RU:Устаревшие элементы
В OpenStreetMap нет "устаревших элементов", так как каждому позволяется и в целом приветствуется использование любых тегов, которые участник сочтёт полезными.
![]() | Ни при каких обстоятельствах не следует автоматически (или полуавтоматически) массово заменять "устаревшие" теги в базе данных на какие-либо другие без согласования с Соглашением об автоматизированных правках. Любые подобные замены будут откачены. |
Тем не менее, время от времени сообщество принимает новое правило тегирования вместо более старого, ради улучшения ясности или структуры тегирования. Если в таких случаях не существует весомого довода в пользу сохранения старого тега, стоит воспользоваться рекомендациями и перейти к использованию новых тегов согласно данной статье.
Нижеследующие объекты получили новую схему тегирования по результатам дискуссий. Учтите, что некоторые из этих схем ещё упоминаются в статье Объекты карты, и должны оставаться здесь, пока они широко используются.
Дата | Старый ключ/значение | Применение старого тега | Предложенная замена | N | Причина
2013-12-31 | emergency=aed | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=defibrillator | 58 | Proposed features/automated external defibrillator (archive)
2014-06-13 | amenity=emergency_phone | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=phone | 47 | WikiProject Emergency Cleanup
2015-09-11 | amenity=fire_hydrant | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=fire_hydrant | 64 | On 01/01/2015, there was about 12,000 uses of amenity=fire_hydrant and 300,000 uses of emergency=fire_hydrant. 9,000 of the 12,000 had both tags. Both were allowed. Early July 2015, there was around 0 uses of amenity=fire_hydrant. On 09/11/2015, amenity=fire_hydrant has been deprecated.
2015-01-08 | aerialway=canopy | overpass-turbo / tag-history | aerialway=zip_line | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-21 | amenity=abandoned | overpass-turbo / tag-history | abandoned:*=* | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2016-04-06 | amenity=advertising | overpass-turbo / tag-history | advertising=* | 11 | An ad is not an amenity... Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated".
2015-12-18 | amenity=artwork | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=artwork | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-08 | amenity=car_repair | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=car_repair | 84 | Redundant tag.
2016-01-02 | amenity=citymap_post | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=information | 20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2015-12-18 | amenity=community_center | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=community_centre | 39 | British English is preferred in tags.
2015-12-21 | amenity=creche | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=childcare or amenity=kindergarten |
84 | Redundant tag.
2016-01-02 | amenity=disused | overpass-turbo / tag-history | disused:amenity=*, or such | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2015-02 | amenity=dog_bin | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=waste_basket + waste=dog_excrement or amenity=vending_machine + vending=excrement_bags |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2015-02 | amenity=dog_waste_bin | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=waste_basket + waste=dog_excrement or amenity=vending_machine + vending=excrement_bags |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2015-12-08 | amenity=education | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=college or amenity=school or amenity=college or amenity=university or office=tutoring |
12 | This tag has never been approved, nor had wide usage. Take one of the replacements to correctly tag the education place.
2015-05-13 | amenity=ev_charging | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=charging_station | 26 | The latter tag is more expressive than the former.
2009-10 | amenity=garages | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=parking + parking=* or landuse=garages |
50 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". There is currently no consensus on the preferred tagging suggestions, as both got consensus on Oct. 2009 (Proposed features/Additional parking types for amenity=parking; Proposed features/tag:landuse=garages).
2007 | amenity=hotel | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=hotel | 7 | Лучшее сочетание с ключом
2015-12-22 | amenity=kiosk | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=kiosk | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-21 | amenity=nursery | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=childcare or amenity=kindergarten |
84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-21 | amenity=park | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leisure=park | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-18 | amenity=preschool | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=kindergarten | 84 | Redundant tag.
2016-01-02 | amenity=proposed | overpass-turbo / tag-history | proposed:amenity=*, or such | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2015-06-07 | amenity=real_estate | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=estate_agent | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-04 | amenity=sauna | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leisure=sauna | 84 | Redundant tag.
