2018 |
3 Jan2025-01-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
3 Jan2025-01-03–Error: Invalid time. |
MAPABQ (join us!), Albuquerque, United States
3 Jan2025-01-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
4 Jan2025-01-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Niederbayerntreffen, Passau, Germany
8 Jan2025-01-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
9 Jan2025-01-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre libre mensuelle, Lyon, France
9 Jan2025-01-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
10 Jan2025-01-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
11 Jan2025-01-11–Error: Invalid time. |
115. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
11 Jan2025-01-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Giornata OSM all'Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
12 Jan2025-01-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Metro Manila Mappers Meet-up, Philippines
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第15回 品川神社, Tokyo, Japan
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都マッピングパーティ#01:京の町家と大獄と, Kyoto, Japan
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Brisbane Photo Mapping, Brisbane, Australia
13 Jan2025-01-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Reunión de Voluntarios OSM Chile - Enero 2018, Santiago, Chile
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
16 Jan2025-01-16–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMBE Meetup, Arlon, Belgium
17 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
17 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Köln Stammtisch, Köln, Germany
17 Jan2025-01-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Toulouse, France
18 Jan2025-01-18–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
18 Jan2025-01-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Obersteiermark, Leoben, Austria
18 Jan2025-01-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Torino Hacknight, Torino, Italy
19 Jan2025-01-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMBE Meetup, Brussels, Belgium
19 Jan2025-01-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM new year meetup, London, United Kingdom
21 Jan2025-01-21–Error: Invalid time. |
January Meeting, Moscow, Russia
22 Jan2025-01-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
23 Jan2025-01-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
23 Jan2025-01-23–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
25 Jan2025-01-25–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting (2nd part of January meeting), Mumble, everywhere
25 Jan2025-01-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
25 Jan2025-01-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
28 Jan2025-01-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
29 Jan2025-01-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro a Monti, Rome, Italy
31 Jan2025-01-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Canberra GeoBeers, Canberra, Australia
31 Jan2025-01-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
31 Jan2025-01-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle, Montpellier, France
1 Feb2025-02-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
3 Feb2025-02-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mapper di Biellese, Canavese e Vercellese, Biella, Italy
7 Feb2025-02-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
7 Feb2025-02-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
8 Feb2025-02-08–Error: Invalid time. |
End of semester Mapathon, Heidelberg, Germany
9 Feb2025-02-09–Error: Invalid time. |
116. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
10 Feb2025-02-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Beaudesert Mapping Party, near Brisbane, Australia
10 Feb2025-02-10–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第16回 赤坂氷川神社, Tokyo, Japan
11 Feb2025-02-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartographie humanitaire, Rennes, France
12 Feb2025-02-12–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Maps Myanmar 2018, Mandalay, Myanmar
13 Feb2025-02-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre libre mensuelle, Lyon, France
13 Feb2025-02-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
14 Feb2025-02-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
14 Feb2025-02-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Toulouse, France
14 Feb2025-02-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
15 Feb2025-02-15–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
15 Feb2025-02-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Ubuntu Party #3, La Riche, France
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
小樽マッピングパーティー, Otaru (小樽市), near Sapporo, Japan
17 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Frontier #01, Takatsuki, Japan
17–18 Feb2025-02-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Karlsruhe Hack Weekend February 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany
19–22 Feb2025-02-19–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G-IT 2018, Roma, Italy
20 Feb2025-02-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
20 Feb2025-02-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Derby, United Kingdom
20 Feb2025-02-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
21 Feb2025-02-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
22 Feb2025-02-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
22 Feb2025-02-22–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMBE Meetup, Hasselt, Belgium
