo materiais livres é como você se referiria coloquialmente como "aberto". Um projeto que faz seus blocos de construção - seja isso software, algoritmos, trabalhos artísticos - disponível a um certo nível que permite que qualquer um os duplique deveria ser categorizado como "sim", e um projeto no qual bits relevantes - scripts de processamento de dados, tabelas de penas de renderização, ou arquivos CSS - ficam escondidos em uma caixa preta deveria ser categorizado como "não".

Veja também Livre e Licença Aberta.


Nome, link Gênero Cobertura Língua(s) Descrição Materiais livres Imagem
AddisMap Local, POI. English (inglês), አማርኛ (amárico), Deutsch (alemão) Adis Abeba (Etiópia) mapa da cidade com localizador de POI Desconhecido screenshot.png
Agilogik GmbH Mapas, servidor de ladrilhos, roteamento, geocodificação, geocodificação reversa. English (inglês), Deutsch (alemão) Servidor mundial de ladrilhos e serviços para uso comercial. Parcial(en), provedor de serviços padrão/abertos.
Baidu Maps Roteamento. 中文 (chinês) Saida do mapa mundi do OSM para a parte externa à China. Veja note de pé citando licença Desconhecido Baidu Paris.png
Bexhill-OSM Local, POI, roteamento. English (inglês) Uma bifurcação desenvolvida do 'POIs on a Map' abaixo. Mostra POIs na área atual do mapa usando OverpassAPI, plota direções de caminhada, inverte pesquisas. Sim. Bexhill-OSM.jpg
BuioMetria Partecipativa Multidão, clima. italiano (italiano) Mostra a escuridão do céu medida com Sky Quality Meter. Desconhecido Buiometria.png
Carto visualização de dados, cartografia, ferramenta. English (inglês) Visualização de dados online construido em stack de FLOSS, também fornece ladrilhos livres do OSM. Sim Cartodb light tile.png
Cartogiraffe Mapas de transporte, ciclismo, caminhada e padrão. English (inglês) Mapa online, amigável à smartphones, com mapas padrão, transporte, ciclismo e caminhada. Embutir mapa
Dark Sky Clima. English (inglês) A Compania Dark Sky é especializada em previsão do tempo e visualização. Desconhecido
Distance Calculator Ferramenta. English (inglês) Cria caminhos, mede comprimento e exporta para .GPX ou .KMZ Desconhecido Distance calculator
EMAH-Ärzte Específico. Deutsch (alemão) Mostra o médico certificado mais próximo para pacientes adultos com defeitos cardíacos congênitos. Tem algumas habilidades como navegação por tabelas de botões e marcações 2D (retangulares). Desconhecido EMAHarztliste Screenshot.png
EnergyMap Energia. Deutsch (alemão) No futuro mostrará quanta energia solar é produzida na Alemanha. Desconhecido EnergyMap Screenshot.png
FacilMap [1] Geral, roteamento, compartilhamento, social, interação. English (inglês) Renderizações diferentes do OSM, pesquisa e rotas arrastáveis, cria mapas personalizados com colaboração ao vivo onde arquivos de marcadores, linhas, rotas e GPX/KML/GeoJSON/OSM podem ser adicionados. Sim
Freemap [2] English (inglês) Projeto para criar mapas livres e anotáveis do interior do Reino Unido. Os usuários podem sobrepor dados específicos do interior aos mapas. Mobile Java Client está evoluído (veja a página wiki). Sim. Freemap screenshot.png POI, roteamento. English (inglês), slovenčina (eslovaco), čeština (checo) Mapa com toneladas de ferramentas, por exemplo medir distância e área, tela cheia, rotas a pé e de bicicleta, POIs, colinas, Mapas para baixar para diversos dispositivos, muitas possibilidades de exportação de mapas, roteamento e pesquisa, e assim vai. A maioria das ferramentas somente cobrem a região da Eslováquia, mais. Sim Freemap Slovakia Screenshot.png
FreieTonne Mapa de navegação marítima. Deutsch (alemão) Mapa Deslizante com Sobrecamada de POI representando Informação de Mapa Marítimo como Portos, Boias e outras marcações marítimas até mesmo para água branca. Navegação offline baseada em apache e ferramentas de mapeamento. Suporta marcações nos seus próprios mapas para Ozi, BitMap (iPhone), Seaclear... Sim FreieTonne screenshot.png
Khtmlib [3] Roteamento. English (inglês) Mapa deslizante super-rápido sem OpenLayers. Desconhecido Khtml.png
OpenTopoMap Topografia. Deutsch (alemão) Mapas topográficos da Europa. CC-BY-SA Bamberg in OpenTopoMap.png
Geofabrik Map Ferramenta. English (inglês) Um Mapa Deslizante de tela cheia com várias visualizações de mapa. Sim (JS) Geofabrik map screenshot.png
Gmaps Pedometer [4] Planejamento, roteamento, compartilhamento, exportar, GPS. English (inglês) Um Mapa Deslizante que permite desenhar rotas e calcula a distância viajada e mostra bem as elevações. Desconhecido GmapsPedo.png
Hitchwiki Maps English (inglês), 中文 (chinês), Nederlands (neerlandês), suomi (finlandês), français (francês), Deutsch (alemão), magyar (húngaro), italiano (italiano), lietuvių (lituano), polski (polaco), português, română (romeno), русский (russo), español (espanhol) Um Mapa-múndi para caroneiros, mostrando locais de carona com pontuação e descrição. Editável por qualquer um. CC-BY-SA Hitchwiki screenshot.png
inViu routes Rastreamento, delineamento, alarmes de cerca georreferenciada, lembretes baseados em localização, fotos georreferenciadas, POIs, grava rastreamentos. English (inglês), français (francês), Deutsch (alemão), español (espanhol) Grava / compartilha trilhas, POIs e fotos georreferenciadas, cria lembretes baseados em localização, mostra a posição de outras pessoas, roteia para um POI ou para uma foto georreferenciada, faz gráfico de velocidade / altitude, exporta rastreamentos em gpx, apresenta estatísticas de rastreamento, varia a cor da trilha no mapa com a velocidade, muitas configurações individuais para gravar rota, salva energia do GPS, reconhece ignição, atribuição de POIs, converte fotos georreferenciadas em rastreamento e vice-versa, POIs, rastreamentos, anotações georreferenciadas e fotos georreferenciadas juntas em um mapa do OpenStreetMap.

Upload grátis dos dados de rastreamento para; alarmes de cerca georreferenciada e visualização de mapa em qualquer navegador de internet.