2007-07-16 | amenity=shop | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=* | 1 | Появление ключа "shop"
2023-04-09 | amenity=spa | overpass-turbo / tag-history | (shop=beauty & beauty=spa) or (amenity=public_bath & bath:type=thermal) | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2014-10-20 | amenity=winery | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=wine or craft=winery |
84 | Redundant tag.
2015-11-07 | amenity=youth_centre | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=community_centre + community_centre:for=juvenile or community_centre:for=child;juvenile |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2013-10-06 | bridge=arch | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes + bridge:structure=arch |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=beam | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes + bridge:structure=beam |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=humpback | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes + bridge:structure=humpback |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=lift | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=movable + bridge:movable=lift |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=pontoon | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes + bridge:structure=floating |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=suspension | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes + bridge:structure=suspension |
25 | Proposed features/Bridge types
2013-10-06 | bridge=swing | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=movable + bridge:movable=swing or bridge=yes + bridge:structure=simple-suspension |
24 | Proposed features/Bridge types - was formerly used to map two very different bridge types (hanging/swinging rope bridges and movable swing bridges)
2012 | building:type=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=* | 29 | Proposed features/Building attributes has been abandoned.
2018 | building=condominium | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=apartments | 56 | The difference between a condominium and an apartment is purely legal, difficult to verify, and unimportant to OSM.
2011-10-27 | building=entrance | overpass-turbo / tag-history | entrance=* | 14 | Улучшение схемы тегирования с ключом "building"; удтверждён тег entrance=*. (но аккуратнее, тег building=entrance всё ещё стандарт де-факто)
2020-01-31 | car=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | motorcar=* | 84 | Redundant tag.
2006 | class=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=* | 2 | Появление ключа "highway"
2012-11-28 | color=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | colour=* | 18 | Usage of American form color probably mainly due to a bug in JOSM presets.
2013-10-22 | date_off=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2013-10-22 | date_on=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2013-10-22 | day_off=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2013-10-22 | day_on=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2018-06-28 | camp_site=pitch | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=camp_pitch | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2018-06-28 | camp_site=camp_pitch | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=camp_pitch | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2018-12-01 | amenity=embassy | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=diplomatic and diplomatic=embassy | 20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2019-06-12 | diaper=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | changing_table=* | 20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2014-05-01 | drinkable=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | drinking_water=* | 21 | There is no need for redundant tags. One key is sufficient.
2012-09-14 | escalator=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=steps + conveying=* |
38 | Proposed features/Escalators and Moving Walkways
2023-02-25 | emergency=dry_riser_inlet | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=fire_service_inlet & fire_mains=dry | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-02-25 | emergency=sprinkler_connection | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=fire_service_inlet & fire_sprinkler=yes | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-21 | highway=abandoned | overpass-turbo / tag-history | abandoned:highway=*, or such | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2009-08 | highway=byway | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=track/path + designation=byway_open_to_all_traffic or designation=restricted_byway access=* |
13 | Более точное тегирование общественных дорожных прав в Англии и Уэльсе (англ.).
2012 | highway=ford | overpass-turbo / tag-history | ford=* | 17 | highway=ford" на линии не позволяет описать сам класс дороги (например, "unclassified"). Некоторые рендереры ещё не освоились с новым тегом (см. openstreetmap-carto issue 267) - не меняйте автоматически (или полуавтоматически) старую схему на новую.
2008-06-12 | highway=incline_steep | overpass-turbo / tag-history | incline=* | 3 | Any type of highway=* (primary, secondary, ...) may have inclined sections tagged separately, this does not create a new type of highway
2008-06-12 | highway=incline | overpass-turbo / tag-history | incline=* | 3 | Any type of highway=* (primary, secondary, ...) may have inclined sections tagged separately, this does not create a new type of highway
2007 | highway=minor | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=tertiary or highway=unclassified or highway=service or such | 9 | Abandoned feature.
2008-10-19 | highway=stile | overpass-turbo / tag-history | barrier=stile | 4 | "Суть" этого значения лучше подходит новому ключу (решено голосованием)
2008-03-19 | highway=unsurfaced | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=* + surface=unpaved highway=track |
5 | Дороги многих классов могут не иметь твёрдого покрытия
2014-10-19 | historic_name=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | old_name=* or name=* |
84 | Redundant tag.