22 Feb2025-02-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Paris, France
22 Feb2025-02-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Schemotechnika 14, Moscow, Russia
22 Feb2025-02-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro a Garbatella, Rome, Italy
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
26 Feb2025-02-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
27 Feb2025-02-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Road Completion Workshop, Brussels, Belgium
27 Feb2025-02-27–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
28 Feb2025-02-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
28 Feb2025-02-28–Error: Invalid time. |
もくもくマッピング! #14, Osaka, Japan
28 Feb2025-02-28–Error: Invalid time. |
byGIS #6, Minsk, Belarus
1 Mar2025-03-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
1–23 Mar2025-03-01–Error: Invalid time. |
3e concours de contributions OpenStreetMap, Lannion, France
3 Mar2025-03-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Open (geo)Data Day 2018, San Juan, NCR, Philippines
3 Mar2025-03-03–Error: Invalid time. |
高尾山薬王院マッピングパーティ IODD2018 Code for Hachioji, Hachiohji, Japan
3 Mar2025-03-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Open Data Day mapathons, Helsinki, Finland
3 Mar2025-03-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Open Data Day Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany
3 Mar2025-03-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile mapper di Biellese, Canavese e Vercellese, Biella, Italy
4 Mar2025-03-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps mapathon, Brisbane, Australia
7 Mar2025-03-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
7 Mar2025-03-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
7 Mar2025-03-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Kvartální pivo, Praha/Brno/Ostrava, Czech Republic
7 Mar2025-03-07–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Q&A London, London, United Kingdom
8 Mar2025-03-08–Error: Invalid time. |
117. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
8 Mar2025-03-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
9 Mar2025-03-09–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMBE Official Meeting & Meetup, Brussels, Belgium
9 Mar2025-03-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Geobirras, Buenos Aires, Argentina
10–11 Mar2025-03-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2018, Chemnitz, Germany
10 Mar2025-03-10–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都マッピングパーティ#02:月の明かりと大獄と, Kyoto, Japan
11 Mar2025-03-11–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第17回特別編 旧東海道品川宿, Tokyo, Japan
12 Mar2025-03-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
13 Mar2025-03-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre libre mensuelle, Lyon, France
13 Mar2025-03-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
15 Mar2025-03-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
15 Mar2025-03-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
15 Mar2025-03-15–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
16 Mar2025-03-16–Error: Invalid time. |
9. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil, Rapperswil, Switzerland
17 Mar2025-03-17–Error: Invalid time. |
第1回 富洲原マッピングパーティ, Yokkaichi, Japan
18 Mar2025-03-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Hà Nội OSM Mapathon 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam
19 Mar2025-03-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie bâtiments en 3D, Rennes, France
20 Mar2025-03-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
20 Mar2025-03-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
20 Mar2025-03-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
20 Mar2025-03-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
21 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
21 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Toulouse, France
21–24 Mar2025-03-21–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSSGIS 2018, Bonn, Germany
22 Mar2025-03-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
22 Mar2025-03-22–Error: Invalid time. |
MAPAbabae: OpenStreetMap Workshop with Women and for Women, Quezon City, Philippines
22 Mar2025-03-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night, San José, California, United States
23–24 Mar2025-03-23–Error: Invalid time. |
MERGE-it 2018, Turin, Italy
24 Mar2025-03-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Third National Mapathon, 8 university campuses, Belgium
26 Mar2025-03-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
26 Mar2025-03-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
26 Mar2025-03-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Rome, Italy
27 Mar2025-03-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
28 Mar2025-03-28–Error: Invalid time. |
もくもくマッピング! #15, Osaka, Japan
29 Mar2025-03-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Creando mapas colaborativos libres ParanaConf, Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina
29 Mar2025-03-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
30 Mar2025-03-30–Error: Invalid time. |
conférence découverte d'OpenStreetMap, Rennes, France
31 Mar2025-03-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Yo mapeo, por una educación inclusiva, Lima, Peru
31 Mar2025-03-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Atelier et conférence Cartographie et données libres, Digne-les-Bains, France
4 Apr2025-04-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
