JA:News Archive

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08-30 OpenStreetMap ではこのところ Snapchat アプリで浮上した反ユダヤ的な荒らしについて断固として反対します
01-04 OpenStreetMap はGoogle サマー・オブ・コード2018 に参加します。
01-03 FOSSGIS e.V. (ドイツ) は現在、foundation のローカルの支部として正式に発足しました
12-30 OpenStreetMap フランスは現在、foundation のローカルな支部として正式に発足しました
11-12 OpenStreetMap イギリスは現在、foundation のローカルな支部として正式に発足しました
05-30 新しくOSM ↔ Wikidata マッチング ツールを導入。
05-25 Note 機能を2013年に導入以来、作成されたnote100万件超に達しました。
05-04 マルチポリゴンのリレーションを現代のマッピングの標準にマイグレートする作業は、より広範な努力の一環として OSM のエリア・ジオメトリーの整理を目指し完了しました
04-11 State of the Map 2017 プログラムの準備としてコミュニティの調査を実施。
02-27 OpenStreetMap は Google サマー・オブ・コード 2017に参加します。
10-22 OpenStreetMap フォーラム (forum.openstreetmap.org) を新しいサーバーに 移転しました
06-10 新規にID 232ノードができました。OSM で使うソフトウェアには 64ビット 識別子のサポートが必須になりました。
05-17 OSMF 理事会はCollective Database ガイドラインを承認しました。
10-30 新しいロードのスタイルを導入。openstreetmap.org に適用する Standard map style の大きな変更により、ロードの地図制作において易読性と一貫性を高めようとしています。
05-24 募金の目標額を達成しまいた。ご協力、ありがとうございます! (現在もご寄付を受け付け中)
05-06 2015年の寄付キャンペーンを開始
04-25 2015年ネパール大地震に人道的 OpenStreetMapper が出動しました。
02-16 経路探索機能をメインのウェブサイト openstreetmap.org に導入、経路探索用 API の Open Source Routing MachineGraphHopperMapQuest に基づいています。
10-06 WeeklyOSM を再導入しました。週刊ニュースとして OSM 関連のなんでも情報をドイツ語版 Wochennotiz に基づいて配信します。WeeklyOSM は英語日本語スペイン語ルーマニア語トルコ語で配信します。
09-18 OSM2World はトマス=クリーン Thomas-Krenn オープンソース賞で1位を受賞しました。
11-14 GeoGO Presentation は NFB Texas Convention (アメリカ合衆国テキサス州オースティン) で行われ、CapMac による GeoGO-OSM Accessibility プロジェクト を支援しました。
08−09 tenth anniversary of OpenStreetMap 10周年記念を祝う行事が世界中で実施されました
05-28 4年間続いたweekly notes はドイツ語からの翻訳を担当する人が現れない限り、終刊します。
05-28 ウィキのメインページの設計をやり直し、より軽量で使用事例への対応に特化させ、新しくナビゲーション用ページを開設します。
06- State Of The Map Europe 2014 終了により、特設サイトに動画がたくさん保存されました。
05-08 OSM 貢献者は{{User ORCID}} テンプレートを使って、このウィキの自分の利用者ページにORCID ID を表示できるようになりました。
05-05 MapboxMapbox GL を公開、これは OpenStreetMap のデータを使い、iOS にクライアント側のレンダー済みベクター地図を表示する枠組みです。
現在 (当時) 2014年西アフリカのエボラ出血熱対応を実施中
05-05 Mapsforge 0.4.0 を新規公開 (オフライン用ベクター地図レンダリングの枠組み)
04-09 DigitalGlobe の画像を mapbox で利用可能になりました、詳細は こちら
04-04 新しい編集ソフトを公開、Level0 です。
03-26 FSFE の Document Freedom Award 賞でOSM が優勝
03-24 HOT西アフリカのエボラ出血熱感染流行を受け、地図作成の調整を実施します。ご協力お願いします!