2015-12-21 | historic=abandoned | overpass-turbo / tag-history | abandoned:historic=*, or such | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2008-01-10 | historic=icon | overpass-turbo / tag-history | No | 6 | нет описания, точное применение не ясно
2008-01-20 | historic=museum | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=museum | 16 | Tag historic=* should be used for historic items (and therefore not a museum).
2013-10-22 | hour_off=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2013-10-22 | hour_on=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Conditional restrictions or opening_hours=* |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2010 | landuse=farm | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=farmland or landuse=farmyard |
36 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Originally designed to mark agricultural zones, this tag has confused many contributors, who tagged also buildings with it.
2010 | landuse=field | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=farmland | 46 | Proposed features/agricultural Field#Conclusion?
2011-05-09 | landuse=pond | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=water + water=pond |
30 | Even though this tag is widely used, it has been deprecated by Proposed features/Water details. Both tagging schemes should persist for some time.
2011-05-09 | landuse=reservoir | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=water + water=reservoir |
30 | Even though this tag is widely used, it has been deprecated by Proposed features/Water details. Both tagging schemes should persist for some time.
2007-07-16 | landuse=wood | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=forest or natural=wood |
8 | В зависимости от того, ухожен ли лес или дик.
2017-04-13 | leisure=beach | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=beach | 84 | Redundant tag.
2014-08-02 | leisure=club | overpass-turbo / tag-history | club=* | 84 | Redundant tag.
2016-01-02 | leisure=gambling | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=gambling or such | 84 | Redundant tag.
2014-01-27 | leisure=video_arcade | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leisure=adult_gaming_centre for venues with gambling machines; or leisure=amusement_arcade for venues with pay-to-play games. |
44 | Proposed features/Gambling
2016-01-02 | man_made=cut_line | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=cutline | 84 | Redundant tag.
2017-06-17 | man_made=hot_water_tank | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=storage_tank + content=hot_water |
84 | Redundant tag.
2013-05-23 | man_made=jetty | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=pier | 42 | Tag whose definition remains unclear. man_made=pier is way more widely used.
2016-01-02 | man_made=village_pump | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=water_well | 84 | Redundant tag.
2016-07-09 | man_made=water_tank | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=storage_tank + content=water |
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2016-01-02 | man_made=well | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=water_well | 31 | No specific reason stated, should be replaced with an actual reason. Actual reason may be described at tag page, this entry also may be an invalidly listed one.
2015-03-19 | name:botanical=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | species=* | 37 | Taken from Category:Key descriptions with status "deprecated".
2011-08-31 | natural=land | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Relation type=multipolygon or natural=coastline |
15 | Для островов в реках и озёрах стоит применять мультиполигоны, для океанических - natural=coastline.
2008-11-18 | natural=marsh | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=wetland + wetland=marsh |
84 | Redundant tag.
2017-03-08 | natural=moor | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Look the natural=moor page for lots of suggestions. | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2009-08-08 | noexit=no | overpass-turbo / tag-history | fixme=Continue | 40 | If there is an exit... it should be mapped!
2016-03-02 | office=administrative | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=government | 55 | Proposed features/Government offices
2015-06-07 | office=real_estate_agent | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=estate_agent | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-06-07 | office=real_estate | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=estate_agent | 84 | Redundant tag.
2012-12-08 | place_name=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | name=* | 23 | Although it made sense in the past, nowadays it completely overlaps with name=*. More info here.
2016-06-30 | pole=transition | overpass-turbo / tag-history | location:transition=yes | 54 | Implementation of location=* key by Proposed features/PipelineExtension which also supports underwater.
2010-09 | power_rating=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | generator:output=* | 28 | Proposed features/generator rationalisation
2010-09 | power_source=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | generator:source=* | 28 | Proposed features/generator rationalisation
2013-01-24 | power=station | overpass-turbo / tag-history | power=substation or power=plant or power=generator |
19 | 'power=station' может быть спутано с "power station" (= электростанцией) и никогда не используется в качестве синонима "подстанции" в британском английском. Please take the opportunity to review the object and add useful information, not just "correct" it.
