WikiProject Uganda/Conventions-Categories

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Categories for Flag of Uganda.svg UG Guidelines

Workgroup Priority

Current practice in Flag of Uganda.svgUG
Issues with current mapping
Activities UG Guidelines Workgroup
Calibration of layers & images
Workgroup Priority
generaldetailedmicro Imagery needs to be aligned with existing mapped items before mapping starts.

No common strategy how to define offsets and calibration points. / OSM philosophy of "Ground Truth" not consistently applied. / OSM Imagery Offset Database] not used. / Training materials are spread across different sources. / no QA strategy

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --26-03-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Field survey support
Tagging schemes to record and support maintenance and input of field survey.
Workgroup Priority
generaldetailedmicro source=*, fixme=* and note=* to flag issues or additional not taggable information.

Tags for quality and maintenance are currently missing. Possible candidates are: check_date=*, survey:date=*, operational_status=*

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --18/05/2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Map changes
Procedures for map changes and maintenance
Workgroup Priority
generaldetailedmicro Do less deletions, use life-cycle tagging instead.

No common strategy how to change existing map features and tagging, too many deletions take place / life-cycle tagging is unknown.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --18-05-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Roads, tracks and paths
 High   Medium   Low  
general Draw as way ways. Add classification highway=* and a name name=* & reference ref=*. Junction and roundabouts as single nodes node junction=*.

Classification scheme applied in UG is Highway Tag Africa
detailed Mapping and tagging details according Highways. Roundabouts as way, traffic lights on junctions highway=traffic_signals, individual lanes lanes=* according Lanes, sidewalks highway=path & sidewalk=*, bridges bridge=yes & tunnels tunnel=yes, crossings crossing=*, barriers barrier=* and turn Relation:restriction & access restrictions access=*. Common features in relations relation Relation:route route=road.
micro Add detail highway features like streetlamps man_made=street_lamp, sign- and guideposts information=guidepost, median strips barrier=* natural=*, embankments embankment=* & cuttings cutting=*, drainage and culverts waterway=drain + tunnel=culvert. Details for maxspeed=*, maxheight=*, maxwidth=* and maxweight=*. Map as areas area|highway and group furniture and infrastructure in relation highway=junction & Relation:street.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Highways.

Confusion + inconsistency between local and global classification / no managerial classification / values change on single roads / different interpretation of classification.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --26-03-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Traffic signs
Traffic signs along roads
 High   Medium   Low  
general detailed Draw as node on highways and tag with traffic_sign=UG:ID.

micro Draw as node along highways at physical location. Details like appearance (support=*,height=*,size=*,colour=*) and material material=*.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Traffic signs

Missing mapping strategy images, training & QA sections.

Proposal team: User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)
Convention proposal page: Road signs in Uganda (Traffic Signs) (redirect from Traffic Signs).

8. Discuss and integrate inputs to improve the proposal. --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Hedges, walls, bollards, speed bumps etc...
 High   Medium   Low  
general Drawn as node on or detailed along highways, way or area across highways sharing a node with the way highway=* and tag with barrier=*.

micro Add details like appearance (height=*,size=*,colour=*) and material material=*.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Barriers

Strategy when to use node,linear or area / destroyed bridges and other (temporary) route interruptions / missing local images

Proposal team: User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)
Convention proposal page: Barriers

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

All man_made buildings
 High   Medium   Low  
general Draw as area.building=yes is mandatory.

detailed Specific (architectural) type with building=*. Use of a building with amenity=* and leisure=* added as node or area containing the building(s) (see also POIs, ROIs & VOIs). Entries and exits with entrance=*. Important facilities: water tanks building=storage_tank man_made=storage_tank content=water and toilets amenity=toilets.
micro Details like material material=*. Consider indoor and 3D mapping.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Buildings.

Mixing of type and use / Indoor and 3D mapping largely unknown. / incomplete and contradicting wiki for Indoor & 3D mapping

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Addresses for buildings and building parts.
 High   Medium   Low  
Addresses belong to buildings or building parts, not the POI.

general node in the middle of the building or plot with addr: prefix like addr:housenumber=*, addr:street=*, addr:postcode=* etc...
detailed micro Details for building internals or parts (with indoor mapping) and addr:unit=* and/or addr:housename=*.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Addresses.

no consistency in UG / addresses added to the POI or ROI / postbox addresses need to be tagged on the business.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --09-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

3-dimensional buildings
 High   Medium   Low  
For major public spaces and buildings.
general detailed Simple 3D buildings according to the Simple 3D buildings and Roof lines tagging schemes . Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=*.

micro Minor details like handrails (barrier=fence, columns building:part=*, chimneys building:part=*, doors and windows building:part=* entrance=* etc...
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #3D.

