Bs:Map Features

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OpenStreetMap nema strogo definirana pravila po kojima se opisuju Točke Točka, Putevi Put ili Relacije Relacija). Možete koristi bilo koju oznaku, ali samo ako se vrijednost može provjeriti. Međutim, preporuka je da se koriste opće prihvaćeni tagovi kako bi prikaz karte bio podjednak za sve zemlje. Na ovoj stranici nalaze se preporuke iscrtavanje i opisivanje objekata.

Ukoliko u preporukama niste pronašli odgovarajući tag za objekt koji želite postaviti na kartu ili želite grupirati puteve ili točke u komponentu većeg nivoa, pogledajte Relations. Obratite se i zajednici WikiProjekat Bosna i Hercegovina ili posjetite stranicu Proposed features}} na kojoj možete saznati više o tome kako osnovati novi objekt ili tag.

Opaska oko renderiranja:

  • Korištenjem ovih oznaka (tagova) znači da će vaš trud editiranja vjerojatnije prikazati u različitim rendererima. Ali, to nije garancija da će tag koji je izlistan ovdje biti renderiran s nekim rendererom na glavnoj karti. Za specifične informacije kako osigurati da se simboli rendaju u Mapnik i Osmarender pločicama (tiles), pogledajte Symbol Rendering.
  • Također moguće je da će se na glavnoj karti renderirati tagovi koji nisu izlistani ovdje. Ova lista se ne ažurira sa tagovima implementiranim u renderere.
  • Kolona 'Rendering' u ovim tablicama je samo primjer kako izgleda pojedini tag kada se renderira. To ne diktira kako ju rendereri mogu izrenderirati.

Tablice su grupirane po temama, prvo sa najčešće korištenim.

Fizičke značajke


Highway tag se primarno koristi za ceste. Najčešće je to i jedini tag. Pogledajte Highway tag usage i Road za upute.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika


This group lists the 7 main tags for the road network, from most to least functionally important for motor vehicle traffic.

highway motorway way Za označavanje autocesta. Podrazumijeva cestu s ograničenim pristupom (nema bicikala, sporih vozila), s 2 ili više traka plus 1 zaustavnom trakom. Ekvivalentno američkom Freeway, njemačkom Autobahn, itd..
Rendering-highway motorway neutral.png
  • Morgendlicher Berufsverkehr auf der BAB A8 beim Kreuz Stuttgart - panoramio.jpg
highway trunk way Brzi put je javni put namijenjen za saobraćaj isključivo motornih vozila, s jednom ili dvije razdvojene

kolovozne trake, koji ima sve raskrsnice u dva ili više nivoa s poprečnim putevima i drugim saobraćajnicama (željezničkim ili tramvajskim prugama), prema pravilu nema zaustavnih traka. Za označavanje koristiti i key motorroad=yes.

Rendering-highway trunk carto.png
  • A55 trunk road looking east - - 932668.jpg
  • Cat and Fiddle Road, England
highway primary way Magistralne ceste u BIH.
Rendering-highway primary neutral.png
  • Hunsrückhöhenstraße, Kappel, Germany
  • Tanami Road, Australia
highway secondary way Regionalne ceste u BIH.
Rendering-highway secondary neutral.png
  • L134, Meyenburg, Schwanewede, Germany
  • Vatnsnesvegur, Iceland
highway tertiary way Lokalne ceste.
Rendering-highway tertiary neutral.png
  • Bergedorfer Straße, Worpswede, Germany
  • Canol Road, Yukon, Canada
highway unclassified way Nerazvrstane ceste - nema administrativne klasifikacije. Unclassified ceste su obično najniži oblik mreže cesta. Obično uske ceste, da se ne mogu normalno mimoići 2 automobila.
Opaska: Ovo nije oznaka za ceste gdje se još treba utvrditi highway tag (pogledaj highway=road za ceste koje trebaju dobiti klasifikaciju).
Rendering-highway unclassified.png
  • Sentiero 00, Cantagallo, Tuscany, Italy
  • Kuskealleen, Vordingborg, Denmark
highway residential way Ceste tj. ulice koje su unutar i oko naselja, nisu klasificirane niti nerazvrstane (unclassified).
Rendering-highway residential.png
  • Taman Ria Terrace.jpg
  • Main Street, Elko, Nevada, USA

Link roads

highway motorway_link way The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a motorway from/to a motorway or lower class highway. Normally with the same motorway restrictions.
Rendering-highway motorway link.png
A5 exit link to A672, Darmstadt, Germany
highway trunk_link way Spojne ceste (rampe ili izlazi) koji vode na i sa brze ceste ili na i sa druge brze ceste sa istim restrikcijama kao i brza cesta.
Rendering-highway trunk link.png
A7 / OAL23 interchange, Nesselwang, Germany
highway primary_link way Spojne ceste (rampe ili izlazi) koji vode na i sa magistralnu cestu ili na i sa druge magistralne ceste.
Rendering-highway primary link.png
B20 exit and entrance to Brunn, Fridolfing, Germany
highway secondary_link way Spojne ceste (rampe ili izlazi) koji vode na i sa regionalne ceste ili na i sa druge regionalne ceste.
Rendering-highway secondary link.png
highway tertiary_link way The link roads (sliproads/ramps) leading to/from a tertiary road from/to a tertiary road or lower class highway.
Rendering-highway tertiary link.png

Special road types

highway living_street way Ulica gdje pješaci imaju prednost nad automobilima, gjde se djeca igraju na ulici, maksimalna brzina je mala. U Bosni i Hercegovini ih zovemo »područje nižeg intenziteta prometa«, koje označuje mjesto u naselju na kojem se ulazi u područje u kojem se ne smije voziti brže od brzine hoda pješaka jer je dječja igra svugdje dopuštena.
Living street osm.png
beginning of a living street with a paving stones surface and some trees and cars parking at the sides
highway service way area Uopšteno cesta za pristup zgradama, servisnim stanicama, plažama, kampovima, industrijskim pogonima, poslovnim zonama, itd.. Takođe se koristi i za pristup parkingu i odvozu otpada.
koristi se sa service=*, npr. service=parking_aisle kako bi označili put unutar parkinga amenity=parking.
Rendering-highway service.png
Alley leading from the High Street to Green Lane Shopping Centre - - 942796.jpg
highway pedestrian way area For roads used mainly/exclusively for pedestrians in shopping and some residential areas which may allow access by motorised vehicles only for very limited periods of the day. To create a 'square' or 'plaza' create a closed way and tag as pedestrian and also with area=yes.
Pedestrian with area osm.png
Cambridge Rd - - 1189572.jpg
highway track way Ceste za poljoprivredne svrhe (kameni put,makadam,kaldrme,lenije), šljunčane ceste u šumi, itd.; obično neasfaltirane ceste. Za više pogledaj Hr:Key:tracktype.
Rendering-highway track.png
  • Frühlingslandschft Aaretal Schweiz.jpg
  • Asphalt track.jpg
highway bus_guideway way A busway where the vehicle guided by the way (though not a railway) and is not suitable for other traffic. Please note: this is not a normal bus lane, use access=no, psv=yes instead!
Rendering-highway-bus guideway-mapnik.png
Bus track.jpg
highway escape way For runaway truck ramps, runaway truck lanes, emergency escape ramps, or truck arrester beds. It enables vehicles with braking failure to safely stop.
highway raceway way A course or track for (motor) racing
Fuji Speedway start-finish.jpg
highway road way Cesta za koju ne znamo klasifikaciju. Ovaj tag bi trebalo izbjegavati. To je privremena oznaka za ceste dok se pravilno ne istraže. Kada su istražene, treba ažurirati pripadajuću klasifikaciju.
highway busway way A dedicated roadway for bus rapid transit systems
grade-seperated section of busway outside of station


highway footway way area Pješačke staze koje su uglavnom/isključivo za pješake. Ovo uključuje šetnice i šljunčane staze. Ako je dozvoljeno biciklima, možete dodati oznaku bicycle=yes. Ne bi trebali koristiti za staze gdje se nezna primarna namjena.
Rendering-highway footway.png
Footway in Stowupland - - 1044849.jpg
highway bridleway way Za konje, pješake i bicikliste. Ekvivalentno oznakama highway=path + horse=designated.
Rendering-highway bridleway.png
highway steps way Za stepenice na pješačkim stazama. Koristite sa step_count=* kako bi označli broj stepenica.
Rendering-highway steps.png
Escalinata del Calvario de Toluca.jpg
highway corridor way For a hallway inside of a building.
HK TST Star House mall corridor interior shop signs Sept-2012.JPG
highway path way Staza koja nije specifična i koristi se pješke, biciklom, konjem itd.
Path osm.png
Forest path and trees.jpg
highway via_ferrata way A via ferrata is a route equipped with fixed cables, stemples, ladders, and bridges in order to increase ease and security for climbers. These via ferrata require equipment : climbing harness, shock absorber and two short lengths of rope, but do not require a long rope as for climbing.
Mauerlaeufer ueberhang.jpg

When sidewalk/crosswalk is tagged as a separate way

footway sidewalk way Sidewalk that runs typically along residential road. Use in combination with highway=footway or highway=path
Rendering-highway footway.png
200806 Berlin 91sidewalk.jpg
footway crossing way Pješački prelazi,npr. zebra (vidi i crossing=).
Rendering-highway footway.png
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg

When sidewalk (or pavement) is tagged on the main roadway (see Sidewalks)

sidewalk both | left | right | no way Specifies that the highways has sidewalks on both sides, on one side or no sidewalk at all
Sidewalk and zebra-crossing.jpg

When cycleway is drawn as its own way (see Bicycle)

highway cycleway way For designated cycleways. Add foot=*, though it may be avoided if default-access-restrictions do apply.
Cycleway osm.png
Separated cycleway with traffic sign

Cycleway tagged on the main roadway or lane (see Bicycle)

cycleway lane way A lane is a route that lies within the roadway
Fietsstrook Herenweg Oudorp.jpg
cycleway opposite way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
cycleway opposite_lane way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling lane going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=lane/cycleway:right=lane + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
France road sign C24a-2.svg
cycleway track way A track provides a route that is separated from traffic. In the United States, this term is often used to refer to bike lanes that are separated from lanes for cars by pavement buffers, bollards, parking lanes, and curbs. Note that a cycle track may alternatively be drawn as a separate way next to the road which is tagged as highway=cycleway.
Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
cycleway opposite_track way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a cycling track going the opposite direction of normal traffic flow. Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=track/cycleway:right=track + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
549c Spitzenkiel140923.jpg
cycleway share_busway way There is a bus lane that cyclists are permitted to use.
cycleway opposite_share_busway way Deprecated variant for ways with oneway=yes that have a bus lane that cyclists are also permitted to use, and which go in the opposite direction to normal traffic flow (a "contraflow" bus lane). Replaced by oneway:bicycle=no + cycleway:left=share_busway/cycleway:right=share_busway + cycleway:left:oneway=-1/cycleway:right:oneway=-1.
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg
cycleway shared_lane way Cyclists share a lane with motor vehicles, there are markings reminding about this. In some places these markings are known as "sharrows" ('sharing arrows') and this is the tag to use for those.
Sharrows Toronto 2011.jpg
busway lane way Bus lane on both sides of the road. (See also: Parallel scheme for bus/psv lane tagging lanes:bus=* / lanes:psv=*)
2010-01-02 15.19.16.jpg

Street parking tagged on the main roadway (see Street parking)

parking:left / :right / :both
(hereafter: parking:side)
lane | street_side | on_kerb | half_on_kerb | shoulder | no | separate | yes way Primary key to record parking along the street. Describes the parking position of parked vehicles in the street.
Darby Street Pre-Shared Space Change.jpg
parking:sideorientation=* parallel | diagonal | perpendicular way To specify the orientation of parked vehicles if there is street parking.

Lifecycle (see also lifecycle prefixes)

highway proposed way For planned roads, use with proposed=* and a value of the proposed highway value.
highway construction way Ceste u izgradnji/rekonstrukciji označite sa construction=*.
Rendering-highway construction tertiary carto.png
different colours
The T12 link road to Wilmore Road under construction - - 4452080.jpg


abutters commercial | industrial | mixed | residential | retail etc. way See Key:abutters for more details.
Microsoft Germany Headquarters Munich.jpg
bicycle_road yes way A bicycle road is a road designated for bicycles. If residential streets get the status of bicycle roads, normally, by special signs, motor traffic is admitted with limited speed, often only for residents.
bus_bay both | left | right way A bus bay outside the main carriageway for boarding/alighting
change yes | no | not_right | not_left | only_right | only_left way Specify the allowed/forbidden lane changes
Only Only Only (49884679761).jpg
destination <place name of destination> way Destination when following a linear feature
Japanese Road sign (Direction and Lane A).svg
embankment yes | dyke way A dyke or a raised bank to carry a road, railway, or canal across a low-lying or wet area.
Green River Trail - Desimone Levee 01.jpg
embedded_rails yes | <type of railway> way A highway on which non-railway traffic is also allowed has railway tracks embedded in it but the rails are mapped as separate ways.
Ruusulankatu tram rails (at lat 60.18206, lon 24.92450) heading NW.jpg
ford yes node way Cesta se križa s potokom ili rijekom, vozila moraju ući u vodu!
Map feature ford.jpg
ice_road yes way A highway is laid upon frozen water basin, definitely doesn't exist in summer.
Pechora crossing.jpg
incline Number % | ° | up | down node way Incline steepness as percents ("5%") or degrees ("20°"). Positive/negative values indicate movement upward/downwards in the direction of the way.
junction roundabout way closed way Ova oznaka automatski podrazumjeva oneway=yes, jednosmjerna cesta je definirana slijedom složenih tačaka u smjeru u kojem cesta ide. Ova oznaka se koristi na put, koji je već označen sahighway=*.
2008 03 12 - UMD - Roundabout viewed from Art Soc Bldg 4b.JPG
lanes <number> way The number of traffic lanes for general purpose traffic, also for buses and other specific classes of vehicle.
NLEx 6 Lanes.jpg
lane_markings yes | no way Specifies if a highway has painted markings to indicate the position of the lanes.
lit yes | no nodewayarea Street lighting
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg
maxspeed <number> way Specifies the maximum legal speed limit on a road, railway or waterway.
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
motorroad yes | no way node Put rezerviran za saobraćaj motornih vozila je javni put po kojem mogu saobraćati samo motorna vozila. Tag se koristi na brzim putevima, no može stajati i na primary cestama označenim znakom za put rezerviran za saobraćaj motornih vozila.
Zeichen 331.1 - Kraftfahrstraße, StVO 2013.svg
mountain_pass yes node The highest point of a mountain pass.
Mountain pass.jpg
mtb:scale 0-6 way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A classification scheme for mtb trails (few inclination and downhill).
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way A classification scheme for mtb trails for going uphill if there is significant inclination.
Difficulty gauge for the grants process.png
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way The IMBA Trail Difficulty Rating System shall be used for bikeparks. It is adapted to mtb trails with artificial obstacles.
mtb:description Text way Applies to highway=path and highway=track. A key to input variable infos related to mtbiking on a way with human words
oneway yes | no | reversible way Oneway streets are streets where you are only allowed to drive in one direction.
oneway:bicycle yes | no | way Used on ways with oneway=yes where it is legally permitted to cycle in both directions.
Sul bxl 01.JPG
overtaking yes | no | caution | both | forward | backward way Specifying sections of roads where overtaking is legally forbidden. Use overtaking:forward=yes/no/caution and overtaking:backward=yes/no/caution when it depends on driving direction.
parking:lane parallel | diagonal | perpendicular | marked | no_parking | no_stopping | fire_lane. way Deprecated variant to map parking along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
parking:condition free | ticket | disc | residents | customers | private way Deprecated variant to map parking conditions along streets. See section on street parking above or the street parking page for more details.
2013.11.01.104926 Parking sign Kilauea Avenue Hilo Hawaii.jpg
passing_places yes way Put koji ima česta mjesta za prolaz.
priority forward | backward way Traffic priority for narrow parts of roads, e.g. narrow bridges.
Vienna Convention road sign B6.svg
priority_road designated | yes_unposted | end way Specifying roads signposted as priority roads.
Vienna Convention road sign B3-V1.svg
sac_scale hiking | mountain_hiking | demanding_mountain_hiking | alpine_hiking | demanding_alpine_hiking | difficult_alpine_hiking way Applies to highway=path and highway=footway. A classification scheme for hiking trails.
Adventurous Mountain Hikes (Unsplash).jpg
service alley | driveway | parking_aisle etc. way Servisna cesta koja se obično nalazi između posjeda za pristup komunalijama. koristiti s highway=service.
Seattle - alley north from S Jackson between Western & 1st - A.jpg
shoulder no | yes | right | both | left way Presence of shoulder in highway
15-05-23-Berlin-Sachsendamm-Tesla-RalfR-N3S 7354.jpg
smoothness excellent | good | intermediate | bad | very_bad | horrible | very_horrible | impassable way area Specifies the physical usability of a way for wheeled vehicles due to surface regularity/flatness. See Key:smoothness for more details.
Jena Track roots.jpg
surface paved | unpaved | asphalt | concrete | paving_stones | sett | cobblestone | metal | wood | compacted | fine_gravel | gravel | pebblestone | plastic | grass_paver | grass | dirt | earth | mud | sand | ground way See Key:surface for more details.
Transportation in Tanzania Traffic problems.JPG
tactile_paving yes | no node way area A paving in the ground to be followed with a blindman's stick.
Tactile paving.jpg
tracktype grade1 | grade2 | grade3 | grade4 | grade5 way To describe the quality of the surface. See Key:tracktype for more information.
Surface grade1.jpg
traffic_calming bump | hump | table | island | cushion | yes | etc. node way Za označavanje objekata koji su napravljeni kako bi usporili promet u naseljima.
Ležeći policajac 016.jpg
trail_visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway and highway=bridleway. A classification for hiking trails visibility
Trail visibility good.jpg
trailblazed yes | no | poles | cairns | symbols way Applies to highway=*. Describing trail blazing and marking. See Key:trailblazed for more information.
Trail blazing 10.jpg
trailblazed:visibility excellent | good | intermediate | bad | horrible | no way Applies to trailblazed=*. A classification for visibility of trailblazing. See Key:trailblazed:visibility for more information.
turn left | slight_left | through | right | slight_right | merge_to_left | merge_to_right | reverse way The key turn can be used to specify the direction in which a way or a lane will lead.
Zeichen 297 - Richtungspfeile, StVO 1970.svg
width <number> way The width of a feature.
Height demonstration diagram.png
winter_road yes way A highway functions during winter, probably can't be driven in summer.
Anuisk bilibino sever66.jpg

Druge značajke

highway bus_stop node Autobusko stajalište. Veće stanice (uglavnom kolodvore) treba označiti oznakom amenity=bus_station.
Bus stop.12.svg
Průmyslová str3, Prague Štěrboholy.jpg
highway crossing node A.k.a. crosswalk. Pedestrians can cross a street here; e.g., zebra crossing
Zebra-crossing sm.jpg
highway cyclist_waiting_aid node Street furniture for cyclists that are intended to make waiting at esp. traffic lights more comfortable.
Cyclist footrest 01 Flickr SDOT Photos.jpg
highway elevator node way An elevator or lift, used to travel vertically, providing passenger and freight access between pathways at different floor levels.
highway emergency_bay node way An area beside a highway where you can safely stop your car in case of breakdown or emergency.
France road sign C8.svg
highway emergency_access_point node Sign number which can be used to define your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN. See also emergency=access_point
Anfahrpunkt für Rettungsfahrzeuge HP 108 Alter Lorscher Weg 102 1235.jpg
highway give_way node A "give way," or "Yield" sign
Give way.jpg
emergency phone node A calling device can be used to tell on your current position in case of an emergency. Use with ref=NUMBER_ON_THE_SIGN
Emergency push-button telephone, Warsaw.jpg
highway ladder nodeway A vertical or inclined set of steps or rungs intended for climbing or descending of a person with the help of hands.
Wooden ladder to the small cave, Hurkutstein.jpg
highway milestone node Highway location marker
highway mini_roundabout node Vrlo mali kružni tok, veći se označavaju sa junction=roundabout.

