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Public-images-osm logo.svg access
此标签描述法律层面上的通行限制。 编辑此说明
组: Restrictions
已记载的值: 21























也许它只能在某些时间段被使用,那么请加上使用条件以及时间:access:conditional=customers @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00)








  • access=nobus=yes意味着只有公共汽车能使用道路(比如一条公共汽车专用道路)。
  • access=yesmotor_vehicle=no意味着除了机动车以外所有交通方式都可通行。
  • access=forestryfoot=permissive表示林业车辆可以合法的使用道路。行人也可以使用道路,但允许可能在之后被撤销。注意,这个标签同时禁止了所有的交通方式,除了被标记的交通方式。比如,自行车和马通常在这个组合中被搞错。因此,在限制中最好使用特定交通方式标签,而不是通常的access=*。



  • access=*(类别:任何陆上交通工具)
    • 不使用车辆的交通方式
    • 使用车辆的交通方式
      • vehicle=*(类别:任何车辆)
      • 非机动车
      • 机动车
        • motor_vehicle=*(类别:任何机动车)
        • 单条轨迹的
          • Sinnbild Kraftrad.svg motorcycle=*(两轮摩托车)
          • Sinnbild - Kleinkrafträder und Fahrräder mit Hilfsmotor.svg moped=*(轻便摩托车;电动轻便摩托)
          • Sinnbild Mofa.svg mofa=*(电动自行车)
        • Sinnbild Kfz.svg 两条轨迹的(类别:有两轮以上或轨迹多于一条的机动车)
          • Sinnbild PKW.svg motorcar=*汽车(它可以在限制中表示通常的两条轨迹的机动车类别)
          • Motorhome.svg motorhome=*[W] 房车
          • Sinnbild Reisebus.svg tourist_bus=*描述了一种不像普通的公交服务的公共交通服务,通常是长途(但不是全部)。
          • Sinnbild Reisebus.svg coach=*描述了不属于公共交通服务的长途大巴。
          • goods=*(轻型商业货运车辆,如最大重量小于等于3.5t的货运车辆)
          • Sinnbild LKW.svg hgv=*(重型货运车辆,如最大重量大于于3.5t的货运车辆)
          • Sinnbild Traktor.svg agricultural=*(农业机动车辆,如拖拉机。有额外限制,如限速25km/h)
          • golf_cart=*(高尔夫车和相似的小型低速电动车)
          • atv=*(又名四轮摩托车(Quad)(限制宽度为1.27米或更小的车辆)。这仍在提案阶段。你可以使用maxwidth=1.27以代替。
          • snowmobile=*
        • 特殊用途车辆
          • psv=*(公共交通服务车辆)
          • hov=*(高容量车辆的快速通道,限制因地区而异,如至少一位乘客)
          • car_sharing=*(共享汽车)
          • emergency=*(类别:紧急车辆。如救护车,消防车,警车)注意,紧急车辆通常不被法定通行限制所限制。明确指定是紧急车辆通道的地方可使用emergency=designated
          • hazmat=*(危险品车)
          • 15 disabled=*(残疾人士通行限制(不止在停车场))


  • 混合动力车,电动车和其他无排放车辆(如氢动力)。查看讨论页了解更多。
  • 聘请司机的车辆。
  • 4wd_only=*(仅允许四驱)
  • Sinnbild LKW mit Anhänger.svg roadtrain=*[W] 公路火车)(公路火车)
    • B-double.png bdouble=*: 大型挂车(挂了两个货厢)
    • 其他重型货车的配置(挂了两个货厢或者小货厢(?))。
  • lhv=*(长货车)
  • [W] 推车
  • [W] 电动人力车
  • [W]Kei Cars(有限制尺寸,重量以及引擎动力的小车。它们的尺寸被一些国家从道路限制中区别开,比如日本。


  • access=*(类别:任何水上交通)
    • Maki-swimming-15.svg swimming=*(游泳)
    • boat=*(小船,包括游艇)(在CEVNI中小于20m长的船,可能在不采用CEVI的地区有其他规定)
      • motorboat=*(用于way)(用发动机驱动的小船)
      • sailboat=*(用于way)(用帆的小船(根据在 ColregCEVNI中的定义))
      • canoe=*(没有帆或发动机的小船,如小艇,独木舟,皮划艇)
    • fishing_vessel=*(渔船)
    • Maki2-ferry-18.svg ship=*(商船)
      • passenger=*(客船)
      • cargo=*(货船)
        • bulk=*(干物品散货船)
        • tanker=*(液体散货船,包括压缩气体)
        • container=*(普通货船的集体标签)
        • imdg=*(危险品货船,查看[W] IMDG了解更多。)
      • isps=*(国际船舶和港口设施安全条例)



  • access=*(类别:任何轨道交通)


yes 公众具有官方的,合法的通行权;即,具有路权。
no 一般公众没有通行权。考虑使用其他标签(如 foot=yesbicycle=permissive 等)来描述谁 可以 使用该要素。If only specific transport modes are forbidden, for example, at a vehicle no-entry sign, use a more specific restriction like vehicle=no or motor_vehicle=no over the general key access.
private Only with individual permission
permissive Open to general traffic until such time as the owner revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time in the future.
destination Only when travelling to this element/area; i.e., local traffic only. NOTE: This restriction often only applies to certain modes of transportation (e.g., only to vehicles). Take care to use the right transport mode restriction; e.g., vehicle=destination when only vehicle traffic is restricted.