Deletions and overwriting of 3D mapping because largely unknown / inconsistent (global) wiki pages.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Indoor building maps
 High   Medium   Low  
For major public buildings.
general detailed Add tagging for rooms, corridors, areas and levels according to Simple Indoor Tagging. Indoor ways for routing highway=*.

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=*. Handrails (barrier=fence, columns indoor=column, doors and windows indoor=door barrier=wall etc..
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Indoor.

Deletions and overwriting of 3D mapping because largely unknown / inconsistent (global) wiki pages.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Points, Regions & Volumes of Interest
(POIs, ROIs & VOIs)

All specific point or region we useful or interesting.
 High   Medium   Low  
A point of interest (POI) is a specific point (node or waypoint) location that someone may find useful or interesting. It includes region of interest (ROI) and a volume of interest (VOI).

In OSM most POI's, ROI's and VOI's all belong to the top level tags man_made, amenity and leisure.
general Draw as node nodes. ROI's are drawn as area areas or polygons. VOI's are less common and tagged as relation relations.
A single entity shall be tagged with only 1 map feature. Tag as man_made=*, amenity=* or leisure=*. Applying a name=* is common and mandatory.
detailed Additional tags to provide detailed information are specified. Position on the map might be improved by tagging separate entrances.
Postbox addresses can be added. Add additional tagging (called annotation) for opening hours [[Key:|]]=*, website or web page website=*, website, contacts phone=* fax=* mobile=*, email=*... contact:=* prefix. Operator, owner and brand information with tags operator=*, owner=*, brand=*.
micro More are mapped separately. Example: a bar stand, swimming pool, DJ stand etc...
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Points, Regions & Volumes of Interest.

  • large scope implies many tagging schemes are unknown / clear sub-categorisation missing / a lot of undocumented custom keys / Values with inconsistent.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Catering and Tourism
Hotels, resorts, restaurants, bars ...
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:
  • accommodation: hotels, motels, guest houses, lodges, apartments for short stay, chalets, hostels (incuding those for students), mountain and wilderness huts, caravan sites, camping sites and pitches. Tag with tourism=*.
  • animal accommodation. Accomodation of animals like quarantaine facilties, animal hotels, animal shelters. Does not include zoos, reserves and national parks. Tag with amnity=animal_boarding.

detailed Tag the plot or land as landuse=commercial.
micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Catering and Tourism.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Cultural facilties
Movie theatre, theatres ...
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Cultural facilties.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

Religious facilties
Buildings for worshipping, burial grounds, sites with religious meaning or worshipping practices...
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Religious facilties.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

Public and government facilities & services
Government & public service offices, ministeries, police ...
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Public and government facilities & services.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

Educational institutions
Nurseries, schools, colleges, universities, vocational institutions.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Educational institutions.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

Health facilities
Doctors, nurses, pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, quarantaine facilties, health research.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Health facilties.

Leisure and entertainment industry
Beaches with bars, swimming pools, zoos, disco/dancehall.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Leisure and entertainment industry.

No clear list what is included, gaps remain undefined.

Social facilities
Playgrounds, village gathering.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Social facilties.

Sports facilities
Pitches, golf courses, race tracks, gyms, tennis courts, horse riding.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Sports facilties.

Commercial and retail facilities
Markets, shops.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Commercial and retail facilities.

Financial institutions and services
Banks, currency exchange, mobile money agents, ATM's, SACCO's, mortgage and lending agents, insurance companies.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Financial institutions and services.

Small, medium and large manufacturing enterprises
Craftsmen, factories, warehouses, wholesale.
 High   Medium   Low  
general node or area on the building or area and name=* is mandatory for:

micro Details like materials material=* and appearance colour=* and specific sector tags like :
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Small, medium and large manufacturing enterprises.

Water Features
which are rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs, canals, ditches and drains.
 High   Medium   Low  
general LInear features, like rivers, streams, canals, drains, ditches are mapped as way and tagged as waterway=* with corresponding value. The direction of the waterway points downstream. Water bodies like lakes, ponds and reservoirs as area with natural=water and water=*. Add at least a name=* if known.

Bridges need to be tagged with bridge=yes and layer=1 on the way highway=* containing the bridge. Waterways passing under a way highway=* as separate section with tunnel=yes or tunnel=culvert and layer=-1.
Best practice for waterways in sections or branched is to put the common tags, mostly water=* / name=* in a relation type=waterway.
Large barriers and features in the waterway are mapped as node, part of the waterway or as way crossing the waterway or and sharing a node. Tag with waterway=dam, waterway=weir, waterway=waterfall or waterway=rapids.
detailed Wide waterways are drawn along the banks. The banks being located as visual or as median of the maximum water levels of all months of the year. Most common tag is waterway=riverbank with alternative natural=water and water=* gaining popularity.
Temporary dry waterways are most commonly tagged as intermittent=yes.
Add facilties as waterway=dock and waterway=boatyard.
micro Add smaller size barriers. Map the riverbeds and islands with natural=* (don't overlap !). Add additional optional tags as usage=irrigation.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Water Features.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --04-05-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Water features which are mainly rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs.
Lake Victoria / lakes with varying levels
Lakes are mapped as area areas. Flood areas can be mapped as hazardous zones.