Sim InViu routes.png
ITO Map Vários mapas especiais. English (inglês) Muitos mapas especiais por ITO, mostrando apenas uma feição ou uma família de feições. Grupos de mapa disponíveis: agricultura, transporte aéreo, fronteiras, edificações e estruturas, ônibus e viagem, CPRE público, ciclismo, frete, rodovias, histórico, zoneamento, conserto do OpenStreetMap, dados livres do Ordnance Survey, eletricidade e comunicação, ferrovias, edições recentes do OpenStreetMap, segurança viária, esportes e laser, estatísticas, TIGER, urbano, passeio e caminhada, caminhos de água Desconhecido Building heights strip.png
Karta GPS Para smartphone. English (inglês), Deutsch (alemão), русский (russo), español (espanhol) Karta é um app de navegação livre combinando dados de mapa open-source com conteúdo relevante do Yelp e do Foursquare, como também informações não originadas por cooperação como dados de tráfego e câmeras de velocidade, sem necessitar conexão com a internet. Sim Todo propósito. English (inglês) O objetivo é fornecer uma mapa para todos os propósitos de toda a Europa em tamanha qualidade próxima às do padrão de mapas impressos. Este esforço é para se perceber o potencial dos dados do OpenStreetMap e criar mapas de maior escala apropriados para caminhadas, ciclismo, esquiar ou caça ao mapa por GPS e mapas de menor escala apropriados para atlas rodoviário. A ambição ousada é de criar tal mapa que poderia ser mais que uma alternativa ao estilo padrão do OpenStreetMap.
Leaflet Maps Marker - WordPress plugin. English (inglês), български (búlgaro), català (catalão), 中文 (chinês), Nederlands (neerlandês), français ({{}} (francês), Deutsch (alemão), हिन्दी (hindi), italiano (italiano), 日本語 (japonês), polski (polaco), русский (russo), slovenčina (eslovaco), español (espanhol), Türkçe (turco), українська (ucraniano), ייִדיש (iídiche), Pin, organize and show your favorite places through OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Google Earth (KML), Bing Maps, GeoJSON, GeoRSS or Augmented-Reality browsers. Sim Logo-mapsmarker-100x75.png Geral, renderização, POI. italiano (italiano) Mapas da Itália com pesquisa por vias urbanas e localizador de POI. Desconhecido
Longdo Map OSM Local. ไทย (tailandês) Camada do OSM para o serviço Longdo Map, usando MM Map API. Desconhecido Longdo-osm.png
MapSurfer.NET [5] Renderização. English (inglês) Os mapas muito bem projetados, renderizados por este renderizador online, incluindo sombreamento de colinas e edificações 3D isométricas. Parcial MSN Rostok 3D.png
Mauerkarte Específico. Deutsch (alemão) Te mostra detalhes da Fronteira Interna Alemã. Não Cartogis-Mauerkarte.png
MapQuest [6] Roteamento, renderização. English (inglês) Filha do AOL MapQuest. Mapa baseado em OSM, imagens de satélite/aéreas (com sobre-camada mapa do OSM / vista híbrida), pesquisa de localização, algumas categorias de POI, envio/compartilhamento de link, imprime, roteia. Parcial Somente estilos e ladrilhos, veja. Mapquest screenshot.png Para smartphone. English (inglês), Deutsch (alemão), español (espanhol), русский (russo) App bem popular, agora de propriedade do Russian Mail.Ru Group. Anúncios podem ser encontrados, mas muitos POIs juntados de fontes diferentes. Tem até mesmo agendamento de hotel através do aplicativo. Sim.
Mobile map Para smartphone. English (inglês) Mapa otimizado para smartphones de tela pequena, resolução ajustável. Upload e visualização de arquivos tipo GPX implementados. Sim. Mobile map screenshot.png Local, POI, ferramenta, roteamento. English (inglês), русский (russo), polski (polaco), українська (ucraniano) Antigo mapa da União Soviética + Polônia, POI, editor de tabela de etiquetas Desconhecido Nadoloni.png
Nuclear generators Energia. français (francês) Centrales nucléaires autour du monde, avec heatmap de 100 km autour de chaque centrale. sim NuclearGenerators.png OSM Deutsch (alemão) Serviço de vários mapas. Sim screenshoot.png
OneDome Locality Reality Ferramenta. English (inglês) Locality Reality avalia o código de postagem do Reino Unido baseado em sete critérios chave (exemplo: transporte, educação, segurança, etc.) para fornecer um senário completo à quem estiver de mudança. Sim File:OneDome screenshot.png
openBmap Comunicação. English (inglês) Mostrando a área de indentificação de células gsm, pontos de wifi para serviços baseados em localização. Sim OpenBmap screenshot.png
OpenEventMap Social, compartilhamento. English (inglês) Criar e compartilhar eventos privados e públicos. Sim OpenEventMap-screenshot.png
OpenPoiMap [7] POI. Mostra diferentes tipos de POIs por escolha do usuário. Sim Tagloc-main.png
OpenSeaMap Marítimo. Multilíngue Carta náutica mostrando portos, marinas, faróis, marcos marítimos, etc.
Carta climática, previsão do tempo.
Sim, cartas(en) e wiki. OpenSeaMap-Warnemünde.png
OpenScienceMap [8] Mapas, navegação. Mapas para Android 100% vetorizados, e agora também na web. Desconhecido OpenScienceMap.png
OpenStreetPhoto [9] Foto. Gerando imagens aéreas livres. Desconhecido Open Street View.png
OpenStreetView [10] Foto. English (inglês) Mostra fotos georreferenciadas em um Google StreetView muito simplificado. Sim. Open Street View screenshot.png
OpenTouchMap Para smartphones. Mapa deslizante capacidades gestuais básicas de iPhone, usando iol.js para smartphones. Sim Pt:TouchMapLight#como você pode usá-lo. OpenTouchMap screenshot.png
OSMbot for Telegram Social, pesquisa, compartilhamento. English (inglês) O bot do OSM encontra qualquer localização no mundo da base de dados do OSM Nominatim. GPLv3. OSMbot Telegram.jpg
OSMarks Planejamento, compartilhamento. English (inglês) Adiciona marcações (flechas, caminhos) em um mapa e fornece um link para compartilhar com outros. Desconhecido
OSM-GB Processamento e devolução. English (inglês) Serviços de rede OGC (WMS, WFS, WMTS) - Inglaterra, Gales e Escócia, também integra os dados abertos do "VectorMap District" para propósitos de comparação. Sim Osmgb.png
OSMMosques POI, religião English (inglês) Mostra POIs de relevância islâmica em sobre-camadas de mapas deslizantes. Sim Fontes em Github, dados do OSM. Osmmosques-mecca.png
Osmpoint POI. Deutsch (alemão) Mostra POIs do OSM em sobre-camadas de mapas deslizantes. Desconhecido Osmpoint screenshot.png
SearchOSM POI. English (inglês) Pesquisa geral de POI. Pesquisa e procura por nome e/ou categoria e/ou área. Salva POIs em formatos GPX ou KML. Compartilha link. Sim
POIs on a Map POI. español (espanhol) Mostra POIs na área atual do mapa, usando OverpassAPI. Sim. Pois on a map screenshot.jpg
Postcodes Administrativo. English (inglês) Mostrando códigos de postagem do Reino Unido de diferentes projetos (veja Projetos Relacionados) Sim. Postcodes screenshot.png
NewsHereNow Notícias específicas de bairro, pesquisador de localização para o, localizador de restaurante e café locais. English (inglês) Localizador de GPS e código postal para, lista os mais próximos restaurantes, cafés e notícias específicas de bairro locais. Parcial File:Https:// showing coverage.jpg
Show Your Places [11] Ferramenta. English (inglês), Deutsch (alemão), français (francês) Galeria de imagens apresentadas em mapa. Sim. Screenshot london.jpg
Sapo maps Geral, renderização, roteamento. português Página da web de operadora de telecomunicações portuguesa com mapa para lojas, pesquisa e roteamento. Desconhecido
Sputnik Geral, renderização, roteamento. русский (russo) Site russo que fornece pesquisa por serviços estatais, POIs, roteamento a eles e pesquisa segura. Parcial Moskow.png
Carte des caméras de surveillance en France français (francês) Sobre camada francesa de câmeras de segurança no mapa do OSM usando OpenLayers. Sim surveillance-map Sobre camada que visualiza câmeras CCTV. Desconhecido
Terrain by Stamen Geral. English (inglês) Representação tipo terreno de mapa. Sim terrain.jpg
Toner by Stamen Arte. English (inglês) Representação do mapa em branco e preto Sim toner.png
TerpNav Pedestrian Maps Local. English (inglês) Mapa muito detalhado do Campus em Hyattsville com localizador de evento e local e roteamento detalhado para pedestre. Desconhecido TerpNav screenshot.png Local. English (inglês) Mapa da Ilha de Man. Desconhecido Isle of Man map of roads.png
TopOSM Topográfico English (inglês) Mapas topográficos baseados em dados do OSM. (Atualmente) limitado aos Estados Unidos da América. Lars Ahlzen. Sim. Toposm map1 crop.jpg
Vessel Tracker Marítimo, rastreamento. English (inglês) Mostra navios marítimos sobre o mapa deslizante do OSM. Mar Vesseltracker screenshot.png
Wikishire map Local. English (inglês) Mapa dos condados da Grande Bretanha e Irlanda. Usa as cores tradicionais para Motorways, rodovias classe A e B, familiar para usuários britânicos e irlandeses. Sim Wikishire Map.png
OSMapa Topográfico. polski (polaco) Estilo: OSMapa-Topo com trilhas de caminhada Sim
Wikimedia Commons Overlay Imagem. English (inglês) Mostra camada de imagens georreferenciadas do Wikimedia Commons sobre uma renderização diferente do OSM. Sim. Commons on OSM screenshot.png Comercial. English (inglês) Gerador de código tipo QR-Code georreferenciado para um ponto escolhido no mapa. Escolher a cor do QR-Code e do fundo. Medição de distância em quilômetros, milhas e milhas náuticas. Cria um pequeno link para um caminho no mapa. Sim Openbizmap.png Foto. 中文(臺灣)  (Chinês Tradicional) Imagens aéreas fornecidas pelo governo Taiwanês. Sim Ngis-afasi-gov-tw.png
Tracks Optimizer Online Ferramenta, GPX, rastreamento. English (inglês) Serviço na web de otimização de rastreamento GPX usando algoritmo Ramer–Douglas–Peucker. Sim. Gpx-optimizer.png
Polar Viewer Map, POI. English Map of Antarctica. Unknown Polar Viewer - Antarctica.png
StartPage/Ixquick Search, map. English Anonymized search engine, using OSM based data as map. See description (Ixquick is another brand, but identical service, see description for Ixquick). Unknown
KeplerJs Social, OSM tool. English The open source Geosocial platform. Documentation. Yes.
What Is Where Map, search, analytics. English Powerful OSM based search engine. Supports multiple conditions and groups of conditions applied at the same time, saving/loading search projects, export results to CSV, etc. Unknown Whatiswhere.png
Map of Belarus Local English  русский Map of the Republic of Belarus Unknown
OpenLocalMap [12] Local, POI, routing. español  ,català A developed fork from 'POIs on a Map' below. Show POIs in the current area of the map using OverpassAPI, plot walking directions, address search, reverse lookups with easy customization. Yes. Olm 2018 01 27.jpg
Mapalizer Map tool, data visualization, real estate. Website:  English
Widget: English, français (French), español (Spanish), Deutsch (German), 日本語 (Japanese)
Personalized location analyzer map tool for real estate websites.
Mapalizer adds a widget on your map to show adjustable semi-transparent score layer based on visitor's/client's preferences.
Partial, methodology is given.


