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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = living_street
限速极低,并有其他行人友好法规的道路。 编辑此说明
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组: 道路
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highway=living_street标签用于标记living street(生活性街道)或其他现实中的共享空间。与使用residential标签的街道相比,生活性街道具有较低的限速以及特殊的行车和停车规则。


这种街道的术语在世界各地的差异很大,比如“Home Zone”(英国)、“Erf/Woonerf”(荷兰/佛兰德斯)、“Verkehrs­beruhigter Bereich”(德国)、Begegnungszone(瑞士) , Zone de rencontre(法国)。有关名称和法规的详细信息,请参见下表:







国家或地区 名称 maxspeed= 特殊交通规则 备注
澳大利亚 Shared Zone 10 (can vary) Give way to pedestrians Shared_Zone
奥地利 Wohnstraße


Schrittgeschwindigkeit[1]höchstens 20[2] Give way to pedestrians and bicyclists; no transit traffic except for bicycles; exceptions e.g. for fire brigade or waste disposal; parking only in marked spaces; if exiting the "Wohnstraße" you have to give way (yield sign not present); it is always legal to cycle against the oneway direction Wohnstraße
白罗斯 Жилая зона (Zhilaya zona) 20[3] Give way to pedestrians and bicyclists. No transit traffic. Way has a name. Use highway=service living_street=yesfor unnamed ways.

Жилая зона − улица имеющая название, въезды на которую и выезды с которой обозначены дорожными знаками ”Жилая зона“ и ”Конец жилой зоны“, исключая дворовую территорию.[4]

Правила дорожного движения Республики Беларусь
比利时 Woonerf/Zone résidentielle 20 Drivers must give way to pedestrians; pedestrians can use the entire road; special rules for parking a car Woonerf
波斯尼亚与黑塞哥维那 Zona smirenog saobraćaja walking speed
保加利亚 'Жилищна зона' (Zhilishtna zona) 20 Drivers must give way to pedestrians. Pedestrians can use the entire road. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic. Parking allowed only on marked places. If exiting the "Zhilishtna zona" you have to give way.
克罗地亚 Područje smirenog prometa 10
捷克 Obytná zóna 20 doesn't exist yet
丹麦 'Opholds- og legeområde' / Sivegade 15 Pedestrians may use the entire road; drivers must give way to pedestrians; parking only in marked spaces Bekendtgørelse om Vejafmærkning
爱沙尼亚 Õueala 20 (or walking speed if pedestrians are nearby) Give way to pedestrians. The engine must be turned off after two minutes of parking. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic. Pedestrians can use the entire road. No transit traffic.
芬兰 Pihakatu 20 Favors pedestrians, cars must give way. Parking allowed only on marked places. Speed "adapted to pedestrians and not exceed 20". Pihakatu
法国 'Zone de rencontre'
'Cour urbaine'
20 Drivers must give way to pedestrians; pedestrians can use the entire road. Introduced in 2008. Zone de rencontre
德国 Verkehrsberuhigter Bereich (colloquial Spielstraße) walking speed Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked places. On exiting the road drivers have to give way (yield sign not present) Verkehrsberuhigter Bereich
匈牙利 Lakó-pihenő övezet 20 Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked places; no transit traffic. Hungarian highway code (KRESZ)
冰岛 Vistgata 15 (or walking speed if pedestrians are nearby) Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked spaces, except for bicycles. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic.
爱尔兰 N/A N/A No special legal category corresponding to Living Streets exists in Ireland. Tag as residential with maxspeed of either 50 or 30 as indicated by signs
意大利 Zona residenziale N/A Living streets do not exist in Italy. The sign Italian traffic signs - zona residenziale.svg is defined as "Zona residenziale", but no special rules corresponding to Living Streets exists. Tag as residential with maxspeed of either 50 or 30 as indicated by signs. Codice della strada art. 3 comma 58
日本 N/A N/A No special legal category corresponding to Living Streets exists in Japan. Tag as residential with maxspeed as indicated by signs (usually 30 or 20)
泽西岛 Green Lane 15 mph Designated as priority for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. Green lane (road)#Jersey
拉脱维亚 Dzīvojamā zona 20 Give way to pedestrians and bicycles, who may move freely, but not unnecessarily hinder traffic. Parking only allowed in marked places, or, if none present, in places that don't hinder traffic. No trucks >5 t or buses >6 m. Upon exiting the zone, give way to everyone. Ceļu satiksmes noteikumi 13.
荷兰 Erf 15 Pedestrians can use the entire road, parking only in designated spaces. Not necessarily a residential area. Erf (verkeerswetgeving)
挪威 Gatetun 8 Vehicles must give way to all pedestrians. Walking speed for all vehicles. No parking exept in designated places.
Trafikkreglene § 7.4. Kjørende som kommer fra [...] gatetun [...] har vikeplikt for annen trafikant.
§9.2. Kjørende [...] har vikeplikt for gående [...] [i] gågate eller gatetun.
§13. 3. På gågate eller gatetun må det ikke kjøres fortere enn i gangfart.
§17. 2. Det er forbudt å parkere [...] d) på gatetun utenom særskilt anviste plasser.
墨西哥 Calle residencial 10/15/20 (can vary) Doesn't exist on federal law, is used adapted Non Regulated by law SP-E17a Calle residencial.png
波兰 Strefa zamieszkania 20 Pedestrians (including playing children, even without parental supervision) can use entire street and have absolute precedence over vehicles. Parking is only allowed in marked places. Speed calming devices don't have to be marked using road signs. Also give way when leaving the zone[5] Strefa zamieszkania
俄罗斯 Жилая зона (Zhilaya zona) 20[6] Give way to pedestrians. No transit traffic.
Пешеходы имеют преимущество. Транзитный проезд запрещен. Жилая зона − территория, въезды на которую и выезды с которой обозначены дорожными знаками ”Жилая зона“ и ”Конец жилой зоны“[7]. Правила движения в жилых зонах распространяются также и на дворовые территории[8].
Правила дорожного движения Российской Федерации
塞尔维亚 Zona usporenog saobraćaja 10 Identified by traffic sign Spain traffic signal s28.svg.
Pedestrians (including playing children, even without parental supervision) can use entire street and have absolute precedence over vehicles. Parking is only allowed in marked places.
斯洛伐克 Obytná zóna 20 Pedestrians (including playing children, even without parental supervision) can use entire street and have absolute precedence over vehicles. Parking is only allowed in marked places. Obytná zóna
西班牙 Calle residencial 20 Identified by traffic sign Spain traffic signal s28.svg.
Indica las zonas de circulación especialmente acondicionadas que están destinadas en primer lugar a los peatones y en las que se aplican las normas especiales de circulación siguientes: los conductores deben conceder prioridad a los peatones. Los vehículos no pueden estacionarse más que en los lugares designados por señales o por marcas. Los peatones pueden utilizar toda la zona de circulación. Los juegos y los deportes están autorizados en ella. Los peatones no deben estorbar inútilmente a los conductores de vehículos.
瑞典 Gårdsgata/Gångfartsområde Walking speed (10?) Favors pedestrians, cars must give way. Parking allowed only on marked places. When exiting a "Gångfartsområde" you have to give way (yield sign normally not present) Gångfartsområde
瑞士 Begegnungszone 20 People can stay, walk and play on the road. Begegnungszone, Zone de rencontre
土耳其 Yaya öncelikli yol 20 Identified by traffic sign Spain traffic signal s28.svg. Though, there are misdecided living streets and streets which should be living streets but lacking that status.
Give way to pedestrians. Parking only allowed in marked spaces, except for bicycles. Pedestrians should not unreasonably hinder motor traffic. Cars should yield while exiting.
英国 Home Zone 10-15mph Highway Code point 218 Home zone, List of Home Zones
美国(非常罕见或不存在) No known cases of roads where vehicles must yield to pedestrians and pedestrians can use entire street, except cases where highway=pedestrian fits better See Tag:highway=living_street#United_States below for description of an incorrect use.