Tag with natural=water and water=lake.

  • Editing, and in case of damage, of Lake Victoria has become more and more difficult. The relation is too big and often editing conflicts arise due to it's large geographical extend. Suggestion is made to divide the lake in bays, island groups and a common middle area and use parent and child relations. It is a rather technical discussion and solution.
  • Flood zones are hardly or not mapped in Uganda but, due to the recent significant changes in the level of many lakes, become more and more significant due to the humanitarian impact the resulting floods have. We see often changes in the polygons representing the lakes to reflect current short term water levels by adjusting shores. A change in mapping phylosophy is emminent, to map avaergae water levels (like on a 10 year span) instead of mapping actual ones and keep on changing them when new imagery comes available. Mapping flood zones (hazards) can be easily achieved reflecting the 10 year high and low water levels.
  • Lakes sofar identified where this is a major issue: Lake Victoria, Lake ALbert, Lake Wamala.
Land Use
which is mainly residential, commercial, industrial and agriculture.
 High   Medium   Low  
Draw as area closed ways (also called areas).

general For general mapping enclosing large areas, like a complete village, a large area of land mainly used for agriculture etc...
Tag with a specific value for landuse=*. area should not overlap with other area tagged as landuse=*. Keep a small gap from way highway=*.
detailed micro Add the areas on a more detailed, lower scale, like on plot size.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Land Use.

Some areas (villages) are mapped very inaccurately on macor scale / Some areas are mapped as residential where other tagging or boundary would be more appriate (refugee camps)

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --29-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Land Use
Land ownership and conflicts
Mapping of areas with ownership information and retaining neutral practices in regard to land conflicts.
 High   Medium   Low  
general detailed micro We don't map land ownership as it is not verifiable on the ground. Mapping of landuse is preferred on a micro scale to reflect the linear and unmanaged expansion of landuse. Actual landuse, as is on the ground may overlap with natural=* (or landcover=*. The land ownership is only used for land gazetted and officially owned by the government with owner=government, all other land is to be considered by default as "private", we don't use owner=private. Applying strict and private ownership tags incites conflicts and should be forbidden and deleted by the community. relation boundary used for administrative areas and protected areas like the common forest reserves and national parks, area for natural=wetland and landuse=forest are the cases where owner=government might be used.

Some areas contain private information / strategy to manage land conflicts through OSM data is missing / ownership, especially when it concerns government land, is not mapped / confllct zones are not mapped to actual ground truth but desired situation to avoid conflicts.

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --06-05-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Natural features & Landcover
Natural features that cover land like forest/wood and trees, scrub, heath, grass ... . Mountain features like peaks, cliffs, ridges, valleys etc...
 High   Medium   Low  
generalDraw an area around the area covered with a single type of vegetation. Tag with natural=*. Tree rows as way with natural=treerow. Hedges as way tag with barrier=hedge.

Draw mountain peaks as node nodes and tag with natural=peak, it's elevation (in m) with ele=* is manadatory. Other mountain features as way and tag with one of the natural=* values from the Landforms.
Draw forests and wetlands as area closed ways (also called areas).
Mountain peaks must have the tag natural=peak, additionally if known add the name=* and it's elevation with ele=*.
Forests must be tagged with natural=wood or natural=forest. Wetlands must be tagged with natural=wetland.
Remark: implement these large forests and wetlands with relation boundaries so they can be easily detailed later on.

Administrative Boundaries & Places
Boundaries for the different administrative areas in Uganda and place names
 High   Medium   Low  
Map as node and/or relation. Tag with their type key:place and key:name. The relation relations are tagged with boundary=*, boundary=administrative, see also Key:boundary#Boundary_types and Boundaries. Add administrative level with admin_level=* according Tag:boundary=administrative.

general The country, regions and districts are mapped as relation. Lower levels like counties, sub-counties and parishes (mnicipalities), villages (zones and wards), suburbs etc... are not mapped as boundaries but mostly as node nodes. Other large features like nature parks boundary=national_park and boundary=protected_area protect_class=1a or protect_class=2, wildlife reserves boundary=protected_area protect_class=1b, forest reserves boundary=protected_area protect_class=6 are identified with relation relations. See also Tag:boundary=protected_area.
detailed Map counties, sub-counties, parishes, villages as relation boundaries.
micro Additional data is added like population and household numbers.
Details: Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #Administrative Boundaries & Places.