Some artistic maps using OSM data.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
8-Bit Cities Art English Different major cities in 8-Bit console style graphic style Yes 8-Bit Cities London.png
Data Temperature Art, stats English How 'hot' is a city dataset? Yes 110911-SOTM11-sample-slide.png
OpenWhateverMap [13] Art English A random patchwork map using different tile sources. Yes OpenWhateverMap screenshot.png
Paint with maps Art English Draw Images using map tiles in a puzzle like way. No Antmap.png
Pretty Maps Art English Very artistic map data representation Yes Prettymaps screenshot.png
Watercolor by Stamen Art English Unknownesentation of map Yes watercolor.jpg
Treasure Maps Art English OSM map data visualized in "vintage style" to get a look like an old sketchy map, a treasure map or a pirate map. Unknown Sketchy Maps with TileMill.png Art English Styled city and regional maps for a growing number of cities around the world - also offers shp file data for admin boundaries Yes

Biking, geocaching, hiking, sport

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
4UMaps Hiking, mountain-biking, offline Maps, map service English Outdoor map with hillshading, elevation lines for hiking and biking. Download free offline maps Yes 4umaps.png
Access Map Biking Deutsch Colouring by access=* restriction tags Yes Access Map screenshot.png
Bicycle Routes by Pifpafpuf Biking, export, GPS, planning, tool English Create and download gpx tracks or edit your uploaded ones for planning routes by bike. Partial
(OSM Mapnik + Openlayer + jersey)
Bicycle Routes PiffPaffPuff.png
Bicycle tags map Biking English Customizable view of cycling related tags Yes Osm cycleways.png Biking English Cycle route-planner with draggable routes and custom mapping for Western Europe and North America, run by Richard No
Cycle Map Australia Biking, map service English Cycle Routes and Lanes within Australia. Works on desktop and mobile browsers. Yes CycleMapAustralia.png
Geocaching Hiking English, Deutsch, français, čeština, polski, español, eesti, magyar, 한국어, norsk, Nederlands, português, svenska, dansk, suomi, latviešu No Geocaching-Maps-Beta screenshot.png
GeMeDeplace français Showing different trails and cycleways in the French alps. Unknown GeMeDeplace screenshot.png
Hike & Bike Map [14] Bike, hiking English A Slippy Map for hiking and biking with hillshading, contours and route symbols Yes Hike n bike festung koenigstein.png
Munzee QR Code, game, geocaching English Scavenger hunt game where items (mostly QR codes) are found in the real world and captured using a smartphone. Mapnik and OpenCycleMap options. No Munzee-OSM-view.png
OMA Biking, QR code, tourism slovenčina Description of hiking and cycling trails, various amenities near the trail. Listing of trails by regions. Listing of amenities and POI by regions. Yes Screenshot
Merretekerjek [15] Biking magyar Feature rich bike route planner for Hungary and surrounding countries. Yes File:Merretekerjek.png
MTB map Europe[16] Biking čeština, English Mountain bike map of Europe (recently extended from Czech Republic) Yes MTB Mapa screenshot.png
Nop's Reit- und Wanderkarte [17] Hiking, horseback riding Deutsch, English, italiano Dedicated trail riding and hiking map with shaded hills, elevations, tracktypes and route symbols. Originated in Germany, it shows Europe from Portugal to Hungary and from southern Sweden to Italy and Greece. Matching suite of slippy map, Garmin map, route editor, print map, places search and customized editor for hiking. Offers routing for hikers and riders. No Osmc riding map screen1.png
OpenCycleMap [18] Biking English Slippy map with contours, hill colouring, cycle routes, bicycle parking and cafes that do fryups. No CycleLayer2.png Hiking čeština, English Czech OpenStreetMap with hiking trails overlay Yes screenshot.png
OpenTrailView [19] Hiking, photo English Geolocate photos of trails, paths, ... and stitch them together in a Google StreetView like way Yes OpenTrailView screenshot.png
OpenWandelKaart [20] Hiking Nederlands Hiking map for Netherlands Unknown OpenWandelKaart, screenshot.png
PNK map Biking čeština Custom bicycle rendering for Prahou na kole (Prague on bike) Yes PNK map.png
Hiking/mri Hiking français Showing shelter POIs on a French map Yes, see configuration color-shade Aster screenshot.png
Bicycle Access Map Biking Deutsch Shows access rights for cyclists and useful amenities like parking and compressed air stations Yes, see Configuration Style Velo access map screenshot.jpg
XC Ski Trail Map [21] Winter sports English, Deutsch; wiki: Deutsch; Shows cross-country ski runs around the world Unknown XC Ski Trail Map screenshot.png Winter sports asturianu, català, čeština, Deutsch, English, español, suomi, français, magyar, italiano, 日本語, Nederlands, norsk nynorsk, русский, davvisámegiella, українська Yet another ski map! Yes Pistes-nordiques-screenshot.png
European Navigable Waterways (map) Inland Navigation English Map showing inland waterways (Europe). Partial European Navigable Waterways map.png Biking English Worldwide overview of MTB routes, MTB routing, MTB route details with elevation profile and points of interest No
Trackspotting MTB, biking English, Deutsch, italiano Collection of mountain bike trails. Users are free to add, create, edit and delete contents. All the tracks are showed on the world map and can be searched by name. Yes
Waymarked Trails Biking, hiking, MTB, inline, riding, skiing many Worldwide maps for various outdoor activities. Shows routes including the route symbols. With hillshading and relief. Yes. Kullaberg Waymarked Trails 1.png
Cycle Maps Biking, MTB English Worldwide Cycle maps and Routes for Biking No
Updownmap Biking, hiking English Routing combined with elevation chart; Socializing No Updownmapsmall.png
TrailAnalizer MTB English, italiano Collection of MTB trails uploaded by users with detailed descriptions derived by tags highway and mtb:scale No Logo 2.png Hiking română Hiking routes in Romania, export to KML Unknown
haihui (repo) Hiking română Collection of hiking maps, optimized for mobile use Unknown Haihui.png
Waypointer POI, hiking, export many Service for POI search, POI management and POI sharing. User can easily download POIs in different formats or upload own points. Yes Waypointer.png