Sign text in different languages:
English: "except for access" (UK) / "no thru traffic" / "local traffic only" (USA), Dutch: "bestemmingsverkeer"/"uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer" (Flanders/Belgium), German: "Anlieger frei"/"ausgenommen Anrainerverkehr" (Austria), French: "Interdit sauf riverains"/"excepté circulation locale" (Wallonie/Belgium), Norwegian: "Gjennomkjøring forbudt"/"ingen gjennomkjøring"/"kun kjøring til eiendommene", Danish: "Gælder kun gennemkørsel".

Note that "access only for residents" is private (for example vehicle=private when applied only to vehicles).

delivery 只有在向要素交付货物时。例如在一条 highway=pedestrian 上标注 motor_vehicle=delivery。Status: "approved" Text-x-generic.svg
customers 只针对该要素的客户。If access is not open to any person willing to pay, consider using private instead. Membership clubs are generally tagged as private.
designated A preferred or designated route for the class of traffic specified by the tag key, such as foot=designated, in general this means that there is a (explicit) sign saying something like "pedestrians allowed", or a pedestrian icon.

Using this value with the plain access key, access=designated, has no meaning, and should not be used. (see #Transport mode restrictions)

For compulsory cycleways mapped as separate ways see bicycle=use_sidepath.

use_sidepath Used to indicate that a mapped parallel way -that belongs to the same road- must be used instead (mostly acting as access=no with some exceptions). A road can legally consist of several ways, such as a single or dual carriageway with parallel tracks for cyclists, mopeds, pedestrians and/or equestrians. Used in countries where these classes must use specific parallel ways when present (following traffic rules, sometimes in conjunction with traffic signs). This tag should only be used to limit specific transport modes (e.g., bicycle=use_sidepath).
dismount 只有在下车/下马等情况下才允许某些车辆(或动物)。Mostly used for bicycle: Use bicycle=dismount when people are not permitted to cycle (e.g., through a graveyard) but are allowed to dismount and bring the bike. See Bicycle#Bicycle Restrictions. Note that bicycle=no is also commonly used where dismounting and pushing bicycle is legal.
agricultural 仅用于农业交通。请注意,农民的小道是私人的(private),而不是农业的(agricultural),除非该小道对任何用于农业的车辆开放。 Status: "approved" Text-x-generic.svg
forestry 仅用于林业交通。 Status: "approved" Text-x-generic.svg
discouraged A legal right of way exists (see yes) but usage is officially discouraged (e.g., HGVs on narrow but passable lanes). Only if marked by a traffic sign (subjective otherwise).
unknown 通行限制未知或不清晰。For the access key, where users might assume access rights by definition or some default, this makes it explicit that the actual situation is not known (since an absent access tag might also be mistaken by some users as being compliant to an assumed default). These tags should therefore not be removed without replacing them with a better alternative


Tags of "access" group can be used for nodes, ways and areas. There are different priorities in OSM-community, where to put access tag: to area (usually it is a square, which have some specific conditions of access), to line (usually it is roads inside square) or to node (usually it is gate in barrier, which surrounds square, where there is a possibility to enter the area). Note that access tags mark legal status of territory and barriers and warning signs are only physical reflections of restrictions in area. In such manner, area with private status should have appropriate values, even there is no surrounding barrier or it is broken. Note, that different entrances can have different access values and different roads inside area can have different access values too. For example, we have area with permissive access - so we mark it with access=permissive. But there are several entrances, one of which is designated for all people, and other - only for persons, which have key. So we mark one entrance with access=permissive and other - with access=private. Another example - we have botanical garden with permissive access, which have roads, which are designated for public, and roads, which are designated only for staff of garden. In such case we have access=permissive at one roads and access=private (or access=no) at another.

When you are tagging some area, it is your decision, where to put "access" tags: to area, to entrances or to roads inside area (because nobody can bring you to add some tags somewhere), but removal of correct tags, which were put but someone else, is a mistake (and is close to vandalism). If you like to put tags to areas, do it, if you like to put tags to roads inside areas, do it, if you like to put tags to entrances, do it. But don't delete tags from type of elements, which you don't like.

Facility restrictions

Access can be tagged on facilities, typically including

Access time and other conditional restrictions

For a full description and more examples, please see the conditional restrictions page.