Not all admin levels have separate level in UG / Boundary mapping with relations largely unknown / no qualification for place types like villages as urban - rural - trading center / is_in:country remains from old imports, other is_in not used consistently, addr:=* and note=* is used instead but inconsistently / no links to wikidata or wikipedia / insufficient data sources for current situation, missing boundaries up to district level / IUCN levels not defined in UG (speifically problem with protect_class=* 1a / 2) / Large areas incorrectly mapped as multipolygons (forst reserves) / Admin boundaries for other purposes missing

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --29-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Stepped approach for developing UG Guidelines

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ?

  • General statistics are given on the Conventions-Categories page.
  • Detailed statistics are given on the Guideline Proposal page.

2. Assign proposal writer team.
3. Which Global Guidelines do we have, what are their caveats, can we use them in UG ?

  • Described in the "Rationale" section of the Guideline Proposal page.

4. Identify the gaps, both for general, detailed as micro-mapping.

  • General gap description are given on the Conventions-Categories page.
  • Detailed gap description is given in the "Rationale" section of the Guideline Proposal" page.

5. Prepare training and info materials for a workshop on the category, concerning existing tagging and standard OSM tagging.

  • Prepared as a presentation supported with video materials.
  • The workshop is recorded for later reference and future workshops.

6. Identify local data sources and their reliability - where do we get more data to support our mappers.

7. Make a proposal for a local UG guideline.
8. Discuss and integrate inputs to improve the proposal.
9. Vote on the proposal.
10. Make an accepted UG guideline and extend with lots of examples and training material.
11. Make a roadmap for validation and QA.
12. Publish, promote and support implementation by the different mapping groups in UG.
13. If we do a good job, be very ambitious and bring our work for global proposals & approval, we can do it !

Additional category information


Calibration of layers & images
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

generaldetailedmicro Layers and imagery needs to be aligned with existing mapped items before mapping starts. Offsets for specific imagery and calibration points are stored in OSM Imagery Offset Database for editing with JOSM. In iD manual alignment is required with on the ground elements like highways (roads).

Issues with current mapping guideline

  • There is no common strategy how to define offsets and calibration points. HOT has a strategy based on "Armchair mapping" and Bing as "Golden Standard". This does not comply with the OSM philosophy of "Ground Truth" = GPS tracks and field mapping and does not describe alternative sources like Mapillary, KartaView/OpenStreetCam and Strava.
  • Use of OSM Imagery Offset Database with JOSM or as JSON datasource is unknown & inconsistent. Only a small part of UG is covered.
  • Training materials are spread across different sources and to general.
  • UG has no QA strategy to deal and solve with misaligned new or changed data. Mostly beginners do not comply and cause major damage to the map.

Ongoing activities

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --26-03-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Statistics OSM Imagery Offset Database:
71 mostly Kampala / Wakiso / Entebbe & Jinja / Mount Elgon
Estimated required:
  • 80 000 (=# villages)
  • 1364 < x < 12276 (15 km < x < 5 km radius polygons)
(as per 01-04-2021)

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top


Roads, tracks and paths
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

general Draw as way ways. Add classification highway=* and a name name=*. Classification scheme applied in UG is Highway Tag Africa, a variant and customised version of Highways#Classification.
detailed Mapping and tagging details according Highways.
micro Add detail highway features like:

Issues with current mapping guideline

  • Confusion exist with East-Africa Tagging Guidelines which was an attempt to link UNRA classification to Highway Tag Africa.
  • Highway Tag Africa is created by HOTOSM. Although it states that it was achieved with community census and thre are some links to the Hot Talk list, there has never been a formal proposal process with voting from the community. It was developed based on a project in Mali and later promoted to be used all over Africa, for HOT projects and OSM at large. Local variations do however exist as it has some issues: Trunk roads are not listed (see discussion on Talk:Highway Tag Africa in Feb 2021, updates to the global tagging guidelines are not reflected or updated, unclassified is unclear and leads to the major part of the road system to be "unclassified". Improvements should be made or better detailed descriptions to what is to be considered as a "place", adoption f the unregulated development of "linear" urbanisation, for roads to be more often classified as residential and tertiary.
  • There is no clear definition to link highway=* (global as well as local) to different classification systems: socio-economic vs. throughput/physical vs. management.
  • Used inconsistently across Uganda. highway=* values change on single roads (task bounding box crossings in HOT), inconsistency due to participation of world wide contributors in HOT projects.
  • Definition, even on global scale is unclear and causes inconsistencies especially between highway=trunk vs. highway=primary, when to apply highway=unclassified, highway=track vs. highway=path.
  • Distinction of Expressways as top-level tag in UG vs.highway=primary and highway=motorway. Due to recent and ongoing infrastructure expansions in UG.