History, archaeology, monument

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Archäologie in OSM History, archaeology Deutsch Archäologie in Deutschland Yes Archäologie in Germany.png History, portal, tourism italiano, English A portal for cultural tourism in the Region of Latium, Italy. The cartography is based on Openstreetmap and rendered with Geoserver. The portal contains background information and multimedia files for thousands of places, monuments and archaeological sites. Unknown Futouring screenshot.png
HistOSM [22] History, monument English, Deutsch Historic Information/Sites Unknown HistOSM screenshot.png
Old Oakland History English Showing historical maps of Oakland on top of a own OSM map Unknown Old Oakland screenshot.png
Karte mit Stolpersteine-Layer Monument, history Deutsch Showing Stolperstein na Wikipédia on OSM map. Yes screenshoot.png
Karte mit Grenzsteinen Sachsen-Preußen 1815 History Deutsch Historische Landesgrenze Königreich Sachsen Königreich Preußen 1815 (Wiener Kongress) Yes Karte mit Grenzsteinen Sachsen-Preußen 1815 screenshot.png
Sächsische Postmeilensäulen History Deutsch Karte mit Sächsische Postmeilensäulen und Poststraßen Yes Sächsiche Postmeilensteine screenshot.png
Historic.Place History dansk, čeština, Deutsch, English, español, français, galego, Nederlands, português do Brasil, română, русский, Türkçe, 日本語 Weltweite Karte Historischer Objekte in OSM Yes H-karte.png
Old Maps Online History English Collection of historic maps from all over the world. Allows to upload and geolocate additional old maps. sim Old Maps Online.png


Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
F4 Map 3D English WebGL technology, 3D buildings on a flat map, rotatable, shadows depending on time of day, visible rain depending on weather conditions. No F4 3d Screenshot.png
fgmap [23] Simulator English Real-time OSM map of flight position in FlightGear Yes Osmroads1.jpg
Glosm English OpenGL hardware-accelerated 3D renderer (both tile renderer and realtime first-person engine) Yes Glosm.png
Isometric 3D map of Czech republic čeština, English Isometric 3D map of Czech republic (OpenKýblMap). A static Map renderer is at [24] Yes (OL) OpenKyblMap-preview.png
Isometric 3D maps 3D English Isometric 3D maps of some cities (Berlin, Braunschweig, Bremen, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Rostock, New York (Manhattan), Oyten, Uetze, Scharnebeck, Radeberg) Yes Isometric 3D maps screenshoot.png
MapSurfer.NET [25] English The very well designed maps rendered by this renderer online including hillshading and 3D isometric buildings Partial MSN Rostok 3D.png
Nutiteq 3D SDK for Android [26] Mobile English Android SDK supporting 3D buildings and 3D models on top of OSM flat map Yes Mapxt 3d tallinn device.png
OSM2World Maps [27] 3D English Isometric slippy map of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and selected other locations worldwide created with OSM2World. Yes OSM2World Tiles Amrum 2012-01-24.png
OSM-3D [28] English, Deutsch Virtual Globe with SRTM terrain data and 3D buildings Client only, since 05/04/2011 Osm3d globe2.jpg
OSM Buildings [29] 3D English, Deutsch Digital city models from OSM and other open sources. Free 3D Viewer. Realtime data. Worldwide coverage. Yes OSMB-Manhattan.png
X3Dtile [30] X3D English 3D scene binding osm tile rectangle for buildings. Format: X3D scene. Yes
ESB osm2x3d.png


See inside building.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
OpenLevelUp [31] Interaction, indoor, routing English OpenLevelUp allows to navigate inside levels of a building interactively and displays pictures from the web, Mapillary or Flickr Yes OpenLevelUp shopping mall.png
OpenStationMap [32] Interaction, indoor, routing English OpenStationMap is a project to map stations with routing, indoor, 3D and of course station specific features. Unknown screenshot.png


For displaying a travel time area (isochrone) shape on a map.

Name, link Genre Language(s) Description Free materials Image
TravelTime platform isochrones, routing, geocoding, distance matrix English Create isochrone shapes with an API or export to KML, get journey times from 1-100,000 points of interest in 1 request. Routing and geocoding also available. Yes.