02-16 ウィキのページ編集件数が 100万件 に到達しました。
02-11 暗号化 (SSL) は openstreetmap.org のすべてで有効になり、利用者の個人情報保護を推進します。
12-07 ScalableMaps [1] から 300件超の OSM ならびに NaturalEarth に基づくベクター地図を PDF 形式および Adobe Illustrator 形式で提供します。
12-02 メインのウェブサイトデザイン見直しが完了しました
11-18 台風ハイヤンのウィキページを開設、緊急事態対応マッピングの調整を行います。ご協力をお願いします!
08-13 拡大レベル 19 を openstreetmap.org ウェブサイトの標準レイヤーに導入しました。
06-19 新しいマップコントロールが openstreetmap.org で始動しました
05-07 2013年サーバー新設と募金キャンペーン
05-07 新規開発のオンライン用編集機能 iDopenstreetmap.org ウェブサイトにツールとして組みこみました。
04-23 openstreetmap.org 地図にメモを残せるようになりました!
04-01 iD 編集機能の ベータ 1 をこうかいしました
03-31 Imagery Offset Database を導入
02-14 map1.eu [2] アルファ版を公開 (ヨーロッパの汎用地図)
02-09 ノードの識別番号を拡張、64ビット識別番号を含むようになりました
01-31 新ドメインを追加: OSM トルコ https://openstreetmap.org.tr
01-29 iD 編集機能の アルファ版を公開
01-08 新規テンプレートカテゴリーを地図作成に係るウィキペディア利用者向けに導入
01-06 登録利用者数が100万に到達
12-18 State Of The Map 2013開催地の立候補の受付を開始
11-06 [Operation cowboy]] に参加するローカルチームを作りませんか
10-02 新しい OSM 編集機能 Vespucci 0.8 を Android 端末向けに公開
09-12 OpenStreetMap のでーたをこのたび、オープン・データベースのライセンスのもと 利用可能になりました著作権と使用許諾の詳細はこちらリマッピングにご協力願います。
09-08 理事会の新理事を選出しました
08-18 世界各地で OpenStreetMap 8周年記念を祝いました
06-31 SOTM US (10月13日-14日、ポートランド開催) の参加登録の受付を開始
06-28 Officially released Maperitive v2. (What's new)
06-25 自動編集を終了
06-11 使用許諾の編集を開始 (ボット作業を追跡)
05-25 新しい衛生画像が大量に Bing に追加され、OpenStreetMap でとれーすできます。詳細は Bing Blog もご参照ください
05-12 編集機能 Merkaartor のバージョン 0.18.1 を新規公開
05-23 http://openstreetmapdata.com を立ち上げ、限定数ながら OSM データに基づく海岸線その他の shapefile がダウンロードできます。詳細は Jochen Topf 筆 ブログ投稿もご参照ください。
05-03 Apple 者が OSM を iPhoto で継承するようになりました。 こちらの記事私たちの記事をご参照ください。
04-19 地図レンダリングサービスの Maposmatic の新バージョンを公開、詳細は 記事をご参照ください
04-13 MapFactor Navigator Free が Google Play 経由で Android 端末向けに公開されました。
04-04 編集を再開しました。使用許諾の変更作業が進行中
04-01 すべての GPS ポイント向けに新規 planet.gpx のダウンロード開始
03-27 使用許諾変更の作業について計画案を発表
03-20 Esri 寄付 を OSMF が受贈
03-13 3月20日木曜日に Mar 2012 DB server downtime を予定
03-12 マッピング用に新規 オーストラリア地理典拠画像が利用可能になりました
02-13 Leaflet 0.3 を公開
01-28 Garmin 変換ツールが mkgmap 住所検索索引を構築
01-27 "Night of the living maps" というグローバルなマッピングイベントを2月7日に開催予定
01-17 Google IP アドレスを利用した OSM データの荒らし行為の報告書
01-13 Google Maps に飽きた? osm に乗り換え
01-03 State Of The Map 2012Tokyo開催へ
12-24 Funding target reached. Mappy Christmas!