Ongoing activities

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --26-03-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Highway stats:
node 2147
way 476484
relation 7
area 0
TOTAL: 478638
(as per 01-04-2021)

To retrieve statistics we use various overpass turbo ( queries.


Help and training material on the usage of overpass turbo can be found on its wiki page: overpass turbo -wiki page-

overpass turbo query for general statistics (link: Highway counts in Uganda Counts only):

 // output in JSON format, increase timeout for large query
 // gather results
 // query part for: “highway=*”
 // print results
 out count;

overpass turbo query for individual class statistics(link: Highway counts in Uganda counts, data and map):

 This query looks for nodes, ways and relations 
 with the given key.
 // gather results
  // query part for: “highway=*”
 // print results
 out count;
 out body;
 out skel qt;

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top

Highway subs (categories & guidelines)

Traffic signs

Traffic signs
Traffic signs along roads
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
general detailed Draw as node on highways and tag with traffic_sign=UG:ID. In some cases specific tagging may be added on way highway=* sections.
Categorized and listed as per The Highway Code pdf.
micro Draw as node along highways at physical location. Add details like appearance (support=*,height=*,size=*,colour=*) and material material=*.
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • Add mapping strategy icons, training & QA sections.
  • Add additional image files (vector .svg preferred).
  • Add image files to Wikimedia Commons so they can be used in Uganda specific routers and rendering.
Ongoing activities

Proposal team: User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)
Convention proposal page: Road signs in Uganda (Traffic Signs) (redirect from Traffic Signs).

8. Discuss and integrate inputs to improve the proposal. --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Traffic_sign stats:
node 219
(as per 01-04-2021)

To retrieve statistics we use various overpass turbo ( queries.


Help and training material on the usage of overpass turbo can be found on its wiki page: overpass turbo -wiki page-

overpass turbo query for general statistics (link: Traffic sign counts in Uganda Counts only):

This query looks for nodes, ways and relations 
with the given key.
Choose your region and hit the Run button above!
// gather results


  // query part for: “traffic_sign=*”

// print results
out count;
out skel qt;

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top


Hedges, walls, bollards, speed bumps etc...
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
general Drawn as node on highways, way or area across highways sharing a node with the way highway=* and tag with barrier=*.
detailed Same as general mapping strategy but now also along highway=* and landuse=*.
micro Add details like appearance (height=*,size=*,colour=*) and material material=*.
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • Add mapping strategy when to use node,linear or area.
  • Add mapping and tagging for destroyed bridges and other (temporary) route interruptions.
  • Add image files to Wikimedia Commons so they can be used in Uganda specific routers and rendering.
Ongoing activities

Proposal team: User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)
Convention proposal page: Barriers

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Barrier stats:
node 6195
way 34824
relation 1
area 0
TOTAL: 41020
(as per 02-04-2021)

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top


All man_made buildings
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

general Draw as area closed ways (also called areas). General tag building=yes is mandatory.
detailed Specific (architectural) type with building=*.
Auxiliary buildings and utilities have their own values, mark them with separate tags like water tanks :building=storage_tank man_made=storage_tank content=water and toilets amenity=toilets with separate node or on the building area.
Entries and exits with entrance=*.
Important notice: Use of a building does not belong in this category. Tag with amenity=* and leisure=* added as node or area containing or as part of the building(s) (see also POIs, ROIs & VOIs).
micro Add more specific tagging like material material=*. Buildings of higher importance consider indoor and 3D mapping (separate sub-categories).

Issues with current mapping guideline

  • Type and Use of a building are often mixed or considered as under one tag. This is not always the case and used inconsistently across Uganda.
  • Due to some recent incidents with deletions and overwriting of indoor and 3D mapping these features seem to be largely unknown. We should create awareness about them and create UG guidelines how they are applied locally. Extend training materials, even for the global pages as the descriptions are incomplete and contradicting. Indoor, 3D mapping is especially interesting for major public spaces and buildings like educational institutions, ministries, shopping malls, town halls and town squares. Headquarters or centres in refugee camps.

Ongoing activities=

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Building stats:
Type Northern Region Eastern Region Central Region Western Region Country total
node 686 4625 454 61 5826
wayarea 1 917 113 890 884 1 107 675 2 450 906 6 366 578
relation 248 162 493 615 1518
TOTAL 1 918 047 895 671 1 108 622 2 451 582 6 373 922


0 0 0 0 34 634 650

building %

0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 18.40 %


0 0 0 0 0

building %

0 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 0 %

Because of the large numbers, the overpass turbo query will run out of memory showing the error message:

To avoid this the query is split according to the regions. Replace the geocodeArea:"Uganda" as follows:

  • geocodeArea="Northern Region, Uganda"
  • geocodeArea="Eastern Region, Uganda"
  • geocodeArea="Central Region, Uganda"
  • geocodeArea="Western Region, Uganda"

Further reduce the load by running the queries (by commenting them out) one by one for "node", "way" and "relation". Avoid running these queries subsequently in a short timespan as you will run out of quota. You find the status of your quota with this link api/status

There is no census data of the number of buildings in Uganda. An indication of the state of the map (completeness) can be indicated by comparing, or better calculating the percentage of buildings in regard to the numbers which we have available, being population and households. The base level (in %) is the total country number from the 2014 census (National Households and Population Census 2014). The region percentages are calculated in the same way and then referenced as a percentage to the country percentage, thus we have a more comprehensible percentage on a 0 to 100% scale for the state of the map (completeness).