4 Apr2025-04-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
5 Apr2025-04-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
5 Apr2025-04-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
5 Apr2025-04-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps mapathon at Finnish Red Cross HQ - April 2018, Helsinki, Finland
7 Apr2025-04-07–Error: Invalid time. |
2018 SOSM AGM and mapping party, Solothurn, Switzerland
7 Apr2025-04-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Padova mapping party, Padova, Italia
8 Apr2025-04-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartographie des rivières, Rennes, France
9 Apr2025-04-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
9 Apr2025-04-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
10 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
10 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
10 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
10 Apr2025-04-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
11 Apr2025-04-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Köln Stammtisch, Köln, Germany
13 Apr2025-04-13–Error: Invalid time. |
118. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
13–14 Apr2025-04-13–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Poland 2018, Poznań, Poland
13–15 Apr2025-04-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Festival dell'Ambiente, near Monza (Lombardia), Sulbiate, Italy
14 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第18回 本郷大横丁通り商店街, Tokyo, Japan
14–15 Apr2025-04-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Berlin Hack Weekend April 2018, Berlin, Germany
17 Apr2025-04-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
17 Apr2025-04-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
18 Apr2025-04-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting (20:00-21:00 UTC), Mumble, everywhere
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Obersteiermark, Leoben, Austria
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapathon (GISrUK), Leicester, United Kingdom
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Leicester, United Kingdom
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Freiberg, Sachsen, Germany
19 Apr2025-04-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Augsburger Stammtisch, Augsburg, Germany
20 Apr2025-04-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
22 Apr2025-04-22–Error: Invalid time. |
静岡!街歩かない!マッピングパーティ2, Shizuoka, Japan
23 Apr2025-04-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
23 Apr2025-04-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Atelier Cartographie de terrain, Grenoble, France
24 Apr2025-04-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
25 Apr2025-04-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
26 Apr2025-04-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón Humanitario, Zaragoza, Aragón, España
26 Apr2025-04-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
27–28 Apr2025-04-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Grazer Linuxtage, Graz, Austria
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Las calles de las mujeres: OpenStreetMap + Wikidata + Wikipedia en FLISoL Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Taller de OpenStreetMap en FLISol Resistencia, Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Einführungsworkshop für Anfänger mit praktischer Umsetzung, Bochum, Germany
28 Apr2025-04-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Atelier OpenStreetMap, WebCome Day, Lyon, France
30 Apr2025-04-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Rome, Italy
2 May2025-05-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Toulouse, France
2 May2025-05-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
2 May2025-05-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
3 May2025-05-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps mapathon, Grenoble, France
3 May2025-05-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
3 May2025-05-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
3 May2025-05-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
3 May2025-05-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
4 May2025-05-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Webinar: OpenStreetMap em empresas e prefeituras, Online, Brazil
5 May2025-05-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapathon: Bol in Lake Chad, N'Djamena, Chad
6 May2025-05-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Dortmund, Germany
7 May2025-05-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Semester Start Mapathon with Kathmandu Living Labs, Heidelberg, Germany
8 May2025-05-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion au Pays d'Arlon, Arlon, Belgium
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
öffentliche Vorstandssitzung FOSSGIS e.V., deutscher Mumble-Server, Germany
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Encontro de Dados Abertos, Salvador, Brazil
9 May2025-05-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Q&A presentations evening , London, United Kingdom
10 May2025-05-10–Error: Invalid time. |
119. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
12 May2025-05-12–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第19回 出張編 小江戸と浅草の中継点「志木」, Shiki, Japan
12 May2025-05-12–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都マッピングパーティ#04:薩摩藩士と寺田屋騒動, Kyoto, Japan
14 May2025-05-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
14 May2025-05-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM meetup - Urban Mobility(EN), Budapest, Hungary
