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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = trunk
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非高速公路的重要道路。 編輯此說明
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組: 道路


在不同的國家,無論品質或重要性都是定義trunk的標準。關於不同國家道路分類的指引,請參見#International equivalenceHighway:International equivalence



Map dual carriageway.png




  • name=名稱 - 道路名稱。例如:「西部濱海快速道路」、「 West Coast Expressway」
  • maxspeed=數字 - 道路法定最高限速(公里每小時)。例如:「90」
  • minspeed=數字 - 表示行駛道路必須達到的最低限速
  • ref=編制名稱 - 道路的編制號碼,請參見該國道路的識別系統。例如「61」
  • loc_name=名稱 - 非官方或地方道路名稱
  • maxweight=數字 - 最大載重限制(噸)。例如「5.5」
  • surface=* - 道路路面材質說明。例如「asphalt(柏油)」
  • width=數字est_width=數字 - 道路寬度(公尺)。例如「45」
  • lanes=數字 - 道路可使用的車道數,常為「4」或「6」
  • motorroad=* 如果該道路有限制機動車輛的交通規範
  • toll:N3=yes - 最大允許載重大於12公噸的卡車需收取通行費
  • destination=* 表示道路通往的目的地。請考慮路徑的方向,並使用寫在屬於trunk_link道路指示標誌上的城市名稱:例如「彰化」(關於trunk_link,請參見highway=motorway_link



  • highway=trunk_link - 通往或離開快速道路的聯絡道路(滑行道/坡道)。
  • bridge=yes + layer=1 - 如果快速道路橫越街道或水路。
  • tunnel=yes + layer=-1 - 如果快速道路穿越街道或水路下方。