Help and training material on the usage of overpass turbo can be found on its wiki page: overpass turbo -wiki page-

overpass turbo query for node with building=* (link: Building node counts in Uganda Counts only):

This query looks for nodes, ways and relations 
with the given key.
Choose your region and hit the Run button above!
// gather results


  // query part for: “building=*”
/*  way["building"](area.uganda);*/
/*  relation["building"](area.uganda);*/

// print results
out count;
out skel qt;

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top

Building subs (categories & guidelines)


Addresses for buildings and building parts.
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
Addresses belong to buildings or building parts (like shops in a mall), not the activity mapped inside the building (where they are often added).
general Mapped as node in the middle of the building or plot. Add address tagging with addr: prefix like addr:housenumber=*, addr:street=*, :addr:postcode=* etc...
detailed micro Add more specific tagging for building internals or parts (with indoor mapping) of buildings. Tag with specific details like addr:unit=* and :addr:housename=*.
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • Due to the variety and complexity in different addressing systems worldwide there is no consistency in Uganda.
  • In many cases addresses for the building are added to the POI or ROI, which is incorrect and causes duplicate and inconsistent data.
  • Specifically postbox addresses need to be tagged on the business or activity node instead of the building.
Ongoing activities=

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --09-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

Address stats (on addr:housenumber=*):
node 8319
way 734 (building=*)
relation 8
area 0
TOTAL: 9061
Concentration around Kampala / Wakiso and Manafwa district. Sparsely across the country except Karamoja.

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top


3-dimensional buildings
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
3D mapping is especially interesting for major public spaces and buildings like educational institutions, ministries, shopping malls, town halls and town squares. Headquarters or centres in refugee camps.
general detailed Add more specific tagging for simple 3D buildings according to the Simple 3D buildings and Roof lines tagging schemes . Add more specific tagging like materials material=* and appearance colour=*.
micro Add more specific tagging like materials material=* and appearance colour=*. Consider more minor details like handrails (barrier=fence, columns :building:part=*, chimneys building:part=*, doors and windows building:part=* entrance=* etc...
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • Due to some recent incidents with deletions and overwriting of 3D mapping these features seem to be largely unknown. We should create awareness about them and create UG guidelines how they are applied locally.
  • Extend training materials, even for the global pages as the descriptions are incomplete and contradicting.
Ongoing activities=

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

3D Building stats:
node 0
way 1365
relation 4
area 0
TOTAL: 1369

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top


Indoor building maps
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
Indoor mapping of buildings is especially interesting for major public buildings like educational institutions, ministries, shopping malls and town halls. Headquarters or centres in refugee camps.
general detailed Add more specific tagging for indoor mapping of buildings with rooms, corridors, areas and levels according to the Simple Indoor Tagging scheme. Create indoor ways for routing highway=*.
micro Add more specific tagging like materials material=* and appearance colour=*. Consider more minor details like handrails (barrier=fence, columns :indoor=column, doors and windows indoor=door barrier=wall etc..
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • Due to some recent incidents with deletions and overwriting of 3D mapping these features seem to be largely unknown. We should create awareness about them and create UG guidelines how they are applied locally.
  • Extend training materials, even for the global pages as the descriptions are incomplete and contradicting.
Ongoing activities=

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)

3D Building stats:
node 28
way 45
relation 4
area 0

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top

Points, Regions & Volumes of Interest

Points, Regions & Volumes of Interest
(POIs, ROIs & VOIs)

All specific point or region we useful or interesting.
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