2014-11-25 | power=sub_station | overpass-turbo / tag-history | power=substation | 19 | 'power=station' может быть спутано с "power station" (= электростанцией) и никогда не используется в качестве синонима "подстанции" в британском английском. Please take the opportunity to review the object and add useful information, not just "correct" it.
2013-02-01 | power=underground_cable | overpass-turbo / tag-history | power=cable + location=underground | 54 | Implementation of location=* key by Proposed features/PipelineExtension which also supports underwater.
2014-10-24 | railway=preserved | overpass-turbo / tag-history | historic=railway + railway=rail (or whatever type) + railway:preserved=yes |
41 | See OpenRailwayMap/Aktiventreffen 2014 2#Tracks. Clashes with railway=narrow_gauge when such railways are preserved.
2008-05-30 | route=ncn | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Cycle_routes | 27 | RU:Cycle routes
2007-07-16 | shop=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=yes or shop=* (the actual shop type) |
51 | A star '*' should not be considered as a correct value tag.
2015-12-08 | shop=antique | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=antiques | 84 | Redundant tag.
2012-03-08 | shop=auto_parts | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=car_parts | 84 | Redundant tag.
2014-01-27 | shop=betting | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=bookmaker or shop=lottery See also Tag:shop=betting. |
44 | Proposed features/Gambling
2016-01-02 | shop=disused | overpass-turbo / tag-history | disused:shop=*, or such | 49 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". Besides, the deprecated tagging does not indicate which kind of amenity (or whatever) it used to/will be... See also Lifecycle prefix.
2017-04-06 | shop=dive | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=scuba_diving | 84 | Redundant tag.
2010-06-06 | shop=fish | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=seafood (see also Tag:shop=fish). | 45 | Proposed features/seafood shop
2010-06-06 | shop=fishmonger | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=seafood | 45 | Proposed features/seafood shop
2015-12-20 | shop=furnace | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=fireplace | 52 | This tag is confusing. A furnace is a big oven used for melting metals; some people also applied this tag for shops selling cooking stoves.
2016-01-02 | shop=gallery | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=art | 84 | Redundant tag.
2014-01-27 | shop=gambling | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=gambling (see also Tag:shop=gambling). | 44 | Proposed features/Gambling
2017-04-06 | shop=glass | overpass-turbo / tag-history | craft=glaziery | 84 | Redundant tag.
2017-04-07 | shop=moneylender | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=money_lender | 84 | Redundant tag.
2012-02-11 | shop=organic | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=* + organic=* |
34 | Taken from Category:Tag descriptions with status "deprecated". See also Talk:Tag:shop=organic.
2015-12-08 | shop=perfume | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=perfumery | 84 | Redundant tag.
2015-06-07 | shop=real_estate | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=estate_agent | 84 | Redundant tag.
2020-04-23 | shop=vehicles | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Specific values of shop=* such as shop=car, shop=bicycle, shop=boat etc. instead | 31 | No specific reason stated, should be replaced with an actual reason. Actual reason may be described at tag page, this entry also may be an invalidly listed one.
2020-06-10 | natural=riverbed | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=water + water=river + intermittent=yes (if often water) or natural=shingle/sand... (if almost never water) instead |
90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2016-01-02 | shop=window | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=windows | 84 | Redundant tag.
2013-12-23 | sport=diving | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=scuba_diving or sport=cliff_diving |
90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2010-08-25 | sport=gaelic_football | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=gaelic_games + specific tag of gaelic game |
31 | No specific reason stated, should be replaced with an actual reason. Actual reason may be described at tag page, this entry also may be an invalidly listed one.
2016-09-13 | sport=paragliding | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=free_flying |
84 | Redundant tag.
2014-05-28 | tourism=bed_and_breakfast | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tourism=guest_house + guest_house=bed_and_breakfast |
84 | Redundant tag.
2008-03-19 | waterway=mooring | overpass-turbo / tag-history | mooring=* | 10 | Бóльшая гибкость; позволяет сохранить основное значение waterway=*.