國家 快速道路說明 更多詳情
澳大利亞 National highways; state strategic road network.
Connecting major population centres. For example Bruce Highway, Pacific Highway.
Australian Roads Tagging
奧地利 Autostraße NO road sign 503.svg Note the small difference to the Motorcars Only Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg traffic sign in Germany. WikiProject Austria/Schnellstraßen
比利時 Autoweg Verkeersbord autoweg in België.jpg / Expressweg / Route express
巴西 Rodovias duplicadas (divided highways), vias expressas urbanas (urban expressways)
保加利亞 Скоростен път с поне две ленти във всяка посока. Ограничението на скоростта не трябва да е по-малко от стандартното (50 км/ч за населени места, 90 км/ч извън тях).
中國 国道(not superceded by expressways)/城市快速道路
克羅埃西亞 Expressways (Brza cesta) and motorroads (cesta za promet motornih vozila) WikiProject Croatia/Ceste
捷克 Silnice pro motorová vozidla: Silnice pro motorová vozidla and other major 4-lanes highways mainly in urban areas
丹麥 Motortrafikvej Denmark road sign E43.svg Da:Map Features
芬蘭 Valtatiet/National Highways Fi:Map Features
法國 Rocade, voie rapide ou voie express. Voie ayant les caractéristiques d'une autoroute. En général, une 2x2 voies avec séparation centrale.
Par défaut : lanes="2", maxspeed="110" (sauf périph. Paris: 80)
+ ref="Nxx" ou "Dxx"
+ oneway="yes"
+ lanes="x" (si voies <> 2)
FR:Map Features
德國 For Motorway Like Roads (Autobahnähnliche Straße collq. Schnellstraße) without crossings. The carriageways are separated physically or by road markings. Motorway-like junctions with exit signs Zeichen 333-21.svg indicate a trunk road. Neither bound to an administrative class like Bundesstraße 35 number.svg nor to the traffic rule Kraftfahrstraße (motorroad=yes) indicated by this sign Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg. Note the very similar Austrian sign which indeed indicates a road class. DE:Tag:highway=trunk
希臘 1st-tier National Roads WikiProject Greece § Road Network
香港 Roads with route number, but not expressways or tunnels Zh-hant:Hong Kong tagging#街道分類 Classifications of streets
匈牙利 Autóút
印度尼西亞 National Roads. Different by island.
依朗 The Expressways according to the definition of Iranian National Standardization Organization.
愛爾蘭 National Primary Routes, regardless of build quality. Currently numbered N1-N33. Signed in white lettering on a green background.
以色列 National Primary Routes, regardless of build quality. They are numbered with one or two digits. Red numbers on a white background surrounded by green border. ISR-HW-10.svg He:Map Features
義大利 "Strade a scorrimento veloci" (~roads for high travel speeds) with on ramps and off ramps and without level crossings or roundabouts, a road class generally between primary roads and motorways. For mapping access restrictions similar to motorways, use the tag motorroad=yes. Usually the major roads between cities are of this type.
日本 国道/National Highways
摩洛哥 Rocade, expressway.2x2 Divided highway, every intersections with roundabout.speedlimit 80 or 100 km/h
荷蘭 Autoweg PL road sign D-7.svg NL:Map Features
紐西蘭 Strategic State Highways State Highway 1 NZ.svg
State Highways linking major urban areas (population 30,000+), major ports, major airports, international tourist destinations, and/or remote regions. Generally two lanes undivided with regular passing lanes. All State Highways not meeting the criteria should be tagged highway=primary.
挪威 Nation infrastructure road (Riksvei) that are not "Motorvei" , green signs, include E-roads class A and B Norwegian-road-sign-723.11.svg Riksvei 9.svg No:Map Features#Road classes
菲律賓 Primary national roads connecting major cities and provinces.
Examples are the Pan-Philippine Highway/AH26 (not including toll expressway segments, like segments on NLEX and SLEX) that are tagged highway=motorway) , Daang Maharlika, MacArthur Highway, EDSA (includes portions not marked as part of Pan-Philippine Highway/AH26), Aguinaldo Highway, Governor's Drive, Jose P. Laurel Highway (mostly designated as Manila - Batangas Road, but short segment at Santo Tomas is designated as Santo Tomas Bypass Road) , Andaya Highway, Strong Republic Nautical Highway, etc.
Philippines/Mapping conventions#Roads
波蘭 PL road sign D-7.svgExpressway (Polish: Droga ekspresowa) – high-speed, limited-access highway with similar restrictions as in case of motorways (no bikes/horses/tractors allowed), but a bit lower technical parameters. In contrast to motorways it has lower speed limit (140 km/h for motorways vs. 120/100 km/h for dual/single carriageway expressways), it can be single carriageway (most are dual, however) and can have intersections with main roads (except for other expressways and motorways; but in practice probably there are no intersections on any Polish expressway). Reference numbers for expressways in Poland have 'S' prefix, for example S5 Tabliczka S5.svg. WikiProject Poland/Klasyfikacja dróg
葡萄牙 Via Rápida
羅馬尼亞 highway=trunk is used for any national road part of a European corridor or express ways (do not exist in Romania); along with the national road shield (white on red background) RO Roadsign 1.png there are also plates similar to this Norwegian-road-sign-723.11.svg . The ref=* tag has the format DNn, DNnn or DNnnx (n=0-9, x=A-Z), while the tag int_ref=* has the format Enn or Ennn.
E.g.: DN6/E60, DN2/E85 .
Ro:Map Features#Drumuri
斯洛伐克 Cesta pre motorové vozidlá: Cesta pre motorové vozidlá and other high-speed 4-lane roads exclusive for motor vehicles
韓國 Divided highway without ramps.
Higher speeds. Few stop lights or stop signs.
瑞典 Trunk roads (stamväg) as defined by the state, including all European routes and certain other national roads (riksväg). Exceptionally also shorter stretches of other roads having similar importance locally.
瑞士 Autostrasse / autoroute de 2eme classe (semi-autoroute)
坦尚尼亞 Refers to a (paved) 'Trunk Road', as classified by Tanroads. Main roads that connect major cities in the country: e.g. T1 from Dar es Salaam - Zambia border.
英國 primary A road (green signs)
美國 Surface expressway: A relatively high-speed divided road (at least 40 MPH with a barrier or median separating each direction of traffic), with a limited amount of intersections and driveways; or a major intercity highway. This includes many U.S. Highways (that do not parallel an Interstate) and some state highways. Wikipedia reference
委內瑞拉 Main roads used for the vast majority of trunks (T-XX, Troncal XX) that run across the country, and that generally connect one city with another. In some places some of the local roads (L-XX, Local XX) will also be included.
越南 Trunk (Xa lộ) in Vietnam usually have more than 3 lane with lane classification signs.


圖像/說明 標籤 Mapnik
Dscf0444 600.jpg


name=Oldenburger Straße

Render mapnik trunk.png