15 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
15 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
15 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
15 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
15 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
15–17 May2025-05-15–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G-fr 2018, École Nationale des Sciences Géographiques, Paris - Marne-la-Vallée, Champs-sur-Marne, France
16 May2025-05-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
16 May2025-05-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Painel OpenStreetMap no MundoGEO Connect, São Paulo, Brazil
17 May2025-05-17–Error: Invalid time. |
60. Wiener Stammtisch, Wien, Österreich
18 May2025-05-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Free & Open Mapping Workshop at Ateneo de Davao University, Davao City, Philippines
18 May2025-05-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Palestra na Campus Party Bahia, Salvador, Brazil
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM UK Annual General Meeting 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom
19 May2025-05-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM UK and OpenData Manchester joint meetup/workshops/mapping, Manchester, United Kingdom
22 May2025-05-22–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
23 May2025-05-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Stolpersteine Ulm/Neu-Ulm, Ulm, Germany
24 May2025-05-24–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
24 May2025-05-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
24 May2025-05-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
24 May2025-05-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
24 May2025-05-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night, San José, California, United States
26 May2025-05-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile Biellese/Canavese/Vercellese, Ivrea, Italy
28 May2025-05-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
28 May2025-05-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
28 May2025-05-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Rome, Italy
29 May2025-05-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Derby, United Kingdom
30 May2025-05-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
1–3 Jun2025-06-01–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map France 2018, Bordeaux, France
1–3 Jun2025-06-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapathon e Editathon alla Fortezza delle Verrucole, San Romano in Garfagnana, Italy
6 Jun2025-06-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Les Mercredis cartographie, Montréal, Canada
6 Jun2025-06-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Kvartální pivo, Praha - Brno - Ostrava, Czech Republic
6 Jun2025-06-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
6 Jun2025-06-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Schemotechnika 16, Moscow, Russia
7 Jun2025-06-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
7 Jun2025-06-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
8 Jun2025-06-08–Error: Invalid time. |
120. Brandenburg-Berlin Stammtisch, Potsdam, Germany
9 Jun2025-06-09–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第20回 江戸開城の地 芝, Tokyo, Japan
10 Jun2025-06-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartographie des bâtiments en 3D, Rennes, France
11 Jun2025-06-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
12 Jun2025-06-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
12 Jun2025-06-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
14 Jun2025-06-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
14 Jun2025-06-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night, San José, California, United States
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Sheffield, United Kingdom
19 Jun2025-06-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
20 Jun2025-06-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
21 Jun2025-06-21–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
21 Jun2025-06-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Obersteiermark, Leoben, Austria
22 Jun2025-06-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
23 Jun2025-06-23–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都マッピングパーティ#05:会津藩と京都守護職, Kyoto, Japan
22–24 Jun2025-06-22–Error: Invalid time. |
4. OSM-Sommercamp und 10. FOSSGIS-Hackingevent im Linuxhotel, Essen, Germany
24 Jun2025-06-24–Error: Invalid time. |
あまらぶBosai literacy+:地域防災マップ作成講座, Amagasaki, Japan
25 Jun2025-06-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Rome, Italy
25 Jun2025-06-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
26 Jun2025-06-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie et opendata, Aiglun, France
28 Jun2025-06-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
29 Jun2025-06-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
30 Jun2025-06-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro Mensile, Biella, Italy
3 Jul2025-07-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Mapathon, London, United Kingdom
4 Jul2025-07-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
5 Jul2025-07-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mannheimer Mapathons (MAMAPA), Mannheim, Germany
5 Jul2025-07-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
5 Jul2025-07-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
5 Jul2025-07-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