A point of interest (POI) is a specific point (node or waypoint) location that someone may find useful or interesting. The scope is very broad and therefore divided into different subcategories.
It includes region of interest (ROI) and a volume of interest (VOI), denoting a region (area or polygon) or a volume (which may contain various individual POI's.
Points of Interest comprises a very broad scope of: catering and tourism industry, cultural facilities, religious faculties, public and government facilities and services, educational institutions, health facilities, leisure and entertainment industry, social facilities, commercial and retail facilities (markets, shops), small, medium and large manufacturing enterprises (craftsmen, factories, warehouses) ( .
In OSM most POI's, ROI's and VOI's all belong to the top level tags man_made, amenity and leisure.
Some are categorised into their own main categories because of their distinct features. Examples: water bodies, natural features, utility infrastructure (power facilties, water and sewage plants, etc...) and ROI's mapped with distinctive borders or boundaries (national parks, forestry areas etc...).
general POI's are drawn as node nodes. ROI's are drawn as area areas or polygons. VOI's are less common and tagged as relation relations.
A single entity shall be tagged with only 1 map feature. Never put a node within an area tagged as the same kind of facility.
Tag as man_made=*, amenity=* or leisure=*. Applying a name=* is common and mandatory. For those for which have no name or the name is unknown the noname=* and fixme=* (or a note) shall be applied. Consistency in the values of the different keys is preferred.
detailed Additional tags to provide specific information are specified. The position on the map might be improved by f.i. adding the tags at separate entrances of buildings.
Postbox addresses can be added. Building addresses are not added to the POI or ROI, they are mapped and tagged on separate node nodes belonging to the building or plot, see Building Addresses.
Add additional tagging (called annotation) for opening hours [[Key:|]]=*, website or web page website=*, website, contacts phone=* fax=* mobile=*, email=*... contact:=* prefix.
Operator, owner and brand information with tags operator=*, owner=*, brand=*.
micro Additional details are mapped separately. Example: a bar stand, swimming pool, DJ stand or food stand on a beach, fountains, playgrounds and separate shops within a mall etc...

Issues with current mapping guideline

  • Due to the large scope many tagging schemes are unknown and hard to find in the OSM wiki. We need a more clear sub-categorisation that reflects the common interpretation and practices in Uganda.
  • Over the years custom keys were developed but not documented in the wiki in several projects. Global tagging schemes have evolved but the map was never updated. Need for standardisation and defining consistent (global tagging guidelines) or new tagging schemes (new UG local tagging guidelines) is highly recommended.
  • Values are often applied with inconsistent syntax. Needs standardisation and consistency.
Ongoing activities=

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


See individual subcategories.

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top

Points, Regions & Volumes of Interest subs (categories and guidelines)

Catering and Tourism

Catering and Tourism
Hotels, resorts, restaurants, bars ...
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline
  • for accommodation.
general node in the centre and/or area around the building or campus (=area).
name=* (small letters capitalised !) is mandatory. If there is no specific name add noname=* or fixme=*, add a note.
detailed When adding addr:=* tags only apply those belonging to the business. addr:=* tags belonging to the building(s) should be tagged according to #Addresses.
micro For all accommodation containing buildings extend the building(s) with specific tagging like materials material=* and appearance colour=*. Consider more minor details like handrails barrier=fence and entrances entrance=* and/or Simple_Indoor_Tagging and/or 3D.
  • apartments for short stay
  • camping sites and pitches
  • caravan sites
  • chalets
  • guest houses
  • hostels (including those for students)
  • hotels
general tourism=hotel as node;
detailed node tourism=hotel in the centre and:area around the building or campus (=area).
micro according to Hotel additional tags for micro-mapping on the node tourism=hotel.
  • huts in mountains and the wilderness (bush)
  • lodges
  • motels
  • animal accommodation. This only includes facilties for the temporary accomodation of animals like quarantaine facilties, animal hotels, animal shelters. Does not include zoos, reserves and national parks. Tag with amnity=animal_boarding.
  • catering
  • restaurants
  • take-aways (Fast food)
  • ice-cream
  • outdoor seating with dining
  • cafe
  • pubs
  • bars
Issues with current mapping guideline
  • There is no consensus yet about what should be included in this sub-category. Main issue is bars, who might operate during most part of the day as restaurants / take-ways. So do we include all bars in this category or in "entertainment" ?
  • How to tag mixed facilities like f.i. hotels also offering apartments, hostels located on or affialted with a school, college or university campus, restaurants in hotels open to the general public etc...
  • There is no approved local or global guideline to map quality and service ratings (stars). See Proposed_features/Awards_and_ratings.
Ongoing activities

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --02-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Water Features

Water Features
which are rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs, canals, ditches and drains.
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

general LInear features, like rivers, streams, canals, drains, ditches are mapped as way and tagged as waterway=* with corresponding value. The direction of the waterway points downstream. Water bodies like lakes, ponds and reservoirs as area with natural=water and water=*. Add at least a name=* if known.
Bridges need to be tagged with bridge=yes and layer=1 on the way highway=* containing the bridge. Waterways passing under a way highway=* as separate section with tunnel=yes or tunnel=culvert and layer=-1.
Best practice for waterways in sections or branched is to put the common tags, mostly water=* / name=* in a relation type=waterway.
Large barriers and features in the waterway are mapped as node, part of the waterway or as way crossing the waterway or and sharing a node. Tag with waterway=dam, waterway=weir, waterway=waterfall or waterway=rapids.

detailed Wide waterways are drawn along the banks. The banks being located as visual or as median of the maximum water levels of all months of the year. Most common tag is waterway=riverbank with alternative natural=water and water=* gaining popularity.
Temporary dry waterways are most commonly tagged as intermittent=yes.