2016-01-02 | waterway=wadi | overpass-turbo / tag-history | waterway=stream or waterway=river + intermittent=yes or/and natural=valley |
53 | In Arabic wadi means valley, but this conflicts with explanations in Wikipedia and probably with interpretations in various parts of the world. For initial discussion that ended with wadi deprecation see Beware that this kind of edit requires local knowledge: it is impossible to do it correctly with mass replace without local knowledge.
2014-06-06 | wood=deciduous | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leaf_cycle=deciduous | 22 | The values wood=coniferous and wood=deciduous are ambiguous. It was approved to use leaf_type=* instead.
2014-06-06 | wood=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leaf_type=* or leaf_cycle=* |
22 | The values wood=coniferous and wood=deciduous are ambiguous. It was approved to use leaf_type=* instead.
2018-10-27 | man_made=MDF | overpass-turbo / tag-history | telecom=exchange | 35 | Proposed features/Telecom local loop (archive)
2018-10-27 | man_made=telephone_exchange | overpass-turbo / tag-history | telecom=exchange | 35 | Proposed features/Telecom local loop (archive)
2018-10-27 | telecom=central_office | overpass-turbo / tag-history | telecom=exchange | 35 | Proposed features/Telecom local loop (archive)
2018-10-27 | telecom=outdoor_dslam | overpass-turbo / tag-history | telecom=service_device | 35 | Proposed features/Telecom local loop (archive)
2018-10-27 | telecom=street_cabinet | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=street_cabinet + utility=telecom | 35 | Proposed features/Telecom local loop (archive)
2019-03-26 | shop=underwear | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=clothes + clothes=underwear | 20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2019-07-31 | access=public | overpass-turbo / tag-history | access=yes | 84 | Redundant tag.
2019-10-27 | power=marker | overpass-turbo / tag-history | marker=* + utility=power | 57 | Deprecated by the Proposed features/Utility markers proposal.
2019-10-27 | power=cable_distribution_cabinet | overpass-turbo / tag-history | man_made=street_cabinet + utility=power | 84 | Redundant tag.
2019-10-27 | pipeline=marker | overpass-turbo / tag-history | marker=* + subject=pipeline | 57 | Deprecated by the Proposed features/Utility markers proposal.
2020-7-14 | role=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Use relations. for eg type=multipolygon for role=outer/inner, type=restriction for roles=from/to, type=waterway for role=main_stream | 62 |
2020-11-12 | wetland=saltern | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=salt_pond | 84 | Redundant tag.
2020-12-5 | protect_class=23 | overpass-turbo / tag-history | boundary=special_economic_zone | 84 | Redundant tag.
2020-12-27 | hazard=air_traffic | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=low_flying_aircraft | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=bend | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=curve | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=bicycle | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=cyclists | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=bicycles | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=cyclists | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=cattle | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=cow | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=deer | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=moose | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=reindeer | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=reindeer | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=wild_animal | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=wild_animal | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=wild_animals | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=wild_animal | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=farm_animals | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=animal_crossing + hazard:animal=livestock | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=crosswinds | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=side_winds | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=dangerous_turn | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=turn | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=pedestrian | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=pedestrians | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=playing_children | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=children | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=rockfall | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=falling_rocks | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=rock_slide | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=landslide | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | hazard=slippery_road | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=slippery | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2020-12-27 | protect_class=16 | overpass-turbo / tag-history | hazard=* | 63 | Proposed features/hazard
2017-04-12 | highway=razed | overpass-turbo / tag-history | razed:=* prefix, or more specifically razed:highway=* (or other lifecycle prefix) | 84 | Redundant tag.
2018 (maybe 2013) | building=building | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=yes | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-01-17 | protect_class=25 | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=military + military=* | 87 |
2021-02 | amenity=swimming_pool | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leisure=swimming_pool | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | shop=lingerie | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=clothes + clothes=underwear | 20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2021-02 | amenity=gym | overpass-turbo / tag-history | leisure=sports_centre | 7 | Лучшее сочетание с ключом
2021-02 | amenity=office | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=* | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | amenity=hospice | overpass-turbo / tag-history | healthcare=hospice | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | clothes=lingerie | overpass-turbo / tag-history | clothes=underwear | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | clothes=bridal | overpass-turbo / tag-history | clothes=wedding | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | amenity=public_building | overpass-turbo / tag-history | various | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-02 | tomb=cenotaph | overpass-turbo / tag-history | historic=memorial | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-02 | shop=photography | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=photo | 84 | Redundant tag.