7 Jul2025-07-07–Error: Invalid time. |
世古をマッピング!:伊勢マッピングパーティ, Ise, Japan
7 Jul2025-07-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro/Open Day con AMAT Milano a Lambrate con pizzata, Italy
10 Jul2025-07-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Salt Lake City Mappy Hour, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
10 Jul2025-07-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
10 Jul2025-07-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
10 Jul2025-07-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
11 Jul2025-07-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Köln Stammtisch, Köln, Germany
12 Jul2025-07-12–Error: Invalid time. |
121. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
14 Jul2025-07-14–Error: Invalid time. |
厄払い!オープンデータソン in さかい, Sakai, Japan
14 Jul2025-07-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party in Frasso Sabino (north-east of Rome), Province of Rieti, Lazio, Italy
16 Jul2025-07-16–Error: Invalid time. |
OSMAnd route engine hacking, Brussels, Belgium
16–20 Jul2025-07-16–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM training at Faculté Sciences et Technologies, Bamako, Mali
17 Jul2025-07-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
17 Jul2025-07-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
17 Jul2025-07-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Schemotechnika 17, Moscow, Russia
18 Jul2025-07-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
19 Jul2025-07-19–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
19 Jul2025-07-19–Error: Invalid time. |
End of semester Mapathon, Heidelberg, Germany
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Essen, Germany
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第21回 増上寺, Tokyo, Japan
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Je cartographie Blois - Cartopartie sur le thème des espaces verts, Blois, France
21 Jul2025-07-21–Error: Invalid time. |
More Joy Diversion, Manchester, United Kingdom
24 Jul2025-07-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Vélocité, Bordeaux, France
24 Jul2025-07-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
25 Jul2025-07-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
26 Jul2025-07-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
26 Jul2025-07-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime! Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
27 Jul2025-07-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Introducción al mapeo colaborativo con Openstreetmap, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay
28–30 Jul2025-07-28–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map 2018 (international conference), Milan, Italy
1 Aug2025-08-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
2 Aug2025-08-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
2 Aug2025-08-02–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
4 Aug2025-08-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón-taller OSM, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4–5 Aug2025-08-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Balatonszemes mapping party at Lake Balaton, Balatonőszöd, Hungary
5 Aug2025-08-05–Error: Invalid time. |
みんなのサマーセミナー:地図、描いてますか?描きましょう!, Amagasaki, Japan
7 Aug2025-08-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Mapathon, London, United Kingdom
8 Aug2025-08-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
9 Aug2025-08-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Urspring, Germany
10 Aug2025-08-10–Error: Invalid time. |
122. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
10 Aug2025-08-10–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM-Stammtisch Zittau, Zittau, Germany
12 Aug2025-08-12–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap 14th Anniversary Birthday party, around the world
12 Aug2025-08-12–Error: Invalid time. |
東京!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第22回 富岡八幡宮, Tokyo, Japan
14 Aug2025-08-14–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
15 Aug2025-08-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
16 Aug2025-08-16–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
17 Aug2025-08-17–Error: Invalid time. |
10. Micro Mapping Party Rapperswil 2018 (inc. OSM-Treffen), Rapperswil, Switzerland
21 Aug2025-08-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
21 Aug2025-08-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Derby, United Kingdom
23 Aug2025-08-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
24 Aug2025-08-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Vancouver, BC, Canada
26 Aug2025-08-26–Error: Invalid time. |
みんなでエディタソン#01, Takatsuki, Japan
29 Aug2025-08-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
29–31 Aug2025-08-29–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G & HOT Summit 2018, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
30 Aug2025-08-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime! Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines
4 Sep2025-09-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Mapathon, London, United Kingdom
5 Sep2025-09-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Kvartální pivo, Praha - Brno - Ostrava, Czech Republic
5 Sep2025-09-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Rostocker Treffen, Rostock, Germany
5 Sep2025-09-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
6 Sep2025-09-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
6 Sep2025-09-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Discussions et préparations, Nantes, France