Restrictions may be limited to a particular time or day. Or they may limit the access for vehicles over a certain weight. Such conditions can be tagged as shown in these tagging examples:

  1. Only destination access is permitted during 8am and 5pm on Mondays to Fridays:
    access:conditional=destination @ (Mo-Fr 08:00-17:00)
  2. Motor vehicles heavier than 5 tonnes may only access this street for the purpose of delivering goods:
    motor_vehicle:conditional=delivery @ (weight>5)

Please note that the above tagging style can be used to replace the following time dependent restrictions. It has been suggested that they be deprecated and should therefore no longer be used. date_on=*, date_off=*, day_on=*, day_off=*, hour_on=*, hour_off=*. Also note, that using of conditional tag assumes overt indication of value, which mostly suites as a default value. For example, if access is open on one part of day (on this part of day access=permissive) and is closed on other part of day (on this part of day access=private), we have a situation, when we should mark the object with a tag access=permissive or access=private. There is no concrete, precise and universal algorithm to define, if we should use permissive or private in concrete situation, but we can definitely say, that in such case we can't use access=yes (or not use tag access at all), because access=yes (or absence of tag access) means round-the-clock open access for general public.

Size and statutory restrictions

A number of statutory restrictions based on height, width, weight, etc. can also be defined. A assumed units are the appropriate SI unit and should be specified without any suffix. For lengths use metres, for weights use metric tonnes and for times use hours. Decimal numbers should include a decimal point. Exceptions include speeds which should be in mph in places where speed limits are defined in these units and times which can include a suffix of 'days' if appropriate.

  • maxaxleload=* - The legal maximum axleload in metric tonnes.
  • maxheight=* - The legal maximum height in metres
  • maxheight:physical=* - The maximum height in metres
  • maxlength=* - The legal maximum length in metres
  • maxspeed=* - Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway (km/h by default, mph where specified)
  • maxstay=* - Maximum time you are allowed to stay somewhere. (maximum parking time)
  • maxweight=* - permissible maximum actual weight
  • maxweightrating=* - Legal access restriction for vehicles with a max allowed weight above the specified weight in metric tonnes.
  • maxwidth=* - The legally restricted maximum width of a vehicle (also note width=* for the physical width of the entire road.)
  • mindistance=* - minimum trailing distance, often as mindistance:hgv=* on old bridges or in tunnels
  • minspeed=* - Specifies the minimum speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
  • maxdraught=* -



Ways may have different access restrictions for each direction. The most simple case is a way designated as a oneway road:

Driving is only allowed in the direction of the way.
Driving is only allowed against the direction of the way. If possible reverse the direction of the way and tag with oneway=yes.
Not normally used, as two-way traffic is the default. Use only where another tag (such as highway=motorway) implies oneway=yes.

Exceptions to 'one-way' and related special cases

For more complex direction dependent restrictions, the postfixes :backward and :forward can be used on the keys, for example:

When cyclists are allowed to travel in both directions on a oneway street (but no lane is present).
When a road has a oneway cycleway next to it that must be used, and a cyclelane in the other direction.

Also in use when cyclists are allowed to travel in the opposite direction:

Only if a separate lane exists.
Only if a separate track exists.
Consistent with tags based on conditions. Note: This was previously tagged as "bicycle:oneway=no", but this is deprecated.

The oneway tag can be translated (for routing purposes) to this generic system as follows (oneway restrictions presumably do not apply to pedestrians):




Heavy good vehicles are not allowed on the leftmost lane of a road with three lanes.
Buses are not allowed on the leftmost lane of a road with three lanes in forward direction. The rightmost lane is a designated bus lane.


主条目:Turn restriction


  • bicycle=yes The public has a right of way when travelling on a bicycle.
  • horse=designated The route is designated for use by equestrians.
  • motorcycle=unknown It is unclear whether motorcycles can use this section.
  • motorcar=private The owner must give access to cars on an individual basis. Access by car is private; e.g., on a private road.
  • goods=no General goods vehicle traffic is not allowed.
  • hgv=no Heavy goods vehicle traffic is not allowed.
  • boat=no Waterway is not available for boat traffic.
  • oneway=yes + psv=opposite_lane The street is one way for cars but there is one opposite lane for buses and taxis.
  • maxweight=7 限重7t。
  • maxaxleload=3.5 限轴重3.5t。
  • maxheight=2.5 限高2.5m。
  • maxdraught=1 船最大吃水深度为1m。
  • maxspeed=110 限速110km/h
  • maxspeed=55 mph 限速55mph。
  • maxstay=14 days 最长的停留时间,单位可以是hour/hours或day/days。




bicycle=no bicycle:de_facto=yes(存疑)



如果你知道 有使用这个标签的地方的话,请确认能否使用其他标签代替。