Renderira se obrnutno od kazaljke na satu po defaultu. Da se rendereira u smjeru kazaljke na satu dodajte oznaku direction=clockwise.

highway motorway_junction node Označava izlaze/ulaze s autoceste. ref=* Potrebno je staviti broj izlaza i/ili ime izlaza.
Dscf0242 600.jpg
highway passing_place node Lokacija mjesta za prolaz (obično na uskim brdskim cestama, gdje jedno vozilo staje da propusti drugo).
highway platform node way area A platform at a bus stop or station.
Rendering-highway railway platform line.png
Bayview trstwy.jpg
highway rest_area node area Place where drivers can leave the road to rest, but not refuel.
Wentworth terrain.jpg
highway services node area Servisna stanica gdje možete nešto pojesti, a koje se obično nalaze na autocestama.
Mapping Features Motorway service area.jpg
De lucht.jpg
highway speed_camera node Fiksna policijska kamera koja prati ograničenje brzine.
Speed Camera - - 399358.jpg
highway stop node Znak STOP.
STOP sign.jpg
highway street_lamp node A street light, lamppost, street lamp, light standard, or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night
2014 Kłodzko, ul. Grottgera 14.JPG
highway toll_gantry node A toll gantry is a gantry suspended over a way, usually a motorway, as part of a system of electronic toll collection. For a toll booth with any kind of barrier or booth see: barrier=toll_booth
CR0344eRoad-MM4-TollGantry (29081629762).jpg
highway traffic_mirror node Mirror that reflects the traffic on one road when direct view is blocked.
highway traffic_signals node Semafori koji kontroliraju promet.
Rendering-traffic singals.jpg
highway trailhead node Designated place to start on a trail or route
Ancient Lakes Trailhead - panoramio.jpg
highway turning_circle node Krug za okretanje, okrugli, prošireni dio ceste koji je obično na kraju ceste da bi olakšalo okretanje vozila.
Turning circle.jpg
highway turning_loop node A widened area of a highway with a non-traversable island for turning around, often circular and at the end of a road.
Turning circle - - 991834.jpg
highway User Defined node way Pogledajte Taginfo za korisnički definirane oznake i više oznaka koje se koriste.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Template uređujte ovdje:

Template for the Barrier table in the Map Features page. Use the default English text or use the template arguments for your translations

All parameters are optional. By default, text is in English. 
English writers shall write their comments in the template itself (avoiding double edition). 
Other languages are translated in template arguments, not in the template itself.
== section header ==
|name=        (section header line)
|description= (displayed before and/or after the table; optional)

== One key/value row ==
|barrier:key=   |motorway:value=   |motorway:desc=   | motorway:render=   | motorway:photo=




This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:barrier, read more on Template:Map Features:barrier/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:55, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)


Oznaka barijera uglavnom se odnosi na tačke koje su na putevima, gdje je ograničeno kretenje preprekom. Takođe, ovo se odnosi i na puteve (npr. ograde)koje su same po sebi prepreke.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
Linearne barijere
barrier hedge Mf way.png Mf area.png Živica, red gustog grmlja, posađenog i obrezanog tako da stvara barijeru ili granicu neke površine. Daniel Fuchs.CC-BY-SA.Morus nigra.Hedge.jpg
barrier fence Mf way.png Mf area.png Ograda, konstrukcija napravljena tako da ograniči ili spriječi kretanje preko neke površine. Razlikuje se od zida po lakoći konstrucije. Barrier fence mapnik.png Fence.png
barrier wall Mf way.png Mf area.png Zid, konstrukcija napravljena tako da ograniči ili spriječi kretanje preko neke površine, napravljena od cigle, betona, kamena, gotovo uvijek sagrađena tako da se iza ne vidi. Dscf0590-800.jpg
barrier ditch Mf way.png Mf area.png rov, jarak ili usjek, obično da potokom ili vodom na dnu, koji se ne može lako preći, pogotovo pješice. Može biti u kombinaciji s waterway=stream-potok ili waterway=drain-odvod
Forest ditch.JPG
Linearne barijere ovisne o stranama
barrier retaining_wall Mf way.png Mf area.png potporni zid je konstrukcija koja zadržava tlo ili stijene od odronnjavanja na zgradu, strukturu ili površinu. .
  • desna strana je dno, lijeva je vrh. (Strane označavaju - na koju stranu je usmjeren put/way)
Retaining wall.png
barrier city_wall Mf way.png Mf area.png Gradske zidine sz tip utvrđenja koje se koristilo za odbranu gradova ili naselja od napadača. Od davnih do modernih vremena oni okružuju naselja. npr. zidine Jajca, Tvrđava u Doboju, Zidine u Kraljevoj Sujesci itd...
  • desna strana je dno, lijeva je vrh. (Strane označavaju - na koju stranu je usmjeren put/way). Ako su obje strane iste vidine onda dodajemo "two_sided=yes".(Strane označavaju - na koju stranu je usmjeren put/way).
2014 Bystrzyca Kłodzka, mury obronne 05.jpg
Barijere - primjena na tački
barrier bollard Mf node.png Mf way.png čvrsti (betonski ili metalni) stupac ili stupci u sredini puta, koji spriječava promet određenim vozilima. Barrier bollard osmarender.png Traffic bollard removable with key on a footway.jpg
barrier cycle_barrier Mf node.png Prepreke za bicikliste, obično savijene željezne šipke koje dozvoljavaju prolaz samo pješaka. Cycle barrier osmarender.png Bicycle barrier 2.JPG
barrier cattle_grid Mf node.png Šipke na površini ceste ili mosta, koji dozvoljavaju promet vozila, ali ne i životinja. Negdje se zove kao Texas Gate, čak i izvan Texasa
Cattle grid.jpg
barrier toll_booth Mf node.png Naplatne kućice - naplata cestarine Dartford Crossing Toll.jpg
Pristupne tačke
barrier entrance Mf node.png Ulaz - rupa u linearnoj barijeri koja nema neku konstrukciju koja ograničava ulaz. access=yes se podrazumjeva. Ograničenja su kao i put koji dolazi do ulaza, ako ga ima. Entrance through the wall - - 2143290.jpg
barrier gate Mf node.png vrata (kapija)- ulaz koji može biti otvoren ili zatvoren. Kombinirajte sa access=* gdje je primjereno. Barrier gate osmarender.png Gate-hindeloopen-westerdijk.jpg
barrier stile Mf node.png dopušta pješacima prelaz preko ograde, ali nema mehanizam za otvaranje kao kapija. KentStile.jpg
barrier sally_port Mf node.png A En:sally_port prolaz kroz devele ili gradske zidine, a ima dvoja vrata. Sallyport.jpg

Template uređujte ovdje:

Biciklistički putevi

Biciklističke staze mogu doći u nekoliko oblika: kao biciklistička traka na cesti (kolničkoj traci), kao biciklistička staza na pločniku ili kao zaseban put.

Tagovi Opis Slika
Staza ucrtana na istom putu Mf way.svg kao i kolnik
+ cycleway:left=lane / cycleway:right=lane
Biciklistička traka na kolničkoj traci ceste Dsc01078 clip.jpg
Biciklistička staza na pločniku koji na karti nije posebno uctan Cycle nexttoroad.jpg
Staza na pločniku s posebno ucrtanim putem Mf way.svg
+ oneway=yes
+ cycleway:left/cycleway:right=lane
Pješački put i biciklistička staza su odvojeni crtom. Cycle cyclenexttofootway.jpg
+ oneway=yes
+ cycleway:left/cycleway:right=lane
Pješački put i biciklistička staza nisu odvojeni crtom. Na pločniku stoji znak za biciklistički promet.
Biciklistički put Mf way.svg
highway=cycleway Biciklistički put (isključivo biciklistički promet) Rotterdam Fietspad Westzeedijk.jpg
  • Biciklističke staze se mogu dodatno odrediti tagom cycleway=*. (Npr. smjer staze u odnosu na cestu itd)
  • oneway=* na pločniku označava je li biciklistička staza jednosmjerna.
  • Na pješačkim prijelazima na kojima ne postoji biciklistički prijelaz potrebno je postaviti highway=crossing + bicycle=dismount.

Template uređujte ovdje:

Tip poljoprivrednog puta (kaldrme, lenije itd.)

'Važno: ovaj key se dodatno upotrebljava na put/way koji je označen s highway=track'

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
tracktype grade1 Mf way.png Asfaltirani put ili čvrsto sabijeno kamenje.
Surface grade1.jpg
tracktype grade2 Mf way.png Neasfaltirani put; šljunčani ili čvrsto zbijeni pijesak/zemlja.
Surface grade2.jpg
tracktype grade3 Mf way.png Neasfaltirani put; mješavina čvrstih i mekih materijala.
Surface grade3.jpg
tracktype grade4 Mf way.png Neasfaltirani put; uglavnom zemlja/pijesak/trava, ali ima i nešto tvrđeg materijala miješanog ili zbijenog.
Surface grade4.jpg
tracktype grade5 Mf way.png Neasfaltirani put; nema tvrdog materijala, nije tvrdi put, uglavnom trava, pijesak i/ili zemlja.
Surface grade5.jpg

Template uređujte ovdje:

Vodeni tokovi

Kod svih rijeka, kanala, potoka, itd., put/way treba ići u smjeru toka rijeke.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Natural watercourses

waterway river way A river is a wide, natural watercourse that flows from a source to an ocean, sea, lake or another river. For narrow naturally-formed waterways, see waterway=stream.
Finlay River emptying into the north end of Williston Lake.jpg
waterway riverbank area Obala rijeke - koristi se kod većih rijeka, da bi se definirla površina između obala.
waterway stream way Potok - priodni vodeni tok koji je preuzak da bi bio rijeka. Aktivna osoba bi ga mogla preskočiti.
waterway tidal_channel way A natural tidal waterway within the coastal marine environment with bi-directional flow of salty water which depends on the tides.
Tidal creek - - 952646.jpg
waterway flowline way Slow-moving flow through a water body.
Lake St Clair – USA and Canada.jpg

Artificial waterways

waterway canal way Kanal - umjetni vodeni tok za transport, hidroelektrane ili navodnjavanje.([ Drugi jezici.
Grand Union Canal Walk by the canal - - 3135952.jpg
waterway pressurised way A waterway where water is flowing in a fully enclosed conduit and subject to pressure; this includes gravity-driven penstocks and siphons and pump-driven pipelines, for example.
Pipeline penstocks.jpg
waterway drain way Odvod - umjetni vodeni put za odvođenje vode iz industrije ili tokom većeg nevremena.
Iron Cove Ck looking downstream from John St, Croydon.jpg
waterway ditch way A small artificial free flow waterway used for carrying superfluous water for drainage or irrigation purposes, usually unlined.
Forest ditch.JPG
waterway fairway way A navigable route in a lake or sea marked by buoys. The navigable area marked by the buoys can be mapped with seamark:type=fairway.
1109 Fairway Szczecin-Swinoujscie.jpg
waterway fish_pass way A  fish pass, also known as a fish ladder, a fishway or fish steps, is a structure on or around artificial barriers (such as dams and locks) to facilitate diadromous fishes natural migration.
Fischtreppe Isar bei Pullach.jpg
waterway canoe_pass way A canoe pass is a structure on or around artificial barriers (such as dams and locks) to enable whitewater praticants to go through those barriers


waterway dock node area Pristanište - zatvorena površina za utovar, istovar, gradnju ili popravak brodova.
Base layer water.png
F-124 im Dock.jpg
waterway boatyard nodearea mjesto gdje se grade, popravljaju ili skladište plovila na suhom.
Boatyards, Rhyll.jpg

Barriers on waterways

waterway dam way area Brana - zid izgrađen preko rijeke ili potoka da zadržava vodu. Preko brane se voda ne preljeva.
Dam node.svg
Amagase Dam.jpg
waterway weir node way ustava - barijera sagrađena preko rijeke, ponekad da preusmjeri tok za industrijske potrebe. Voda može teći preko vrha.
Weir node.svg
Alifakovac Miljacka.jpg
waterway waterfall node A waterfall, use in combination with natural=cliff
Waterfall near Keldur.JPG
waterway rapids node way area relation A natural barrier, formed by a fast-flowing, often turbulent, section of the watercourse.
Karvionkoski rapids.jpg
waterway lock_gate node way Vratnice - kapija, koristite lock=yes. A za vrlo velike , bolje bi bilo koristiti tag na svakom kraju.
Lock gate node.svg
waterway sluice_gate node way area A sluice gate is a movable gate to control water flow.
Ss sluice2.jpg
waterway floodgate node way area Floodgate regulates the flow of water from a body of water by shutting out, admitting, or releasing water from a reservoir, river, stream, canal.
Floodgate Tokyo.jpg
waterway debris_screen node way area Debris screen (or trash rack (US) prevents water-borne debris (such as logs, boats, etc.) from entering the intake of a water mill, pumping station or water conveyance.
waterway security_lock node way Flood barrier
Eidersperrwerk ty20060715r0012451.jpg
waterway check_dam node way Flood and debris barrier
Yatategi sabo dam.jpg

Other features on waterways

waterway turning_point node Okretište - mjesto gdje se plovila okreću. Koristiti maxlength=* za najveću dopuštenu dužinu plovila.
waterway water_point node A place to fill fresh water holding tanks of a boat.
Water point - Fradley Junction.JPG
waterway fuel node area A place to get fuel for boats.
Boat fuel station.jpg

Some additional attributes for waterways

intermittent yes way Indicates that the waterway is sometimes dry and sometimes contains water.
Rendering-waterway river intermittent.png
seasonal yes, spring, summer, autumn, winter, wet_season, dry_season way Indicates that a waterway has a seasonal (yearly cyclic) flow, usually flowing continuously for at least some part of the year.
Four seasons.jpg
destination name way Name of the body of water the linear feature flows into.
lock yes way (node) Brodska prevodnica - Brodska prevodnica se koristi da bi premjestila plovila između vodenih tokova na dva različita nivoa. Može označiti ili sekciju puta izmeču vrata (detaljno) ili samo jednog čvora na vodenom toku (opširnije).
mooring yes, private, no way Privezište - Privezište je područje duž obale gdje se plovilima eksplicitno dozvoljava vezanje. maxstay=* bi trebao biti korišten za informaciju o vremenu vezanja.
Lamanage La Rochelle.jpg
usage See the key for details way Possible uses of the waterway. Use semicolons to separate.
tunnel culvert way (node) A short tunnel usually installed under roads, railways or building. Its size doesn't allow human to get inside and is as narrow as the structure is supposed to go under. For streams passing under a road in culverts use tunnel=culvert+layer=-1 on the section of stream passing under the road. Don't use either of these tags for streams passing under bridges.
Grate on the culvert - - 1634830.jpg
tunnel flooded way A long (> 100 m) tunnel where flowing water or other fluid prevent humans from safely walking inside despite its appropriate diameter or size. Water inside can be pressurised or not, used in combination with any waterway=* linear value. waterway=*.
Waterway free flow tunnel.png
bridge aqueduct way A bridge which conveys an artificial waterway over a road, valley, or another waterway.
Pont du gard.jpg
waterway user defined node way All commonly used values according to Taginfo
This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Template uređujte na:


This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:railway, read more on Template:Map Features:railway/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:57, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
railway rail Mf way.png Pruga pune veličine (putničke ili teretne) standardne širine tračnica za državu Mapping-Features-Railroad-With-Station.png MUE-train-Series209.jpg
railway tram Mf way.png Tramvaj - jednotračna ili dvotračna pruga, obično se pruga nalazi i na cesti (Other languages) Mapping-Features-Tram-With-Halt.png T14 1.JPG
railway light_rail Mf way.png Pruga za lake vozove. Metro sistemi.
railway abandoned Mf way.png Trasa kojom je išla bivša pruga koja je napuštena i demontirana.
Abbey Barn Lane Bridge, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire.jpg
railway disused Mf way.png Dio pruge koji se ne koristi, ali su tračnice i ostala infrastruktura tamo. Vidi disused=yes za drukčije označivanje. Rendering-railway disused.png
Disused railtrack 101 5351.jpg
railway subway Mf way.png Pruga za putničke vozove koji su uglavnom pod zemljom.
Madrid - Estación Marqués de Vadillo - 20060910.jpg
railway preserved Mf way.png Pruga na kojoj su historijski vozovi, obično turistička atrakcija.
Sarganska osmica 1.jpg
railway narrow_gauge Mf way.png Uskotračna pruga. Rendering narrow gauge.jpg
Narrow-gauge railway.JPG
railway construction Mf way.png Pruga u izgradnji. Vidi construction=* i construction=yes prijedlog Proposed_features/Construction
railway monorail Mf way.png Pruga samo s jednom tračnicom.
Monorail in Kuala Lumpur
railway funicular Mf way.png Kosi lift (npr. GRAS Kosi lift u Sarajevu). Rendering funicular.jpg
Vilnius funicular.jpg
Dodatne značajke
bridge yes way Ako pruga ide preko ulice ili vode.
cutting yes way Dio pruge koji je usječen (pruga je niže od nivoa zemlje)
electrified contact_line / rail / yes / no Mf way.png contact_line: električni vod iznad voza
rail: treća tračnica daje opskrbu strujom
yes: električna pruga, ali nema detalja
no: nema el. energije
Caténaire 1,5 kV 01.jpg
embankment yes Mf way.png Dio pruge koji je povišen iznad nivoa tla
frequency Mf way.png Frekvencija s kojom je pruga opskrbljena. Za DC je 0(nula). Također vidi voltage tag.
tunnel yes way Ukoliko pruga ide ispod zemlje. Treba uvijek biti prisutno kod podzemne željeznice.
usage main / branch / industrial / military / tourism way Način korištenja
voltage Mf way.png Voltaža na kojoj je pruga. Vidi i frequency tag.
Atributi servisa
service yard way Pruga unutar firme koja upravlja vozovima
service siding way Relativno kratke pruge, idu uporedo i spojene su s glavnom prugom
service spur way Relativno kratke pruge , napravljene tako da firme i sl. imaju pristup glavnoj pruzi.
railway station Mf node.png Mf area.png Željeznički kolodvor (Other languages). Mapping-Features-Railroad-With-Station.png
Paddington Station.jpg
railway halt Mf node.png Mala stanica, može, a ne mora imati platformu, vozovi staju na zahtjev. Mapping-Features-Tram-With-Halt.png
Railway halt.jpg
railway tram_stop Mf node.png Tramvajska stanica.
Rendering-railway-tram stop-mapnik.png.png
railway crossing Mf node.png Tačka gdje prugu mogu preći pješaci. Dscf1407-600.jpg
railway level_crossing Mf node.png Tačka gdje pruga prelazi cestu.
Rendering-railway-level crossing-mapnik.png
Level crossing - Chertsey - England - 270404.jpg
railway subway_entrance Mf node.png Ulaz u podzemnu željeznicu, obično s površine u podzemlje.
Značajke koje se odnose na željeznicu
railway turntable Mf node.png Mf area.png Koristi se za promjenu smjera vagona i lokomotiva.
Turntable of Railroad 001.jpg
railway platform Mf way.pngMf area.png Platforme paralelne s kolosjecima. Pokazuju gdje trebete biti za određenu liniju, staze ih povezuju. Ovo je korisno za routing.
railway buffer_stop Mf node.png Zaustavlja voz na kraju pruge. vidjeti Buffer_stop
landuse railway Mf area.png Zemljište koje se koristi za željeznice i željezničke stanice
railway User Defined Mf node.png Mf way.png

Template uređujte ovdje:


This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:aeroway, read more on Template:Map Features:aeroway/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:54, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)

Zračne luke

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
aeroway aerodrome Mf node.png Mf area.png Zračna luka i pristanište, vidi i military=airfield-za vojna pristaništa

Potrebno: icao=*

Bellefontaine Airport.jpg
aeroway terminal Mf node.png Mf area.png Putnički terminal
Baghdad International Airport (October 2003).jpg
aeroway helipad Mf node.png Mf area.png Uzletište/sletište za helikoptere (FATO; final approach and takeoff area)
Oryx helicopter.jpg
aeroway runway Mf way.png USS (uzletno-sletna staza; pista) (Drugi jezici) Rendering-aeroway runway.png
aeroway taxiway Mf way.png Staza za voženje (vožnju po zemlji) Rendering-aeroway taxiway.png Planes in Chicago - 24.JPG
aeroway apron Mf area.png Stajanka Osmarender apron.png
HFX Airport 4.jpg
aeroway gate Mf node.png Aerodromski ulaz (en:gate)
Edinburgh Airport gate lounge.jpg
aeroway windsock Mf node.png Koristi se za označavanje pozicije vjetrulja Windsock.jpg
aeroway Korisnički definirano Mf node.png Mf way.png pogledajte Taginfo za još neke često korištene vrijednosti

Template uređujte ovdje:


This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:aerialway, read more on Template:Map Features:aerialway/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:53, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
aerialway cable_car Mf way.png Žičara s kabinom, poput sarajevske žičare. To su u biti zračni tramvaji, to su par kabina koje idu u suprotnim smjerovima od A do B (obično od podnožja do brda) Mapping-Features-Aerialway.png
CH Furtschellas aerial tram.jpg
aerialway gondola Mf way.png Gondola. Gondola je žičara gdje kabine idu u krug. Kabine su obično manje, kapaciteta 4,6 i8 osoba ??
Aerialway gondola.jpg
aerialway chair_lift Mf way.png Ski lift. Gdje skijaši sjede dok se voze s podnožja na neki vrh. Chair lift rendering.png Chair lift in Bad Hofgastein Austria.jpg
aerialway drag_lift Mf way.png Vučnica T ili tanjirić. Žičara koja vuče skijaše, obično u obliku slova T, koje skijaši stavljaju iza leđa ili tanjirić (gdje skijaš stavlja dio vučnice u obliku tanjira između nogu. drag_lift također može biti za jednostavnije vučnice s konopcom s ručkama same as chair_lift
aerialway station Mf node.png Mf area.png Stanica, gdje putnici ulaze/izlaze s žičare
Aerialway station.jpg
aerialway User Defined Mf node.png Mf way.png pogledaj Taginfo za više vrijednosti

Template uredite ovdje: Template:BS:Map Features:aerialway

Električna energija

These are used to map electrical power generation and distributions systems. See the page titled Power for an introduction on its usage.