For just displaying GPS tracks.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Agilogik GmbH Routing, maps, tile server, geo coding, geo reverse coding English, Deutsch Worldwide tile server and services for commercial use No
BBBike [33] Routing dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, hrvatski, Nederlands, polski, português, русский, 中文 Routing focused on bikes (no. of traffic lights, height profile, lit, road surface, …) Unknown screenshot.png
Bike Citizens [34] Routing Deutsch, English, español, français Bike Citizens is a navigation app designed for and by cyclists, offers offline routing, predefined tours and various routing profiles Unknown Finnder screenshot.jpeg
BRouter [35] Routing English BRouter: Let's get serious about bike routing. BRouter offers routing for trekking and cycling with predefined profiles and the ability to modify and upload custom profiles Unknown
CycleStreets [36] Routing English Bicycle routing and planning and photo map based on OpenStreetMap data and the OpenCycleMap for the British Isles. API available. Unknown CycleStreets screenshot.jpg
FacilMap [37] General, routing, share, social, interaction English Different OSM renderings, search and draggable routes, create custom maps with live collaboration where markers, lines, routes and GPX/KML/GeoJSON/OSM files can be added. Yes
KOMOOT Routing Routing, hiking, bike Deutsch, English calculate routes for mountain bikes, touring bikes and hiking taking your fitness level and elevation into account Yes, see GraphHopper Komoot screenshot.png
Kurviger Routing, motorcycle Deutsch, English, français, Ελληνικά, español Calculate curvy and fun routes for motorcyclists. Kurviger favours curves and slopes, while avoiding cities and highways. Generate loop trips with one click. Personalize the routing to your own riding style. Yes, see GraphHopper Kurviger.jpg
Naviki Routing many Planning bicycle trips and routing and collecting GPS traces Unknown Naviki screenshot.png
Nop's Reit- und Wanderkarte [38] Routing Deutsch, English, italiano Dedicated routing for hiking and horseback riding with multiple targets. Dynamic route options e.g. for following marked hiking routes or weather conditions. Options to modify caculated route manually, download or print it. No Osmc riding map screen1.png Routing română Portal combining OSM layers and routing No screenshot.png
OpenRouteService [39] Routing, wheelchair routing čeština, dansk, Deutsch, English, español, français, hrvatski, magyar, italiano, Nederlands, polski, português, русский, , українська, 中文 Route navigation based on osm data and TMC for car, bike and pedestrian No
can see technical specification
OpenRouteService screenshot.png Routing Deutsch, English, français, italiano Routing with Leaflet slippy map for pedestrians (two types), cyclists (two types) and cars in Switzerland only (based on OSRM) Yes, see OSRM (and links on page)
OpenTripPlanner Routing English A multimodal router combining OSM and Public transport tables Yes OpenTripPlanner screenshot.png
Ride the City Routing English, français, español, íslenska Bicycle routing based on OSM data. Coverage: Selected big cities (currently 42) in U.S., Canada, Australia, France, Spain, few cities in other countries. No RidetheCity.png [40] Routing, wheelchair routing Deutsch Wheelchair-routing considering elevation, surface of highway and height of curbs Yes Rollstuhl-Routing screenshot.png
Route360° API Routing, car, walk, bike, public transportation, network analysis, isochrone English, Deutsch Route360° visualizes the area which is reachable from a set of starting points in a given time and gives detailed routing information (walk, bike, car and public transportation) to targets. Yes R360.png
Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) Routing български, čeština, Deutsch, dansk, Ελληνικά, English, español, suomi, français, italiano, Gaeilge, ქართული, latviešu, norsk bokmål, polski, português, română, русский, svenska, Türkçe A new fast routing service for car
covering the world
Yes. OSRM Paris - Vladivostok.jpg
Sputnik General, ender, routing русский Russian website that provides search of state services, POIs and routing to them Partial Moskow.png
uNav General, routing several Map viewer and GPS navigator for Ubuntu Phone Yes UNav.png
YOURS [41] Routing English Yet another OpenStreetMap Route Service. Goal is to use OpenStreetMap data to make a routing website utilizing as much other (opensource) applications as possible. Routes can be exported as gpx, waypoints and other formats. Yes YourNavigation screenshot.png [42] Waterway routing English Inland waterway routing (Europe) taking size of vessel into account. Based on Routino router-software Yes European Navigable Waterways map.png
GraphHopper [43] Road routing Over 34 translations Fast routing for bikes, pedestrians and cars with worldwide coverage. Based on Open Source routing engine GraphHopper. Yes Routing graphhoppercom.png
Mapzen Turn-by-Turn (Valhalla) Routing English Worldwide routing by automobile, bus, foot, and bicycle. Yes Valhalla bike.png


Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Agilogik GmbH Dedicated server and services for commercial use of maps, tile server, routing, geo coding, geo reverse coding English, Deutsch Worldwide tile server and services for commercial use Yes
Osmocoder Geocoding Deutsch Geocoder für D No Osmocoder.png
Streets sweeping Service, parking, transport čeština, English Service for alert on street sweeping in cities by SMS and emails. Unknown
Bärn isch eso - Die Stadttour mit der Burgergemeinde Bern Community service, PR/image campaign Deutsch In sections as e.g. Hörbeiträge, Lieblingstouren or Praktisches use of OSM data and kind of OSM swiss style layer (download github) Unknown 20140831
Open Brewpub Map Service, fatory, social, food English, Deutsch Lists all pubs where you can get homebrew beer (Hausbrauerei) Yes, scripts available on request. Die Hausbrauereikarte screenshot.png
OpenWLANMap Service, geolocation, tool English, Deutsch Collects positions of WLAN access points via crowdsourcing and provides geolocation without GPS Yes, position data, tools, geolocation libraries.
openCuisineMap Service, food English Displays your selected restaurants on the map Yes OpenCuisineMap screenshot.png Service, food Deutsch Shows cuisines of restaurants, cafes, etc. as little flags on the map. Additional information is available on click. Only D/A/CH region, at present. Yes Gastromap cui1.png
Veganes Bern Report, food, service Deutsch Nice example of data/multimedia journalism. BZ report by journalist and visual designer about situation of vegetarian life in the city of Bern supported by SOSM's uMap tool Unknown, Free map service 20141104 psc02.png
VeganGuide Service, food Deutsch Shows you where you can buy/eat vegan food worldwide Yes Veganguide Karte screenshot.png
OpenLinkMap Interaction, POI, time Deutsch, English, français, italiano, 日本語, русский Slippy map showing additional information on the map. Yes Olm-details.png Interaction, POI, time English Slippy map showing additional information on the map. Bootstrap powered Yes
LizPoi Interaction, POI français Slippy map showing selected Poi. No Screenshot LizPoi.png
Playground Service Deutsch Find your kids the nearest playground Yes. Nearest Playground screenshot.png
Post- und Telefonkarte Communication Deutsch Shows postboxes and telephones with details on a map Yes Post- und Telefonkarte screenshot.png
OpenFireMap [44] Service, emergency English Worldwide map showing fire stations and hydrants on different backgrounds Yes Openfiremap screenshot.jpg
Lichtkarte Service, enlightenment Deutsch German map using an overlay showing if streets, ways, or areas are lit. Unknown Lichtkarte Screenshot.png
Vending machines for cigarettes Shops, vending, cigarrettes Deutsch Based on Leaflet map using an overlay showing the vending machines for cigarettes. Unknown
Wanderpferde Service, sports, tourism Deutsch Directory of accomodations for trail riders and horses in southern Germany. Also offers routing for horseback riding. No
Property search Service, estate agency English Nestoria - Property search in Europe (UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain), India, Brazil, Australia. Unknown Nestoria.jpg
XAPI Viewer Service English, français, Nederlands Search and display any kind of tagged data Yes, see about box.
Stadtgeflüster (Example Zürich) Service, customer retention Deutsch Project for reader involvement by 3 Swiss newspapers (NZZ, Le Temps and TagesWoche). The readers can add POIs on a map by MapBox Unknown
Mileage Calculator QA English UK Distance and cost Calculator Unknown TWG Mileage Calculator screenshot.png
CoinMap Payment English Map showing places where Bitcoin is accepted. Yes Coinmap.png
QuiBitcoin Payment italiano Enhanced map showing places in Italy where Bitcoin is accepted. Yes
OpenLoveMap Service Deutsch, English Map showing some sex-related POIs. Unknown
Gesucht: Die grössten Ärgernisse im Stadtberner Verkehr by BZ graphic department Interactive service, involvement of readers Deutsch Project for reader involvement by BZ Berner Zeitung. The readers can add their points of traffic annoyance and other readers can comment/agree. Unknown 20140524 sc01png.png Service Deutsch, English Map showing drinking waters sources. Apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone are also provided. Unknown Service, travel English Generates free custom self guided walking tours around London based upon choices such as length of tour and starting points. Uses OSM data for routing. No Screenshot CTGuides 20150929.png
streetdir español, français, English, … POI searching Unknown
OSM Landuse English Landuse and landcover information Unknown
OpenAdvertMap Advertisement English Interactive map showing advertisement data of OSM Yes OAM popup.png
OSMNames Search English Fulltext search based on OpenStreetMap database, ranking based on the popularity of related Wikipedia page. sim OSMNames search for Zurich.png
Georeferencer Georeferencing English Allows to georeference JPG or TIFF picture on OSM map não Georeferencer.png
Bounding Box Tool English Service for defining bounding box, which allows to download them in different formats não Bounding Box.png
MAPCAT [45] Map tiles, search, POI, routing, geocoding, reverse geocoding, editing English, magyar (Hungarian) Custom-made, OSM-based worldwide map API for public websites, internal systems or mobile apps to let your location-based info come to life. Partial MAPCAT bicycle routing with elevation profiles.jpg