12-01 New License Change View on OSM Inspector
11-29 We have half a million users!
11-29 Call for papers for FOSSGIS and OpenStreetMap-conference is open
11-25 openstreetmap.org front page now features new layers
11-19 openstreetmap.de and openstreetmap.ru sites have a new look
11-16 1st 04-2012 is the target date for license change
11-12 OpenStreetBrowser ([3]) version 2.1 released.
10-25 KeepRight ([4]) now validates website/url tags.
10-21 "Look and Listen Map" & "Guide Me" win Torsten Brand Prize
10-13 Join in with the "Big baseball project"
10-04 Blocked applications to protect the servers
10-03 US local chapter elected a board
09-19 New server 'Zark' will be used for OWL
09-13 Yahoo! Aerial Imagery is no longer available.
09-11 OpenLayers 2.11 released
09-11 New board members elected
09-11 State Of The Map 2011 is winding up in Denver.
09-06 New Mailing list rails-dev created [5]
08-26 Board elections and other OSMF changes
08-18 Nominations open for foundation board elections. 4 seats available [6]
08-08 Help preparing for the license change
06-30 SOTMEU presentation videos are available
06-28 Mapweaver - successor of mapgen.pl
06-25 Project of the week looking for new maintainers
06-20 Lets get ready for umble! OSMFight
06-13 Release of OpenStreetBrowser 2.0
06-06 Thanks to all the Wimbledon tennis champions
06-05 Osmitter lets you contribute to OSM via twitter
06-04 Ordnance Survey accept ODbL for their OS OpenData
05-29 It's Wimbledon week. Project of the week is mapping tennis courts
05-23 Planned downtime: Servers/06- 2011 Maintenance Thu 23rd (Completed)
05-19 Phase 4 of the ODbL licence change has started
05-12 You can now login to OpenStreetMap using OpenID
05-12 New video tutorials for beginners showing Potlatch 2
05-01 Geofabrik now provide U.S. state extracts [7]
05-25 Education Project of the month starting with primary & secondary schools
05-23 We now have more than 400,000 registered users
05-22 new release of GpsMid 0.7.5 (you can search for house numbers now)
05-21 Statistics of clicks on integrated in Wikipedia OpenStreetMap map was published.
05-20 1 000 000 Relations in the database
05-16 Project OSRM has a new routing demo website
05-11 new Mapquest static image API
05-09 A new release Maperitive with improved SVG export and line offsetting.
05-09 Tile server upgrade
05-06 New Changeset display
04-29 We have a new logo! (blog post)
04-03 Switched to Potlatch 2 for the 'edit' tab default [8]
03-31 We are looking for representative Press images (high res, PD, full attr.)
03-30 Project of the month: Food month
03-23 New Community Updates
03-15 Help crisismapping Japan
03-07 ForeverMap has been released for Android devices
03-04 Milestone: 1 Billion Nodes in the Database
03-02 Hikingbook.pl creates hiking books
02-25 Maperitive now supports SRTM1 and custom DEMs.
02-23 Project of the month: Tunnels and Bridges
02-17 New Community Updates
02-16 The 100.000.000th way
02-14 A map looking for OSM User Groups [9]
02-14 A map looking for OSM User Groups [10]
02-11 Merkaartor bugfix release: 0.17.2.
02-09 Project of the week : Florists
02-09 New Community Updates
02-06 Merkaartor bugfix release: 0.17.1.
02-06 OpenDEM launched, collecting a free digital elevation model
02-03 Bing road detect API announced
02-02 New Community Updates
01-27 New Community Updates
01-26 Project of the month : Buildings
01-26 Donation to OSMF by Mapquest/AOL
01-25 HOT has a new logo
01-24 350 000 users
01-22 New Project of the week: Banks and ATMs
01-21 Maperitive can now read PBF files and has better right-to-left scripts support.
01-20 New Community Updates
01-18 New release of GpsMid 0.7.1
01-13 Fugro sponsors 40 cm aerial imagery of whole Denmark
01-12 New Community Updates
01-05 New major release of Maperitive with scripting support for generating & uploading Web maps.