Zeichen 250 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art, StVO 1970.svg
Zusatzzeichen 1010-10.svg

The colloquial word Spielstraße is commonly used for the legal term Verkehrsberuhigter Bereich. But in administrative regulations (VwV-StVO) the legal word Spielstraße is used for a rare combination of an exclusion of all vehicles combined with an additional sign for playing children.

No numeric speed value is set by law for Schrittgeschwindigkeit (walking pace speed). The value of around 7 km/h resulted from several judgements, most within the range of 7 to 12 km/h. A Tempo 30-Zone is not a living street.


a question mark


The City of Seattle, as part of the "Stay Healthy Streets" initiative, is permanently closing 20 miles of streets to thru traffic, and encouraging biking and walking on these roads. It's a rare example of something close to a living streets in the United States. For more information, see the City of Seattle website. Mappers in some parts of the US sometimes use this tag for roads with a low speed limit and a turning circle at the end. However, both fall under incorrect usage, due to the lack of relevant legal rules. Use access tagging and the actual maxspeed=* instead.




如果你知道 有使用这个标签的地方的话,请确认能否使用其他标签代替。



  1. StVO § 76b
  2. StVO § 76c
  3. ПДД РБ. Глава 11. Пункт 88
  4. RU:Belarus:Примеры обозначения дорог внутри населённых пунктов
  5. “Internetowy System Aktów Prawnych” (in Polish). Dz. U. 1997 nr 98 poz. 602 (with further changes - the unified text). 2012. Retrieved 2013-03-12. 
  6. ПДД РФ. Пункт 10.2
  7. ПДД РФ. Пункт 17.1
  8. ПДД РФ. Пункт 17.4