Offer OSM maps and -data to end-consumers.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
123map Illustrator Export Export Deutsch, English Export map regions to Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, Affinity Designer, CorelDraw No 123map Illustrator Export Screenshot.png
4UMaps Export, download Deutsch, English Download Free City Maps. Yes KarlsruheCityMap.svg
Bigmap [46] Render English Tool to create big maps Yes screenshot.png
Boundaries Map Visualization, Export English Display and export of all boundaries as SHP, SVG, JSON and Poly. não OSM Boundaries Map.png
cast a map Export Deutsch Online service for generating (small) personal free-of-charge maps. Individual styles can be used against payment. No
Creating and downloading your individual multimedia map Export Deutsch, English, español, multilingual Comfortable-to-use online service for creating maps with "needles" containing links to audio, photo, video. Example of a city-map Yes Osm generator.png
EasyMap SlippyMap Generator Export English, Deutsch Create comfortably a SlippyMap based on OpenLayers and OSM-Tiles with markers and different layers. No
(except JS and HTML ofc)
Easymap screenshot.png
magOSM Export, visualization français OpenStreetMap daily up-to-date thematic data available as WMS/WFS service and for download as SHP, KML ... Yes
Not published yet, on demand
Magosm screenshot.PNG
Map-Illustrators Export English OpenStreetMap available in Adobe Illustrator, PDF and EPS format. Editable vector map layers vector for print and online purposes. No
MapOSMatic [47] Export, print English, français, multilingual Export city maps as printer friendly PDF, SVG, ... Yes MapOSMatic screenshot.png
OpenOrienteeringMap [48] Export English Maps without names to improve your orienteering or play games. Only Map and the ability to print as PDF Unknown OpenOrienteeringMap of Ayala Center, Makati 2010-01-29.png
OSM POI Export Export English, Deutsch, Nederlands Export POI from OSM into different formats (TomTom overlay (ov2), Garmin (csv), gpx, kml, OziExplorer (wpt)), GeoJSON. ATM restricted to BeNeLux region. Yes OSM POI Exporter screenshot.png
Query-to-map Export English Online service for exporting POIs and lines as KML Yes
Schwarzplan Deutschland Export Deutsch Export of only all buildings in Germany as .SVG and .SHP Yes Schwarzplan deutschland.png
Safety maps[49] Export, emergency, render, print English Handy maps printouts for disaster management No screenshot.png
Walking Papers [50] Export, editing, tool English Wizard to print a map area for drawing on it to contribute to OSM. Currently unavailable (2015-10-14). See Field Papers. Yes Walking-papers.scan-example.jpg
Field Papers [51] Export, editing, tool English, Deutsch, français, русский Wizard to print an map area for drawing on it to contribute to OSM. Yes Field Papers making an atlas.png
WeoGeo Market [52] Export English Request OSM data in multiple file formats for user-specified areas of interest. View quick walkthrough. Yes Weogeo osm listing.png


Explore OSM data with more than just a slippy map and markers.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Cartagen [53] Interaction English Cartagen is an MIT Media lab project that renders OSM and other data in a HTML5 Canvas element dynamically on the client-side. Yes Cartagen- New york-screenshot.jpg
buildingequalsyes Interaction English An Interactive browser for buildings in OSM Unknown Buildingequalsyes.jpg
EFA Interaction Deutsch An Interactive search engine for public transport time tables in Germany, displaying all bus- and train-stopps as overlay on OSM (mapnik) Unknown Efa using osm.png
FacilMap [54] General, routing, share, social, interaction English Different OSM renderings, search and draggable routes, create custom maps with live collaboration where markers, lines, routes and GPX/KML/GeoJSON/OSM files can be added. Yes
LinkedGeoData Browser Interaction English Shows used features of the current map area. RDF export as part of the semantic web analysis Yes LinkedGeoData Browser screenshot.png
Mapalizer Map tool, data visualization, interaction Website:  English
Widget: English, français (French), español (Spanish), Deutsch (German), 日本語 (Japanese)
Personalized location analyzer map tool for real estate websites/platforms.
Mapalizer adds a widget on your map. It lets your visitors/clients compare location features according to their preferences.
Partial, methodology is given.
MapBBCode Share Interaction, tool English Import or draw paths and polygons and markers on a map, embed or share or export Yes
MapCraft Interaction, tool Draw figures on maps MapCraft Pimlico screenshot.png
Mittelsachsen Atlas Interaction Deutsch One of the first OSM maps by German officials presenting POIs of Landkreis Mittelsachsen Yes Mittelsachsen Atlas screenshot.jpg
Open and Free Map Interaction English Worldwide overlay on mapnik showing public transport routes and stops available No
OpenLayers Heatmap Interaction English Using OSM data for a heatmap in OpenLayers Unknown OLHeatmap screenshot.png
OpenLevelUp [55] Interaction, indoor English OpenLevelUp allows to navigate inside levels of a building interactively and displays pictures from the web, Mapillary or Flickr Yes OpenLevelUp shopping mall.png
FLOSM Interaction, POI, tool Deutsch, English, беларуская OSM with the Points of Interests of your choice, you can also download map as JPG or SVG. Unknown screenshoot.png
OSM POI Viewer Interaction, POI Deutsch, English, русский OSM with the Points of Interests of your choice Yes OSMPOIscreen1.png
OpenLinkMap Interaction, POI, time Deutsch, English, français, italiano, 日本語, русский Slippy map showing additional information on the map. Yes Olm-details.png
openMarkers [56] POI multilingual Rating OSM places by price and discover the best places for your budget Yes OpenMarkers.png
OpenSeaMap [57] Interaction English, multilingual Nautical chart, showing Ports, marinas, lights, seamarks, etc. with integrated Port Pilot Book
various formats, online and offline
Charts download
OpenStreetBrowser Interaction Interactively browse not only the map but also the contained information. Yes OpenStreetBrowser screenshot.png
OsmTransport Interaction English Shows public transportation services at selected cities. No OsmTransport screenshot.png
OSMViz Interaction English Animate/visualize things on a map. Uses Python. Yes Buses moving2.jpg
ÖPNVKarte[58] Interaction Deutsch Map displaying routes of local public transportation (PSV) in Europe Unknown ÖPNV-Karte screenshot.png
ShareMap Interaction, export English Flash based map that can display OSM data from XAPI calls over the top of the basemap. Created to generate SVG images for Wikimedia Partial screenshot.png
Stolpersteine[59] Interaction Deutsch Map displaying all small memorial bricks ("Stolpersteine") for killed Jews during the 2nd world war Yes Stolpersteine screenshot.png
Treibstoffsorten Interaction Deutsch Presents all fuel stations in Germany and their type of fuel. Unknown Treibstoffsorten screenshot.png
uMap Interaction, tool English, español, français (on a production instance) Draw lines, markers, texts on OpenStreetMap base layers in a web map and share and collaborate with others Yes Umap logo.png
Wikipedia-World Layer Interaction multilang Shows categorized overlay of georeferenced Wikipedia articles Yes Wikipedia on OpenStreetMap screenshot.png
Wikipedia overlay Interaction multilang Zoomzoomzoom map highlighting map objects that contain external links, such as those tagged with Key:wikipedia or Key:url, flickr, dopplr, etc. Unknown OpenStreetMap with Wikipedia links screenshot.png
ZonesWIFI Interaction, POI, WiFi English, français Worldwide Wifi Hotspots from OSM. Locate me button and Search panel let zoom-in to a zone and see the WIFI hotspots. Navigator refresh Button to request Wifi hotspots for a new zone. Yes ZonesWIFI screenshot.png