12-31 "JOSM tested" now includes imagery built in.
12-30 Route Manager and History Viewer are online behind new URLs ([11] [12])
12-26 Merkaartor 0.17.0 has been released.
12-21 OpenStreetBugs is now available via http://osmbugs.org/ shortcut. More details here.
12-17 MapQuest Launches OpenStreetMap-Powered Mapping Service In The US
12-08 Russian satellite imagery project kosmosnimki.ru overlays custom-rendered OSM map of Belarus (google translate)
12-06 Humanitarian OSM Team Logo design competition launched
12-06 Two OSM projects and 6 other projects will be sponsored by German Wikimedia Competition WissensWert
12-03 OffMaps is "App of the day".
12-02 New Bing imagery now available in Potlatch 2 and JOSM
12-02 New Project of the week: Your train station
11-29 Online Editor Potlatch 2 is now available on OpenStreetMap.org
11-28 New Community Updates
11-24 New Project of the month: Wheelchair Accessibility
11-22 The node!
11-15 New Community Updates
11-23 Bing to provide their aerial imagery to OSM [13]
11-17 New Project of the week: Wanna Bet?
11-14 New unified Scientific corner: Research
11-04 New Project of the week: Headache?
10-25 – 10-31 New Community Updates
10-28 New Project of the month: Stay a While
10-24 Software lists replaced
10-26 Copies Google from OSM? Discussed at the last OSMF Working Group Minutes
10-21 Denver will be host to State Of The Map 2011 [14]
10-21 MapQuest launch new Nominatim service, Potlatch 2 deployment and restored TIGER Edited Map [15]
10-17 New release of the often mentioned RouteConverter 2.0
10-16 Osmosis v0.37 released (new PBF support) [16]
10-14 New release of LuckyGPS 0.74
10-05 New offline map display and routing for iPhone: ForeverMap
10-05 New tag listing/stats website: Taginfo
10-04 Spot Image give the permission to use the coverage of France for 6 months
09-28 Two English OSM books now available
09-25 New Release of NaviComputer 0.95 (Map Display and navigation on Windows Mobile)
09-11 300000 OSM contributors and counting
09-09 New release of NaviPOWM 0.2.5
09-09 Call for bids to host State Of The Map 2011
09-01 Waze.com partner apologizes for cloned OSM content
08-22 Merkaartor 0.16.3 has been released.
08-16 Retirement of gazetteer.openstreetmap.org announced.
08-12 Existing contributors are now asked to accept the new contributor terms
08-08 Transit Database for OpenStreetMap Routing changed from beta to final stage
08-02 Microsoft launch an OpenStreetMap Mapnik layer on Bing Maps.
06-25 Maperitive now has a map tile generator and hypsometric tinting function (more).
06-11 SotM is all over! See State Of The Map 2010 page for session details.
06-10 Announced: Potlatch 2 public alpha testing
06-10 Announced: help.openstreetmap.org for Q&A.
06-07 Maperitive now exports map bitmaps with KML and OziExplorer MAP sidecar files.
06-05 First version of ArcGIS Editor for OSM released
Jul 03 07- 2010 DB Upgrade. Server downtime for scheduled maintenance from 1st to 3rd 07-
06-01 There are six candidates applying for three chairs in the OSMF board.
05-30 NaviComputer [17] 0.94 released for WindowsMobile
05-30 Merkaartor has now settled in a new home: http://merkaartor.be
05-26 Maperitive, a desktop map rendering application, can now do SVG exports
05-20 Vespucci 0.6.5 released (OSM editor for Android)
05-13 Foundation/AGM10 meeting & election announced
05-13 Merkaartor 0.16.1 has been released.
05-11 New OpenStreetMap users have to sign up to the CC-BY-SA / ODbL contributor terms.
04-20 Hit 250.000 users See here
04-16 New Nokia Sportstracker version enhanced with the power of OpenStreetMap.
04-14 mapgen.pl version 1.00 released. lots of new features...
