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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = motorway
为安全且快速通行所设计的高容量高速道路。 编辑此说明
OSM Carto中渲染
Rendering-highway motorway carto.png
组: 道路






  • 通常类似于控制出入口道路,且无路口让行限制(如让行标志、环岛、停止标志、停止标线等)
  • 一般单向至少有两条以上的车道,并在道路中央有硬隔离。
  • 具有仅供服务用途的通道,例如为非住宅产权服务的车道、连接基础设施的服务道路、连接休息区的道路等,常见于郊区或乡村环境。

不符合上述条件的道路,请考虑使用highway=trunk。关于不同国家中,highway=motorway不同用法的教学,请参阅Highway:International equivalence




大多数高速公路全线都有  路肩,但您可以使用 shoulder=no 来表示某段道路缺少路肩。 如果高速公路某处拥有紧急停车带或港湾式停车处,则可以将 highway=emergency_bay 节点添加到其所在的位置。

在某些地方,某些 highway=motorway 可能会允许骑自行车的人或行人在路肩上通行。 这意味着默认的 foot=no, bicycle=no, shoulder=yes 可能需要修改,它们的用法一目了然[1]


highway=motorway, lanes=3, oneway=yes, ref=A 4



标签 说明 范例
name=* 高速公路的名称 四通八达高速公路
ref=* 国家公路系统中的道路编号 3
oneway=yes 参见 #如何绘制
lanes=* 车道数 3
maxspeed=* 法定最高限速(公里每小时) 110
minspeed=* 法定最低限速(公里每小时) 60
destination=* 高速公路通往的城镇名。一般写于该匝道的地名指示标志上。 北京
carriageway_ref=* 英国高速公路的行车道编号





您可以在收费站的两侧绘制平行的道路,但只能在物理分隔的附近。 例如,在右边的照片中,高速公路会在混凝土护栏开始的地方分岔。 使用 change:lanes=* 表示从收费站向后延伸的车道变换限制。

即使收费站在很短的距离内将其分开,也可以全部使用单个 highway=motorway 线路。


国家或地区 路标 描述 更多内容
澳大利亚 Motorways, freeways, and freeway-like roads.
Divided roads with 2 or 3 lanes in each direction, limited access via interchanges, no traffic lights. Generally 100 or 110 km/h speed limit. For example: Hume Freeway.
Australian Roads Tagging
奥地利 Autobahn WikiProject Austria/Autobahnen
白罗斯 Дорога для автомобилей.png Дарога для аўтамабіляў RU:Map Features:highway
比利时 Autosnelweg/Autoroute/Autobahn NL: Autostrade/autosnelweg, FR: Autoroute, DE: Autobahn WikiProject Belgium/Motorways