Compare OSM maps with historic data or other commercial alternatives.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Apple Map Tiles Compare English Switching between Apple map, to OpenStreetMaps and Google Maps Unknown screenshoot.png
OpenStreetMap vs. iPhoto maps Compare English Compare to layer maps displayed over each other : Apple Map, OSM Mapnik. Unknown
Geofabrik Map Compare Compare English Two maps side by side. Several OpenStreetMap and Google maps are available. Yes (JS) Geofabrik Map Compare screenshot.png
BBBike Map Compare Compare English Map Compare shows up to 170 different maps from OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing, Yahoo, Mapquest, Esri and others side by side. With the admin console you can configure your own local tile server and compare the map with others. Service by BBBike_@_World, software based on Geofabrik Map Compare Yes (JS) BBBike Map Compare screenshot.png
Iskalko Map Compare Compare English, русский Three maps side by side. Several OpenStreetMap, Yandex maps and Google Maps are available. Unknown screenshot.png
MapJumper [60] Compare English, français Jumping from map to map, keeping lat, lon & zoom; up to 50 maps or services available Yes
JS+PHP:on demand
OSMCompare Compare English BEFORE and AFTER Compare Map shows the reactivity of the OSM community to update areas. Unknown Osmcompare Before After.png
OSM vs. Google Compare English Compare the coverage of the capitals between OSM and Google Unknown OSM v GOOGLE screenshot.png
OSM with Streetview Compare English Compare the coverage of UK between Ordnance Survey and OSM Unknown Oscompare.png
Quadmap Compare QA English Compare 4 maps at the same time : OSM, Google Maps, Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps. Unknown Quadmap compare screenshot.png
Sautter Transparent Map Comparison Compare Compare two selectable Slippy Maps displayed over each other : Google Streets, Google MapMaker, Google Aerial, Google Physical as Base Layer OSM Mapnik, OSM Mapnik german style, OSM Cycle Map, ÖPNVKarte, Open Mapquest, Hillshading, Wanderkarte, ADFC Radwegenetz as Overlays. Unknown Transparent map comparison screenshot.png
Appspot Transp. Map Comparison Compare Another transparent map comparison website. Unknown


Edit OSM data in a webbrowser. Mostly focused at a specific topic.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Amenity Editor [61] Edit Deutsch Easily edit existing or create new POIs. Unknown AemnityEditorPreview.jpg
Gastro Map Edit Deutsch Analysing if a hotel, restaurant, ... allows smoking or not. Yes Gastro Map screenshot.png
OpenSeaMap Edit multilingual Nautical chart with GUI Online-Editor and JOSM "SeaMapEditor"
showing Ports, Marinas, Lights, Seamarks, etc.
Weather chart, Weather forecast
OsmHydrant Edit Deutsch, English, polski, українська Easily add or modify fire water utilities like fire hydrants, suction points and water tanks even on your smartphone. Additionally coverage can be checked on the map. Unknown OsmHydrantScreenshot.jpg
Wheelmap [62] Edit français, English, Deutsch, español, 日本語 Wheelchair map that let user contribute to vote for Accessibility Partial Wheelmap screenshot.png
YAPIS Edit English, Deutsch, español, polski, italiano Create new POIs from a GPX, a georeferenced JPG or clicking on the map.
Particularly suitable for beginners as it is self-explanatory.

Accessibility for persons with disabilities

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Accessibility Layer in OSM-WMS Accessibility English, Deutsch Accessibility map (locations) Unknown - accessibility.png
AmauroMap [63] Accessibility Deutsch Prototype: Map and router for visual impaired or blind users Unknown AmauroMap screenshot.png
BliViMap [64] Accessibility Deutsch Shows POIs for blind and visually impaired persons on a visual map for sighted cartographers. Yes Blindpeople's.png
GetThere [65] Accessibility English, español, čeština, italiano, Nederlands, polski, 中文 Android-based GPS navigation app for blind and visually impaired pedestrians. No Accessibility Deutsch Wheelchair map with different layers (POIs, hiking, public transport) Unknown
Wheelchair map [66] Accessibility English Wheelchair map (locations) Yes Wheelchairdrivers OSM screenshot.png (Layer) Accessibility, wheelchair routing English, Deutsch Wheelchair map (streets and POIs) Unknown
Wheelmap Accessibility, edit English, Deutsch, français, italiano, 日本語, svenska, Türkmençe, Ελληνικά, íslenska, and Klingon! Wheelchair map (locations) Yes

Public transport

To see the OSM data relating to public transport.

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
Resejämföraren visit Interaction, routing, biking, comparison svenska, English Travel Compare Server in English, is a multi-modal router for the Øresund/Öresund region. It uses OpenStreetMap data and was created by Lund Municipality in 2009. Comparison of time, price, carbon dioxide emissions and calorie usage for different travel options.
Partial Resejamforaren.png
ÖPNVKarte [67] Interaction Deutsch Worldwide map displaying routes of public transportation (PSV).
No ÖPNV-Karte screenshot.png
LatLon Public Transport Map Interaction English Displays a worldwide overlay on mapnik showing public transport routes and stops No
OsmTransport Interaction English Shows public transportation services at selected cities. No OsmTransport screenshot.png
OpenRailwayMap [68] Interaction català, čeština, dansk, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, English, español, français, 日本語, lietuvių, Nederlands, ߒߞߏ, polski, português, русский, slovenščina, svenska, Türkçe, українська, Tiếng Việt Detailed map of the railway network, based on OpenStreetMap. It considers all rail-mounted and automotive vehicles, e.g. railways, subways, trams und miniature railways. Yes Orm-frankfurt-2013-09-21.png
Openptmap [69] Interaction English Worldwide map for public transport
Different base maps, wheel-chair layer, timetable layer (European timetable).
Yes Openptmap blank bg.png
Openmap Interaction English Worldwide map for public transport Yes screenshot.png
OSM3S PT diagrams [70] Interaction English Public Transport Line Diagram Yes Sketch-line Ginko-27.svg
Actuele spoorkaart Nederland Interaction, realtime Nederlands Realtime train position in Netherlands Yes screenshot.png
Raildar Interaction, realtime français Realtime train position in France (TGV, TER, Transilien, ...), Denmark, Finland, Ireland Partial screenshot.png
EdinTravel interactive map Realtime English Find out real-time information on journey times for key routes, information on buses, park & ride sites and multi-storey car parks in Edinburgh. Appears to use OSM as basemap only. No EdinTravel interactive map.png
TapTap Map Interaction English See routes for TapTap's in Haiti as well as station information. Unknown Haiti Tap Tap Map! screenshot.png
World Airport Codes Interaction English The place to find airport codes, abbreviations, runway lengths and other airport information. No World Airport Codes screenshot.png
OpenPublicTransport Interaction English Public transport routes in an easy-to-use format. No screenshot.png
ViajeTriFácil Interaction English, português Public transport routes in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Includes a website and mobile apps for several platforms. Uses OTP with GTFS data (stops, route geometry and timetables) from DataPoa (the local government's public open data portal), OSM data for pedestrian routing, and Google for geocoding. Unknown
TransitMix Interaction English Tool for creating your own bus systems using OpenStreetMap data. Yes
AllRailMap Interaction English Simple and intuitive world railway map, improving upon the outstanding and sadly outdated Thorsten Büker's and Boris Chomenko's railway maps. Shows gauge, electrification status and voltage. No
FlightStats English Flight tracking service which uses OSM data as a part of their map data (attribution page). No