2022-12-27 | site_type=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | archaeological_site=* | 31 | No specific reason stated, should be replaced with an actual reason. Actual reason may be described at tag page, this entry also may be an invalidly listed one.
2023-01-13 | surface=trail | overpass-turbo / tag-history | surface=unpaved | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | amenity=life_ring | overpass-turbo / tag-history | emergency=life_ring | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | amenity=administration | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=government or such | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | access=restricted | overpass-turbo / tag-history | access=private or (depending on situation and other present tags) - access=forestry, access=agricultural | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2023-01-12 | building:age=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | start_date=* | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-03 | amenity=house | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=house | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-03 | amenity=healthcare | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Healthcare | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-03 | amenity=health_centre | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Healthcare | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-02 | office=tax | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=government + government=tax or office=tax_advisor | 55 | Proposed features/Government offices
2021-02 | amenity=register_office | overpass-turbo / tag-history | office=government + government=register_office | 55 | Proposed features/Government offices
2021-02 | sport=hockey | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=ice_hockey or sport=field_hockey | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-02 | sport=football | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=soccer or sport=rugby or sport=australian_football or sport=american_football or sport=canadian_football and possible other sport=* (various values). See Football | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-02 | sport=shooting_range | overpass-turbo / tag-history | sport=shooting + "physical" tag | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2021-02 | amenity=club | overpass-turbo / tag-history | club=* | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-05-19 | post_office:type=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | post_office=* | 95 | Proposed features/shop as post-partner
2021-05-21 | landuse=school | overpass-turbo / tag-history | landuse=education | 84 | Redundant tag.
2021-09 | residential=condominium | overpass-turbo / tag-history | residential=apartments | 56 | The difference between a condominium and an apartment is purely legal, difficult to verify, and unimportant to OSM.
2022-01-03 | vending=parcel_mail_in | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=parcel_locker with parcel_mail_in=yes | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2022-01-03 | vending=parcel_pickup | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=parcel_locker | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2022-01-04 | no_overtaking=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | overtaking=* | 84 | Redundant tag.
2022-01-02 | embassy=embassy | overpass-turbo / tag-history | embassy=yes | 97 | The embassy=embassy tag has been deprecated by a voteː Proposed features/deprecate embassy=embassy.
2022-02-27 | boundary=forestry_compartment | overpass-turbo / tag-history | boundary=forest_compartment | 98 | The boundary=forestry_compartment tag has been deprecated by a voteː Proposed features/boundary=forest(_compartment) relations (v3).
2020-01-24 | building=collapsed | overpass-turbo / tag-history | demolished:building=* or building=ruins or delete the object | 99 | This is a misleading use of building=* & it conflates different types of (collapsed) buildings.
2020-01-15 | building=abandoned | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=* + abandoned=yes | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2020-01-15 | building=disused | overpass-turbo / tag-history | building=* + disused=yes | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2022-09-28 | door=loadingdock | overpass-turbo / tag-history | amenity=loading_dock | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2022-11-27 | manufacturer:type=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | model=* | 59 | Proposed features/Manufacturer and Model#Rationale_of_the_proposal
2022-11-27 | vehicle:wikidata=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | model:wikidata=* | 59 | Proposed features/Manufacturer and Model#Rationale_of_the_proposal
2022-11-27 | vehicle:wikipedia=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | model:wikipedia=* | 59 | Proposed features/Manufacturer and Model#Rationale_of_the_proposal
2022-12-08 | parking:lane:left=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | parking:left=* | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:lane:right=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | parking:right=* | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:lane:both=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | parking:both=* | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:condition:left=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Street_parking#Legal_properties | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:condition:right=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Street_parking#Legal_properties | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:condition:both=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | Street_parking#Legal_properties | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2022-12-08 | parking:orientation=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | orientation=* | 65 | Replaced by new street parking schema, that is intended to be easier and more logical to apply, follows established OSM conventions more closely and harmonises tagging of parking spaces mapped on the centerline as an attribute of a street with parking spaces mapped as a separate feature.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=broadband | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=telecom | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=cable_tv | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=television | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=communications | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=telecom | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=gas | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=gas | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=power | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=power | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=street_lighting | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=street_lighting | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=telecom | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=telecom | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=water | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=water or utility=sewerage | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-01-27 | street_cabinet=water_management | overpass-turbo / tag-history | utility=water or utility=sewerage | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-03-28 | surface=granite | overpass-turbo / tag-history | material=granite or paving_stones:material=granite | 60 | As discussed on and
2023-03-28 | surface=marble | overpass-turbo / tag-history | material=marble or paving_stones:material=marble | 60 | As discussed on and
2023-04-20 | tower:type=lattice | overpass-turbo / tag-history | tower:construction=lattice due to usage. Tag has same meaning and is much more used. See tag history comparison. | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-05-01 | 3d_printing=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | 66 | this key has no clear meaning, and isn’t relevant to the suggested combinations.