WikiProject Belgium/Conventions/Highways

巴西 Autoestradas, >80 km/h
中国大陆 高速公路
克罗地亚 Autocesta
捷克 Dálnice Dálnice Cs:WikiProjekt Česko/Značení silnic
丹麦 Motorvej Motorvej Danish Map Features
多米尼加 Autopista
法国 France road sign C207.svg Autoroute (A) : divided roads with 2 lanes or more in each direction, plus a lane on the right reserved for emergency stop.
  • Most autoroutes are privately operated and require passing a toll for long distance, but some sections in specific areas may be toll free.
  • Max speed is usually 130 km/h (110 km/h under raining/snowing/freezing/foggy conditions) but may be reduced to 110 km/h or lower around large cities or autoroute junctions, or in case of works, and will be reduced to 90 km/h or lower if traffic is temporarily derouted to a single bidirectional carriage on a single lane per direction.
  • Access (or crossing) forbidden for pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles (except in designated service areas with parkings where max speed is reduced, or behind the protection barriers along autoroutes to reach the neareast emergency phone).
Fr:Map Features
格鲁吉亚 Autobahn ავტობანი (avtobani)
德国 Autobahn Autobahn WikiProject Germany/Autobahn
希腊 Αυτοκινητόδρομος Αυτοκινητόδρομος WikiProject Greece/Motorways
香港 Hong Kong expressway sign.svg Designated expressways, road tunnels and tunnel areas. Zh-hant:Hong Kong tagging
匈牙利 Autópálya Autópálya WikiProject Hungary/Gyorsforgalmi út
印度尼西亚 Indonesia road sign (Guide) 4a.svg Jalan Tol
Freeway in Iran.png
The Freeways according to the definition of Iranian National Standardization Organization.
以色列 Dálnice Kwish Mahir
意大利 Autostrada Autostrada, compresi i raccordi autostradali come le tangenziali di Milano e il Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma. It:Italian Roads Tagging
日本 Japan road sign 325.svg Expressways or motor roads. Normally divided with 2 or more lanes in each direction.
朝鲜半岛 Korean Highway 3.svg Divided, grade-separated highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction designated by a red and blue shield (toll roads). Also, some National Routes (blue oval) which have been upgraded to Motorway status (toll-free). Ko:Map Features
Korea Motorways
马来西亚 Expressway logo.png Lebuhraya: usually tolled. Expressway section of the Malaysian_Roads_Tagging page
荷兰 Autosnelweg NL:The Netherlands roads tagging
新西兰 Motorway begins nz -vector.svg
Expressway begins nz -vector.svg
Motorways and expressways
Divided highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction. Grade-separated interchanges (no at-grade intersections, traffic lights or roundabouts). Generally 100 or 110 km/h speed limit.
挪威 NO road sign 502.svg Motorvei No:Map_Features#Road_classes
菲律宾 Expressways (mostly tolled).
Examples include the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), South Luzon Expressway (SLEX), Metro Manila Skyway, Subic - Clark - Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX), Tarlac - Pangasinan - La Union Expressway (TPLEX), Manila - Cavite Expressway (CAVITEX/Coastal Road), etc.
Philippines/Mapping conventions#Roads
波兰 Autostrada Autostrada WikiProject Poland/Klasyfikacja dróg
葡萄牙 Autostrada Auto-estrada – all the motorways with "A" reference. For example: A 25. Portugal's highways standardization
罗马尼亚 Romania road sign G6.svg [W] Autostradă
俄罗斯 RU road sign 5.1.svg автомагистраль (avtomagistral'), которая уже имеет статус trunk. RU:Map Features:highway
斯洛伐克 DiaľnicaRýchlostná cesta Diaľnica & Rýchlostná cesta
斯洛文尼亚 Avtocesta WikiProject_Slovenia/Ceste#AC, HC - Avtoceste in Hitre ceste
西班牙 Autopista/Autovía WikiProject Spain/Autopista Normalización
瑞典 Motorväg Sv:Map Features#Vägar
瑞士 Autobahn Autobahn / autoroute
中华民国(台湾) 國道 (Freeway) WikiProject Taiwan/Taiwan tagging
土耳其 OtoyolLevhaGenis.png Otoyol Vikipedi(turkish) Motorway network in Turkey. Highways in use, under construction and projected Tr:Turkey roads tagging
英国 UK traffic sign 2901.svg motorway
美国 A freeway, turnpike, or interstate
Grade-separated highway, normally divided with 2 or more lanes in each direction. Access by ramps only. This includes all Interstate Highways (with a couple of rare exceptions) and some US and state highways (or portions thereof).
委内瑞拉 Qualifies as a autopista a highway that meets the following characteristics:

1. Have a physical separator in the middle, be it a concrete wall or a large expanse of land that divides the two carriageway.

2. It must not have crossings, or traffic lights, or roundabout, or return ramp by the left lane.

3. It should only be accessed by a ramp.

4. The road must not have houses or properties that are directly attached to it.

If the autopista does not meet these characteristics, it must be tagging as a trunk.


  1. https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2021-January/thread.html#58857 - about pedestrian access on major roads, includes discussion of feasibility, legality and sanity of pedestrian traffic on roads, up to and including motorways and revealed that explicit tagging of pedestrian access may be useful even on motorways