04-01 Ordnance Survey Opendata releases (UK)
03-22 Merkaartor updated to 0.15.3.
03-18 OSM accepted for Google Summer of Code
02-28 Merkaartor 0.15 released.
02-26 Usability improvements for osm.org? Tell us!
02-26 Mapping Bolivia, presented during the last two "State of the Map...", is already walking. The first exploratory trip fri. 02-.26 "The project's blog".
02-24 BBC News reports on OpenStreetMap Haiti mapping "The volunteer mappers who helped Haiiti"
02-12 iPhone Application True Maps released. It features offline searches and routing.
02-09 New "Project of the week" launched
02-02 mapgen.pl new Perl renderer...
01-23 OpenLinkMap
01-23 GpsMid 0.6 map application for mobile phone released
01-16 First Independent Traffic Congestion Services Test in Russia - OpenStreetMap Takes The Second Place
01-13 Huge OSM push for better data in Haiti following the devastating earthquake - join the effort
01-03 OpenStreetMap reaches 200 000 user accounts. Happy New Year!
12-30 The navigation app AndNav2 for Android is now Opensource http://www.andnav.org
12-27 Results of OSMF members vote on Open Database License proposal announced
12-23 OSM Editor Merkaartor 0.15 available
12-19 OSMtracker 0.10.0 released.
12-14 Santiagos Metropolitan Regional Government (Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago) (Chile) granted access to their Schools, Hospitals, Landuse, Natural Reserves and Municipal Boundaries shapefiles. Members of the local community are working to convert and import them.
12-09 UK post code co-ordinate data likely to be freed in 04-2010
12-06 OSMF license change vote has started; unofficial community survey at http://doodle.com/feqszqirqqxi4r7w
12-03 ScanEx grant access to satellite imagery in Russia. Now you can use it in JOSM & Potlatch.
11-30 Mapzen Beta now available
11-23 New version 1.3 of Potlatch released with zooming up to level 23
11-17 Then you win: Ordnance Survey to open data in the U.K.
11-10 NearMap PhotoMaps high resolution up to date CC-BY-SA aerial photography now available for tracing for selected Australian capital cities.
11-01 The data checking tool Keep Right ([18]) is available for the whole planet. Make OSM routable!
10-18 New version of GroundTruth (1.6): now supports sea polygons-filling and custom background color (more info).
10-09 FOSSGIS hosts three sponsored servers for OSM
10-08 SotM10 call for venues is now open
10-01 More accuracy for GPS in Europe with start of EGNOS on Oct. 1st
09-28 flickr adds special 'machine tag' support for OpenStreetMap
09-20 New map renderer MapSurfer.NET (terrain map, contour lines, 3D buildings and more). www.mapsurfer.net
09-17 New release of NaviPOWM 0.2.3
09-18 Testing version of wheelchair routing service is online for German city of Bonn.
09-12 [http://url.ie/2ero] The OpenStreetMap community petitions Google to resolve the legal ambiguity of tracing from Google's aerial imagery.
09-09 Monopoly City Streets opens to surprise and initial licensing uncertainty from the OpenStreetMap community. The Monopoly City Streets' website struggles with the initial surge in interest.
08-31 German City of Rostock has all streets completed and houses with heights. 3D here
08-22 New Foundation Board elected
08-17 The NaPTAN Import added bus stops throughout London
08-16 First blind contributor uploads tracks in Finland. See OSM for the blind for details.
08-12 Merkaartor 0.14 released.
08-10 Find duplicate ways with Waydupes.pl. Reports (for Germany) can be found here Way dupe check reports.
08-09 German City of Dortmund is declared to have all streets completed.
07-30 British town of Crawley and German town of Bad Oeynhausen are declared to have all streets completed.
07-28 Foundation/AGM09 announced, including elections (join today!)
07-28 OSMtracker 0.8.1 released.
07-24 Two ways to display distances in maps: Distance maps and Distancemap.pl
07-12 State Of The Map 2009 is over. Thanks to all the organisers!