Ključ Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
power cable way A way following the path of underground cables, such as the local 0.4 kV network between transformer stations, distribution boxes and cable connection points, or sea cables. Not to be confused with non-power supply cables such as cables for telecommunication. May be combined with voltage=*, circuits=* and location=*.
Power to the People - - 560240.jpg
power catenary_mast node A catenary mast supports system of overhead wires used to supply electricity to electricaly powered vehicle equipped with a pantograph.
Stahl-Oberleitungsmast Deutsche Bahn.jpg
power compensator node area Several kind of power devices used to insure of power quality and network resilience.
Static VAR Compensator 2a.png
power connection node A freestanding electrical connection between two or more overhead wires
Dülmen, Umspannstation -- 2014 -- 0005.jpg
power converter node area An HVDC converter converts electric power from high voltage alternating current (AC) to high-voltage direct current (HVDC), or vice-versa.
Pole 2 Thyristor Valve.jpg
power generator node area Elektrana, mjesto gdje se proizvodi električna enenrgija. Koristiti u kombinaciji s generator:source=*; možete koristiti i power_rating=*.
Area power.png
Eoliennes Gaspesie.jpg
power heliostat node A mirror of a heliostat device.
power insulator node way A device to protect a power line from grounding on supports
Power insulator.png
power line way Putanja koja pravi put energetskih kablova (dalekovodi, tornjevi). Za manje linije na stupcima koristite power=minor_line.
Power line.png
Electric transmission lines.jpg
line busbar way Specifies that a power=line is a busbar in a substation.
line bay way Specifies a power=line is a bay which connects an incoming circuit to a busbar assembly.
power minor_line way A way following the path of (overground) minor power cables, supported by poles and not towers/pylons. (This isn't quite so simple, as sometimes larger towers are replaced by smaller poles made with a stronger material; a better distinction might be based on voltage).
Power minor line.png
power plant area relation A place/industrial facility where power is generated (electricity, heat, cold water, biogas...). Individual generating units within the facility should be tagged as power=generator.
Area power.png
Huntly Power Station.JPG
power pole node Poles supporting low to medium voltage lines (power=minor_line) and high voltage lines (power=line) up to 161,000 volts (161 kV).
Power pole.svg
power portal nodeway Power supporting structure composed of vertical legs with cables between them attached to a horizontal crossarm
Power substation portal.jpg
power substation node area Male trafostanice. Obično izgledaju kao male kućice ili kutije pored ceste.
Area power.png
Legacy National Grid Substation - - 39134.jpg
power switch node A tag for electricity switches which are devices which allow operators to power up & down lines and transformer in substations or outside.
French overhead power switch pole.jpg
power switchgear area The switchgear comprises one or more busbar assemblies and a number of bays each connecting a circuit to the busbar assembly.
Kernkraftwerk Grafenrheinfeld 14.jpg
power terminal node Point of connection between overhead power lines to buildings or walls
power tower node Za dalekovode ili tornjeve nosača kablova visokog napona električne energije. Uobičajeno je konstruiran od čeličnih profila. Ne treba koristiti za drvene ili betonske stupove koji nose elektro ili telefonske kablove, oni se mogu ozbačiti s power=pole.
Power-tower mapnik.png
Benkid77 Puddington-Shotwick footpath 24 110809.JPG
power transformer node A static device for transferring electric energy by inductive coupling between its windings. Large power transformers are typically located inside substations.
Trafostation Alter Hellweg IMGP4722.jpg
power User Defined node way area Vidi Taginfo za druge često korištene vrijednosti takođe.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Template uređujte na Template:Bs:Map_Features:power

Ljudske tvorevine

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
man_made adit node A type of entrance to an underground mine which is horizontal or nearly horizontal.
man_made advertising node way A generic advertising device.
Picadilly Circus London by night 2006.jpg
man_made antenna node way area An antenna to transmit and/or receive wireless signals.
Radio towers on Sandia Peak - closeup.jpg
man_made avalanche_protection node way area A feature to protect from avalanches or to keep them from going off.
SilvrettaNova 11.jpg
man_made beacon node Pomaže pomorcima u navigaciji
Cuxhaven 07-2016 photo23 Kugelbake.jpg
man_made beehive node Beehive
Dadan-Blatove kosnice.JPG
man_made borehole node area A bore used for a purpose not covered by man_made=petroleum_well or man_made=water_well.
Salton Buttes - Obsidian Butte - geothermal well.JPG
man_made breakwater way area A man-made structure designed to protect a shore or harbour from the sea and waves.
Rendering-man made breakwater.png
Dalga kıran.jpg
man_made bridge area The outline of a bridge, grouping together all features for that bridge.

Please also add bridge=* and layer=* to all ways running over the bridge.

Rendering-man made bridge.png
2014 Karwina, Darków, Most żelbetowy 01.jpg
man_made bunker_silo node area An open-sided structure that can be used with vehicles to fill and empty them.
Empty bunker silo in Nebraska.jpg
man_made cairn node area A mound of stones, usually conical or pyramidal, raised as a landmark or to designate a point of importance in surveying.
man_made carpet_hanger node A construction to hang carpets for cleaning with the help of carpet beaters.
man_made cellar_entrance node An entrance into artificially created vault.
Felsenkeller Eingang Ebnether Keller.jpg
man_made charge_point node A device for charging electric vehicles.
Cs us tesla supercharger.png
man_made chiller node area industrial cooling construction with large diameter fans
Air Cooled Liquid Chiller.jpg
man_made chimney node A tall distinctive vertical conduit for venting hot gases or smoke, normally found near power stations or large factories.
Schwerin Wuestmark Heizkraftwerk Schwerin-Sued.JPG
man_made clarifier node area A clarifier of a wastewater treatment plant.
Radevormwald - Klärwerk 11 ies.jpg
man_made clearcut area An area where all trees have been uniformly cut down.
Old Clear Cut - panoramio.jpg
man_made column node area A column used to support a structure or for decoration.
Pioneer Courthouse Square May 2008.jpg
man_made communications_tower node area A huge tower for transmitting radio applications.
Communication tower-14.svg
Sender Blauen-2.jpg
man_made compass_rose node area A compass rose or wind rose.
man_made compressor node Industrial equipment used to compress a gas by reducing its volume.
man_made cooling way Industrial cooling facility.
Киев, градирня завода «Арсенал».jpg
man_made cooling_tower node area A cooling tower
Power station Westfalen. Cooling towers.jpg
man_made courtyard node area relation An area that is usually enclosed by walls or buildings.
Plazuela de la Cárcel, Sigüenza, España, 2015-12-28, DD 142.JPG
man_made crane node area Kran, stacionarni kran, kao u lukama
Ladebruecke IMGP2656 wp.jpg
man_made cross node Cross with little historical or religion value, e.g. summit cross.
Heimgarten Gipfelkreuz.jpg
man_made cutline way A straight line cut in a forest.
Rendering-man made cutline.png
man_made dolphin node area A marine structure for berthing and mooring of vessels.
Dalben aus Holz Suederelbe.jpg
man_made dovecote node area A place where doves are farmed or stored.
man_made dyke way area A dyke is a an embankment built to restrict the flow of water or other liquids.
Whitgift, dyke and Ouse.jpg
man_made embankment way An artificial steep slope.
Railway Embankment South of Beattock - - 398770.jpg
man_made flagpole node A long pole built to hold a flag.
Genova-Quarto dei Mille.JPG
man_made flare node A tower constructed to burn off excess gas.
Kimanis Sabah SOGT-Kimanis-02.jpg
man_made footwear_decontamination node area A facility to decontaminate footwear for hikers.
Waipoua Forest, North Island, New Zealand -kauri dieback disease prevention-21March2011.jpg
man_made frost_fan node A device to stop frosts from damaging crops.
Frost prevention fan for Ōmi tea.jpg
man_made fuel_pump node A fuel pump (petrol pump, gas pump)
Gasolinera Statoil, Gniezno, Polonia, 2012-04-06, DD 01.JPG
man_made gantry node way An overhead structure across a major road usually for holding signs, often variable-message signs.
A 8 Dreieck Inntal (2009).jpg
man_made gas_well node area A natural gas well
man_made gasometer node area Skladište plina Gasometer in Wikipedia
Gasometer in East London.jpg
man_made geoglyph node way area A large design or motif (generally longer than 4 metres) produced on the ground
Osmington White Horse 2013-09-05.jpg
man_made goods_conveyor way A conveyor system for transporting materials
Rendering-man made goods conveyor.png
Mannersdorf conveyor4.jpg
man_made groyne way area A rigid structure built from a shoreline or riverbank that interrupts water flow and limits the movement of sediment. See also: man_made=breakwater.
Rendering-man made breakwater.png
man_made guard_stone node A guard stone: a stone built onto or into the corner of a building or wall to prevent carriages from damaging the structure, often found on either side of an entrance to a laneway, or alongside a wall to protect it.
man_made guy_wire way Guy wire designed to add stability to a freestanding structure.
Rendering-man made pier.png
man_made heap node area A large pile of material
San diego bay salt pile.jpg
man_made hongsalmun node A gate for entering a sacred place in Korea. The gate indicates entry to a sacred realm.
Hongsalmun(홍살문) of Illeung Royal Tomb (인능).jpg
man_made iljumun node area The first gate at the entrance to many Korean Buddhist temples
Korea-Gurye-Hwaeomsa 4934-06.JPG
man_made insect_hotel node A structure intended to provide shelter for insects.
Insect hotel - Parc de la Tête d'Or - DSC05221.jpg
man_made kiln node area A kiln: an oven used for industrial processes such as hardening, drying, or smelting
man_made lighthouse node Svjetionik, šalje svjetlosni signal za orijentaciju brodova.
Chania lighthouse A.jpg
man_made manhole node Hole with a cover that allows access to an underground service location, just large enough for a human to climb through.
man_made mast node A mast is a vertical structure built to hold, for example, antennas.
Mast general.svg
Mobile phone base station 2010 12 30 165211 PC304165.jpg
man_made maypole node area A tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk traditions to celebrate the beginning of summer.
2351 - München - Maibaum.JPG
man_made milk_churn_stand node area A current or former collection point for milk churns.
Milk Churn Stand, Wadenhoe - - 714481.jpg
man_made mineshaft node area A mineshaft: vertical tunnel into a mine where minerals are extracted.
Hückelhoven Zeche Sophia-Jacoba Förderturm Schacht-3 0334.jpg
man_made monitoring_station node area A station that monitors something.
An Air Quality Monitoring Station above the M42 - - 210181.jpg
man_made nesting_site node area A man made nesting aid that is mounted on a support device.
Cigonyes Alfaro.jpg
man_made obelisk node area Tall, narrow, four-sided, tapered monument which usually ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top.
Roma-obelisco in laterano.jpg
man_made observatory node area Observatory: a location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events
PVSO Dome.jpg
man_made offshore_platform node area Offshore platform, oil platform or offshore drilling rig
Oil platform.jpeg
man_made oil_gas_separator node Industrial equipment used to separate liquid and gaseous components (oil and gas) produced from a petroleum well.
Moonie Horizontal Oil and Gas Separator.JPG
man_made oxidation_ditch node area An oxidation ditch of a wastewater treatment plant.
Beckton STP, Activated Sludge Tank - - 1481906.jpg
man_made paifang node way area A traditional style of Chinese architectural arch or gateway structure.
man_made petroleum_well node Oil well: a hole bored in the earth, designed to bring petroleum oil or gas to the surface
Wellhead-dual completion.jpg
man_made pier way area Mol - "most u more", obično za rekreaciju.
Rendering-man made pier.png
Poland. Gmina Jedwabno. Narty Lake 001.JPG
man_made pipeline way Plinovod, naftovod, cjevovod za razne tečnosti.
Natural Gas Pipeline Across The New River - panoramio.jpg
man_made planter node area A structure for planting flowers or other ornamental plants.
Planter at Station Road, Ince.JPG
man_made pump node A device in charge of moving or raising the level of liquids.
Materieel op motorschip Margriet 02.jpg
man_made pumping_rig node way A pumping rig for producing oil. Use of this tag is discouraged. See man_made=petroleum_well instead.
Pumpjack 0154.jpg
man_made pumping_station node area Pumping station: a facility including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one place to another
Pumpwerk Landungsbrücken.JPG
man_made quay way area A man-made structure alongside navigable water used for loading and unloading vessels.
Porthmadog harbour 1.jpg
man_made reservoir_covered node area Pokriveni rezervoar.
Diedrichshagen alter-Hochbehälter April-2009 SL272183.JPG
man_made satellite_dish node area A dish-shaped parabolic antenna designed to receive or transmit radio waves to or from a satellite
man_made silo node area A storage container for bulk material, often grains such as corn or wheat
Storage tank-14.svg
Alcan silos and River Blyth - - 37856.jpg
man_made snow_fence way A solid fence-like structure built across steep slopes to reduce risk and severity of (snow) avalanches.
Verbauung Tanngrindel.JPG
man_made spoil_heap area Spoil heap, piles of waste rock removed during mining.
Coal waste pile west of Trevorton, Pennsylvania far shot 2.JPG
man_made spring_box node area A structure designed for protecting and catching groundwater from a natural spring.
man_made storage_tank node area A container that holds liquids or compressed gases.
Storage tank-14.svg
Gasometer in East London.jpg
man_made street_cabinet node area A cabinet located in the street and hosting technical equipment to operate facilities such as electricity or street lights.
Street cabinet friendship.jpg
man_made stupa node area A Buddhist dome-shaped structure with a spire on top
Vishwa Shanti Stupa in Maharashtra.jpg
man_made surveillance node area Oznaka za mjesta i zgrade s videonazorom
Three Surveillance cameras.jpg
man_made survey_point node Stupci za triangulaciju, geodetske tačke, fiksna oprema za topografe.
Trig Point near Wootton Wawen.jpg
man_made tailings_pond area Tailings pond: A body of liquid or slurry used to store byproducts of mining operations
Bützflethermoor Rotschlammdeponie Luftaufnahmen 2012-05-by-RaBoe-478-1.jpg
man_made telescope node area Telescope: an instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting light or radio waves
Telescope dish-14.svg
man_made torii node area The gate structure found at the entrance of Shinto shrines and (rarely) Japanese Buddhist temples.
Pentagonal kasagi.jpg
man_made tower node area Toranj, visoka i uska zgrada ili struktura npr. tornjevi za GSM. Vidi i historic=* ispod.
Tower freestanding.svg
man_made threshing_floor node area An open air paved area created to thresh the grain harvest and then winnow it.
Eira junto a um Moinho de Vento, Santa Rosa, Calheta, ilha de São Jorge, Açores.JPG
man_made utility_pole node A single pole supporting elevation of any of various and unspecified public utilities, such as power transmission, lighting or telephony.
Wooden telecom suspension pole.jpeg
man_made ventilation_shaft node A vertical space in mines, tunnels, or buildings allowing stale air to leave the space underneath and/or fresh air to enter it.
Vent shaft.jpg
man_made video_wall node way A digital screen, typically constructed out of smaller LED panels.
Led wall on poles.jpg
man_made wastewater_plant node area Pogon za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda, kanalizacije.
Hall Lane Sewage Farm - - 69284.jpg
man_made water_tap node area Publicly usable water tap, providing access to water and usually equipped with a valve.
Water tap in Frejus.jpg
man_made water_tower node area Vodotoranj, toranj za skladištenje vode, obično na uzvišenju iznad gradova ili na farmama.
Lanstroper Ei IMGP8117.jpg
man_made water_well node area A structural facility to access ground water, created by digging or drilling.
Gdów Water Well.jpg
man_made water_works node area Vodocrpilište, mjesto gdje se nalazi pitka voda i distribuira se u vodovod.
Water treatment - - 231374.jpg
man_made watermill node area Vodenice, većinom stare i van funkcije.
Belzig Springbachmuehle1.JPG
man_made wildlife_crossing way area Structure that allow animals to cross human barriers safely.
man_made windmill node area Vjetrenjače, većinom stre i van funkcije, vidi power=generator u kombinaciji s power_source=wind za moderne zračne turbine.
Willesbourgh Windmill, Ashford, Kent.jpg
man_made windpump node area A device that pumps natural gas or water using the wind, typically mass produced.
man_made works node area Industrijska zgrada koja nešto proizvodi.
man_made yes node way area General tag for man-made (artificial) structures.
man_made user defined node way area vidi Taginfo za druge česte vrijednosti.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Template uređujte ovdje:

Objekti za zabavu i razonodu

This is used to tag leisure and sports facilities. See the page titled Leisure for an introduction on its usage.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
leisure adult_gaming_centre nodearea A venue with gambling machines, usually with a minimum age requirement.
Slot machines in Venetian.jpg
leisure amusement_arcade nodearea A venue with pay-to-play games.
Amusement arcade-14.svg
Dave & Buster's video arcade in Columbus, OH - 17910.JPG
leisure beach_resort nodearea A managed beach, including within the boundary any associated facilities. Entry may also require payment of a fee.
Beach resort-14.svg
Beach resort.jpg
leisure bandstand nodearea A bandstand is an open structure where musical bands can perform concerts.
leisure bird_hide nodearea A place that is used to observe wildlife, especially birds.
Bird hide-14.svg
leisure common nodearea Mjesto gdje građani mogu slobodno šetati bilo kuda (npr. u UK).
leisure dance nodearea A dance venue or dance hall.
leisure disc_golf_course nodearea A place to play disc golf.
Disc golfer and basket.jpg
leisure dog_park nodearea A designated area, with or without a fenced boundary, where dog-owners are permitted to exercise their pets unrestrained.
Dog park.svg
leisure escape_game nodearea A physical adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles using clues, hints and strategy to complete the objectives at hand.
Conundrum Escape Room.jpg
leisure firepit nodearea A fire ring or fire pit, often at a campsite or picnic site.
Camp site.jpg
leisure fishing nodearea Mjesto za pecanje.
leisure fitness_centre nodearea Fitness centre, health club or gym with exercise machines, fitness classes or both, for exercise.
Gym 1-1-.jpg
leisure fitness_station nodearea An outdoor facility where people can practise typical fitness exercises.
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
leisure garden nodearea Ukrasni vrt, mjesto gdje se uzgaja cvijeće i druge biljke, dekorativno održavano.
SF Japanese Garden.JPG
leisure hackerspace nodearea A place where people with common interests (science, technology, ...) meet.
Protospace, a Hackerspace.jpg
leisure horse_riding nodearea A facility where people practise horse riding, usually in their spare time, e.g. a riding centre. For a riding arena use leisure=pitch + sport=equestrian.
Warendorf, Reitanlage Josephshof -- 2014 -- 8591 -- Ausschnitt.jpg
leisure ice_rink nodearea Klizalište, mjesto na kojem se može klizati ili igrati hokej.
Pista hielo bakh.jpg
leisure marina nodearea Marina za vez jahti i glisera.
Rendering-leisure marina.png
Benalmadena - Puerto Marina.jpg
leisure miniature_golf nodearea Mini golf, .
Miniature golf.svg
BigApple-ccby-rw .jpg
leisure nature_reserve nodearea Rezervat ptica, divljači, itd.
National park.png
Black Opal Spring in Biscuit Basin.JPG
leisure park nodearea otvorena, zelena površina za rekreaciju obično gradski parkovi.
3015-Central Park-Sheep Meadow.JPG
leisure picnic_table nodearea A table with benches for food and rest.
Picnic table.jpg
leisure pitch nodearea Teren za fudbal (i unutar stadiona), košarku, tenis .... Za opis sporta; sport= tag.
Yes NCTU tennis 2.JPG
leisure playground nodearea Igralište za djecu.
Children playing on a modern playground.jpg
leisure slipway nodearea Navoz za brodove, za dizanje i spuštanje u vodu.
Transport slipway.svg
leisure sports_centre nodearea A sports centre is a distinct facility where sports take place within an enclosed area.
Western Lesiure Centre Cardiff.JPG
leisure stadium nodearea Stadion. Za opis sportova koristite sport= tag.
leisure summer_camp nodearea A place for supervised camps for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months.
Summer camp example wartenberg 2015 01.jpeg
leisure swimming_area nodearea An area for swimming within a larger body of water (such as a river, lake or the sea) that is marked by a rope, buoys or similar.
leisure swimming_pool nodearea A swimming pool (water area only).
Base layer water.png
Pool i.jpg
leisure track nodearea Trkaće staze, kao što su staze za trčanje, utrku bicikala, utrke pasa, konja i sl. Da opišete koja je vrsta sporta koristite sport= tag
Skyttis athletics tracks.jpg
leisure water_park nodearea Vodeni park.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Template uređujte ovdje:

Razna korisna mjesta Used to map facilities used by visitors and residents. For example: toilets, telephones, banks, pharmacies, cafes, parking and schools. See the page Amenities for an introduction on its usage.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika


amenity bar node area Bar is a purpose-built commercial establishment that sells alcoholic drinks to be consumed on the premises. They are characterised by a noisy and vibrant atmosphere, similar to a party and usually don't sell food. See also the description of the tags amenity=pub;bar;restaurant for a distinction between these.
amenity biergarten node area Beer garden in Wikipedia.
Hofbräukeller Arkaden.JPG
amenity cafe node area Kafić
Klagenfurt Wörthersee Strandbad Cafe Sunset Bar 11102008 65.jpg
amenity fast_food node area Fast Food restoran(vidi i amenity=restaurant). Koja se kuhinja služi može se označiti sa cuisine=*.
Burger king kamen.jpg
amenity food_court node area Područje sa više različitih restorana koji dijele prostor za sjedenje. Često u trgovačkim centrima, aerodromima itd.
amenity ice_cream node area Ice cream shop or ice cream parlour. A place that sells ice cream and frozen yoghurt over the counter
Ribnitzer Hafenfest, Ribnitz-Damgarten (P1060946).jpg
amenity pub node area Mjesto gdje se prodaje pivo i alkoholna pića,i može ponuditi i smještaj i hranu (UK).
amenity restaurant node area Restoran (ne fast food, vidi amenity=fast_food). Koja se kuhinja služi može se označiti sa cuisine=*.
Caprice Restaurant.JPG


amenity college node area Koledž ili fakultet.
Cambridge Regional College main entrance.jpg
amenity dancing_school node area A dancing school or dance studio
Dancing lesson 16507650.jpg
amenity driving_school node area Driving School which offers motor vehicle driving lessons
Fahrschulauto VW Austria St Johann.JPG
amenity first_aid_school node area A place where people can go for first aid courses.
amenity kindergarten node area Vrtić, za djecu predškolske dobi.
Story Time.jpg
amenity language_school node area Language School: an educational institution where one studies a foreign language.
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity library node area Biblioteka, gradska, nacionalna, univerzitetska.
Guantanamo captives' library a.jpg
amenity surf_school node area A surf school is an establishment that teaches surfing.
Surfing School at Chapel Porth (2784337863).jpg
amenity toy_library node area A place to borrow games and toys, or play with them on site.
Toy Library storage.jpg
amenity research_institute node area An establishment endowed for doing research.
Aerial View of Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field - GPN-2000-002008.jpg
amenity training node area Public place where you can get training.
Sede de Berlitz al norte de Bogotá.jpeg
amenity music_school node area A music school, an educational institution specialized in the study, training, and research of music.
Music school from Rabnita (1980). (9196267787).jpg
amenity school node area Škole.
Williamstown school.jpg
amenity traffic_park node area Juvenile traffic schools
Lasten ajoharjoittelu rata Nordenskiöldinkatu - panoramio.jpg
amenity university node area Univerzitetski kampus ili zgrade.
Brock University campus.JPG


amenity bicycle_parking node area Parking za bicikle.
amenity bicycle_repair_station node area General tools for self-service bicycle repairs, usually on the roadside; no service
Bicycle repair station-14.svg
amenity bicycle_rental node area Iznajmljivanje bicikala.
Rental Row (3561666697).jpg
amenity bicycle_wash node area Clean a bicycle
Sankt Gallenkirch-Valiserabahn lower station-Bicycle wash system-01ASD.jpg
amenity boat_rental node area Rent a Boat
Boat rental-14.svg
Münster, Boote am Aasee -- 2016 -- 2375.jpg
amenity boat_sharing node area Share a Boat
A Boat To Share.jpg
amenity bus_station node area Autobuska stanica (ovo je velika stanica, autobusko stajalište je highway=bus_stop).
Bus station-14.svg
Manchester Piccadilly Bus Station.jpg
amenity car_rental node area Rent-a-car
Hertz car rental office Livonia Michigan.JPG
amenity car_sharing node area Razmjena auta.
U Car Share Shattuck Hearst.jpg
amenity car_wash node area Wash a car
Car wash-14.svg
Wuppertal - Friedrich-Engels-Allee 130 02 ies.jpg
amenity compressed_air node area A device to inflate tires/tyres (e.g. motorcar, bicycle)
Air compressor Berlin Plänterwald.jpg
amenity vehicle_inspection node area Government vehicle inspection
Vehicle inspection-14.svg
TÜV SÜD-Hauptuntersuchung.jpeg
amenity charging_station node Charging facility for electric vehicles
Charging station.16.svg
amenity driver_training node area A place for driving training on a closed course
Skid pan at Mercedes-Benz World - Flickr - Supermac1961.jpg
amenity ferry_terminal node area Trajektni terminal/stop. Gdje se automobili, ljudi itd iskrcavaju/ukrcavaju na trajekt.
Ferry Reet.jpg
amenity fuel node area Benzinska stanica, pumpa, priključne ceste do benzinske su označene kao highway=service.
Preem Karlskrona.jpg
amenity grit_bin node Spremnik kamene soli za posipanje cesta zimi.
Grit Bin.jpg
amenity motorcycle_parking node area Parking for motorcycles
Motorradparkplatz Gifhorn Mühlenmuseum.jpg
amenity parking node area Parking za automobile. Tačke i područja će dobiti "P" simbol. Područje će biti obojeno. Ceste na parkingu su označene highway=service i service=parking_aisle.
P3030027ParkingLot wb.jpg
amenity parking_entrance node An entrance or exit to an underground or multi-storey parking facility. Group multiple parking entrances together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking. Do not mix with amenity=parking. Underground
Parking entrance-14.svg
Parking entrance multi-storey 14.svg
Christian Wirth - Tiefgarage Hauptplatz.jpg
amenity parking_space node area A single parking space. Group multiple parking spaces together with a relation using the tags type=site and site=parking. Do not mix with amenity=parking.
Rendering-parking space.png
Israel Batch 2 (149).JPG
amenity taxi node area Taxi stajalište.
Hong Kong Taxi - 1-12-2006 - Shatin Taxi Stand.jpg
amenity weighbridge node area A large weight scale to weigh vehicles and goods
Lorry on weighbridge, Douglas, Isle of Man - - 352285.jpg


amenity atm node bankomat (ATM)
ATM 750x1300.jpg
amenity payment_terminal node Self-service payment kiosk/terminal
2018-07-21 Payment terminal in Kyiv, Ukraine.jpg
amenity bank node area Banka (za banku koja ima i bankomat, poželjno je da se doda tačka za svaki bankomat).
amenity bureau_de_change node area Mjenjačnica - Bureau de change, Currency exchange, Wechsel, Cambio.
Bureau de change-14.svg
Bureau de change electronic sign.jpg
amenity money_transfer node area A place that offers money transfers, especially cash to cash
Dortmund, Western Union Brückstraße.jpg
amenity payment_centre node area A non-bank place, where people can pay bills of public and private services and taxes.


amenity baby_hatch node area Mjesto gdje možete ostaviti anonimno bebu za usvajanje.
Babybox - venkovní strana.jpg
amenity clinic node area A medium-sized medical facility or health centre.
Bristol , Central Health Clinic - - 1360619.jpg
amenity dentist node area Stomatološka ordinacija - zubar, Stomatološka hirurgija.
Military dentists in Guatemala.jpg
amenity doctors node area Ljekarska ordinacija / poliklinika.
Doctors stethoscope 2.jpg
amenity hospital node area Bolnica obično zajedno s emergency=* da se naznači ima li bolnica hitnu službu ili ne (A&E (brit.) or ER (am.))
Guantanamo captive's hospital beds -c.jpg
amenity nursing_home node area Discouraged tag for a home for disabled or elderly persons who need permanent care. Use amenity=social_facility + social_facility=nursing_home now.
Social amenity darken 80-16.svg
Hora Svate Kateriny - nursing home.jpg
amenity pharmacy node area Apoteka
dispensing=yes (ako prodaje i lijekove na recept)
dispensing=no or omitted (ako se prodaju samo lijekovi bez recepta).
Boots The Chemist At Gunwharf Quays.jpg
amenity social_facility node area A facility that provides social services: group & nursing homes, workshops for the disabled, homeless shelters, etc.
Social facility-14.svg
Salvation Army Citadel, Hill Street , Newport - - 1585015.jpg
amenity veterinary node area Veterinarska stanica.
Veterinary Surgeon.jpg

Zabava, umjetnost i kultura

amenity arts_centre node area Centar umjetnosti.
Arts centre.svg
Alhamra Art Centre.JPG
amenity brothel node area Bordel - javna kuća.
Walletjes 001.jpg
amenity casino node area A gambling venue with at least one table game(e.g. roulette, blackjack) that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
Sahara Hotel and Casino.jpg
amenity cinema node area Kino dvorana/otvoreno.
Palace cinéma beaumont.JPG
amenity community_centre node area A place mostly used for local events, festivities and group activities; including special interest and special age groups. .
Community centre-14.svg
Greasby Community Centre.JPG
amenity conference_centre node area A large building that is used to hold a convention
Irving Convention Center Exterior.JPG
amenity events_venue node area A building specifically used for organising events
Ludwigsfelde asv2021-03 img08 Klubhaus.jpg
amenity exhibition_centre node area An exhibition centre
Shanghai new international expo centre.jpg
amenity fountain node area Fontana - historijska, ukrasna, i sl.
Fountain at Milan citadel.JPG
amenity gambling node area A place for gambling, not being a shop=bookmaker, shop=lottery, amenity=casino, or leisure=adult_gaming_centre.

Games that are covered by this definition include bingo and pachinko.

Bingo cards.jpg
amenity love_hotel node area A love hotel is a type of short-stay hotel operated primarily for the purpose of allowing guests privacy for sexual activities.
Hotel portodiMare Himeji.jpg
amenity music_venue node area An indoor place to hear contemporary live music.
amenity nightclub node area Noćni klub.
amenity planetarium node area A planetarium.
Planetarium WPKiW.jpg
amenity public_bookcase node area A street furniture containing books. Take one or leave one.
Public bookcase-14.svg
Hannover, public bookcase.jpg
amenity social_centre node area A place for free and not-for-profit activities.
Governor Hotel, Rotary Club of Portland plaque.JPG
amenity stage node area A raised platform for performers.
Jyväskylä - stage.jpg
amenity stripclub node Mjesto koje nudi striptiz ili lapdancing (za seksualne usluge koristite amenity=brothel).
Seattle - Deja Vu 01.jpg
amenity studio node area TV, radio ili diskografski studio.
amenity swingerclub node area A club where people meet to have a party and group sex.
Swingerclub Cäsars Palace. Spröckhövel.JPG
amenity theatre node area Teatar ili opera.
PL - Wrocław - Teatr Lalek - Kroton 001.jpg

Public Service

amenity courthouse node area Sud, zgrada suda.
amenity fire_station node area Vatrogasna stanica.
Fire station.jpg
amenity police node area Policijska stanica.
Ploizeiautos Davidwache.jpg
amenity post_box node Poštanski sandučić, alternativni nosači pošte mogu se označiti preko operator=*.
Post box-12.svg
Post Box.JPG
amenity [[ Too many Data Items entities accessed. | post_depot ]] node area Post depot or delivery office, where letters and parcels are collected and sorted prior to delivery.
Post office delivery office, Mablethorpe - - 1186977.jpg
amenity post_office node area Poštanski ured.
Post office-14.svg
100px-Pošta Praha 025.jpg
amenity prison node area Zatvor.
Osaka keimusho.jpg
amenity ranger_station node area National Park visitor headquarters: official park visitor facility with police, visitor information, permit services, etc
Talkeetna Ranger Station.jpg
amenity townhall node area zgrada Gradske vijećnice.


amenity bbq node Roštilj (na izletištima i sl.), može se staviti i tag za ogrjev “fuel=wood/gas/electric” key.
amenity bench node klupa za sjedenje i odmor.
amenity dog_toilet node area Area designated for dogs to urinate and excrete.
amenity dressing_room node area Area designated for changing clothes.
Korpilahti beach - changing room.jpg
amenity drinking_water node Pitka voda.
Basler Trinkwasser 1341.jpg
amenity give_box node area A small facility where people drop off and pick up various types of items in the sense of free sharing and reuse.
GiveBox an der Schwarztorstrasse 96 im Januar 2020.jpg
amenity mailroom node area A mailroom for receiving packages or letters.
Mailroom of the New York Times newspaper.8d22741v.jpg
amenity parcel_locker node area Machine for picking up and sending parcels
Polish Packstation.jpg
amenity shelter node area Sklonište tokom lošeg vremena za bicikliste, planinare, ...
Réunion Maïdo kiosque pique-nique.JPG
amenity shower node area Public shower.
Znak D-26d.svg
amenity telephone node Telefonska govornica.
amenity toilets node area Javni WC (može zahtjevati naknadu).
amenity water_point node Place where you can get large amounts of drinking water
Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity watering_place node Place where water is contained and animals can drink
Drinking Water For Humans and Animals.jpg

Waste Management

amenity sanitary_dump_station node area A place for depositing human waste from a toilet holding tank.
Aire de Valuejols.JPG
amenity recycling node area objekti za reciklažu/otkup PET ambalaže ;-)
amenity waste_basket node ulična kanta za otpad.
amenity waste_disposal node mjesto na koje kamperi i sl. bacaju smeće.
Waste disposal-14.svg
Waste container.jpg
amenity waste_transfer_station node area A waste transfer station is a location that accepts, consolidates and transfers waste in bulk.


amenity animal_boarding node area A facility where you, paying a fee, can bring your animal for a limited period of time (e.g. for holidays)
Holmbyre Cattery - - 167661.jpg
amenity animal_breeding node area relation A facility where animals are bred, usually to sell them
Brickfields Horse Centre - - 135890.jpg
amenity animal_shelter node area A shelter that recovers animals in trouble
Kennel 2.jpg
amenity animal_training node area A facility used for non-competitive animal training
MTAPD Canine Training Facility (26942355044).jpg
amenity baking_oven node An oven used for baking bread and similar, for example inside a building=bakehouse.
Backofen Emstal.JPG
amenity clock node A public visible clock
Houses Of Parliment Clock Tower (Big Ben).jpg
amenity crematorium node area A place where dead human bodies are burnt
Bushbury Crematorium - - 259876.jpg
amenity dive_centre node area A dive center is the base location where sports divers usually start scuba diving or make dive guided trips at new locations.
Diving Center in Marsalforn.JPG
amenity funeral_hall node area A place for holding a funeral ceremony, other than a place of worship.
Okriftel Trauerhalle 08 001.jpg
amenity grave_yard node area Manje mjesto za pokope, obično uz sam vjerski objekat. Veća groblja (gradsko groblje i sl.) trebaju biti označena sa landuse=cemetery.
Odenbuell Nordstrand St Vinzenz IMGP2940 wp crop.jpg
amenity hunting_stand node area Čeka - natkrivena platforma za lovce koji čekaju divljač.
A rised hide closed quadrat.jpg
amenity internet_cafe node area A place whose principal role is providing internet services to the public.
Internet cafe-14.svg
Cafe internet uninorte.JPG
amenity kitchen node area A public kitchen in a facility to use by everyone or customers
Montague Burton Residences Kitchen.jpg
amenity kneipp_water_cure node area Outdoor foot bath facility. Usually this is a pool with cold water and handrail. Popular in German speaking countries.
Wassertreten 1.jpg
amenity lounger node An object for people to lie down.
Coulée Verte du 14ème @ Paris (28484238796).jpg
amenity marketplace node area Tržnica, štandovi na otvorenom, na trgovima.
Marche berlin002.jpg
amenity monastery node area Monastery is the location of a monastery or a building in which monks and nuns live.
Kloster Eibingen01.JPG
amenity mortuary node area A morgue or funeral home, used for the storage of human corpses.
amenity photo_booth node A stand to create instant photos.
amenity place_of_mourning node area A room or building where families and friends can come, before the funeral, and view the body of the person who has died.
Funérarium de Wasquehal.jpg
amenity place_of_worship node area Crkva, sinagoga, džamija, hram i sl. Trebate dodati oznake religion=*, denomination=* i poželjno je name=* kao i amenity=place_of_worship. Vidi the article za detalje. Christian-16.svg Muslim-16.svg Jewish-16.svg Taoist-16.svg Buddhist-16.svg Hinduist-16.svg Shintoist-16.svg Sikhist-16.svg Place-of-worship-16.svg
Place of worship.png
amenity public_bath node area A location where the public may bathe in common, etc. japanese onsen, turkish bath, hot spring
Public bath.svg
Blue Lagoon 2012-08-23 (4).JPG
amenity public_building node area A generic public building. Don't use! See office=government.
amenity refugee_site node area A human settlement sheltering refugees or internally displaced persons
An Aerial View of the Za'atri Refugee Camp.jpg
amenity vending_machine node Automat za prodaju dobara, karti, cigareta, slatkiša...
Vending machines at Haeundae.jpg
amenity Korisnički definirano node area Vidi Taginfo za druge uobičajene vrijednosti takođe

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=== Shop ===

Key/Ključ. Vrijednost Komentar Rendering Slika

Food, beverages

shop alcohol Trgovina s alkoholnim pićem (u nekim zemljama zahtjeva se dozvola ili su državne). Vidi takođe shop=beverages.
Liquor store in Breckenridge Colorado.jpg
shop bakery Shop focused on selling bread
Bread in Boudin.jpg
shop beverages Shop focused on selling alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. See also shop=alcohol.
Coca Cola Kisten.jpg
shop brewing_supplies Shop focused on selling supplies for home brewing of beer, wine and spirits (where permitted).
Home-brewing set with 5-gallon containers.jpg
shop butcher Mesnica, prodaje meso
Butcher's shop Hong kong.jpg
shop cheese Shop focused on selling cheese.
Cheese shop P1010071.JPG
shop chocolate Shop focused on selling chocolate.
Chocolate shop.jpg
shop coffee Shop focused on selling coffee.
Ahrre's Coffee Roastery in Summit NJ interior view.jpg
shop confectionery Trgovina koja prodaje slatkiše i kolače
Sweet Shop, Chester.JPG
shop convenience Mali dućan - mala trgovina (npr. kvartovska) koja prodaje prehrambene artikle i ostale stvari za kućanstvo.
Food and wine shop.jpg
shop dairy Shop focused on selling dairy products.
Milk Aisle.jpg
shop deli Shop focused on selling delicatessen (fine foods, gourmet foods), possibly also fine wine. Not to be confused with the US delis.
Rome Italian deli.jpg
shop farm Prodavnica na farmi koja prodaje njihove proizvode.
Chatsworth farm shop - - 24050.jpg
shop food Shop focused on selling food, more specific value should be used if possible.

shop=food + food=prepared_meals was also proposed/used for type of shop selling prepared meals, not ready for eating immediately (and requiring for example heating/boiling or other simple preparation).