6 Sep2025-09-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
10 Sep2025-09-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
10 Sep2025-09-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Bordeaux, France
11 Sep2025-09-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
12 Sep2025-09-12–Error: Invalid time. |
HOT GeoBeers, Helsinki, Finland
13 Sep2025-09-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
13 Sep2025-09-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night[1], San José, California, United States
14 Sep2025-09-14–Error: Invalid time. |
123. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
15 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón de parajes y caminos , Posadas, Misiones, Argentina
15–16 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Participation aux Journées européennes du patrimoine à l'École de Longchamp, Nantes, France
15–16 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Découverte d'OpenStreetMap aux Journées Européennes du Patrimoine, Rennes, France
15–16 Sep2025-09-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Berliner Hackweekend, Berlin, Germany
16 Sep2025-09-16–Error: Invalid time. |
2018 birthday mapping party, Budapest, Hungary
17 Sep2025-09-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle, Grenoble, France
17 Sep2025-09-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
18 Sep2025-09-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
18 Sep2025-09-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
18 Sep2025-09-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Lonsee, Germany
18 Sep2025-09-18–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
19 Sep2025-09-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
20 Sep2025-09-20–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
20 Sep2025-09-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Obersteiermark, Leoben, Austria
22 Sep2025-09-22–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都オープンデータソン#06:壬生の浪士と新撰組, Kyoto, Japan
22 Sep2025-09-22–Error: Invalid time. |
首都圏マッピングパーティー 戸山公園で山登り!?, Tokyo, Japan
22 Sep2025-09-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion franco-allemande à Strasbourg, La Mandragore, France
23 Sep2025-09-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Typhoon Ompong Mapathon, Kapitolyo, Pasig, Philippines
23 Sep2025-09-23–Error: Invalid time. |
宮崎マッピングパーティ, Miyazaki, Japan
24 Sep2025-09-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
24 Sep2025-09-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
24 Sep2025-09-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Rome, Italy
24–25 Sep2025-09-24–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Latam 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina
25 Sep2025-09-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
25 Sep2025-09-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Conférence « La cartographie participative, quels enjeux ? », Pertuis, France
26 Sep2025-09-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie, Pertuis, France
27 Sep2025-09-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime! Manila Meet-up, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines
27 Sep2025-09-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Mannheimer Mapathons, Mannheim, Germany
28 Sep2025-09-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Taller + Mapatón, en UTN FRSF, Santa Fe, Santa Fe, Argentina
28–30 Sep2025-09-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Global Mapathon to help end female genital mutilation (FGM), globally, New York, United States
29 Sep2025-09-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Peasant Mapathon, a Saka-Cap Mapping Workshop, NCCP 879 EDSA, West Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines
29 Sep2025-09-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mapper di Biellese, Canavese e Vercellese, Biella, Italy
29 Sep2025-09-29–Error: Invalid time. |
End FGM Mapa-thon x GeoLadies, Department of Community and Environment Resource Planning, UP Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
30 Sep2025-09-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Kangaroo Point Mapping Party, Brisbane, Australia
1 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
4 Oct2025-10-04–Error: Invalid time. |
HelDev: Avoin paikkatieto ja OpenStreetMap, Helsinki, Finland
1–14 Oct2025-10-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party in Oktyabrsk, (Samara region), Russia
4 Oct2025-10-04–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
5–7 Oct2025-10-05–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map US 2018, Detroit, United States
7 Oct2025-10-07–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap @ BendMakeChange-Festival, Offenbach am Main, Germany
8 Oct2025-10-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
9 Oct2025-10-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
9 Oct2025-10-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Atelier-découverte « Aménagement du territoire » dans le cadre de la Fête de la Science Nantes, France
9 Oct2025-10-09–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
10 Oct2025-10-10–Error: Invalid time. |
HOT GeoBeers, Helsinki, Finland
10 Oct2025-10-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre des contributeurs de Montrouge, France
11 Oct2025-10-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night[2], San José, California, United States
12 Oct2025-10-12–Error: Invalid time. |
124. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
12–14 Oct2025-10-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Participation au « Village des sciences » lors de la Fête de la Science à l’Hôtel de région, Nantes, France
14 Oct2025-10-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Kangaroo Point Mapping Party, Australia
15–18 Oct2025-10-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Intergeo 2018, Frankfurt_am_Main, Germany
16 Oct2025-10-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
16 Oct2025-10-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
17 Oct2025-10-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
17 Oct2025-10-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre des contributeurs de la région de Toulouse, France
17 Oct2025-10-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Wien, Österreich
18 Oct2025-10-18–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
19 Oct2025-10-19–Error: Invalid time. |
Shemotehnica No. 18 in the office of "Urbica", Moscow, Russia
19–20 Oct2025-10-19–Error: Invalid time. |
ITS-Hackathon "Mobility meets Logistics", Hamburg, Germany
20 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Poniendo a Tarija en el mapa, Tarija, Bolivia
20–21 Oct2025-10-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Karlsruher Hackweekend, Karlsruhe, Germany
22 Oct2025-10-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
22 Oct2025-10-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre des contributeurs du Pays d'Arlon, Arlon, Belgium
22 Oct2025-10-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
22–25 Oct2025-10-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Denver Importathon, Colorado, United States
23 Oct2025-10-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
23 Oct2025-10-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Espace public numérique d'Arlon - Formation Consulter OpenStreetMap, Arlon, Belgium
24 Oct2025-10-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Köln Stammtisch, Köln, Germany
25 Oct2025-10-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
25 Oct2025-10-25–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Freiberg, Sachsen, Germany
26 Oct2025-10-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping party Orava, Slovakia
26 Oct2025-10-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Giornata OSM presso il Comune di Cuneo, Cuneo, Italia
27 Oct2025-10-27–Error: Invalid time. |
幕末京都マッピングパーティ#07:御所の周りと政変と, Kyoto, Japan
27 Oct2025-10-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Cartopartie "Commerces, artisans et services autour de Viarme", Nantes, France
27 Oct2025-10-27–Error: Invalid time. |
【MapaTime!】 @ co.lab, Metro Manila, Philippines
28 Oct2025-10-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Recensement des commerces du centre-ville, Rennes, France
30 Oct2025-10-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Reutti, Germany
30 Oct2025-10-30–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
31 Oct2025-10-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Papua New Guinea Malaria Mapathon, Melbourne, Australia
31 Oct2025-10-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
31 Oct2025-10-31–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Montpellier, France
1 Nov2025-11-01–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
GIS Expo OSM Lounge, Helsinki, Finland
5 Nov2025-11-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
6 Nov2025-11-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Espace public numérique d'Arlon - Formation Contribuer à OpenStreetMap, Arlon, Belgium
7 Nov2025-11-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón Santiago - Médicos sin Fronteras, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
7 Nov2025-11-07–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
8 Nov2025-11-08–Error: Invalid time. |
125. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
8 Nov2025-11-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
11 Nov2025-11-11–Error: Invalid time. |
京都!街歩き!マッピングパーティ:第2回 美山かやぶきの里, Kyoto, Japan
12 Nov2025-11-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
12 Nov2025-11-12–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
13 Nov2025-11-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
13 Nov2025-11-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
14 Nov2025-11-14–Error: Invalid time. |
PHXGeo Fall 2018 Mapathon, Mesa, Arizona, United States
14 Nov2025-11-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Dia del SIG 2018 - Universidad de León, León, Spain
14 Nov2025-11-14–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
15 Nov2025-11-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Mannheimer Mapathons, Mannheim, Germany
15 Nov2025-11-15–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap Foundation public board meeting, Mumble, everywhere
15 Nov2025-11-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Freiberg, Sachsen, Germany
16 Nov2025-11-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapatón Pamplona - Médicos sin Fronteras, Pamplona, Spain
16 Nov2025-11-16–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapes i Birres (Trobada trimestral usuaris d'OSM), Barcelona, Spain, Spain
16–18 Nov2025-11-16–Error: Invalid time. |
ItWikiCon 2018, Como, Italy
17 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapping Party during ItWikiCon 2018, Como, Italy
17 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map CZ 2018, Brno, Czech Republic
17–18 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