Live/real-time edits to OSM data

Currently nearly the same: Quality assurance#Real-time change following
Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
OSM Live (wiki) Art, OSM tool English Monitoring the OSM edits in nearly realtime. Shows location and user name on a world map, not detailed. No OSM LIVE screenshot.png
LiveMapViewer Art, OSM tool English A java tool to see live changes based on Planet.osm diff. Yes
Show me the way (wiki) Art, OSM tool English Shows near live edits (ways only?) overlaid on bing aerial imagery and shows a small overview OSM map (MapBox tiles). No "Pause" button or "previous" button (could be improved to be usable as anti-vandalism tool). Seems to use Overpass API/Augmented Diffs as data source. Unknown github Show-me-the-way01.png
OSMbuzz Art, OSM tool English Shows near live edits (ways only) overlaid on bing aerial imagery and pinpointed on a MapQuest overview map, similar to the tool "Show me the way". Shows the way's tags. No "Pause" button or "previous" button (could be improved to be usable as anti-vandalism tool). Seems to use Overpass API/Augmented Diffs as data source. note: ­just a world map, no function (2015-05-02) – please delete this entry if it persists! No (unknown) Osmbuzz01.png Art, OSM tool English Shows near live edits on both overview map (pin) and local map (bounding box), with stats, activity graph, and misc changeset info. Yes, osm-livechanges itself Apache License Version 2.0.) Live.osm.fr01.png

Quality assurance - OSM tool

Here we list web utilities to work with OSM so monitoring, debugging, …

Name, link Genre Language Description Free materials Image
OSM History Viewer OSM Tool English, Deutsch, magyar To see the difference last change on the tags and map. Yes OSM History Viewer- Changeset 6798641.png
WHODIDIT OSM tool, interaction English OpenStreetMap Changeset Analyzer Unknown Screenshot
OSM Relation Analyzer [71] QA Deutsch Analyze relations and find errors (optimized to find errors in the route relations) Unknown OSM TMC in Deutschland screenshot.png
OSMarelmon - The OSM Relation Monitor QA English Monitors relations. Monitored relations are periodically checked and the changes are distributed via RSS feeds. Unknown
How did you contribute to OSM OSM Tool English Goes back in the user edits history and shows what are the first/last edits on OSM No How did you contribute to OpenStreetMap.png
OSM Country Statistics QA English, русский Details on user count, speed, node count Unknown OSM-Country-Statistics screenshot.png
OSMatrix [72] QA, OSM tool English Tool for visualising mapping progress/quality Unknown OSMatrix screenshot.png
OSM Route Manager [73] QA English, Deutsch Analyze route relations, find gaps and export GPX files. Yes OSM-Route-Manager screenshot.png
OS Locator Musical Chairs [74] QA English Browsable comparison of OSM street names with the GB Ordnance Survey Locator street name database Yes Oslmusicalchairs screenshot.png
QualityStreetMap QA English, Deutsch, français, italiano Allows you (1) to 'lock' areas as your working area to coordinate teamwork (2) to mark completion regarding map feature keys on a square grid Yes see QualityStreetMap OSM QA App screenshot.png
OSM Watch List (OWL) QA English Monitors changes, summarises in a grid and offers RSS feeds teamwork on a bigger area Yes OWL screenshot.png
Post Box Guesstimator QA Deutsch Estimates where postboxes might be missed in Germany basing on statistics. Seems to be not working anymore (fails with a Openlayers exception in FF and Opera) Unknown Post Box - Guesstimator screenshot.png
Query-to-map [75] QA English Exports custom data requests as lists and shows them on a map Partial Querey-to-map screenshot.png
refs for U.S. interstates QA English Lists and finds the corresponding road segments and reference numbers for the American interstates Unknown Ref US interstates screenshot.png
Skobbler Bugs QA Deutsch, English, română, français,
español, italiano, русский
Bugs contributed by Skobbler using an OpenStreetBugs like portal No Bugs skobbler screenshot.png
Taginfo QA List and search for all tags Yes Taginfo screenshot.png
Verkehrszeichen Tool QA Deutsch Wizard to get the right tags for traffic signs
look alternative JOSM-Plugin RoadSigns
Unknown Verkehrszeichen Tool screenshot.png
layers@osm-fr [76] QA Overlays showing streets with no name, no ref, no oneway; fixmes & notes text; administrative boundaries . Yes Yet another validation tool for osm data screenshot.png
Editor usage stats QA English Statistics on which editor is used most. Unknown
Geofabrik Tile coordinates map QA English Showing coordinate grid with Tile IDs No Geofabrik Tiles ID Map screenshot.png
Openstreetmap Coastline Errors QA English Checks for corrupted coastlines Partial
Map generated,
“Bad Geometry” and “missing shape parts” layers
Openstreetmap Coastline Errors screenshot.png
Osmose [77] QA English, français, Deutsch, español, italiano, Nederlands, Kiswahili Checks for issues. Yes Osmose screenshot.png
Information Freeway QA English Slippy map with tiles from Tiles@home, several sources, interface for rerender requests Yes, OpenLayers + HTML Source screenshot.png
MapCraft OSM Tool English Tool to coordinate a mapping party by delimited zone Yes screenshot.png
Keep Right [78] QA multilingual Displays mapping errors Yes, at sourceforge Keep right screenshot.png
NoName [79] QA English Highlights roads with no name=* tag No Noname high zoom.jpg
NOVAM QA English Bus stop verification tool developed for the NaPTAN import in the UK Yes Novam-screenshot.png
Various OSM map [80] QA English, français Displays all kinds of map in the same interface, with also a mobile version [81]. Yes Map-stephane-brunner.png
Missing maxheight tags QA English, Deutsch, français Check truck related tagging worldwide
  • Find covered/tunnel without maxheight tag.
  • Identify missing maxheight tags under (railway) bridges
  • Check existing maxheight, maxwidth, maxlength, maxweight, ... tags.

Link to the Maxheight Map Wiki Page
Yes. Mmd maxheight map screenshot.png
OSM Inspector [82] QA English Displays all kinds of possible dataset quality problems No screenshot.png
OSM Contributors by Area [83] OSM Tool English List of contributors who have participated in a given OSM area Yes. Osm-contributors-by-area.png
achavi OSM tool English Augmented OSM Change Viewer: visualizes OpenStreetMap changes based on the Overpass API Augmented Delta (adiff) query. Supports continuous monitoring of an area of interest and visualizing single changesets (with some limitations). Yes.
OsmLaneVisualizer/Lane Visualizer [84] OSM tool, QA English Schematic visualization of the lanes of a way including destination. Covers all important attributes (e.g. maxspeed, :lanes-extension and destination). Yes. OsmLaneVisualizer example 1.png
YoHours OSM tool English Webpage for easy generation of opening hours (opening_hours=*) Yes

See also