| |
2023-05-16 | highway=trail | overpass-turbo / tag-history | highway=path | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-05-23 | shop=winery | overpass-turbo / tag-history | shop=wine or craft=winery | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2023-07-04 | maxspeed:seasonal:winter=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | maxspeed:conditional=*, winter as condition
20 | схема тегирования условий : более гибка, чем старые ключи day_on/off и hour_on/off.
2015-03-17 | denotation=cluster | overpass-turbo / tag-history | natural=tree_group or mapping all natural=tree | 84 | Redundant tag.
2023-11-05 | bridge=simple_brunnel | overpass-turbo / tag-history | bridge=yes | 90 | Poor or ambiguous semantics.
2023-12-15 | continuous_sidewalk=* | overpass-turbo / tag-history | crossing:continuous=yes | 61 | Proposal:Continuous crossings
2023-12-15 | crossing=pavement | overpass-turbo / tag-history | crossing:continuous=yes | 61 | Proposal:Continuous crossings
2024-04-19 | railway=facility | overpass-turbo / tag-history | railway=station | 67 | 1. Using this relation was time-consuming. 2. Mixing railway=facility with public_transport=stop_area resulted in complex and confusing tagging like type=public_transport + public_transport=stop_area + railway=facility for passenger stations and railway=facility without any type=* for non-passenger stations. 3. It resulted in mixing tags like public_transport=stop_position and railway=subway_entrance with features such as landuse=* from a railway operations perspective. 4. This relation duplicated a lot of tags of railway=station. 5. This relation mapped one real world feature as two features in OSM, which is not a good practice. Related discussion
2024-06-22 | cycleway=opposite | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bicycle=no + oneway=yes | 68 | Replaced by the more recent and more logical oneway:bicycle=* tagging; mixed infrastructure and access/direction information; logical problems if used with cycleway side suffixes; exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-06-22 | cycleway=opposite_lane | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=lane | 68 | Replaced by the more recent and more logical oneway:bicycle=* tagging; mixed infrastructure and access/direction information; logical problems if used with cycleway side suffixes; exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-06-22 | cycleway=opposite_share_busway | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=share_busway | 68 | Replaced by the more recent and more logical oneway:bicycle=* tagging; mixed infrastructure and access/direction information; logical problems if used with cycleway side suffixes; exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-06-22 | cycleway=opposite_track | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway=track | 68 | Replaced by the more recent and more logical oneway:bicycle=* tagging; mixed infrastructure and access/direction information; logical problems if used with cycleway side suffixes; exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-11-15 | busway=lane | overpass-turbo / tag-history | lanes:bus=* or bus:lanes=* | 69 | Lane count becomes ambiguous, redundancy with modern and better tools, exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-11-15 | busway=opposite | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bus=no | 69 | Lane count becomes ambiguous, redundancy with modern and better tools, exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details).
2024-11-15 | busway=opposite_lane | overpass-turbo / tag-history | oneway:bus=no + lanes:bus=* or bus:lanes=* | 69 | Lane count becomes ambiguous, redundancy with modern and better tools, exclusion of other transport modes and other associated problems (see deprecation proposal for details). |