Shop with prepared meals.jpg
shop frozen_food Shop focused on selling frozen food.
shop greengrocer Mjesto gdje se prodaje samo voće/povrće.
Greenrocer's Interior.jpg
shop health_food A health food shop; selling wholefoods, vitamins, nutrition supplements and meat and dairy alternatives.
Holland & Barrett, King Street, Hammersmith.jpg
shop ice_cream Shop selling ice cream. See also amenity=ice_cream.
Ice Cream Parlour - - 1773794.jpg
shop nuts Shop selling dried nuts/fruits, edible seeds, etc. Not to be confused with shop=spices.
Nuts and spices at Mercat de Boqueria.jpg
shop pasta Shop focused on selling (fresh) pasta, ravioli, etc.
Ravioli 2.jpg
shop pastry Shop focused on selling baked sweets like cakes, biscuits, strudel and pies.
Pasticceria displaying cannoli siciliani.jpg
shop seafood Shop focused on selling fish/seafood.
Seafood chijin.jpg
shop spices Shop focused on selling spices.
Old city, best spice shop (498280882).jpg
shop tea Shop focused on selling tea.
Tea shop by matsuyuki in Nishiki Ichiba, Kyoto.jpg
shop tortilla Shop focused on selling tortillas.
Tortillería Ruiz,México D.F.jpg
shop water Shop focused on selling drinking water.
Water bottles in Dia.jpg
shop wine Shop selling wine.
Wine Shop.JPG

General store, department store, mall

shop department_store Robna kuća - obično s nekoliko spratova - prodaje raznoliku robu (vidi i shop=mall), a kako urediti područje i zgradu vidi Bs:Trgovacki centri
Department store-16.svg
Takeshimaya Times Square in the evening.jpg
shop general A store that carries a general line of merchandise. (see also shop=convenience if it sells food).
Feinkost Weber Hernals 1994.jpg
shop kiosk Kiosk, trgovina uz pločnik koja prodaje novine, cigarete, slatkiše itd...
Kiosk germany.jpg
shop mall Trgovački centar - puno trgovina pod jednim krovom npr. BBI u Sarajevu, a kako urediti područje i zgradu vidi Bs:Trgovacki centri
Dalian large Shopping Mall 2005.jpg
shop supermarket Supermarket, a kako urediti područje i zgradu vidi Bs:Trgovacki centri
Supermarket check out.JPG
shop wholesale Wholesale/warehouse club or cash and carry – a store that sells items in bulk to retailers. The branch of industry can be defined with wholesale=*.
Birmingham Wholesale Markets.jpg

Clothing, shoes, accessories

shop baby_goods Shop focused on selling objects for babies (clothes, prams, cots, toys).
shop bag Shop focused on selling bags.
Shop bag berlin.jpg
shop boutique A small shopping outlet, especially one that specializes in elite and fashionable items
Inside Sttilo.jpg
shop clothes Trgovina koja prodaje odjeću npr. butik (druge vezane vrijednosti su: moda, cipele)
shop fabric Shop focused on selling fabric and other materials for the purpose of making clothes and other products, eg dress making.
Shop fabric.JPG
shop fashion Shop focused on selling fashion. This is deprecated, please use shop=clothes.
Shop fashion berlin.jpg
shop fashion_accessories Shop focused on selling fashion accessories.
shop jewelry Jewellers shops.
shop leather Shop focused on selling products made out of leather.
Lewis Leathers shop.jpg
shop sewing A shop that sells sewing supplies (fabric, thread, yarn, knitting needles, sewing machines, etc.)
W. Wächtershäuser - II.jpg
shop shoes trgovina cipelama.
shop shoe_repair Shop focused on repairing shoes.
Swanson Shoe Repair.jpg
shop tailor A place where clothing is made, repaired, or altered professionally, especially suits and men's clothing
shop watches Shop focused on selling watches.
Paris Forum des Halles 2012 09.jpg
shop wool Shop selling wool for making of clothes or other products.
So called baby merino in a store.jpg

Discount store, charity

shop charity A charity shop is a shop operated by a charity, for the purposes of fundraising.
Cancer Research, Armagh, November 2009.JPG
shop second_hand A shop buying and selling used clothes and other things. See also shop=pawnbroker
Second hand-14.svg
HK Sheung Wan 2nd hand market Tung Street 上環東街.JPG
shop variety_store A variety store retailer is a retail store that sells inexpensive items, sometimes with a single price point for all items in the store.
Variety store-14.svg

Health and beauty

shop beauty A non-hairdresser beauty shop, spa, nail salon, etc.. See also shop=hairdresser.
Hair and Beauty, Strabane, January 2010.JPG
shop chemist Drogerija, trgovina koja prodaje ličnu higijenu, kozmetiku, proizvode za čišćenje (za onu trgovinu koja može prodavati lijekove na recept, apoteka, vidi amenity=pharmacy)
Kelly Chemist, Omagh - - 103193.jpg
shop cosmetics Shop focused on selling cosmetics
Cosmetics at Central Ladprao.JPG
shop erotic Shop focused on selling erotic toys, -clothes or other erotic stuff.
Sex shops (Paris)-01.jpg
shop hairdresser Frizerski salon, šišanje, farbanje itd.
Belfast (187), October 2009.JPG
shop hairdresser_supply A shop, where you can buy hairdressing supplies.
Zeeb GmbH Friseurbedarf Mannheim S1.jpg
shop hearing_aids Shop focused on selling hearing aids devices
Shop audiologist.jpg
shop herbalist Shop focused on selling herbs, often for medical purposes. (See also: healthcare:speciality=herbalism and healthcare=alternative).
Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences, The Herbalist Shop.jpg
shop massage A massage shop
shop medical_supply Shop focused on selling medical supplies.
Medical supply.svg
Jt medical supply.jpg
shop nutrition_supplements Shops that sells one or more nutritional supplements (of vitamins, minerals and/or herbs)
shop optician Optičar - trgovina naočalama, lećama (možete provjeriti vid).
US Navy 021029-N-3228G-001 Adjusting a customer's eyeglasses.jpg
shop perfumery Shop focused on selling perfumery
301 perfumery and drugstore in Cala Millor.jpg
shop tattoo A tattoo parlour.

Do-it-yourself, household, building materials, gardening

shop agrarian Shop focused on selling agrarian products, like seeds, agricultural machinery, animal feed, etc.
Shop Buena in Szamotuły.jpg
shop appliance Shop focused on selling large electrical items (aka white goods) washing machines, fridges, cookers, ovens, fans, etc.
Small appliance shop in North London.jpg
shop bathroom_furnishing Shop focused on selling bathroom furniture and accessories
Villa Tugendhat - Badezimmer.JPG
shop country_store Shop focused on selling rural supplies – a range of goods specifically aimed at country dwellers
Countrywide Store Melton Mowbray.jpg
shop doityourself Trgovina koja prodaje alate i materijale, pribor za uradi sam, kućanstva, vrt...
Inside BandQ - - 649798.jpg
shop electrical Shop focused on selling electrical supplies and devices
Old electrical shop, Paris March 2015.jpg
shop energy Shop focused on selling energy
Carrefour Market de Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse le 1er avril 2013 - 08.jpg
shop fireplace Shop focused on selling electric fireplaces, stoves or masonry heaters and required fuels
Kaminofen in Betrieb IMG 6067.jpg
shop florist Cvjećara, prodaje cvijeće u buketima (vidi shop=garden_centre za cvijeće u loncima)
Butler's Wharf Flower Shop.jpg
shop garden_centre Prodaje cvijeće u loncima, možda i drveće, (vidi takođe shop=florist za cvjetne bukete).
Garden centre-14.svg
shop garden_furniture Shop focused on selling garden furniture (sheds, outdoor tables, gates, fences, ...). See shop=garden_centre if also plants are sold.
shop gas Shop focused on selling technical gas, such as argon, oxygen, acetylene, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. in pressurized containers
2008-07-24 Bundle of compressed gas bottles.jpg
shop glaziery Shop focused on selling and installing glazing for windows and doors.
Double glazed Units.JPG
shop groundskeeping Shop focused on selling outdoor groundskeeping equipment (lawnmowers, chainsaws, small tractors, ...
Groundskeeping Store.jpg
shop hardware Željezara manja trgovina koja prodaje šarafe, matice, boje, kopiranje ključeva...
Tweedy and Popp 03.jpg
shop houseware Shop focused on selling crockery, cutlery, kitchenware, small household appliances.
shop locksmith Shop focused on selling keys, see also craft=locksmith and craft=key_cutter
shop paint Shop focused on selling paints.
Artists paints.jpg
shop pottery Shop focused on selling earthenware, stoneware and porcelain and other ceramic ware.
Ceramics shop in Bát Tràng, Hanoi (1 March 2018) 74.jpg
shop security Shop focused on selling security items like burglar alarms, vaults, locking systems, video surveillance cameras, firefighting equipment, alarm systems, warning systems, etc.
shop tool_hire Shop hiring out tools
HSS Hire Shop, Newport - - 4772780.jpg
shop trade A place of business that sells to a particular trade or trades, but normally also retails to normal consumers. See also shop=doityourself
Timber yard of Travis Perkins builders merchants - - 1025761.jpg

Furniture and interior

shop antiques Shop focused on selling antiques.
Antique shop - stock photo.jpg
shop bed Shop focused on selling beds, mattresses and other bedding products.
Bed Shop, Omagh - - 129722.jpg
shop candles Shop focused on selling candles and candle accessories (holders, etc)
Candle shop, Liberty of London (8370788712).jpg
shop carpet Shop focused on selling carpets
A carpet seller in Jaipur.jpg
shop curtain Shop focused on selling curtains or drapes (see also Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.)
Commerciante di tessuti.jpg
shop doors Shop focused on selling doors
shop flooring Shop focused on selling floorings
Fake wood flooring.jpg
shop furniture Salon namještaja, ili trgovina s namještajem varira od trgovine s dekoracijama do opreme za kompletan stan
Small furniture shop.jpg
shop household_linen Shop focused on selling household linen.
Shop with table-cloths and bedding textiles at ulica Starowiejska, Gdynia 2.jpg
shop interior_decoration Shop focused on selling interior decorations.
Interior decoration-14.svg
LA Showroom1 dakota jackson.jpg
shop kitchen A shop where you can plan and buy your kitchen. (Sometimes called "kitchen studio" and the like, but plain kitchen is the most frequently used tag so far.)
Kitchen shop in "The Boulevard" - - 1368775.jpg
shop lighting A shop selling lighting fixtures and lamps.
Lamp Shop in Bigastro.jpg
shop tiles Shop focused on selling tiles.
2.2 Jura Gelb geschliffen.JPG
shop window_blind Shop focused on selling window blinds.
Some window blinds.JPG


shop computer Trgovina koja prodaje kompjutere, software, dijelove, ...
Computer shop, Crossens.JPG
shop electronics Prodaje tehničku robu (TV, radio, ...). Velike prodaju kompjutere, bijelu tehniku, klime, ...
Currys Digital.jpg
shop hifi Trgovina koja prodaje HI-FI opremu i kućna kina
JB Hi-Fi Wagga Wagga.jpg
shop mobile_phone Shop focused on selling mobile phones and accessories
3G Mobile Phones fot China Mobile.jpg
shop printer_ink A shop that sells or refills printer ink cartridges.
Epson ink cartridges.JPG
shop radiotechnics Shop focused on selling electronic components, electrical products, radio measuring devices, supplies for radio and electronics.
Tokyo Akihabara electronic parts shop.jpg
shop telecommunication Shop selling internet, television or similar services, and related hardware.
T-Mobile US Retail Store in Waterbury, CT.jpg
shop vacuum_cleaner Shop focused on selling vacuum cleaners and associated products.
Panasonic MCE8013 vacuum cleaner close.jpg

Outdoors and sport, vehicles

shop atv Shop focused on selling  atvs (quads), atv equipment and may rent or repair them
Honda FourTrax Rancher.jpg
shop bicycle Trgovina s biciklima, opremom, može iznajmljivati i imati servis.
shop boat Shop focused on selling boats, boat equipment and may rent or repair them
2018-10-14 Yacht Grot shopfront.jpg
shop car Autosalon - prodaje automobile i može imati servis
shop car_parts Shop focused on selling auto parts, auto accessories, motor oil, car chemicals, etc.
Car parts-14.svg
Auto Parts Store.jpg
shop car_repair Servis automobila, (obično nije vezan samo za neku marku).
Car repair-14.svg
Colourful Shops Places In Onehunga II.jpg
shop caravan A shop for caravans, motorhomes & similar recreational vehicles.
shop fishing Shop focused on selling fishing equipment.
M.A. Wickham, East Grinstead (15538910361).jpg
shop fuel Shop selling fuels (motor fuel, wood, coal, gas) that can't be considered a Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. (fuel station). Use fuel:*=yes/no to indicate which fuels are available.
Barreled fuel shop.jpg
shop golf Shop focused on selling golf equipment.
Pro shop - East Potomac Golf Course - East Potomac Park - 2013-08-25.jpg
shop hunting Shop focused on selling gun and hunting equipment.
Artegon Marketplace 07.jpg
shop military_surplus Shop selling used military equipment
Military surplus2.jpg
shop motorcycle Bike shop, trgovina koja prodaje motocikle, dijelove i opremu
Shop motorcycle.svg
shop motorcycle_repair Shop focused on motorcycle repair.
Motorcycle repair shop in Thailand.jpg
shop outdoor Trgovina kamp opremom, planinarskom, pješačkom , ribarskom opremom i za druge sportske aktivnosti na otvorenom.
Winfield's Camping Shop - - 267174.jpg
shop scuba_diving Shop focused on selling scuba diving equipment.
Paradise Dive Shop.jpg
shop ski Shop focused on selling skis, ski equipment and may rent or repair them
shop snowmobile Shop focused on selling snowmobiles, snowmobile equipment and may rent or repair them
Snowmobiling in New Brunswick, Canada 2010.jpg
shop sports Trgovina sportskom opremom.
HK TST East Mody Road Wing On Plaza Shop Kettler Sport Fitness.JPG
shop surf Shop selling surfboards, sailboards, wakeboards, and other types of surf style boards. and/or related accessories, clothes, parts, repair and rental services.
The Surfboards (8422914814)
shop swimming_pool A store that sells swimming pool equipment and supplies.
Circuit tuyauterie robot hydraulique.jpg
shop trailer Shop focused on selling trailers and parts and/or repairing / renting them
shop truck Shop focused on selling trucks and other commercial vehicles
Kenworth Dealer Hall of Fame, 2015 (08).JPG
shop tyres Shop focused on selling tyres.
Istanbul Continental tyre shop.jpg

Art, music, hobbies

shop art Shop which sells works of art. May be paintings, sculpture, or other types of art
Ruiz gallery.jpg
shop camera A shop mainly selling cameras and lenses
Nikkor Lens Showcase @ Berjaya Times Square's Nikon Centre.jpg
shop collector A shop for different collector's items like stamps, coins, action figures, etc.
Shop collector.jpg
shop craft An arts and crafts supply store. Commonly sold items are paper, canvas, paint, pencils, crafting wood, crafting tools, etc. – look at craft=*
Studio Arts Crafts and Graphics interior - panoramio (1).jpg
shop frame Shop focused on selling frames.
Shop frames berlin.jpg
shop games Shop focused on selling board games, card games and/or role-playing games.
Essen 2008 0251.jpg
shop model Shop specialising in the sale of scale models.
shop music Shop focused on selling recorded music (vinyl/CDs/...)
Shop music.svg
Music shop.JPG
shop musical_instrument Shop focused on selling musical instruments, lyrics, scores. If focused on a specific instrument, specify with musical_instrument=*
Musical instrument-14.svg
Portadown (66), September 2009.JPG
shop photo Shop focused on selling products or services related with photography.
Fujifilm photo shop.jpg
shop trophy Store selling trophies, awards, plaques etc.
shop video Videoteka - prodaje i posuđuje filmove
Video shop.jpg
shop video_games Shop focused on selling video games.
Video games-14.svg
GameStop on Powell Street in San Francisco, California.