07-05 New version of Kosmos: works with NASA's new SRTM server, uses IBF format for contours (more info).
06-29 ODbL 1.0 launched
06-29 German city Essen is declared to have all streets completed.
06-28 New version of GroundTruth: works with the NASA's new SRTM server (more info).
06-26 We now support short links
06-23 German city Aachen is declared to have all streets completed.
06-21 New release of Navit 0.1.1
06-11 Braille true type font for OSM released, see OSM for the blind.
06-04 walking-papers.org launched. A service for paper-based mapping
06-03 OSM website now in several languages
05-27 Amenity Editor, a new simple POI editing system, made public.
05-27 New Boundaries.pl script to extract (simplified, resized) *.poly files for boundaries out of osm files.
05-26 Press release: Volunteer Mapper Flies Out to Antigua
05-21 Potlatch 1.0 released with new 'edit with save' features and built-in help
05-20 GroundTruth v1.5 has been released. It now includes "SRTM to OSM" functionality.
05-16 German city Oldenburg declared to be complete in OSM.
05-12 first known tactile map based on OSM data published.
04-29 API 0.6 compatible version of mumpot 0.5 released (including upload support)
04-26 Bug fix version of Merkaartor 0.13.2 released
04-21 New API went live after a year of development.
04-20 Six OSM projects accepted for Google Summer of Code
04-20 Final report on Bavarian aerial imagery published (in German)
04-04 Relation Check and Relation Diff. New Tools for quality assurance of relations.
03-28 Support for country-specific traffic-rules in Traveling Salesman.
03-23 German city Brunswik declared to be complete in OSM.
03-18 OpenStreetMap accepted for Google Summer of Code 2009
03-17 Wikimedia Germany starts a project for integration of OSM maps in Wikipedia
03-17 Number of (registered) users passed 100.000 (OpenStreetMap stats report & Graphical Stats)
03-16 Call for Papers for State Of The Map 2009 is now open
03-16 New version of Merkaartor 0.13 released
03-14 House numbers supported in Traveling Salesman navigator
03-05 OpenStreetMap wins two Linux New Media Awards
02-27 New license has been published, license text comments may be submitted until 03-20 (announcement)
02-25 Radio Bremen's news website is using Openstreetmap (in German, sample article)
02-12 End of donation drive. £ 16,222 (~ € 18,100) was raised in one week.
02-09 Mapnik now usually is updated hourly (rather than weekly).
02-05 Start of donation drive to buy a new faster, bigger server for OpenStreetMap.
02-04 The new OSMbin file-format version 1.0 is published.
02-01 All I., II. and III. class roads in Czech republic are in OSM. See graph of mapping and unmapped czech roads.
01-26 GroundTruth, a new mapmaking tool for Garmins, released
01-25 Riding and hiking map available for selected German regions.
01-22 OSM: Up-to-Date announced: a bookmarklet which will draw the current state of the database using Mapnik
01-19 French national land registry (cadastre) WMS opened to OSM (and other GIS). Authorities agree that their license is compatible with OSM if the source is provided (announcement in french, in english).
01-14 Vienna street map completed. Announcement
01-04 New Tramline Glattalbahn opened in the north of Zurich on Dec 14. Was already mapped on Openstreetmap the day before.
12-24 Kingston Upon Hull, UK completed. Announcement
12-23 Birmingham, UK and surrounds completed. Announcement
12-19 North Rhine-Westphalia Road Building Authority makes complete road network data available for free use.
12-12 The Bavarian Office of Land Survey is providing aerial imagery of Upper Palatinate for vectorization in a pilot project.
12-06 An experimental mkgmap version supports routable Garmin maps.
12-04 Image series A year of edits on planet Earth for OpenStreetMap.
12-01 OSM- stats: Are mappers going on winter break? – discussion
11-28 Google Maps - OSM comparison of the world's capitals
11-23 German mappers found OpenStreetMap section of FOSSGIS e.V.
11-18 Canadian government initiative GeoBase releases map data to OSM