Add facilties as waterway=dock and waterway=boatyard.
micro Add smaller size barriers. Map the riverbeds and islands with natural=* (don't overlap !). Add additional optional tags as usage=irrigation.

Issues with current mapping guideline

Ongoing activities

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --04-05-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top

Water Features subs (categories & guidelines)

Administrative Boundaries & Places

Administrative Boundaries & Places
Boundaries for the different administrative areas in Uganda and place names
 High   Medium   Low  

Current mapping guideline

Map as node and/or relation. Tag with their type place=* and name=*. The relation relations are tagged with boundary=*, boundary=administrative, see also Key:boundary#Boundary_types and Boundaries. Add administrative level with admin_level=* according Tag:boundary=administrative.
general The country, regions and districts are mapped as relation. Lower levels like counties, sub-counties and parishes (municipalities), villages (zones and wards), suburbs etc... are not mapped as boundaries but mostly as node nodes. Other large features like nature parks boundary=national_park and boundary=protected_area protect_class=1a or :protect_class=2, wildlife reserves boundary=protected_area protect_class=1b, forest reserves boundary=protected_area protect_class=6 are identified with relation relations. See also Tag:boundary=protected_area.
detailed Map counties, sub-counties, parishes, villages as relation boundaries.
micro Additional data is added like population and household numbers.

Issues with current mapping guideline

  • Not all admin levels have separate level in UG.
  • Boundary mapping with relations largely unknown. Training needed.
  • No qualification for place types like villages as urban - rural - trading center.
  • is_in:country remains from old imports, other is_in not used consistently, addr:=* and note=* is used instead but inconsistently
  • No links to wikidata or wikipedia. The links are there but incomplete and even the list of districts on Wikipedia is not complete and hardly maintained.
  • Insufficient data sources for current situation, missing boundaries up to district level.
  • IUCN levels not defined in UG (specifically problem with protect_class=* 1a / 2).
  • Large areas incorrectly mapped as multipolygons (forst reserves)
  • Global page Tag:boundary=administrative does not describe all administrative boundary types in Uganda. There is no level assigned for Divisions in Kampala (assumed = sub-county = 8), city council is on district level (4) where wikipedia [1] aligns it to county level (6). Municipalities are mapped as level (9), parishes, where wikipedia puts them on level 6 as counties. Sub-regions are not mapped or listed (UBOS 12/05/2020 on UNHCR).
  • Constituencies which are not counties have no separate level.
  • Other areas often distinguished in the country census, like Peace and Recovery Development Plan (PRDP) districts and Hard-to-reach areas are not mapped. ([2])
  • Admin boundaries for other purposes like, cultural (kingdoms), health boundary=health, religious (diocese) are not mapped and no global tagging schemes exist.
Ongoing activities

1. What do we have, general State of the Map UG, is the data consistent ? --29-04-2021--User icon 2.svgBert Araali (on osm)


Date Country (2) Region (3) District

City Council (4)


Constituencies (6)


Division (8)





2011 Official

UBOS 2011 on Human Rights Focus

na na 113 47 960 4675 43999
01/08/2014 Official

2014 Census

1 3 116 200 1378 6495
24/07/2019 Official

UBOS Admin Units in UG

1 4 122 296 1460 7467
01/01/2021 Official

Electoral commission
Electoral commission statistics

1 4 146 353 2184 10595 70626
30/04/2021 OSM count relation 1 relation 3 relation 110 relation 11 relation 62 relation 50 node place=*14312

relation 304

To retrieve statistics we use various overpass turbo ( queries.


Help and training material on the usage of overpass turbo can be found on its wiki page: overpass turbo -wiki page-

overpass turbo query for general statistics (link: Administrative boundary counts in Uganda Counts only). change the admin_level to the level you want to count: 2=country, 3=region, 4=district, 6=county, 8=sub-county, 9=parish (municipality), 10=village (ward or zone):

 This query looks for administrative boundary relations.
 // gather results
  // query part for: “highway=*”
  relation["boundary"="administrative"] ["admin_level"="2"](area.uganda);
 // print results
 out count;

overpass turbo query for individual nodes defined as place=*(link: Place counts in Uganda counts, data and map):

 This query looks for all nodes defined as places in Uganda.
 // gather results
  // query part for: “highway=*”
 // print results
 out count;
 out body;
 out skel qt;

Pixel 51 icon cursor click right.svg #top