Stationery, gifts, books, newspapers

shop anime Shop focused on selling anime stuff.
2013TIBE Day4 Hall2 Greenwood 20130202.JPG
shop books Knjižara, prodaje knjige (za biblioteku koja posuđuje knjige, vidi Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.)
Strand basement jeh.jpg
shop gift Prodaje poklone i čestitke. Može prodavati i suvenire u turističkim središtima.
Gift shop interior.jpg
shop lottery A shop of which the main or only purpose is the sale of lottery tickets.
12 Kościuszki Street in Sanok (2015), Lotto.jpg
shop newsagent Trgovina s novinama, cigaretama, i drugim
HK Sheung Wan Po Yan Street 7-11 Shop Newspaper Stand.JPG
shop stationery
shop ticket Shop focused on selling tickets for concerts, events, public transport, …
Box office of Shosha station.jpg


shop bookmaker A shop that takes bets on sporting and other events at agreed upon odds.
Ladbrokes - 263 Park Lane (2299743817).jpg
shop cannabis a shop primarily and legally selling non-medical cannabis products
Venta de cannabis, Ketchikan, Alaska, Estados Unidos, 2017-08-16, DD 58.jpg
shop copyshop Shop focused on selling photocopying and printing services.
HK 上環 Sheung Wan 蘇杭街 Jervois Street 24 photo copy print co shop.JPG
shop dry_cleaning Kemijska čistionica nudi uslugu kemijskog čišćenja robe. Samo čišćenje se može odvijate negdje drugdje.
Dry clean rack.jpg
shop e-cigarette Shop focused on selling electronic cigarettes.
510N e-cigarette and e-liquids.jpg
shop funeral_directors Pogrebnik - pruža usluge za sprovode.
shop laundry Praonica rublja, pere odjeću. Može biti samouslužna na kovanice ili s osobljem ...
Polarstern laundry hg.jpg
shop money_lender A money lender offers small personal loans at high rates of interest.
Money lender Palmers Green.jpg
shop outpost Shop primarily used to pick-up items ordered online.
Coles Supermarket Click & Collect service, Corinda, Queensland, 2021.jpg
shop party A shop for party and festival supplies, like costumes, etc.
Shop party.jpg
shop pawnbroker A pawnbroker (or pawnshop) is an individual or business that offers secured loans to people. See also Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Pawnbroker Oulu 20090906.JPG
shop pest_control Shop selling pest control goods to exterminate rats, insects etc.
Atomic Pest Control 2371 Elvis-Presley-Blvd Memphis TN.jpg
shop pet A shop for pets, animals and toys or food for them.
Baby parrots in a pet shop-8a.jpg
shop pet_grooming A shop offering grooming services for pets (most frequently dogs)
Psi fryzjer.jpg
shop pyrotechnics Store of pyrotechnics: fireworks, firecrackers, sparklers etc.
TNT Fireworks Supercenter, Jennings (East face).JPG
shop religion Shop focused on selling religious articles, church shop. See also religion=*
Shop religion.jpg
shop rental Shop that rents different kinds of vehicles or (sport) equipment
Vehicles rental.png
shop storage_rental self storage
Self storage units.jpg
shop tobacco Shop focused on selling tobacco, cigarettes and their related accessories.
Fachgeschäft für Tabakwaren.JPG
shop toys trgovina igračkama.
HK Toys R Us.JPG
shop travel_agency putnička agencija
Travel agency-14.svg
Shop travel agency berlin.jpg
shop vacant An unused vacant shop. Can be used for an empty or abandoned retail space that seems to be available for lease or purchase where a retail store (or similar businesses) may be opened. No store is being operated in a vacant shop, and neither goods nor services are being offered. This tag can be used after a store was closed or for a newly built shop before any busisness was operated in the shop.
2012-05-02 Carrera de San Jeronimo anagoria.JPG
shop weapons Shop focused on selling weapons like knives, guns etc.
Welcome to America - Supermarket with guns.jpg
shop yes A shop of unspecified type – it is always better to use another value that gives info about shop type, if possible. Used also as indicator that feature such as fuel station has a shop.
shop Korisnički definirano Slobodno koristite/izmislite vrijednosti prikladne za vašu zemlju.Vidi Taginfo za druge često korištene oznake

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Temnplate uređujte ovdje:


Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
alpine_hut node area Planinski dom, kuća, hostel i sličnoWikipedia:Mountain hut
Ascher Hütte a.jpg
apartment node area A holiday or vacation apartment is a furnished apartment or flat with cooking and bathroom facilities that can be rented for holiday vacations. This tag can be applied to a building accommodating one or more holiday flats. Between Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. and Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. is a clear distinction: "Chalet" is for a detached holiday cottage which you rent exclusively, "apartment" is for one or several flats in a shared building (or a single flat in one part of the building and other usages, like private apartments or a restaurant, in the other part).
PAJASA Service Apartment Mumbai.jpg
aquarium node area An aquarium, meant as [W] Public aquarium is the aquatic counterpart of a zoo with living aquatic animals for public viewing.
Georgia Aquarium - Ocean Voyager Tunnel Jan 2006.jpg
artwork node way area Oznaka za umjetnička djela (kipovi, statue itd.)
attraction node area Opća turistička atrakcija, ova oznaka se često koristi s drugim oznakama kao historic=*).
Paris 06 Eiffelturm 4828.jpg
camp_pitch node area camp pitch is the free space used to place a tent or or caravan within a Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. or Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. area.
Grand Canyon National Park Mather Campground 4635 (35305437542).jpg
camp_site node area Kamp, mjesto gdje možete postaviti šator.
2009-07-26 Ekeberg Camping.JPG
caravan_site node area Mjesto gdje možete parkirati kamp kućicu ili kamper za kraće i duže periode.
Caravan Site, Stonehaven - - 156173.jpg
chalet node area Najam kuće.
Chalets - - 37944.jpg
gallery node area [W] Art gallery or art museum is an area or typically a building that displays a variety of visual art exhibitions; The most common exhibits being paintings, sculpture or photography. This is not to be confused with Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Malba Buenos Aires.jpg
guest_house node area Pansion, apartman.
Tourism guest house.svg
The Crossroads Country Guest House - - 88520.jpg
hostel node area Hostel
Dorm Room 1.jpg
hotel node area [W] Hotels provide accommodation for guests with usually numbered rooms. Some facilities provided may include a basic bed, storage for clothing and additional guest facilities may include swimming pool, childcare, and conference facilities.
Hcom 1097758 7 b.jpg
information node area Informacije za turiste i posjetioce, uključujući turističke zajednice i sl.
Fleetwood tourist information centre - DSC06596.JPG
motel node area Motel.
Dscf0759 600.jpg
museum node area Muzej.
picnic_site node area Mjesto gdje možete prirediti piknik. Može imati stolove i klupe.
Picnic site 4656.jpg
theme_park node area Tematski park.
Rendering-theme park.png
Theme park.jpg
trail_riding_station node area A Trail Riding Station offers temporary accommodation for guest horses and usually also for riders.
Willow Prairie Horse Camp, Rogue River NF, Oregon.jpg
viewpoint node Vidikovac, mjesto koje ima dobar pogled na okolicu ili vidikovac s poznatih zgrada.
wilderness_hut node area [W] Wilderness hut or backcountry hut is a remote building, with generally a fireplace, intended to provide temporary shelter and sleeping accommodation. See also [W] Bothy
Wilderness hut.svg
Alpe scaredi.jpg
zoo node area Zoološki vrt.
Area tourism=zoo.png
A miss. berlin 1.JPG
yes node area Dodajte turistički interes za nešto drugo već označeno drugim oznakama.
Korisnički definirano. node area Vidjeti Taginfo za neke druge uobičajene vrijednosti takođe

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here.

Template uređujte na:

=Historijske znamenitostiVidjeti takođe Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. za historijske vozove.

LOADING TAG LIST... (If you do not see this tag list, you need to enable JavaScript)
This table is auto-generated. See Template:Taglist for a documentation on it.Help translate this into Bosnian!

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Template uređujte na: Template:Bs:Map_Features:historic

Korištenje zemljišta

This is used to describe the purpose for which an area of land is being used. See the page Landuse for an introduction on its usage.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - developed land

landuse commercial node area Pretežno uredi, poslovni parkovi, itd.
Cambourne Business Park - - 15908.jpg
landuse construction node area Područje "U izgradnji", trebalo bi postati nešto drugo kada je završena izgradnja
Cantiere the Green One dell'area De Gasperi Ovest a San Donato Milanese (Giugno 2022).jpg
landuse education node area An area predominately used for educational purposes/facilities.
Stąporków, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2.jpg
landuse fairground node area A site where a fair takes place
Honre's Pleasure Fair funfair in Inverness from above.jpg
landuse industrial node area Pretežno radionice, fabrike ili skladišta
Rehuraisio feed plant in Oulu 2008 001.jpg
landuse residential node area Land where people reside; predominantly residential detached (single houses, grouped dwellings), or attached (apartments, flats, units) dwellings. For "Mixed-Use" areas where more than half of the land is residential, tag as residential.
landuse retail node area Pretežno trgovine (maloprodaja)
Trocadero - London 1.jpg
landuse institutional node area Land used for institutional purposes, see  Institution (disambiguation). Institutional land may include buildings like an office=government, Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., amenity=social_facility and their associated infrastructure (car parks, service roads, yards and so-on).

information sign

The meaning of this tag is ambiguous and unclear by some. Consider using another tag that better describes the object. For instance Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
MSF bureau Genève Novembre 2015.jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - rural and agricultural land

landuse aquaculture node area  Aquaculture is the farming of freshwater and saltwater organisms such as finfish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants.

Warning: currently, there is no convention on the exact meaning of this tag. Therefore, it makes sense to treat it like "boundary of aquaculture" (without implication of water body), which means, water body should be tagged by its own, using Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. etc.

Delta Pride Catfish farm harvest.jpg
landuse allotments node area Vrtovi - komad zemljišta gdje lokalno stanovništvo uzgaja povrće i cvijeće..
landuse farmland area An area of farmland used for tillage (cereals, vegetables, oil plants, flowers).
Rye field.jpg
landuse farmyard area Privredno dvorište, seoska kuća, zgrade staja, konjušnice, svinjci, spremišta itd. plus otvoreni prostor između njih.
Rendering-area-landuse farmyard-mapnik.png
landuse paddy area An area of land where the surface and shape of the land is made suitable for growing rice.
Rice Field.jpg
landuse animal_keeping area An area of land that is used to keep animals, particularly horses and livestock.
Open stable Velm Neuhaus.jpg
landuse flowerbed area An area designated for flowers
Brussels floral carpet B.jpg
landuse forest node area Šume kojima upravlja šumarija (najveći dio šuma u BiH) ili šume nasada (Other languages). See also Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Fort Nelson Forestry.JPG
landuse greenhouse_horticulture area Staklenici, prostori koji se koriste za uzgoj bilja u staklenicima.
Greenhouses westland.jpg
landuse meadow node area Livada, površina zemljišta u prvom redu vegetacije trave i ostalih nedrvenastih biljaka (Other Languages). (Other Languages).
Landuse Meadow.png
landuse orchard node area Voćnjaci. Možete dodati i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. (vrijednosti vidi na stranici za voćnjake).
PikiWiki Israel 29753 Almonds grove.jpg
landuse plant_nursery area intentional planting of plants maintaining for the production of new plants
Landuse plant nursery.png
Cutchogue - Oregon Road - Plant Nursery.jpg
landuse vineyard node area Vinograd - komad zemlje na kojima se uzgaja vinova loza.

~residential:desc=Pretežno kuće ili stanovi.

Grape vines.jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Common landuse key values - waterbody

landuse basin node area Bazen (ne za kupanje) koja ispušta vodu u rijeku.
Zajedno sa Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. za bazene kišnice.
Other languages
Base layer water.png
Boneyard Detention Basin 2006.jpg
landuse reservoir node area Rezervoar, čuva vodu, može biti natkriven. Za natkrivene vidi i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. (Other languages)
Amagase Dam.jpg
landuse salt_pond area Solana, mjesto gdje je isparila voda za izdvajanje soli.
Salt ponds SF Bay (dro!d).jpg
Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika

Other landuse key values

landuse brownfield node area Opisuje zemljište predviđeno za novi razvoj, gdje su stare zgrade porušene i očišćene
Former Brickworks ... - - 56268.jpg
landuse cemetery node area Groblje npr. gradsko, mjesno, itd. Možete dodati religion=* (vrijednosti izlistane u na stranici za crkve). Manja mjesta (e.g. groblje uz crkvu) mogu se označiti kao Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Jewish cemetery Worms.jpg
landuse conservation area Protected areas (deprecated) Alternate tagging of same thing: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
landuse depot area An area used as a depot for e.g. vehicles (trains, buses or trams). Consider using rather standard landuse tags like Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., with subtag like Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
RET remise Beverwaard (2).JPG
landuse garages area One level buildings with boxes commonly for cars, usually made of brick and metal. Usually this area belong to garage cooperative with own name, chairman, budget, rules, security, etc.
Rendering-area-landuse garages-mapnik.png
landuse grass node area An area of mown and managed grass not otherwise covered by a more specific tag. Some view this as not a landuse, see the main page Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. for discussion.
084 Green grass lawn background, green mowed grass free photo.jpg
landuse greenfield node area Opisuje zemljište predviđeno za novi razvoj, gdje nije bilo nikakvih objekata prije
Rendering-area-landuse greenfield-mapnik.png
Greenfields - - 1202824.jpg

landuse landfill node area Deponija - mjesto gdje je odbačen otpad Other languages
landuse military node area Za zemljište površine u vlasništvu vojske, koristi za vojne svrhe bez obzira
REUNION 2007 04.jpg
landuse port area coastal industrial area where commercial traffic is handled. Consider using Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. + Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. for this type of industrial area.
Churchill Seaport 1996-08-12.jpg
landuse quarry node area Kamenolom - površinsko vađenje minerala (Other languages)
landuse railway area Područje za upotrebu željeznica, u globalu nije dostupno za javnost
landuse recreation_ground node area An open green space for general recreation, which may include pitches, nets and so on, usually municipal but possibly also private to colleges or companies
Landuse-recreation ground.png
Outdoor gym in Parque de Bateria, Torremolinos.JPG
landuse religious node area An area used for religious purposes
Landuse-religious ground.png
Cerkiew w Komańczy by Verid1st 09.JPG
landuse village_green node area Područje zajedničkog zemljišta, uglavnom trave, u centru sela.

~recreation_ground:desc=Zelena otvorena površina za opću rekreaciju, koja može uključivati terene za sport, mreže itd. Obično na općinskim, eventualno i na privatnim fakultetima ili u kompanijama.

Landuse-village green.png
landuse winter_sports node area An area dedicated to winter sports (e.g. skiing)
First run (3373949916).jpg
landuse user defined node area Vidi Taginfo za neke druge česte vrijednosti koje se koriste takođe.

This table is a wiki template with a default description in English. Editable here. Template uređivati na:


This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:military, read more on Template:Map Features:military/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:39, 15 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)


Vidjeti takođe Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
military airfield Mf node.png Mf area.png Vojni aerodrom, gdje uzlijeću i slijeću vojni avioni
Dscf1158 600.jpg
military bunker Mf node.png Mf area.png zgrade, obično betonske, izgrađene da izdrže jaču vatru. Vidi i WW2 pillboxes.
Dülmen, Kirchspiel, ehem. Munitionslager Visbeck, Bunker -- 2019 -- 6428.jpg
military barracks Mf node.png Mf area.png Kasarna, zgrada gdje vojnici rade i žive. Key military.JPG
Oulu barracks Jul-Aug2008 001.jpg
military danger_area Mf node.png Mf area.png Vojni poligoni i sl. opasna zona i zabranjena zona za civile.
military range Mf node.png Mf area.png Streljana, gdje vojnici vježbaju korištenje oružja (puške, bombe, topništvo, ...).
Bundeswehr shooting M16.jpg
military naval_base Mf node.png Mf area.png Pomorska baza
Kidd class vs Spruance class.jpg
military Korisnički definirano Mf node.png Mf area.png Vidi Taginfo za druge često korištene oznake takođe

Template uređujte na:


This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use the english template Template:Map Features:natural, read more on Template:Map Features:natural/doc. thanks --Reneman (talk) 23:40, 15 December 2015 (UTC)
If you know about the current state of affairs, please help keep everyone informed by updating this information.Help translate this into Bosnian! (Discussion)

Prirodna obilježja

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
natural bay Mf node.png Mf area.png Zaljev(Other languages)
natural beach Mf node.png Mf area.png Plaža: pješčana, šljunčana ili obluci (Other languages)
View from Highway 1, California 25.jpg
natural cave_entrance Mf node.png Mf area.png Ulaz u pećinu.
Cave entrance.jpg
natural cliff Mf node.png Mf way.png Mf area.png Stijena, hrid , litica
natural coastline Mf node.png Mf way.png Mf area.png Obala, treba ići u smjeru kazaljke na satu oko vode, a oko kopna suprotnim smjerom. tj. kopno s lijeve i voda s desne strane puta, da bi se ispravno prikazalo.
natural fell Mf node.png Mf area.png Neobrađena zemlja prekrivena travom, može služiti za ispašu.
natural glacier Mf node.png Mf area.png Glečer, područja ili vrhovi prekriveni ledom cijele godine
Grosser Aletschgletscher 3196.JPG
natural heath Mf node.png Mf area.png Zemljište s niskim raslinjem, neobrađeno s grmljem i sa malo ili bez drveća.
Lüneburger Heide 080.jpg
natural land Mf node.png Mf area.png Zemljište koje je u drukčijem području, npr. otok u jezeru. Neka voda bude sa desna i zemlja sa lijeva u relaciji da bi bilo ispravno. Vidi Relations/Multipolygon za otoke u jezerima
natural mud Mf node.png Mf area.png Blato (Other languages)
natural peak Mf node.png Vrh brda ili planine
North Suicide Peak. Chugach Mountains, Alaska..jpg
natural scree Mf node.png Mf area.png Stijene s odronima Scree.jpg
natural scrub Mf node.png Mf area.png Neobrađeno zemljište prekriveno grmljem ili malim drvećem
natural spring Mf node.png Izvor, mjesto gdje voda izvire. ((hydrology, land) (3596) Other languages)
La Sorgue, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.JPG
natural tree Mf node.png Drvo, usamljeno ili značajno drvo.
natural volcano Mf node.png Vulkan, neaktivni, bivši ili aktivni
natural water Mf node.png Mf area.png Jezera, bare i slično.
Base layer water.png
Rhine river - St Goar, Germany - panoramio.jpg
natural wetland Mf node.png Mf area.png močvara, preplavljeno područje (npr. Hutovo blato)(on Wikipedia) Rendering-area-natural-marsh-osmarender.png
natural wood Mf node.png Mf area.png Prirodna šuma. Vidi i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Biogradska suma.jpg
natural Korisnički definirano Mf node.png Mf area.png Vidi Taginfo za druge često korištene vrijednosti

Template uređujte na:

Ne-Fizičke značajke


Vidi Relation:route za drugi način označavanja ruta.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
route bus way relation Autobusne rute, gradske, međugradske. Vidi Autobusi
route detour way Rute fiksnih obilazaka. Primjeri Bedarfsumleitung u Njemačkoj i uitwijkroute u Holandiji
route ferry way relation Trajektna ruta od terminala do terminala. Dodajte barem jednu tačku po "pločici" (na zoom-u 12) , ili bolje svakih par kilometara, kako bi ih mogli "uhvatiti" offline editori sa bbox zahtjevima.
Ferry route mapnik.png
route hiking way relation Planinarske rute, i kako ih označavati
route bicycle way relation Biciklističke rute i kako ih označavati
route mtb way Mountainbike rute i označavanje
route road way relation Može se koristiti za označavanje raznih cesta ruta/dugačkih cesta
route ski way Skijaške staze, rute
route railway way relation Imenovane željezničke pruge (npr. Channel Tunnel). Vidi Railways
route train way relation Željezničke rute (npr. London-Paris Eurostar) Vidi Railways
route tram way relation Vidi Trams za više detalja o označavanju tramvaja
route Korisnički definirano node area Vidi Taginfo za druge česte vrijednosti

Template uređujte na:


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
boundary administrative area npr. granice država, kantona, općina, MZ itd. Na nivo granice koristite Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. (klik za detalje)
Lake city sign.jpg
boundary civil area Civilne
boundary political area Izborne jedinice
boundary maritime area Morska granica
boundary national_park area Nacionalni parkovi, zaštićeno područje prirodne ljepote, (Other languages)
Kings Canyon NP Sign.JPG

Template uređujte na:

Sport Koristiti da bi ste obezbjedili informacije o tome koji sportovi su prisutni u dvoranama ili na stadionima. Koristite zajedno sa landuse=* ili leisure=*.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Example symbol Slika
sport 9pin node area Kuglanje 9 čunjeva (Wikipedia)
sport 10pin node area Kuglanje 10 čunjeva (Wikipedia)
Bowling pictogram.svg
Bowling - albury.jpg
sport Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. node area Aerobics
Women in bikinis at an aerobics class at Hietaniemi beach.jpg
sport american_football node area Američki nogomet. Izbjegavati vrijednost sport=football
American football pictogram.svg
Larry Fitzgerald catches TD at 2009 Pro Bowl.jpg
sport aikido node area [W] Aikido is a Japanese martial art by blending with the motion of the attacker and redirecting the force of the attack rather than opposing it head-on.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Aikido pictogram.svg
sport archery node way area Streljaštvo. Često dolazi uz type=*. Npr: FITA, field, 3D, ... Wikipedia
Archery pictogram.svg
Archery competition.jpg
sport athletics node way area Atletika
Athletics pictogram.svg
Daichi Sawano retouche.jpg
sport australian_football node area Australski nogomet (Wikipedia)
Australian Football 2008 International Cup.jpg
sport badminton node area Badminton).
Badminton pictogram.svg
Badminton competition.jpg
sport bandy node area [W] Bandy is a team winter sport played on ice, in which skaters use sticks to direct a ball into the opposing team's goal. The sport has common background with association football, ice hockey and field hockey. The bandy field is about the same size as a football pitch. It is played on ice like ice hockey.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Bandy pictogram.png
Bandy players.jpg
sport base node way area [W] BASE jumping, is an activity that employs an initially packed parachute to jump from fixed objects. "B.A.S.E." is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects: buildings, antennas, spans, and earth. A more down to earth approach to parachuting.
Useful combination: building=*, man_made=*, bridge=*, natural=cliff
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
BASE Jumping from Sapphire Tower in Istanbul.jpg
sport baseball node area Bejzbol
Baseball pictogram.svg
Baseball swing.jpg
sport basketball node area Košakra
Basketball pictogram.svg
Kenyon Martin over Dirk Nowitzki.jpg
sport beachvolleyball node area Odbojka na plaži (pijesku)
Volleyball (beach) pictogram.svg
Beach Volleyball Classic 2007 (1444261388).jpg
sport biathlon node area The biathlon is a winter sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.
Izhmash 7-4 Biathlon Rifle in Training.jpg
sport billiards node area [W] Cue sports, also known as billiard sports, are a wide variety of games of skill generally played with a cue stick which is used to strike billiard balls, moving them around a cloth-covered billiards table bounded by rubber cushions.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., amenity=bar;pub;restaurant
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Billiards pictogram.svg
Billiards Rack.JPG
sport bmx node way area [W] BMX or Bicycle motocross is a cycle sport performed on BMX bikes, either in competitive BMX racing or freestyle BMX, or else in general on- or off-road recreation.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Cycling (BMX) pictogram.svg
BMX racing action photo.jpg
sport bobsleigh node way area [W] Bobsleigh, Luge, or Bobslede is a winter sport in which teams of two or four make timed runs down narrow, twisting, banked, iced tracks in a gravity-powered sled.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Piste Maps, Winter sports
Bobsleigh pictogram.svg
Luge pictogram.svg
USA I in heat 1 of 2 man bobsleigh at 2010 Winter Olympics 2010-02-20.jpg
sport boules node area Boćanje. (Wikipedia).

Također dolazi s type=*, npr: petanque, lyonnaise, extreme, ...

Pictogramme sports de boules.svg
Toulon Playing Boules.jpg
sport bowls node area EN: Lawn bowls. (Wikipedia)
Lawn bowls pictogram.svg
Lawn Bowling - Tim Mason1.jpg
sport boxing node area Boks
Boxing pictogram.svg
George Feeney boxing.jpg
sport bullfighting node area [W] Bullfighting, both on foot and on horseback, is a physical contest in which bulls are fought by humans.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Rafael Cañada à la cape.jpg
sport canadian_football node area Kanadski nogomet
American football pictogram.svg
sport canoe node way area [W] Canoe and [W] Kayak are a narrow human-powered boats, primarily designed to be manually propelled by means of a paddle for the use of racing, whitewater canoeing, touring and camping, freestyle, and general recreation. The intended use of the canoe dictates its hull shape and construction material.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., shop=*
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Canoeing (slalom) pictogram.svg
Whitewater kayaking Isere.jpg
sport chess node area Šahovske ploče (stolovi ili velike, kao ploča na starom Španjolskom trgu u Mostaru)
Chess pictogram.svg
sport cliff_diving node [W] Non-competitive diving is jumping from a cliff or a rock into water. Such non-competitive diving can occur indoors and outdoors. Outdoor diving typically takes place from cliffs or other rock formations either into fresh or salt water. However, man-made diving platforms are sometimes constructed in popular swimming destinations. Outdoor diving requires knowledge of the water depth and currents as conditions can be dangerous.
Useful combination: natural=cliff, Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Diving pictogram.svg
sport climbing node area Penjanje (slobodno)
Climbing pictogram.svg
Dscf0658 600.jpg
sport climbing_adventure node area [W] Climbing Adventure often called "Adventure Park", "Ropes Courses", "Climbing Adventure", "Zip-line", or "Treetop Adventure", can be used for the recreational sport when people get mountain hiking accessories and try to climb, walk or otherwise move on prebuilt wires and other objects high above on the trees using continuous safety measures. These are usually open for everyone including kids and do not require special abilities apart from good physical condition.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Seilpark Gantrisch - 03.jpg
sport cockfighting node area [W] Cockfighting is a common spectator sport in many countries between two roosters (cocks), held in a ring called a cockpit.
Useful combination: leisure=pitch for informal rings.
sport cricket node area Kriket
Cricket pictogram.svg
Cricket pic.jpg
sport cricket_nets Mreže za kriket)
Nets - - 493814.jpg
sport crossfit node area CrossFit, a branded fitness regimen
District Crossfit Class Warfare-47 (14973829717).jpg
sport croquet node area Croquet (Wikipedia)
Croquet pictogram.svg
Modern croquet equipment.JPG
sport curling node area [W] Curling is a sport in which players slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric rings. It is related to bowls, boules and shuffleboard. Indicating that curling is the sport the facility is intended for.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Curling pictogram.svg
Brier 045.jpg
sport Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. node area A cycle polo
Bike Polo AUT-HUN.jpg
sport cycling node way area Biciklizam
Cycling (road) pictogram.svg
sport dance node area Generic dance sport.
Bubbling' Stars Dance Group C IMG 2990.JPG
sport darts node area [W] Darts is a form of throwing game in which small missiles are thrown at a circular target (dartboard) fixed to a wall.
Useful combination: amenity=bar;pub;restaurant, Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Darts pictogram.svg
Darts in a dartboard.jpg
sport diving Ronjenje
sport dog_agility node area Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race for both time and accuracy.
Boxer agility tunnel wb.jpg
sport dog_racing node way area Utrka pasa
Greyhound Racing 2 amk.jpg
sport Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. node area Ancient Chinese boat
Dragon boat budapest 2010.jpg
sport equestrian node way area Konjaništvo. Pogledati i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Equestrian pictogram.svg
Evie Gullis Jumping Her Horse.JPG
sport fencing node area fencing Wikipedia
Fencing pictogram.svg
0408 USA Olympic fencing.jpg
sport field_hockey node area [W] Field hockey is a team sport of the hockey family. Players use sticks made out of wood or fiber glass to hit a round, hard, rubber like ball. The game can be played on a grass field or a turf field as well as an indoor board surface.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Field hockey pictogram.svg
Dutch Women Hockey - Shielding the ball.jpg
sport fitness node area To develop physical fitness
Step Aerobics Class at a Gym.JPG
sport five-a-side node area A variation of soccer with only 5 persons per team on a smaller pitch
Indoor soccer singapore z.JPG
sport floorball node area Floorball is a type of floor hockey with five players and a goalkeeper in each team.
Floorball game.jpg
sport four_square node area A hand ball game played on a square court.
Four square court.jpg
sport football NE KORISTIT Radije: soccer, rugby_league, rugby_union, australian_football, ...
sport free_flying node area Paragliding/Hanggliding/... lokacije za polijetanje, slijetanje, vuču...
Hang Gliding pictogram.svg
Paragliding pictogram.svg
Pente ecole parapente.jpg
sport futsal node area Futsal is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court.
Futebol Salao Pan2007.jpg
sport gaelic_games node area Wikipedia. Provjeriti i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Hurling sport - Taking a swing.jpg
sport Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. node area Gaga (or gaga ball) is a variant of dodgeball that is played in a gaga "pit"
sport golf node way area [W] Golf for golf courses, use Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Golf pictogram.svg
sport gymnastics node area Gimnastika
Gymnastics (acrobatic) pictogram.svg
sport handball node area [W] Handball
Handball pictogram.svg
Women Handball.jpg
sport hapkido node area [W] Hapkido is a dynamic and highly eclectic Korean martial art. It is a form of self-defense that employs joint locks, grappling and throwing techniques of other martial arts, as well as kicks, punches, and other striking attacks.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
sport hiking node area Going for a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or footpaths in the countryside.
Paradiset 2007-09-30.jpg
sport hockey node area [W] Hockey
Disambiguous. See Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.. Instead consider other tags. For example:
For [W] Ice hockey Use: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
For [W] Field hockey Use: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
For [W] Roller hockey Use: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. Join the Talk:Tag:sport=hockey discussion about how to indicate the type of hockey.
For [W] Street hockey Use: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. Join the Talk:Tag:sport=hockey discussion about how to indicate the type of hockey.
Eishockey Eisbaeren gegen Capitals.jpg
Field hockey.jpg
Argentin player during 2007 rink hockey world championship.jpg
Organized Dek Hockey League.jpg
sport horseshoes node area Wikipedia
Donnie at horseshoes.jpg
sport horse_racing node way area Utrkivanje konja
Flat racing clipart.svg
Racing at Ruidoso Downs.jpg
sport ice_hockey node area [W] Ice Hockey is a team sport played on ice in which two teams of skaters use sticks to shoot a hard rubber hockey puck into their opponent's net to score points.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Ice hockey pictogram.svg
Ice Hockey sharks ducks.jpg
sport ice_skating node area [W] Ice skating is a sport or pastime by moving on ice while using ice skates.
Useful combination: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
The disambiguous Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. tag is sometimes confused with this one.
Skating pictogram.PNG
Figure skating pictogram.svg
Kose sports park Ice Arena indoor skating rink.JPG
sport ice_stock node area Eisstockschießen na Wikipediji
Icestock 5.jpg
sport judo node area Judo
Judo pictogram.svg
sport karate node area Karate.
Hanashiro Chomo.jpg
sport karting node way area Karting. Staze: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Kart racing – Sports – Simple.png
Kart Racing 1.jpg
sport kickboxing node area Kickboxing is a group of stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching.
sport kitesurfing node area [W] Kitesurfing
Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Kitesurfing – Sports – Simple.png
El Gouna R11.jpg
sport korfball node area (wikipedia:korfball=korfball na Wikipediji)
Korfball pictogram.svg
sport krachtbal node area Team sport played with a heavy ball on a rectangular pitch, originating in West-Flanders, Belgium
sport lacrosse node area A team sport played with a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball. Players use the head of the lacrosse stick to carry pass, catch, and shoot the ball into the goal.
UNC Lacrosse.jpg
sport laser_tag node area Laser tag is a tag game played in an arena.
Fort Bliss laser tag 120705-A-WO769-016 (cropped).jpg
sport martial_arts node area [W] Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat
Steven Ho Martial Arts Kick.jpg
sport miniature_golf node area Miniature golf, also known as minigolf, mini-putt, crazy golf, or putt-putt, is an offshoot of the sport of golf focusing solely on the putting aspect of its parent game.
Jyväskylä miniature golf.jpg
sport model_aerodrome node area [W] Radio-controlled aircraft
Model aircraft landing strip - - 54942.jpg
sport motocross node way area [W] Motocross is a form of motorcycle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits.
See also Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
MotoX racing03 edit.jpg
sport motor node way area [W] Motorsport.
See also Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
sport multi node way area Use this to indicate that that this pitch can be used to practise different kinds of sport.
This is a shortcut to indicate that several unspecified sports are catered for, while you might instead use a semi-colon separated list of sports as a value (to be more precise)
Sport balls.svg
sport netball node area  Netball is a sport played by two teams on a rectangular court.
Netball pictogram.svg
sport obstacle_course node way area [W] Obstacle course. A series of challenging physical obstacles an individual or team must navigate usually while being timed.
sport orienteering node way area (wikipedia:orienteering=Orienteering club or centre). Orijentacija.
Orienteering pictogram.svg
sport paddle_tennis node area (paddle_tennis Wikipedia)
Paddle tennis.jpg
sport padel node area A racket sport played in pairs. It consists of bouncing the ball in the opponent's court, with the possibility of bouncing it off the walls.
Pala de padel.jpg
sport paintball node area A game in which players mark their opponents with colored paint capsules shot out of an air gun.
Sup’Air Player 01.jpg
sport parachuting node area [W] Parachuting or skydiving take-off or landing site
Skydiving over Cushing.jpg
sport paragliding node area Paragliding; područja vezana za sport
Paragliding pictogram.svg
Powered paragliding pictogram.svg
Virage à la sellette.jpg
sport parkour node area Parkour is a training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training.
sport pelota node area pelota Wikipedia
Basque pelota pictogram.svg
Valencian pelota pictogram.jpg
Ustaritz Fronton Pala.jpg
sport pesäpallo node area Pesäpallo, sometimes known as Finnish baseball, is a fast-moving bat-and-ball sport where the offense tries to score by hitting the ball successfully and running through the bases, while the defense tries to put the batter and runners out.
Ankkurit - Veto (10.8.2014) 14.JPG
sport pickleball node area Pickleball, a tennis-like game played with a slower ball on a smaller court.
Pickleball Players.jpg
sport pilates node area Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates.
Pilates Teacher.jpg
sport pole_dance node area Pole dance as kind of sport
( BODY PAINTING ) pintura sobre cuerpo desnudo ( Buenos Aires - Argentina ) 38.jpg
sport racquet node way area svi sportovi s reketom
Racquets pictogram.svg
sport rc_car node way area [W] Radio-controlled car
Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Radio Control Model Car – Sports – Simple.png
RC Cars @ RC Club Euregio Enschede (9475280451).jpg
sport roller_skating node way area [W] Roller skating is a sport or recreational activity by travelling on surfaces with roller skates.
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
The disambiguous Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. tag is sometimes confused with this one.
Inline speed skating pictogram.svg
Artistic roller skating pictogram.svg
Roller skaters group.jpg
sport rowing node way area veslanje
Rowing pictogram.svg
Daniel Lyons and Robert Espeseth of the US Olympic rowing team.JPEG
sport rugby_league node area [W] Rugby league. One of the two codes of rugby football, split from rugby union in 1895, along with subsequent rule changes
Rugby league pictogram.svg
Lance hohaia running into the defence (rugby league).jpg
sport rugby_union node area [W] Rugby union. Rugby union is a full contact team sport, a form of football which originated in England in the early 19th century.
Rugby union pictogram.svg
Boston College Rugby Running With Ball.jpg
sport running node area Trčanje
Athletics pictogram.svg
800m at 2011 German Athletics Championships.jpg
sport safety_training node area Safety Training. To ensure that people are aware of their surrounding hazards and can respond appropriately in an emergency. The definition of this tag is unclear (self defense training? workplace health and safety training? vehicle driving training?,...) and the classification as 'sport' is questionable.
NT ASB Safety Training (5509758798).jpg
sport sailing node way area [W] Sailing
Sailing pictogram.svg
VOR0506-Pirates of the Caribbean.jpg
sport scuba_diving node way area Ronjenje s opremom
Scuba diving pictogram.svg
Diving - scubadiver.JPG
sport shooting node way area Pucanje
Shooting pictogram.svg
050607 M 5900L 044.jpg
sport shot-put node area Shot-put is a sport involving throwing a heavy spherical object as far as possible.
Shot put area.JPG
sport skating Klizanje
sport skateboard node way area Skateboard (obično vezano za skatepark)
sport ski_jumping node area Ski jumping is a winter sport in which competitors aim to achieve the longest jump after descending from a specially designed ramp on their skis.
sport skiing node way area Skijanje. Proučiti i označavanje staza.
Alpine skiing pictogram.svg
sport snooker node area Snooker is a cue sport that is played on a rectangular table covered with a green cloth with pockets at each of the four corners and in the middle of each long side.
Snooker table as seen from bottom cushion.jpg
sport soccer node area Nogomet (europski)
Beach soccer pictogram.svg
Billiken soccer.jpg
sport softball node area A bat-and-ball game similar to baseball.
Australia v Japan Game 7 034.JPG
sport speedway node area Motorcycle speedway, usually referred to as speedway, is a motorcycle sport involving four and sometimes up to six riders competing over four anti-clockwise laps of an oval circuit.
Speedway Extraliiga 22. 5. 2010 - erä 17.jpg
sport squash node area Squash is a racket and ball sport played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball.
Squash players.jpg
sport sumo node area [W] Sumo. A traditional martial arts of Japan.
sport surfing node way area surfanje
Surfing pictogram.svg
Eisbach Surfer2.JPG
sport swimming node way area plivanje
Swimming pictogram.svg
KingdomGames07 02.jpg
sport table_tennis node area stolni tenis
Table tennis pictogram.svg
Pingpong equip.jpg
sport table_soccer node area [W] Table Soccer or Table Football, also known as Foosball, Fussball, Kicker, or Tecball, is a table-top game and sport based off association football (soccer).
Useful combination: amenity=pub;bar;restaurant
See Also: Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
Table football in new york.jpg
sport taekwondo node area Taekwondo
Taekwondo pictogram.svg
Taekwondo Fight 01.jpg
sport tennis node area tenis
Tennis pictogram.svg
Yes NCTU tennis 2.JPG
sport teqball node area Place for playing teqball.
Szent László Straße 84, Teqball, 2023 Csepel.jpg
sport toboggan node way area tobogan
sport trampoline node area Trampoline sport is a sport that is carried on large trampolines indoor or outdoors
House of Air The Matrix.jpg
sport ultimate node area Ultimate, also known as ultimate frisbee, is a team sport played with a flying disc (frisbee).
Ultimate Frisbee 11-4-12.jpg
sport ultralight_aviation node area [W] Ultralight aviation
sport volleyball node area odbojka
Volleyball (indoor) pictogram.svg
Volleyball game.jpg
sport wakeboarding node area Wakeboarding is a water sport in which the rider, standing on a wakeboard, is towed behind a motorboat in order to perform aerial maneuvers.
Jimmy Martinez Wakeboard.jpg
sport water_polo node area [W] Water polo. It can happen in a Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. or in a multi-purpose water body (s.a. a canal).
sport water_ski node way area skijanje na vodi
Water skiing 0757.jpg
sport weightlifting node area dizanje utega
Weightlifting pictogram.svg
sport windsurfing node area Wind powered board on water.
Windsurfing formula.JPG
sport wrestling node area hrvanje
Wrestling pictogram.svg
Wrestling dsc03566.jpg
sport yoga node area [W] Yoga
Project Yoga Richmond 1.jpg
sport Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. node area A traditional system of athletics.
sport user defined node area Ostale vrijednosti prema Taginfo

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This article or section may contain out-of-date informationHelp translate this into Bosnian!: Please use Template:Map Features:accessories with parameters documented in Template:Map Features:accessories/doc.
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Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering SLika
fenced yes/no way Ograđeno, jeli objekt kao man_made=works ograđen ili nije. Za kartiranje samo ograde vidi Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls..
Lambach Musketenzaun.jpg
internet_access public/service/terminal/wired/wlan/ node Ova oznaka je za označavanje zgrada, trgovina, restorana, kafića koji nude Internet pristup. Besplatni ili na plaćanje.
lit yes/no way Ulična rasvjeta (da/ne)
Berlin speer-leuchte.jpg

Template uređujte na:


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
area yes area Znači da je objekat koji je inače linija sada područje (tj. površina). Ovo ne trebate dodavati značajkama koje su same po sebi definirane kao područje. Npr. korisno za trgove - okružite cestama i dodate area=yes.
bridge yes / aqueduct / viaduct / swing / ... way node Most, koristi se sa oznakom layer=*. Vrijednost Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. je globalna, a možete precizirati vijatudukt, aquadukt i sl. Mapping-Features-Road-Bridge.png 2014 Karwina, Darków, Most żelbetowy 01.jpg
crossing no / traffic_signals / uncontrolled node Pješački ili drugi prelaz preko ceste
tunnel yes way Tunel, koristiti s oznakom layer=*. Mapping-Features-Road-Tunnel.png Tunnel.jpg
mountain_pass yes node Prevoj, najviša tačka planinskog prevoja. Mountain pass.jpg
cutting yes way Usijek u kojem je cesta ili pruga. Najčešće u brdovitim krajevima. Source Road cut.jpg
embankment yes way Nasip, izdignuta cesta, pruga na nasipu, obično preko niskih ili poplavnih područja. Source Mapping-Features-Road-Embankment.png Embankment.jpg
lanes Number way Ukupni broj fizičkih traka koje čine put. Za divided highway predstavljene sa dva odvojena puta, svaki put će imati jedan ili više fizičkih traka
layer -5 to 5 way Ova brojčana oznaka koristi se da bi odredili nivo nekog objekta.
0: površina zemlje; -1:ispod površine zemlje; 1 (not +1):iznad površine zemlje
Ovo se koristi za stvarno fizičko stanje (npr. kod petlji - viadukti, preko ceste), a ne da bi utjecali na redoslijed renderiranja.
surface paved / unpaved / asphalt / concrete / paving_stones / cobblestone / metal / wood / grass_paver / gravel / pebblestone / grass / ground / earth / dirt / mud / sand / ice_road way Označava od kakvog je materijala površina ceste/puta. Koristi se na svim cestama. Ako nema ove oznaka smatra se da je Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls., osim za pješačke staze highway=footway i highway=track.
smoothness excellent / good / intermediate / bad / very_bad / horrible / very_horrible / impassable way Glatkoća/hrapavost koristi se na svim putevima.
ele Number node area Nadmorska visina (mean sea level) u metrima, bazirano na geoid model EGM 96 koji se koristi sa WGS 84 (GPS). (vidi i Altitude)
width Number way Širina puta u metrima
est_width Number way Gruba procjena širine puta u metrima
incline Number% node way Strmina uspona u postocima. Pozitivne/negativne vrijednosti označavaju uspon ili nizbrdicu prema smjeru puta.
start_date Date way Datum kreiranja objekta
end_date Date way Datum kada je maknut
operator korisnički definirano node way area Oznaka operatora može biti korištena da imenuje kompaniju ili korporaciju koja je odgovorna za određeni objekat ili koja operira njime.
opening_hours 24/7 or mo md hh:mm-hh:mm. (read described syntax) node way area Radno vrijeme - opisuje kada je nešto otvoreno.
Pharmacy dispencing 24.png
disused yes node way area Za značajke koje su korisne za navigaciju, a koje su nekorištene ili napuštene.
wheelchair yes / no / limited node way area Indicira da posebno mjesto može nbiti korišteno sa invalidskim kolicima.
Standard rollstuhl.jpg
narrow yes way Relativna indikacija da put (vodeni tok, cesta, biciklistička staza) postaje uži/a.
sac_scale hiking / mountain_hiking / demanding_mountain_hiking / alpine_hiking / demanding_alpine_hiking / difficult_alpine_hiking way Primjenjuje se na highway=path i na highway=footway. Šema klasifikacije za planinarske staze. Forest path and trees.jpg
trail_visibility excellent / good / intermediate / bad / horrible / no way Primjenjuje se na highway=path, highway=footway, highway=cycleway i na highway=bridleway. Klasifikacija za vidljivost planinarskih staza.
mtb:scale 0-5 way Primjenjuje se na highway=path i na highway=track. Šema klasifikacije za MTB staze (nekoliko nagiba i strmica). S3.jpg
mtb:scale:uphill 0-5 way Šema klasifikacije za MTB staze za uzbrdicu ukoliko postoji znančajniji nagib.
mtb:scale:imba 0-4 way Sistem ocjenjivanja težine - IMBA će biti korišten za parkove bicikala. Prilagođen je MTB stazama sa umjetnim preprekama.
mtb:description Text way Primjenjuje se na highway=path i na highway=track. Ključ koji unosi različite informacije koje se odnose na MT biking nan putu sa ljudskim riječima
TMC:LocationCode see description way node relation Sprava identificiranja u porukama elektronskog saobraćaja.
wood coniferous / deciduous / mixed node area Odnosi se na Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. i na Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. precizirajući vrstu drveća koje se nalazi unutar svake upotrebe zemljišta. Najviše ima smisla kada se upotrebljava na područja.
admin_level Number area Primjenjuje se na Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. i obično je u rasponu od 1 do 10, izuzev za Njemačku gdje može biti i 11 - vidjeti boundary.
rtc_rate A / B / C / D / F / XX way Skala se koristi za prikladnost puteva za biciklizam. Koristi se u online algoritmima planiranja putovanja biciklista. "A" ukazuje da bi biciklisti trebali dobro skrenuti sa svog puta korištenjem ove rute, dok "F" ukazuje da bi biciklisti trebali ići daleko sa svog puta da bni izbjegli ovaj naznačeni put; "B" i "D" imaju manje magnitude od "A" i "F"; "C" ne ukazuje da nema baze za procjenu ni u jednom smjeru; i "XX" ukazuje na koje algoritmi planiranja putovanja nikada nebi trebali upućivati bnicikliste.

Template uređujte na:


Used to define restrictions that apply to the associated element. For more information see Restrictions.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
Vehicle types
access agricultural / delivery / designated / destination / forestry / no / official / permissive / private / unknown / yes way General access permission.
  • agricultural - Only for agricultural traffic
  • delivery - Only when delivering to the element.
  • designated - A preferred or designated route for a specific vehicle type or types. Not compulsory but often marked by a traffic sign
  • destination - Used for ways in designated local traffic areas, where traffic should only enter if its destination is within the area
  • forestry - Only for forestry traffic
  • no - No access for the general public. Consider using another tag indicating who can use the element
  • official - The way is dedicated to a specific mode of travel by law. Usually marked by traffic signs and exclusive. In Germany use is also compulsory. clarification needed
  • permissive - Open to general traffic until such time as the owner revokes the permission which they are legally allowed to do at any time in the future.
  • private - Only with permission of the owner on an individual basis
  • unknown - No information provided on access. This is the default value for most features with a general assumption that access is allowed for all purposes
  • yes - The public has an official, legally-enshrined right of access, i.e. it's a right of way
access:roadtrain yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no wayarea Access permission for Road_train na Wikipediji, A road train consists of a relatively conventional tractor unit, but instead of pulling one trailer or semi-trailer, the road train pulls two or more of them.
access:bdouble yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no wayarea Access permission for Road_train#B-double na Wikipediji, A B-double (B-Train) consists of a prime mover towing a specialised trailer (known as a "lead" or "A"-trailer) that has a fifth-wheel mounted on the rear towing another semi-trailer, resulting in two articulation points.
access:lhv yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for Longer_Heavier_Vehicle na Wikipediji, e.g. for vehicles with 6 axles and can carry up to 44 metric tons
agricultural yes / no way Access permission for agricultural vehicles, e.g. tractors.
Sinnbild Traktor.svg
atv yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access restricted to wheeled vehicles 1.27m (50 inches) or less in width
bicycle yes / designated / official / private / permissive / dismount / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for bicycles. For values see above. Usage of bicycle=dismount and bicycle=no will vary in different countries. If according to local traffic rules a bicycle is no longer seen as a bicycle when there's no one driving it, then there's no need for using bicycle=dismount. If the local legislation still sees an undriven bicycle as a bicycle then you may need to use both bicycle=dismount and bicycle=no.
Sinnbild Radfahrer, StVO 1992.svg
boat yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way
emergency yes way Access permission for emergency motor vehicles; e.g., ambulance, fire truck, police car
foot yes / designated / official / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for pedestrians. For values see above
Sinnbild Fußgänger.svg
forestry yes / no way Access permission for forestry vehicles, e.g. tractors.
goods yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for light commercial vehicles (LCV) or goods vehicles of category N1 with a maximum allowed mass of up to 3.5 tonnes. In the USA, combined weight 26,000 lbs or less. For values see above.
Sinnbild LKW.svg
hazmat yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for vehicles carrying hazardous materials. For values see above
horse yes / designated / official / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for horse riders. For values see above
Sinnbild Reiter, StVO 1992.svg
hgv yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) (UK), e.g. for goods vehicles of category N2 and N3 (trucks, lorries) with a maximum allowed mass over 3.5 tonnes. In the USA, combined weight 26,001 lbs or greater. For values see above
Sinnbild LKW.svg
inline_skates yes / no waynodearea Access permission for Inline Skates
motorboat yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry /unknown / no way
motorcar yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for (motor) cars. For values see above
Sinnbild PKW.svg
motor_vehicle yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for motor cars and motorcycles. For values see above
Sinnbild Kraftrad.svg

Sinnbild PKW.svg
motorcycle yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for motorcycles. For values see above
Sinnbild Kraftrad.svg
psv yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry /unknown / no way Access permission for Public Service Vehicles (UK), e.g. buses and coaches. See above
Sinnbild Kraftomnibus.svg
vehicle yes / designated / private / permissive / destination / delivery / agricultural / forestry / unknown / no way Access permission for all vehicles. For values see above
Zeichen 250 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge aller Art, StVO 1992.svg
4wd_only yes way A road signed as only suitable for 4WD (offroad) vehicles
charge Number node Amount of toll or fee
date_off Date way Date restriction stops
date_on Date way Date restriction starts
day_off Day of Week way Day restriction stops
Hour off.png
day_on Day of Week way Day restriction starts
Hour off.png
disused yes node way area For features that are useful for navigation, yet are unused or abandoned.
hour_off Time way Time restriction stops
Hour off.png
hour_on Time way Time restriction starts
Hour off.png
maxheight Height way height limit - units other than metres should be explicit
Zeichen 265-3,8 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Höhe, StVO 2017.svg
Maxheight photo.JPG
maxlength Length way length limit - units other than metres should be explicit
Zeichen 266-10 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Länge, StVO 2017.svg
maxspeed Speed way Maximum speed - units other than km/h should be explicit
Zeichen 274-60 - Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
maxstay Number way Maximum stay, in units given (hour/hours/day/days)
maxweight Number way Weight limit - units other than tonnes should be explicit
Zeichen 262-5,5 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Masse, StVO 2017.svg
maxwidth Width way width limit - units other than metres should be explicit
Zeichen 264-2 - Verbot für Fahrzeuge über angegebene tatsächliche Breite, StVO 2017.svg
minspeed Speed way Minimum speed - units other than km/h should be explicit
Zeichen 275-30 - Vorgeschriebene Mindestgeschwindigkeit, StVO 2017.svg
noexit yes way A dead end road/cul de sac with only one access road
Zeichen 357 - Sackgasse, StVO 1992.svg
oneway yes / no / -1 way
oneway=yes for traffic direction same as the sequence of nodes of the way.
Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. for traffic direction opposite to the sequence of nodes of the way (if the way cannot be reversed).

Some road types are assumed to be one-way (e.g. Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.), others are assumed to be two-way (most others). The direction of the sequence of nodes of a way is indicated by sequential order of nodes within the way.
Hint: When using the editor JOSM, enable 'arrows'!).

See Talk:Key:oneway.

toll yes node Toll or fee must be paid to access way, see also barrier=toll_booth
traffic_sign city_limit node Start/end sign of city limits, in most (all?) countries implies a specific "city maxspeed". Wilster.jpg

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Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
name korisnički unos node way area Ime koje se najčešće i uobičajeno koristi. (Bilješka: Za sporna područja, molimo Vas da koristite ime kako je i prikazano, npr. na znakovima imena ulica. Stavite sve alternative u bilo lokalizirano ime oznake (npr. ili name:bs/name:sl,name:en/name:el) ili druge varijante (npr. loc_name/old_name/alt_name). Hvala!.)
alt_name korisnički unos node way area Drugo ime pod kojim je poznat taj objekt npr. name=Field Fare Road i alt_name=Fieldfare Road, ili name=University Centre i alt_name=Grad Pad
int_name korisnički unos node way area Internacionalno ime (bilješka: bolje je koristiti specifična imena za jezik, npr. name:en=, name:hu=, name:de=... - vidi ispod - International ne znači obavezno engleski
nat_name korisnički unos node way area Nacionalno ime
reg_name korisnički unos node way area Regionalno ime
loc_name korisnički unos node way area Lokalno ime
old_name korisnički unos node way area Historijsko ime
name:xx korisnički unos node way area Ime na drugom jeziku npr. name:fr=Londres. Vidi: Dvojezična imena ulica

Template uređujte na:

Reference (brojevi cesta)

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
ref korisnički unos node way area Najčešća oznaka broja ceste (npr. za državnu cestu D34 -> D34,
Oznaka D34.jpg
u Njemačkoj uvijek s razmakom npr.A 5)
Oznake se nalaze ili na malim znakovima uz cestu ili na putokazima
Šestanovac 03.jpg
int_ref korisnički unos node way area Međunarodni broj ceste (npr. E 30) Draga izlaz D8 251208.jpg
nat_ref korisnički unos node way area Nationalna referenca
reg_ref korisnički unos node way area Regionalna referenca
loc_ref korisnički unos node way area Lokalna referenca
old_ref korisnički unos node way area Historijska referenca
ncn_ref korisnički unos way The number reference (eg 54) of a National Cycle Network route. In the UK, national routes have single-or double-digit numbers with a red background on the signs. Ncn1-Cramond.JPG
rcn_ref korisnički unos way The number of the regional cycle network. In the UK the regional routes have double-digit numbers with a blue background on the signs. NCN1Dalkeith-PenicuikRegional73.jpg
(Sign showing both national and regional spur).
lcn_ref korisnički unos way Broj lokalne biciklističke mreže Cycle route sign.jpg
source_ref korisnički unos node way area Izvor podataka, za bilježenje URI, izvora (npr. Bing, GPS) ili link na fizičke izvore.
icao korisnički unos node way area ICAO međunarodna oznaka zračne luke
iata korisnički unos node way area IATA međunarodna oznaka zračne luke

Template uređujte na:


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
place continent node area Kontinent, jedan od: Azija, Afrika, Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Antartika, Evropa, Australija
(od najvećeg do najmanjeg)
place country node država (na područjima i putevima se koristi Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
place state node area savezna država, i sl.
place region node area regija
place county node area kanton
place city node area Grad s više od 100,000 stanovnika
place town node area Gradovi, definirani zakonom i imaju status grada. Općenito gradovi koji imaju do 100.000 stanovika. Popis gradova na Wikipediji
place village node area Sva druga mjesta koja nemaju status grada.
place hamlet node area mjesta sa samo nekoliko kuća, pustare i slično
place suburb node area Gradska četvrt. Obično su to i općine, pa bi ih i tako trebalo označiti.
place locality node area Lokalitet, nenastanjeno, mjesto koje ima ime.
place island node area otok (vidi i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.), a imajte na umu i Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls. za vrlo male otoke

Vidi OSM_tags_for_routing za smjernice za automatsku interpretaciju ove oznake.

Vidjeti takođe FAQ za opis kako koristiti područja i čvorove kada se označava mjesto

Key Value Element Comment Rendering Photo
place_name User Defined area Samo za područja (površine). Za tačke korisite tačku 'name' (vidi Notes). Ali možete koristiti i obje.
place_numbers User Defined node way area Kućni broj. Bilješka: Većina ljudi sada koristi Karlsruhe Schema umjesto ove oznake.
postal_code User Defined node way area Poštanski broj. Bilješka: Većina ljudi sada koristi Karlsruhe Schema umjesto ove oznake.
is_in User Defined node way area Za kategorizaciju - na primjer Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.; name=Eccleshall; Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.
population Number node area Broj stanovnika mjesta. Između ostalog, može se koristiti za izbor veličine renderiranja naziva mjesta

Template uređujte na:


Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering --> Slika
Oznake za pojedinačne kuće
addr:housenumber user defined node area En:Kućni broj (može sadržavati slova). Ako jedan unos ima više kućnih brojeva, odvojite ih zarezom ",". npr. "12b,12c". Jedini ključ (key) koji se zahtjeva kod unosa adrese (osim kada se koristi addr:housename), sve drugo je opcionalno. Hausnummer in Deutschland (2004-01-28).jpeg
addr:housename user defined node area Ime kuće. Ovo se ponekad korsiti u nekim zemljama, npr. Engleskoj umjesto ili se doda kućnom broju.
addr:street user defined node area Ime (glavno) ulice. Put s highway=* i pripadajućim imenom. Ulica Nikole Tesle Zagreb.JPG
addr:postcode user defined node area Poštanski broj zgrade ili područja.
addr:city user defined node area Klon Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.! Ime grada je dato u poštanskoj adresi zgrade ili područja. Zagreb (town sign).jpg
addr:country user defined node area Klon Lua error in mw.title.lua at line 209: too many expensive function calls.! ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 dvoslovna oznaka države pisana VELIKIM SLOVIMA. Npr.: "BiH" za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, "DE" za Njemačku, "FR" for Francusku, "IT" for Italiju. "GB" za Veliku Britaniju
Oznake za interpolaciju
addr:interpolation all/even/odd/ alphabetic way Kako interpolirati kućne brojeve pripadajućem putu uz ulicu na koju se odnosi. Vidi za detaljni opis.
addr:interpolation Number way Svaka kuća između krajeva interpoliranog puta je predstavljena interpoliranim putem (way).

Template uređujte na:


Providing further information about tag values for other mappers and in some cases also for users. See Annotations for more details.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
attribution User defined node way area relation Attribution to originator if required
description User defined node way area relation Text that might be viewable to the end user (perhaps using a search system or a map with pop-ups)
email User defined node way area relation E-Mail address associated with an object
fax User defined node way area relation Fax number associated with an object
see also: Key:contact or Key:contact:fax
fixme User defined node way area relation A description to yourself or to other mappers of a (possible) error in the map
image URL node way area relation Reference to an image (use the "source_ref" key below when the image is referencing the source of the element)
note User defined node way area relation A note to yourself or to other mappers.
phone User defined node way area relation Telephone number associated with an object
see also: Key:contact or Key:contact:phone
source User defined node way area relation
source extrapolation node way area relation Extension of information from a known source
source historical node way area relation from out-of-copyright mapping or other historical document
source image node way area relation photograph or video
source knowledge node way area relation Local or common knowledge
source survey node way area relation gpx track or other physical survey; suggested addition - survey:date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD
source voice node way area relation Voice recordings, eg dictaphone
source:name User defined node way area relation Source used to gather name information eg. for street names
source:ref User defined node way area relation Reference data source eg. for road numbers
source_ref User defined node way area relation To record the URI, source reference (eg Landsat) or other link to physical sources
url URL node way area relation URL associated with an object - Use more precise key like website, image or wikipedia where applicable!
website URL node way area relation Website associated with an object
wikipedia URL or article title node way area relation Wikipedia article associated with an object

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Ključevi urednika

Ovi ključevi se postavljaju od strane urednika (t.j. osobe koja uređuje kartu), često JOSM ili Potlatch. Molimo ne mijenjajte ili ne brišite ove vrijednosti.

Key/Ključ Value/Vrijednost Element Komentar Rendering Slika
created_by defined by editor node way area Identificira software za uređivanje kojim je izvršeno ovo uređivanje. Ovo dalje nebi trebalo biti korišteno na čvoru, putanji ili relaciji ili setu promjena.
history defined by editor node way area Korišteno da identificira putanju koja je vraćena iz prijašnje verzije.

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