State of the Map Asia 2018, Bangalore, India
17–18 Nov2025-11-17–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM GeoWeek 24h HOT Mapathon, Vantaa, Finland
18 Nov2025-11-18–Error: Invalid time. |
オープンデータソン in 雑賀崎, Wakayama, Japan
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Derby, United Kingdom
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
London Missing Maps mid-month mapping party/working group, London, United Kingdom
20 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Reading Missing Maps Mapathon, Reading, United Kingdom
20–23 Nov2025-11-20–Error: Invalid time. |
FOSS4G SotM Oceania 2018, Melbourne, Australia
21 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle, Toulouse, France
21 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Karlsruhe, Germany
21 Nov2025-11-21–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub meet-up London, UK
22 Nov2025-11-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Lübecker Mappertreffen, Lübeck, Germany
22 Nov2025-11-22–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapathon at Ordnance Survey, Southampton, UK
23–25 Nov2025-11-23–Error: Invalid time. |
ES:State of the Map Costa Rica, Alajuela, Costa Rica
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
【MapaTime!】, Metro Manila, Philippines
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Monthly Mapping Party,Dublin, Ireland
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Ivrea, Italy
24 Nov2025-11-24–Error: Invalid time. |
Session de terrain -recensement des commerces - Île de Nantes, Nantes, France
26 Nov2025-11-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Graz, Graz, Austria
26 Nov2025-11-26–Error: Invalid time. |
Bremer Mappertreffen, Bremen, Germany
27 Nov2025-11-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Espace public numérique d'Arlon - Formation Contribuer à OpenStreetMap, Arlon, Belgium
27 Nov2025-11-27–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Reutti, Germany
28 Nov2025-11-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
29 Nov2025-11-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Civic Hack Night & Map Night[3], San José, California, United States
30 Nov2025-11-30–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation board elections discussion period opens, - , -
1–31 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
PoliMappers Adventures 2018: One mapping quest each day, online, everywhere
1 Dec2025-12-01–Error: Invalid time. |
南島原マッピングパーティ #1 「世界文化遺産『原城』をマッピングしよう!」, Minamishimabara, Japan
3 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappy Hour, Toronto, Canada
3–7 Dec2025-12-03–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM and GIS training camp at CNF, Niamey, Niger
4 Dec2025-12-04–Error: Invalid time. |
London Missing Maps Mapathon, London, United Kingdom
4 Dec2025-12-04–Error: Invalid time. |
OSM Stammtisch Viersen, Viersen, Germany
5 Dec2025-12-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Kvartální pivo, Praha - Brno - Ostrava, Czech Republic
5 Dec2025-12-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
5 Dec2025-12-05–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle, Toulouse, France
6 Dec2025-12-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Mappertreffen, Bochum, Germany
6 Dec2025-12-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Dresden, Dresden, Germany
6 Dec2025-12-06–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Nantes, France
8 Dec2025-12-08–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation board elections voting opens, - , -
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Mapathon Independance Day at La Ruche, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
10 Dec2025-12-10–Error: Invalid time. |
Réunion mensuelle, Rennes, France
11 Dec2025-12-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Rencontre mensuelle pour tous, Lyon, France
11 Dec2025-12-11–Error: Invalid time. |
Jubilee Stammtisch Zurich with Fondue, Zurich, Switzerland
12 Dec2025-12-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Maptime Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
12 Dec2025-12-12–Error: Invalid time. |
Mannheimer Mapathons - now in Ludwigshafen!, Mannheim, Germany
13 Dec2025-12-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Missing Maps Mapathon at Finnish Red Cross HQ - Dec 2018, Helsinki, Finland
13 Dec2025-12-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Münchner Stammtisch, München, Germany
13 Dec2025-12-13–Error: Invalid time. |
Xmas pub meet-up, London, United Kingdom
14 Dec2025-12-14–Error: Invalid time. |
126. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
15 Dec2025-12-15–Error: Invalid time. |
Foundation Annual General Meeting, online via IRC, everywhere
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Bonner Stammtisch, Bonn, Germany
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Pub Meetup, Nottingham, United Kingdom
18 Dec2025-12-18–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch Ulmer Alb, Reutti, Germany
20 Dec2025-12-20–Error: Invalid time. |
Kosovo Meetup / Takim në Kosovë, Pristina, Kosovo
23 Dec2025-12-23–Error: Invalid time. |
Recensement des panneaux publicitaires, Rennes, France
27–30 Dec2025-12-27–Error: Invalid time. |
OpenStreetMap assembly, hosted by Chaos Communication Congress 35C3, Leipzig, Germany
28 Dec2025-12-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
28 Dec2025-12-28–Error: Invalid time. |
Metrotown mappy Hour, Greater Vancouver area, Canada
29 Dec2025-12-29–Error: Invalid time. |
Incontro mensile, Biella, Italy